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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6477151 No.6477151 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6477163

even in the future that place is a shithole, haggar is a terrible mayor

>> No.6477168

Is there any beat 'em up as good as Final Fight? Seriously, the rest of the ones I've played (X-Men, Punisher, Cadillacs and Dinos, Simpsons, etc.) range from just okay to total shit.

>> No.6477189

Not really, Ninja Warriors Again is pretty up there though, Knights of the Round is also top notch but you have to play it on its hardest setting.

>> No.6477237

now THAT'S a dead meme

>> No.6477262

Shadow Over Mystara

>> No.6477267

Is /tv/ leaking?

>> No.6477432

This deserved its own thread

>> No.6477601
File: 32 KB, 400x279, Ellen & Cody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, technically you're there to clean off the scum of streets.

>> No.6477651

Hey, he did what he could.

>> No.6477951
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That's a common mispronunciation. What you meant to say was "METROCITY", no need to thank me.

>> No.6478854


>> No.6478857
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>> No.6478864


>> No.6478871


>> No.6478898

Until the rakushin detonated

>> No.6478964

Until the roofies wore off. Then she woke up and talked about pressing charges so I just pulled my tongue out of her ass and left.

>> No.6479124

Vendetta is REALLY fun, has an interesting combo system and you can thrash people once they're on the ground.
I also strongly recommend Night Slashers, you beat zombies apart and fight monster movie-kinda bosses.
Lastly I recommend Battle Circuit, it's not as much sidescrolling as much as it's kind of a boss-rush but with half of it being some walkable levels.

>> No.6479262

here, sure
crossover ep

>> No.6479268

Captain Commando is solid, even if a general downgrade despite some cool additions.

>> No.6481135

Fuck you guys for reaching page 10.

>> No.6481203
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>highlight/outline goes around the shopped image

>> No.6482269

Turns out you need to do more about crime than just beating the shit out of the criminals.

>> No.6484284

You suck

>> No.6484285
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>> No.6484324
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>just okay

>> No.6484402

A realy shitty place to live but apparently even crimimals can be majors, Cody's only flaw is that he got cucked by Jessica at the end and even Poison's boipucci didnt getting back on track, what a waste of power....

Haggar fags can suck my dick

>> No.6484449

While FF is my favorite, the fact that you don't think highly of other Capcom beat-em-ups makes me question your existence.

>> No.6485160

Sengoku 3 is the best beat 'em up

>> No.6485774

South Town is worse
That's the Saturday night slam master champion you're talking smack about, fuckhead.

>> No.6487576

Me beating on your mom's pussy

>> No.6487602

The only ones I ever had fun with were Double Dragon II on NES and arcade as well as Battletoads vs. Double Dragon on Genesis. They just have a different feel to them for some reason.

>> No.6487790

It doesn't count if you're just quarter feeding his mom.

>> No.6487940

SoR was always the better game and franchise.
Though I'll admit that it's really cool that FF got fully incorporated into Street Fighter world.

>> No.6487971
File: 19 KB, 480x360, Pimpin'-like-jumping-ain't-easy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>South Town is worse
Had Jessica been kidnapped there, she would've definitely been pimped out .

>> No.6489271

not even sodom?