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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 43 KB, 638x426, secondsegapluto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
650432 No.650432 [Reply] [Original]

What an ass.


>> No.650447

I'll give him 13 bucks for it. That's a 30% increase over what I'm actually willing to pay.

>> No.650474

I wanna buy it, wait three days (until after he spends all the money) and then request a refund.


>> No.650491

Reserve prices, along with Buy-It-Now(on limited goods) are the reason Ebay went to shit.

Although I don't know who in their right mind would buy a broken prototype for 15.5k though.

>> No.650503

sega pluto or down payment on a house


shit is dumb

>> No.650542

Oh god, he literally fucked himself over. He's never going to get another chance for an easy 15k. Jesus Christ, this is too funny.

>> No.650553

I bet he put the reserve at like 100,000 just to see what people would bid.

>> No.650556

His greed will be his undoing.

>> No.650561
File: 9 KB, 225x225, rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Got to find this motherfucker's house, steal the pluto and burn his house. Fucker like hum don't deserve to live.

I mean fuck it's a fuckin' collection piece, you don't sell it, nonetheless you don't sell it at so high price...

>> No.650564
File: 18 KB, 200x200, 1UJUBO4204wjUd2lcMqVGzo54U9mL571p_4911[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a Sega Pluto?

>> No.650578

A US Saturn prototype with NetLink built in.
That's it.

>> No.650632

Well, If you check the bid history, there's two retracted bids. One for $25,000 and one for $35,000.

Whoever did that probably did it to see the reserve price. We have to assume that he bid $25,000 and didn't hit reserve, which prompted him to try $35,000. After that, he either hit it or just gave up and retracted the bids I suppose.

>> No.650679 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't offer that cunt $15.50 for it. Sega is shit.

>> No.650703

Fuck, I'd be more than happy with $10,000

I'd even wrap a fucking bow on it

I'd just hope it would go to someone who'd enjoy it

>> No.650710

>Reserve prices, along with Buy-It-Now(on limited goods) are the reason Ebay went to shit.

That's not even the half of it. Buyers will bid over market price for practically everything because they get competitive and stupid, and where the price stays low someone will just snipe the item in the last 2 seconds.

>> No.650740

I think he was testing the waters, and set an arbitrarily absurd reserve to begin with. It will likely sell privately now that he has a feel for what the market with bear... or he may hold it for a while. He knows he has the only one up for sale, and only one of 2 total. He's playing it smart, and most of those bidders would've been non-paying if they had won anyway.

>> No.650743 [DELETED] 

>This comes after the initial auction garnered only $7,600 and claims from owner Roger “kidvid666″ Vega that he picked up the unit for only a dollar.

What a jew.

>> No.650841 [DELETED] 

>Sega is shit

/v/ is that way<<<<

>> No.650883 [DELETED] 
File: 413 KB, 717x880, 012973109827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le epic meme face
Back to leddit.

>> No.650909
File: 291 KB, 1263x692, Twitter kidvid666 4 those who feel that i refused ....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his comes after the initial auction garnered only $7,600 and claims from owner Roger “kidvid666″ Vega that he picked up the unit for only a dollar.

>> No.650939

>passes up on 15.5k

What a fucking idiot. He's not getting anymore than that.

This is the ultimate "OMG IT'S RETRO AND SO RARE, GIVE ME A RIDICULOUS SUM OF MONEY CUZ GAMING IS IN RIGHT NOW" story. In this case, he actually has something that's rare and now he's throwing the price to the fucking moon.

>> No.650940

It's all a viral marketing scheme by Sega.

>> No.650951

Definitely not Webuyanygames. Names too blurry to make it out.

>> No.650960

I know you probably came here from the same place you direct people to some not so long ago but that meme originated on 4chan and was widely used before the reddit crusade began.
Not the poster you quoted BTW.

>> No.650979

I don't want to argue my friend, i'm just educating shitposter as we always did.

>> No.650981

It's not where it came from, it's where it's at now.

>> No.651027


Ok reddit steal us something so we can't use it anymore?


Try to educate yourself before "my friend"

>> No.651028

I find it kinda humorous how everyone is complaining about the guy not selling it. Let's put this into perspective. This is one of only two, count them, two Sega Plutos in this entire plane of existence. There will never be more. That is a lesser quantity than most, if not all holy grails games and/or accessories, and this is a game console at that. Granted, it's only a prototype same 'ol Sega Saturn with the modem built in, but this is a piece of Sega nay, gaming history. A device that didn't make the cut, yet is fully functional (save for the lid latch). This guy has something that if I were him, wouldn't sell at all. Money is money. It has no real value. It comes and it goes trillions of times over every minute. There are only two Sega Plutos, and their rate of exchange is extremely rare with the chances of him even finding one in the wild, insanely low. So, if I bought one for a DOLLAR (the lucky bastard), then that would be the cheapest, most expensive purchase I would have ever made, and I would cherish my luck by keeping my incredibly rare find. So in the end, if this fellow wants to sell, I bet the reserve is anywhere between $25,000 to $50,000 and rightfully so. It's whatever he wants it to be. On the other side of the fence, it's silly that all these bidders would even consider bidding that high just so they can line their precious collections, simply to say "I have this". Jumping for the dangling carrot. Although I can't say I wouldn't try if I had all that extra play-money, that's how it is and that's all it boils down to, so he should take the pot off the stove and keep his treasure. Chances are, those bidders have enough treasure already.

>> No.651068

You don't belong here, go back to gamefaqs or whatever

>> No.651098

when I am Philosopher Godking of the Solar System people like this will be paid twenty dollars for their assistance in locating cultural history after agents seize it and take it to a proper museum for display to the public and preservation

then he'll be shot in the head for being a greedy asshole

>> No.651149

>and where the price stays low someone will just snipe the item in the last 2 seconds.

On actual wanted items like old vidya it is stupid to put in a bid any time other then the last 2 seconds. It does several things. Makes it so someone cannot rethink their price when they see that they didn't beat you, and makes it so you can't rethink your maximum price when you see that it isn't the highest.

Just put the max you are willing to spend on the item down at the last few seconds and let what happens happen.

>> No.651183

Go to bed, kidvid666.

>> No.651226
File: 2.72 MB, 200x126, fuckeverything.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like every over-expensive game, it all comes down to patience. i don't know why people bid on any auctions sooner than with like 5 seconds to go. The only legit explanation is 'well somebody else put a bid down'. if everyone was more patient and just didn't bid till the final seconds people would be able to get things a lot cheaper. but people do it because 'you can't trust anyone' to not bid... which is in itself creates a vicious circle... once a couple idiots pay a big premium on a game a la EarthBound, much more are to follow, which creates a fear from buyers that they'll never see the item cheaper so it's best to just suck it up and pay the outrageous price. which keeps the price raised or raises it more... seriously. wait a bit. play a different game. if nobody buys the game... IT WILL FALL TO A REASONABLE PRICE! But nobody has any patience. Buyers' actions control the market, not sellers. Most idiots tend to think the other way around...

>> No.651238


Even on none contested stuff it isn't wise to bid early. Just let the seller get a friend to bid you up in .50 increments to find your max.

>> No.651249


Something weird has been going on with Saturn and Sega CD auctions recently. Bidding wars starting like a full 2 minutes before the end. Like multiple times I've seen them wind up like $30 more then recent prices that way and have noone go for them at the last seconds. Shit is retarded. If you are going to be there when the auction is ending, bid at the very end nigga.

>> No.651256

That's it?

>> No.651268

I don't use eBay much, but the other day I was bidding on MKR, and at the very last second everyone started putting in bids, predictably. It ends at over 150 dollars, I look at the bid history, it went up in increments to 100 then some faggot comes in and bids 150+ dollars 3 times in a row, and wins. How the hell does this shit even work?

>> No.651276

Wow, greedy fucker. Vid made him look like a typical Cali douche.

>> No.651279

I think it commands a few hundred bucks. Maybe a thousand. Max. It's definitely a neat piece of vidya history and a gem for any collection, but the Saturn wasn't exactly a phenomenon in the U.S.

To get bids like +15k and not be ecstatic satisfied? Fuck that guy.

>> No.651287

Because he bid the most.
He also likely overbid, too, if he was 50 bucks over what the normal bids were at.

Also, everyone should read this post: >>651028

How can you expect to put a price on something which is so rare there's only two of them? How many things exist that there's only two of? If I were him, I would either ask for ludicrous amounts, or keep it forever.

>> No.651293

this, shit, it's a console variant, it's not like it's a Panasonic M2

>> No.651296

>To get bids like +15k and not be ecstatic satisfied? Fuck that guy.

Do people not even read the thread? He gave the 15k bidder a second chance offer.

>> No.651309

Rare or even unique doesn't mean priceless.

>> No.651318

It's still incredibly rare. If you found something, anything, that only has a handful ever in existence, you would do the same thing.

For example, there's coins and stamps that are incredibly pricey because of their extremely limited amount. And those are coins and stamps, which hold substantially less inherit value than most things, and are simply variations on an something extremely common.

That's kind of the purpose of the term priceless. When something is so incredibly rare, it's worth whatever the owner is willing to sell it for. It doesn't have a set price; hence priceless.

>> No.651317


And 15k isn't priceless. There are very few gaming collectables that get big money like that and they are all super limited and unique items.

>> No.651330

>all these fanboys mad
Probably the same guys who cry over overpriced earthbound carts.

>> No.651336

Because it wasn't enough.

>> No.651341

>lel i trol u

>> No.651357

This. I haven't shopped on eBay since the Assange Debacle, (Due to their affiliation with PayPal) but when I did, and even nowadays on other auction sites, I always waited until the final few minutes to place bids on items. If something gets too expensive, just chill, there's tons of sellers out there, so it's not like it's the only item of it's kind in existence, you just wait for it to come back around.

Those that paid out the ass are going to be bitching when this retro gaming bubble finally pops, and their gaming collections they paid thousands of dollars for a massive amount of titles, most they don't even play anymore, are afterwards worth what we used to pay for them at the Flea Market. Personally, though, when it comes to /vr/ purchases, I prefer private sales. Think: Garage Sales, or Craigslist, where you have some in-person bargaining power over the price. That, and for some reason, people seem less likely to try and Jew you out of your Savings Fund when you're actually standing there. Despite the Information Age, the Internet, and everything it's brought us, sometimes person-to-person really is better.

>> No.651368

See what I'm worried about is NES and SNES era games dwindling in private sales.

Most garage sales and flea market stuff are from people throwing out their kids' old toys. You already see NES and SNES stuff being really rare compared to PS2/Gamecube and PSX/N64 shit. The older stuff is retained through its second or third childhood owners, mostly poor families that couldn't afford current games. But...those will run out.

In ten years I don't think you'll be able to find old videogames at the swapmeet anymore. Not NES or SNES stuff. It'll drift too far. What's being sold now will either be sold or thrown in the garbage.

>> No.651374


I don't find much in garage sales anymore. Go though a whole neighborhood and maybe find one or two things.

>> No.651380

might explain why I can remember thrift stores in the 90s being filled with 286 PCs, Apple IIs, lunchbox Macs, and now...nothing

>> No.651402


Uhh, no. Heres why, our generation is starting to have kids and families, so I bet you'll see a steady slew of 16-bit systems over the next decade. People will sell everything for any price just to clear space and scrape every penny when a kid comes along.

Also student debts are going to force people to sell their shit.

So basically, dont fret. One thing I would suggest is to stock up on batteries for carts, because those will be hard to find much sooner

>> No.651405

>Heres why, our generation

which is...?

>> No.651407

This is why someone needs to reverse engineer the consoles just like someone made a flashcart. Then there will be no reliance on old technology.

>> No.651413


Why should people be flipping their shit over this?

TWO exist, TWO, that's it. There's almost 100 NWC cartridges, and the gold ones of those usually go for far more than that.

It's almost only a one of a kind. He can set whatever price he wants.

>> No.651435


late 20s

>> No.651441 [DELETED] 

I'm 17. i think I have a while to worry about having kids.

>> No.651445

Yeah, I've encountered that problem, too. Our local Play-N-Trade, before it shut down, sold NES/SNES/Genesis/SMS Carts, along with the cheap-ass Chinese-made Retro-Clone-Consoles, so I took the opportunity to grab what Childhood Gems I could.

As for the whole "Canon Play On Console" feel, I'm a little less picky. I want the game itself, not the feel of the controller in my hands or anything like that. In that regard, I really don't have any qualms about Emu's and a USB Controller. The same thing will probably happen once the PSX/PS2/Vanilla Xbox Games go the same way, personally. I play for the experience, not just to play on the console itself.

My main concern these days for Gaming, and what it entails, is how shit-tier easy everything seems to have been made, simply for the sake of kids that play with the attention span of a Capuchin on Meth. There was a time when, yeah, games were simple, but they were HARD. "Nintendo Hard" actually had a meaning. I understand Gaming, as an indutry evolved to suit the needs of the Marketplace, I just wish they left that little corner of the Marketplace for those of us who had been with it from the birth years. It's also why I probably won't be getting any of the newer consoles. I can't say I like the way the Gaming Industry is going, lately, especially with the rumors of the newer consoles requiring an "Always On Internet" requirement.

>> No.651452

Sometimes I wonder why kids go on 4chan and announce that they're kids
It's like if you went to the airport and announced you were a terrorist
I just don't get it

>> No.651448



>> No.651461 [DELETED] 

The 18+ rule only applies to NSFW boards

>> No.651459

Punishing difficulty wasn't done for its own sake, but because technical limits were the only way they could stretch out a game. Like for example Sierra games and their "fall one pixel off a staircase to your death" shit. It's kind of like old retards saying how people in the 50s could actually sing unlike today's Autotune crap.

You don't think they would have used Autotune in the 50s if it had existed?

>> No.651464


"nintendo hard" you fucking wot? Nintendo have never made a hard game

>> No.651468
File: 40 KB, 316x316, 1367289925104.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Global 2.
If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately.

>> No.651473

Where do you kids keep getting this idea
I see it all the fucking time

>> No.651498


Something you see posted all the time, even though it clearly isn't true. Wish we had a word for such a thing.

>> No.651519

Eh, as long as they stay within the rules (Barring the obvious violation of the Age Limit) idc much. Let the mods ban them for their stupidity of announcing their age if they want, but I've never acted like this guy. --> >>651448
No need to announce a report if you're doing it, just report, and let the staff take care of it. I find reporting the kids that stay within the bounds of the other rules, just petty. Just my personal taste, though.

I'm not even talking about that. I spent an entire weekend playing Guardian Legend when I was 8 yrs old. Just the sheer amount of time you had to spend at that game to beat it, and without dying, mind you, was enough to qualify it as hard. And god forbid if the Power should go out. GL may have had a Save Function, but if it did, I don't remember it, and I never used it. And before that, I spent months getting just past the second level. It took determination to play through many of the old Nintendo Games to the end, without moving on to something else, or ragequitting until you cooled off enough to give it another shot.

>> No.651538

My child, "Nintendo Hard" should more properly be "NES Hard". It refers to the anusravaging lack of mercy that most NES platformers displayed.

The majority of these were, in fact, third party titles, you are right. Stuff from tecmo and sunsoft and whatnot. But hey Zelda 2 is pretty hard go try that.

>> No.651542

it's like some kind of mental gene or something

>> No.651543
File: 15 KB, 165x115, 1354397461223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so about that console that wishes it was a planet...

>> No.651567


Sorry misunderstanding there, I thought you were claiming that for first party Nintendo titles

>> No.651582

Thank You. It's sad that so many people that quantify themselves as "Gamers" these days, outside of /vr/ don't realize what gaming was like before it was "Dumbed down" for the rest of the folks jumping on board.

There once was a time when being a "Gamer" was a bad thing, similar to being "Nerdy". I'm glad it got mainstream exposure, but I shudder at what it's turning into, and where I see the future of Video Games going, if it continues down the current path.

On a related note, Ironknuckle can still suck my sword. To this day, I hate his Sword-dueling ass, and I wish I could find the guy that designed his Sprite/Char Physics, strip him buckass nekkid, and flay him with a whip, yelling, "Y'like that? How's it feel? Feels good getting the shit sliced out've ya' by something you can't fight back against, yeah?" But no, seriously, fuck Ironknuckle.

>> No.651592
File: 80 KB, 576x768, 1337415963447[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Y'like that buddy? Feels good?"

>> No.651597


Gamer is a terrible thing today, but for opposite reasons. Hearing someone call themself a gamer makes me think of them as a frat-boy COD douche

>> No.651606
File: 40 KB, 475x307, rick-harrison.top_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is after you've called in your buddy who's an expert on SEGA, right?

>> No.651608

Heh, I considered copypasting this here too.

>> No.651616

He could've used the $15,000 to some decent furniture. Fuck's sake, look at that shit.

>> No.651620

Touchee'. When I hear the term Gamer, it's usually someone talking about Angry Birds, Halo (Which, to be fair, does have it's merits, but now comes across as any other Cash-Cow Franchise), or like you said, CoD. I live in a Military Town, though, so CoD tends to be more targeted to a more legit populace here. Angry Birds...Jesus Christ, folks, you're talking about what was once the basis of a Flash Game and treating it like the golden pinnacle of Gaming History...Don't get me wrong, I like my Flash Games, too, but it's a different tier of gaming altogether.

Being a Gamer once meant you had no social life (Which was true for many of us, myself included. Teen Social Life bored the fuck out of me. I preferred the company of my Books and Electronics, barring a few close friends) that nobody wanted to be your friend, and that you were *Gasp* A Nerd! Those that bore the brunt of these labels see folks today wearing them like badges of honor, and wonder if they even know the origin of the terms they so proudly display.

And then considering these are the folks that will be leading Gaming into the future...yeah, I mad.

>> No.651621

I think the the typical CoD dudebro or kid isn't entirely that bad. They're obnoxious, sure, but they play modern games, and at least they somewhat appreciate them. It's the stupid hipster NES-controller belt-buckle wearing douchebags that are the worst. They have no real appreciation for video games, it's just a fashion statement to them. They buy up old games so they can post pictures on Instagram or something and make comments about how they're "such a nerd".

>> No.651676



>> No.651684 [DELETED] 

lol. All the butthurt and sour grapes.
You faggots can go back to feeling like a king because you found Earthbound at Goodwill for $2.99.

>> No.651694 [DELETED] 

A gamer is someone who simply plays games.

You people make too much of a silly term.


>> No.651704 [DELETED] 

The hipsters with the NES belt buckles or Atari shirts are absolutely retards. You were born in 1992. You weren't there, you fucking 90s shitbabbies.

>> No.651709 [DELETED] 

man who the fuck is the bigger retard, someone making a fashion statement or the guy yelling YOU WEREN'T THERE about children's toys

>> No.651712 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 240x176, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh boy here we go.

>> No.651716 [DELETED] 


Just curious, but, how is it retarded to call someone out their fakeness and bullshit?

>> No.651720 [DELETED] 

It's retarded to assign such importance and emotional significance to something that you react in such a way.

>> No.651725 [DELETED] 


Not him, but you don't know them or what they've played or experienced. It's like calling out someone for wearing a Pink Floyd top even though they weren't alive in 1965. What stopped them from playing Atari?

>> No.651726


Ha, yeah that shit always happens. Outcasts are co-opted by later generations.

I remember, because we were a poor family, wearing flannel shirts every day as a kid and being laughed at for it. Now every one of those motherfuckers wears flannel. Cant get no respect, I tell ya.

>> No.651729 [DELETED] 


I think you need to reassess your life choices.

>> No.651734

Just curious, but how is it legitimate to criticize any individual with a piece of clothing with such a large and glaring hasty generalization? 90% of the people I know that wear that kind of stuff were born in the mid-80's. You guys just need someone to complain about, a scapegoat to blame because more people than your elite brethren enjoy the same things you do and splinter the market. It's different to judge people on a person to person, individual level-- but to call everyone who isn't like yourself is a flawed argument. You're just "othering" people to feel more secure about yourself.

>> No.651737


What's with the random capitals?
You know, Christian Weston Chandler does a similar thing.

>> No.651746


If ChrisChan doesn't browse here I would be incredibly surprised.

>> No.651751 [DELETED] 

Srsly, you children are disgusting. You never remember Apple IIs being the school computers or where you were when you first saw LOZ running. Your first memory of anything was probably Windows 98 so quit trying to co-opt the childhood of older, wiser people.

>> No.651767 [DELETED] 


>> No.651770 [DELETED] 


And you're holding on to memories that don't mean jack shit. And it seems following up those memories with an equally bitter life, enjoy.

>> No.651775 [DELETED] 

Stay rustled, CODbabby

>> No.651816 [DELETED] 

And you're posting on a retro board while insulting nostalgia.

Seriously. get the fuck out of here, you whiny toddler.

>> No.651856

Holy shit this thread took a turn for the worst.
Anyway, he should keep the damn thing. It's a nice little piece of history.

>> No.652534

Out of curiosity, who is "ChrisChan"? I've heard the name used more than once around the boards, here.

>> No.652550

Never mind. Looked it up on ED. At least now I know "JULAY" was more than just a random lulz flash on /f/. Kind of sad, really.

>> No.652623

Let's just say that there's an actual WIKI (called CWCki) dedicated to this autistic fuck

>> No.652632

Yeah, like I said, reading through the ED article now. I had no idea this was an actual thing. I'm laughing my arse off, but at the same time, I almost feel sorry for the creepy fuck. Almost.

>> No.652656

You can either stop now and forget about it, or keep reading and see how far the rabbit hole goes.

But remember, there is no turning back from Wonderland.

>> No.652681

Screw that, this is some funny shit! Will be bookmarking the page for when the fiancee' wakes up. Mr. "JULAY" here has been a running gag with us for awhile, so she'll get a kick out of it, too.

>> No.652694

Go here: http://sonichu.com/cwcki/Main_Page

>> No.652759

Also bookmarked. Wow, you couldn't make this shit up if you tried. Redhead is awake now, so we'll see once she gets over her "Morning Zombie Syndrome" how much lulz she gets from it. Thanks for the link, btw. I think this just set the pace for our day. I know, at the least, I'm in a good mood, now.

>> No.652825

Imagine sitting down and being presented the choice of having a sega saturn with a built-in modem, or 15 THOUSAND DOLLARS in your pocket.

How the hell do you fuck that one up

>> No.652936

Only one of us can have the pluto?
So I say:
Lets make a kickstarter to get 50000$.
Buy the pluto from this faget.
Make 2000 Copies of the hardware and desolder the original give one piece (transistor or whatever) of the pluto to every backer.
So they can put it in their pluto and make their copied pluto a little original.

>> No.653024

Stop capitalizing improper nouns, this isn't German

>> No.653048

why does anyone care about this 'pluto' thing?

>> No.653050


There's only two known to exist. Collectors like rare things.

>> No.653057

but there's only one weird shaped rock i could go pick up from the beach, why does anyone care about the pluto

>> No.653068

ITT shills and viral marketing

>> No.653078


How are you this fucking autistic?

Different people like different things, holy shit. Rare prototypes of something people loved command high prices. Value is entirely subjective. Lern2humaninteractions

>> No.653370

Sounds shitty.

That was a bad idea and you should feel bad as a person.