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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 41 KB, 325x345, msdos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6496447 No.6496447 [Reply] [Original]

Sup my fellow /vr gentlemen (and shitposters)

Here is another release of my little project, the 4CHAN DOSPACK (which was made for /vr basically).
Been working on this on and off for about 1,5 years and it got polished up pretty nicely along the way.
I guess most of you have seen me posting about it before on this board. Anyways, we've come to release 1.35!

>What has changed since last release?
* Added some more DOS games:
- Al Qadim: Genie's Curse
- Archimedean Dynasty (Schleichfahrt)
- Ultima 7
- Crusader: No Remorse
- Princess Maker 2
- Epic Pinball
- Sega Genesis games (emulated)
- Asterix & Obelix
- Quake exp. pack Scourge of Armagon

* Exchanged the last remaining demos for full versions:
- Magic Carpet 2
- Crusader: No Regret
- Tennis Elbow

* Command & Conquer got its soundtrack back, yay!
* Menu was overhauled and is now blue/white (just like those old SETUP.EXE screens)

>How do i install it?

- Download DOSGAMES.7Z here: https://mega.nz/folder/CldGAahb#yn_8LkRHraywPgKJMp5pqA
- Unpack in any location as /DOSGAMES, double-click on DosBox.exe and you're good to go
- You will see this menu: https://imgur.com/a/K6rN863 and you can choose your game to play

Full list of included games will be in pic-related, also check out the ReadMe file in the link!
P.S. Also DOS General! Talk about DOS related games here if you want

>> No.6496448
File: 441 KB, 1415x895, dospack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

List of included games

>> No.6496449
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Example of interactive DOS menu

>> No.6496473

Anon, you've done fine work here. I've been thinking about getting into some DOSBox-type gaming. Thank you for your efforts, and your suitably nostalgic menu.

>> No.6496484

Are these full games/isos or rips?

>> No.6496505

Thanks, a positive reaction. They still exist on vr..
They are all full versions, albeit rips (except MegaRace 2 but including that game with all it's cinematic FMV and photographic designed levels would be huge in size).

You won't notice the fact that they are rips though, i added back music for C&C, the only game really missing its CD soundtrack is Alien: Trilogy

>> No.6496514

Yeah, we're not all a bunch of millennial gibsmedats. I really appreciate all the pleasant folks here who make the effort to source and share cool stuff, do the heavy lifting finding add-ons or doing compatibility fixes, or just hang out and chat and be welcoming (like the anons in the FPS threads). I figure "thanks" is the least I can do for you - that and civility cost me nothing!

>> No.6496554

Great work man. Is there a way I can add the audio back into Alien Trilogy? I ripped the music tracks from my Saturn version.

>> No.6496560

I have two questions.
What should I do to have better support for gamepads in vanilla DOSBox?
How can I get Gravis Ultrasound support in vanilla DOSBox?

>> No.6496587

It won't work by simply adding the music files to the appropriate folder sadly, Alien: Trilogy expects a (virtual) CD image to stream music from (.bin files). Here you can download the CD version: https://archive.org/download/AlienTrilogyUSA but you'll have to mount it as a CD in DosBox before playing (see DosBox readme on how to do that).

iirc to get GUS working you had to download a prepackaged zip with GUS files (GUS drivers weren't freely available, it came with the soundcard). Then you need to put that in the root folder as something like \GRAVIS and then make changes in your dosbox config; enable gravis and write correct path e.g. E:\GRAVIS, then go to game setup.exe and select Gravis UltraSound from there (if it supported it).

>> No.6496591

Thanks again for you affords

>> No.6496610
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Thank you, Anon-sama.

>> No.6496632

You're welcome mr. Keen

>> No.6496648
File: 348 KB, 2631x2631, CD burn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about burning some roms to CD-R and popping them into my Windows 98 computer. Is that dumb or could it work?

>> No.6496673

Hmm, Windows 98 does have MS-DOS mode so that's one item checked.

However the CD idea thing won't work, not with this menu atleast. If you really plan to use genuine hardware of that era, you'll need to have some specific hardware in it (for example these games are pre-setup for use with a SoundBlaster 16 card). Running the games directly off the CD won't work (they aren't ROMs, the games will want to write data back to the same location), you could however copy over the games from the CD to the pc's HDD C disk and launch them from MS-DOS mode manually (cd DOSGAMES, etc.) But as i said, you need specific hardware (sb16) or manually set up each game's SETUP.EXE again. tl;dr, just go for the intended DosBox solution if you can

>> No.6496981

I had the same thought and tried it out a little while ago. Only have tried it with Doom, Quake, and S&M Hit the Road and they all work. But, it *is* dependent on which rom you chose. It needs to have the game as an exe file and can all all of the extra stuff you usually get with a rom. Duke Nukem 3D didn't seem to work because it couldn't recognize the .grp file so I'm still trying to figure that one out, or just try a different rom. Let me know how it goes for you if you try it and anyone else who has experience with this chime in because I'm no expert.

>> No.6497380

The Duke issue sounds like it could've been a .exe version (engine) mismatch with the .grp file (game data) version. Usually it's the .exe file being older than the data file if it won't run, some dosgames websites offer a wrong combination of the two but it's rare. The one in this pack works anyways (1.5 version).

>> No.6497436

DOS bros, whats your opinion on SimRefinery?

>> No.6497464

These aren't roms you fucking moron.

>> No.6497493

Nice, Anon. I've been using several of your preconfigured games on my emulation handheld with much success.

>> No.6497503

Good to hear anon. You using PS Vita by any chance, with Retroarch?

>> No.6497504

I'm using a GKD350H; it can run Retroarch, but I'm using a standalone OpenDingux DOSBox port.

>> No.6497517

Had to look that one up, nice little thing. But you can't exactly play titles that have alot of assigned buttons i reckon? Such as MechWarrior 2 for example, literally uses every key on the keyboard for something. Would be great for simple-control games like Keen or Prince of persia though

>> No.6497529

Yeah, a lot of titles are difficult to play, and the screen resolution isn't ideal for DOS games. Thankfully, there's a lot of source ports available for things like Doom, Quake, Hexen, etc, and they play fine.
If I were to get one specifically for DOS gaming, I'd probably go with an RG350, RG350M, or Odroid Go Advance due to the screen resolution. There are other, more powerful options, but I'm not fond of Android for emulation to be honest.

>> No.6497546

Scratch the RG350 from that list, I was misremembering it's screen resolution.

>> No.6497563

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as DOS,
is in fact, IBM/DOS, or as I've recently taken to calling it, IBM plus DOS.
DOS is not an computing platform unto itself, but rather another commercial component
of a fully functioning IBM system made useful by the BIOS, ISA bus and vital system components comprising a full computing system as defined by IBM.

Many computer users run a modified version of the IBM system every day,
without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of IBM
which was widely used in the 80s and 90s is often called "DOS", and many of its users are
not aware that it is basically the IBM system, developed by International Business Machines Corporation.

There really is a DOS, and these people are using it, but it is just a
part of the system they use. DOS is the disk operating system: the program in the system
that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run.
The disk operating system is an essential part of an computing system, but useless by itself;
it can only function in the context of a complete computing system. DOS is
normally used in combination with the IBM computing system: the whole system
is basically IBM with DOS added, or IBM/DOS. All the so-called "DOS"
emulators are really emulators of IBM/DOS.

>> No.6497610

IBM's personal computers in the 80's came with either CP/M or MS-DOS (but conveniently renamed PC-DOS). CP/M was superior technically but at a very high pricetag, thus Microsoft with their altered version of Tim Paterson's QDOS (in turn a clone of CP/M) became the standard. That's why we are all still using a Microsoft product today in almost every pc (Windows 10, derivative of NT but shares legacy with IBM PC-DOS/MS-DOS).

>> No.6497618
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fuckin saved. lol.

>> No.6498260


>> No.6498362

Thank OP. If I wanted to use this on Linux, I can just swap out the binaries, right? Or did you do some config fuckery with this?

>> No.6498385

Just run DOSBOX.CONF with your standard DOSBOX installation. Don't use fixed binaries like some Wintard.
Or you just run the autoexec commands yourself or add them to your default DOSBOX.CONF in

>> No.6498495

Thank you very much bro. I always looked forward for a pack like this, with all the common cracks, fixes and basic configuration included. I'm gonna have a blast this weekend.

How much work would involve to work the launcher list into something you can navigate with the arrows/Enter/ESC? I would love to put this as is in my CRT-TV crt_emudriver setup to play at native resolution, but I don't usually keep a full keyboard on that setup.

>> No.6498496

OP here, that reply wasn't me but he's correct if you want to do it the manual way. Or if you replace the dosbox.exe and .dll's for their linux equivalents (Gentoo, Debian or Fedora is supported by DosBox) and you keep the folder structure intact, that should work fine too. Didn't test this myself though, if you have success with this please let me know.

>> No.6498507

Never mind, I just realized the list is simply lauching individual BATs. I can integrate those to my current file launcher. Thanks!

>> No.6498526

You plan on using EmulationStation perhaps? If so then yes, you should be able to individually point to the .bat files (i made one for each game). Keep in mind though that all those .bat files (after quitting each game) will try to bring you back to the main menu, which is dosgames.bat file. They're basically all interlinked with that main menu.

>> No.6498626

Not EmulationStation... it's a simple 240p file browser I wrote myself. But same logic applies. The BATs are very tidy and easy to follow, so I could simply edit them. Failing that, I have a "kill current process" button shortcut for games with no clean exit, so no problem either way.

I'm curious about launching this from RetroArch, it should give me more video output options. I'll give it a go. I'll report back if it goes well.

Thanks again!

>> No.6498673


>> No.6498685
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>no Links386

>> No.6498713

Ok good luck trying. Remember DosBox has a built-in exit keycombo: CTRL+F9, i think it could be more 'clean' than killing the process (perhaps otherwise the settings won't be saved properly somehow?).

>> No.6498740

This is still a Neo Turf Masters house, son. Download a Neo Geo emulator for DOS.

>> No.6498753

Holy fucking hell, my parents used to play this on our first computer, i've not thought about this in years. Isn't this one that has the "bobcat" caddy option?

>> No.6498770

It looks too boring to be much of a game, but man I'm glad to finally have it to at least look at.

>> No.6498932
File: 82 KB, 650x436, update.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Added 2 new games: Syndicate Plus and Mass Destruction (Syndicate Plus contains exp. pack American Revolution)
- New intro menu song (those of you who watched Black Mirror's Bandersnatch episode will recognize it)
- Fixed a bug where Tennis Elbow and SkyNet wouldn't play digital background music (set to MIDI instead of SoundBlaster 16)

Download in same link as in OP, enjoy

>> No.6499054

Nice Project. Thanks. Did played a couple of games, gta has no Soundtrack, and megarace 2, the game i was interested the most, just didnt run. Looked it up on gog, payed a dollar, played 1h.
Switched back to your project an be into quake right now.
I will get a lot of fun from this.

>[RAPTOR maybe?]

>> No.6499109

Raptor and Tyrian would be kickass. Maybe a Civ or something as well

>> No.6499126

Great work anon. Mega upload limit is 50GB per acc, right? So feel free to go crazy.

>> No.6499132

Thanks for the feedback. Can you describe how MegaRace 2 isn't working for you in the menu? When you press [P], do you get to see the submenu that asks for high res / low res choice? If you see that screen, press ENTER to go into highres mode, it works for me on 3 different machines. Then the game will first run a demo lap, but you can ESC at any time and you will be able to drive yourself

Yeah it doesn't have any Shmups atm, CIV i could add pretty easily i guess, perhaps bundle it with Lords 2 in the menu, i'll consider it

>> No.6499140
File: 6 KB, 300x200, cje45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was about to share one of my MEGA accounts full of old games with you to look through and pick apart but I realized the corporate joggers deleted absolutely everything, save for the folder structure. 260 GB gone.

>> No.6499145

Yeah, cloud storage is not the problem here definitely. Still i'd like to maintain it just under 1 gig to keep it easily portable. There's also the thing that some browsers (fixed on FireFox now i think) have a hardcap on files larger than 1gb for downloads in cache memory (which Mega uses). I guess there are some potential titles missing, XCOM, System Shock, Carmageddon, Civilization but i need to make a choice whether i'll add them or not (if people really like this pack and want me to do it, sure).

>> No.6499156

260 GB? on one account or many combined? Must've been premium member if one account. Sorry for your loss though anon..

>> No.6499157

Even in high or low res, the game starts with the publisher Intro and than just crashed.
But i dont bother.

>> No.6499171

Yeah premium. They also got my other one with Doom, Quake and retro FPS stuff.

>> No.6499185

Never share mega links on the open internet if you are using it as a file storage. People look for shit to report just for the hell of it. Upload it to anonfiles or something and post that link instead. Never share your own mega. Ever.

>> No.6499250

This is the right place to post related to CnC Tiberian Dawn, right? What are some CDs with user maps and missions, tools and that sort of stuff. Shovelware collections, like for 90s FPS games...is there stuff like this?

>> No.6499252

Has anyone tried DOS emulation on android? How is it?

>> No.6499314

Any chance you'll add a D&D catagory?

>> No.6499318

C&C in this pack has about 20 extra playable missions (10 for NOD, 10 for GDI) added to it, not sure if they are 'official' or community created but they came with the package created by 'nyerguds'. Source code is released now too so expect some more user created content in the future if word gets out

>> No.6499326

There's already Al-Qadim: The Genie's Curse in the pack (related to D&D universe). I haven't really orientated on D&D DOS games so i wouldn't know as of now which one to add

>> No.6499338

Well if you ever want to add some more, my main request is the D&D RTS Blood & Magic.

>> No.6499362

Should run well but will be annoying to use

>> No.6499370

Ok, i'll keep it in the back of my head. The biggest change that needs to be done to the main menu if i want to add more games like that, is to re-arrange it completely into categories. Now it's simply press A or B for game A or B, but this way i can only fit a certain amount of games in the menu (it's already cramped now as it is, all slots are used). I can go one level deeper though, for example make a new submenu called RTS Games, and put max 9 games in there, and a new submenu called FPS Games and add another 9 in there etc. So it might take a while before i get to finally adding all those games, first the menu must be restructured to allow for more slots.

>> No.6499796

Been playing around with this and i must say i am VERY impressed with all this one-man work, anon. While D-fend is the best program for dos emulation, yours is so hassle free and complete its hard to argue it being pretty damn based.
I mainly wanted to know if now that nothing is the demo version, do you have plans to add more games to this collection? (BTW you might find a lot of good stuff on MyAbandonware)

Also wanted to mention that for some reason powerslave/exhumed dosent have any music for me.

>> No.6499809

Also the dark sun game is a classic and you GOTTA have Dungeon Hack it is one of my favorite DOS games around. THAT is the kind of blobber i want more nowadays. One dude (and not 8-10 fuckers i have to micromanage) a bunch of skills and a big-ass randomly generated dungeon.
Also Pool of Radiance is a classic. Honestly the entirity of the gold box RPG series could be cool to see here in a single category. but yea Pool of Radiance and Dungeon Hack would be great IMO.

>> No.6499868

>>>These aren't roms you fucking moron.
>Compact Disc - ROM
I bet you feel foolish now.

>> No.6500179

Wow - anon, you are the gift that keeps giving!

>There's also the thing that some browsers (fixed on FireFox now i think) have a hardcap on files larger than 1gb for downloads in cache memory (which Mega uses)
Pro tip: it doesn't check how much memory you have available, so it's possible to freeze your PC doing it. I've got round that with a Java app called FreeRapid, which is also great for getting large numbers of files (anyone who's got Star Wars Despecialised has probably heard of this).


Sorry, anon. I bet that stuff was awesome. Hope you have backups, especially of your FPS stuff.

Or the pirates over at >>>/tg/ use redirects to obfuscate some links, plus volafile rooms. Not for everyone, but it seems to work for them.

>Honestly the entirity of the gold box RPG series could be cool to see here in a single category
Although I'd (gently) recommend that this is a good place for putting either things you can't get on GOG, or that are only available in a subpar state. For example, the SSI/TSR Buck Rogers games aren't on there, and an anon in another thread said that GOG's Tomb Raider games are missing some content and others lack music.

Frankly... I dunno how OP does it but I suspect that there is a "market" for a whole bunch of similar DOSBox compilations on /vr/, given how many genres and franchises there are that people still love.

>> No.6500229

Thanks, replies like this is what motivates me to keep going, same goes for adding more games; if the community here likes it and requests it, i'll do it. For the next revision i'll add Civilization and Tyrian and Raptor and i'll see where to go from there.
Sorry about PS/Exhumed not having BGM, i forgot to mention that along with Alien: Trilogy not having it. The thing is, if you want the CD streaming with all the tracks i would have to add the entire CD image (per game this can be 500-700mb) and it would greatly inflate the size of the pack. I'll see if there's a workaround though, like with C&C i managed to add the soundtrack without actually adding the whole CD image.

>> No.6500253

>if you want the CD streaming with all the tracks i would have to add the entire CD image
What if you made the images available, and those of us who wanted them could snag them separately and drop them into the directory?

>> No.6500261

Awesome as always. if you're still taking requests, Space Crusade is pretty neat.

>> No.6500267

That could be a valid option, i guess i could put the 'scriptcode' in the .bat file for using the image (IMGMOUNT command) and then ppl can decide whether to sneak it in or not. Here is the CD image of Exhumed (European retail release of PowerSlave, which this pack uses) with music tracks included btw:


For Alien Trilogy i'd first have to see which version exactly is in the pack, US or English, else the CD image might not be compatible.

>> No.6500271

That looks like a small and lightweight game to add, shouldn't give any problems, i can add it to the Minigames section on next release

>> No.6500273

Thank you for looking into and considering it - I know it'll add work for you.

I can't remember the last time I played that. That, and Space Hulk.

Seriously though. We could do this all day. So many good games, and so many that came on a couple of floppies...

>> No.6500279

Sweet, I look forward to it. If you ever need any help, post about it in one of your threads. I'd be happy to donate some of my time to this endeavor.

For sure, Space Hulk is also awesome. The early 40K computer games really got a lot right.

>> No.6500328

OP is a gentleman and a scholar

>> No.6500423
File: 103 KB, 1057x590, update2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As per request, added the SHMUP games Tyrian (2000) and Raptor: Call of the Shadows.
Also added Civilization (bundled now with Lords of the Realm 2).

I'll see if i can add the other requests later, but i won't have time the rest of today, anyways enjoy, link same as always in OP

>> No.6500642

>All three of my recs get in

You based, OP.

Also, is no one else getting audio/speech in MW2?

>> No.6500657

OP, thought about moving to DosBox-staging? Thank you for all the hard work!

>> No.6500689

Hmm strange, the settings are correct. The only thing i can think of is that maybe the speed is too fast (if you have a fast computer, some games, unless you restrict the speed with cycles, will not have proper sound). But since MW2 is quite heavy i can't imagine it's running too fast.

I did, but i'm not sure what would improve if i replace regular DosBox with Staging or DosBox-X, those projects add stuff like 3dfx support, which this pack does not rely on, it's all software based.

>> No.6500710

nice, it gets better and better

>> No.6500795


>> No.6500931

I am the Linux bro further up, so it might have to be something with that.

>> No.6501115

Good job!

>> No.6501189

>The thing is, if you want the CD streaming with all the tracks i would have to add the entire CD image
A way around this is you can just get the audio from the CD Image and compress to either MP3 or OGG and make the accompanying CUE file. If I recall right, I believe GOG does this for a variety of games like Dungeon Keeper. For games that don't need to access data from the CD you could probably get away with just having the audio files with the CUE making the size quite a bit smaller depending on the compression you use for the audio.

>> No.6501278

Thanks for the link anon, but down at the very bottom i found this line saying: "Warning: It may be that DOSBox does not support encoded tracks out of the box, depending on your distro. (The official release for Windows normally does.) If not, you will have to compile it by yourself:"

So i would need another compiled version of DosBox it seems, that enables mp3 encoded files to played?

>> No.6501298

is the way to go. mp3, flac and ogg support all built in.

>> No.6501617

Was interested in this, but the mega link asks for a decryption key.

>> No.6501742

The URL includes it but for some reason your browser is splitting the URL after the hash

>> No.6502020

CD-R stands for compact disc recordable
They can be a cd-rom depending on what you burn on it

>> No.6502421



>> No.6502472

Ok, i'll add it in the next update, seems like it was requested before

>> No.6502550

Thanks for the update OP, I've been enjoying Civilization.

>> No.6502572

Is there any controller configuration included in this? I tried Aladdin and Lion King, but didn't get any response.

I don't know how DOSBOX handles controller compatibility, I assume there must be a way to assign keys to controller buttons, and that it's possible to make per-game layouts for standard Xinput controllers.

Of course there's several games where this would be impractical (FPS, Strategy, Adventure, etc.), but for all the sidescroller games, it would be great to be able to pick and jump straight to the game with a controller.

>> No.6502835

Good to hear that anon
Some games offer joystick support (Comanche 3) or even gamepad support (Magic Carpet) but most only support keyboard. DosBox has a built-in mapper that can switch your keyboard input to your joystick (but i don't think this method works for gamepads). So i guess what might work for your situation is something like Xpadder or JoyToKey, these are Windows programs that can remap keyboard buttons to your controller. That way you can bind for example WASD and a few action buttons to a PS2 controller. Haven't tested it myself but should work, as long as DosBox is being tricked into thinking your gamepad is actually a keyboard. Beware though, many websites offering downloads for it seem very sketchy to say the least, get a good AntiVirus first.

>> No.6502874
File: 75 KB, 580x751, 1577958617997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonderful job anon, my thanks and my respect you have earned.
If it doesn't sound too pretentius, could I suggest to add any of these titles?
>any Bloodstone
>Dungeon Hack
>Dungeon Master
>Power Dolls
>The Dark Heart of Uukrul

>> No.6503025

Thanks for the kind words sir. Concerning adding more games, i think i've figured out what i'll do. First i'll split the pack into two versions as of next update, one in its current form which will stay like this for anyone who thinks there are already enough games, and a bigger 'community edition' variant where i will add the smaller and more obscure games that are asked for here. How does that sound?

>> No.6503139

I'm not the anon you're replying to, but that sounds great.
If you're willing to add more to the list, Battle Chess and Archon Ultra are great adaptations of Chess, and neither is terribly large.
I could upload my copies if that makes things easier.

>> No.6503152

Thats fast. Big up

>> No.6503173

Works for me, anon.

If it grows too much after that, you could do themes - like a FPS pack, RPG pack, spaceflight pack - but I understand that's a big ask and you may not want to.

Battle Chess ftw, anon.

>> No.6503281


I'm >>6502874, and while pleased by your enthusiasm in increasing this pack, I suggest to go quality over quantity, as making sure the newly put games run perfectly before adding more titles

>> No.6503282

I agree with these anons. Testing games to make sure it works is important. We need not rush things, after all. It is almost as important as adding Dungeon Hack to the list.

>> No.6503293

Fore sure. My requests are just that, requests. I have no specific expectation for them to be added ever, let alone promptly.

>> No.6503296

And that's a suggestion I'd support too. These old DOS games aren't going anywhere; OP can take as much time as necessary to do whatever is necessary, and that includes testing, sourcing the best versions, and also having a life away from us anonymous gibmedats.

We're lucky to have someone who is happy to give up time putting this together for us, and I'm all for waiting (patiently and happily!) to see what comes out next.

>> No.6503297

Exactly, every game that i add to the pack is first tested to see if it runs okay, then pre-configured/patched and if needed tweaked a bit with amount of cycles. Which is actually the reason why for example X-COM is not yet in the pack, it runs horrible (way too fast in the real-time combat part, and way too slow in the campaign map). Ultima 7 was almost a dealbreaker for me to add, that game has some of the worst stutters of all DOS games i've seen so far. It's inherent to the game, but because it's so highly regarded by many i still decided to add it. If a game doesn't run fluid or the way it should, i won't add it.

>> No.6503372

Thanks OP!

Maybe you could give us some insight on how to build on top of your collection, so you don't have to add each edge case requested yourself.
Are DosBox settings handled by a common set of settings, or are they modified per game? What are the settings we should look into if, for example, a game is not running at the right speed?
Just to compare, I noticed Aladdin runs a lot smoother through your launcher than by dragging ALADDIN.EXE straight to DosBox.exe (to what I assume are the default settings)

Imma gonna add me some Lemmings

>> No.6503441

By default DosBox is set to cycles=auto (usually this means 3000 cycles, which is often not enough) and core=auto, but my dosbox config changes core to dynamic (faster) and it changes the cycles for each game seperately. Achieved this by adding CONFIG -set cycles=(amount) in each game's .bat file, so it will automatically adjust to the correct cycles when you start up the game.

>> No.6503540

That's perfect, flexible enough and easy to edit. Thanks.

I'm just gonna leave this here, for anyone else interested in adding to the pack:

>> No.6503562

Missing Leisure Suit Larry. Not happy.

>> No.6503596


>> No.6503669

Alright. I'm familiar with Xpadder, it's already part of my setup. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything and wasn't about to redo something that was already worked into the pack one way or another. Thanks!

>> No.6503768

Does ScummVM run under DOSBox? I thought it was a Windows thing.

(Incidentally, does anyone know a good source of game files to use with ScummVM?)

>> No.6503773
File: 24 KB, 720x720, 1390394187924.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does ScummVM run under DOSBox?
Anon... Have you heard of Google?

>> No.6503790
File: 20 KB, 243x547, Games 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I added X-COM to the PCem pack, but didn't test beyond seeing if it would run
Well shit.

>> No.6503798
File: 17 KB, 261x505, Games 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well post the rest of the games list.

>> No.6503804
File: 16 KB, 279x489, Games 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's the list for 0.8.

>> No.6503826

That's a lot of games, friend. You have your work cut out for you! But so much of what's on that list falls under "I loved this on the Amiga!".

I am going to be doing some serious keyboard-bashing when this comes out. Thank you, this will be awesome.

Yeah, it occurred to me about 30 seconds too late to just check the ScummVM website. Been a while since I used it - though I think that I misunderstood the suggestion anyway (it wasn't "run ScummVM in DOSBox", it was "run the game in ScummVM instead of DOSBox". Blame working an 11 hour shift.)

>> No.6503838

S'all good anon, I'm furrowed from work and hammered at 1pm.
You can find torrents with most of the games ScummVM supports already configured and shit, though you'll have to add some of the newer supported games manually.

>> No.6503841

Also, ScummVM runs on all major operating systems, and there are even ports to many handhelds, just like DOSBox.

>> No.6503845

I may need to ask for pointers. I'm not technical.

(I don't mean the setup, I mean the "where". I live in a jurisdiction where TPB got banned, and while I know what a VPN is, I don't have one, or a torrent thingy. 30 years of computer use and my 5 year old nephew runs rings around me with his Kindle...)

>> No.6503851

If you're willing to use qBittorrent, it has a built in search engine that supports all sorts of sites out of the box. It also runs on all sorts of operating systems.

>> No.6503965

Hah, if it aint the nice guy from the PCem package/Depot anon again, we meet again. How's XCOM runninng on there btw?

>> No.6504420

Not sure, I just tested to see if it would run. Gonna try a game to see if it runs at a reasonable speed or if the new CPU setup is too much for it. Most games I tested to see if they were running too fast, but X-COM I didn't go that far on.

It was already out on the depot, but the depot recently got attacked. I'll try to get it uploaded somewhere else today.

>> No.6504452

shit mods are abusing ther power >>>/jp/24150013

report these fuckers

>> No.6504515

/qa/ dude. That's the report button.

0.8 is up on zippyshare in three parts.

>> No.6504531

Thanks for putting it together and putting it up! I'm going to have to learn to VPN one of these days.

>> No.6504537

Well shit, just tested and x-com broke. I tried it without the CD and it worked just fine, so something changed. Something to work on for 0.9.

Have fun with it. If anything doesn't work right please let me know.

>> No.6504585

Alright, found the issue. I accidentally overwrote the folder with the installer. Reinstalled and it works fine. Had to turn down battle scroll speed so it wasn't zooming all over the place, but X-Com will run just fine on 0.9.

>> No.6504597

OP here, i've been fiddling with XCOM for an hour now, and the problem is it won't allow itself to be launched through a .bat file or any shortcut. The only way to launch it is through starting up DosBox clean, and navigating to the game folder and starting xcom.bat
So sadly i'll not be able to implement it into the menu :(

>> No.6504619

I found by sticking the entire CD contents on the HDD, and redirecting ufo.bat to use that folder, you can force the game to run off the HDD through DOS under PCem. I have it in C:\UFO, so my ufo.bat file reads:
"@echo off
cd \UFO"

>> No.6504718
File: 77 KB, 1100x500, update.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It actually runs fine off the HDD using the normal way, just not through any .bat file. Same problem as with Jazz Jackrabbit. This probably has something to do with fact that UFO.BAT (to start the game) is a .bat file itself and there's a conflict when you loop that through another .bat file.

Anyways, i did update the package with some other games: Sim Ant, Links 386 Pro Golf and Battle Chess are now in the pack. Enjoy for those who requested them.

>> No.6504741

gj op, you're alright

>> No.6504743

Good work

>> No.6505186
File: 90 KB, 1280x800, game_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time trying out this Dospack, great job putting it together for simplicity+compatibility!
Always nice seeing Command & Conquer with the classic DOS unit build icons.

I haven't seen anyone else bring this up, but in the DOSBOX.CONF how about using these settings by default instead so the aspect ratio will be correct on whatever monitor its being displayed on?

Last thing, I notice the ingame music is missing from Mechwarrior 2. There's a really well compressed version put together here that would only add 30mb to add the soundtrack: https://www.reddit.com/r/mechwarrior/comments/eatbyd/mechwarrior_2_portable/

>> No.6505335

That's really strange, since I'm running UFO.BAT through STRMENU.BAT on the PCem pack. Is your batch file passing an errorlevel to UFO.BAT for some reason? If you run a batch file containing just "end" prior to running UFO.BAT, that should reset errorlevel to 0 before UFO.BAT runs.

>> No.6505442

Nice find, i'll see if i can manually add back the missing BGM then, thank you. The aspect ratio thing, i left it on false because putting it on true, while making it the correct ratio, makes the screen even smaller usually. Example: games that run on 320x200 (16:10) but were aspect ratio corrected to run at (4:3), iirc games like Doom (vanilla) had it like this because all CRT monitors back in the day were 4:3. Since most people have 16:9 LCD's nowadays there will be black bars anyway, but they're even bigger with aspect=true and i thought people wouldn't like it like that. Is there perhaps a way to stretch the whole image to the screen while maintaining the correct ratio? (i thought output=openglnb supported this but still black bars for me) Maybe my nvidia settings are wrong, am not using any Scaling.

In the script it would look like this:

cd xcom
goto begin

if i replace 'goto begin' with 'end', would that make it work perhaps? :end will make it go back all the way to the main menu though, instead of just the submenu prior. I'll try again today then, thanks.

>> No.6505504

Thanks, OP!

>> No.6505508

I meant make another .bat file like "BULLSHIT.BAT" that contains "end" by itself, that will tell dos to return errorlevel 0 and go back to whatever. In this case, your original batch file. Which can then call ufo.bat with a clean errorlevel. So you would have the following script in your batch file:

cd xcom
cd ..
goto begin

And that SHOULD pass an errorlevel of 0(no errorlevel) on to xcom.bat. What does your xcom.bat look like?

>> No.6505562

Just wanna say that the first part is apparently corrupted. Cant unzip them.

>> No.6505618

You're trying to open the .zip and not the .z01 file right? Also try using the latest version of winrar or 7zip to open. I just downloaded the .zip and .z01 file from zippyshare and combined it with the .z02 I already had and it extracted just fine so I'm pretty sure neither one is corrupted.

>> No.6505963

xcom.bat is actually the same as ufo.bat, that has all the stuff like if errorlevel 2 goto \ufoexe\tactical and if errorlevel 1 goto \ufo2exe (from the back of my head).

>> No.6506450

OP here with an in-between textual update, i've some great news. Thanks to the anon above >>6505186 i've now managed to add background music (Redbook CD streaming audio in HQ) to MechWarrior 2. The good thing is, the same method also works for Alien: Trilogy and PowerSlave, so i will provide the full soundtracks for those 2 games as well in the coming release (will be much bigger in size though). Stay tuned.

>> No.6506460
File: 1.47 MB, 249x326, 1588771830025.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doom (includes Doom 1, 2, 64...)
Wait, has 64 seen an actual port in WAD form that can be run on DOSBox? I knew the Steam Port had a WAD file but I didn't know it was actually capable of being ran.

>> No.6506476

It's not an actual port of the Doom 64.WAD, it's a fanmade faithful remake of the entire DOOM64.WAD in the DOOM2 engine, so it uses the asses from Doom 2 (sprites for enemy models) while using the geometry and textures of Doom 64 as much as possible. You can see it here on YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYsb70x3TLY
I should perhaps be more clear about it in the readme, sorry if it was a bit misleading

>> No.6506505
File: 135 KB, 533x671, v_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great news

>> No.6506667

I tried a couple of games from this collection on RetroArch's DOSBOX core. Not related to the pack itself, but I'll comment about it anyway in case someone wants to try it.

I was both greatly surprised by how well some of the games work on RetroArch out of the box, and disappointed by how many of them just crashed at launch. For the ones that do work, it's a great solution to handling both the screen resolution changes (for a native resolution setup, CRT-TV or CRT monitor), and the use of controllers.

While DOSBOX's fullscreen mode would cause some tearing on my CRT-TV, RetroArch worked perfectly smooth, it's consistent with various settings I had already made for arcade games. And RetroArch has a built-in per-game controller setup where you can set any button on the controller to any keyboard or mouse input, including mouse axis to analogs, so it's very convenient for platformer games.

This game collection saves a lot of time by including cracks, tweaks and expansions to each game. So while I won't be using the included launcher on this particular setup, I'm making the game selection itself my base content folder, and I'll be keeping up with the updates. And for the games that need per-game change of settings, I'll still need to set them up myself on RetroArch settings (which also provide the option to set them per-game, adjustable through the in-game core settings menu), but I can use the setups on this collection as a guide to see what needs to be adjusted on each game.

>> No.6506693

Good to hear you like the games that do work on RetroArch anon. Note that this pack was never meant to be played through RetroArch, i'm surprised some even work. Are the games that crash by any chance some of the more 'heavy' games? By that i mean for example Duke, Doom, Hexen, Terminator? Because those games are by far the most tweaked ones (and use some extra utilities for example to enable mouselook. Hexen even uses 2 utilities just to create perfect mouselook). Maybe that's where things get too complicated and make it crash for your RetroArch setup.

>> No.6506727

I didn't try FPSs because I won't be playing those on this setup (I'll play those on my regular desktop PC, with a KB+M, straight from your launcher). So far I've only tried some of the controller friendly games. ex.: Aladdin, Lion King, Commander Keen worked perfectly, Duke II crashed, etc.

Btw I didn't meant it like it was this pack's fault some games crashed, I obviously need to check how to port the settings to this different setup myself.

Thanks again!

>> No.6506941


Looks like some amazing work going on ITT. I'm starting to get nostalgic for the 90s, for games I've seen but never played, for games I played on other platforms... I don't want to sound like I'm whining, but is there any chance of getting 0.8 on a different site? Zippyshare blocks my location and I haven't a clue how to circumvent that (I know there's a service you can buy but it's well outside my knowledge of IT!).

Thanks in advance to any anon kind enough to help with that.

>> No.6506975

>zippyshare blocks
Fucker. Mega and google drive are out since I don't want some asshole reporting and fucking with my personal shit. Anonfiles good where you are at?

>> No.6506982

Anonfiles is good, thank you. Sorry to be the lone voice of dissent - my own fault for living on a small island that still thinks it has an empire.

(Incidentally if anyone can recommend an affordable VPN that is reputable and not run by a company likely to either steal and sell my data, rat me out to copyright owners or their lawyers, or blackmail me, please let me know!)

>> No.6507039

Hey OP I can't understand what's your problem with batch files, but you probably didn't know that the second batch file must be called with "call" command. Here is a little example:

file A.BAT:

@echo off
echo RUN_A
rem note that if you remove "call" below you never return from the B.BAT
call b.bat

file B.BAT:

@echo off
echo RUN_B

Tested and worked with the DOSBox 0.74-3.
Useful documentation:
Be aware that DOSBox uses very limited subset of the actual MS-DOS batch features and may implement them differently.

>> No.6507285

Ok, I can't do anonfiles, it keeps giving me a 0 error code every time I try to upload. 20GB filesize limit my ass. If you can point me to another good filehost I can put it up, but I'm done looking for one.

>> No.6507305

Just make a fucking torrent or upload to archive dot org.

>> No.6507316

Not my speciality, I'm afraid, anon - but thank you for making the time and effort to try. I'll keep an eye on your threads and get myself VPN'd up instead.

>> No.6507317

I'm not seeding shit.
>internet archive
Requires an account. Trust a namefag to give a worthless response.

>> No.6507373

Plenty of folks on the board will happily seed for you.

>> No.6507431

I already tried with call command anon, but it's the same problem. The game starts without issue and plays the campaign map (same as when i use cd/cd.. commands) but the problem happens when it switches over to the tactical/fighting mode, then it crashes.

this is the .bat file from xcom 1 that gives trouble:

@echo off
ufoexe\geoscape "0"
if errorlevel 2 goto begin
goto end
ufo2exe\tactical "1"
ufoexe\geoscape "1"
if errorlevel 2 goto begin

The moment the game tries to switch from campaign map (ufoexe\geoscape) to tactical map (ufo2exe\tactical) it crashes. You can try this yourself by intercepting an enemy UFO on the campaign map, it will crash when attempting to start the battle mode.

>> No.6507484
File: 28 KB, 1170x600, update3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update post:

Games added:
- System Shock
- X-COM: Apocalypse

Games updated:
- Archimedean Dynasty is now v 1.120 + community patch installed

Soundtracks added (separately) for:
- Alien: Trilogy
- MechWarrior 2
- PowerSlave/Exhumed

Since the soundtracks are so big, i put them in a separate file in OP link called SNDTRCKS.7Z, in there you will find the 3 gamefolders, unpack it in the appropriate game folders and it will work right away after running DosBox.exe.


>> No.6507507
File: 131 KB, 464x464, quality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excellent upload

>> No.6507509

Thank you.
Is there a size/game count where you think you'll stop? Only wondering because else it could be an indefinite project.

>> No.6507515
File: 15 KB, 280x387, batch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PCem guy here, mine looks like pic related.

>> No.6507526

To be honest, i already felt that the project was finished a while ago, but people have their requests for smaller obscure games sometimes and i'm conflicted whether i should add them or not. The more that gets added to the pack the more bloated it becomes at the same time. Personally i'm now keeping an older version of the pack for myself because i don't like some of the recently added games (XCOM for example). I think i'll have to stop working on this project next month for sure, me and the wife are expecting our second child, so i will definitely have no more time to invest into this. So if you want to get something requested better do it while you can :P

>> No.6507559

All the best to you and your Mrs - I'm an uncle and I love the time I spend with the family. You're lucky!

Honestly, you've done the most amazing job with this stuff. Don't feel obliged to keep adding on for us all - the pack as it stands is the most amazing little time capsule and a fantastic gift.

Really. Thank you. I'm playing games I didn't even know existed.

>> No.6507572

>So if you want to get something requested better do it while you can :P
Appreciated! I read your post and frankly it already seems fairly complete at this point so I won't request anything, but thanks again.

>> No.6507597

>So if you want to get something requested better do it while you can :P

If you insist... Here's some ideas:

- Alley Cat
- Sokoban
- Alien Carnage
- Where in the Worls is Carmen San Diego
- Hocus Pocus (and other Apogee games)
- Hugo Trilogy
- Jazz Jackrabbit + Expansions
- Lemmings + Oh No More Lemmings
- Lemmings 2
- Lotus 3
- Magic Carpet (weird "flying simulator". Pretty unique.)
- Mega Man 21XX (Very popular fangame back in the day, probably the first fangame I ever played)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (by Ultra Games, aka the better looking port of the first one on the NES)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Manhattan Mission
- Tyrian

(Don't take this as a heartfel request, I'm just running through the list of the games I'd personally like to add to my setup over time in case any of them sound like something you'd be interested in.)

Probably not worth opening the can of worms of "lesser ports of games better played on other systems", but since you already put MK2, MK3 and Street Fighter 2 in there... Here's a couple more ideas:

- Joe and Mac/Caveman Ninja
- The Simpsons Arcade Game
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Konami Arcade game)

>> No.6507612

I hope this inspires someone (not you, not me) to make a similar pack for Amiga games. While I'm familiar with DOS games, Amiga exclusives are still an uncharted territory for me.

>> No.6507616

>Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (by Ultra Games, aka the better looking port of the first one on the NES)
Is there a fix for the fuckup in the third level where you can't make that jump in the sewers since they make it too wide?

>> No.6507623

>Magic Carpet

These two are already in the pack. Jazz JackRabbit i tried to add but while it runs fine normally in DosBox, it won't allow itself to run through the .bat menu i'm afraid. Btw if you're a bit handy editing batch files, adding games to the pack is really not that hard, especially for simple games (usually the older, the easier to add in my experience). For example if you downloaded Alley Cat, rename the root folder of the game to ALLEY (try not to use more than 8 letters), search for the name of the .EXE file (that starts the game) and remember that. Copy ALLEY folder inside DOSGAMES folder. Then go into DOSGAMES.BAT (right click -> edit) and scroll down, you can either replace an existing game with it, or bundle it with an existing shortcut. Once you see the code, you will probably understand what to do. If not, well then maybe i'll add it in a later update :P
Thanks dudes, why is everyone so frieny in this thread, is this even vr?

>> No.6507626

>a similar pack for Amiga games
That would be pretty awesome. My misspent youth in one easy download!

>> No.6507628


>> No.6507643

Well I guess most of my list would fall on the 'older, easier to setup' category, no need to ask someone else set them up for me. Still, I wanted to share my personal list of games I'd add, since we're all here suddenly dusting off these old games thanks to you.

Because you're based. A spark of goodness on these trying times. Gem threads like these is what makes me come back to this more often than not awful board.

>> No.6507648

lol I don't think I ever got that far, but now that you mention it, I recall this game being described as broken.

>> No.6507715
File: 552 KB, 640x400, funpark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small request but could you add an extra start up option for Command & Conquer so it uses the "Funpark" command?

There's no way to activate it while in-game in the Dos version, although I have seen Nyerguds' unofficial 1.06 patch adds this campaign to the "new missions" menu.

>> No.6508221

Never knew about this easter egg, while i used to own The Covert Operations even way back in 1996 lol, nice find anon. I tested it and it works on nyerguds's dos version included in this pack, though somewhat buggy (attack distance from dinosaurs sometimes wrong, or they won't attack at all). But i'll add the commandline option to the .bat file on next release ok?

>> No.6508854

Congratulations for the upcoming second child

>So if you want to get something requested better do it while you can
Then I humbly once again repost my preferences
-Dungeon Hack
-Dungeon Master
-Power Dolls
-The Dark Heart of Uukrul

Why yes I hope so too

>> No.6508867

Why the hell are you including genesis games with a dos pack? Why not just make a genesis pack on it's own. If I want genesis games I'll just go grab the full rom set somewhere

>> No.6508957

What about F-19?

>> No.6508983

They were very easy to add and took up very little space, the emulator works great. This was more my own choice as i never really got into playing SEGA games and now everything is in 1 spot.
Working on adding them right now, will post later today.

>> No.6509184
File: 129 KB, 640x480, upd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Added requested games (new Requests section):
- Blood & Magic
- Bloodstone
- Space Crusade
- Dark Sun
- Power Dolls
- Dungeon Master
- Dungeon Hack
- Space Hulk
- Lemmings
- Moonstone
- Pool of Radiance
- Dark Heart of Uukrul

- Alley Cat (in Classics section)

>> No.6509210

The gift that keeps on giving! TYVM for another expansion.

What are we going to do without you when you're on paternity leave, anon?

>> No.6509214

By then there will be hopefully no more requested games to add hehe

>> No.6509278

Forgot to add to this that XCOM: Apocalypse was temporarily removed, it was a rip without CD music and i'm going to find a way to add it back, like i did for the other games. P.S. the new 'Request' menu is in the bottom right.
Added C&C Funpark mode in the C&C menu, enjoy. Just choose new game and pick either GDI or NOD and it will start the dinosaur easter egg missions.

Questions to anons here willing to help: can someone perhaps find me some compressed versions of the soundtracks from Alien Trilogy and Powerslave (preferably .ogg files). The ones that are in the Mega now work fine, but they're uncompressed and therefor weigh alot.

>> No.6509346
File: 53 KB, 510x490, 1306513576475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6509781
File: 142 KB, 642x507, Theme Hospital.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there still room to add Theme hospital?

The windows version comes with the DOS version DRM free, all contained in a folder named "HOSP"

>> No.6509880

I finally bit the bullet, checked out Tor, and managed to get the collection of files from ZippyShare. Surprisingly easy, no VPN sub required.

>> No.6509971

Already broke the 1GB barrier a few updates back and i didn't hear anything about download trouble so i guess we're good, and more games can be added. Just added it for you anon.

>> No.6510027
File: 9 KB, 320x224, mm2_018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was quick thanks! Another classic DOS game I would suggest would be "Micro Machines 2 Turbo Tournament" which was the best version of the game imo.

Full install with music only takes around 10mb!

>> No.6510139
File: 46 KB, 300x295, keen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's in there now anon. Also a nice little treat for Alley Cat lovers, just open the game to see what i'm talking about. The readme.txt didn't quite catch up to all the recent updates i made in this pack, so bear with me, i'll bring it up to date later. Signing off for today, any request will have to wait for later.

>> No.6510440
File: 41 KB, 226x188, vr-seal-of-quality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unusually high quality for /vr/
Is it Christmas already?

>> No.6511479
File: 1.63 MB, 1920x1080, 1565057093590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freedos 1.3rc3

>> No.6511487
File: 1.84 MB, 1920x1080, 1586045433956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute menu
>dumb "to close dosbox/return to windows" message
>Assuming everybody uses dosbox on Windows
>that nobody uses box86
>that nobody uses pcem
>that nobody uses openbsd
>that nobody uses pctask on Amiga.
>in /vr/
Why, Anon, why.

>> No.6511490

I run it on real hardware (486DX2, Freedos, sbpro2, etherdfs).
Exit dosbox/ Return to Windows is so silly.

>> No.6511493

>i'm so new that i don't know how OP has been spamming this worthless shit for over a year

>> No.6511582

Sorry, i just assumed 99% of its users would be on Windows. I hope nobody of any minority group feels discriminated by the message containing Windows. Just want everyone to know that i hugely value diversity in the OS landscape, and all OS'es from all colors and backgrounds are welcome. /sarcasm and leftyhipster mode off

>> No.6511710

>I'm a minority, cater to my demands!

>> No.6511740

>Anime poster
Every single time.

>> No.6512116
File: 43 KB, 734x654, 6511487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can literally open up DOSGAMES.BAT with notepad and change that one line to your OS of choice but instead had to REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.6512548
File: 343 KB, 1446x1080, 1588250796517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6512618

I honestly can't undestand this petty need to feel special on every turn. Good for you if you have a different setup, more efficient, more versatile, etc. Don't use this then, you clearly have your needs covered. Move along then. Or better yet, make a suggestion without acting like a fucking child.

For people who haven't spent a dozen hours setting up these things, and probably never would've done it themselves, having someone else to share their personal collection ready to go is fucking great.

Thanks for the update based OP.

>> No.6513743

>shitposting anons and their apparently mods-approved spam-threads almost bumping this based msdos-thread off the board
Not on my watch.

>> No.6513807

>anime pic
It's like pottery.

>> No.6514378

Damn straight. this thread aint super active but its golden.
BTW, has anyone played dangerous dave? Mainly the ones after the haunted mansion one. Other than the PC Speaker noise i thought those games were super fun. Mainly because you play as a slighly insane hunter with a big fucking hunting shotgun and thats all i really need for motivation to enjoy a game.

>> No.6514441

I only know Dangerous Dave in Copyright Infringement, the tech demo for the sidescrolling effect made by John Carmack. Basically it was the pre-cursor to Keen which ran on the same tech. They also made an unofficial Mario port on it, which got rejected by Nintendo, i believe that's what made the guys at id software call it Dangerous Dave in Copyright Infringement, because it was similar to Mario's gameplay. Never played any of the older titles though

>> No.6514502

id software offices 1993, pure nostalgia with those old CRT's and running MS DOS

>> No.6515454
File: 9 KB, 300x197, update4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small update:
Went ahead and ripped the full soundtracks from MechWarrior 2, PowerSlave and Alien: Trilogy and compressed them into .ogg format (they got smaller by a factor of 10 compared to the original image). Now instead of having the extra huge SNDTRCKS archive (is gone now), the 3 aforementioned soundtracks are included into the pack itself. Just start the games and the soundtrack will play automatically. Also added music for Archimedean Dynasty. Hf.

>> No.6515507

Look at this basedman
Look at him and behold

>> No.6515617


>> No.6515670
File: 23 KB, 320x240, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute madman

>> No.6515678

>encoding in ogg-vorbis
Hello, this is Earth calling. OPUS exists.

>> No.6515697 [DELETED] 

It's worth shit if it's not supported by your emulator

>> No.6515703

Got a link for the other non-DOS games from your previous MEGA folder?

>> No.6515754
File: 41 KB, 1024x774, IOTBW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the hero we need but don't deserve
Bookmarked this for when I get a chance to use it.

>> No.6516576

The format has to be supported by DosBox, which in the case of mp3 and ogg it is, pretty sure opus isn't. Maybe some community fork has support for it though.

>> No.6516586


>> No.6516610

https://mega.nz/folder/3t8nzSIS#947kyMN6Z80f8HS7q2XlqA (win98 games, note that most are 32 bit but some are 64 bit executables)

(not retro, but battlefield 1942 installer)

Yeah i do want to try some other DosBox fork like Staging or ECE as a drop-in replacement later, as long as the compatibility is 100% with the pack (which it probably is).

>> No.6516732

dosbox mainline is basically hopeless as a project, and replaced by -staging.
The devs are assholes that accept no outside patches and do nothing with their project whatsoever, but stall.
They even have mods in many DOS forums banning people mentioning the alternatives. Very ugly stuff which was exposed not too long ago.

>> No.6516763

It's their good right to do so.

>> No.6516809

Ant it's my "good right" to use alternatives not stuck a decade in the past.

>> No.6517052

Nowhere is it a god-given right that you may act like an asshole and people just have to "put up with it". No such right exists in the constitution of any nation on earth.

>> No.6517072

I really miss the days when the command line was the pleb filter in itself.

>> No.6517114

It still is if you want to use a modern operating system worth a shit.

>> No.6517171

In two of the jobs I used to do, Windows was literally just for the low-end stuff, like the typing pool. All the heavy-duty work was done in the command line. That said, it's been so long since I've needed to do (or, in professional circumstances, been allowed to do by reason of IT security policy) anything on a command line that I'd be rusty af and probably struggle to remember the drive labels and basic commands for any given OS.

Still. Between the posters in this thread and the Collection Chamber blog, the FPS thread, and archive.org, I'm building up a pretty awesome stock of retro games. I'm feeling all nostagic...

>> No.6517192

>i'm not sure what would improve if i replace regular DosBox with Staging
In my experience, regular DOSBox sucks ass at fullscreen, at least in certain circumstances. Or, at least, the Linux version of DOSBox that came with the Linux version of Harvester on Steam decided to rape my display settings when I fullscreened it. When I swapped out the included DOSBox with a link to DOSBox Staging, it played nice with fullscreen. Maybe Harvester just came with an outdated version of DOSBox or something.

>> No.6517196

>Still. Between the posters in this thread and the Collection Chamber blog, the FPS thread, and archive.org, I'm building up a pretty awesome stock of retro games. I'm feeling all nostagic...
Good.......Gooood.......DownThemAll before your enemy can take them from you! Do what must be done, Anon- do not hesitate, SHOW NO MERCY.

>> No.6517286

>Very ugly stuff which was exposed not too long ago.

>> No.6517291

Steam releases made from DosBox wrappers often don't even come with the best settings for the game it's packed with.

>> No.6517618

I tried to play need for speed
but every time I press drive, put the name and press enter it boots me back to the game select.

What just happened?

>> No.6517681

I don't know, i just tried it and it works fine on my end. Can anyone else confirm? There was another case of someone not being able to play MegaRace, but again it worked fine for me. These seem to be isolated cases and i've no idea what the underlying cause could be..

>> No.6517713

Last thread, I think. Basically, all the mainline DOSBox devs are degenerate diaperfurs. And they don't feel the need to be professional about anything in the slightest, so you can shove the majority of your code, most of your suggestions, and all your expectations they act like basic fucking human beings up your asshole. Oh, and criticism of any kind is like vampires and sunlight.

About what you'd expect from emughouls.

>> No.6517901

Works fine for me on mainline Linux and OpenDingux.

>> No.6518048 [DELETED] 

>google dosbox diaperfur
>two results
>both from the doom general
Sounds like memes to me.

>> No.6518389
File: 2.05 MB, 2016x1512, Makes_Solar_Winds_great_because_I_wanted_more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice. Glade a lot of my old favorites like Epic Pinball, Princess Maker 2, Tyrian, Tie Fighter, etc. made the cut. You're doing great.

One of my favorites of those days is Star Control 2 which did not make the cut understandably because The Ur-Quan Masters is a decent replacement (even though I am in the minority preferring without the 3DO voices and seeing the Yamaha music waveform, but I'd do rather the larger screen real estate for the lander segments). However you did include another one of my favorites like Ultima 7 despite Exult working just fine for modern platforms. What makes Ultima 7 make the cut but not Star Control 2? If anything, how about a compromise of Solar Winds episodes 1+2 which is somewhat similar to Star Control 2 without the FOSS alternative.

>> No.6518398
File: 14 KB, 150x192, Abuse_PC_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More ideas for people expanding on this pack:


>> No.6518420

I didn't change any config files though. I just swapped out the executable. So it was a difference between DOSBox versions.

>> No.6518434 [DELETED] 

Search in the archives, Anon. Google manipulates its rankings far too much.

>> No.6518503

What's a good place to look for individual MS-DOS games? Any recommended sites? Are there any kind of reviewed and standarized release sets to look for, something like No-Intro for console roms?

>> No.6518617

>dude, google totally is deleting the evidence
No, show proof. It's not my job to prove your claim, that's your job.

Total DOS Collection.

>always posts pictures of his collection on marble
>even in non-collection threads
Stay to the hoarder threads and stop shitting everywhere.

>> No.6519369 [DELETED] 

reported and saged because PCs are never retro I am announcing a report or sage

>> No.6519814

>page 7
lads, c'mon

>And they don't feel the need to be professional about anything in the slightest, so you can shove the majority of your code, most of your suggestions, and all your expectations they act like basic fucking human beings up your asshole. Oh, and criticism of any kind is like vampires and sunlight.
That's why Xenu created forks, and He saw it was good.

>> No.6519942

I've been playing Abuse and it's pretty fun, but is there any way to improve the mouse movement a bit? It doesn't register slow inputs well and with faster movements it just skips around which is kind of hard to keep track of.

>> No.6520090

You could try either of the Windows versions, the one made by the original author for Windows 95, and the recent "20th anniversary" source port.


(I haven't tried either, this is just something I was just googling around. I just assume either would have better mouse support than the MSDOS original)

>> No.6520114 [DELETED] 

>No, show proof. It's not my job to prove your claim, that's your job.

>> No.6520514

Bro you can't even find the tranbare goemon hack by typing that into google. Google is fucking useless now lmao at anyone still using it. This isnt 2005 its corporate garbage now

>> No.6520768
File: 68 KB, 500x375, update5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small update, but an update nonetheless..
- Reworked all menus to share identical colors and looks (blue background, white frame and letters)
- Changed version number to 1.36 to reflect all changes made since the initial post
- Brought ReadMe file back up to date
* No game changes were made in this update

>> No.6521292
File: 89 KB, 1004x984, UGtab08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy emulation too.

>> No.6521436

Ive always been a fan of My Abandonware.

>> No.6521602 [DELETED] 

That should have been your first sign, the second being their source was a single post on fucking /g/. You actually look at the "exposing"? I just did. It's a clickbait article on fucking reddit. The source is a guy asking a bunch of people to look into some shit. Not accusing them of it. Check your facts and stop using kiwifarms as a source.

I still think the dosbox guys are lazy cunts who haven't done anything of value in over a decade, but this is retarded rumor shit.

>> No.6522085

>schizospammer almost managed to bump off this based thread
On ne passe pas!

>> No.6522227

fwiw I replaced dosbox.exe with the dosbox-staging exe and had no issues in any games so far. You have to include all of the other dlls though or it won't run at all, which is a bit annoying.

Oh is THAT the guy who's been going about saying threads have been saged and reported for zero reason? Wondered what his problem was.

>> No.6522390

MyAbandonware used to be great, now more and more they are giving in to peer pressure, most games now link to a Buy Game on GOG button instead of a DL link (similar to Abandonia and Emuparadise). Some other good ones are GamesNostalgia, old-games.ru (use Google Translate for this one), and wowroms.com (has every system, but also DOS). Out of all sites mentioned above, old-games.ru actually has the biggest DOS library i think.

That's good to know, will try later too

>> No.6522395

HotUD has/had a huge collection but most if not all of the games were rips.

>> No.6522424
File: 43 KB, 465x285, 1567904485338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a quick go this afternoon, really happy with it overall. Great that all the FPS games have WASD set up by default. Fantastic job OP, appreciate all the hard work so far.

>> No.6522487
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, EtneralTipping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dear diary, today OP was not a fag and restored some of my faith that good things can still come out of this shithole

>> No.6522828

Thanks based posters

>> No.6522924
File: 249 KB, 640x1136, 1541791305380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you can have my babies. I'm a dude and I'm straight but we'll make it work somehow!

>> No.6523073

copy /b op.exe+anon.exe baby.exe

>> No.6523084 [DELETED] 

Appeal to authority is the least convincing form of argumentation. What *specifically* is incorrect about their dirt? Saying "lol reddit" is not nearly enough.

>> No.6523091

I'd love to get back into retro DOS shit when DOSBox becomes more accurate: PCEm doesn't look like it's ever going to be truly cross platform.

>> No.6523146

Surprised OP doesn't use a trip or something. This is one of the few times where it would be useful.

>> No.6523191 [DELETED] 

I pointed out their evidence was A) a single post on /g/ which references B) a CLICKBAIT article on reddit, of which the comments spend most of their time pointing out the clickbait article is bullshit. There is no appeal to authority here, I pointed out your source was crap. Is facts an authority to you?
>saying "lol reddit" isn't enough to convince me
Why not? Reading some random bullshit on kiwifarms was enough to convince you, why would you suddenly question shit you read online?

>> No.6523395 [DELETED] 

Please don't continue the argument, who the fuck cares. We'll never get the schizo "anti-degeneracy" /vr/ police out of this thread

... Shit, too late.

>> No.6523883

just curious but is there an easy way to change the background and text colour?
really liked the red/yellow combo ID used back in the day

>> No.6523908 [DELETED] 

>We'll never get the schizo "anti-degeneracy" /vr/ police out of this thread
Who the fuck you callin' "schizo"? Have you ever cracked open a book on introductory psychology in your entire worthless life, you ignorant asshole?
>B) a CLICKBAIT article on reddit, of which the comments spend most of their time pointing out the clickbait article is bullshit.
See, here you're just straight-up lying, holmes. What dog you got in this fight, huh?

>> No.6524264
File: 109 KB, 500x436, thanks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.

>> No.6524280

OP here, yes you can. Open up the .bat file you want to edit (rightclick -> edit). Look for the ANSI escape code, which will look similar to something like []37;40.

In this case it means white letters (37) on a black background (40), which is the DOS default. You can make combinations by swapping out both numbers, here you can find the color codes: http://pcxt-micro.com/ansi.html

Careful not to remove the [] symbol infront of the numbers, you need it.

Note that color codes work on a line-to-line basis, e.g. you can change lines horizontally easily, for vertically you have to put some more work into it (open up INTRO.BAT to see what i mean). Also if you want to fill up the entire background, you need to type something all over the entire screen (80 characters wide, 24 characters tall). For example typing a sentence will only fill the background of that sentence, you need to fill up the screen by going all the way to 80 characters wide and type something there to fill up the screen in between (hard to explain but it's actually simple, just check out the existing .bat files for reference).

>> No.6524568

>I'd love to get back into retro DOS shit when DOSBox becomes more accurate
there are no problems

>> No.6524868 [DELETED] 


>> No.6524872

>there are no problems
Zooma zoom zoom!

>> No.6524993

Is it possible to alter the resolution of the main menu?

>> No.6525231

If you mean the DosBox windowed or fullscreenmode, yes you can. Open up the dosbox.conf file with notepad to do that. If you're talking about making the menu text look smaller and sharper (higher resolution text mode), i don't think you can do that. Not out of the box atleast, maybe if you install some extra utility. I'll actually go google around a bit because now you've triggered my interest..

>> No.6525235

I'm actually interested in lowering the resolution to 320x240 so it's more readable on a device I'm using.

>> No.6525236

very convincing.

>> No.6525246

Ok, well i found this thread over at Vogons, they're talking about the same thing, changing font sizes. There's a couple of utilities attached in several posts, might be worth taking a look at: https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=32393

>> No.6525258

Thanks Anon.

>> No.6525406

When i downloaded and unpacked the DosBox-Staging fork to try, instead of the normal DosBox included in this pack, the Staging dosbox executable brought up a Win32-Gen-Evo[Susp] warning from my AV. False positive?

>> No.6525504
File: 103 KB, 1409x1938, dbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which AV are you using?

>> No.6525559
File: 96 KB, 715x414, ansi-color-demo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks worked a charm!
was having trouble getting any other yellow than a darker tan, didn't know you needed to put a 1 infront to get the brighter colours until I saw this cheat sheet

>> No.6525662

Avast Free AV
Hah, i didn't even know about the 1 infront making it brighter, nice find

>> No.6525702
File: 50 KB, 1602x1027, syndicate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just me or does Syndicate refuse to save progress and loads blanks saves like this every time you load the game?

>> No.6525736

it seems to be having the same problem Xcom does with launching from a BAT, it shouldnt keep asking for the sound settings each time it boots

>> No.6525783

actually the game tries to save settings and saves into a "SYND" folder it tries to create in the C: drive

right now the way things are set only the E: drive is specified

>> No.6525805

Yeah, noticed that too. I'ma change the .bat file so that it mounts C before starting Syndicate, will be fixed shortly.

>> No.6525901

Uploaded new dosgames archive to the mega link that has it fixed. For you guys, if you don't want to download the entire thing again, it's a simple fix: go to the shared Command & Conquer/Syndicate folder (it's in DOSGAMES\CNQ). There you will see CNC.BAT, right-click -> edit. Then under :syn remove everything and paste the following:
CONFIG -set cycles=10000

And it will save normally again, sorry that i didn't catch this bug earlier, some games really don't like being launched on any other drive than C (magic carpet also has this, thanks Bullfrog!)

>> No.6525987

Has anyone had any issues with anything in the PCem 0.8 pack besides X-Com?

>> No.6526856

I still have my manual, somewhere.

>> No.6526903

Is this pack compatible with Dosbox ECE?

>> No.6527080

Is there a reason i cant bind anything on the S key inside of a DOS game?

>> No.6527237
File: 68 KB, 806x648, DnD RPG menu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone at all?

>> No.6527247

Just installed Win95 on my 40MHz 486 and damn, this machine is slow
Should I upgrade to a 100MHz DX4?

>> No.6527259

Just because you CAN run Win95 on a 486 doesn't mean it will run fast. Use a Pentium or Pentium MMX. If your socket doesn't support that, use Win 3.1 instead.

>> No.6527302
File: 38 KB, 560x385, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We play the Oregon Trail

>> No.6527310

>there are no problems
Try running the CD-ROM version of Genesia/Ultimate Domain under DOSBox. See how far you get before it locks up.

>> No.6527338

You mean while using this pack? No that's definitely not normal. Many games already use the S key for WASD controls, and it should be rebindable for anything else too. While some games offer to do it in the main menu GUI (for example Quake) for some you will have to dive into the setup.exe manually (for example Dark Forces).
That you based PCem / Depot guy? I had a try with 0.8 earlier and yeah XCOM also didn't run for me but every other that i tried did. Can't say i tried them all, but many.

>> No.6527347

wasn't using the pack, but i was playing Tyrian earlier and found i couldn't bind S to anything.

>> No.6527552

Glad to hear it. I'm hoping X-Com was the only one that didn't function right due to a fuckup on my part. I wanna get all bugs worked out before 1.0.

On that note, I've been thinking of pulling some games to make room for more. Specifically, games already covered by OP's DOSbox package. I'll keep the Commander Keen series, Duke Nukem 1 and 2(already doing most of the shareware darlings, might as well keep them, but losing Duke Nukem 3D since OP's package already has the mouse fix for aiming with both axis at once), Epic Pinball(already have most other pinball games, might as well keep it), and the two Prince of Persia games(already have most of the cinematic platformers, might as well keep the original series). I really need the space since I have more games I want to add. Needs more graphical adventures.

If anyone has any requests for DOS games that don't need a CD in the drive to play, bring it up.

>> No.6527620

Why exactly isn't XCOM working in yours? For me it runs fine through normal DosBox procedure (manually navigating to the menu and starting either go.com or ufo/xcom.bat. Through my menu it starts up too but refuses to start the Tactical.exe (basically the action part when you intercept a ufo). Must have something to do with the tactical.exe being called through a .bat itself.

Btw a nice addition to your pack (if you didn't include it already) would be Red Baron, it's really lightweight.

>> No.6527621

It should be compatible with any DosBox fork (staging, ECE, -X) as long as you switch out the proper files (dll's and dosbox.exe) This pack only runs games in software mode and thus should be no problem for those forks adding extra 3dfx/glide support

>> No.6528107

I have a tablet with a connected keyboard, is there an android-compatible DOS emulator capable of running OP's gamepack?

>> No.6528164

Literally DOSBox. Try googling next time before asking absolutely retarded questions.

>> No.6528173



>> No.6528196


>> No.6528216

The only active android port is Magic Dosbox which also seems to have the best feedback. You will have to pay up though, the free version only allows you to play 1 game afaik (i don't know how they implemented that and if it can be circumvented): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=bruenor.magicbox

>> No.6528220

>Magic Dosbox
This, if you don't want to pay though then check Mobilism forums.

>> No.6528247

I fucked up and accidentally re-installed over it without setting it to run off of C:. So the .bat's were trying to communicate with a CD that wasn't there, since all the files were on C: instead. It will be fixed for 0.9.

>Red Baron
I'll try it out and see if I can get it to run properly. More flight games are definitely welcome. I really want to get Microsoft Flight Sim 5 running, but I've been having some odd issues with it.

>> No.6528547
File: 7 KB, 640x400, rgame386_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wouldn't feel like a proper Dos pack without "Revenge of the Mutant Camels" ;)

>> No.6528708

Did they write their thing from scratch or what? Because wouldn't it violate GPL v2 otherwise?

>> No.6529248

>Ignore licencing, make unauthorized port for android
>Devs too poor to do anything but ask Google nicely to take your app down
>If they succeed, you still got a decent buck
>If you’re chinese, repeat at scale

>> No.6529273

FSF isn't exactly poor or helpless. I don't know whether they pursue every cause of license violation, though.

>> No.6529291

archon ultra is fucking great, good rec

>> No.6529294
File: 65 KB, 728x728, 1586287973630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing good work op, much thanks and will appreciate any updates

>> No.6529360

Not poor, but definitely in a position where pursuing any legal battle is more of a risk than a solution

>> No.6529447

And just found another problem with 0.8. I wrote a spot for other platformers in the action .bat, but I never wrote the menu or linked any of the games. This will also be fixed for 0.9. I guess no one tried playing Xargon or Jazz Jackrabbit.

>> No.6529549

I played around with it a little bit, and I noticed some of the games don't play their FMVs. Also, does Quake still require a CD for music?

>> No.6529665

Most big FMV's were deleted in order to save space, most game rips already have them deleted to start with. Sometimes they're supposed to be played from the CD too (you would have to include the whole cd image). This all would surely double the pack in size easily.

For Quake the music could be added back the same way as it happened for PowerSlave, Mech2, Alien Trilogy etc. by adding back only the music part of the CD (compressed) and changing the .cue file to fool mscdex into thinking the CD is complete. However most of the Quake soundtrack is soft ambient background sounds and personally i don't even miss it while playing. Also it's pretty huge in size.

>> No.6530934

GPL doesn't require authorization to release a modified version and as far as I know, there's no reason you can't charge for it. Kinda scummy to gimp the free version, but they provide source on request, so it looks compliant to me.

>> No.6530941

>Kinda scummy to gimp the free version, but they provide source on request, so it looks compliant to me.
This contradicts itself. Either sources of the payed version can be made available via a request and so eventually someone who wants a feature they don't want to add or whatever will fork it, or they don't actually give sources when asked.
I guess we should go to /g/ with this if there's more to discuss, though.

>> No.6530961

For Quake, there's OGG hacks for the music. Here's a guide with various alternative methods.
(If not for the official pack, for anyone else interested in adding it back for themselves)

>> No.6530971

It turns out my VLB video card was broken. After resoldering the GPU it now works quite well

>> No.6531020
File: 28 KB, 525x145, update6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update! (possibly the last)
Added games:
- Night Raid -> Classics section
- Death of Dark Shadows -> Prince/Qadim section
- Beats of Rage -> Asian Games section
- Flashback (Genesis version, unironically it ran better than the DOS one in terms of sound and has English instead of French, added to Sega Games)

- Added music to Abuse, and it's now version 2.00 (you must be able to play MPU-401)
- Added full soundtrack for the Korean Beat 'em up "Night"

- Fixed small bug with Syndicate not being able to save

Thank you guys for all the kind replies/feedback in this long thread so far (already 300+), appreciate it. This is probably my last upload of this pack (other than bugfixes if needed).

>> No.6531040


Dumb question; If I put this on a lil USB flash drive, will it run fine off the drive?

>> No.6531052

Since i made it portable a few updates ago, yes it should run fine off any USB stick (or any location/drive for that matter, as long as it allows writing back). Tried it myself a while ago with a Lexar 32GB usb and worked fine.

>> No.6531079

Best thread on /vr/ in a long time

>> No.6531148

another question if i put this into a PC emulator would it run fine?

>> No.6531202

If you're going to emulate DOS 5.0 or higher, the games themselves will probably work but the functions of the pack will not (the menu itself, loading of compressed CD .ogg soundtracks, special commandline options that are specified in the menu .bat such as C&C funpark mode etc.) It uses virtual drives and a full fledged DOS emulator will not know what to do with them, like real DOS. But as i said, you can start the games individually probably without issue, just navigate to the right folders and start the right .exe file. And make sure you emulate a sb16 souncard.

>> No.6531863
File: 2 KB, 240x300, doom-guy-59c95c9a5a880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is based. Thanks OP

>> No.6532107

Found another few menu bugs. Graphical Adventure return from the Sierra 2nd page was dumping back to DOS Shell rather than the main Graphical Adventure menu, and a few games were missing links under Strategy. Pretty much everything else seems fine, so I'm gonna start pulling games already in OP's pack to make room for more games. I would like to try to leave about 100MBs of room on the hard drive image for people to save games and make stuff with the "X Construction Kit" utilities. That gives me a hard limit of 2GBs unless I want to dick around and see what DOS games work nice off of drives that aren't C:, and I'd really like to avoid that for now. 0.9 is fixes and some planned new games, hopefully will get close to the limit on that.

>> No.6532148

As an added bonus, I've made the pack completely config-free. Just download, run PCem, and press the play button. No more pointing it to the HDD file. 0.9 is gonna rock. Hopefully the depot gets uploading working by the time I get it ready to post.

>> No.6532512


>> No.6532886

Back when the industry was good.
Thanks, OP.

>> No.6533036

Thanks dudes.

For peeps opening the thread for the first time, read the updated ReadMe in the megalink, it contains all the changes since the creation of this thread, OP + pics are a bit outdated.

>> No.6533183

no MOO2? :(

>> No.6533253

Where can I get this pcem pack from? thanks

>> No.6533282

0.8 is up on zippyshare, 0.9 will be uploaded to the depot once they get uploading working again.

>> No.6533292

lmao wtf just tested the gta that came with this pack and what the fuck is this, some textures are different like ground textures are grey now and the music has been replaced by 90s pop music the fuck is happening here

>> No.6533402

The textures have not been changed or tampered with at all. I think what you mean is the use of 8bit colors instead of 24bit (gta came in a 8 or 24 colorbits executable, while 24bits works in DosBox, it looks washed out somehow. This wasn't the case on Windows 95 back in the day. But that's the reason i chose to use the 8bit one, colors might look a tad different). This version first came without any music at all (rip), so i decided to add some music as a placeholder. Adding the original music (which was basically a 10 minute long radio excerpt per track, and there's 11 of them) would make it much much bigger overall. However this shouldn't stop you from adding it yourself, you will need the original 11 compressed (.ogg) track files, you can rip them from the CD image (look at archive.org).

>> No.6533436

>you will need the original 11 compressed (.ogg) track files
I actually did this for myself (imagine that, doing something for yourself instead of just moaning) so if anyone wants it, delete the contents of the GTA/IMG folder then put the files from this one in.

>> No.6533469

Yeah, something like this. That's the nice thing about this pack i think, you can even just switch / add / remove games if you're a bit clever with .bat files.

>> No.6533472

Oh yeah I totally forgot about 8 bit color mode, you're right.
Well I wasn't really moaning it's just that it was the first game in the pack I decided to test and I couldn't really understand why the pack's author would change the music but yeah now I get it. I have gta1+both london expansions running on dosbox(glide mode works too) with original music (even london) if anyone's interested.

>> No.6533481

>I have gta1+both london expansions running on dosbox(glide mode works too) with original music (even london) if anyone's interested.
You're talking about the Max Pack from GTA Forums right?
It's the best out there but apparently saves don't work on Glide (the OP could never fix that) and I don't think the aspect ratio setting works correctly on Glide either. Shame because you have to use Glide to make sure the cutscenes don't crash, but Glide itself doesn't come without issues. A proper pack of all 3 of those games would be nice some day.

>> No.6533486
File: 443 KB, 640x521, 2020-06-19 19_50_38-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's the max pack except I created separate dosbox.conf for each game because I didn't feel like using the launcher. Been using Glide and saves work fine though

>> No.6533487
File: 2.40 MB, 1920x1080, 2020-06-19 19_51_19-Greenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tequila Slammer

>> No.6533498

So yeha I decided to strip out th elauncher because I'm launching the game through a front-end that also launchers xpadder when the game starts and terminates it after the game closes.
I prefer xpadder instead of dosbox's input mapping because it gives me a bit more freedom for setting up different gamepads.

>> No.6533536

By all means share it, I'd use it.

>> No.6533707

Sure. So here's the original pack

And here's my "streamlined version" where instead of using the launcher provided by the original author I created seperate dosboxconf files for each game. I also added batch files to launch each game. Pastebin link since the links is marked as spam

On the frontend I'm using I'm calling dosbox.exe with the -conf arg directly so I created those batch files in a rush but they should be fine unless I made a typo somewhere. Have fun

>> No.6533925

Thanks, I'll give this a go tomorrow.

>> No.6534063

is there a way to change setups and things like that? i wanted to use the Sound Canvas emulation method that i got from this video:
It already works for scummvm but i wanted to use with anon pack.

>> No.6534081

Using the method of the video and the CoolSoft MIDIMapper there is some games that use the Sound Canvas automatically, i don't all do however (Doom didn't), but as a general method is already amazing and it really enhances the game sound.
Try Realms of Chaos with it!

>> No.6534091

Tell us what youve been enjoying playing lately OP!

>> No.6534242

Anyone have any idea how to mitigate screen tearing with DOSbox?

>> No.6534637

Try forcing vsync through nvidia control panel if you're using an nvidia card

>> No.6534743

Thanks anon it worked.

>> No.6535131

Don't actually play these games anymore, most games in the pack i already played to death in the nineties. Got back into DosBox 1,5 year ago and i realised how much fun tinkering with games and messing around with DOS commands is, that's kind of how this all came to be. Though i still think that Terminator Future Shock/SkyNet is a very immersive game even for todays standards, that's the only game i still start up every now and then to actually play the story mode. What about you anon, any fav titles you keep coming back to?

>> No.6535145

>1 week limit hit
Goodbye thread.

>> No.6535282

>Sim Ant
>Ski or Die
holy shit, i never thought i'd see thesegame again.
any chance you'll get sim city 2000 or sim farm?
>warcraft 2

>> No.6535483

we need more early sim games, like, sim farm and sim earth

>> No.6535574

this made me wanna try a retro build.

Help me anons, can I just make a Windows 98 'boot' with VirtualBox, for example, and play Jedi Knight with ease or it's realy far from an actual 90's hardware?

In other words, emulating win98 'feels' the same as going with an old hardware?

English is not my first language, it was hard doing this, holy shit

>> No.6535752

>a Windows 98 'boot' with VirtualBox
Doesn't work well enough for me. There are no guest additions for 98 and the available video adapter drivers are not fully compatible it seems because they crash the guest whenever they like.
VMware used to work well enough but going back to having to tolerate its quirks and bugs isn't fun after VirtualBox.

>> No.6536173

the best way is to use qemu and passthrough a real PCI GPU.

>> No.6536193

Not him but does a modern gpu even have win9x drivers?

>> No.6536223

it's two weeks

>> No.6536241
File: 2.80 MB, 2016x1512, DOSbox_preparations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still a lot of great overlooked stuff. I guess it is alright as some games had copy protections which required the original documentation to proceed.

>> No.6536247

no that's why you use an old PCI GPU that your current OS isn't using, and qemu will pass it through to the VM.

>> No.6536251

I know how gpu passthrough works, been using windows vm on linux host for more than 5 years now.

>> No.6536260

then why the fuck don't you know that modern gpus won't work on 9x? god you're pathetic

>> No.6536262

I was pretty sure they don't I just never bothered to try it Mr.edgelord faggot

>> No.6536268

lol you're the one that had to mention a totally unrelated thing to sound smart while being a fucking brainlet at the same time. kys nigger

>> No.6536272

You were the one over explaining gpu passthrough like you're some sort of genius for using it even though it hasn't been a big deal for years now, faggot.