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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6505873 No.6505873 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone know any good sites to buy retro vidya? Looking to get Paper Mario for my N64 but eBay's listings are shit right now. We're at the point where fucking Gamestop has the best price on the game right now compared to eBay and Amazon and even then it's still $70. What are some go-to websites aside the ones I already listed for you guys?
>inb4 just emulate
No thanks. I personally prefer original hardware. Wouldn't be asking if I was fine just emulating it, now would I?

>> No.6505885

I don't think people will share the really good places to get, even if they knew, anon. That's what you get for being a bandwagonning zoom.

>> No.6505892

Buy an everdrive instead, it's not emulating, since it's playing on real hardware. it's pricey but it's probably cheaper than buying even just the good N64 games.

>> No.6505893
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>Looking to get Paper Mario for my N64
covid laughs at your desires

>> No.6506062


>> No.6507068

Goodwill's website has some ok deals sometimes. Watch out for shipping though, many of the listings are not good deals when that is factored in.

>> No.6507096

This. An everdrive is the same cost as 3-4 desirable n64 games and then you get to play the whole library, not emulated.

>> No.6507617

There are no good sites besides hunting like a hawk on ebay. You're either going to have to bite the bullet or cop an Everdrive (don't buy a shitty knock off).

N64 collecting is ridiculously expensive. I collect Jap N64 carts and boxes for this reason. Even with import shipping you can get a lose copy of Mario Story for 12 USD.

>> No.6507621

Where do you buy Japanese games from?

>> No.6507642

Why did this jump so much? The origami king?

>> No.6507660

Anon, stop being retarded and buy a flash cart. It's not emulation. Get over your "collector fever" because if $70 is a lot for you now, you're not in a place in your life where it's smart or financially makes sense to spend money on plastic cartridges. If you want something "physical" buy a strategy guide for the game or something.

Seriously, we don't fucking care if you're pissed about games being expensive. We are all annoyed at it but the truth is, some of us are mature enough to not whine on 4chan about it. Get a flashcart if you want to play games. If you are wanting to feed the small dopamine rush from the "gotta colllect them all syndrom" I'd suggest focusing on growing as a person instead of whatever type of self medication collecting games is providing you with. I say this in the most loving way, but it's downright pathetic. You can do better OP, break the "retail therapy" cycle.

>> No.6507689

Ebay. I either search the name with Japan at the end or use the English Japanese name (like Mario Story).

Eg Star Fox 64 Japanese
There's a lot of good deals with complete boxes too.

>> No.6507692

People were board and at home. $1200 trumpbucks and wallstreet bailout has caused inflation. If I have $1200 free money and want something, what difference does spending $100 on something that is usually $50 make? None.

>> No.6507717

>Found a copy of a game I've been looking for with box, manual, and some extra stuff for a fraction of the price for an American copy
Ave, true to Caesar

>> No.6507720

It will never be the same as an american copy. Have fun with your knockoff childhood memory. The fact that it's text heavy and in japanese shows how fucking dumb you are. Get a flash cart and stop being a cuck to resellers and the collector games going on inside your head.

>> No.6507726

I'd call you a shill but I actually do want to know if there is any difference between an Everdrive and an actual cart. Is there input lag? Are there any errors that come from using an Everdrive vs a real cart? Is the Everdrive even worth the asking price? It's pretty steep.

>> No.6507727

there's nothing wrong with the common flashcart knockoffs

>> No.6507729

flash carts are the same exact experience aside from the obvious difference of not having a individual cart for each game. even the knockoffs work fine, never had a problem. you'll have a lot of cope posters saying the knock offs will ruin your systems but it's all unsubstantiated

>> No.6507732
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It plays exactly like a real cartridge. To simplify it, it loads the rom into flash memory, the console reads it just as it would a real cart. There is no difference, no lag etc, other than the fact you can play homebrew, romhacks, translation patches, etc. Personally I think an everdrive is worth it. It is the same prices as buying 3-4 desirable games, and you have every game, including 64dd support for playing fzero.

It's up to you which one you buy. I only have experience with the everdrive version, but I'd guess generic ones work as well, though I don't have personal experience with them.

>> No.6507753


>> No.6507768

>Buy an Everdrive
>Play the 15 games I wanted
>Cant wait to see what else the console has to offer
>All shit


>> No.6507849

why would you go out and buy a n64 with an everdrive if you didnt know the system's library?

>> No.6507881

>It's not emulation.
If an ODE is an optical drive emulator a flash cart is a cartridge emulator

>> No.6508067

What a fool you are lol. I've played the game over 50 times I don't need any text in the game. But I don't expect someone with low intelligence like you to understand something like that

>> No.6510209

>a flash cart is a cartridge emulator
100% true, but after the game is loaded into memory, the entire experience is genuine.

>> No.6510260
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I'm only familiar with the two that I have if you have questions about those ones. I don't have a n64 one as of yet but there's only a couple common knockoffs of the n64 one

>> No.6510261


>> No.6510348

This never happens because the people that are dedicated enough to buy an Everdrive aren't ignorant of whatever system they're buying it for.

>> No.6510479

the same way 4chan is a friend emulator

>> No.6510481


The same could said for every other console out there.

>> No.6510848

It's no fever anon, I've been doing this for a few years at this point. I can easily afford $70 but that doesn't mean I'm just going to recklessly spend my money. You're too caught up in whether I can, where I'm concerned as to whether I should. Paying $70 for a game that'll depreciate in 6 months down to $50 that I could probably haggle down to the mid-low $40 range is simply not a wise financial decision. If you had $5,000 to spend anywhere on anything you wanted, that's a lot of stuff you can buy. Now a retard could see a listing on ebay for an NES that would set hin back 4500 bones. He can afford it, but obviously, that's not a good price. If he bought that he only has $500 left as opposed to the four thousand nine hundred some odd dollars he'd have left if he just bought one that was average market value. Do you understand why this doesn't make sense now?

>> No.6510853

I'm OP. Don't care for flash carts of any kind. Looking for authentic copies of the game to play on original hardware. Appreciate the suggestions, but that's just not my cup of tea.

>> No.6510996

Same but Silent Hill 1. Trying to play it so I can reclaim the memory since I first played it through to the end with my ex.

I've bought TWO dicsc on ebay at this point and both are unplayable. I did get a refund on both though and the sellers were shockingly understanding. One of the dudes walked away from like $80 but he told me he just wanted a good home for his collection.What a good damn guy.
Both of them let me keep the disc, too.

Ebay is a royal bitch to get games. Survival horror, even the bad ones go for exorbitant prices. Even a rather obscure game like The Legacy: Realm of Terror can go for like $150

>> No.6511002

>look everyone i went to college!!!
go away dog

>> No.6511005

>survival horror

>> No.6511016

Cult fanbases. Everyone is looking for rare gems in the genre as they do exist.
It's also the genre which gave us Rule of Rose, the most expensive game on PS2.
Silent Hill is one of the worst for this given the low print run numbers and the passionate fanbase for it. Also emulation and ports for all of the main games are dodgy, even with fan patches.

The Resi games are easier as they were incredibly popular but once you start going any more obscure, the prices start climbing, and fast. Just try to find copies for Nightmare Creatures 2- actually searching now copies of that game pretty damn cheap right now on ebay GO GO GO

But yeah, most survival horror stuff tends to shoot up in price fast.
Anything that attracts and feeds a niche audience better than anything else before or since.

>> No.6511034

Dude just get a flashcart and you can play every N64 game, and translations and rom hacks too
Goldeneye X anyone?

>> No.6511037

Survival horror is pretty gay

>> No.6511052

its not the same... i dont wnat to use a pc

>> No.6511202


If you can easily afford $70 then spending the extra effort to get that price down to $40 is probably NOT a wise decision. Just go make another $30 at whatever is producing your income, instead of wasting your life on haggling and hunting. Yeah sure if you can save $4450 on something that can sell for $50 then you should probably do it, but that is vastly different from saving $25 on something that can sell for $45.

>> No.6511364

>I don't want to use a pc

>> No.6511393

He is retarded. Move on.

>> No.6511476

I dunno mang. The bit's just kind of feel different an unauthentic to me.

>> No.6511489

I mean they're technically right you have to download all the roms and copy it to the flashcart if he wants to be some purest faggot let him be

fuck me dude just buy a repo if you want a real cart its the same fucking paper mario rom that would be on a legit cart the game is short as fuck for an rpg anything past 30$ is retarded

>> No.6511581

With a flash cart, the console is addressing the same exact ROM data, just loaded into the cart's RAM instead of an old fashioned static ROM chip. It's the same 1 and 0 signals going into the traces from the cartridge slot.

>> No.6511678

But that's the problem. It's literally not the same 1s and 0s. It's totally different 1s and 0s just in the same order. I'm sorry if you're such a casual you can't tell the difference but to a hard core retro gamer like me it's obvious.

>> No.6511686
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Image is you.

>> No.6511687

Shut the fuck up, nazi g*mer >:(

>> No.6512187

op get over it and get a repro cart

>> No.6512730

This is why 4chan is getting deleted.

>> No.6512742
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>Mint mobile
My nigga

>> No.6512762
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>different 1s and 0s

>> No.6512775
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>image is me

>> No.6513197
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I also blame those video essay faggots.
they memed SH into being some art house shit and now everybody wants to get into it

thankfully I bought copies for the first three at reasonable prices before that and our current predicament happened

>> No.6514174

So you're willing to spend 1000s of dollars on unnecessary things while most people can't even afford to buy food right now? People like you are why capitalism is evil and I'm happy there's mass rioting right now.

>> No.6514176

He's a selfish asshole to spend 1000s of dollars on pointless junk while most people cant even afford food.

OP stop being a pathetic selfish loser and start a charity, a food drive, and help other people.

>> No.6514669

>i'm stupid and poor and it's your fault

>> No.6514673
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pic is (literally) you

>> No.6514682
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>complains about the evils of capitalism on the retro video game board
What a fucking dork.

>> No.6516529


>> No.6516542


>> No.6516560

The evils of capitalism must be exposed at every opportunity. It's a cancer upon the hobby of retro gaming obviously. That same mentality of "if you find these mass produced Disney VHS tapes in your attic you might be rich!" has infected it and driven prices up. The cure is to buy up broken hardware and fix it yourself, never ever buying second hand software unless it's a true bargain.

>> No.6516565
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>> No.6516584

I'm not sure why such a statement would make you mad unless you are profiting from this shit somehow. At least the guys making flash carts are earning an honest buck doing what they do. Used game dealers are the landlords of the retro gaming scene and I feel the same way Mao did about them. Worthless fucking parasites, all of them.

>> No.6516608

Agree to disagree. Personally I'm of the opinion that every penny counts and I've honed my haggling skills to a fine point in order to accomodate those beliefs. Just about every game in my collection was haggled for and I can usually shave anywhere from 10-20% off asking price.

>> No.6516623

I will gladly invest in my hobby because It makes me happy. Call me selfish all you want, at the end of the day you're a strager on the internet and I can deem your opinion of how I spend my money not worth caring about. You bet your bottom dollar I'll be sitting back watching you seethe at me having fun though.

>> No.6516728

They've got the games and have the fucking right to do whatever they want with them. It's not a neccessary commodity anyway.

>> No.6516826

poorfags. lol

>> No.6516864

It's not the seller's fault that some fucking idiots are willing to spend that kind of money on old games. First of all, it's not like games are a necessity at all, and second of all, there are alternative methods to obtaining and playing the games, some of which cost nothing at all.
Do you think people should just be giving away their old games and consoles, or that the government should regulate resale prices? Fuck off with that.

>> No.6516926 [DELETED] 

I'm unsaving this thread so don't @ me and expect me to see it

>> No.6517208 [DELETED] 

looks like janitor got triggered by twitter lingo

I'm unsaving this this thread and won't see any replies to this comment.

>> No.6517235 [DELETED] 

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>> No.6517429

I need an obamaconsole so I don't have to emulate on my obamaphone. I need something that works with the TV I recently acquired from a black owned electronics shop I burned down.