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File: 191 KB, 521x720, Scd-pc-jp-cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6512752 No.6512752 [Reply] [Original]

be still my heart... is there really a big box sonic cd jp release???? Does anyone have it???

>> No.6512779

Pretty sure Kenji Takahashi has a copy.

>> No.6513591

No idea, but anyway you should avoid the Windows port of Sonic CD.
Original 1993 Sega CD version still the best.

>> No.6513596

The 2011 version is objectively the best minus the minus the missing vocals in You Can Do Anything. Plus the second windows port from 1996 was decent.

>> No.6513605
File: 143 KB, 607x600, 607px-Sonic_CD_Mountain_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2011 remake is alright but still not better than the original 1993 version.
Lacks the timer reset mechanic when time traveling, and doesn't support 240p for playing on CRT.
>Plus the second windows port from 1996 was decent.
Was there a 2nd port? I only know 1 port from 1996 for Windows, and it's a gimped version with extra loading screens, 30 fps instead of 60, and graphical glitches. For whatever reason, Sega used this version on Gems Collection instead of the Sega CD original.

>> No.6513613

>but still not better than the original 1993 version.
Sega CD version has shittier performance whereas 2011 has smooth 60 the whole time. Timer reset isn't a mechanic and it isn't meant for a CRT.
>I only know 1 port from 1996 for Windows, and it's a gimped version with extra loading screens, 30 fps instead of 60, and graphical glitches
That's the 1995 version, educate yourself.

>> No.6513617

>unironically preferring the fucking stupid rap/club music JP soundtrack over the FUCKING VIDEOGAME US SOUNDTRACK
This is hell

>> No.6513621

>not preferring both
>implying I stated to having a preference for the jap music
Learn to read jogger.

>> No.6513624
File: 1.90 MB, 1176x1616, Sonic_CD_PC_Clean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that artwork.

>> No.6513630

>Timer reset isn't a mechanic
Debatable, it makes too much sense to think it's not.
>and it isn't meant for a CRT.
But the original game was.
>That's the 1995 version, educate yourself.
Thanks, I did. Wasn't aware of the 95 version, I actually own the 96 one. I actually had the impression it ran choppier, maybe it was my old PC back then, anyway the issues with loading screens and glitches remain.

>> No.6513635

That would mean you actually like the JP music, which is just wrong. It absolutely does not belong in a Sonic game, it feels completely off and just bad. US music saved Sonic CD in the USA from being ear rape.

>> No.6513643

Both have tracks that are better than the other. Go be an autistic nigger elsewhere.

>> No.6513658

I've listened to the entire soundtrack trying to keep an open mind and there are zero JP tracks that are better than the US tracks. Yes, I know there are tracks that are on both, and those happen to be my least favorites. What a concept.
Seriously, how is a fucking lame-ass rap song in the intro better than SONIC FUCKING BOOM? How is a generic happy sounding tune on the first level better than the perfect environmental-sounding US track? And so on and on and on and on.
I honestly think people who believe the JP soundtracks are better are brainlocked into the dumb idea that ORIGINAL JP ALWAYS BETTER HURR. US soundtrack, honestly, just makes the JP original sound embarrassing.

>> No.6513659

We get it, you've had autistic shitflinging contests with weebs who prefer the JP soundtrack. No one cares, they're both fine.

>> No.6513664

The Japanese soundtrack is objectively better

>This is hell
Then get better taste in music

>> No.6513668

We get it, you want to be Japanese so bad you hate every US game.

>> No.6513696

Lets compare both of these
This is the JP Stardust Speedway Bad Future theme.
It has
>A club influence
>Sirens in the background
>Hi- Octane but not intimidating
>More unique instrumentation
This one is the same song but in the US
This one has
>A rock/ club mix influence
>No sirens in the background, but a more atmospheric instrumentation
>It's slower pace, but is more intimidating and indicative of a "bad future"
>Vocals that were improv'd at the last minute

But they're both great songs. You're fighting over nothing

>> No.6513716

>let's compare
>opens JP SS Bad Future
>immediate fucking ear rape
>opens US SS Bad Future
>it's a fucking jam
Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.

>> No.6513720

I will be honest, I wish that the stinger at the very beginning of the JP version and the siren sounds were in the US version. That would make it the perfect song

>> No.6513815

>implying I said otherwise
I said they're BOTH good. Holy shit fuck off
I take it back; jap version is objectively best since it makes illiterate autists seethe.

>> No.6514423

I don't care about the game. I want the big box.

>> No.6514469
File: 794 KB, 1113x586, 100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and doesn't support 240p for playing on CRT.
I agree with you but c'mon man, pick a point that isn't a meme, like new Spin Dash making it too easy to break Time Attack records, some decent time travel spots being ruined for no good reason like in Quartz Quadrant, or the glitches not present in any other version such as the random "Zone 3 is a Bad Future when it should be a Good Future" bug that was never fixed.

>> No.6514517

240p isn't a meme though.
But yeah the taxman remake is far from a definitive version. It is probably the most accessible way to play the game, but the original version is still unsurpassed.