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File: 3.77 MB, 1381x1890, 2370013-genesis_castlevaniabloodlines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6527861 No.6527861 [Reply] [Original]

Can't believe I slept on this for so long. Why isn't it talked more when talking about classicvanias? Everything about it is fantastic.

>> No.6527871

>Why isn't it talked more when talking about classicvanias?
Winners get to write history

>> No.6527886

Mainstream Nintendo fans having no awareness of the medium

>> No.6527890
File: 2.94 MB, 400x300, CV Bloodlines Bullshit.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything about it is fantastic.
The game is too short and has some boss fights that suck. It isn't talked about as much because it was clearly rushed. Still worth playing though.

>> No.6527907

leaning tower of pisa's gargoyle stops the game from being notorious for its quality, if it weren't for having a shitty filtering boss on stage 3 this game would be much more renown, instead the bosses only get easier after the gargoyle. makes me wonder why they stuck him in so early? meanwhile gear boss is a joke. witch is a joke. dracula himself a joke. death is a joke.

>> No.6528126
File: 2.81 MB, 510x360, medusa.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6528127

This game gets a thread at least once a week.

>> No.6528139

because it sucks. the only good konami genesis games are rocket knight, contra hardcorps and buster's hidden treasure.

>> No.6528230
File: 2.80 MB, 853x480, GearBoss.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6528232
File: 2.91 MB, 510x360, Bloodlines1up.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6528236
File: 2.89 MB, 1920x1080, bloodlines.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6528237

>game with 50 bosses
>"oh no, 2 of them suck, game is invalidated"

>> No.6528238

you forgot TMNT you cum guzzling faggot

>> No.6528286

SCIV has bosses that are just as lame. Bloodlines at least has cool minibosses as well though

>> No.6528539

Can you guys stop being obsessed with Nintendo for a while?
Reminder that one of the most popular classicvania games is Rondo of Blood, a PC Engine CD game. Are you going to cry for NEC boogeymen now?
Also, the mini bosses in Bloodlines are definitely a problem, they're not cool, they're slow, boring and break the level pacing.

>> No.6528554

>someone brings up a valid argument
>"p-please stop talking about n-nintendo... I beg of you"


>> No.6528558

Its great but its still a bit short and could have used a few more stages.

>> No.6528560

What argument?
>nooo bloodlines is not popular because of nintendo fans' fault!
Get a grip. Again, Rondo of Blood is super popular and not on Nintendo.
>b-but muh nintendo hateboner!
Not my problem. Stop drinking the console war kool aid.

>> No.6528571

>What argument?
That people are fine with IV's bosses when they're just as bad.
>irrelevant misdirection cause muh nintendo
You're an idiot

>> No.6528580

>That people are fine with IV's bosses when they're just as bad.
I was mostly referring to this retard: >>6527886
About the bosses, I don't think people usually praise IV's bosses, or Castlevania 1's bosses for that matter. CV was always more about the level design than the bosses. The problem with Bloodlines' bosses isn't that they're not that good, is that there's too much of them breaking the level pacing, too much mini bosses that are boring and don't really add much to the experience (the water wizard AND the 2 slow ass knights on the Atlantis level are prime examples of this, I hate that level because of that part)

>> No.6528660

those knights are fun to fight

>> No.6528675

They're not, they slowly jump and get their spear stuck into the ground, giving you plenty of time to mash the whip on them, they barely have any other pattern. It's not like the double team of sworded knights on the hidden 5b level of Rondo which are actually challenging.
But the problem is that Bloodlines is plagued with shit like this.

>> No.6528710
File: 43 KB, 659x700, Belmont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rondo is a relevant counter-example, as someone said people overlooked Bloodlines because it wasn't on a Nintendo system, but Rondo wasn't on a Nintendo system either, and is a cult classic.

To speculate on the differences in attitude towards the 2, I think Rondo got a bit of cult appeal because it's on a more obscure system, and is connected to one of the most popular games in the series.

>> No.6528716

Another counter-example is Contra Hard Corps, that game is very popular despite not being on Nintendo.

>> No.6528735

Not as popular as Alien Wars, though.

>> No.6528774



The Belmont's what?

>> No.6529052

It's a shorter game like >>6527890 said, still pretty damn good.
I have no idea why they didn't set it so picking up the power orb played Bloody Tears or Vampire Killer by default instead of having it be an easter egg, though. Also, the limited continues is a really dumb design feature; everyone's just gonna plug in their old password anyway.

>> No.6529060

It get talked about alot OP. Great game.

>> No.6529178

Why did it bomb in Japan? Game must have only sold like 4,000 copies for the price it goes for these days.

>> No.6529179

Well, Mega Drive was behind both SFC and PCE in Japan.

>> No.6529215

What? Hes not that hard, I beat him my third attempt. The water wizard though... Damn talk about brick wall difficulty spikes.

>> No.6529218


If you are not using the spear you are playing the game wrong. Do you hate fun or something?

>> No.6529235

>The water wizard though... Damn talk about brick wall difficulty spikes.
lol what? Literally just left and right while whipping on the air. I don't think I ever died to that pushover water fag.

>> No.6529434

I was making a joke to make fun of you for thinking the gargoyle was hard

>> No.6529560

I wish bloodlines was less of a boss rush and had more level design in it. I only say this because the level design is so damn good and a good chunk of the bosses were unnecessary.

>> No.6529592

>It's not like the double team of sworded knights on the hidden 5b level of Rondo which are actually challenging.
But the problem is that Bloodlines is plagued with shit like this.

These guys in Rondo are bad game design on a conceptual level: if they both do the "blue wave on ground" attack, but with slightly off timing between each other, it's impossible to avoid damage.

>> No.6529596

>it's impossible to avoid damage.
item crash, but yeah I agree it's kinda cheap, that whole level is kind of weird.

>> No.6529605

The knights sometimes use the wave attack 5 times in a row, item crashes don't last that long; but even then it still sucks if the only way to avoid dmg is to do that.

The whole level kinda sucks because they're trying to compensate the lack of boss by having bullshit stuff all the way through. Notice also how most of the level backgrounds are underdetailed and can be found in other levels; which is a big clue on how unfinished the level is.

>> No.6529738
File: 150 KB, 1037x1440, DracDonSinKoj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6529748

I played this, but bloody Hell the sound effects were awful.

>> No.6529824

It still sold 4 million units though, which is more than the Dreamcast. That means that roughly only 1 in 1000 people who owned a Mega Drive bought the Castlevania game.

>> No.6529907
File: 2.81 MB, 1360x960, knights.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, I like'm

>> No.6529959

Swinging > gay spear shit

>> No.6529963

It's a basic action game that isn't at all bad but still doesn't compare to other classicvanias. Just another Megadrive action game, merely alright.

>> No.6530000

>doesn't compare to other classicvanias
Can't really agree to that one, I played it around the same time I did Super castlevania IV & Rondo, and I didn't find it majorly unfavourable compared to either of them(especially Rondo, which I hated when I first played it)

>> No.6530001

Stop playing full-screen without CRT filters

>> No.6530007
File: 16 KB, 640x480, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6530012

CRT filters are pig disgusting. Unless it's a real CRT I don't want to see your fake autism lines.

>> No.6530024

yes enjoy your big blocky pixels in 4k, just like the devs intended

>> No.6530029

640x480 is not bad for unfiltered games, but when you see 1360x960 like the other guy, you cringe

>> No.6530032

If I wanted what the devs intended I would be playing on a CRT.

>> No.6530040

take your shit to your CRT containment threads

>> No.6531904

>all these lecarde webms
lmao casuals

>> No.6532085

>Why isn’t it talked more when talking about classicvanias?
I’d assume a big part of it is that it wasn’t ever ported/rereleased on anything else prior to the classicvania collection last year. Meanwhile, CV1-4 & Rondo had a number of rereleases over the years.
Obviously it could always be emulated, but it never got the same attention as the rest of the series- even from Konami. Especially odd since it even got a sequel with Portrait of Ruin.

>> No.6532138

Lecarde deals less dmg to many enemies so he's not all superior

Also you'd notice I don't get hit in videos, my goal was to do no dmg run. My record in Bloodlines so far is getting hit 3 times in the entire game.
In Dracula X my record is the same.