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File: 26 KB, 256x224, little samson.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
648893 No.648893 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most technically impressive NES game? Whether it be graphics, music, animation, etc.

>> No.648906

what game is that in your .gif?

>> No.648909


Are you serious?

>> No.648913


>> No.648917


Tim Follin can fuck my bitch anytime

>> No.648940


End of discussion.

>> No.648950


>> No.648954



>> No.648959
File: 74 KB, 660x660, 1360635380871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>little samson.gif

>> No.648960

No, think harder.

>> No.648965


>> No.648970

Summer Carnival Recca

>> No.648971

You are very slow
How does it feel to be an idiot?

>> No.648972

This. It barely looks like an NES game, that's how impressive it is.

>> No.648969

Kirby's Adventure, Mother, Bioforce ape, Megaman 6, Gimmick
theres probably a handful of others up there

>> No.648979

Gargoyle's Quest II has some bomb ass graphics.

Friend of mine thought it was an SNES game when he first saw it.

>> No.648981

The atari 2600 graphics kinda take away from it.

>> No.648983
File: 51 KB, 195x195, warhammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.648987


>> No.648990

Take a look at the factory and tell me that place isn't impressive

>> No.648997

Moon Crystal has smooth as fuck animations

Like, damn smooth

>> No.649002
File: 24 KB, 220x312, 220px-Shatterhand_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shatterhand gets almost no love on here for whatever reason.
It's fucking gorgeous.

>> No.649019

Ninja Gaiden series is downright beautiful

>> No.649035

The feeling I get in my throat and where your vision fades out after yelling is anything but beautiful. I will never finish that game.

>> No.649051

Ninja Gaiden, preferebly 3

>> No.649067


Return of the Joker

>> No.649073


though this is true too

>> No.649074

You mean the Assrape: No Continues edition?

>> No.649075
File: 24 KB, 512x448, shadowgate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.649078


>> No.649085

Mr Gimmick is probably the most impressive one, but I think Battletoads was pretty impressive as well.

>> No.649087


Its not too bad when you figure out the right sub-weapon for each area.

>> No.649098

I belive that Shatterhand is more impressive than Gimmick in terms of graphics. Sometimes there is several layers of moving stuff for the background, and everything is still smooth.

>> No.649234

Megaman 3

>> No.649242

Why 3? 4 - 6 all looks a lot better.

>> No.649245

Damn that dragon battle looks an awful lot like the one in MM2

>> No.649253


It's basically bullet hell on NES

>> No.649267

Little Samson hands down, you have to see it in motion

Kirby's Adventure may not be the best but it's probably the most technically advanced NES game people actually PLAYED.

>> No.649298


>> No.649305

Possibly Bio Force Ape


But in Japan, some Famicom games had chips in em to make them technically more impressive. I think Esper Dream and such are examples but there are better ones out there.

>> No.649336
File: 258 KB, 492x510, bathadouken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking thing looks and sounds like a 16-bit game. Nothing else I've seen even comes close.

>> No.649354

What is funny is that the 16-bit ports of Return of the Joker looked and sounded worse than the NES original

>> No.649351

Wow, shadowgate had a smoothing filter?

>> No.649386

Don't be ridiculous. It's technically impressive, but not that impressive. And the gameplay is overly difficult because of the floatyness of the controls.

>> No.649435

Crystalis had some fine moments

>> No.649469

Little Samson is the most impressive in every category minus music, imo.

>> No.649480

What is wrong with the music?

>> No.649492

I'm pretty sure Shatterhand wins this category.

>> No.649489

That's because a few people that worked on Megaman 2 started their own company, and a few years later teamed up with Taito and made Little Samson.

>> No.649508

It's gotta be Recca.
Nothing else on the NES shoves so much shit on screen so quickly. It just doesn't happen.

>> No.649521

The controls are perfectly fine, and the difficulty of the game has absolutely NOTHING to do with how technically impressive it is.

>> No.649517
File: 191 KB, 600x445, Captain Tsubasa Vol. II - Super Striker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Captain Tsubasa Super Striker 2 is still visually pleasing to this day, the music is great too.


>> No.649523

And you can play it in English if you look for the English patch!

>> No.649532


That dude's eyes are way too far apart.

>> No.649541

Nothing is wrong with the music, it's just not that technically impressive. It's still pretty decent though.

>> No.649545
File: 168 KB, 1216x1216, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you guys being asses about reading the file name need to think about the fact that some people are browsing this site on their phone and are unable to see file names.
Quit being such dicks about it please.

>> No.649553

It's up to the people browsing on their phone to make that stuff known.

>> No.649554

Not the guy you're responding to, but nothing.
It has good music, just there are many games with more impressive/better music.

>> No.649552

Tough shit, get a real internet browser

>> No.649557

Stop browsing things on devices that are incapable of providing a competent experience, faggot.

>> No.649562

is that a dick on its face?

>> No.649594

I'm trying to find the patch, but I'm running into difficulties

>> No.649601


>> No.649635

Obviously a rocketship.

>> No.649643

thanks mate. works like a charm

>> No.649652

Any SunSoft Game

>> No.649654

You are welcome

>> No.649662

>The Wing of Madoola
>Technically impressive

>> No.650010


Shit, this looks intense as fuck. Guess I've got a new game to play.

>> No.650029
File: 280 KB, 768x1280, Screenshot_2013-05-11-21-23-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can see the filename just fine

>> No.650035


It's a great game, you can find an English patch online

>> No.650037
File: 175 KB, 316x317, 1367796712635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earthbound, it almost looks like a SNES game!

>> No.650096
File: 141 KB, 470x361, tumblr_lo8kkzYx3O1qhts0ro1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mother IS impressive for a NES game.

People often overlook it, but the giant map that comforms the Mother scenario is actually not common, not even on 16 bit.
RPGs usually have an overworld map, and then towns or dungeons, right? Mother is all 1 big map. Controls are also pretty good actually, being 8-directional when most RPGs at the time were the standard 4-directional controls. I don't know why Pokemon isn't 8-directional since a lot of the staff programmers are the same.

>> No.650112

Shame the first Mother is so bad

>> No.650127


It isn't bad, you just aren't used to play old RPGs from that time.

>> No.650132

>It isn't bad, something is wrong with you!

>> No.650152

I am, though. I don't really feel like launching into a detailed criticism right now, but the short of it is that the game is very unbalanced and has very poor dungeon design.

>> No.650193


Yeah this. I recently finished the entire series in a marathon and I found 1 to be the weakest by a fair margin.

>> No.650205

Graphically, any game by Capcom. They were really good at squeezing out the most out of the limited color palette. However, Capcom didn't have good programmers, as their games flicker intensely and slow down with minimal action.

Musically, anything by Sunsoft. The Bassline DPCM adds a whole new layer of sound, despite the DPCM channel not being suited for melodies. Likewise, Skate or Die 2 has some impressive music and vocal samples.

Technical side, I'd have to say Magic Dragon. Sure it's ugly. Sure it sounds horrible. But this pirated port of R-Type is one of the few games to fill up the screen with sprites and not suffer slowdown. If you thought Recca was impressive, which still has it's bouts of slowdown, this is way better.


Keep in mind that making an NES game running as smooth as possible while maintaining a high number of objects on screen is quite an achievement. It's comparable to making the ZX Spectrum speaker play multiple melodies, despite being limited to one voice channel.

>> No.650229

No, compared to other RPGs at the time, it's pretty bad.

Still enjoyable if you're really REALLY into the Mother series though, for all that lore and the music.

>> No.650308
File: 465 KB, 680x762, 1363841345059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I se you're running the non Mobile versión.

I like the speed and optimization of the Mobile versión, but it comes at the expense of filenames

>> No.650443

I dunno. I'm not as impressed as I am with Recca.
Sure, sometimes there are a lot of enemy sprites moving pretty smoothly, but they usually aren't doing much, they don't have as many frames of animation, they don't fire nearly as many shots, the player ship isn't firing nearly as many shots, the backgrounds aren't animated, if they exist at all, and enemies don't die with a handful of small explosion sprites and leave behind a ton of moving powerups.
Recca always has a hell of lot more going on than this game, and still manages to run smoothly the majority of the time.

Usually when slowdown happens in Recca, it's because some decently sized multi-sprite object that responds to where the player is has come on screen.
Something like Dobkeratops' tail
is real sexy looking, but it's just moving in some pre-determined pattern. I'm more impressed with the stuff in Recca that actively tracks the player, even if it's a bit too much for the system to handle.

>> No.650493

>The controls are perfectly fine
Nope, they're not as precise as you'd like, accounting for much of the difficulty of the game.

>and the difficulty of the game has absolutely NOTHING to do with how technically impressive it is.
Well, that contributes to the overall design but if we're simply talking graphics and sound here, it is impressive but far from reaching the Mega Drive, SNES or even the PC-Engine in quality. I get that many here are overwhelmed by it because it is somewhat of a recently discovered gem here, but as someone who grew up with it I personally never thought it was any big deal. Hell, though technically marvelous, I think even the soundtrack is somewhat mediocre in its composition.

>> No.650517

Are you saying that Earthbound looks bad?

>> No.650521

>they're not as precise as you'd like
They're exactly as precise as I'd like. They work perfectly fine and have never caused me any trouble.
I get the feeling what you are actually complaining about is that the game has physics.
There's momentum, and you slide down slopes, and all of that stuff. And yeah, that makes the game harder, but it has nothing to do with controls, and it's not a flaw.

>> No.650545

But that's wrong, you stupid anime baby.

>> No.650541

>anime face implying disrespect

What do you think?

>> No.650568

It is when it comes to the Star and how its handled.
Gimick himself handles well but the star takes too long to summon and bumps away too fast while lasting a bit too long for comfort.
Bear in mind that I've finished the game, so this is not a question of me giving up on it. I simply didn't have as much fun with it because of this issue as I would have liked.

>> No.650581

Also, the item system is a chore.

>> No.650593
File: 4 KB, 256x224, Batman - Return of the Joker (U) [b4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Return of the Joker

>> No.650621

a video of Mr Gimmick! IS FUCKING DIFFICULT

>> No.650613

bitches never played Mr Gimmick!
i did on My famicom :'( Best Game ever

>> No.650686

Quite an impressive game, but it didn't come without some serious faults.

>the enemy animations were pretty short and basic to compensate for their fuckhuge size
>clashes heavily with Batman's superfluid animations
>enemy variety was limited
>what few enemies existed were only used like once
>the sprites chewed up a lot of memory, as did the bassline DPCM samples, so it was a pretty short game (7 stages with 2 shooting sections)
>but still long by Sunsoft standards
>the FME-7 (ROTJ's board) only maxes out at 256k, which is pretty small considering other mappers can go higher

Fun facts:

The stage cleared theme for this game was later reused in the Genesis Batman game by SunSoft. Or was it the other way around?

Said Batman game uses screenshots of the NES game on the back. Goes to say how powerful the NES could get.

Christian Bale's Patrick Bateman, who became a 4chan icon for obvious reasons, is only one letter away from Batman, which is famous due to how stupid Bale makes him sound.

>> No.650868
File: 562 KB, 1281x720, proto02f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ROM City Rampage

Sure, it's incomplete, and is only available in the arcade inside Retro City Rampage. But some people have been able to rip the game out and burn it on an NES cart, and it works. It only has one "mission" and lacks music, but for a game made in someone's spare time, it looks a hell of a lot better than anything else.

This is all done using the MMC5 mapper, which has a maximum of 8 Megabit for CHR and PRG each, but this game only uses 2 and 4 respectively. This is also by definition the most advanced homebrew game, seeing as how most of them barely hit MMC1.

There's still room left, and who knows? Maybe someone will hack it to be more complete.

>> No.650889


you can get the rom at theisozone

>> No.650903

Uh oh. That's gonna spell massive problems with VBlank and his negotiations with Nintendo...

>> No.650917

No mention of Punch-Out??

I know people were shitting their pants in 1987 when their NES started featuring screen filling characters. Especially when every other game up to that point still looked like BurgerTime.

>> No.650929
File: 4 KB, 256x240, bbddlevel2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BB & Double Dragon also does some neat tricks like the bike section in level 2

>> No.650935


>> No.650992

Super Spy Hunter did some impressive rotation-like effects.

>> No.651072
File: 116 KB, 640x909, 1118005528-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most technically impressive music on the platform? Lagrange Point, uncontested. Utilizes a unique Konami VRC7 FM synth chip for maximum QUALITY with bonus points for actually have damn good music too. Check it out.

(explanation of technology with sample music)

(complete OST)

The game may yet get a translation too.

>> No.651092

Capital letters QUALITY is bad
Lower case letters quality is good.
Know the difference, it could save a life!
Anyway, that sounds great on a technical level, but is musically sort of crappy, which is a shame.

>> No.651152

Judging music from games that used special chips just feels wrong to me.
I'd be more comfortable judging music from games that didn't have any special advantages whatsoever.
You know, games like Silver Surfer, that just sound great because the composer knew what the fuck he was doing.

>> No.651169
File: 196 KB, 500x491, 1365262581517.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking Christ this song is awesome
>MFW if I had that shit as a kid

>> No.651181


Gee. I guess /vr/ really IS love!

>> No.651182

The game doesn't do the soundtrack justice. At all.

>> No.651186

Too bad no one else knew what they were doing.

>> No.651190

What about Solstice?


>> No.651191

>I've never played Kirby's Adventure or Gargoyle's Quest or basically anything

>> No.651193

He was talking about the staff of Software Creations.

>> No.651203

>Too bad no one else knew what they were doing
>posts more Tim Follin to prove him wrong
Yeah, you showed him.

>> No.651220

Oh whoops, nevermind. Got confused about who was quoting who.

>> No.651237

So I guess you weren't pretending and actually are.

>> No.651281
File: 218 KB, 533x411, 1277960894791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why u mad? >>6551186 was only trying to make a point that no one else who worked on Silver Surfer knew what the fuck they were doing. >>651190 was only trying to share more Tim Follin music, not defend a point...
>So I guess you weren't pretending and actually are.
dat butthurt

>> No.651292

> no one else knew what they were doing


The Immortal, on the NES. This version unlike the genesis version actually has combat music.
Dat fukken action.

>> No.651312

The Immortal is the example I use to show people that how you arrange/transpose a song matters WAY more than the actual sound capabilities of a chip.

Just listen to this shit compared to the NES version:


>> No.651326

I know, I own the original NES cart of the immortal

the fact that there's no breaks in notes and that there's some other instruments in the background of the music in the NES fight theme is what makes it so damn good.

>> No.651836

Kirby all the way. Kirby looks like a SNES game.

>> No.651841

No, it doesn't, especially when the GBA remake looks more like a SNES game.

>> No.651893
File: 125 KB, 639x455, kirbys-adventure-images-20080429111143891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kirby's Adventure
>literally only 8 colors onscreen
>slows down a lot at any given time

The only thing remotely advanced is it's size. That's it. It is the most monochromatic game I've ever seen.

>> No.651897

>It is the most monochromatic game I've ever seen.

Never played Atari or Vectrex, I see.

>> No.651915

>Moon Crystal
Just discovered this and it really looks great for a NES game.
I'm stuck on the Count Castle stage though

>> No.651910

Confirmed for never playing a SNES game.

>> No.651912

No, but what's the point? KA doesn't have many colors to show, which is especially troublesome considering how the NES has to draw graphics.

>> No.651917


>> No.651925

>Confirmed for never playing a SNES game.
It looks like *a* SNES game. Doesn't mean it looks like a good looking SNES game. But it was the biggest NES game ever made, and it had amazing animation and colour range.

>> No.651920
File: 7 KB, 248x223, Kirby's Adventure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you even played the game?

>> No.651926


I came here to post this and was beaten.

>> No.651936

>ROM hack
>the only point in the game that's vaguely colorful
>it still only uses shades of green, orange, and blue

>> No.651942
File: 6 KB, 256x240, kirbys-adventure-usa-rev-a_244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a problem with green orange and blue?

>> No.651949
File: 115 KB, 479x354, ngbbs4c361fb079b74.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ, it's like I'm looking at a Game Boy game being played through a Game Boy Color.

>> No.651957

>most monochrome game ever
>it just uses shades of 3 different colors

Boy oh boy.

>> No.651960

Not even close. And I now have my doubts you have ever touched either of those handhelds.

>> No.651962

On that note, Pokemon Gold\Silver were damn good-looking GBC games. God-tier coders, though.

>> No.651965

I touched myself

>> No.651967

>On that note, Pokemon Gold\Silver were damn good-looking GBC games. God-tier coders, though.
Shantae and Gold\Silver were pretty much my idea of the GBC's best games.

>> No.651976
File: 98 KB, 256x224, Contra_NES_ScreenShot4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A game from 1987 is more colorful. People only like KA because it's a Kirby game. They refuse to see how colorless it is. It only has green, blue, and orange, with some red and pink thrown in. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.651981

There's more to graphics than colours, you know. One could accuse Contra of mistaking noise for image detail.

>> No.651984


I love Earthbound, but it's an ugly game, there's no denying it.

>> No.651987
File: 6 KB, 256x224, 91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one ever said there weren't more colorful games.
Now if you're done hauling those goalposts around, admit you were wrong and stop making a fool of yourself.

>> No.651993

Play the Japanese version. Same bullshit with Castlevania 3 "let's make it impossible for the american release!"

>> No.651996

u w0t m8

What goalposts did I move? I just said that Kirby has a serious lack of color on the NES, which is true for all except maybe two scenarios. It also slows down quite considerably, even just by walking.

>> No.652025
File: 6 KB, 256x224, cranefever2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it really doesn't have a "serious lack of color".

And out of curiosity, did you have to search hard for a shit quality image of the crane game where everything was tinted purple, or was that just a happy coincidence.

>> No.652034

Solar Jetman had really smooth 3D effects and physics that were pretty unheard of at the time.

Battletoads was also pretty impressive given the large amount of detailed animations in the game.

>> No.652071
File: 12 KB, 248x224, Moon Crystal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It only has green, blue, and orange, with some red and pink thrown in
So... sort of like the screenshot you just posted, or any NES game people might call colorful?

>> No.652089

Tsubasa was QUALITY: The Manga.

>> No.652105
File: 130 KB, 1200x984, captain-tsubasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you mean at all...

>> No.652116


They can't be fucking serious

>> No.652118


>> No.652119

>QUALITY: The Manga
Isn't that basically every shounen manga ever, though?

>> No.652121


Tsubasa was generally on BL manga levels of quality most of the time.

>> No.652129
File: 245 KB, 1200x984, what's a proportions daddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That certainly is impressive.

>> No.652143

10/10 would fuck

>> No.652149


>> No.652167
File: 301 KB, 1200x984, 1368350380612[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what anon forgot

>> No.652171


He's going to put someone's eye out with that thing.

>> No.652179

I don't get it, why do this. You can't be this shit of an artist. It's not a particularly pleasing unique style.

>> No.652185

RECCA is famicom, it doens't count.

>> No.652228
File: 4 KB, 256x224, superturricannes-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Turrican, simply for being entirely made by one person.

>> No.652239


Wow, you sure are retarded.

>> No.652257

It doesn't use any special chips or whatever, does it?
A reproduction cart should work in any NES.

>> No.652347


well, technically yes... it's his opinion after all, not the truth.


Poor dungeons, really? I liked the factory ones, or the haunted mansion, 8bit dungeons are usually much less detailed.
As for the balance, I guess you mean difficulty. For the most part, if you make use of all the PSI powers you have, and all the items you have, the game is easier than other 8bit RPG classics like Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy.
Mt. itoi has very strong enemies but by the time you reach there you should have 2 franklin badges so in the case an enemy tries to instakill you, he has 1/3 chances of actually doing so, and if they manage to kill the party member without the badge, you can revive them with the PSI power that allows you to revive a party member, can't remember who had it, I think Ana, so it's smart to put the badge on her.
This is no different from later enemies in Dragon Quest III (an RPG classic, contemporary to Mother 1) who will instakill your party all the time, but you have the power to revive party members without having to go to a town.

Mother 1 might not be the best RPG ever, but its above the standards of the RPGs of the time, technically. Just 90% of the people who play it are ones who come from Earthbound, (EB or FF VI probably being the oldes RPG they played) so of course they'll get shocked when they play an 8bit RPG... but really... want something even clunkier and harder? try Dragon Quest or Wizardry titles of the time.

>> No.652365

With how you all hype Recca as being the most technically impressive NES game, I didn't think it'd look so shit.
I mean holy fuck, the sprite flickering is insane.

Shatterhand wins.

>> No.652374

Super Bat Puncher probably takes the cake, but that's hardly retro.


>> No.652396

Shatterhand is a great game, but it doesn't do a single thing that's all that technically impressive.
It certainly doesn't throw a couple dozen enemies on screen with little to no slowdown.
Try actually playing Recca. A YouTube video capped at 30 fps is obviously going to have much worse looking and much more distracting sprite flicker. It doesn't look anywhere near that bad actually playing it.

>> No.652401

Sometimes in Shatterhand there is several layers of moving stuff for the background, and everything is still smooth.

>> No.652423

On the subject of fancy backgrounds: