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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6524139 No.6524139 [Reply] [Original]

Well I ordered it. Anything i should know? Do you install the emulators yourself or are the stock ones decent enough? Is overclocking necessary?

>> No.6524143

Well you're a moron.

>> No.6524149

What is that garbage?

>> No.6524150


>> No.6524158

You're probably going to want to install a custom firmware for it. Stock emulators are only ever decent enough for 16 bit and below. Performance breakthroughs for everything else on these things almost always comes from the community.

>> No.6524159

>buy first
>ask questions later

You want some sweet ass brand new property in Hawaii? I'll sell it cheap.

>> No.6524161

He willingly gave money to a Somalia-tier regime, so inb4 he asks for your contact email.

>> No.6524171

You know the New 3DS exists right

>> No.6524176


I think its pretty cool. I love emulation and different kinds of systems.

>> No.6524181

that shit will break in less than a year and you will get zero aftermarket support just like all other chinkshit

>> No.6524182

Should’ve got an Odroid Go Advance honestly

>> No.6524183

Depends on which part breaks. Those things tend to use standard cell phone batteries which is the most obvious aftermarket thing you will need.

>> No.6524190

>New 3DS
You know the PS Vita exists right

>> No.6524194

look up rg350 power button

>> No.6524197

That's really easy to repair on your own, but a design defect nonetheless.

>> No.6524201
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How many of you actually looking forward to this?

>> No.6524213

i dont buy shit knowing i have to fix it. i will fix it if something breaks but if i spend money i want something thats not guaranteed to be a defect after couple months or even weeks of usage. chinkshits biggest problem arent the product itself but always the atrocious qc issues and the awful support after purchasing it.

>> No.6524232

That's everything now though. Everything is chinkshit. Sure it might be easier for me to find parts for my ps vita but I already had to do two full teardowns to replace the right analog stick and the battery. Don't get me started on that internal non user replaceable battery bullshit either. Do you think 10 years from now I'm still going to be able to buy these new old stock batteries for the thing and they will still be good? It's going to take a bit of mod work to put something else of better quality in the thing. Welcome to the future, enjoy your heaping of shit. I've resigned myself to the fact that if I want to continue with this as a hobby I either need to accept that these things I spend $100ish on are just toys and as such they aren't built to last. Maintenance for them is cheap but tedious.

>> No.6524447

Honestly what the hell are people doing to that power button? I've had an rg350 since November and no problems with it so far

>> No.6524452

Why did you order something without knowing anything about it?

>> No.6524456

Is this the Soulja Game Handheld Boy?

>> No.6524592

I was in a pretty long thread about chink hand helds vs psps and it was the complete opposite of this thread. I mean the controversy was much less vile and really only had to do with debating wether an Android phone was better. It seemed unanimous that if you wanted a hand held this was one that was finally comprable to a vita and many people approved of it and even said it was the best on the market currently. The only thing i did not research which i realize was hasty is the firmware and any other stock software.

>> No.6524601

it's your own fault for taking a single thread as fact. there are dozens of youtubers who cover chink handhelds and to this day there hasn't been flawless one.
you either go for a psp/vita and deal with subpar emulation, a phone with no physical controls/janky addon or a chink portable that's completely random.

>> No.6524607

I wouldn't really call it subpar. It's at par. Perfectly acceptable for the average user. Same goes for the latest of the cheap Chinese crap. Where it gets edged out is PS1 emulation but that's to be expected.

>> No.6524614

I did not take it as fact just thought it was worth trying based on some YouTube reviews of it as well. Yes i acknowledge there are surely some problems but the psp as you mentioned has them and i simply wasn’t interested in an emulator phone. I only created this thread to hear owners takes on it but seeing as it’s /vr/ i was prepared for this response if only to get a few pragmatic responses among them

>> No.6524635

it plays PS1, GBA and SNES. that alone makes it better than most other chink handhelds. decent display, too.
but it's still going to be a long while before those can do N64, DS and PSP. something a mid range phone can do.

>> No.6524636

Vita is already starting to push into N64 and DC. Obviously it has full PSP support too. I don't think I would ever want to play DS on anything other than an actual DS.

>> No.6524645

lots of people tried N64 on the psp/vita and the result is always the same. don't get me wrong, I'd love it. but the guy who tried it via dynarec just disappeared and the latest one seems to have hit a roadblock.
DC seems more like a poc. like PS2.

>> No.6525697

It's pretty great. Ignore the fags saying vita or 3ds is better for this specific niche, the 350 can handle snes superfx games unlike those and plays PS1 flawlessly save for the tippy top performance eaters like Tekken 3.
It also has a damn good build quality compared to other chink handhelds, I swear the only people who get pissy at these things are either misinformed (we're long past the days of the A320 and Caanoo) or feel the need to justify their preferred system choice over a dedicated handheld like this.

Of course if you like vita or 3ds games that's perfectly fine, but outside of the oled on the vita a hacked console will not give you as good of emulation mileage or any advantage over something like the 350M. Phones are a thing too, but input delay and shitty ergonomics should be factored in too- some people just want a solid device just for emulation. I suppose the switch is the exception to the rule, its excellent for emulation, but hardly an ideal portable for form-factor in my own opinion.

Here are some random vids I fetched off of YT. 350 can do superfx like Starfox and Yoshi's island at full speed, while the vita still struggles to push frames out of those games... and we'll never get full speed N64 on vita, keep dreaming.
Can do PS1 full speed too much like the vita.
I love my vita but it is not my go-to emu handheld for a reason.

>> No.6525708

I know nothing about this device but from a design perspective, does the right analogue stick get in the way when pressing buttons?

>> No.6525769

Nah, its indented so you're not going to be accidentally fiddling with the stick. The old 350 had that problem though.

>> No.6525786
File: 42 KB, 1878x125, I stand with Nintendo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chink handheld with some bullshit artwork lifted from a game this will never run

Yeah great investment, good job on buying first and looking it up later

>> No.6525796

Everyone knows this is the same faggot who's been shilling this trash for months now only only using a different format right? Right?

>hey guys consoomer here how is this product?
>well hey there fellow consoomerbro! Yes it's really good! Stupid trolls here who can't appreciate quality product from glorious China :( :(

>> No.6525828

>You know the PS Vita exists right
The Vita is a really great console, but it's homebrew is really poor, that's the only caveat I can think about using a Vita for retro.

>> No.6525851

Or maybe people actually like it because it emulates stuff well?
Spergs like you spouting >muh china muh china don't make your arguments for other consoles better when every fucking thing is made in china anyway.

Do you ever even bother to look at videos or reviews of these devices in action to know what they're actually like? I bet not.
Here's a hot tip, they wouldn't be selling in western markets in the first place if they were all shit. They fill a niche and if your peanut brain can't comprehend why someone would want a cheap dedicated emu device that works well then you might as well keep being the boy who cried shill just like the rest of the /v/tards when seeing someone enjoy a niche product.

>> No.6525854

>t. chinchong wonkong

>> No.6526037

I like it, have the normal version
It's comfy and small enough to be a good pocket device. Sates my autism for retro gaymin without needing to use my phone or something

>> No.6526328

>it's homebrew is really poor
you mean compared to the n3ds or thoss chink shits? are you for real lmao

>> No.6526346

>v-v-vita can't run yoshi's island at full speed on the most accurate core therefore it cannot handle snes at all!!!!
>t-t-tekken 3 isn't running at fullspeed on my chink shit is irrelevant, it runs psx great!!! here is a link to buy it, please buy.
you fucking deluded chink spies lmao

>> No.6526352

What's with the autistic rage against chink handhelds? The Vita can't even do SNES full speed, plain and simple. Most of the parts in the Vita were probably made in China.
The Chinese handhelds have way better emulation support and a big community dedicated to improving performance on them. After all they're still being manufactured and are open source unlike the shit Sony devices that are no longer being made anyways. You'd have to be a full mongoloid to buy an outdated Sony device with outdated emulators in current year.

>> No.6526359

>nooooo it cannot handle all snes library games at full speed reeeeee
>please buy my chink shit device that cannot handle systems at full speed the vita can, think at my royalties!!!

>> No.6526374

Me. I already own a DMG and a GBC with a Freckleshack screen, but I also own an NT Mini and the Game Boy core on the jailbreak is pretty much perfect so it'd be nice to be able to play GB games on the go with that nice large screen. I have no doubt that the sound will be better through headphones than a real GB too. GBA is the icing on the cake.

I'll admit I'm an Analogue fanboy and I won't apologise for that.

>> No.6526392

>think at my
So the anti-chink brigade is ESL europoors, this makes more sense now

>> No.6526401

so those chink spies are second gen ant eyed amerimutts, makes sense.

>> No.6526641

Me, I can't wait. I haven't played a handheld game since my childhood and this seems like the perfect opportunity to get back into them, already been buying Wario Land carts off ebay in preparation

>> No.6526698

>muh Sony
>muh corporation
Go away, shill. We use Linux devices here and don't care where they come from.
>muh GPD, muh Microsoft Windows
Out you go.

>> No.6526795

RG350M doesnt even have WIFI, are you retarded?
>are the stock ones decent enough
I use stock emulators mostly, they work great. There is a newer version of Gambatte in the link above, this is the site where I get my OPKs. PSX4all OPK might also be newer on that site but im not sure. I recomend getting the OPK for gpSP, some games arent optimized for reGBA even though its a superior emulator.
gpSP and ReGBA share the same folder, place this in the gpsp folder to fix saving issues with certain games that allow 128k. Fceux emulator for the NES is in widescreen, so press Power + A to force it to 4:3. There are two Genesis emulators, I find Picodrive to work better. Rogue CFW is not yet fully optimized for the RG350M, stock works fine for HDMI output. I haven't tried FBA or MAME4ALL, so I have no info on those emus. RetroArch runs poorly on the system so don't even bother, you need seperate frontends for each system.
>is overclocking neccesary

>> No.6527071

>w-w-we shill on linux here

>> No.6527084

I hope you have small child like hands because otherwise those analog sticks are going to fuck up your thumbs. This thing looks like 0 thought was put into ergonomics.

>> No.6527176

>you're shilling something that is free
Are you retarded? Go back.

>> No.6527217

imagine buying this in 2020, a handheld autism machine. lol

>> No.6527220

Imagine not already owning a bunch of autism machines, handheld and otherwise, and not still wanting to buy more in 2020

>> No.6527410
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Anyone tried the Retroid Pocket?

>> No.6527431

>Vita can't even do SNES full speed
You’re full of shit.

>> No.6527590 [DELETED] 

>muuuuh we shill linux chink shit here
>a-a-are you retarded
what's your end game? your chink handheld is shit, deal wit it. buy a real console and go back to kneel on the streets for the black lives you mutt.

>> No.6527596

3DS has a native 240p screen, retro looks awesome on it.

>> No.6527613

>y-your handheld that's better than mine is shit
>all lives matter, mom told me so

>> No.6527614

brainwashed by /pol/, this thing has no WiFi whatsoever so its literally impossible to track you, vita is 9 years old and feels like its going to snap in my pocket, literally just feels like a smartphone with buttons
rg350m on the other hand feels great, dropped it on concrete and its more stable than a dmg gameboy, absolute overpriced horseshit for a used outdated console on ebay

>> No.6527745

It looks like it has great specs but the lack of triggers and that shitty dpad is a killer. No reason to have a more powerful device if it doesn't have the inputs needed to properly emulate those games.

t. Someone who hasn't thoroughly tested SNES on vita
Yeah try to play Starfox, YI, etc at full speed. It doesn't. You can't even get DKC without some stutters on newer cores, and old cores have absolutely dogshit sound quality. Frameskip is a requirement for many games.
>I don't notice it/put up with it so it's fine!
Vita is unoptimized for SNES, that's a fact. Until someone goes out of their way to make a better more optimized emulator, it's going to continue being shit. But instead autists want to run N64 which will always be dogshit with low framerates on a device like this.

Apples to oranges. PS1 requires more horsepower than SNES, and even the Vita doesn't run all PS1 games at 100% speed. Vita should be more than powerful enough to do SNES perfectly, yet it doesn't. You shouldn't have to put up with shit emulation on a device that should by all means be able to run it perfectly. There are also far more SNES games that don't work well on Vita compared to like two or three PS1 titles that aren't perfect on the 350.
Also stop being a complete autist, I can't tell if you're a Sony shill or you're really that triggered over open source hardware. The slant eyes are living rent free in your head it seems.

>> No.6527747

It's literally just one or two idiots parroting what they heard elsewhere and needing to shit on other's purchases to feel validated about their own purchases.

>> No.6527762 [DELETED] 

>chink shit
>better than a vita
>brainwashed by /pol/
>has no WiFi whatsoever so its literally impossible to track you
>You can't even get DKC without some stutters on newer cores
>dogshit sound quality
>Frameskip is a requirement for many games.
>But instead autists want to run N64 which will always be dogshit with low framerates
>the Vita doesn't run all PS1 games at 100% speed
> two or three PS1 titles that aren't perfect on the 350.
>stop being a complete autist

Holy shit, are chink spies monolinguist mutts that deluded?

>> No.6527775

>what they heard elsewhere and needing to shit on other's purchases to feel validated about their own purchases.
you mean, chink shit owners, yes they need to feel reassured they didn't waste their money on a fucking portable bin holy shit, imagine shilling for a 130$+ device that can't even play psx at full speed, no n64 games or newer handled games, you really must be a moron to end up with such a handheld when at the same time you shit on a dope device like the vita that can emulate all those consoles and do even more.

>> No.6527784

>Well I ordered it. Anything i should know?
Mouthwash will get the taste out of your mouth.

>> No.6527836

Holy shit he's still going. What a schizo

>> No.6528095

vita homebrew scene is dead while the 3DS homebrew scene is huge and only just getting started. Dreamcast, ps1 and n64 soon to be perfected. why are you resisting?

>> No.6528265

>vita scene is dead
lmao, you realize you got the n64 emulator becuse of a vita dev rofl.

>> No.6528271

And by MasterFeizz admission the N3DS is much more powerful. Why would you pick the inferior console?

>> No.6528285

What can that thing do that Vita cannot?

>> No.6528287

>inferior to the n3ds
lmao, why are you guys so dense and deluded itt holy shit, also the n64 runs way better on vita than n3ds, enjoy slower speed, random crashes and less commits i guess.

>> No.6528289

play a minority of snes games at full speed, period.

>> No.6528295

Sorry onions boi, facts are facts. That said I’m mostly trolling. I fully recognize the vita port is better currently but the N3DS is slightly more powerful. I prefer the 3DS because most N64 games I care for have a solid port to either DS or 3DS and it supports 16bit and older systems much better. You also get a pretty slick Scumm/Vice/Atari 800/Speccy and other obscure emu ports. Really it comes down to whatever you can get cheaper. That’s usually going to be the N2DS XL or an N3DS but sometimes you can get a good condition vita cheap.

>> No.6528309

what facts? that the vita has a stronger cpu, gpu and more ram, those are facts.
if you prefer ds and 3ds library that's just your subjective pov.

>> No.6528373

Different anon here. Since n3ds has a new cpu, not a new gpu and 256 ram I think it only has a slight edge over Vita in CPU department. Still I thought n3ds and Vita has around the same horse power but I don't have any source on where I read that. A source from someone who know his business about which is stronger would be nice.

>> No.6528518

just look at how mgs3 on both hardware looks.

>> No.6528578

Does it fill you with rage knowing despite better hardware, your Vita is shit for emulation because all the emulators for it are no longer actively improved? Clearly it does, it’s quite funny to watch you sperg out, I must say.

>> No.6528793

No, it doesn't do anything well, but it's affordable and people don't know any better and are too lazy to search for 5 minutes for a better alternative after they've seen it recommended by aliexpress. That's literally it. It has no reason to be shilled for in places that care even a little about things like quality. Enjoy those sweet social standing points promoting Chinese products to dumb gwailo tho lmao.

>> No.6528842

>the N3DS is slightly more powerful
It's not even remotely close, the vita's hardware is something like 5x faster than the n3ds

>> No.6528856

Compared to the above (Vita/3DS/RG350), how is the emulation scene for Android smartphones in comparison?

>> No.6528862

Why do stupid Sonyfags always talk about processor speed which doesn’t matter, but never mention which emulators are up to date and optimized for which hardware? It’s like everyone who owns a Vita is retarded.

>> No.6528878

you're talking non sense, gba was fixed non even a year ago, fba still get updates, we got n64 a couple of months ago still in alpha, plans to get dreamcast, maybe nds, new ports such as quake3 running at full speed, you're such an idiot and absolutely clueless.

>> No.6528889

why do nintendo fags and slant eyes shilling chink shit are so fucking clueless about how good a device from late 2011 put their portable bin to shame, also there's no need to ban me stupid chink jannie like you just did i have more ips than you got brain cells left.

>> No.6529381

you can't use those analog sticks, your palms will cramp. I guess you can break up shitty weed on it

>> No.6530616

So, if I want to play mostly ps1 and snes games and don't care much about n64 what would be the best option?

>> No.6530672
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>the atrocious 8shitdo SNES d-pad and the joycon thumbsticks that break in a month tops
Holy fuck nigger, just buy a vita.

>> No.6530687

>it doesn't do anything well!
>when it does in fact work quite well and there's plenty of video proof of that
Keep blathering retard, the more you seeth about it the dumber you look.
Android will do far far better but then you have to use a shitty phone clamp. Good option on the cheap
The 350/a similar device or an Android phone. Vita is bad for SNES but near perfect for PS1, but Vitas also are pricey (used) and the homebrew scene optimizes emus at a snail's pace. N3DS can't do PS1 well or run superfx games.

>> No.6530691

Those can't even do 4th gen properly. Only anime posters get meme'd into buying those pieces of shit. It's the same people who use Wiis for emulation lmao

>> No.6532064

a forgot that was a thing, I still have a lot of Gameboy/GBA carts and kinda want one

>> No.6532218
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people would pay $200 for this, ~$40 for a dock, plus $80 for an everdrive since the device cant even run roms??? not to mention a 1660x1400 screen to play games made for a 166x140 screen, which means every 100 pixels is literally displaying 1 giant square? yet the rg350, which runs any PSX rom for free is apparently overpriced at $80