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6449619 No.6449619 [Reply] [Original]

xcom is a cool game. just waiting to find a commander so I can get on with the mars mission but the motherfuckers seem so elusive now I either get soldiers or leaders. and jesus fucking christ there are so many ethereals, almost every single ship I get are ethereals, or floaters for some reason

anyways, let's talk x-com

>> No.6449902

Commanders are in bases, Battleships, or base defense (unless Mutons).

>> No.6450143

>x cum
Sounds l-lewd.
Would be nice if someone make a mod like that.

>> No.6450238

Play TFTD like a real man.

>> No.6450442

Xpiratez is that

>> No.6450640

If x-com was real, would you join?

>> No.6450725


>> No.6450812

I'd have so low stats that I'd get discharged right away

>> No.6450839

>x cum
unironic lol but i don't know why

anyway post snake tits

>> No.6450842

Mind probes are a thing.

>> No.6450849

That one mod that pushing the start of the game back way earlier in which you're more of an x-files like bureau and start missions with a sedan as your vehicle with two guys in suits, which you can play all day for literal weeks before seeing a single fucking alien, is pretty cool.

>> No.6451101

Of course not. Low stats soldiers are the ones used to enter UFOs first

>> No.6451369

x-com files? It starts extremely slow and boring. You fight 4 kind of humans that are basically the same, or mutated animals and such that usually boils down to shooting 50 zombies in the middle of tundra.
It gets better as you progress, but it's hard to return to it after playing xpiratez.

>> No.6451381

what it is

I've only heard that there's cum

>> No.6451408
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It has pixelated tits and sexual jokes here and there, but overall it's the biggest and most polished mod for openxcom (some call it bloated tho).
Certainly give it a try if you enjoyed xcom files.

>> No.6451642

with my luck my first mission would be me charging a chryssalid while strapped with olastic explosive

>> No.6451709

Hell yeah, I'd die in 3 seconds while fighting alien invaders.Hopefully it wouldn't be too painful.

>> No.6451727

You bet. You chimps wouldn't stand a chance.

>> No.6452410

It also has some particularly sadistic quest (yes, you have something resembling quests in it) designs, where you can end up in what's basically a trap and either lose a bunch of units, lose a bunch of reputation, or both.

>> No.6452502

Avoid at all costs, you literaly become der coomer if you play it and start raving about goblin pussy
Not joking

>> No.6452719

Started playing XPiratez, has been fun. Starting to figure things out, mostly been selling captured people instead of robbing them since that seems to give more money, and I need money for more brainers. Also waiting to figure out how to get a ship with weapons so I can light up the damned trader ships that fly by, I'm stuck with doing random quests instead, which has been fine so far. Surprisingly easy to go around with cattle prods / baseball bats and just b o n k people. I also like the fact that non flintlock weaponry is hard to get your hands on, adds a way different tone than regular com.

>> No.6453309

x-cum music makes me cum

>> No.6453325

Is there a game over in XPiratez?
Like in the original X-Cum?

>> No.6453779

Robbing gives you blue chips (used in gambling once you research it), one or more database (you'll need hundreds for white dragon later, but it's not mandatory) and, often, extra loot depending on prisoner. But early on you better off selling them.
By the way, don't hesitate to max on brainers as soon as possible. Points directly give you money in this mod, research generate points, so if you buy them at the beginning of the month they'll pay their upkeep.
>Also waiting to figure out how to get a ship with weapons
If you're not afraid of spoilers, you can view tech tree in game. Either middle click on research topics or press Q on geoscape.
Search for contact: car thieves, those are your earliest possible armed crafts.
The same deal as original: you go negative funds or past negative score threshold two months in a row, and your crew send you down the plank.
Or you can softlock yourself by selling tiny drill or menacing hull, or losing the base with ancient lab before lategame.

>> No.6454639

thanks for the tips friend, will keep in mind

>> No.6455046

Robbing is generally not recommended unless you absolutely need the special resource that particular enemy unit holds. Robbing is the least efficient of all enemy-processing actions. From what I remember back when I played... version J, I think? I only used rob on those ratmen whose research topics I had already completely exhausted (in X-Piratez you can research an enemy unit multiple times, since each time you do, they give you another technology for free, until their pool of known techs is exhausted).

>> No.6455142

I'll try it in my next play.
So far I only try 1 mod: Area51.
It's hard af.

>> No.6455682

is x-cum: semen from the deep any good

>> No.6455687

I send Lokk'narrs to die horrible deaths in caves, fuck them.

>> No.6455730

It's good but also rock hard, so bring some lube.

>> No.6456792
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>Sectoid infiltration fleet shows up
>in March when my soldiers still have only laser rifles
>and it lands at night
Of course. Why wouldn't it?

>> No.6457391

Did a Sectoid base defense which scared the poop out of me because it was early game and I didn't yet have Heavy Plasma, but turned out to be surprisingly easier than I thought, though mostly due to stupid luck because one idiot alien with a Blaster Launcher accidentally blew himself and about five other aiyys up. Also one stupidly lucky soldier got shot twice in a row by a Cyberdisc and wasn't even scratched.

>> No.6457521

I've gotten pretty far in the game with just laser rifles

the key is just constantly broadsiding everything on the map with your entire squad until every fucking structure is collapsed or you run out of aliens.
unlimited ammo means never having to open a door or turn a corner (except in ufos anyway)

>> No.6458672

Laser rifles make it a pain in the arse to kill the tougher aliens like Cyberdiscs which usually take 2-3 shots to drop with a Heavy Plasma but with a laser rifle it's more like 4-6. Not to mention being able to shoot convenient holes in UFO walls.

>> No.6458756
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Yeah but the key is you're not making normal sweeps of the maps, you're bulldozing everything one row of tiles at a time so any foe you find can get focus fire from the entire squad (plus half the time they just had a building collapse on them).

It's not optimal, but it is viable and gleeful

>> No.6459765


>> No.6459796

You still need to keep em around along with heavy lasers for Sectopods

>> No.6459810

>playing TFTD for the first time
>Gauss weapons need their own clips and still barely hold more than regular ass harpoon weapons
>Started a boat mission, got my ass kicked in, barely made it out alive just to get to the second part of the mission with a brand new map and set of baddies to deal with
>and I'm just playing on beginner and barely into my second month
it doesn't get it easier, does it

>> No.6459825

I just skip gauss weapons altogether and go right for Sonic Rifles. In the meantime I mostly arm my troops with Gas Cannons and explosive rounds for distance shooting and armor piercing for close range. And make sure you get Sonic Pulsers as fast as you can, you should have them by the first terror mission.

>> No.6459924

I've already had two terror missions, fuck.
yeah, I'm gonna start researching sonic stuff ASAP. I don't know if I can do this boat mission, I may have to skip it and eat the score penalty. The first com didn't have any terror missions in the first three months on veteran (on open x-com mind you so the difficulty glitch was fixed) this is ridiculous

>> No.6461682


>> No.6461697

TFTD is X-COM on crack. It's a hard game man

>> No.6461978

How are the Amiga and PSX versions of this? Any interesting changes or differences?

>> No.6462283




>> No.6462373


>> No.6462667

>he first com didn't have any terror missions in the first three months on veteran (on open x-com mind you so the difficulty glitch was fixed) this is ridiculous
Uh yeah it did. You always get one terror mission a month. And in TFTD you must get a live Deep One and a corpse from one of the early game terror missions or you can't get armor or even beat the game at all.

>> No.6463412

In the original game, you can shoot up a grav lift one level, but not down one. Also you could throw grenades up the lifts but not down them. In OXC you can go up or down them and even shoot two floors above or below which can be a nasty surprise if you're not prepared for it. This is EU only; TFTD still works like the original in that you can't shoot up or down grav lifts at all. But TFTD has lots of balconies and staircases anyway, so...

Also...in the original game, the AI will not fire a Blaster Launcher if the target is <10 squares away. In OXC yes they will fire at close range and aliens will gladly become suicide bombers. However they can also shoot the things off when they panic or go berserk which didn't happen in the original, so a panicking alien with a Blaster Launcher may blow himself and his buddies up.

>> No.6463638


>> No.6464032

I think the game could've benefit if the alien roles (engineer/commander/medic/etc) were directly distinguished by their sprite, so that capturing required alien roles for psyonics or Cydonia would be less painful.

>> No.6464051

It does sort of do that anyway since different alien ranks may carry different equipment and spawn in specific areas of the map.

>> No.6464340

Grenade throwing arcs in OXC are improved a lot, so look out because aliens can surprise butt secks you with grenades where they couldn't in the original game.

>> No.6464345

I always get someone in the back equipped with Mind Probe so whenever an alien is spotted, I save the game and use Mind Probe to identify it.
Then I reload.
Save scumming.

>> No.6464360

I was a shade annoyed at certain AI and terrain quirks being fixed in OXC.

>aliens don't blow themselves anymore up trying to throw grenades through a wall
>explosions don't travel through certain UFO walls
>80 item limit removed so you don't get a situation like a base defense where half the aliens don't have any guns (happened to me before and it was hilarious)
>being able to magically see into UFOs when you're flying around in a Flying Suit
As far as I'm concerned, those aren't bugs, they're features.

>> No.6464373

OXC has a couple of oversights in it like it keeps trying to send infiltration missions after all countries in a region have been infiltrated (the original game would stop sending them) and you're supposed to get another alien retaliation mission immediately after a base defense--they only stop if they fail to find your base. I know, you can manually edit your save file and put that stuff in but it's still a PITA.

>> No.6464393

It always seemed that terrain in general was more destructible in TFTD. Like you can even blow up USO outer walls sometimes with grenades which you can't do in EU.

>> No.6464398

Hmm you should report that to the OXC or OXCE devs, I already reported some of the oversights and bugs I found and they got fixed pretty quickly.

>> No.6464517


Found another one. OXC seems like it just throws up the "X alien has panicked" screen any time an alien panicks when it's supposed to only happen if the alien's morale drops under 30 or something.

>> No.6464569

Two more small mistakes I found.

>terror missions should start 150 minutes into a new month, OXC sets them to start at 120 minutes
>the start of game alien research mission causes OXC to remove research as a possible alien mission from your home region which is not supposed to happen

>> No.6464580

Post them here:

>> No.6464695
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>aliens don't blow themselves anymore up trying to throw grenades through a wall
They still can blow themselves up sometimes if they miss the throw and hit the wall.
And as explosions and vision bugs go, it should be a terrain fixes and not openxcom.

>> No.6464718
File: 18 KB, 478x611, looks 150 to me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OXC sets them to start at 120 minutes
What version do you use? I looked at both OXC and OXCE rulesets, and terror mission is set to 150 delay in both.

>> No.6465283 [DELETED] 

>Superhuman difficulty
How many bases do you guys build?
What are the focus of each base?
And the location (1st, 2nd, 3d, etc) of each base?

>> No.6465290

>Superhuman difficulty
How many bases do you guys build?
What are the focus of each base?
And the location (1st, 2nd, 3d, etc) of each base?
Both for EU & TFTD.

>> No.6465478

Maximum bases for radar coverage.
I don't remember the base config for unmodded game, but something like dedicated research base, 1-3 dedicated manufacturing bases, and the rest either interceptor bases or just leave them as radar outposts.
In modded games secondary troop base is usually good as there's a lot more missions going on at once.
For location, just look at radar circles. Start with EU or NA, and then cover all the continents.

>> No.6465518

>Non-main bases focus for manufacturing etc.
Are the aliens gonna attack them?
Do you station soldiers in those bases?
They can't do much if they get attacked because they are mostly rookies.

>> No.6465836

Yep. They tend to target interceptor bases, but they can also search in regions where you took down UFOs.
For defense you can use a mix of rookies and HWP. High explosives don't need high-skilled soldiers to be effective.

>> No.6465997

Thanks for the tips, senpai.
I'll try it in my next play.

>> No.6466210

And also I found these.

>stun damage from smoke inhalation doesn't work properly--there's different smoke densities and units should take more stun damage if you're standing in thick smoke (eg. from a smoke grenade) yet you seem to get only a very tiny amount of stun damage from that
>4x4 terrorists always die and never get stunned--in the original game they get stunned a lot especially Reapers
>melee aliens are supposed to turn around and run if you're facing them and have a ranged weapon--this doesn't seem to happen in OXC which is so nice when fighting Chryssalids (annoying as they were in the original game, you still knew they wouldn't attack if you were facing them).

>> No.6466227 [DELETED] 

Yeah I found in the version of OXC I had that this stuff was set to explode when it should just produce smoke instead, but I used MCDEdit to fix it. But as you said, that's a map data issue.

>> No.6466229
File: 47 KB, 1372x543, 1952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found in the version of OXC I had that this stuff was set to explode when it should just produce smoke instead, but I used MCDEdit to fix it. But as you said, that's a map data issue.

>> No.6466243

That definitely nerfs the game when you know all the aliens are panicking and you can go "Cool I'm winning let's just walk around and shoot everything." Since the original game wouldn't always tell you that (just if the aliens' morale goes below a certain point) you would know not to let your guard down especially since panicked aliens don't always drop their weapon and you can't tell just by looking at an alien if he's panicked and therefore harmless.

>> No.6466693

It should be 1-3 units of stun damage per turn depending on the smoke density.

>> No.6466905

You sure that's not an OXCE glitch? previous version had an issue where objects that produce smoke (like grenades) would explode instead of just releasing the smoke (if you had 'instant grenades' on), got fixed in the latest patch.
While the morale thing should be fixed, I think it would be best to play with the aliens' panic warning disabled OR if you really want things to be immersive/realistic, make a mod that only shows these warnings if you have researched the aliens beforehand. It would make more sense to be able to tell if an alien is behaving erratically if you had a way to know how they behave normally.

>> No.6467012

Panic can happen any time a unit's morale is <50 and the likelihood of panicking increases the lower it gets. IIIRC it only tells you the alien panicked if his morale is 25 or less, or halfway below the panic threshold. Often an alien will go berserk and you'll hear random shots being fired on the aliens' turn although it didn't display the panic message because his morale wasn't low enough yet to cause that to display.

>> No.6467028

Getting rid of the 200 tile smoke/fire limit was nice.

>> No.6467041

The original game still keeps track of smoke even when it's not displayed due to that limitation. As one tile with smoke clears, it will move the smoke to another tile that didn't have it before.

>> No.6468195

I like the way panic is displayed in mods. Enemies start screaming when panicking or berserking, and panic display is usually disabled, so all you get is random screams and shots around you.
>You sure that's not an OXCE glitch?
Nah, that's .MCD files, they're not even distributed with OXC.
I'm not even sure if it's a glitch, my package also has offset 54 on these objects at 0, and I think exploding barrels, fuel pods and rockets in game make sense.

>> No.6469435

They definitely did modify UFO outer walls so you can't throw grenades through they anymore. (sadface)

>> No.6469567

I have never played an X-COM game before, and am looking to start at the beginning.

Should I download OpenXcom or just play the vanilla dosbox version from GOG? I'd prefer to play the game as original as possible, not like JA1.13 bullshit on my first go. However, QoL, windowed, and HR modes would be nice.

>> No.6469698

Get either OpenXcom or OXCE (OpenXcom Extended), the difference is that OXCE has even more QoL changes and more extensive mod support. From there you can pretty much add or modify whatever you want if you're the kind that likes a highly customized experience, if not vanilla OpenXcom works just fine. It has HR, windowed/fullscreen/borderless modes and filters, you can choose the audio format you want, the sfx (if you use the steam files), change shortcuts, and a lot of gameplay options (most QoL changes are optional).

>> No.6469954

openxcom it is, thanks

>> No.6470181

Getting rid of the 80 item limit was nice but then it also nerfs the game a little since you can take along essentially unlimited gear when you used to have to choose and plan for a mission carefully.

>> No.6471374

Do mods compatible between OXC and OXCE?

>> No.6471898

Depends on a mod, usually it's mentioned in mod description. Usually small mods are fine with OXC, but bigger ones require OXCE.
OXCE expands modding capability a lot. You can play OXC mods in OXCE, but not vice-versa.

>> No.6472093

>alien abduction mission
>skyranger lands 8 tiles away from the ufo
>5 sectoids, one waiting outside the other 4 still indoors
>stun and capture all of them on the second turn
>only casualty is the skyranger that got a scratch from a stray plasma shot
>nothing a bit of toothpaste can't fix
Jesus, that was quick and brutal, 'alien abduction' in-fucking-deed.
>Squaddie misses 2 stuns
>Rookie gets it first time
You just know they ain't gonna let him live that one down.

>> No.6473059

The only alien you needed to capture alive on that mission was the leader. That said, Abductors are a bit of a PITA especially with Sectoids (for understandable reasons).

>> No.6473189

I just beat Terror from the Deep for the first time, and I never want to play it again. Jesus fucking christ it was such a fucking slog at the end. I had no idea that I needed a Deep One terrorist for Ion armor so I spent nearly three in game years looking for a fucking lobster ship. And oh my god some of those terror missions. NOT ONLY are they two fucking parts, they're in the biggest most spread out maps I've ever seen. Even with a molecular finder or whatever the radar was called, finding the final fucking aqua sectoid in a closet was always so frustrating. And those fucking base assaults. I have never seen such a mazy map before.

I really really want to like Terror from the Deep, the mood, graphics and sound design are all super my jam, the underwater aesthetic is really nice, but fuck is it just so fucking annoying to play by the end. I only did it to say that I did, I'm never going to touch TFTD again if I can help it.

>> No.6473204

I heard good things about The world of terrifying silence mod, it's sort of TFTD expansion. But I haven't played it myself, so no idea how good it really is.

>> No.6473213
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>I had no idea that I needed a Deep One terrorist for Ion armor

>> No.6473223

The shipping route attacks are a PITA but it's not that bad once you memorize where the aliens generally spawn in. I would probably abort a Mixed Crew one though lest you have to deal with Triscenes trapped in a cruise ship bathroom. And if you want, you can always cheat by revealing the last alien (activate debug mode in OXC with Ctrl+D).

>> No.6473253

I guess artifact sites are my least favorite missions because they're just a PITA. Even colonies offer you some leeway since part 2 doesn't have psionic shit and you can usually beat them without having to fight that many aliens.

>> No.6473264

Oh I know that it was absolutely unnecessary but sometimes you gotta do it for the swag, these games fuck you over too often to not take advantage of a bunch of free sectoids served in a flying platter.
If you ever feel like playing again: mod it, and I'm not saying grab whatever you can find in the openxcom forums, actually take your time and go through the rulesets, there is no point in playing if you turn it into a cakewalk, but you can easily cut down the bullshit. Also, maybe give the hybrid mod a shot, I feel like it makes the experience smoother despite how janky it can be.

>> No.6473321

What? I've never played the game before, I don't own the manual and I wanted to go in with relatively little spoilers.

>> No.6473787


>> No.6474062

Lobsterman battles really really suck.

>> No.6474727
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That's already a thing, along with a bunch of doom enemies.

>> No.6474983

Fuck lobster men. They're not even hard, just annoying. Even with sonic cannons they were a pain in the ass.

>> No.6476807

Particularly when all of your incompetent soldiers miss and then the fucker throws a grenade into the middle of them.