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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6481721 No.6481721 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Heroes of the Storm die?

>> No.6481725

Not retro, but mainly because it came out way too late, Blizzard dragged their feet on the genre that was built on the foundation of war3.

>> No.6481749
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wrong board little faggot

>> No.6481757

It's just like Hearthstone, extremely polished and extremely unexciting, I played it as a Dotard and, like HS, felt mostly independent of skill. As the other anon said, it could probably have found a stable fanbase had it come out a good 4 years early, but I feel it would never have been a true hit, it was simpler than LoL and worse than Dota 2 in pretty much every aspect (Well, almost all games are since that may well be the greatest ever, but I don't want the /vr/ boomers hearing this lol)

>> No.6481763
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>Dota 2
>greatest game ever

>> No.6481791

It's pretty simple, really, it was the perfect storm of a great game concept that evolved over several years and iterations, that just happened to be picked up by one of the most tryhard and perfectionist game companies ever.
I understand the reputation MOBAs and online multiplayer games in general have (which is 99% warranted), but I've never played one that's as polished or rewarding as Dota 2, retro or not. My actual favorite game ever is SMW, if that makes it better...

>> No.6481801

I like Pudge best. Who do you like?

>> No.6481803

Just giving you shit, no accounting for taste. Mobas seem like particularly inelegant games with the fiercest barrier to entry I've ever seen. Even more than old school fighting games and RTS's which are infamous for doing that. But I just don't 'get' Mobas I suppose.

>> No.6481826

lol is that a Ruger American with nightsights? I have that same rifle. Great for shooting rats and bottles.

>> No.6481949

Die, boomer.

>> No.6482103

youre posting on the wrong fucking board. get the FUCK out. someone ban this cunt

>> No.6482156

id say figting games and strategy games (brood war, w3 from experience) have a higher barrier to entry. i remember starting to play dota becuase I wasn't good enough for wc3s normal maps mutli tasking. needing to worry about just 1 champ was a relief

>> No.6482174

Mobas are literally no different than playing Diablo 2 PvP. Talk about a non-genre.

>> No.6482272
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The barrier of entry for mobas is a meme.

>> No.6482610
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I feel like that's perhaps the biggest reason for their popularity, Bushnell's Law taken to the extreme: extremely low skill floor and extremely high skill ceiling. No exaggeration, you can learn Dota in 5 minutes, but it would take 500 hours to get the concepts down, at which point you're not even qualified to be a player of average skill. But Dota 2 has this issue as I mentioned, it's a case where there's a single worthwhile game that's far better than every other in its genre, which just gets it lumped with the trash by people who haven't played it

I'm getting nostalgic just remembering all the heroes, Windginger, WK, Imba Spirit, Oracle, Rubick, but my favorite is probably Cancer Lancer.
In fact, I have never seen a mechanic quite like his and this is probably a good opportunity to ask: the way he works is that every time he attacks, there's a chance it will create a weaker but visually identical clone of himself, to confuse and swarm the opponents. Closest I've played is Ninja Warrior on the PC Engine, where you have shadows that follow you and attack at the same time. Are there any other similar games?

>> No.6482670

Why does her face look so small?

>> No.6482672

Modern anime-inspired artists often reduce the head sizes on their artwork to give impression of larger breasts/hips/bottoms. They basically draw amazons.

>> No.6482673

Same as me. Then I fell in love with the concept and the possibility of customisations via itens

>> No.6482735

go masturbate to trannies and watch esports you fucking faggot

>> No.6482864

We don't need to hear about your fetishes

>> No.6483161
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>this thread is still alive

>> No.6483442

Too much ass.

>> No.6483451

>People actually like Mobas
>It's literally one of the worst "genres" in existence
Just play an RTS you fucking faggots

>> No.6483494

>the way he works is that every time he attacks, there's a chance it will create a weaker but visually identical clone of himself, to confuse and swarm the opponents. Closest I've played is Ninja Warrior on the PC Engine, where you have shadows that follow you and attack at the same time. Are there any other similar games?
ngl that sounds kinda cool, since this thread is still up, gonna bump for interest

>games with really obvious dominant strategies that require only pressing keys really fast
lol go play DDR if you want that you boomer sperg

>> No.6483550

>They basically draw amazons.
Fucking based

>> No.6484251 [DELETED] 




>> No.6484252

You act like they care.

>> No.6484254

Where's based Sega System/DOS-ROM/Scotformer poster when you need him?

>> No.6484263

Not /vr/ but it seems to have lacked the depth and support other titles in its genre have

>> No.6484264

take your fatass dragon lady and GIT OUT

>> No.6484340

>games with really obvious dominant strategies
Starcraft is so obvious that your quality of play skyrockets dramatically if you commit to learning and studying build orders, some of which aren't necessarily intuitive to a layman, the most consistent and groundbreaking players made their own inventions that shook the meta (Bisu build in PvZ, iloveoov inventions in Terran, Flash's reign of dominance largely caused by his creativity), in a game where in spite of no more patches the meta changes on its own through maps, styles and flavor of the month.
But yeah, I guess it's just about clicking really fast.

>> No.6484372

I played it, I enjoyed it. They reworked a lot of the fun out of the game, like removing turret ammo and otherwise reworking specialists into normal heroes.

>> No.6484689

it's alive and well, i have fun playing it almost every day. what do you mean?

>> No.6484942
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at least they gave us speedo tychus before the game started dying

>> No.6485013


>> No.6485029

It died because rankings means nothing, you can be an useless turd and still be placed diam or higher. Also the game love to associate people with far different skill cap together making it unfunny as fuck for the one with enough skill that will be the one to be considered as the carrier.

That’s the only main reason why this game cannot be taken seriously.

>> No.6485063

The Blizzard of yore is dead and has been for years

Faggots need to realize that companies don't keep the same employees for decades in this day and age, people stay for a few years, work on a few projects, then leave

Nearly everyone has left from the Blizzard that made the classic games you loved

>> No.6485235


>> No.6485334


>> No.6485338

based jannies

>> No.6485394

This thread was moved to >>>/v/510555180