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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.15 MB, 2419x1814, Sega-CD-Model-2-Box01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6488821 No.6488821 [Reply] [Original]

Was it that bad?

>> No.6488830

No /thread

>> No.6488835

It was in fact good.

>> No.6488837

CD as a technology is inherently bad. Fuck pre-rendered FMVs and FUCK loading times.

>> No.6488839

Not really, the MCD1 was cool as. it's biggest problem was that it was waaaay too expensive.

>> No.6488840

No there's plenty of great games for it, but it was too expensive to ever become anything major. It was more expensive than the Genesis was and you needed the Genesis to use it. Basically the userbase was never going to get very big and as such few companies were willing to take the risk to develop more substantial games for it.

>> No.6488841
File: 27 KB, 199x224, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe niggy, I love pre-rendered FMVs

>> No.6488843

at least it didn't play plumbers don't wear ties

>> No.6488846

It didn't end up having a strong 3rd party support, and it was very expensive. I didn't know any kid who had one back in the day.
Sonic CD and Ecco CD are based as fuck though, I wouldn't say Sega CD is bad.
Also, Silpheed.

>> No.6488847

It's fantastic, and you can thank Sega and useless game journos for its failure for not giving the actual good games any exposure.

>> No.6488861
File: 266 KB, 900x1200, duo poster auction SAMPLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I like my wives to have voiced dialog

>> No.6488879

There was a rumor at the time that the Mega CD was getting a port of Street Fighter 2 CE.

>> No.6488884

It's fucking weird that it didn't got a port of SF II at all.
It has Fatal Fury Special at least but it's not really better than the SNES version.

>> No.6488908

I never knew anyone who had one. But it seems to have a few good games on it.

>> No.6488915

Not THAT bad but the CD and 32X addons were a waste of time and money for SEGA.

>> No.6488927

Nah it's good. it's got a staggered collection of good games, but as any other heavy peripheral it got a pretty decent library by the end of its lifetime.

The following are probably some of the best IMHO:

Batman Returns
Sonic CD

>> No.6489046

No. But Turbo CD was Better. Just 90% of the games got left in Japan.

>> No.6489049

Not nearly as good as the Genesis but still way better than the 32X.

>> No.6489056

Im 35 and in 2nd grade nothing could have been better than having a sega cd when it launched. I wanted the Kris Kross game so bad. CD tech was uncommon, Night Trap was badass, and my dumb kid self didnt know Road Avenger was pre rendered but actually looked like that as a driving game.

>> No.6489059


>> No.6489060

I liked the idea of CDs for video games until I actually got my CD-drive for the PC. Loading times were ass, it made me appreciate cart-based consoles instantly.

>> No.6489071
File: 13 KB, 432x288, 32xsys_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, how do people always get this mixed up

this piece of shit on the left (for your viewing pleasure) is what caved every single hype decision and continuuity in segas branding until the dreamcast came out, and they fucked that up even further by thinking people didn't care about other digital media besides games.

fucking miss sega.

>> No.6489090

The hardware was great but the library was BTFO by the PC Engine CD. I have a Pioneer Laseractive and guess which "PAC" is always on the machine and which one gathers dust.

>> No.6489095

It was stupid and pointless.

>> No.6489097

hell no its easily the best add on of all time and arguably one of the best consoles of all time.

>> No.6489120

shut up casual

>> No.6489135

The FMV games tanked it from the beginning. Nobody actually wanted them, and if SEGA had localized more Jap games it would have been better.
Instead, we got the 32X, along with the 32X CD which brought us the "enhanced port" of Night Trap that absolutely nobody wanted.

>> No.6489310

No. To call it bad would be an insult to bad thing everywhere.

Such is the state of mini-/v/ that I don't know whether you're larping, trolling, and just a sick fuck

>> No.6489378

Is it normal for Sega CD games to have laggy audio? I'm playing Sonic CD if that matters.

>> No.6489380


>> No.6489395

That game is based, i remember liking the sequel

>> No.6489402
File: 916 KB, 567x800, Amazing Spider-man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It had the best version of Earthworm Jim and the best retro Spider-Man game ever made

>> No.6489449

I think you two noted the best games on the system. I hear Popful Mail is good too, but that Working Designs logo has me... concerned.

Originally I was butt-flustered about not being able to run Sega CD games off a Mega SD when using a 32X, but then I realized I could get a Sega CD (sold my last one, damn, but maybe I'll get a complete one this time) and burn the ~dozen or so games I want to play and have a delightful tower of power. There you go, an all-in-one shit-show of add-ons with flash cart icing on top. Except I might just wait for the Mega Everdrive Pro.

Honestly, the add-ons for the Genesis/Mega Drive are an issue of diminishing returns. For every enjoyable Sega CD or 32X game, there are probably dozens of comparable games on the base console.

>> No.6489452

>Working Designs logo has me... concerned.
Quick rundown?

>> No.6489456

>Im 35 and in 2nd grade
I'm not surprised

>> No.6489519

It wasn't as library-expansive as the PC duo, but you'd struggle to find a dozen games like Lunar, Snatcher or Dune on the Mega Drive

>> No.6489520
File: 1.61 MB, 3264x2338, genesis-segaCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else absolute madman here

>> No.6489525 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 343x500, bernie stolar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as bad as the Sega Shiturn at least.

>> No.6489598

>Was it that bad?
yes, thanks to Sega of America

japan put some jarpigs on it, europe / pal (mostly Core) put some technically impressive games to show what the add-on was capable of, but Sega's primary market was North America by far, americans lead by Kalinski flooded it with Marky Mark: Make My Video and the likes

>> No.6489603

>Sega Shiturn

>> No.6489606

>not knowing the bernieposter
It's australia-kun, aka one of the most anti-nintendo guys around.
For some retarded reason he also has a hateboner against Saturn, too.

>> No.6489609

Got 2 model 1s, a model 2 and a brand new model 2 Sega CD. I missed the boat on the 32x I'm afraid, those pieces of shit go for much more than I'm willing to shell out today.

>> No.6489652
File: 2.92 MB, 5700x2310, Genesis-CDX-Console-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another CPU
>hardware-based scaling and rotation tech
>CD-quality music

>no increase in number of colors on-screen to compete w/ SNES and improve the look of FMV in games.


>> No.6489672

>no increase in number of colors on-screen
i don't think that was possible, Sega didn't connect the VDP expansion lines to the expansion slot

>> No.6489771

Huh. Could it be done through the cartridge slot? The 32X managed it, right?

>> No.6490359

Yeah, that's how the six 32XCD games work if I'm not mistaken. The CD runs like any other game but it addresses the 32X hardware for improved color palettes or something along those lines.

>> No.6490370

Notorious for shitty localizations. There was a thread about them recently, should still be active or fresh in the archive

>> No.6490374

You don't even understand the tech, so stfu zoomer

>> No.6490542

It wasn't bad at all. It was simply overpriced, which meant that most genesis owners didn't bother with it, which in turn meant that most developers didn't bother with it.

>> No.6490547

Most of the games were not very good FMV titles that were barely games. Also the loading time on it was fucking ridiculous and it was overpriced at the time.

>> No.6490592

Loading times are barely noticeable in most (good) games. Also it was cheap after the first year in stores.

>> No.6490606

Sega didn't connect the VDP expansion lines to the cartridge slot either, even though the VPD itself actually supports 128/4096 (up from 64/512) with additional color RAM (this is what the Sega System C is, a Genesis / Mega Drive with slightly faster CPU clock and a color encoder), the only way to increase the palette is doing it the 32X way because it's pretty much its own system in the graphics department

>> No.6490654

>Putting Jaime over Katherine Gibson

>> No.6490687

Considering that most Devs didn't use the hardware, Sega might as well have just added the CD sound, theextra PCM channels and kept the price down.

>> No.6490714

That's easy to say in hindsight, but Sega didn't want devs using it as just bigger storage with loading times for otherwise normal Mega Drive games.

>> No.6490735

Why not? worked for the pc engine.

>> No.6490909

The Sega CD was bad for a variety of reasons, but everybody at the time wanted a CD addon. Ironically, the company who ended up not using one was the only one to survive from that era. Also ironically, that company's massive fuckups in developing their CD addon gave birth to their greatest competitor.

The 32X, however, had not right to exist with the Saturn around the corner AND the negative company experience with marketing and supporting the Sega CD.

>> No.6491363

it was released early in Japan, late in Western world. Also NOT that bad.

>> No.6492364

not larping, probably a sick fuck. What do you mean?
We got our first CD PC in 94, came with groliers, and the knowledge adventure games dino adventure, speed and some health game. Also came with mega race. I got Rebel Assault and Myst shortly after. It was great. CD was still new, My best friend got a CD player in their parents minivan and we listened to Ace of Base in the car parked in the driveway, we felt badass. My parents had a CD stereo but I had stuck with cassette for a few more years. It definitely still felt like new tech to me at that time.

>> No.6492379

The what?

>> No.6492401

Not the guy youre replying to but I agree. I wonder why Sega didn't use the add on cd to their advantage, and release the saturn as an addon to the sega cd. It would have been a slower cd drive, but would have saved the adopters a lot of money not having to invest in another cd player they didnt need, and would have eased the sting of sega cds failure, and sega would have saved face more.

>> No.6492405

>Sega's solution was even more add-ons and things connecting to other things and expensive products that require other expensive products to function
>But now with a degraded experience and potentially breaking random things in software
>And not supporting their new copy protection

>> No.6492407

It was a different time. No internet meant no one could compare the quality easily. People encouraged them because no one knew any better.

>> No.6492417

It wasn't bad, in the sense that the extra space gave us better fmvs and more content for a lot of games. Fmv games were also a big thing back then, so it definitely had potential. The mistake was releasing the 32x, Sega CD and the Saturn in such a short period. The 32 x was a horrible idea and the Sega cd probably should've just been the Saturn. I'm not sure why Sega thought producing so much hardware in such a short time would be a good idea. The Saturn's cart slot should have been backwards compatible and all the games for the Sega CD and 32x should have been released on the Saturn. If Sega would have just put more r&d into the Saturn instead of spending time and money on the Sega cd and 32x, than the Saturn would have been miles ahead of it's competition and sega wouldn't have put customers in a state of weariness due to spending money on too much hardware too fast. Then having that hardware became obsolete when the Saturn came out.

>> No.6492418
File: 39 KB, 447x335, oh_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No internet
>early 90's

>> No.6492428

Now that we can emulate and play everything of value for all regions for free? No, it's pretty great.

In its day when you only had access to whatever was commonly available in the NA/PAL stores on top of the upgrade price? Yes, it was an overpriced piece of dogshit.

>> No.6494024

It was good, but Sega pulled the plug on game dev in 1993 and Nintendo ratted Night Trap out to Joe Lieberman, which caused a mountain of censorship to drop on the industry. Also, the add-on would have cost half as much had the retard who designed the Genesis connected a couple CPU pins to the expansion slot, and if he connected the external VRAM and palette pins from the VDP it could have displayed twice as many colors from the same 15-bit palette the SNES used, or an even bigger palette.

>> No.6494076

The Mega Drive was powerful enough, it was even pumping out the video for the FMV games.
They could have kept the cost down and kept the ram that they originally took out , to avoid loading times.

>> No.6494149
File: 174 KB, 252x363, Supreme_Warrior_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that power and the only people who even bothered were just doing higher quality ports of their CD fmv games.

>> No.6494184

3DO version is still superior...if that's worth anything. Same for Corpse Killer.

Still like it for the crap factor
I bet that was awkward to film, flailing around in front of a guy with a steadycam.

>> No.6494265
File: 2.48 MB, 610x447, 11-Soulstar-Sega-CD.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PC Engine CD was underdesigned, the stock add-on is weaker than the base system because of the lack of RAM, a 24-Mbit Hu-Card game would look better than its 700MB CD counterpart, I think the CD add-on only becomes a match with the base system when using the Arcade Card, but the Mega CD was the opposite, it was a little too overdesigned.

>Sega didn't want devs using it as just bigger storage with loading times for otherwise normal Mega Drive games.
And this is what happened anyway, save for a half-dozen Core games. Most games were either Mega Drive-like games or Mega Drive ports with an exclusive "Mode 7" stage and even these were better than all the FMV "games" by Digital Pictures that wasted the storage with grainy videos.

>> No.6494690
File: 261 KB, 620x252, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the problem is people think that it's supposed to be a whole new console instead of an add on.

CD players were expensive when this released. If you had a genesis, it gave you an inexpensive way to have one with the added benefit of better sound and space for genesis games.

It had great games:
Final Fight CD - by far best version for its time
Sonic CD
Shining Force CD
Robo Aleste
Ecco - best version
Earthworm Jim - best version
Micky Mania - best version until later generation of consoles
Sol Feace
Heart of Darkness and Another World
Dragon's Lair 1 and 2 - only way to play on console
Mad Dog McCree 1 and 2 - only way to play outside of arcade
other FMV shooters like Who Shot Johnny Rock, Crime Patrol, Lethal Enforcers
Mortal Kombat - best version
Rise of the Dragon
Secret of Monkey Island - only way to play on console
Popful Mail

Dumb ass zoomers saw some shitty voice acting and thought all the games sucked.

>> No.6494692

I still get confused over Soulstar, Sol-feace and Silpheed. They really weren't very good at giving these games memorable names.

>> No.6494752

At least the loading screen song was cool

>> No.6494784

It was... okay.

Add-ons were a bad idea because the install base of the add-ons were always going to be smaller than the install base of the consoles. Thus it made more financial sense to make games for the consoles and then port those games to the add-ons and then add FMVs and CD-quality audio and call it a day.

There were some decent games for the Sega CD, but on the whole it wasn't a great product and it didn't improve Sega's reputation.

>> No.6494798

It's worth noting that if you look at markets that were dominated by early home PCs, particularly the UK, you ran into exactly the same problem. Most non-IBM-compatible lines would vary quite significantly in their capabilities within the one system family, but game devs would almost universally target the least capable SKU, or most popular cheap model, to maximize their potential install base. It makes sense, but it also means your Amiga or ST was essentially limited by the cheapest device in the range.

>> No.6494849

The Terminator should be on that list for how great the soundtrack is alone. Game's not too shabby either.

>> No.6494861

It was never worth the money, but the content was good.

>> No.6494898

Play Afterburner complete and then get back to me fgt

>> No.6494902

>not liking WD
Incredibly small brained opinion

>> No.6494912

>I think you two noted the best games on the system. I hear Popful Mail is good too, but that Working Designs logo has me... concerned.
Look up the Unworked Designs patch of Popful Mail on Romhacking, patch the Popful Mail bin from the Internet Archive, burn it to disc, and play that version.

>> No.6494913
File: 302 KB, 700x972, Mail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I post mail here?

>> No.6494938

model 2? yes.

>> No.6495086
File: 853 KB, 1280x1732, tumblr_oda6g3wK0G1rkrwaco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this game suck? I had it as a kid and remember thinking it was really cool.

>> No.6495091

It was so so but probably the best xmas present I ever got

>> No.6495094

I had one anon

>> No.6495126

It's great. Still a cheap game too. I guess e-celebs haven't found it yet.

>> No.6495137

Can't say I've heard of it before, but it looks like a fun enough helicopter game.
>We're not talking eye patches and Jolly Rogers here!
Imagine a bunch of gunship flying pirates that committed to that theme tho. Painting big Jolly Rogers on their helicopters and wearing silly hats.

>> No.6495201

>Did this game suck?

>> No.6495239

Not really. Sega tried to ride the FMV game fad, and treat it as an FMV machine, which it wasn't really that good at, and it got a lot of shitty games and ports for that.
However, looking past those, it actually has a lot of very good games.

Listen here, you caveman, CD-ROM enabled some of the best video games of the 1990s, and it was worth the baggage.

>> No.6495252

The soundtrack is so good it overshadows the game itself IMO.
What's Tommy up to these days anyway?

>> No.6495253

How popful.

>> No.6495254

He's president of the current form of Intellevision, apparently.
Interesting career move.

>> No.6495264

>Listen here, you caveman, CD-ROM enabled some of the best video games of the 1990s, and it was worth the baggage.

Took you long enough to load that reply, fag.

>> No.6495459

Enjoy never playing games larger than 8mb, you cocksucker.

>> No.6495838

Intellvision still exists?!

>> No.6496181

yeah, google the amiico. Interesting little towerfall machine. Will have a new Ecco game.

>> No.6496183
File: 195 KB, 1032x728, kof2002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6498152

>i don't think that was possible, Sega didn't connect the VDP expansion lines to the expansion slot
>Sega didn't connect the VDP expansion lines to the cartridge slot either, even though the VPD itself actually supports 128/4096 (up from 64/512) with additional color RAM (this is what the Sega System C is, a Genesis / Mega Drive with slightly faster CPU clock and a color encoder), the only way to increase the palette is doing it the 32X way because it's pretty much its own system in the graphics department

How much better would have the Genesis been - both in terms of its own functionality and accesory interconnectivity - had the board designers decided to link as many pinouts as feasibly capable? (not just chips, ex. link the expansion port to the cartridge slot, so the Sega CD could directly access that memory expansion cartridge they were selling for it).

>> No.6498163

the internet was not easily accessible for everyone in those days, unlike today, zoomer.

>> No.6498374

Post your actual NeoGeo machine and cartridges.

>> No.6498393

There are some good games for it, but not worth the price.

>> No.6498530

>be zoomer
>claim there was no internet in the early 90's
>get laughed at for being a dumb zoomer
>cope and project

>> No.6498585
File: 114 KB, 147x439, PCEvsMD_PCEGuy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6498604


>> No.6500018

is there a download link for prepatched english Grandia for Saturn?

>> No.6500069
File: 19 KB, 320x224, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude any system with Panic! on it has to be top tier.

>> No.6500074

God yes. Even if you have no interest in Earthworm Jim, the bad ending is PURE GOLD.

>> No.6500076

This is the man I strive to become.

>> No.6500624

Silly kid. PCEs are for trannys.

>> No.6502369

lmao ever heard of bulletin boards? maybe you were a poorfag tho

>> No.6502676

>really like the look of the CDX
>really expensive
Not that it's unexpected, but it's a shame.

>> No.6502718

32X was criminally underused. It would have been great if it had been released some years earlier.

>> No.6502792
File: 496 KB, 1128x635, 1414787675551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, makes me wish I hadn't sold off mine years ago... so I could sell it off now when the market's hot

>> No.6502832

The fact that you can still plug the 32x or the Converter in and that they look as derpy as they do just makes me want to have one more tbqh.
>sell it
Understandable too

>> No.6502886
File: 58 KB, 390x609, CD32X - an addon combo denied its spacer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

32X would have included a spacer so that the unit would sit comfortably on a CDX but the FCC put a stop to that.

>> No.6502925

Pretty good

>> No.6502972

Yes, load times were shit.
Scumbag profiteer.

>> No.6503070

>but the FCC put a stop to that.

>> No.6503160 [DELETED] 

It was a wasted opportunity. Sega addressed the sprite scaling weakness, but not the color limit weakness, making the SNES still stronger in that regard.
I also don't know why they didn't port their Super Scaler arcade games to CD like Out Run, OutRunners, Afterburner 1&2, Hang-On, Super Hang-On, Power Drift and Space Harrier.

A Mega-CD with at least 256 on-screen colors would have made the 32X even more pointless and distinguished itself further from the Mega Drive.

>> No.6503163

It was a wasted opportunity. Sega addressed the sprite scaling weakness, but not the color limit weakness, making the SNES still stronger in that regard.
I also don't know why they didn't port their Super Scaler arcade games to CD like Out Run, OutRunners, Afterburner 1&2, Hang-On, Super Hang-On, Power Drift and Space Harrier.

A Mega-CD with arcade quality ports at least 256 on-screen colors would have made the 32X even more pointless and distinguished itself further from the base Mega Drive.

>> No.6503195

Not that bad but could have been a lot better, its just good. Pc engine did it right.

I think it wouldn't be that hard to have a mod switch between sega cd and 32x using bypass cables and logic.

Yep a pretty big blunder, it kinda made me think their successful consoles were because of a lack of competition. Sega is my favourite company but many times they were technically imcompetant. The espn games have good quality fmv but some are way worse.

>> No.6503202
File: 264 KB, 778x1038, cdx_pvm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

insufficient shielding, maybe
no one knows for sure

because of that, Sega couldn't officially advertise that the 32X was compatible with the CDX even though it was.

>> No.6503223

It doesn't matter what the hell the system could actually do, its placement in the market was absolute suicide.

>> No.6503271

>no one knows for sure why a government department that regulates things according to rules and processes written applications and provides written responses did something
sounds legit

>> No.6503335
File: 202 KB, 640x480, 804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game good?

>> No.6503341

It has 210 games.
The N64 has less than 400.

Not bad for an add-on.

>> No.6503369

It's a government agency, the reasoning was probably fucking bullshit, particularly when it comes to the FCC.

>> No.6503425

I'd say solid...if you like Batman. Good soundtrack. Nice showcase of the SCD scaling effects.

>> No.6503520

He has a hateboner for anything that isn’t the PS1.

>> No.6503569

Larpers. >>6498163 is right. I'm 37 (Yeah it's sad OK BOOMER) and in the early to mid 90s computer literacy beyond monochrome school computers was not common let alone internet access.

>> No.6503581

Internet access doesn't matter too much in this case anyways -- the whole trend of caring about the original Japanese version did not gain much traction until much later. Even if you did have internet access you'd be just as in the dark as everyone else regarding the original content.

The anon that claimed "no internet" was the reason is an idiot but he's sort of right because there wasn't any source on the internet to compare to either. The most you'd hear about Japanese versions would be from magazines and people talking about said magazines secondhand. Or worse, false rumors.

>> No.6503586

Apparently the way the CD and 32X add-ons worked together meant that there wasn't really anything you could do other than FMV games.

>> No.6503589

>If you had a genesis, it gave you an inexpensive way to have one with the added benefit of better sound and space for genesis games.
Bullshit. It was not inexpensive. A standalone CD player was far cheaper than the Sega CD.
>Mortal Kombat - best version
Absolute bullshit

>> No.6503594

Yeah, because, IIRC, they had to interface through the Mega Drive's slowass CPU, since they couldn't communicate directly to each other (the expansion port and cartridge slot weren't linked on the PCB).

>> No.6503629

>Mega Drive's slowass CPU
>absolute shat on both 8bit and 16bit Nintendork in terms of raw speed
Yeah kid, stay away from things you don't understand

>> No.6503656

the FMV stuff was legit cool at first glance. the sega CD seemed really impressive and desirable, but not desirable enough for most kids to justify the price to their parents.

demo kiosks quickly convinced people that FMV games weren't much of games, but I think most kids still walked away slightly dazzled. it was something you wished you had if you had unlimited money, but you grasped opportunity cost enough to know that it wasn't worth asking Santa if it meant you missed out on other toys.

>> No.6503753

Please tell me your samefag and not actually another person who's that retarded. The claim is "No internet meant no one could compare the quality easily.". Anon (You?) already backpedaled and changed the story to "the internet was not easily accessible for everyone in those days". You already lost the argument. At any rate, if you were 37 you would have been a tween at the time were talking about. One dumb child being ignorant of something proves nothing. But you're not 37. If you were you'd know that color home computers were very common and had been around for over a decade.
0/LARP. Back to le tiktok

>> No.6503958

That's why you need system sellers. The Mega CD had some decent games but that's from the perspective of someone 30 years later and not paying for them. Terminator and Sonic CD are fun, but they're also just slightly expanded versions of things you could play without spending triple the price of a game on an addon that does nothing on its own.

>> No.6503975

I'm not talking about the console itself, as compared to its competition.
Fact is, the 68000 inside the Genesis ran at 7.6 MHz, whereas the one inside the Sega CD ran at 12.5, and the two SH-2s inside the 32X ran at 32 MHz. Having to route all data through the slowest part of the system wasn't a phenomenally good idea. However, due to the unfortunate mistakes made during the original design of the Genesis board, that's what happened.

>> No.6503985

Sorry, 23 instead of 32 MHz.

>> No.6504109

>monochrome computer displays
>no internet access at all
>up until the mid 90s
Are you high? Or did you grow up in some desolate backwater hole with no money? I promise you that outside of Alice Springs, or whatever other negative horse town you grew up in, color displays and internet access were not unseen of rarities, plenty of schools, offices, and even daycares, had one or the other, often both.

>> No.6504143
File: 44 KB, 612x557, 1259021328626_1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay nintendork
>but muh custom DSPs

>> No.6505239

In the absence of any actual evidence that an FCC application was made and denied it's most likely blogger bullshit. There could be any number of reasons why the thing was never sold. Without a legitimate source of information it's all just some kid on the internet.

>> No.6505293

Sonic CD sure, but Terminator CD is the only good console-based Terminator game. I mean there's Robocop vs. Terminator but that's just a Robocop game really

>> No.6505297

Which retro video games consoles do you recommend for someone who hates Chris chan, hates Pokemon, hates Sonic, and wants to avoid anything like Sega, Nintendo, and Hyper dimensional neptunia

I want to avoid 100% and at all costs any console and games that crazy guy plays or likes

>> No.6505396

You know what I mean, anon. It's fun but I'm not racing out the door for a decent side-scroller with a great CD soundtrack. The Sega CD didn't have system-sellers. FMV games were the closest, but they also universally sucked.

>> No.6506052

That's autistic of you, everything you will ever like will also be liked by some freak somewhere.

>> No.6506121
File: 17 KB, 219x223, stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a retarded comment

>> No.6506130

The reason you wouldn't be rushing out the door is because the system cost $700 in today's money, which is why they quickly made the Mega-CD 2. I'd say a game like Snatcher or Lunar was easily a system seller, Sega just sucked at marketing. I mean imagine if a game like Metal Gear Solid sold only 20,000 copies. That's the level of incompetence we're dealing with here.

>> No.6506165

>SOA sucked at marketing
ftfy, burgers ruin everything.

>> No.6506745

>The Sega CD didn't have system-sellers.
I disagree with this, Sonic CD was definitely a system seller. 2D Mario, Mario Kart and Pokemon are still system sellers and the new games are all more of the same with better QoL and sometimes less content.

Sonic CD was more of the same too, but Sonic was huge back then and they loved to show the "Mode 7" (one of SNES' selling points) stages. Final Fiight CD was improved over the SNES port (Final Fight was a big deal back then, SEGA created Streets of Rage just to compete against it). Core games were impressive, the jarpigs with voice acting and anime cutscenes were different enough too. Sega CD flopped because it was too expensive and Sega of America associated the add-on with FMVs, also different enough to draw the attention, but consumers got bored with them once the novelty wore off because they were barely games.


>> No.6507128

Xbox Hueg is pretty much retro by now, get one and play Chad games like the pew pew pews featuring space marines and all the Madden versions.

>> No.6508093

like 5 worthwhile games, none of them are standout titles. it sucked ass. the proof is in the numbers, it was outsold by the pc engine / turbografx by a factor of 3.

>> No.6508128

Sega CD had some good games. It was a better investment than the 32X for sure. Main flaw of the system is that it needed an extra power outlet, and that would take up space.

>> No.6508148

>It was a better investment than the 32X for sure.
32X has great AM2 ports like Space Harrier and Virtua Fighter. I'd rather own one than the Sega CD, which is mostly just FMV shovelware and a few overrated jarpigs and a shitty sonic game.

>> No.6508163

The 32X has some nice games sure, but they all would have done better for Sega in the long run as either Saturn Launch titles or late gen Genesis/Sega CD titles based on which platform was a better fit for them.