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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6516242 No.6516242[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel about coomlectors?

>> No.6516256

>caring about buy-fags

>> No.6516268

I am a rom hoarder and I demand a meme

>> No.6516276

The virgin emulakid VS the chad collector

>> No.6516292

cope dadshit

>> No.6516293

Why wouldn’t you? They are responsible for the artifical inflation of retro games. Everything they do has been cancerous to gaming.

>> No.6516294

They're fine. They could be worse. They could be twenty-somethings that live at mom and dad's watching playthroughs online.

>> No.6516296

Oh, it's you kids again.
Anyway I'm not really a "collector" either, I just still have all the stuff I gathered over the years and never sold stuff. Cope harder, emu-only kid.

>> No.6516297

>They are responsible for the artifical inflation of retro games
So you admit that you actually would like to buy stuff?

>> No.6516298

Why has the entire internet become obsessed with shouting about how other people are bad?

>> No.6516301

Real collectors usually go for bargain prices, though.
I'd argue the real problem is bandwagoner kids who watch some youtube video and then go to eBay to buy whatever game the eceleb talked about, those are the ones driving up prices, not old time collectors.

>> No.6516305

You mean people who have held onto and cared for their belongings for years, or the bandwagoner bitchbabies that could just as easily emulate but wants to buy shit for the sake of it? Because you sound like a bandwagoner.

>> No.6516307 [DELETED] 

Im gonna get something off my chest here since ive been browsing vr again for a few days and noticed a pattern
im a thrift store low life
I stalker thrifstores not only in my major city but into other cities too. I drive up and down the state. I do this full time. I buy up whatever i can for cheap from fleamarkets,thrift stores, and pawn shops. and flip it online. i havent even played most of the games/systems/accessories i sell. to me all i see is a price tag now. all i have is a project 64 emulator on my oldish gaming pc that i play the same handful of games a lot on. sometimes ill buy up a cheap game and then shill it to youtubers . sometimes i do get that review video and can immediately sell for a profit.

some part of me wishes i could have a collection of my favorite games. but you're talking a minimum of 4 consoles at that point + the games and i dont really want the clutter

>> No.6516312

>I-I-I'm not a non-playing collector
>I just sit on my hoarded games that I never play because I'm too busy shitposting the chinz and uploading pics of my collection to facebook
whatever you say dadshit

>> No.6516318

Why exactly are you so upset?

>> No.6516319

I started collecting seriously in 2012 and I usually don't go for anything that's not at least 30% less than a recent eBay sale.

I'm know there are some people who try and find all their stuff on the extreme cheap but I feel that once you start chasing games past a certain rarity, you need to take the best deal you can find or else you won't get another crack at it.

Example: I paid 100 CAD for a complete copy of Ristar a few years ago. It seems like a lot but the game has pretty much tripled in value over the past few years and I knew that was my chance to own that game, in that condition.

I would rather pay a little more and put more time into playing the games, rather than grinding thrift stores/garage sales.

>> No.6516320

>if you own games, then it SURELY means you don't play them!
Talk about cope.
Just face it, you kids are the reason retro games are expensive now. You jumped onto the bandwagon very late. Your own enemy is the same kind as yourself.

>> No.6516324

all my games were literally stolen from me

>> No.6516327

I have no reason to be concerned about this, so I can't see what it is about people having physical copies of video games that gets you guys so worked up.

>> No.6516341

the absolute state of this anon

>> No.6516362

I would buy a game or two, not for any permanent collection, to play and get rid of when I’m done. Not doing that now because every game is “super rare 100% authentic!!!!” and costs 3x what it’s worth.

>> No.6516386
File: 351 KB, 1070x1059, 1579896058229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that I make things harder and more expensive for bandwagoners zooms pleases me greatly. I grow stronger with each of these threads.

>> No.6516387

collectings retarded just buy the games for the consoles you wanna actually play over and over again and just use an emulator or flashcart for everything else

>> No.6516391

That's John Riggs isn't it?

>> No.6516397

Kill yourself. Also really nice that you whore out your own daughter to sell games.

>> No.6516408

They falsely claim that games are rare and then conspire directly with shop owners (looking at you, Riggs) to raise and fix prices. I know this for a fact because he's done it in my city.

>> No.6516412
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>> No.6516414

Then they make youtube videos to oversell the games that they conspired with shopkeepers to price fix. Both he and the shops makes tons of extra cash, while the hobby is reduced to a rich person's past time instead of being fun.

>> No.6516415

I have physical copies, but fucking CONTRA on NES it not rare. There is not reason that it should be higher than 20 dollars cart only in great shape.
Rare ARCADE games aren't commanding wht some of these inflated NES carts are getting, and that's to say nothing of sealed games.

>> No.6516441

You're doing God's work.

>> No.6516448

No you're not, samefag, in fact, quite the opposite.

>> No.6516453

I blame the reseller scumbags.
Buying games as an investment is just lame.
What's $100CAD in a real currency?

>> No.6516472

>doesnt care about politics, just collects games
that's pretty based

>> No.6516475

Yeah, I read that and made a :\ face.

>> No.6516476

I think you're on the wrong board >>>/v/

>> No.6516481

The desperate zoom yells

>> No.6516572

I'm probably older than you, non-gamersan.

>> No.6516640

>while civilization collapses
When are these retarded polshits leaving

>> No.6516646

>noooo no one can speak the truth

>> No.6516651

There are no new memes anymore. Just uglier and uglier looking wojacks. I hate collectors. I hate looking at this awful drawing even more than I hate them.

>> No.6516661
File: 811 KB, 1596x1128, 1589237101571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are no new memes anymore. Just uglier and uglier looking wojacks. I hate collectors. I hate looking at this awful drawing even more than I hate them.

>> No.6516667

Haha you see what I did, I took the popular cartton "the eddy boys" and I made their faces gape like they're looking at a Star Wars figurine! Haha based! I would never buy Star Wars figurine. Real white man buys anime body pillow.

>> No.6516794

>there are people who still collect games in 2020

>> No.6516815

I like to collect them still, but more and more I'm settling for just ROMs emulator because the prices are stupidly out of proportion. Rare arcade games are cheaper than some of these artificially inflated games. So, basically, if the emulators do the game perfectly on an emulator and en Everdrive, no sense in buying it. Eventually this is going to crash the second hand industry, and frankly that'd be a good thing.

>> No.6516818

>being poor in 2020l

>> No.6516824

>you can only enjoy games if they help inflate my rainy day fund
You are a disease to the hobby, John.

>> No.6516828
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>> No.6516829

>not wasting money on something you can easily get for free = being poor

>> No.6516834

>seething at people enjoying themselves with their money
I-i swear i didn't want a collection, /vr/, y-you can get them for free!

>> No.6516838

I was collecting before the bandwagoners (you) got into it and drove the prices up because you just had to have enough games on your shelf to take a picture for reddit karma. Nowadays I'm a flash cart/ODE chad, like a reasonable person.

>> No.6516840
File: 108 KB, 790x1000, Suggestion Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some buzzword paint edit
Off you go

>> No.6516841

You can't take it with you, and your daughter will sell it all for 500 bucks so that Tyrone can get some new rims, John.

>> No.6516847
File: 21 KB, 197x255, índice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-i swear im not a bandwagoner
>wants a collection
>cant afford it
>shills emulation
Like clockwork

>> No.6516850

Welcome to the modern world, anon. It's only gonna get worse, enjoy the ride.

>> No.6516852

>I was collecting before the bandwagoners (you) got into it and drove the prices up because you just had to have enough games on your shelf to take a picture for reddit karma

Don't forget Youtube walls too. Soulless displays of games of which are painfully obvious to anyone with powers of observation, never get played. The funniest open secret:
These jackholes are using emulators to play the game when they finally play them so that they don't harm their physical copies, then they come here and excoriate us for using ROMs, so that the prices can go up even more.

>> No.6516857

Flash carts/ODEs are not emulation. They're an improvement over original carts/discs. I already have a collection, I don't think I'll sell since I've owned them since I was much younger. Some are getting more and more pricey though so its tempting.

>> No.6516862

This is a pretty weak strawman, OP, barely any of these have to do with collecting.

>> No.6516865

stop. the zoomer/boomer was enough. all these are failed attempts at being funny/upsetting people. nobody gives a fuck. its like when there was one rage comic, then it became meme comics and turned to shit. or how advice dog was around, then everyone felt the need to make one for every fucking animal on the planet. Its a tired concept that wasnt even funny in the first place. Just stop.

>> No.6516870

Angry zoomers don't know how to vent frustration other than posting wojak edits with the thing the makes them butthurt.

>> No.6516879

Nice try, John. The pic OP made is perfect. Do you and your store buddy friends envision stores with prices so high that just rich fuckers are going to pay them? Most of them don't give a shit. Do you even remember 1992 and what happened to comic books?

>> No.6516880

>someone made this image purely to bate
>its working
oh 4chin, u make me laff sumtimes.

>> No.6516883

I am doing this retro thing to play through and finish games i never have before I soon die

>> No.6516905

Anything that makes a faggot like you seethe this hard can't be all bad

>> No.6516906


>> No.6516908

It's also good for the economy.