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File: 1.02 MB, 1400x1400, cvsat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6464659 No.6464659 [Reply] [Original]

Saturn's port of Symphony of the Night has been modded to use the 4MB RAM cart to eliminate slowdowns.
Obviously this doesn't correct the art issues, but this hack solves the biggest performance issues with the console.

>> No.6464662
File: 204 KB, 638x442, WixKtDj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me of that Goldeneye hack that uses the expansion pak to display in 480/576i

>> No.6464663

y tho

>> No.6464664

English translation when?

>> No.6464669

It only optimizes load times and map access.

There's still plenty of slowdown due to bad choices in VDP usage. That would require remaking it almost from the core...

>> No.6464670

mirror it

>> No.6464671

But emulators already run the normal version without slowdown.

>> No.6464681
File: 203 KB, 913x1279, fuyuara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://megadotnewzealand/file/EvZjSY5Z#oXVEsTKbSI(Tomomi Sakuba)j8wGmu19yFi9I7Y2p3XEYUqL28b_QjH-4

>> No.6464685 [DELETED] 


>> No.6464692


>> No.6464694


>> No.6464696
File: 288 KB, 1370x1048, fuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you have against kiwi?

>> No.6464704


>> No.6464715

>392.3 MB

Is that the entire game!?

Anyways, someone needs to submit this to romhacking.net.

>> No.6464807

>Is that the entire game!?

>babby's first zip-archive

>> No.6464957


It is the entire game. I need just the mod.

>> No.6464961

Post some video/pictures.

>> No.6464962

thats in the op

>> No.6464972

curious if Smokemonster saw this here, posted to here or if OP saw his tweet and posted here.
Care to explain OP?

>> No.6464976

I saw his tweet,

>> No.6464980


The tweet was first.


>> No.6465000

So trying it out on my Saturn with the official 4MB Cart here's what I found when compared to the original Disc:

- Load times between areas are about the same if not longer. (Going from the Castle Entrance to the Alchemy Laboratory took ~10 seconds on the original disc, and ~15 seconds on the hacked disc.)
- Loading the menu is faster.
- The game now requires the 4MB Cart.

That's about it. Any differences in performance I'm attributing to placebo effect.

>> No.6465008

Check the change log, and your burn sounds bad if it's got longer load times.

>> No.6465012

I'm using an action replay, I'm seeing no difference in performance.

>> No.6465039

The burn is fine. ADPCM music is streaming fine with no hiccups. FMVs are playing fine as well. If the burn was bad those would be misbehaving.

Which is why I'm attributing any performance differences to placebo effect.

>> No.6465092

You're Saturns are now under the control of CCP.

>> No.6465490

>chinese placebos

a shame paul_met hates the jp ps1 version or the saturn version of Sotn so much he's not interested in porting his fixes to them.
Even a resolution fix would do wonders for the saturn version's stretched pixel art.

>> No.6465592

>Even a resolution fix would do wonders for the saturn version's stretched pixel art.

Not really, the graphics are stored on the disc pre-stretched. Bumping it up to 352px wide wouldn't really do much.

>> No.6465604

>a shame paul_met hates the jp ps1 version
I don't know who that is, but what is there to hate about the original JP version? Doesn't it have more content than the western localization?

>> No.6465628

Cool. Now fix the pixel scaling and transparency.

>> No.6465648

Why are ps1 fanboys so defensive on their (non)exclusives?

>> No.6465665

Only the two redundant color-swap familiars, and you might as well just play any other version for those.

>> No.6465670

Still more content, and one of those familiars includes a new song.
Anyway, again: what's there to hate about the original jp version?

>> No.6465679

And every version made after the PS1 has them and even more. It's just wholly redundant.

>> No.6465719 [DELETED] 

wow it's fucking nothing

>> No.6465742

OK, but my question remains unanswered: why does that guy (whoever it is, I assume a rom hacker) hate the original JP version of SOTN?

>> No.6465747

Why don't you ask him yourself?

>> No.6465819

There was a Saturn port? I thought it was a playstation exclusive?

>> No.6465872

Preferences and not wishing to redo the work he did for the US version.

JP SOTN 1.4 is still superior, on the mere virtue you get more content, and that the voice acting programming isn't borked.

Yes. Konami also ported Vandal Hearts and Suikoden with extra story content to the Saturn.

>> No.6465903

>JP SOTN 1.4 is still superior
Is that the PSP/Requiem version? I'm a little unclear on which version numbers are which.

>> No.6465921

>to use the 4MB RAM cart to eliminate slowdowns.
But that's a lie. The game has slowdowns because they didn't know how to replicate the 3D effects from the PSX version correctly. Having more memory wouldn't do you any good when your code is shit. What more RAM would do is speed up map transitions.
Why post lies on the internet?

>> No.6465935


PS1 1.0 JP (original)
PS1 E3 US (weird build with jp va, items but english text)
PS1 US (english, broken audio, different items) <- 1st official english version
SAT JP (restored nocturne, added maria boss/playable, exclusive items/levels/music never seen again)
PS1 1.4 JP Greatest Hits (restored nocturne, bugfixes) <- got a fan translation patch
PSP (based on PS1 1.4 JP with additions, like maria boss/playable) <- 2nd official english version
X360 (based on PS1 US version, no cutscenes)
PS1 JP (PSN for PS3) (based on PS1 1.4 with some bugfixes, jp exclusive. us got PS1 US)
PS4 (based on PSP, tweaked Maria boss/playable)
iOS (based on PS4)

>JP SOTN 1.4
Has best translation, best dub
No porting issues
Least cons (missing playable Maria)

>> No.6465949

>PS4 (based on PSP, tweaked Maria boss/playable)
It IS the PSP version. They still use the PSP's "Hold L+R" function for Mist transformation and didn't even alter the text from it.

>> No.6465995

those are the same faggots that made castlevania legends
no wonder the port turned out to be shit

>> No.6466078

And probably tanked the frame rate, too.

>> No.6466172

list 10 games worth playing on this console? there's your answer

>> No.6466175

I mean what's the point of playing SotN of the Saturn even without slowdown if there's PS1 version.

>> No.6466182

I can list around 50-60, your point?

>> No.6466281 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 343x500, bernie stolar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead and post it so I can laugh at you for padding out your list with a bunch of garbage games, Shiturn nigger.

>> No.6466436

saturn owners are desperate for games to play

>> No.6466439

Fuck off, australia-kun.

>> No.6466442

I want to see this list of 50 games worth playing on Saturn that aren't inferior ports from other consoles or the arcade.

>> No.6466454

now fix the pixel scaling

>> No.6466468
File: 77 KB, 320x236, saturn-gekka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh pixel scaling!
sony fanboys are pathetic

>> No.6466531

To experience the differences from other versions if you're a fan of SotN, without as many slowdowns. It's self-explanatory, really.

>> No.6466548

im surprised we dont have the saturn additions on psx yet
personally after playing saturn version I really miss the run ability. like yeah the the port is lacking polish but not having to backdash 24/7 is great.

>> No.6466986

>im surprised we dont have the saturn additions on psx yet

That would require a map editor which we don't have, and to fully understand SotN. We don't have any of that.

>> No.6467581

All the flaws of the Saturn port are overblown.

I never was bothered by any slowdown in the game and I usually detect even the smallest slowdowns.

Transparency barely matters in the entire game and it's replaced by something similar anyway.

The loading times aren't any worse than the majority of that gen's disc games.

Meanwhile, there are tons of extra content (areas, musics, enemies, weapons, shields, bosses), and if you don't like all that because "Iga might have said something that can be interpreted that it's bad" you can still ignore all of it and enjoy the og game with just the extra Maria boss fight, the running shoes, and playable Maria.

But I guess I'm a faggot and spending 10 hours back dashing through the game is how the devs intended it.

And for what it's worth fuck Iga and what he has to say.
His port of the X68000 CV butchered the game, even though all they had to do was port it.
SotN is an unfinished glitchy mess that went into all directions at once "let's keep adding shit instead of finishing what we can".
And then, CotM is one of the glitchiest "Igavania".

It should be obvious to anyone he used to suck major ass as a director. No wonder he'd be "embarrassed" that another team for the Saturn port finished content that he dropped and fixed his blunders by adding running shoes.

>> No.6467587

Holy shit. Saw reddit spacing and immediately stopped reading. Only giving (you) to enrage.

>> No.6467594
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>> No.6467610

> he used to suck major ass as a director

Even as far as recent content goes, Curse of the Moon is a better game than Ritual of the Night because Inti Creates actually know what they are doing.

>> No.6467875

Are you (OP) chinese?

>> No.6467894

Using paragraphs isn't "reddit spacing" you illiterate dipshit. Did you finish third grade or did you just congeal one day in your parents basement a fully formed dumbass?

>> No.6467925

Or I could just play the PS1, PSP, Android, or PS4/XBONE versions that all don't have that problem.

I mean, sure there's slight slowdown on the PS1 version, but it's never a problem.

But my poi t is; why autistically try to play a flawed version of a game? OK, ots fixed now. Wow, I still would be better off playing it elsewhere.

>> No.6468007

There's still some exclusive content that's worth playing. Should you pay the stupid prices it goes for on ebay? Probably not, but you can always just burn a copy and try it out.

>> No.6468320

To form your own opinion on it. There are things you can do in the Saturn version you can't do in others, and with emulation being around, there's pretty much no barrier to at least try it out for yourself these days. If you really like SotN, why would you purposely bar yourself from playing the most unique version of it?

>> No.6468328
File: 16 KB, 640x481, fuckthisshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst thing about SotN

>> No.6468339
File: 1.05 MB, 771x1062, SOTNSaturnItems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6468421

Annoying, but the wolf form can swim to tag the ceilings and mark them on the map.

>> No.6468441

>I never was bothered by any slowdown in the game and I usually detect even the smallest slowdowns.
You're lying.
>Transparency barely matters in the entire game and it's replaced by something similar anyway.
>blotchy checker board patterns
>The loading times aren't any worse than the majority of that gen's disc games.
>ignoring the game has more loading screens than the PS1 port, not that it's slow
If you want to b8 then play the game first.
>muh iga bad meme
Funny that, seeing as how didn't even direct SotN. But I guess reddit being retarded is par for the course.

>> No.6468451

>Funny that, seeing as how didn't even direct SotN.

Don't say that to me, say that to people using his interview quotes as a "proof" that the Saturn version is bad then. They even got it into wikipedia.

>> No.6468990

Not on the Saturn version lol. Best thing you can do for those squares is to stand on the very edge of the block and gravity jump to the ceiling

>> No.6469063

>PS1 JP (PSN for PS3) (based on PS1 1.4 with some bugfixes, jp exclusive. us got PS1 US)
is there more information on this version? I've downloaded it but the copyright notices don't seem to be changed. I'd be interested if there's a comparison somewhere

>> No.6470239
File: 182 KB, 680x680, c6b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's 50 good original games or superior ports made for the Saturn.
>inb4 hurr they all suck!
>inb4 cherry picks 1 or 2 to shit on

Albert Odyssey
Assault Suit Leynos 2
Blast Wind
Bulk Slash
Burning Rangers
Dark Savior
Deep Fear
Die Hard Arcade
Dragon Ball Z Legend
Dragon Force
Dragon Force 2
Fighters Megamix
Guardian Heroes
Gungriffon 2
Hyper Duel
Keio Flying Squadron 2
Langrisser 3
Langrisser IV
Langrisser V
Linkle Liver Story
Legend of Oasis
Magic Knight Rayearth
Mega Man 8
Nights into Dreams
Panzer Dragoon
Panzer Dragoon Zwei
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Power Slave
Princess Crown
Radiant Silvergun
Resident Evil
Sakura Wars
Saturn Bomberman
Shining the Holy Ark
Shining Force 3
Shing Force 3 Part II
Shing Force 3 Part III
Shinrei Jusatsushi Taromaru
Silhouette Mirage
Super Tempo
Tactics Ogre
Thunderforce V
Tomb Raider
Tryrush Deppy

>> No.6470308

>over half the list is weebshit/jarpigshit


>> No.6470340
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>> No.6470371

We get it, you hate the Saturn. Now kindly go fuck off back to your N64 circlejerk.

>> No.6470420

Do you really need one? If you've played the PS1 version, there's really no text you won't have memorized.

>> No.6470426

Not him but why do you think he's a N64 fan? This thread is riddled with fanatic Sonyggers who are mad people are enjoying one of their flagship games in another console with more content.

>> No.6470427

>No pinball games
Man, Saturn's pinball games are still unmatched. Pinball FX is dogshit compared to Necronomicon.

>> No.6470448

None of the extra content in the port can make up for the extra flaws, I bet you're a fan of that DS remake of SM64 as well.

>> No.6470450
File: 142 KB, 684x1168, 114426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Richter getting new sprites that better reflect his new SOTN outfit in the Saturn version was probably the best part of the port. A real shame we never saw it again.

Is it really that hard going over the sprites a 2nd time to undo the so-called "pre-baked" resolution differences?

>> No.6470451
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>> No.6470452
File: 177 KB, 185x95, Saturn_Vampire_Killer_2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6470454
File: 17 KB, 384x218, Castlevania-5-PS1SAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6470464

With the hacks we get now, i'm surprised no one re-inserted this on the PS1 version. Then again the PS1 version just probably re-uses all assets from the prologue.

>> No.6470485

dnt wrk plz hlp

>> No.6470517

Saturn has some extra content.

>> No.6470631

can someone (re)upload a prepatched iso for a retarded anon, pls :(

>> No.6470673

gravity jump and turn into wolf on impact will easily tag them

>> No.6471232

url still works, unless you're a brainlet.

>> No.6471334

Tried it today, the start screen does show up faster. But other than that, the games still slowdowns pretty often.

>> No.6471516

can't you not skip the into scene in any of the JP PS1 releases?
Or maybe I downloaded the wrong version

>> No.6471526 [DELETED] 

Every thread. Keep pushing that narrative, bruh.

>> No.6471532

Because no PS1fag would denounce a list of games for having weebshit or jrpgs, since that’s the majority of their console’s library too.

>> No.6472959
File: 3 KB, 184x180, marias.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the developers probably didn't differentiate between prologue Richter and unlockable Richter and so changing one inevitably alters the other, and to make sense the prologue Richter needs to remain untouched. The Saturn port was programmed to make that distinction, but not the PS1 version I'll bet.

The sprites did get used in a Dracula X hack so there's that.

Furthermore, I did find this travesty while searching for "stylish Richter" hacks on youtube:

Horrible. What were they thinking?

>> No.6472964

i remember i always wondered why ram improvement wasnt a thing in emulation when i was a kid.
Havent played console shit in a decade so its nice that this kind of things are a thing now.

>> No.6473762

>Is it really that hard going over the sprites a 2nd time to undo the so-called "pre-baked" resolution differences?
Considering that every single tile in the game simply has every fourth pixel doubled it could almost certainly be automated.

>> No.6473772

There are some parts where the Saturn just can't keep up regardless, but it maintains a much higher average framerate than the original. Spent about eight hours playing the hack a few days ago, it's definitely smoother.

>> No.6473937

>Am I 4chan yet?

>> No.6473958

Beetle Saturn already runs the game with zero slowdown on a decent enough PC. You still have to deal with the extra loading screens but whatever

>> No.6474373

>Considering that every single tile in the game simply has every fourth pixel doubled it could almost certainly be automated.
It does a lot of unusual things that no port should, beyond basically ignoring 75% of the system's resources it does really stupid things like each of the sprites the enemies are made out of are also gouraud shaded, distorted sprites. Even things like the wolf enemy in the beginning. I have no idea why this would ever be done. It doesn't make use of libraries the saturn had to stream data, the loading hallways are only ever loading when leaving them despite the Saturn being capable of this even in 3D.

Also the assets are all resized. Like this is the definition is a bad port, frankly the biggest miracle with it is that the Saturn runs it as well as it does despite doing so little.

>> No.6474531

Because it wont do anything if the game isn't already programmed to use the expanded memory.

Were you playing in an emulator or on real hardware? I played it on real hardware and saw little to no different from my original disc when it came to overall performance.

Another dumb thing it does, the VDP2 layer NBG0 (one of the main scrolling layers) is completely wasted for drawing the text in the text boxes for story scenes. Not the text boxes, just the text. The boxes are drawn by VDP1 and use the mesh command. Even when the story scenes aren't playing, that layer is reserved for the text in these scenes.

So when the game first loads up the castle for Alucard, the text for the scene where Death takes your items is written to VRAM for NBG0 where it just sits there doing nothing until that scene happens. And after the scene, it continues to just sit there, wasting VRAM, and wasting a scrolling background layer the game desperately needs to take some of the workload off of VDP1.

This is also why you can't try changing the script in RAM while the game is running, the script is parsed and the text drawn when the area loads. So any changes you make to say test things for a translation patch won't be applied to the text that gets drawn. Yet the game will still reparse the script during while a scene is happening so things are timed properly...

>> No.6474550

On the plus side, his hair is actually brown. That’s about the only praise I can give.

>> No.6474621

I mean shit, if your favorite console had better games overseas, you can't say that you wouldn't be thinking the same way. Saturn overseas fans had more games available to them than us in the states. Fuck yea, I'll take any Saturn improvement/translates anyday.

>> No.6475076

lol why is he so wide on the SAT version

>> No.6475080

>Horrible. What were they thinking?
Explains things perfectly

>> No.6475157

to be fair to the konami team, if sega hadn't designed the shiturn hardware so retardedly the port wouldn't have been nearly as bad as it was

>> No.6475162

So does this hack actually do anything useful?

>> No.6475175


>> No.6475189

Those God Speed Shoes are activated by double tapping forward. This interferes with the button sequences of magic abilities (which the timing has been fucked with in that port) And is still not as good as backdashing or wolf running (bat charge in the Sat port is the best way to traverse since it's now endless until you hit a wall)

>> No.6475194

forced pixel scaling

>> No.6475205

It is true that the only reason the SAT version never got re-ported was because it's existence bruised Iga's ego?

>> No.6475213

That's pretty annoying but honestly who ever fuckin used the magic in SotN?

>> No.6475217

Soul Steal is very useful in certain situations

>> No.6475220

Pretty much. He didn't approve of it, he didn't develop it, so he doesn't like it.

He did take the idea of Maria being fightable and playable from it for the PSP version, but he completely redid her to be a slightly-stronger version of her Rondo self instead of the insane kung-fu sorceress of the Saturn port. Because for some reason, Konami only wants to acknowledge Rondo's Maria as having existed.

>> No.6475256

SAT Maria was an absolute beast compared to her other incarnations.
Also I found this kinda funny in the initial Eng dub:
>Is 16 year old girl
>Sounds like a 30 year old British noblewoman

>> No.6475261


>> No.6475269

It took me like 15 years to understand the grammar of the phrase "You seem human and yet... what do you here?"

>> No.6475279


>> No.6475285

Not as awkward as Drac saying to Alucard "Come my son, let us embrace."

>> No.6475313

my dad says this to me every time i visit how is this weird

>> No.6475408

Its very simple phrasing especially in the context of the scene.

>> No.6475475

Real hardware. I've previously all cleared the game on a real disc and Redump rip

>> No.6475484

You have no idea. Cost is the only thing that prohibits people from finding the Saturns best games. Thunder Force V is f'n amazeballs.

>> No.6475490

No In The Hunt? And someone else mentioned Pinball. They're not kidding. Are there even any good PS1 pinball games?

>> No.6475552

Turned out the port was handled as a low priority project by KCEN, probably on a low budget and not enough time.
I can't otherwise explain these absurdities and the inconsistencies in quality.

>> No.6475603

Is In the Hunt superior to the arcade version?

>> No.6475614

No. Remixed music is neat, but no.

>> No.6475797

Kys segfag

>> No.6475902 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 1438x957, scratch_enough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine unironically preferring So(y)ny to SEGA.

>> No.6475908

Why not? It also has exclusive content that has never been translated.

>> No.6475917

He's not saying that for that reason, retard. He's using rhetoric to say Saturn versions aren't as good as PS1's, hence why he replied to a post saying the opposite.

>> No.6476542

>List genuine problems with the port
>Hurr Sonyggers
I can’t imagine being so much of a tool you let an entire fanbase live inside that hollow skull rent free.

>> No.6476731
File: 340 KB, 320x224, Castlevania-Symphony_of_the_Night_(PSX)_32a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SAT Maria was an absolute beast compared to her other incarnations.
yeah she was

>> No.6476749

FYI it's always N64 fans who are causing shit.

>> No.6476763

That’s weird considering the Saturn version has worse loading times than the PS1 version, and more loading points as well.

>> No.6476765

It's basically a port to the 32x in terms of saturn hardware utilization.

>> No.6476808

People like reading anon

>> No.6476812
File: 35 KB, 512x341, rival, Maria and Richter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6477032

Iga didn’t direct Circle of the Moon, retard.
>All the flaws of the Saturn port are overblown
>His port of the X68000 CV butchered the game
Holy fucking cope. How can you type these things in the same fucking post and not feel the slightest sense of irony?

>> No.6477058

>This interferes with the button sequences of magic abilities

Never had a problem

>And is still not as good as backdashing or wolf runnin

You can't be serious. The lengths people would go to to shit on the Saturn version just keeps amazing me.

>How can you type these things in the same fucking post and not feel the slightest sense of irony?

Not really no, because loading times and having decorative transparency replaced by something else isn't even 10% as important as gameplay related elements which are the basis of everything like hit detection and enemy AI.

>> No.6477071

>Not really no, because loading times and having decorative transparency replaced by something else isn't even 10% as important as gameplay related elements which are the basis of everything like hit detection and enemy AI.

And oh, all over the internet you're going to find these things for the Saturn version analized like nothing ever is, all down to tracking dubious quotes of Iga who had nothing to do with that version to try and pass the whole "this port is shit" thing as fact..

and at the same time you're not going to find any information anywhere on how terrible Chronicles is despite the issues being all the more important. In fact, it's the contrary, people are going to tell you Chronicles makes the original obsolete.

If the whole thing isn't iga fanboyism I don't even know what is. Some of you guys have been brainwashed by 20 years+ of fanboys controlling the information and you don't even realize it.

>> No.6477089

We get it. Igarashi is literally Hitler and you’re a victim of decades of misinformation plaguing your favorite shitty port.

>> No.6477102

Yeah, you can compare these two pages yourself



If you know how shit Chronicles is you'd know the irony. In fact, the very fact that the page is called "Chronicles" when you're searching for Castlevania X68000 or Akumajou Dracula X68000 is already by itself trying to pretend Chronicles replaces the original.
Any other game pages would have the X68K version first, Chronicles as a sub part of that page under "ports" or something, and a description telling you how shit it is while, maybe, suggesting all that shit would get a pass because it was the only way to play the game.

>> No.6477110

>Never had a problem
That doesn’t mean it isn’t a problem. Much like the rampant slowdown you swept under the rug. Or the fucked pixel scaling you simply refuse to acknowledge.
>hit detection and enemy AI
Please explain why these things are objectively worse in Chronicles and butcher the game. Just a heads up: different != butchered.

>> No.6477124

>The fact this page comes up when searching for a game that only saw an international release through Chronicles is baffling and proof of a bias against my precious shitty SotN port. Also I’m a schizo who needs medication.
Do you get mad that searching for SMB2 directs you to the Doki Doki reskin instead of the JP original? Try searching for the X68k version using actual Japanese and not romaji. See if Chronicles comes up first, dumbass.

>> No.6477173

>Please explain why these things are objectively worse in Chronicles and butcher the game. Just a heads up: different != butchered.

It is when the enemy AI is changed so that some enemies just back up instead of attacking, when some bosses which have an AI close to that of fighting games in the original, can just be beaten in Chronicles by crouching in the middle of the screen and spamming the attack button, it is when the hit detection is so different you can forget about needing to crouch or to use the downward whip attacks, etc etc

Those are just examples. Another one is how timing of things are so fucked in Chronicles, it's very difficult to beat the prison level with Death at the end without dying, if you know the level well enough you'd be left with maybe 20 seconds at the end in Chronicles, vs more than 100 in the original by playing the same way. Ohterwise you have to die and use a checkpoint along the way just because they couldn't even get the timing of the clock right.

What do they do to "fix" this? They let you turn off the clock, but only in the "arrange" version. Talk about sweeping under the rug indeed.

>That doesn’t mean it isn’t a problem. Much like the rampant slowdown you swept under the rug. Or the fucked pixel scaling you simply refuse to acknowledge.

There isn't a single spell that asks you to tap the same direction twice
Again I never noticed any slowdown but I always played it emulated so maybe that helped.
As for the pixel scaling, even as far as "hardcore games like on /vr/" go, while most people can tell the difference if a 4:3 game is tretched to 16:9, they can't tell the difference for something that's so slightly off. Only a small portion can.
And again, that is cosmetic, it doesn't change how the game plays.

Try other websites then. Mobygames has a page for Doki Doki Panic, but treats Chronicles differently.

>> No.6477175

But again, the main point is the great lengths the wiki page would go to shit on the Sat version while absolutely nothing is said about the differences between Chronicles and the original

>> No.6477824
