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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 18 KB, 320x200, 256083AB-53FE-4DCD-A934-047875D66DDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6521818 No.6521818 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Skunny get no love? "Who is Skunny?" you ask? He is none other than the mascot of the international gaming powerhouse, Copysoft.
Pic related was pretty impressive for the time (Skunny 32-bit). Included an intuitive level editor and was a solid DOS platformer.

>> No.6521826
File: 319 KB, 640x480, 18AEB934-1672-450F-B191-F68E07527471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The company is still around and still fairly protective of this classic mascot. Bubsy wishes he were Skunny. Pic related is probably best in the series, except for the one where you kill Saddam Hussein

>> No.6521873
File: 155 KB, 590x662, Sparkzy the euro pikachu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Euro mascot thread?

>> No.6522521


>> No.6522532

I participated in two Skunny level design contests in 95 and 96 and never heard anything again from the devs

>> No.6522540
File: 621 KB, 1280x720, 142784756122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember seeing Skunny: Save our Pizzas years ago while looking through some DOS game archives. Gameplay seemed mediocre to bad, and other than the name, it's not very memorable.

Off the top of my head, I think James Pond and Rayman are the only ones I really like? Maybe Banjo and Conker count too.

>> No.6522556

What do you think his feet smell like ha ha

>> No.6522586

salty pennies

>> No.6522608

>that story

>> No.6522614

>not skunny & cunny
Missed opportunity.

>> No.6522659

>loves children animals

>> No.6522663

Salty milk and coins.

>> No.6522748
File: 35 KB, 640x400, 159848-skunny-kart-dos-screenshot-the-game-in-two-player-mode.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the graphics was a disaster, but the music

>> No.6522820
File: 191 KB, 800x1067, pdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skunny was the DOS equivilent of an Amiga public domain game. You know, those shitty games programmed in AMOS by bedroom hobbyists and sold for a quid a disk in the back of Amiga Shopper magazine.

>> No.6523834

More like CUNNY

>> No.6525310

first off thanks for giving me name to the weird squirrel platformer I played as a young kid that was part of the collection of pirated floppys my mom had.
Secondly This looks like shit and even as a kid i saw I was janky
And third, I've been on 4chan for too long because I see skunny and can't dissociate that with cunny memes

>> No.6525383

What the fuck is happening on this image

>> No.6525410
File: 22 KB, 169x170, 1583331617675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, more than you will ever achieve. Got it.

>> No.6525448

>Why does Skunny get no love?
Because he stole from Wacky Wheels.
Also it was very basic, I played all of them back in the day and they were not very fun. Not horrible, just meh.

>> No.6525472

Paedophiles deserve the rope.

>> No.6525698

I remember seeing the ad for Skunny Kart, and thinking it would be a fun SMK clone. The specs looked great and I assumed a PC game 3 years older than SMK would be better. Now I'm glad I stayed away.

>> No.6525812

>Why does Skunny get no love?
Because his games were shit.
Because his design was also shit.
Because the controls were shit as well.
Because the games' gameplay? Shit too.

Skunny was like that autistic classmate we all had at least once. Yeah, the one who always followed others around trying to fit in by parroting out the popular jokes, trying to sneak in other people's talk and repeating the day's popular topic, except he only pushed everyone away because everything he did and says came out wrong and he couldn0t do anything to avoid it no matter hor hard he tried.

That's what a Skunny game feels like.

>> No.6526137

>Yeah, the one who always followed others around trying to fit in by parroting out the popular jokes, trying to sneak in other people's talk and repeating the day's popular topic, except he only pushed everyone away because everything he did and says came out wrong and he couldn0t do anything to avoid it no matter hor hard he tried.
Haha yes i remember...

>> No.6527805
