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File: 95 KB, 512x339, elora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6529543 No.6529543 [Reply] [Original]

>spits into your microphone

>> No.6529593
File: 83 KB, 592x592, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so glad the Spyro remake trilogy is a thing. So many models from the PS1 games are just a fucking eyesore.

>> No.6529609

>what does microphone mean in this context?

>> No.6529881

>short hair
>ugly mouth
M8 these are fucking eyesores too the hell you goin on about?

>> No.6529891

>short hair
>eye sore
Absolutely plebeian taste.

>> No.6529897

Why did they turn her into a furry?

>> No.6529916

>The most popular mod for the remake is putting a bag over her head

>> No.6529920

what? she was always a fawn

>> No.6530013

Bianca > Elora

>> No.6531367
File: 1.74 MB, 942x1448, speepo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't tell me the models on the left are better than the right ones.
The Spyro character models, unlike Crash's, haven't aged well at all.

>> No.6531408

soul vs soul

>> No.6531419

I'd fuck PS1 Elora and force remake Elora to watch, screw you.

>> No.6531424

Moneybags in the remake is unironically even more soulful than he was in the original, same for Ripto and Agent 9. The rest of the new performances and designs all suck though.

>> No.6531498

What is with the bags under her eyes? That's the only thing that I never understood with the new model.

>> No.6531521

But that thing is still ugly.

>> No.6531541

Context? You can hear her VA spitting into the mic or something?

>> No.6531576
File: 1.56 MB, 1766x2403, 1592333316189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The characters are extremely hit or miss (the fairy looks like a mutant in pic related). The levels are all miss though. They all look like plastic and the original design direction/color palette was superior.

Her voice sounds really weird. It's like she's dehydrated and her mouth is clicking a lot, and they tried to fix it in post.

>> No.6531640
File: 1.29 MB, 1366x768, hunter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They should have kept their mouths larger, it's one of the defining features of the original look. Wide mouths were continued into later games too (pic related) so it was clearly a deliberate artistic decision and not just to save polygons on the PS1.

>> No.6531768

Heh. The updated models don't look bad at all but I prefer the goofy look of the old ones.

>> No.6531783

it's pretty rare for drastically new models to give the same feel as the original ones, while these do look different, i don't think they look wrong
i would argue bianca (bottom) suits her character even more than the original, because while she looked menacing in the original, her character was really just faking it, and has reservations about what she's doing, which the new model conveys better

>> No.6531785

>removed boobs
Nice liberal arts degree

>> No.6531790

at least the fairies have more to look at (they're also now flat-chested but at least you can look up their skirts)

>> No.6531865

>The levels are all miss though.

The thing I hate the most about the remakes is how they did they ice dirty. It's just opaque blue stone and it looks awful. The crystal clear, reflective ice in the originals is one of my favourite looking effects ever. And what's worse is the one part in 3 where they actually had to do the ice the old way because you can swim under it, and it looks just as good as it did in the originals, they just didn't do it that way everywhere like they should have. I hate it so much.

>> No.6531878

Neck yourself, coomer.

>> No.6531903
