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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6507194 No.6507194 [Reply] [Original]

is it because the dreamcast ended in 2001 but the others didn't end until 2007-ish? when will they become retro?

>> No.6507205


>> No.6507207

things don't stay young forever anon... nes/genesis/ps1 were new once

>> No.6507216

Retro refers to an era, that is, 1st through 5th gen + Dreamcast (though DC really shouldn't be allowed, it's too modern like the rest of 6th gen). Your logic is like saying The Beatles will eventually become Classical music after so many years have passed.

>> No.6507217

>/vr/ has just 1 (one) rule
>zoomers are still too stupid to understand it

>> No.6507227

They will tho.

>> No.6507235

Never, only the ps2 and ONLY early ps2 games up until 09/11/2001 which was the day our reality was shifted

>> No.6507243

>6th gen is considered retro everywhere else on the internet
>But not on this slow as piss board full of snowflakes
Boomers are just afraid their stale Castlevania shitposting threads won’t have a place anymore

>> No.6507251

your argument (that it refers to a specific time period regardless of how far away from that time period we are now) makes sense in a way, but why cut off at 6th gen? what do 5th gen and 1st gen share that 5th gen and 6th gen don't?
kek, boomers gonna boom i guess

>> No.6507259

It's been over 100 years already, why the FUCK isn't the industrial revolution considered part of the Renaissance already? It literally makes no fucking sense why it's not included yet.

>> No.6507260


>> No.6507268

Start a PS2 rec thread on /v/ and be surprised at how quickly it hits 100+ replies.

>> No.6507270

Generations are fucking stupid autistic shit for wikipedia tards

>> No.6507272

It’s /v/. You could ask for recommendations for nearly every console and reach 100+ replies in less than half an hour.

>> No.6507281

It's because of the system's very short lifespan, it was released in 1998 and was discountinued in 2001,at that time the PSX and N64 weren't even dead yet.

>> No.6507287


>> No.6507290

This is such a great way to put it. Eras are defined and while video games retro isn't the best name for what /vr/ is, it's still a defined era. Imho, dreamcast probably shouldn't be allowed as its 6th gen, but it's in a weird limbo area and is more of an arcade cab turned home console.

>> No.6507297


>> No.6507303

so the general reasoning is that 'retro gaming' is a defined era that is set in stone as opposed to just being a catchall for 'vidya that are at least 20 years old'? gotcha
was there a point in time where nes/snes/genesis were considered retro but ps1/n64/saturn weren't tho?

>> No.6507313

This board's sticky only has one guideline, one rule on it, compared to other boards' that have multiple posts with FAQs and lists, and yet retards still insist on skirting it.
There are 2/3 other /v/ offshoot boards, and there are entirely different *chan websites to go to, each with their own /v/ and /v/ offshoots.
What's with this outsider determination to bend the rules of something to their liking? Zoomer entitlement? Innate hatred of order?

>> No.6507323

The cutoff is set to 5th gen/'90s hardware because it makes zoomcels seethe.

>> No.6507324

False equivalency. Comparing the Industrial Revolution to the Renaissance Era is like comparing VR tech to Pong consoles. There’s a much smaller gap between 6th gen and 5th gen.

You’re retarded.

>> No.6507331

>Innate hatred of order
>On a cesspool or a board with more shitposting than /v/ and one rule made to not offend boomer sensibilities

>> No.6507336

>was there a point in time where nes/snes/genesis were considered retro but ps1/n64/saturn weren't tho?
Not explicitly, video games were still young enough to not really have defined eras. Like I said video games retro isn't the best thing to call what /vr/ encompasses, but it's what we got. It also creates these conversations and confuses people as retro is a broad term. As time goes on perhaps 5th gen will not be considered retro, because it's when the big 3d boom hit(I'm not saying it's the beginning of 3d gaming, but it is when gaming shifted gears towards 3d) and that's a very different thing than pixel graphics.

>> No.6507337

Most zoomers (born late '90s / early '00s) grew up on sixth gen with most of them getting a PS2 as their first console, hence we don't want their cancerous bullshit here.

>> No.6507339

This board is the second most cancerous place to discuss video games on 4chan after /vp/.

>> No.6507340
File: 588 KB, 1198x1020, hug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, it's just that there wasn't any reasoning given and i wondered why people had reached that consensus. it's not that deep anon, here, have a squidge

>> No.6507341

>There’s a much smaller gap between 6th gen and 5th gen.
Maybe, but once you include all of 6th gen you start the snowball effect of having to eventually include 7th gen and on as well, which would ruin the point of /vr/, which is to be a board for only the early days of gaming, pre-Y2K only.

>> No.6507342

so it's boomers trying to gatekeep?

>> No.6507343
File: 1.82 MB, 360x270, 1589614064153.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No u

>> No.6507349

Once we reach the point where 7th gen is considered retro there will be enough content to warrant a board dedicated to early-2000s gaming. As it stands now though, creating an entire board for one generation is retarded. So I see no harm in including it here, especially when the board is as stagnant as it is.

>> No.6507356

Nice normie reaction gif ya fairy.

>> No.6507359

The point is not to be like /v/. We already have a hard enough time keeping actual retro gaming like pong or dos alive on this board, we dont need to make it harder.

>> No.6507362

Normie is a plebbit word, normalfag.

>> No.6507369

You would know, nornalfag Reddit queer.

>> No.6507383
File: 903 KB, 268x200, 1589365806335.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think calling me a normalfag back is going to mean anything, kek. You reek of newfag. Nice typo, dipshit.

>> No.6507396

You’re the one who played the “no u” card first, clown.
>You reek of newfag
You reek of someone who wasn’t given enough attention by mommy and daddy. Ya filtered now, namefaggot.

>> No.6507402

Glad to know I got under your skin. You sound like you're not old enough to post here.

>> No.6507405


>> No.6507410

Gatekeeping is good.

>> No.6507412

Big round number. That's it.

>> No.6507418

No one wants to talk about fucking Pong, and early PC gaming sucked outside of ID titles and a few WRPGs.

>> No.6507424

Whatever you say zoomie

>> No.6507425

Kiddo, vintage gaming has been a thing since the 00s, when NES went from smelly old doodoo you hack up to use as a mini-ITX casing, to something novel for being from a long time ago. Playshitstation and Prentendo 69 were absolutely not considered vintage at that time.

>> No.6507426
File: 32 KB, 600x600, 77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS2 will become retro when Limp Bizkit becomes Classic Rock. That is to say: literally never. In 40,000 years the Dreamcast will be retro, and the PS2 won't. Deal with it.

>> No.6507428

It’s the truth, Eurofriend. Both topics are too niche for a melting pot of discussion like /vr/. You’re better off trying to discuss them on a forum with sections dedicated to both topics.

>> No.6507446

Don't worry about it. Just post on better forums like r/retrogaming.

>> No.6507479

Except that’s wrong, you curt little faggot. Literally everywhere else on the net PS2 is considered retro alongside the Dreamcast. You faggots are delusional assuming you’re the ultimate authority on what is and isn’t retro.

>> No.6507487
File: 82 KB, 800x450, 1583961669343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rule will continue to always be: no platform of any kind is retro if it is released after December 31, 1999. The ONLY exceptions to this rule are ports and remakes of pre-2000 platform games.

>> No.6507489

>Literally everywhere else on the net PS2 is considered retro

>> No.6507491

>it's retro everywhere else though
Then go post there instead, tranny. Your personal nostalgia will never be considered retro here.

>> No.6507494
File: 167 KB, 1332x274, his.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 5 years games released in 2000 will be allowed to be discussed on /his/ but not on /vr/

>> No.6507495

>Literally everywhere else on the net PS2 is considered retro alongside the Dreamcast.

Didn't ask

>> No.6507513

Then go talk about sixth gen vidya on /his/ in 5 years instead of shitting this place up.

>> No.6507516

>thread is still up

>> No.6507521
File: 658 KB, 1200x675, ps2-collection-featured-1200x675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS2 is Retro

>> No.6507528
File: 30 KB, 644x800, Retro = my nostalgia!!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PS2 is retro.

>> No.6507531
File: 38 KB, 600x426, 1577852879348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty bait thread. Retro refers to an aesthetic of a certain time period, not the age of an aesthetic itself. Remember to put "sage" (no quotes) in the Options field.

>> No.6507534

Laugh while you can, when we're dead you'll do the same when you have to keep 360/PS3 era garbage off your board.

>> No.6507535

6th gen has more in common with 5th gen than 7th gen imo and is the last classic console generation before patches and shit became widespread

>> No.6507548

Sixth gen ruined gaming.

>normalization of DLC, buying digital games you don't really own, and online connectivity with jewish subscription fees
>rise of cinematic movie"games" and the death of skill-based arcade-y games
>PC games getting ruined by Xbox bridging the gap between consoles and computers; every PC game had to start getting dumbed down so that console plebs could also understand them

Fuck 6th gen. May it never be allowed on this board.

>> No.6507554

I think you're confused, dude, that's 7th gen.

>> No.6507561

5th gen can best be summed up as developers taking gameplay concepts as well as graphical aesthetics (coins, gems, barrels, crates, etc.) that have been perfected by the 4th gen into 3D, with mixed results. However, 6th gen not only improved in terms of graphics significantly, but genres and graphical aesthetics from the 4th and 5th gens started showing up much less in the 6th gen, and genres such as nu-FPS, open-world, hack-'n-slash, and more became prominent. 7th gen hardly did anything new, it was mostly just an expansion on new gameplay concepts introduced with the 6th gen of gaming with a few exceptions here and there. Take a look at a few early 5th gen, 6th gen, and 7th gen games in terms of their graphics. The jump is much bigger when looking between the 5th and 6th gens.

>>rise of cinematic movie "games" and the death of skill-based arcade-y games
This is exaggerated somewhat, but this is probably the biggest difference in terms of gameplay between 5th and 6th gen games, although at this point 6th gen games were at there core still games with more cinematic elements than 5th gen games.

>> No.6507565

Inshallah. FUCK the sixth gen it is haram.

>> No.6507567

... and a system released after the year 1999, which is the only thing that matters in terms of /vr/.
no amount of zoomer-rage and baby-seethe will change that fact.

>> No.6507570

>normalization of DLC, buying digital games you don't really own, and online connectivity with jewish subscription fees

that’s 7th gen, the only 6th games with dlc were on Xbox since it had a hard drive, even then I can only think of halo 2 that utilized dlc. PS2 online was free just like PS3 online. Everyone having a paid service wasn’t until 8th gen, since 7th gen Sony and Nintendo didn’t do paid online.

>rise of cinematic movie"games" and the death of skill-based arcade-y games

thank PS1 for that, Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil 2 and Silent Hill and Final Fantasy 7 started the “muh cinematic experience” faggotry.

>PC games getting ruined by Xbox bridging the gap between consoles and computers; every PC game had to start getting dumbed down so that console plebs could also understand them

that didn’t start till 7th gen, during the 6th gen PC ports of games were still usually the superior version.

anon you are pointing the gun at the wrong gen for every single point you made

>> No.6507575

>Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil 2 and Silent Hill and Final Fantasy 7 started the “muh cinematic experience”
I find it funny how people blame western games for this when the Japanese are the ones who started it.

>> No.6507583

Yes, and all of the zoomers who come to this board to cause ruckus only prove that gatekeeping is necessary and should be even tighter.

>> No.6507590

6th gen is retro, just not on this site because this website is a hugbox for autismos.

>complete games on disc
>just slap the disc in and it’s go time
>no downloading firmware updates for an hour
>no downloading game fix patches and dlc updates for 3 hours
>composite out of the box, no HD
>very few games with online
>no hard drives (Xbox aside)
>no paying for online (Xbox aside)
>memory cards to save
>no wireless Bluetooth controllers
just good old school style gaming

>> No.6507640

This thread was moved to >>>/qa/3254857