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File: 73 KB, 267x250, Spoony_Bard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
643798 No.643798 [Reply] [Original]

So what was up with Woolsey giving an English longsword a Japanese name? For those of you that don't know, the Masamune in Chrono Trigger was originally called the Grandleon, a name specifically designed by the developers to sound like a medieval English sword. But for some reason Woolsey went ahead and changed it to the name of the popular Japanese katanakaji (swordsmith), Masamune. It kind of took away from the plot effect, especially considering how Woolsey had already white knight-ified Glenn, and here he was carrying a sword with an obviously Japanese name. It probably bothers me more than it should since I'm a sword history fanatic, but oh well. Funny translation general.

>> No.643821

Woolsey's had a few good/iconic lines in his localizations, but otherwise I feel like everyone has an undue nostalgiaboner for him.

>> No.643837

Never played the game in question, but I'm assuming that since maybe he thought the Japanese chose the name of the sword to sound exotic to Japanese players, the localizer reversed it so it would have the same effect on western players.

>> No.643842

I guess that makes sense. Still, it's like adopting an Asian and naming her Sheniqua. Seems a bit out of place.

>> No.643848

Yeah this seems like the obvious reason. Just seems weird to give a western style longsword wielded by a western style knight a Japanese name

>> No.643853

>Never played the game in question, but I'm assuming that since maybe he thought the Japanese chose the name of the sword to sound exotic to Japanese players, the localizer reversed it so it would have the same effect on western players.

I know what you're saying, but localization is really tricks. A perfect localization just doesn't exist, things like that will always happen no matter what decisions the localizer makes.

>> No.643854


Do they? I think I've encountered more complaints about him than praise.

>> No.643868
File: 36 KB, 635x448, this-guy-are-sick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting this one out of the way.

>> No.643873


That's more of a small editing mistake. OP's talking about localization decisions.

>> No.643885


*tricky, and I don't know how I ended up quoting my own post.

>> No.643892

Grandleon sounds just as exotic or nonsensical as Masamune

only someone already strongly familiar with japanese culture or these types of games would recognize masamune or murasame

and they would think...wait, glenn is a samurai? ok I guess, whatever

he made some mistakes, this is an example of a small one

>> No.643917

In the German version of Link's Awakening, the mermaid missed her bikini top instead of "an important amulet" and when you dived in front of her she yelled at you not to peek.

When you put magic dust on those green jelly monsters that gave you electric shocks when you hit them with your sword they suddenly had glasses on (which is probably the same in the English version) and you could talk to them, they said stuff like "Not without a condom!" though. The German Nintendo translation-team must have had a great time.

>> No.643943

I'm an American and to me, Grandleon sounds distinctly European while Masamune is clearly asian. And given that the sword in question is a large, double edged broadsword used by a character who's patterned after a medieval knight, the original name just makes more sense.

>> No.643947


thats what I said

>> No.643949
File: 58 KB, 500x313, ff6-hate2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh woolsey

>> No.643953


I love that part.

>> No.643954

Gonna really stretch it and say that maybe it was to make it consistent with the Final Fantasy series which CT fans of the day would most likely be already acquainted with. The Japanese version already follows FF spell naming conventions (Thunder/Thundaga/Curaga etc).

That or Woosely got the names mixed up with a proposed translation of one of Crono's swords. In the end, Crono's swords had a more Western naming convention in use, like Steel Katana to SteelSaber.

>> No.643963


Please don't equate "English" to "Western"

>> No.643980

>Gonna really stretch it and say that maybe it was to make it consistent with the Final Fantasy series

Funny thing about that though, in the Woolsey translated version of FF6, Masamune is missing because it was renamed Aura (it's the sword Cyan gets in the WoR after you beat the Doma Castle sidequest).

Presumably that one was just done to save on character space, but I always found it doubly ironic that Woolsey took Masamune out of FF6 and put it in Chrono Trigger.

>> No.644117

i know, those magic moments.. at least the gba version kept a few of his additions.

>> No.644162

>save character space

I really doubt they were hurting for space on the ROM so much that they had to take out four letters from a weapon name, prompting a rename.

>> No.644223


You shouldn't be surprised if they actually did. Back in the day, every single little byte was already divided betwee the different aspects of the game. If the resulting game did not fit, they had to trim from various parts.

Supposing that this wasn't the case and it did fit, there's also the possibility that they didn't want to recode the game to allow a long name to fit. Just look at Chrono Trigger: they took out the 'h' in the protagonist's name, and called it a day. In Secret of Mana and Final Fantasy IV, they mutilated to the story so it would fit in the allowed space instead of recoding it to allow more text.

>> No.644269

He means the game wasn't coded to allow names to be that long, and they didn't bother recoding it and just changed the name to something that fit. Happens all the time with localizations.

>> No.644304

Woolsey is a wizard. It took him a month to translate most games. He did this alone. He probably just sped over the sword name because it was goofy.

>Uhhh... fuck that its now the Masamune!

>> No.644338

But it would have fit. The Murasame is still in the game. Masamune has just as many letters.

>> No.644381

Here's an interesting one.

In Japanese FF6, the "Crusader" esper is called "Jihad." Seriously.

>> No.644387

That's pretty well known

>> No.644405

I don't understand this
Why were German games back then so vulgar but so heavily censored now?

>> No.644464


>> No.644469

>In the German version of Link's Awakening, the mermaid missed her bikini top instead of "an important amulet" and when you dived in front of her she yelled at you not to peek.
Isn't that what it was in the original?

>> No.644528


>> No.644541



>> No.644719

Well in 1994 jihad wasn't a touchy word. Most people probably didn't even know what it meant. I know I never heard of it before. It only became an issue after 9/11 as far as I know, when it was parroted eight thousand times on FOX News.

>> No.644725


The Jihad to Destroy Barney had the domain name jihad.net long before 9/11.

>> No.644736

German games can still be vulgar, they just don't like blood and killing in it any more

>> No.644769

Everyone always says that Tellah line is some crazy Engrish mistranslation, but I recently looked up the word spoony and it is a real word that describes Edward perfectly.

>> No.644790
File: 19 KB, 318x223, jyhadgreen[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not playing Vampires: the Gathering

>> No.644843

That was a change? What was the original? No changes really stuck out in the GBA retranslation to me.

>> No.644858

That's the original SNES version. A keen eye could tell from the resolution and the font.

I forget what the GBA retranslation was, but it was a whole lot less punchy.

>> No.644925
File: 148 KB, 800x800, netrunner-starter-opened.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have some of those cards. I never knew anyone that played, though, but I still thought they were really cool.

Same thing with Netrunner. I bought the starter decks and never got to play anybody before they stopped making them. (though I heard they made another one recently).

>> No.644962
File: 21 KB, 479x348, 1364783821862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decide to try a translated FF6 rom
>Espers are now Phantom Beasts

>> No.644963

He basically calls her a bitch, with a bunch of insulting adjectives beforehand.

>> No.644970

The fan translation for FFVI is super literal. It goes for almost total accuracy to the Japanese source material.

>> No.644987


Into the trash it goes!

>> No.644996

Every FF6 retranslation I've played is >>644970. I'm talking about completely forgetting about "flow" in place of accuracy.

>> No.645036


>> No.645035
File: 89 KB, 450x518, 1348358164329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who else is still reading 'Masamune' with a silent E even though you know better now?

>> No.645041

>implying I know better
>implying it isn't still Zeebs

>> No.645042

My first language is Spanish, so I always pronounced it exactly how it's supposed to be.

>> No.645181


Were they originally eidolons?

>> No.645302

I thought the Masamune was named such to reference the whole swordsmith thing. You get Melkior (I think? I forget if the swordsmith in CT is called that or not) to fix up some ridiculous sword. Instead of going with the make it sound european thing, Woolsey went with pick something that reminds you of a real world swordsmith, thus, Masamune.

>> No.645328

You now realize it's pronounced "mah-sah-moon-eh" not "mas-uh-myoon"

>> No.645407

I used to, but I had to work pretty hard to break that habit. Now I have to force myself to read it like the 'e' is silent.

>> No.645463

Take your memeshit to /v/ man.

>> No.645490
File: 1.53 MB, 2442x3096, NP-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, wasn't such an issue back then. Related.

>> No.645519
File: 1.93 MB, 2472x3348, NP-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably should include the relevant part.

>> No.646021

>I've encountered more complaints about him than praise

Because MUH MAGUS-SAMA HAT OF NOT BEING PUZZLED WAAAAAAAH faggots who don't understand the concept of localization yell the loudest

>> No.646024

To make it sound exotic.

Grandleon is exotic for a Japanese player, Masamune is exotic for the Western player.

It's good translation. Chrono Trigger had some flaws in it's script, but many choices in the translation were very, very clever, like this one.

>> No.646030

>I really doubt they were hurting for space on the ROM so much that they had to take out four letters from a weapon name, prompting a rename.
You have no clue.

1. Yes, text had to be cut to save space. Yes.
2. Names had character limits to them. In Japanese, anything can be written with a pair of Kanji. Even Kana is syllabary, i.e. every character is a syllable:
Crono = クロノ (kurono) = two letters less.
And if it's written with Kanji, you can write whole words in 1-2 sign. Like so:
Sword = 刀 = four letters less = you can write sword of [something] in under 4-5 characters, while in English it takes ten times more space.

And that's why they had to rename stuff. These days, they just have to have enough space in the menu to fit the text, the game just types it out, it's not hardcoded per-character anymore.

>> No.646034

Surely, if they wanted to keep it "Final Fantasy" and keep it European why didnt he go with Excalibur?

>> No.646037

That would not be exotic at all. "Grandleon" was an exotic made-up blade. Woolsey didn't have the time to think up a good exotic new name for the sword, so he went with the one that already sounds good, plenty exotic, and is less likely to be known to Western kids.

>> No.646039

>Surely, if they wanted
Why are you referring to Woolsey like that? He's not royalty.

>> No.646045
File: 29 KB, 250x263, Exca&Libur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Localization switcheroo. Also the masamune was not famous because of its shape, but its spirit. In a way, he actually improved the whole situation by giving it more depth.


gud idea

>> No.646048

Except the character limit in FFVI was eight, which is the number of letters in Masamune. Woolsey either changed it arbitrarily, or they were reaaaaaaaaaally hurting for ROM space to the point that they had literally few bytes to spare.

>> No.646049

I'm just saying, Masamune albeit exotic sounding, doesn't suit the character or sword type portrayed in CT. The character being an old English sounding knight, Excalibur would've been perfect, and considering the FF universe, made even more sense in the fact that its Gilgamesh's sword, who is described as a dimension-jumping character (which could've played in to the whole Square crossover thing)

>> No.646050

Anyone have a source for Woolsey naming the blade Masamune to make it sound exotic to Westerners? Or is it just speculation?

>> No.646053

You keep talking about the FF universe, what FF universe? Even FF games don't share one, let alone Chrono goddamn Trigger, ffs.

>> No.646054

People who played Final Fantasy 1 knew what Masamune was, and I'll wager a large number of people who bought Chrono Trigger were FF fans, because everybody I knew who had that game also had FF3/6.

>> No.646060

The Masamune was also in FFIV.

>> No.646064

That's the prime difference between the GBA and SNES versions.

SNES Kefka says hate tons of times, GBA Kefka is a bit more creative.

>> No.646069

>The Masamune was also in FFIV.
Masamune was also in most games, films, anime shows and cartoons. And folklore. And history.

>> No.646068

>SNES Kefka says hate tons of times, GBA Kefka is a bit more creative.

You mean SNES Kefka portraits his autistic insanity better.

>> No.646072

I mean the link between Squaresoft games such as Weapons being the same/item names, Moogles appearing in Secret of Mana, Cecil in Secret of Evermore, I suppose it's more of a Squaresoft link than a FF link

>> No.646076

You could phrase it that way, yes. In the end he comes off as insane either way, but the GBA one just has a larger vocabulary.

>> No.646089


Their story begins in the 5th century...

>> No.646153


ff4 was the first I heard of it. 1991 remember.

>> No.646212

Could you repeat that? What were they actually ad about with Magus?

>> No.646293

But I always pronounced it like that.

>> No.646312

I think someone needs to localize your posts because jesus fucking christ what?

>> No.646315

It's the context. We're talking about overseas fans who were either kids or teenagers who were most likely not exposed to that stuff outside of FF.

I'd wager that a 12 year old from Wisconsin who grew up on localized JRPGs would probably find Masamune to stand out more as if it was an original Square creation.

>> No.646331
File: 164 KB, 500x417, 1389670926457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.646350




Tool of the bourgeois 'austerity' establishment

>> No.647215

because it gives a the same effect it'd have for japanese audiences. Grandleon sounds foreign and strange to them, so call it the masamune to western audiences.
Also i hate that people use that picture whenever talking about woolsey. He never worked on Final Fantasy 4. The bad translation of that game was the reason he was hired and told "don't do this"

>> No.647217

that's not woosley either.

>> No.647227

He isn't.

>> No.647287
File: 14 KB, 483x417, son of a submariner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this line.

>> No.647326
File: 4 KB, 179x132, ultros.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How familiar do you think Woolsey was with tentacle rape porn?

>> No.647330

They use that line a lot in FF5A too.

Same translator, maybe.

>> No.647339
File: 26 KB, 450x267, keikakuthumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do fan translators feel the need to do this? As if they're doing us a favor by teaching us a little Japanese in the process. I just want a fluent translation.

>> No.647343

it isn't the same translator. Woolsey did the son of a submariner line. He stopped working for square around after ff6

>> No.647362

>spreading false information.
Shut up tripfag

>> No.647368

It may have something to do with Woolsey saying that Final Fantasy V wasn't accessible enough to the average gamer.


>> No.647378
File: 39 KB, 300x400, fujika-asuka1201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.647389

A lot of translators and anime fans feel that the Japanese words are special and have more weight, nakama in particular.

It's fucking stupid.

>> No.647392


If we can pepper our English with French and German words, then Japanese should be fine too

>> No.647397

Professional translators don't pepper anything with French or German words. They'd get fired.

>> No.647407


We already use plenty of japanese words in english. Kamikaze, bonsai, sushi, origami, karate, tofu, etc.

>> No.647416

Anybody else always pronounce it "mass-uh-moon" until they discovered the Japanese history of the name?

>> No.647446

You got whacked cuz your weak.

>> No.647451


>> No.647512


Is that actually a thing?

>> No.647568

It doesn't bother me because there is no England or Japan in Chrono Trigger.

>> No.647605

who the fuck is whoosley

>> No.647635

>Why do fan translators feel the need to do this?
Because they are not professionals and don't know how to deal with ambiguity in translating. They just aren't fit for the job, is all. Knowing two langauges is not enough to produce quality translations between those languages.

>> No.647641
File: 35 KB, 459x350, ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.647650

FF7 translated by TV-Nihon

>> No.647713

I still do. Mass-a-myoon is the sword used by Frog in Chrono Trigger to me. Mass-a-moon-ay is the name of the legendary japanese swordsmith and his sword.

I don't even care if it's not right, it works for me.

>> No.647741
File: 40 KB, 323x497, what-you-going-to-do-about-it-faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't even care if it's not right
Neitehr is right, Granleon is.

>> No.647751
File: 57 KB, 300x300, quality fansubs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off back to the chronocompendium forums

>> No.647767

OK, but I'll return. I can crawl out of the terrarium and under the fence again and get to where you are anytime I want.

Just wanted you to know that.

>> No.648023
File: 141 KB, 300x300, hat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.648119

That appears to be a made-up example. There is no such translation patch AFAIK. In fact, from what I've seen, there is a grand total of one fan retranslation, which is only about 65% done, and does none of that shit.

>> No.648143

Of course there isn't. It's a screencap from an anti-undertranslation video. It was linked a few posts after that int he thread.

They're making fun of bad fansubs.

>> No.648150


right, he was just providing the source. it's clearly made up to prove the point in the video.

>> No.648157

Figured as much. Still, I think it needed to be spelled out for some people.

>> No.648251

>In the German version of Link's Awakening, the mermaid missed her bikini top instead of "an important amulet" and when you dived in front of her she yelled at you not to peek.

It was like that in the Japanese version too.
The American version censored it, while the European versions are based on the J release.

The European DX versions contain all US censors, though.

>> No.648272

Resident Evil has the best localization

fuck you barry, I'm glad you died. Dropped the rope my ass

>> No.648297
File: 75 KB, 500x351, shi't.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final Fantasy VII is well known for its horrible localization.

>> No.648365

They're japanese things not just japanese words if you get what im saying

>> No.648380

>not realizing that one courageous translator decided to spell it like that to avoid censors

>> No.648553

Sony (who were the ones who localized FF7) didn't censor games as a rule. It was their way of proving how edgy and cool they were compared to Nintendo's kiddy shit.

Of course, they also didn't like spending money on proofreaders and editors. Especially for a niche JRPG that no one knew would suddenly explode in popularity with a little advertising.

>> No.648919

Go back to your elitist japanese swords imgboard.

When I first played Chrono Trigger, I didn't give a rat's ass about Masamune's name origin, it just sounded like a cool name for a sword. It could've been the Excalibur or w/ever, I didn't care. Do you also question why Crono is called Crono? And why is it "Lucca" and not "Lucas"? Robo and not Robot? Who gives a fuck about this?

The translation was good, I just played the game and never cared about "It's a japanese game that was translated to english". Before your bitching, it was just "a great game".

>TL;DR shut up and enjoy the game

>> No.652227
File: 10 KB, 152x225, trial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what they are

Genju (Phantom/Illusion Beasts)

Anyway, I hate the American version of Gyakuten Saiban. This script is atrocious

>> No.652297
File: 105 KB, 600x849, mystic_mia_by_obsessedkitten-d4v16dn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hates the translation
>posts a screen of what made it fucking awesome

get rekt

>> No.652328

that was back when pop culture references weren't overused like they are today, and the one you've posted was on screen for less than a second.

>> No.652330

>english AA
nigga what

>> No.652361
File: 151 KB, 459x700, wolverine konichiwa baka gaijin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.652384

>I hate the American version of Gyakuten Saiban. This script is atrocious
Have you played the original? It's exactly the same. They've just swapped Jap memes for Western ones.

>> No.652528

As someone who's played both, no they didn't.

Americna versions is far more goofy and meme-ish.

>> No.652531
File: 22 KB, 401x192, pokmon-we-know-what-a-rice-ball-is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, is this the game they say takes place in America with American names but have Japanese shrines and shit? That's always hilarious when American stuff does that shit.

>> No.654757


>> No.655124

but that one comic where wolverine was a samurai was pretty good

>> No.655526

>The translator of Pokemon Diamond And Pearl, Nob Ogasawara (a member of the Something Awful forums), edited much of the the NPC speech in the game to include Internet slang. The player character is repeatedly called a "noob" by other trainers, "for the win" is used at least once, one Galactic Grunt threatens to hit the player's weak point for massive damage, and a clown even exclaims "a winner is you!". They also have a few Shout Outs to the Something Awful forums ("My Pokemon is fight!").
And a Shout Out to a Something Awful forum member as well. A goon did a Let's Play of Pokémon Crystal, starring a character named Roxy, whose main Pokémon was a Wooper. On Thursdays, you can go to the TV station and fight an interviewer/cameraman pair in a double battle. The interviewer uses a Wooper, and the interviewer's name is Roxy. It kind of helps that both the interviewer and the female PC from Crystal both have blue hair.

Jesus Christ, games are not your own personal injoke factory you pieces of shit

even ignoring all the bad Americanizing these games get anyway, that's still horrible

>> No.655536


How do you not lose your job doing stuff like this?

>> No.655558

>redo Woolsey's translation of Chrono Trigger
>Turn "This creature sleeps beyond the flow of time" to some generic "its not moving" crap


>> No.655571

In West Clownadelphia, born and raised

>> No.655576

man I snuck a few renames into games I did localization on for my friends but they were all completely inconsequential NPCs. and just names, too, no dialogue shifts.

Wasn't FF4A full of goon shoutouts too or was that just coincidence?

>> No.655584

>How do you not lose your job doing stuff like this?



People on the internet will defend anything no matter how awful

>> No.655594

Disgusting trash. I hope he dies in a fire for shitting all over someone else's work with his SECRET COMMUNITY MEEMEES

Goons are subhuman.

>> No.655604


That's different, though. That's a general pop-culture reference. These were specific in-jokes.

It's like if me and five friends had an inside joke relating to sod, and I put a reference to it into a major game localization. That should not be okay. Not because it's not funny, but because it's me sticking my dick into a game localization.

>> No.655606

What would you like instead of THAT then?

>> No.655612
File: 39 KB, 240x160, ffiv_sa[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was not a coincidence.

These are the worst people who ever lived.

>> No.655624

a. Hire someone into your localization staff who are capable of making real jokes that are actually funny.
b. No jokes.

There's nothing worse than a bad joke. A meme is the lowest form of a bad joke.

>> No.655635
File: 265 KB, 1200x937, MailDanger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Japanese games generally use Genju (Phantom Beasts) but each game translates it's differently in America. Americans have translated Genju as Espers, Eidolons, Aeons, Avatars and simply Summons.

Rockman.exe's translation was fucking terrible at this. So much l33tspeak and internet slang in those shitty games just because it had a net theme setting.

Plus they changed retarded shit like BombMan to BoomerMan and ColoredMan to Wackoman because "bombs are scary" or some shit.

"Get the plates, 'cuz you just got served!"

>> No.655665
File: 35 KB, 174x118, jake[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I immediately recognized that quote

I know it's not /vr/, but god was this game terrible.

>> No.655675
File: 206 KB, 560x579, oilman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not understanding why they changed ColoredMan's name

>> No.655701

They were Bombman.exe and Colorman.exe in the american games. "Coloredman" is awkward in more than one way, changing it to Colorman is good localization.

"Blasterman" and "Wackoman" are changes made only in the anime dub. Guess who's responsible for that.

>watching the MMBN anime
babby tier

>> No.655714

I would say that, but holy shit look at that image in the top right of >>655635. You'd be seeing Mayl's pubic hair if she had any.

Although I'm sure 4kings censored it.

>> No.655712

>Colored is now a bad word despite the fact it means fucking COLOR like the crayon themed clown he is

People like you is why they always change "Black" to "Dark" in stuff like Yu-Gi-Oh. It's not like they're saying NIGGER, you can use words like black and colored in normal sentencing.

>> No.655731
File: 680 KB, 320x240, buttcheeks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They were Bombman.exe and Colorman.exe in the american games. "Coloredman" is awkward in more than one way, changing it to Colorman is good localization.
>"Blasterman" and "Wackoman" are changes made only in the anime dub. Guess who's responsible for that.

Well I guess that's good, but I know the games still had retarded name changes

And hey the anime is fun.

>> No.655738


Don't be dense on purpose. We both know what connotation "colored man" would have.

>> No.655743

the only fucking name changes in the games were "rock" to "mega" and "hub" to "lan"

>> No.655741
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Mail is a lewd girl in Japan

>> No.655745
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I call it as I see it.

>> No.655749

"Nice try"

Did he just insult those kids drawings?

>> No.655754 [DELETED] 
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>> No.655762


Moot goofed up while changing the text advertising the Q&A

>> No.655768 [DELETED] 

>Ninefag tab

A little too obvious there. You may want to go for something subtler next time.

>> No.655772

it's Mega Man, he is getting away from all the robot masters saying "Nice try" because they couldn't defeat him

>> No.655784 [DELETED] 


Huh? Whats wrong with ninegag?


>> No.655785

>the only fucking name changes in the games were "rock" to "mega" and "hub" to "lan"

Huh? Capcom always changes tons of stuff in those games.

>"Net" to "Lan'
>Kenichi Hino to Mister Match
>Madoi Iroaya to Misses Mad
>Maha Jarama to Mister Yahoot
>Enzan to Chode
>Dekao to Dex
>Yaito to Yai
>Higure Yamitaro to Hisby

Was pretty 4Kidsified. Ryuusei had even stupider names like Rich Dotcom, Bud Bison, and Pat Sprigs.

>> No.655796 [DELETED] 

Well gee, let's see. Can't have anything to do with the fact that you had to call it "ninefag" and couldn't write its real name. Nope. That can't be it.

>> No.655827 [DELETED] 


In a coat of green or a coat of black,
a lion still has claws,
And mine are long and sharp, my lord,
as long and sharp as yours.

>> No.655845 [DELETED] 


and so he spoke, and so he spoke,
that fag from neingagmere
but now the rains weep o'er his AIDS
without a soul to hear

yes now the rains weep o'er his AIDS
without a soul to hear

>> No.655853

>Not understanding why japanese pun names are localized to english pun names

dude just fucking get out already and go back to jerking off to the uncensored pokemon manga. Fuck. You are so stupid it pains me.

>> No.655848 [DELETED] 
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>> No.655871


Chode? Wasn't that like a 90s slang word for cock?

>> No.655885

I'd slang my chode into Lan, if you know what I mean

>> No.655896

Because internet slang is becoming semi-mainstream at least in videogames, so it's considered normal there.
"hit the weak point for massive damage" has been in practically every Square game since that Sony conference, as well as any other RPG with massive amounts of text/items.

It's LULZRANDOM, get it?

>> No.655967

>Not understanding why japanese pun names are localized to english pun names

Nah, everyone knows why. Because they think Americans are retarded as hell and need handholding. Japan doesn't change names like the US does. Not all companies change Japanese names, only the bad ones.

>> No.655986
File: 1.01 MB, 2504x3600, yukikoperfect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not all companies change Japanese names, only the bad ones.

Good: My name Yukiko means snow.. and that's how I feel at times.. plain and empty...

Bad: I guess that's why they call me Icy Snowson

>> No.656034

That's not a perfect analogy. Persona takes place in Japan. Changing the name of a Japanese character would be retarded. Changing it so that it didn't take place in Japan would be EXTRA-STRENGTH retarded.

Kinda like the dumb niggers who localized Ace Attorney

>> No.656038

You're comparing a serious work to a comical one. Battle Network and Ace Attorney characters are ridiculously named in Japanese. It's in the spirit of the original to maintain the pun names.

>> No.656048
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>spirit of the original

EXE isn't a comedy series... Gyakuten might have some humor but it's still a drama with murder mysteries and stuff. Though admittedly the American version is a lot jokier.

>> No.656090

There's games where they don't translate puns though, or make up their own puns, or wasn't even Japanese to begin with, like Breath of Fire 2

Bosch to Bow, Rinpoo to Katt, Apara to Spar, Tapeta to Jean, Deis to Bleu

>> No.656107

I don't support those though I understand why they happened. It's easier to just fucking make up new names that fit into 4 characters than to sit there trying to shove a round peg into a square hole.

>> No.656150

but you see, I hate the persona series cuz I can't remember anyones fucking name due to them all being called nip-nog ding-dong

>> No.656181

I really don't

>> No.656204

you are a terrible retrogramer

>> No.656270
File: 648 KB, 1600x1200, 1350859279189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame racists like you are who these companies appeal to.

"Git that there charlie culture outta muh MURRIKAN games, yee haw! We only speak MURRICAN in this country!"

>> No.656301


The parasite was a great loss, though the angel one looks better than the original (can't remember names but I know it's Yu-Gi-Oh!).

>> No.656376
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>but.. but muh children values

>> No.656380
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>Defending the Pokemon manga censorship

Now you've gone too far.

>> No.656384

What are these from?

>> No.656445

you gay oh, which is for little babies, so no surprise it was so heavily censored

>> No.656471
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...You DO realize these are fake, right?


IIRC, aren't SA Goons regularly hired on for game localization?

Censored Yu-Gi-Oh card artwork.

Also, How good are the re-translations for the FF games? I'm a purefag and have no nostalgia for the old Woosley localizations.

>> No.656574
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Retranslations as in the fan ones or the GBA ones like 4 and 6?

Fan: Pure/Literal, so no real problem there.

GBA: Better but not perfect. Characters still keep their American games (Terra, Sabin, etc) but you can change character names if you want so it doesn't matter. Dialog is way more accurate though so no more 'hatehatehate" wollseyisms from Kefka

>> No.656747

>Jihad to Destroy Barney
...oh my God all the memories when "Kill Barney" shit was popular. I must've downloaded every sound file I could find.

I'm now inspired to find this one particularly long file involving music clips that I loved listening to over and over. Will report back when I find it.

>> No.656821

I don't agree with purefaggotry but I must warn you

the FF6 GBA port absolutely dicks up the sound. It sounds horrible. Music is off, SFX is off, no fucking idea what they did. All SNES-GBA ports suffer slightly from the reduced screen size/resolution, button remapping, and palette limitations to various degrees but the sound fuckery made GBA FF6 nearly unplayable. If you're emulating it, though, there's a patch that fixes it...

>> No.656832

>no fucking idea what they did

It is being played through a GBA speaker.

>> No.656843

That's not quite it. The tracks have different instrumentation altogether.

>> No.656860


Actually I'm only interested in the original SNES/SFC versions of the game.

>> No.656889

Just get the translation patch then.

>> No.656927

I honestly don't see the issue with these changes. Different nations have different cultures that dictate what is ok and not ok for children.

>> No.656937

>IIRC, aren't SA Goons regularly hired on for game localization?

Clearly, based on this thread. Buy WHY?

>> No.656934
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The problem is the Japanese cards have a 13+ warning label on them and the Americans marketed them at 5 year olds with a 5+ year old sticker on them for quick cash.

Also because censorship is retarded no matter what

Though the problem with the American YGO game is more than just censorship. They actively dick over the American fans

>> No.657384

Because they need better editors that aren't retarded.

>> No.657405


There are shitloads and shitloads of goons
They have a lot of boards to discuss and collaborate on projects
Thanks to the paywall their level of maturity/ability tends to be higher
Thanks to the fact that they're on a message board their mastery of current slang is higher than a "conventional" employee
They do good work (see SAGC's game center CX translations)

>> No.657417

When I was a kid I assumed a masamune was a type of sword, not a proper noun.

Similar to how tanto, wakizashi, and katana are just different sizes in the same "family," I thought maybe a masamune was a longer katana.

>> No.657416

let's not forget that north america is probably the only region that has such tight restrictions on nudity and sexuality

almost every other country has frontal nudity on daytime TV, nude ads (i've seen more tits in German Cosmo magazines as ads for bras, breast enhancement or even mammograms than I see on 4chan), nude beaches, and an altogether more "grown up" mentality about sexuality

>> No.657432

Barrel Dragon IMO got an upgrade in design. Those lasers look fucking dangerous, unlike those dull barrels. They're about to go off and kill your BEWD thanks to his effect.

And I seriously miss the old Yu-Gi-Oh art style. There was something to it that looked awesome. Fuck, I miss Yu-Gi-Oh. I never played it with anyone.

>> No.657628

>not liking a dragon made out of magnums

>> No.657747
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His name stays like that the whole game.

>> No.657756

In a way, you were right. Back in the day, swords were known by the name of their creator. There wasn't actually single Masamune. Rather, the swords were named the man who created them, who was actually named Masamune. Thus, any sword he made was a Masamune blade.

>> No.657764

MAZ uh myoon

>> No.657785
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>> No.657791
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>> No.657815
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>having this same feel
>unable to enjoy what I'm sure are okay games

Honestly, if they were named 'John' or 'Michael' or 'Sarah' I'd be just as weirded out.

>> No.657831

What horror is this?

>> No.657845

Monster Hunter Ultimate for WiiU

>> No.658064

>Japanese cards have a 13+ warning label on them

Stop spreading bullshit. It's a children's card game in Japan too. It's just that Japan is far less pussy about what children see than America.

>> No.658146

Theres no way to win.

>> No.658164

write it up to fucking puritans.

>> No.658174

You just can't win with black characters can you?

>> No.658312

>Stop spreading bullshit.

What bullshit? Every pack and deck I buy has them on it.

Kids weren't even allowed to play until like a few years ago.

>> No.658317

>Every pack and deck I buy has them on it.
It should be very easy for you to get a picture of this alleged 13+ rating in that case.

>> No.658353
File: 434 KB, 840x1280, warning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People above 12 need only buy

>> No.658414

lucca is lucca in japanese version and robot is robot in the japanese version too.

>> No.658525

To be fair to Capcom, Neko's dialogue is actually kind of funny, considering how he's stated to not speak your language, multiple times, and even the captain of the Argosy has the same gratuitous Japanese dialogue.

The Japanese script has it the other way around, with Neko and the captain using gratuitous English, so yeah. They did the best they could.

>> No.658664
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>> No.658748
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>He can never know a hug

Pic related. The doctors are sick motherfuckers.

>> No.659257

no it isn't
he isn't strongly familiar with jap culture silly

>> No.659282

>that moment when you realize that if you read romanji words as a native spanish speaker, you are pronouncing it exactly as the japanese
I'm jelly

>> No.659439
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>Black Man

>> No.659464

They changed Bombman's name because of 9/11. They also changed Fireman to Torchman, because "America's firemen ;_;"

>> No.659467
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>spook man

>> No.659506
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Yeah, we ended up being lucky. Yeah? Yeah..?

>> No.659561

Hell, any Mediterranean language for that matter. Italian, Spanish, and Greek, and maybe some others. Those languages focus a lot on enunciating the consonants and generally pronounce the words as they are spelled. And for those of you who still remember, the "Rrrrruuus" from PSG are real in these languages. And much easier for them to perform.

>> No.659569

Man, the things those animators can get away with if it's only for a frame.

>> No.659573

So it's basically FCR, minus the "so funny /v/ culture references", in video game form?

>> No.659584

>and generally pronounce the words as they are spelled.
That's because they're using scripts made specifically for those languages, you know.

Unlike English.

>> No.659596

English has been using the Latin alphabet for over 1300 years.

Besides, the alphabet derives from the Greek alphabet which itself came from Phoenician, an entirely different language family altogether.

>> No.659621

Yeah, I remember Greek. With the exception of "oi", "ei", "ou". and "ai" (which are pronounced as "ee" for the first two and "ooh" and "eh" for the last two), everything made sense. There were consonant equivalents, such as "γκ", "γγ" (both make a hard 'guh' sound), "vt" (v is actually lowercase N, and it makes a hard "dh" sound) and "μπ" (which makes a hard 'buh' sound). Basically, some of them make sense, as if you say mp fast enough, it sound like b.

Words like Rendezvous were rewritten to reflect how they are pronounced. In this case it's "Ραντεβου". And P is the Greek R.

>> No.659627

I always read that line as "shi-it!"

>> No.659636

Also not retro.

>> No.659635

The three first games are translated extremely well IMO. Fourth game (Apollo Justice) on the other hand is a damn rush job. It's numerous spelling errors certainly doesn't make the game any better.

Also translation general?

>> No.659643

>It was their way of proving how edgy and cool they were compared to Nintendo's kiddy shit.

Which Sega did as well, but Sega failed. Sony still exists and still poses a threat to Nintendo's third party relationships.

>> No.659648

Better than Days of Ruin at least.

>> No.659657 [SPOILER] 
File: 20 KB, 500x333, 500px-Carlos_Ramon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that explains why Diamond and Pearl were Something Awful.

Imagine if 4chan did a translation?

">Using Water types"
">In a Electric gym"
"I seriously hope you guys don't do this."

>> No.659718

>mfw Kirlia evolved into Gallade
>tfw no qt3.14 Gardevoir gf

>> No.659724

>implying you won the battle
>implying charmander is evolving
>implying that's not charmeleon

>> No.659730

Should the games automatically make the text green?

>> No.659736

pretty much every bit of system text would just have >implying in front of it until you threw your gameboy out a window

also if the game ever displays the same digit next to itself whether it's in an item display or your money or damage/health in battle or just the clock it will go into a 50 message loop about checking out its doubles that you have to advance through until you throw your gameboy out a window

when you throw your gameboy out the window the accelerometer detects it and says it was trolling you and calls you a fag

>> No.659787

The only people who don't like Woolsey's translations are weeaboos. Pretty much every change he made improved the games.

>> No.659810

You know, Woolsey wasn't perfect, but he actually had a grasp on some form of writing and syntax and colloquialism, which is more than I can say for fan translations that pride themselves on snobbish "authenticity".

I'd rather have a few oddball woolseyisms and questionable truncations or romanizations to contend with than the flat, robotic, and painful literal translations that ironically fail to convey any nuance or personality that isn't encapsulated in a fucking running-gag idiom.

Thank god most prominent translators don't ascripe to that absolutely boorish localization-is-the-devil juvenile mentality.

>> No.659815

Or maybe the game creates a new system, where it would say "check those dubs" when comes across a lv 22 pokemon, or whenever your pokemon reaching doubles. Luigia would've been called Dubzgai because it learns a new move every 11th level, effectively getting dubs. As would Ho-oh, but screw him.

>> No.659854

Yeah I'm going to have to say you're a lying faggot. It had just as many munerune memes, gags, and puns as the Western version did.

>> No.659863

seriously, I don't know where these people come from, pulling those opinions out of their ass

is this board just better at night

>> No.659949

Phoenix Wright in Japanese is named Ryuichi Naruhodo. Naruhodo means "I understand" or "I see" or something like that. It's literally the same fucking joke.

>> No.660006
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I don't see why they need to change their names, though. This isn't the 80's anymore, that blatant Americanization shit is best left in the past.

>> No.660043
File: 212 KB, 315x352, rersh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nuke Man
>AND Uranium Man

>> No.660057

kids don't fuck around when it comes to imagination escalation

>> No.660086

I like what the guy who's currently retranslating FFVII is doing. He's firmly on the boat of localization, but he felt the original localization didn't do a good enough job (although he says Michael Baskett did as good a job as he could have done given the circumstances). He is retranslasting it to make it more accurate to the original Japanese, while avoiding being overly literal and changing things like Japanese-centric puns into something we understand.

>> No.660094

Oh, but he got rid of "let's mosey", so commence the rage, I guess.

>> No.660095

the original felt barely localized, it was clearly a rough as hell translation. If they actually had a localizer I feel bad for him

>> No.660109

The Spanish language translation is hilarious, though.

>> No.660127

Michael Baskett was roughly in the same spot as Woolsey, only where Woolsey took liberties because he wanted to add flavor, this guy took liberties because he had absolutely no communication with Square HQ, and so a lot of time he was in the dark as to what they were going for with some pieces of dialogue, monster names, references, etc. For lack of a better way to describe the situation, FFVII's script was Japanese as FUCK, and had many puns and gags that would only be recognized as such by Japanese speakers, let alone get them.

>> No.660136

>blade man
>blader man

Needs bladest man

>> No.660142

>Honeybee Inn

yeah I can see that, if I had to localize that shit in the 90s AND deal with a deadbeat dad game company I'd throw my hands up and just do whatever

>> No.660148

And they said Nintendo was bad.

>> No.660150
File: 196 KB, 476x353, TOP PUHCENTAGE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds neat. Got a link?

>> No.660152

Thankfully, by FFVIII and IX Square finally realized that cheapening out on the localization process was hardly the ideal way of doing things, so they upped their standards and got an actual team together.

>> No.660172

Growing up, a local history professor and part-time neckbeard would hold a summer class for kids where we'd all go to a room with one long, long table and play fantasy battles with miniatures. He cobbled together his own system so that he could use all different kinds of armies; Spaniards vs. Englishmen vs. Arabs vs. Dwarves vs. Elves, and so on. One of the special rules was that, once a game, the Arab player could declare a Jihad and gain a +1 bonus to all roles, but in order to get the bonus he had to yell "ALLAHU ACKBAR" at the top of his lungs.

Good times. My favorite army was the undead, by the way. The skeleton giant was kickass.

>> No.660180


This is the main thread, although the retranslation project has been merged into a compilation of other projects from the author called The Reunion:


I believe you can choose which parts to install separate from others. A new version is supposed to come out soon. Keep in mind the retranslation isn't done, though. He's only about 65% done with it.

>> No.660185

>Arabs vs Undead
>by a history professor
Alabama State U?

>> No.660203

I used to call the humans in Warcraft the "americans" while the orcs were "indian goblins" as a young one.

It has hardly anything to do what you said, but I felt it was worth stating.

>> No.660207

No, sorry.

>> No.661119

>Phoenix Wright in Japanese is named Ryuichi Naruhodo. Naruhodo means "I understand" or "I see" or something like that. It's literally the same fucking joke.

Not really. "I see" is not the same as "Wright"

You can't use it in the same joke.

"He's wright!"
"He's I See!"

Second, big deal. Most anime have pun names like that but they never get translated unless 4Kids licenses it

>> No.661158

The first three games are retro. AP is not, in fact it should rot.

>> No.661167

>The first three games are retro
No, they aren't. GBA isn't retro.

>> No.661191


Ah shit you're right.

>> No.661219

>Second, big deal. Most anime have pun names like that but they never get translated unless 4Kids licenses it

That's what I was saying, his argument was that the game was less pun-filled in Japanese.