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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6496717 No.6496717 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good non-Mario 64 3D platformers?

>> No.6496723

Rayman 2 is better than any Mario.

>> No.6496724

It's interestingly one of the most overrated mediocre games in existence, a strong 6/10

>> No.6496727

No, that would be SM64.

>> No.6496734


>> No.6496739

I like it, but the controls aren't as great.

>> No.6496742

Is the dreamcast version really the definitive version? I don't want to get the console for just 1 game.

>> No.6496754

So use Redream.

>> No.6496758

Rayman 1 is better than 2

>> No.6496762

Not sure if its “retro” but I love Ty the Tazmanian Tiger

>> No.6496773 [DELETED] 

ps2 had a lot of good ones like ratchet & clank, jak and daxter, and sly cooper

>> No.6496779

Are you really that starved for attention that the best you can get are reactions to your unfounded discrediting of an universally acclaimed game?

>> No.6496784

Are you really that starved for attention that the best you can get are reactions to your conformism of a universally acclaimed game?

>> No.6496786

Yes, the DC version is easily the best.
You've never played either of them.

>> No.6496787
File: 100 KB, 640x1046, 34123_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And of course Ape Escape.

>> No.6496818
File: 126 KB, 600x562, 22029835-item-big-PS1-2GRAYRAY-A-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own both on PS1 (the double pack) and I prefer Rayman 1 by a long shot.
Rayman 2 just bored me and I never finished it

>> No.6496824

Not only is the PS1 version of Rayman 2 gimped to all hell, Rayman 1 is a terrible game. It sounds and looks great but I've seen amateur games with better level design.

>> No.6496832

>Rayman 1 is a terrible game
>I've seen amateur games with better level design
What's wrong with the level design?

>> No.6497001

Agreed. I also prefer 2D games in general

>> No.6497324

I tried playing Rayman 2 and found it to be this.
Not that I want it to be like that, and I'm actually wondering what I did wrong playing it so that it would be better.

>> No.6497568

Probally couldn't get past Picture Land

>> No.6497829

The only thing rayman 2 really has going for it is the atmosphere and the music, the platforming si pretty average. Rayman 3 feels way better and has so much more going on
Legends > 3 > Origins > 2 > 1

>> No.6498554

Rayman 2
Tonic trouble
Sonic adventure
40 winks
Medievil 2
Ape escape

>> No.6498628
File: 672 KB, 640x480, 1583428961181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much soul

>> No.6498637

Came here to post this. I was surprised by how much I loved it.

>> No.6498642


>> No.6498645

Your pic, for one. I feel a strong urge to go and play that again now.

>> No.6498705

Not retro, but Spongebob Battle for Bikini Bottom and the Movie Game are a lot of fun (if you liked Spongebob growing up, that is.)

I agree completely. The Mario64 camera is unbearable. I also like the tone and atmosphere more.

>> No.6498747


>> No.6499979

Pacman world 1

>> No.6501409

oh this one is real fun also nice OST.

>> No.6501437

>not knowing what that is

I'll just go ahead and leave this place.

>> No.6501879

>zoom zoom!

>> No.6501948

was it really that popular where you live?
i'm 30 and got a playstation about the same time that game came out, but had never heard of it until a few years ago when seeing a speedrun of it

>> No.6501954

(thinking about it, there's a chance i'd seen it, but dismissed it because.. i mean it's pacman, i didn't care about pacman)

>> No.6502824

>Legends > 3 > Origins > 2 > 1

>> No.6502865

Donkey Kong 64

>> No.6502985

Found the millennial.

>> No.6502992

yep, i'm 30 years old, old man

>> No.6503012

I know this is /vr/ and all but Rayman is a great example of a series where the modern games are better than the original retro games. 2 is okay, but it's overshadowed by other superior 3d platformers from the era. And 1 would easily be the better game of the two if not for the fact that it was clearly never playtested and is just too difficult for it's own good. Origins and Legends are undisputedly better games.

>> No.6503150

there's rayman games newer than 2?

>> No.6503371

>2 is okay, but it's overshadowed by other superior 3d platformers from the era
I don't think so. Rayman 2 is easily among the best.

>> No.6503386

Croc 2. Don't confuse it with the first game, they're very different. Love the aesthetics in the first one though.

>> No.6503392

i've only played 1, is it worth trying 2 now?

>> No.6503394

Sure, you should try it at least.

>> No.6503436

Is the Saturn version better than the PS1 version? Right now I'm leaning towards the Saturn version based on the novelty of it being one of two 3D platformers on the system.

>> No.6503490

>Is the Saturn version better than the PS1 version?
No, the Saturn was worse at 3D. The PS1 release was the base version that both the Saturn and PC port were based on. Also, there's no Saturn port of Croc 2, only the first game. Either way, if you have a Windows PC with CRT connected to it, I recommend the PC versions.

>> No.6503524

Megaman Legends.
I´ll die in this hill

>> No.6503535


Over the Banjos? Why?

>> No.6504119

Did Croc 2 get a Dreamcast release?

>> No.6504265

No, only PS1 and Windows.

>> No.6506176
File: 147 KB, 238x238, Bubsy_3D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a Bubsy game is the reason why many hasn't played this masterpiece.

>> No.6506193 [DELETED] 
File: 481 KB, 500x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a whole a lot of them for 6th gen consoles, considering that 6th gen stuff is already retro with Dreamcast/PS2/Xbox/Gamecube

>> No.6506197

Never will be, sweetie.

>> No.6506218

You wish. The amount of topics that you can talk about the current lineup is already steadily dwindling as people begin to lose interest in them.

You can talk so much of them until it gets stale for you.

>> No.6506224

You're free to leave, or just put up with it negro.

>> No.6506584
File: 60 KB, 765x768, Rascal_-_Pal_-_P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about rascal?