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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 143 KB, 800x1122, 27496-animal-crossing-gamecube-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6462665 No.6462665 [Reply] [Original]

>Enhanced port of an N64 game that also includes a compilation of 19 NES games
It's retro, and we're having a thread about it.

>> No.6462680

How do you even unlock all those game on the GC version? Don't say obscure cards because they're all gone, there has to be a hack. So give it up! (please)

>> No.6462689 [DELETED] 

Viva resistance! 6th Gen Retro Militia rise up!

>> No.6462693

Just dump your save off your memory card using a hacked Wii and use a save editor to put them in your inventory.

>> No.6462701 [DELETED] 

I got hyped for New Horizons out of nowhere in February and for preparation I started simultaneously playing this one and the 3DS game. It's bizarre how the GameCube game runs at smooth 60fps while the later games (except for Wii?) don't go above 30.

>> No.6462704
File: 486 KB, 1170x646, Animal Crossing NES games.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 of them you can get from Nook's lottery, Crazy Redd, villager treasure hunts, presents from villagers, basically anywhere you can find rare furniture
2 of them you get from the island, by burying furniture and having your guy dig it up then rebury it with the golden shovel on the GBA (completely random, but you get a lot of cool shit by doing it so I always toss my old furniture in there)
5 of them you get from NES contest codes you say to Tom Nook that you used to be able to generate on the official website but now you have to use third party sites
2 of them you get from eReader, hacks, or getting them from someone who hacked
2 of them you get from hacks or getting them from someone who hacked

For the final 4 just download a 100% save from GameFAQs and have them travel to your town and drop them at your house (If you have a hacked Wii and GCMM, if not just use an Action Replay)

>> No.6462705

Thank you, I just want the games unlocked' I don't care for the actual game and don't want to play it. I'd rather do actual farming and gardening.

>> No.6462707

This works too! (in case I start wanted to play the game on a rainy day)
And I do h

>> No.6462712

One of the fun things about AC is that it got me to learn to enjoy the old arcadey NES games I used to think were shit because I didn't spend enough time on them. Especially Clu Clu Land and Mario Bros.

>> No.6462714

*I do have a hacked Wii.

Thanks, board for taking my post BEFORE it was ready. Nice glitch. RARE

>> No.6462716

>it got me to learn to enjoy the old arcadey NES games I used to think were shit because I didn't spend enough time on them. Especially Clu Clu Land and Mario Bros.
That's one of the best parts of featuring those old crusty games. :)

>> No.6462717

Well the GC game is a port of an N64 game with literally no other enhancements besides the framerate, so that helps

>> No.6462724

It's easy when the GameCube game is just the N64 game with added stuff. The whole thing even fits inside of the GC's RAM. City Folk on the Wii is sort of an enhanced port of Wild World too, just with a higher resolution and cleaned up models and textures.

>> No.6462729

one thing that does kinda grind my gears though is
>Donkey Kong Jr. MATH being in there
>Clu Clu Land D being in there (Clu Clu Land is just better IMO, D is way easier even on expert)
>Golf instead of NES Open Tournament Golf
They coulda put some better games like Popeye or Devil World

>> No.6462737

Like I don't know why they pushed DK Jr. Math so hard in these games. Apparently it was one of the first games you could get in the N64 game. Universally panned, sold like shit, why bother

>> No.6462740

Popeye is in copyright hell and Devil World is 2 spooky 4 American parents.

>> No.6462748

Devil World couldn't have been that bad for 2001 right
Who the fuck cared about cartoon demons by then

>> No.6462765

They had to remove the Devil World trophy from the English versions of Melee and that was a goddamn T-rated game. Nobody knows what the hell was going on in Nintendo's head at the time.

>> No.6462790


>> No.6462794

>Nobody knows what the hell was going on in Nintendo's head at the time.
Keep in mind Nintendo is a company that completed the revised "censored versions" of Ocarina of Time *before* the GOLD cartridges were shipped. Think on what that implies.

>> No.6462813 [DELETED] 

So like, I have New Horizons, which is my first game since the original. And it's good, and it's "objectively better," don't get me wrong. Don't start fucking memeing on me about old good, new bad. Like, the graphics are better while retaining its distinct style, the QoL shit is nice, the online features are great, the expanded general town functions are cool, just the overall content is better.

One thing I can't quite get over is the setting.

Being in a secluded forest, to me, was integral to the experience. Tropical islands aren't cozy for me, they suggest parties and general noisy ambiance. The only time they are cozy is when you're there alone, not when there's a travel agency right there and like 10-15 other inhabitants.

>> No.6462846

Cool New Horizons isn't retro so take your waxing poetic elsewhere

>> No.6462857

The central point is about the importance of the setting in the overall enjoyment of the game, not the Switch game itself.

>> No.6462861

This is exactly why these threads are not allowed.

>> No.6462863
File: 127 KB, 396x303, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember the most exposure the gamecube game got was being featured in a toonami bumper review, yet only recently has the series taken off exponentially. I think it was the 3DS game that kicked it off, what did it do so different from the prior games?

>> No.6462878

Be on the 3DS
Wild World was actually when the series really skyrocketed, though

>> No.6462884

Most threads about long-running series will have a bit of bleed as people compare their non-retro entries a bit.

It's best not to cry about it.

>> No.6462897

We should be able to talk about Rebel Strike because it has three classic arcade games in it, and as long as the discussion is about those games and on how they are emulated on the GC, it's retro. Very limited, but that's just my view.

>> No.6462906

Animal crossing for the gamecube was released in 2001...on a 6th gen system that isn’t the Dreamcast

This isn’t retro, at all..

If the mods allow this then ALL 6th gen games should be allowed on /vr/

>> No.6462912

It's a port of an N64 game dickhead, they didn't even update the graphics

>> No.6462918

The discussion is on how to access its NES games, anon.

>> No.6462924
File: 73 KB, 480x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha i sure love this non-retro game i'm playing on the midway compilation on my non-retro gamecube

>> No.6462927

>N64 complete translation never ever
Feels bad man.

>> No.6462934
File: 980 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

broooo i cant believe i can play Deus Ex on my pimped out 2020 gamer rig guess it's not retro anymore

>> No.6462936

>non-retro game
>fucking Joust arcade
Are you feeling ok?

>> No.6462937

according to that anon since it's a port to a non-retro system it's not a retro game

>> No.6462939
File: 168 KB, 500x411, 121652259997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The justification for this thread being /vr/ was iffy but I was willing to let it slide. However with posts like this it is blatantly obvious that it's just a trojan horse to try and allow non-retro discussion on this board and deserves to be reported. Fuck off to /v/.

>> No.6462951

>1 person mentions the new game
>literally the rest of the posts are about the NES games
you have literal autism
guess we shouldnt have dragon quest threads because people mention XI sometimes
drink bleach

>> No.6462956

Animal Crossing is like, absolute baby Japanese though. If you're planning on ever learning it or have a beginner-level understanding already, you can play it almost immediately.

I'm so scared!

>> No.6462958

Some games will cause that too, especially if the final entries were during the 6th generation, such as the case with F-Zero and Megaman X.

>> No.6462959

That's insane. Funspot and all the other large commercial arcades run Dragon's Lair on a PC with Daphne 'cause shit breaks too much and people are charged money for it still and no one calls it new.

>> No.6462965

btw the anon that thinks this was >>6462906 not me i was just giving a sarcastic reply to prove a point of course joust is retro

>> No.6462981 [DELETED] 

Come support the cause

>> No.6462986

Going on a tangent in /vr/ about how much you enjoy a game released in 2020 is stupid, but almost all threads about a long running series will get occasional offhand comments about newer entries in relation to the older titles

>> No.6462990

Shut the fuck up retard this is an actual retro game not some faggot 6th gen exclusive, GTFO

>> No.6463000

>btw the anon that thinks this was >>6462906 not me i was just giving a sarcastic reply to prove a point of course joust is retro
Ah, cool.

>> No.6463006

/qa/ is routed directly to the trashcan.

>> No.6463124

The ones that devolve in the OP are rightfully deleted, let alone within the first 20 posts.

>> No.6463134

>no SMB legitimately
>no Zelda legitimately
>have to use codes for Punch-Out
>have to hack for Mario Bros
Oh boy, but at least I can play DK Jr. Math!!

>> No.6463152

>no SMB legitimately
>no Zelda legitimately
Probably because they wouldn't fit in the GBA memory.

>> No.6463174

Everyone had the hack games
Either you hack or you get them from someone who hacked
It's not a big deal
+ Punch-Out and the other contest code ones you don't even need to hack for, just use a code with Tom Nook

>> No.6463207

Not retro, and you talk like a zoomer.

>> No.6463220
File: 349 KB, 1200x1600, s-l1600[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember I spent the money just for this so I could play those games back then.

>> No.6463225

I mean, maybe I could, but if the dialogue's that shallow then I may as well play HM64 and marry best girl again.

>> No.6463228

And you sound selfish and rude.
Be kinder.

>> No.6463247

lmao at the art

>> No.6463286

It'd be nice if there were any decent translation efforts for E+. Last time I looked into it there was only the shitty bad on purpose TL patch for N64. E+ got loaded with content and shit to do but there isn't really any way to play it outside of just not being an EOP.

>> No.6463360


I dont think the entire game's been translated, but its something and still a WIP

>> No.6463390
File: 31 KB, 320x288, LA_animal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how the original Animal Crossing has a very Zelda feel to it:
Grid-based map, using the shovel to dig in every single tile on the floor, fishing, pulling out weed (well, in Zelda you slash it with the sword).
I think the original Animal Crossing was the only one like this, since the later entries changed the grid map for the cylinder map (I never really played any of the other AC games, but this is what I heard).
Anyway, good game. I played it for the first time some years ago, and was surprised. I thought I'd get bored of it, thinking it was more of a simulation game like The Sims, but it was totally different, and unique. It really is more like a Zelda or RPG town simulator. You get to live the NPC life, basically, lol. No dungeons or enemies to fight, just comfy town life.
Also, I spent a lot of time playing the NES games. The fact it saves your scores is pretty convenient.

>> No.6463394

How do the NES games save your scores? Are the ROMs edited to add save functionality, or does the game make a weird sort of save state that saves your score but also takes you back to the title screen when you load the game again?

>> No.6463416

iirc the NES games made a seperate save block on the memory card

>> No.6463421

Yeah but how does it use that
Is it like a save state or does it maybe like store the scores in that block and retrieve it when you turn on the NES game again

>> No.6463440

i'd say this is an acceptable exception
it's not a remake, just a tweaked n64 game which happens to be on gamecube, the game probably would have run fine on the n64
there are other examples, too, do people consider oot: master quest non-retro? (technically against the rules, but come on, while it was never officially released on n64, it's still an n64 rom which can be run on an n64)

>> No.6463447

that's dumb, should we ban super mario world discussion if someone brings up super mario galaxy?

>> No.6463450

animal crossing on gamecube is really little more than the english version of a japan-only n64 game, it looks and feels exactly like an n64 game and if it was released earlier, probably would have been on n64 as well

>> No.6463451

I think as long as the discussion on the thread centers on the original AC for N64/GC, then it isn't a problem.
If it devolves into people just sharing FC for Switch and shit, then yeah, but so far the thread is mostly keeping it retro. Stop spergning.
Another N64 (64DD actually) game that got a GC port was Doshin the Giant. Japan and PAL only.

>> No.6463456

probably just saves and restores the bit of memory which holds scores as part of the emulator

>> No.6463463

Deus Ex isn't a retro game according to the sticky but it gets an exception as a running joke or something. It's not a good example for these (endlessly retreaded) arguments

>> No.6463470

This is an interesting question actually. People have done a fair amount of fucking with the emulator in AC so someone may know the actual answer.

>> No.6463647

I'm surprised there still isn't a definitive walk-through/archival project on the internet for this game. There is no one good site that has pictures of every item in the game, explained mechanics of specials characters, perfect town guide, etc. What the fuck?

Ever since March I've been playing everyday and I'm waiting for Redd to finally show the fuck up so I can buy a PC.

>> No.6463659

Doesn't Redd show up once a month?

>> No.6463664

Doesn't seem so. Everyday I check with Copper and I haven't heard shit about/from Redd.

>> No.6463665

>Deus Ex
Runs on Win 98.

>> No.6463706

and crysis can be made to run on windows 2000 (reminder that win2k came out in 1999)

>> No.6463734

The question is, can those games run on pre-2000 PC hardware? Not sure about Deus Ex, but Crysis surely can't.

>> No.6463764

it would be quite the challenge to get crysis to work on a machine with parts no newer than 1999

found a video, but honestly this looks a bit too good to be true

>> No.6463778

-- watching more of the video, he says he's using a software renderer, which makes more sense, but invalidates the video for this purpose

i have seen doom3 and f.e.a.r being legitimately run on voodoo 2, though

>> No.6465693

Clu Clu Land is criminally underrated

>> No.6465917

The N64 game objectively is retro though, and remakes/ports can be discussed on /vr/. It's just that the port is the only version anyone here has experience with so that's going to be the reference they use. Still allowed by the letter of the law.

>> No.6465982 [DELETED] 

Game is boring af though so there's nothing to discuss about it, it's just used as sixth gen shitposting fodder and so it should be banned.

>> No.6465987

Should we also ban all Castlevania and Final Fantasy games for being shitpost magnets? Animal Crossing is literally a port of a fifth-gen console game, whether it's good or not is irrelevant.

>> No.6465990

Not true, I actually thought it'd be boring, and I was pleasantly surprised. This is my post: >>6463390
It's still a N64 game, and nobody is trying to shoehorn Gamecube discussion for other games here. As it stands, you are the one trying to derail a perfectly retro game with non-retro discussion.
If you particularly don't like the game, simply hide the thread.

>> No.6466241 [DELETED] 

The difference is, most CV and FF games are actually retro.
All Animal Crossing threads do is attract meta shitposting about the rules not allowing sixth gen, etc.

>> No.6466289

>All Animal Crossing threads do is attract meta shitposting about the rules not allowing sixth gen, etc.
But that's what you're doing right now.
Read the rest of the thread, it's mostly people sticking to the actual first AC game, discussing the NES games in it and stuff, and some mild discussion about Deus Ex running on older PCs, nothing really bad or shitposty.
At the end of the day, the first AC is still a N64 game. Banning AC threads would mean we'd have to ban all games that got ports in non-retro systems... we've had this discussion before.

>> No.6466294

How different are the N64 and GC versions?
Seems like most of the changes are pretty minor, is there anything really noteworthy?

>> No.6466295

Holy shit and i thought that this game series being played by trannies was a meme
Fuck off

>> No.6466297

There are a number of changes, off the top of my head:
The able sisters, the museum, and the NES games are GC-only.
But the core of the game is still the same. Same graphics, same characters, same dialogues, same items, etc.

>> No.6466304

The 64 version had NES games too just less of them
I think it was 7 of the common ones

>> No.6466618

Even though I barely used it as a kid, I couldn't imagine the game without the museum.

>> No.6466628

Yeah it's weird. I actually used the museum a lot. Still haven't completed any of the rooms other than the dinosaur fossil room. Haven't played the game in a while though.
I guess in the japanese original you'd just keep those things in your house? Like if you wanted to make a sort of mini-aquarium, or art gallery in your basement or something, but you wouldn't have room for everything. The museum was a good addition.

>> No.6466667

Nah you just sold all of it
Including the fossils which you still could send to the Faraway Museum for assessment
It really does feel like a glaring ommission, like something that was obviously cut due to time or memory constraints.

>> No.6466708

>like something that was obviously cut due to time or memory constraints
Since the Japanese GC release was only 8 months after the N64, I feel like it had to have been cut.

>> No.6467094

Back in its heyday people were gaming the item code system. Items are generated based on nothing but your name and your town name, so they used fixed names (I think they went with Link in Hyrule) and shared the codes for every item online. I remember the supposedly promotional-only games like SMB and LoZ had codes up.

>> No.6467107

Now there's universal codes for every name
Mario Bros, Ice Climber, SMB, and LoZ are specifically excluded from the code system
You can however get Punch Out, DK Jr, DK 3, Clu Clu Land D, and Soccer through codes, which were also promotional but much more widely available back in the day officially. They used to have codes for those on the official website.
Mario Bros and Ice Climber were eReader only, Super Mario Bros was won in a Famitsu contest only in Japan, LoZ is inaccessible without hacks no matter where you are

>> No.6467108

I got most of the NES games using a code generator website, years ago.
Based on this list: >>6462704
The ones I'm missing are Baseball, Soccer, DK Jr, DK3, MB, Ice Climber, SMB and Zelda.
I'm not even sure why, because supposedly, I shouldn't have been able to get ones like Wario's Woods, which says can only be obtained on the island (I don't have the GBA cable), but I got Wario with a code. Not baseball.
Same with Punch-Out, I got it, but not the others. Too bad because I really wanted to have DK Jr too.
Anyway, the one I played the most, without a doubt, was Pinball.
I loved Pinball as a kid on my famiclone, and getting to play it with a save function for the score really made me go back to it often. I'd spend hours playing it on AC.

>> No.6467143

>Baseball, Soccer, DK Jr, DK3, Punch Out
these ones you're able to generate codes for
>MB, Ice Climber, SMB and Zelda
Need hax or rare as fuck eReader cards for these

>> No.6467150
File: 256 KB, 1280x960, Foto-0029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly can live without those, except maybe I'd like to have MB and Ice Climber, since they're arcade games and score-based.
I'd need to try to get DK Jr and DK3 next time I play the game.... it's been a while though, because my Wii can't play discs anymore.
The fun about playing these games for me is that you could play in short bursts (even though sometimes I'd spend hours too), while doing other stuff in AC, and the score saving was a huge incentive to go back and keep playing.
Pic related was my best score on Balloon Trip.

>> No.6467224

If you have a way to get save files on to a memory card (Hacked Wii and GCMM), you could use someone else's save from like GameFAQs or something that already had the games and have them travel to your town and drop them off. That's what I did instead of directly hacking my town. And it was worth it since Mario Bros is my favorite game on there easily.

>> No.6467351
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>> No.6467371

Devil world still has never had a usa release even on virtual console afaik.

>> No.6467380
File: 13 KB, 236x408, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so does nintendo still think europe and the u.s. are still significantly different on their tolerance for cartoon demons?
doesn't make any sense
this is a very old arcade type game so no japanese text on the jap version, the only difference in the euro version is 50hz

>> No.6467386

actually, purely opinion but i would replace baseball with ice hockey. mostly because i don't know how baseball works. but NES Ice Hockey is a fun time

>> No.6467413

Apparently New Horizons has a way to unlock a couple SNES games, but I think they're all just ones available on the Switch SNES thing

>> No.6467414

Yeah, you gotta catch Mew under the truck first

>> No.6468027

Everyone and their mom already knows about it but this is still one of my all time favourite easter eggs in a videogame
>Hit the store's door 3 times while it's closed
>It opens, nook greets you in his pajamas
>The music is slower, nook walks slower because he's half asleep
>Everything is more expensive and he buys items for less

>> No.6468056

That's only in e+, the Japanese exclusive remake though

>> No.6468415

Can't they just be gotten from mail delivery codes or were they not trade-able so they have no codes?

OOwBp5@q%Ogo9L MH#IfTRLZJ%wr2 - Clu Clu Land
aToEfMLh%RFBGb 2PQyUytjQkoLOO - Balloon Fight
aTDEJMLh%RFBGb 2PQyUBtjQkoXOO - Donkey Kong
OmxBS5@5%OgB9L CK36SFRXZJDwr2 - Donkey Kong Jr. Math
hxo@Tp6vnWP&Ax eOD33hdreBKY@g - Pinball
OO#BIb@q%Ogo9L gH#6fTRXZJDwr2 - Tennis
hxo@T96vnkI&Ax eCD33h8rPySq@g - Golf
aTDEJMLh%RFBGw 2PQyUBtjQkoXFZ - Punchout
lhw@jQhUwnI&Rx PdcWBz4IIoJ@Se - Baseball
aTmEJMLh%RFBGw 2PQyUBtjQkoXOO - Donkey Kong 3
Om3BS5@5%OgB9L MK3ISFRLZJ%wr2 - Donkey Kong Jr.
qJDEJMIh%jMBGw 2PQQUBtBmkoXOO - Soccer
OOwBIb@q%OgB9L 9H#IfTRLZJ%wr2 - Excitebike
Om#BDb@5%OgB9L Cz#6STRXZJDwr2 - Wario's Woods

Well, all but 4 are obtainable that way.

>> No.6468761

Is writing letters to villagers that important in this game? It sure likes to stress it out.
I'm not spending 10 minutes to write a letter with a controller, that's for sure.

>> No.6468809

Sometimes they give you items for doing it but its usually common garbage

>> No.6468893

You don't make the rules. Just because you're young it doesn't make modern games "retro".
I'm 28, to me Atari is retro but just because you're a baby and were born after the Gamecube it doesn't make it retro.

>> No.6468913

It's literally a port of an N64 game

>> No.6469071

There was, from what I recall, a lot of hype over the GameCube version. It was very heavily marketed and talked about in all the magazines. I remember my friends and I watching the commercials and being completely unsure as to what kind of game it was supposed to be. It also sold pretty well for a GameCube title, if I recall correctly it sold about 2.4 million copies and was the 6th or 7th most popular game on the system.

But I agree that Wild World seems to be when the series found broad market appeal and really took off. Part of that is just due to the fact that the DS had WAY more penetration than the GCN. Actually, in terms of the ratio of game copies to system copies, the original Animal Crossing was more popular than Wild World. Think about it; 2.4 million copies for 22 million GameCubes means about 11% of Gamecube owners had the game. Meanwhile, Wild World shifted about 11.75 million units while the DS sold about 150, meaning only about 7.8% of DS owners had it.

Also, for the 3DS version, you could become mayor and do a bunch of extra stuff. There was just a much higher degree of control. Also Isabelle. I actually found there was comparatively very little to do in Wild World after playing that game.

>> No.6469102

I've played every version released overseas except the Wii one and every entry has been a big leap. It's almost surreal when many series turn to shit after a few iterations Animal Crossing just keeps getting better.

The one genuinely badish version is Pocket Camp, but they ended up taking the best parts of even that and weaving them into New Horizons.

>> No.6469110

Meh I was 18 when you can sliding out of your mum's cunt. This is basically a port, it's fine.

I bought a GameCube pretty much just for Animal Crossing but at the time I didn't know anyone else who played it. I have a similar experience that WW is when things really started taking off and everyone seemed to be into it. Not quite like these pandemic times when it seems like every kid, their parents and grandparents are all playing it but still a phenomenon.

>> No.6469117

Given how many threads we have along the lines of "why are retro gamesso awesome and everything modern is sjw indie garbage?!?" where the whole thing is just a circle jerk of whining over modern gaming, this one is at least close to an actual retro topic.

>> No.6470738

it's literally just a localised N64 game
it doesn't use any special gamecube features, and only came out of gamecube because it was too late to make sense on N64
it's basically on par with Master Quest, and i don't think anyone has any issues with that

>> No.6470760

>it doesn't use any special gamecube features
Memory cards, GBA-Gamecube link cable, e-Reader
but it's still retro

>> No.6470763

>memory cards
the n64 has memory cards (controller paks)
>GBA-Gamecube link cable, e-Reader
eh, not for anything important, i don't think anyone ever turned the game down because they didn't have an ereader or gba
and the n64 has some gameboy connectivity as well, though not exactly the same

>> No.6470772

>If the mods allow this then ALL 6th gen games should be allowed on /vr/
Good. 6th gen is retro.

>> No.6471201

This is a port of a N64 game

>> No.6473006

>The original Japanese release of Animal Forest+ for GameCube lacks Soccer and Excitebike, and instead features the early Famicom versions of Gomoku Narabe and Mahjong.

What did Big N mean when they omitted these classics for the burger audience?

>> No.6473026

Burgers don't know how to play Mahjong
And Gomoku is easy enough for anybody but Burgers have never heard of it

>> No.6473029

And while NES Soccer isn't great (They should have replaced either it or Baseball with Ice Hockey which is the best NES sports game imo), Excitebike is definitely a great addition

>> No.6473043

>but I was willing to let it slide
Thank you random anonymous user.

>> No.6474136
File: 310 KB, 1391x1077, screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gulliver gave me this stone with a creepy face on it. Does it do anything special?

>> No.6474324

You never saw those IRL? It's some sort of fortune-reading thing. You'd put your hand inside the mouth ranure and it'd tell you something.
I think it's just for decoration in AC

>> No.6474361

Is the Animal Crossing e+ translation still progressing? Ive never played the original, but i want to make this the way i eventually experience it, honestly.

>> No.6474375

not everyone is a europoo

>> No.6475246

Actually saw one of those when I traveled to USA.

>> No.6475278

press A on it

>> No.6475806

My favorite childhood favorite NES games.
Go and mahjong.

>> No.6476083
File: 571 KB, 900x852, mahjong_famicom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have nostalgia for Famicom Mahjong. I remember it was in the multicart I had for my famiclone. Never knew how to play it, but I still would try to fuck around with it, at least for a few minutes. It was an intriguing, mysterious thing to me.

>> No.6476595

I never got into Animal Crossing. I played this one a little bit, but I have to say including entire NES games is one of the most soulful things I can remember a game ever doing from my youth.

Its a shame Nintendo wants to jew their 30 year old titles so much rather than let people celebrate them. The Switch Online is genuinely offensive even compared to earlier Nintendo Online, which is a real feat.

>> No.6476636

animal crossing fucking sucks

>> No.6477004

>It's retro, and we're having a thread about it.
Smells like 6th gen cope. I love how salty these faggots are that the rules will never change.

>> No.6477008

imagine how salty you'll be when the rules change when the ps5 comes out just like last time lmao

>> No.6477043

Like when the 8th gen Xbone and PS4 came out, but nothing changed? Or when the 9th gen Switch came out? And 6th gen still wasn't retro? So you think when some more 9th gen consoles come out, you'll be able to talk about Halo and God of War here?
Zoom zoom!

>> No.6477050

>With the release of the 8th generation of consoles, the Sega Dreamcast will now be considered "retro",
*coughs blood*

>> No.6477301

>Smells like 6th gen cope
It's a N64 game.
Take this discussion to /qa/ or whatever. 6th gen will never be retro, anyway. If you don't like it, go to another board.

>> No.6477362

Am I old or just correct when I say the n64 graphics feel better than modern animal crossing. I'm trying really hard not to use the word soulless.

>> No.6477380

you can run halo on 1999 hardware, it's within rules already

>> No.6477382

Anything past Windows XP is not retro.

>> No.6477387

halo 1 doesn't require vista

>> No.6478683

its chores: the game
it's almost as bad as pokemon

>> No.6478780

why must we always do this? Why can't we just talk about videogames?

>> No.6478825

lots of games are "chores games", like virtual pets, the sims, etc. these kinds of games are quite popular with girls

>> No.6478839

I read this as "virtua pets" and thought there was some sega game I didn't know about.

>> No.6478995


Well there is eh.. Virtua Hamster?

>> No.6479017

>these kinds of games are quite popular with girls
Gee, I wonder why

>> No.6479025

because they enjoy controlling others

>> No.6479029

Played only GC Animal Crossing and the newest one. The original has more soul, but definitely not in the graphics. Everything just looks much nicer in the newer games, especially villagers.

>> No.6479123
File: 1.44 MB, 3264x1836, 20200529_162244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The graphics are absolutely jam packed with soul

>> No.6479408

at least with the sims you're able to experiment with scenarios
what the fuck kind of scenarios can you do in animal cross? fail to do a chore and have an NPC give you a negatively worded dialogue box?

>> No.6479829

Not that anon, but I'm >>6463390, and it not being like The Sims is a factor on why I enjoy it. I actually thought it was more like The Sims, which is why avoided it for so long.

>> No.6479851 [DELETED] 

fuckin nigger!

>> No.6480832

I don't know but I'm now closer to 50 than 40, have played every version except the Wii one and think New Horizons feels better than ever. Maybe age doesn't matter and you just have another opinion...

>> No.6480864

Gamecube AC is the best. It has no slow down and feels great to move around. Villagers feel really ALIVE. They have tons of dialogue, you can talk to them all day to the point they get sick of you, and they'll never run out of new things to say. They can have bad days when they are mad for no reason, they can mug you, they can randomly be nice to you, it's great. It feels great to slowly befriend a cranky villager that you used to hate until one day they say something nice or give you a gift. All villagers can be assholes for very little reason, though, like totally flipping out if you say no to a request. The game is a bit lacking in customization too. The village feels like... well, an animal village in the middle of a forest, which is pretty comfy.

Wild World is pretty damn good, but it's sadly on an underpowered console. There is so much content and personalization compared to the original, it's great. The villagers are just as amazing as before, but they aren't complete assholes for no reason anymore. They can be if you give them reasons, though. Tons of dialogue again, it's really good. The village feels like it's in the middle of the mountains or something. It has a dark feel to it, somehow. Maybe it's the patches of dirt mixed with the grass.

City Folk is garbage. It barely added anything and really fucked up the villagers. They repeat themselves a lot and feel like they have half the amount of dialogue they used to. I don't understand why they did this, but it's fucking shit. Also, there is a broken grass wear mechanic that is very poorly thought out and inevitably causes desertification, which makes the village ugly as shit and prevents snow from forming in winter.

>> No.6480881
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New Leaf added really good stuff and lots of content, but the villagers are zombies now. They are all nice to you, almost never say anything rude, there is no sense of satisfaction in befriending a cranky one. Snooties and crankies are ruined and barely have a personality anymore. Especially snooties, they just feel like "normal" ones. They are all fucking boring. Also, there is even less dialogue variety than in City Folk, so they repeat themselves even more. It's really fucking bad. The grass wear mechanic is still here, but at least it's manageable. The extensive, repeated dialogue every time you have to do anything at the shops and shit is atrocious.

I didn't play the other ones, but I hear they get better when it comes to customization and hit rock bottom when it comes to the villagers. They are apparently worse than zombies in New Horizons.

I love the customization, but I feel like the series has been heading down the wrong path. Especially with all this mayor shit and Isabelle. The appeal of the original game was that you were a random neighbor like everyone else. You didn't get to decide shit. Neighbors treated you like a stranger, the cute peppy ones were selfish cunts, the crankies insulted you to your face, etc. You made enemies and friends, and also had that random ugly neighbor that moved in to replace another and you constantly ignored until he left. You were just a guy living in a village of animals with short tempers, until you slowly gain their trust and they start treating you better.

There was an interview with the developers of the original game where they stated that this was their original goal. To portray what it feels like to move to a new place, or to work at a new job. You have assholes, nice people and everything in between. That feeling of having neighbors with different personalities, who have good and bad days, who get mad or depressed, and treat you differently depending on how they feel. That shit is gone now.

>> No.6480943

Rosie a cute

>> No.6480948
File: 70 KB, 200x321, AC_Penny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Penny

>> No.6480967

New Leaf added two new personalities. Smug is pretty bad, but Uchi is really good. Right behind peppy as my favorite. The problem is that the bland nice personalities they gave everyone make it hard to tell who is supposed to be what, so they kinda go unnoticed.

Jock is still trash, though. Does anyone like those? Their personality trait is lifting and sports. Other villagers talk about all sorts of stuff, but these self-absorbed cunts only talk about gym shit. They are awful.

>> No.6480974

I think the lack of a nose is what makes cartoon cats so cute. Real cats are creepy.

>> No.6481001

I have a gay friend who exclusively collects jock types. I don't really care what personality they are, I more just like the interesting looking ones. Nan the black goat is a favorite but moreso are Ribbot and Camofrog. I'm still looking for them in NH. This is may be unpopular but to me AC has mostly gotten better with every release. Minus a few things like the NES games and was it Wild World where you all had to share one house? That was kinda lame.

>> No.6481015

>his is may be unpopular but to me AC has mostly gotten better with every release
Even the villagers? I explained it above, but I think they are fucking garbage now. And it's a shame because everything else is so good. But the most important part of the series has been (intentionally?) ruined.

>> No.6481023

Why do they only give you the version of Punch Out without the nigger?

>> No.6481025

Because the nigger is copyrighted

>> No.6481040

Why the fuck are gamecube controllers so expensive
why the fuck is everything about the gamecube so damn overpriced

>> No.6481043

Only the PC port of Halo 1 is retro, since it's a backport of a non-retro game.

>> No.6481068

List the exact 1999 hardware specs that could run Halo 1, stupid faggot

>> No.6481383

he mentions;
Pentium III 500MHz (there's only two that are 500MHz, and both are made in 1999)
GeForce 256 (October 1999)
i don't know how much ram he has, but i do know halo doesn't require more than what you could get in 1999 (pretty sure it was no more than 128M, remember the xbox only had 64M)

>> No.6481469

Loved playing this game at my grandma's house as a kid. Kiddie set FTW!

>> No.6482247

>Why the fuck are gamecube controllers so expensive

>> No.6482375
File: 75 KB, 1307x266, ac nes secret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6482380

That one LP/Creepypasta ruined her for me

>> No.6482392

fucking smashniggers
are the new controllers getting a restock? I cant tell if they're sold out because it was a limited time thing or because of corona

>> No.6482404

fuck that creepypasta, Penny is still my gal

>> No.6482470

This. AC is fucking dead.

>> No.6482562
File: 234 KB, 636x476, Tom_nook_raffle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lottery starts in 10 minutes
Hoping to get Pinball

>> No.6482701

Dead by what metric? It's one of the most popular games out right now. I had my best friend's kid, her mom, my mom and a co-worker all visiting my island last night. I remember when it was a weird game no one had heard of.

Honestly the villagers have always been the least interesting part of the game. As I said, I like to collect the ones I think look neat but rarely ever talked to them much in any version. I even have Nan in my town now but couldn't tell you what personality she is or has been.

Fishing and designing stuff, playing with friends that's what AC is mostly about for me.

>> No.6482723

I looked into this and the github for it has a memory card file with someone else's town and the emulation capability
Is it possible to add this emulation capability to your own town? Also, does it save scores like the official games do?

>> No.6482934

The villagers were great in the first two games, which is why it's a shame that they are crap now. You could spend hours talking to them without them repeating themselves or saying boring crap.

>> No.6482982

I honestly think your memories are wonky. I always found them repetitive and annoying.

>> No.6482990

No, dude. It's well documented in multiple sites. The villagers had an insane amount of dialogue in the first two games and they slowly reduced it from City Folk onwards, to the point they don't feel alive anymore. They were also made much nicer and their personalities are almost interchangeable since New Leaf.

>> No.6483042

It's the horns

>> No.6483078

I guess since I never interacted with them a ton I didn't notice. Like I say they've always been the least interesting part of the game even in the first one which I played a boatload of.

>> No.6483082


Yeah all realism has gone out the window, guess they got some angry soccer mom letters.
>y-your game made my child CRY!

>original animal crossing
>bop someone over the head with a net

>animal crossing NH
>y-you made me sad, go away ;_;

>> No.6483149
File: 313 KB, 1280x1024, 1422172360877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wondered, why the horns?
I've seen people theorize that it's a sort of "disguise" so the other animals wouldn't realize the player is a human.
I've also read theories that it means the player is dead
I like the horn hat, but I always wondered what's the meaning, if any.

>> No.6483320


I always thought the horns were a weird touch, not a fan.

>> No.6483583
File: 504 KB, 1358x2800, acgc designs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your designs

>> No.6483729

I don't think there's any inherent meaning to it. If I had to guess, from a design standpoint, it'd be to make the male characters a bit more masculine (To match the extra femininity the dress/hair adds to female characters), and from an in-game lore standpoint it can be explained as just being a popular style, since there are a number of animal types who have horns.

>> No.6483754

Dude, please. You can get the same talk about going to another town's shopping centre from two different snooties one after another in the Gamecube game.

>> No.6483914 [DELETED] 

Is it Playstation 2 time yet or is this just another fun exception to the rule that a bunch of aging Nintendo babbies made up?

>> No.6483920

Hi, console warrior from /v/.
This game is a port of a Nintendo 64 game. If there's any game on PS2 that's a port (not a remake) and wasn't released in the west in its original console, then you can make a thread about it here.
Unfortunately, no, it's not your childhood's time to be retro, and never will be.

>> No.6483923

so it's the latter, got it!

>> No.6483928

Ports were never against the rules though. But sure, keep having your imaginary console/brand war in your head 24/7. Healthy!

>> No.6483935

This is a thread about a sixth gen game!

>> No.6483941

Yeah! Personally, I can't wait for the next "le hidden gems" thread! Maybe a thread about our old fucking TVs? Definitely a healthy board, glad we're keeping out all of the sixth gen kiddies who are, uh, in their mid to late 20s.

>> No.6483948

It's a 6th gen port of a 5th gen game that wasn't released in the west in its original console.
Another example is Doshin the Giant.
Cope harder.

>> No.6483950

This board is dying and so are you.

>> No.6483953

Death can come to any of us any time. At least I've lived more than you have so far. If the worlds ends tomorrow, I would have had more (and better) experiences than you.

>> No.6483956

Do you have a family? I do.

>> No.6483960

The whole discussion about whether or not this thread is OK has already been done. And posters who were claiming this thread doesn't belong on /vr/ had their posts deleted.
Read: >>6466289
End of discussion.

>> No.6483973

Thgame was originally supposed to have combat so I think it was literally a cartoon viking styled hat.

>> No.6484091

I've been playing it on my Everdrive, and it's close enough. You can play most of it.

>> No.6485105


A friend of mine is convinced that the translation is complete (due to him downloading a prepatched rom) at what point does it fall apart?

>> No.6485146

>someone on Gamefaqs makes a typo when writing out the gift code for a friend
>the typo accidentally ended up being the universal code for the Starman Mario item ( 4UF6T948GZ3ZW3 dw#%jtLEqj5ZBf)
>nobody even knew the Mario items existed at the time
>someone in the thread reports that they got the fire flower item from the code instead
>It turned out someone fucked up the code again and accidentally discovered that there was only a two letter difference between them (4UT6T948GZnOW3 dw#%jtLEqj5ZBf)
>people realize this and start furiously modifying the code to see what else they can find, stumbling upon Flagpole within two days (4UT6T6L89ZnOW3 dwU%jtL3qjLZBf)
>the following weeks were people constantly trying random modifications to the code in hopes of finding more Mario items
>a thousand monkeys keep randomly screwing with codes and eventually the whole set is found (thanks in part to other random typos leading to new codes being found), along with the discovery that universal codes exist for nearly every item in the game
Watching the whole thing play out was wild.

>> No.6485150

The original Animal Crossing is better than this New Horizons shit that handholds you through the whole fucking game.

>> No.6485161

As a long time AC fan I disagree, but to each their own.

>> No.6485163

I'm playing both atm, I just have more fun things to do in NH.
My only gripe is no gyroids.

>> No.6485239


NH is a bit more kid friendly than the original, its still quite good. but yeah it does miss something.

>> No.6485461
File: 305 KB, 1125x804, not retro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6485515

>but yeah it does miss something.

NH just completely abandoned the style and feel of every previous animal crossing game, it barely even feels like one. The games were more about being a part of a town, having stuff happen around you out of your control, having little neighbors living their lives around you, and making decisions with lasting or permanent consequences. It was a slice of life town game with some fairly realistic life elements hidden under a thick coat of cartoon baby animals paint.

But now you're just the god king of everything that dictates how everyone must live, nothing really happens around you without your direct involvement, you can just shape the entire landscape instead of working with it, and you don't have to commit to anything because it can all be changed later as you please. The fact that you can just outright cheat in villagers and kick out who you want on a whim with Amiibo cards is just absurd to me, I didn't like it in NL and it's even worse in NH. It's like a god mode sandbox with animal crossing characters in it.

Not to say NH is an inherently bad game (aside from the awful crafting and DiY system, pointless item breaking, the sheer amount of missing furniture sets, and in general the sheer abundance of cut content that's being reintroduced at an absolutely miserable pace. You know what no NH is a bad game in its current state) but it is very definitely not what any of the previous Animal Crossing games were about. It's perfectly fine to like what the game is trying to do, but it's an enormous departure from how the entire rest of the series worked. Even if NL was starting to give into giving the player more control it doesn't even come close to how you just get the final say in everything in NH.

>> No.6486141

I sort of agree, but also as someone who's been mildly AC obsessed since we first got it for GC the new one is my favorite by far. The degree to which you finally get to design outside of your house and use all those items that seemed like they should be placed outside from the get go is amazing. I get someone liking certain aspects of the original games and wishing they'd stuck to them* but I feel like in general Animal Crossing is one of those series that took their core fanbase into account and have worked each time to make the game better for them. I appreciate that.

* I legit miss Mr Resetti. He was awful bjt wonderful. It disappointed me that even in New Leaf after all the work you have to put in to get him that he's still kinda mild. But whateve's. Don't spoil me if he's in NH, I like to keep the hope alive.

>> No.6486145

Also I fucking love crafting in NH so we may just want totally different things.

>> No.6486167

One thing I don't understand is the "sales" that happen at Nookington's sometimes. They send you a letter, hype it up, but all they do is sell only 1-2 normal fucking items and nothing else, then close the store for an hour afterwards. It's a pure nuisance. What were they thinking?

>> No.6486553
File: 166 KB, 1280x720, earthbound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only been playing NH for a week or so now and it's missing something. Hate to use the meme word "soul" but that might be it. I LOVE the quality of life advancements in the game, but it's just missing so much. I hate crafting tools so much, it's so fucking lame, however, I like crafting the bigger DIY projects. I miss Resetti so much, and the gyroids. Fuck, man. It just kinda bums me out. I like the game but it feels way more like dollhouse simulator than ever.

>> No.6486589

>muh Halo 3

>> No.6486593

>i don't know
>pretty sure
Seems like you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.6486605
File: 89 KB, 254x183, Screenshot at 2020-06-02 10:39:32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fine, i bothered to look up the box
128M, you happy now?

>> No.6486705

State a 1999 computer model that could run Halo, or fuck off.

>> No.6486719

My dual Pentium III with a (then) monstrous workstation graphics card and maxed out RAM.

>> No.6486814

Which was the last game you played? I love the crafting aspect but that might just be me. It gives so much more to look for when collecting stuff which is part of what I like about the series.

To me NH feels a little like a love letter to the fans. You can now do pretty much everything you ever wanted to be able to do from rearranging buildings and putting furniture outside to completely terraforming the land. I have some minor quibbles but overall it's by far my favorite Animal Crossing yet.

>> No.6487113

New Horizons is probably going to be the F-Zero GX of Animal Crossing. There's really nowhere to take the game from here on out. What can be done that hasn't been done already? They gave the fans everything they wanted. What you're witnessing is the end of the line for the franchise.

>> No.6487121

could do a remake of e+ with better inventory management and online

>> No.6487134

Does your imaginary computer have a name?

>> No.6487148

You know you can build a computer right
If the parts are all from 1999, it's a 1999 computer
It doesn't need to be made by an OEM to count

>> No.6487150

I played it on my katmai p3 with my GeForce 2 just fine back in the day. Halo CE supports fixed function shaders and could have most effects toggled to improve performance. It even had an ultra low res texture mode that looked kind of like cel shading.

>> No.6487269

Still waiting for those 1999 configuration specifications. Sure seems like you're having a hard time revealing the specifics.

>> No.6487330

i already did

>> No.6487541

Neither of them but it runs in Windows 9X which is what makes it fall under the rules here.

>> No.6487545

I don't play Fzero so don't really get the reference but I still think there's a ton they can do.

>> No.6487608

The game still has jackshit you can actually do with your villagers. All you can do is talk to them and hear the same lines over and over. Actual activities is the logical next step for the series.

>> No.6487616

Maybe but I doubt it. The focus of AC is more and more multiplayer, there was always that available in some form but as internet got better they have leaned into it more and put less work into the villagers. I would guess they'll keep making it even more multiplayer centric or expanding the crafting even more. The series has now taken notes from Minecraft but I think it could take even more. It could also take more notes from Harvest Moon at this point too.

>> No.6488138
File: 24 KB, 289x294, DnE1UOXV4AEG4_R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheat disc for just a single game
How much did it costed back then, anon?

>> No.6488259

I never played any AC after the first one, but there's many ways to expand the gameplay. For instance, how about bringing up the scrapped combat gameplay?

>> No.6488267


lol no. It's just going to turn into The Sims. That's the audience of AC now.

>> No.6488304

>For instance, how about bringing up the scrapped combat gameplay?
That goes against what Animal Crossing is all about

>> No.6488314

Then so be it. It was going to be in the original game anyway. It could also be an optional thing.

>> No.6489386

>how about bringing up the scrapped combat gameplay?

The what now?

>> No.6489597

The disc was pretty cheap IIRC

>> No.6489632

has anyone bothered playing the e+ version since the partial translation was leaked?

>> No.6489738

Found out the hard way that villagers that aren't the latest to move in (15th slot) actually can move out on their own
RIP Cobb
Why is there STILL so much wrong information on this game? And no really good unified guides? I heard it was at least partially reverse engineered, and so far the only fruits of that has been being able to use the in-game NES emulator for more games

>> No.6490157

>AC Gamecube
Really comfy actually, sure i can't place patterns but atleast i can put shit on my doors.

>Wild World
My first game and its redpilled, added some features and i can be hatless.

>City Folk
Literally the same game as Wild World, same style, music, etc.
The only thing that added is the City.

>new leaf added some good feats but the villagers are zombie now
This, atleast in City Folk you can annoy them or bluepill them, but in this game is brainwashed.

>> No.6490174

This game had a really strange and otherworldly feel that is missing from later games. Or at least it slowly faded out. I think a lot of it was the sound design and not being used to some of the weird cultural shit they put into the games with no explanation. I sure as shit didn't know what the fuck a Daruma was and why it's eye would disappear when I interact with it.

GCN AC is definitely the only entry in the series that's worth coming back to. If only because of how shit headed mean they villagers could be.

>> No.6490204

I had Freya set up camp in my island for a day, only for her to disappear the next day. She would've been my 15th villager although some other rando just took up that spot today. What was I supposed to do while she was in the campsite?

>> No.6490512

Not gonna lie my brother and I used to have fun with its multiplayer component. Tennis and Balloon Fight were the kings tho.

>> No.6491974

The music is a huge factor.

>> No.6492636

I hate the camera in this game. The topdown camera combined with the grid-based way it pans feels so claustrophobic.

>> No.6492959
File: 128 KB, 1080x1000, 1582107055934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I question this also
It's almost cheaper to get a Wii

Seems legit
I've been wanting to buy a new gamecube because I lost mine at college because I lent it out to play melee and phantasy star online and never got around to getting it back
What I really miss is my memory cards that went with it. Those I can't replace

>> No.6492991

Wiis were $25 when Gamecubes were $60. Just get a Wii. Also since this is the designated not-retro thread: don't get a wii u.

>> No.6493350

I was really happy to have an Action Replay just so I could get LoZ.

>> No.6494647

So just emulate them.

>> No.6494674

Something about the first game is just so more cozy than New Horizons and the 3DS game. I think it might be how the environments in the new games feel to bright and tropical.

>> No.6494723

Honestly, I wish I had saved my money on New Horizons and just popped this back in.

>> No.6495516

>I think it might be how the environments in the new games feel to bright and tropical.
Yeah the first game is the only one that feels like a proper forest instead of just generic greenlands/tropical beaches

>> No.6497080

I really appreciate how the weeds in new horizons change with the seasons and are actually distinct. Last month there was dead nettles mixed in and now there are clear tansys. This series has always been great.

>> No.6498161

Is it possible to ALL animals to leave the town if you don't play for years?
I mean if there's a possibility of all of them moving out, and being replaced by new villagers.
I assume the ones you're most close with will likely never leave, or am I wrong?

>> No.6498178

I think the way the first game works is there's a temp slot that is the only one that can leave without telling the player
The rest can leave but they have to both tell the player and the player has to travel between memory cards
I used to think it was the 15th slot, but idk since a villager who was not 15th left. But my 15th that time moved in from another town so maybe that affected it.

>> No.6499609
File: 136 KB, 576x816, Club Nintendo 58 - Año 06 Nº 06 (Chile)_0033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this bart nixon butt one I copied from a club nintendo magazine article on Mario Paint.
I crack up whenever some villager appears wearing a t-shirt with it.

>> No.6499623 [DELETED] 

be sure to report this thread ps2 brothers. this injustice shall not stand

>> No.6499628

We can talk about PS2 ports, too, though.
I've discussed the (shitty) Sega Ages version of Panzer Dragoon on PS2 on /vr/ before.

>> No.6500752

Genuine question
Are Super Monkey Ball and Rhythm Tengoku retro since they're basically enhanced ports of NAOMI games?

>> No.6500818


>> No.6500826

I'd say yes

>> No.6502575


>> No.6502668
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what a masterpiece