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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6476706 No.6476706 [Reply] [Original]

How difficult are Sonic the Hedgehog 1, 2, CD, 3, & Knuckles to beat compared to, say, Super Mario Bros. 1-3?

>> No.6476715

they're all nintendo hard

>> No.6476717

I just beat 3&k with tails first time ever, got over my anxiety about not letting sonic save the day

>> No.6476729

Mario 1 & 2 (lost levels) are definitely harder than the classic Sonic titles. Sonic 1 can be sorta hard at times but in a bull crap Mario 2 sort of way. The other Sonic games simple enough, the last 2 emerald bonus stages are tough.

>> No.6476921
File: 161 KB, 400x563, amy_in_sonic1_custom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not very, as long as you have a steady supply of rings

>> No.6476923

If you die, it sends you all the way back to the beginning of the game. That’s not hard, that’s just cheap

>> No.6476929

found the save scummer

>> No.6476949

Lol, faggot

>> No.6476952

Harder if you can't obtain all the emeralds to get the best ending.

>> No.6476971
File: 257 KB, 1218x1004, naked-amy-sprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Amy was naked like Sonic...

>> No.6476976

>If you die, it sends you all the way back to the beginning of the game. That’s not hard, that’s just cheap
You have to play the special stages to win continues

Even if you don't want to bother with 100 percenting the game with emerald hunting, you definitely need to consider ring collecting a core aspect of the gameplay unless you're just some pro speedrunner fuck who can go the whole game without a single ring

>> No.6476984

I recently replayed Sonic 1 and 2. 2 is significantly easier, giving you extra continues and lives playing casually. Sonic 1 I actually game overed in Scrap Brain. Extra lives and continues are very stingy in that game.

>> No.6477016
File: 230 KB, 400x556, amy_in_sonic2_custom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continues are earned in Sonic 1 via getting a set number of rings in Special stages, in Sonic 2 you get them via reach a good score in an act. Finishing a stage with a low time and lost of rings usually resulted in a continue.

>> No.6477159

They're generally easier in my opinion. Getting the emeralds is hard though, particularly in Sonic 1 and CD.

>> No.6477193

Classic Sonic is overall much easier then classic Mario IMO. Also much shorter.

>> No.6477205

Piss easy, seriously. The Genesis Sonic's were never known for challenge.

>> No.6477208

hardest part of Sonic games are the Sonic 2 special stages, specially if you're playing with Sonic + Tails

>> No.6477223


cheap, yes >>6476923

you literally just have to hold right for 90% of the games

>> No.6477297

>dad had a rule that I couldn't have a new game until I completed the last one
>complete sonic 3 30 minutes after getting home with it
Love Sonic and like it way more than Mario but they're not hard

>> No.6477396
File: 243 KB, 640x876, sonic 3 and amy jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complete sonic 3 30 minutes after getting home with it

why must you lie on the internet
carnival night alone would have filtered you something fierce

>> No.6477402

Sonic fan art with nudity that’s actually well done, tasteful, and not cringe? What world am I living in?

>> No.6477796

Didn't bother to do toes, should have kept the shoes on to match every other sonic character imo.

>> No.6478649
File: 29 KB, 640x448, external-content.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get good at the special stages? I keep falling out of the level and don't know where to go.

>> No.6478673

I didn't beat Sonic 3 until 12 years after I got it, because that's when I decided to go online to look up how to do the barrel.

>> No.6478757

you could just make a map or something, that's wwhat I did to beat all of sonic 2's bonus stages

>> No.6478770

You can save scum in CD

>> No.6479350

Sonic 1 has easier bonus stages. Sonic CD, 2 and 3 does not.

>> No.6479493

very first one, if you don't make a single move when it starts your momentum will cause you to fall right into the room with the emerald

you'll have to put some work in for the others

>> No.6479504

They're easy peasy. Especially 2 and 3&K because it introduces Sonic's best tool, the spindash.

>> No.6479510

Memorization games.

>> No.6479512

2 and maybe 1 are the only ones with noticeable bite. Especially 2, because it's so fucking unfinished there is at least one 99% guaranteed ring loss and a whole string of others you'd basically have to already know was coming.

>> No.6481528

Sprite's tits looks weird and a bit big
False. I got way far on those games compared to the Sonic ones.

>> No.6481616


Piss easy compared to Mario.

>> No.6481712

is the reason girl animals clothed because of furry faggots?

>> No.6481734

Sonic games are among the easier platformers out there; not quite kirby level but close. The first can give you a bit of trouble towards the end but every other game in the series is extremely lenient. The ring system makes it so your only deaths are pits or being crushed, and you have more than enough lives and continues to trial and error your way through those moments. The bosses in particular (probably one of the weakest aspects of the series) are entirely freebies

I remember when Mania came out and /v/ was complaining about it being too difficult, namely the boss fights. I was floored. My first run through the game I think I finished with around 24 lives. And that's not me being 'hardcore' or touting how good I am, classic sonic is just incredibly simple and I dont understand how people struggle with it

>> No.6481741

Almost. There are some female ones from the past that got to be naked or topless/bottomless without problem. Others not because guys can show chest but girls don't. Either way, things got lewder and more degenerate in the future.

>> No.6481745

that has always been weird to me, why do tits need to be covered up, they can't need protection like genitals do

>> No.6481748

what about getting the good endings though?

>> No.6481750

Well, they are basically humans with fur, so most of the anatomy is human-like. A lot of fur can cover a penis easier than boobs.