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File: 1.49 MB, 1528x2100, 2361723-nes_finalfantasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6465327 No.6465327 [Reply] [Original]

I just played Final Fantasy on NES for the first time and I have very mixed feelings on this game. I feel like the PSP/phone port I played growing up is really close to making it good but the random encounters is still the biggest problem with this game. Sometimes I would take a single step after a battle just to get into a new one. Near the end I just wanted to throw my Wii out the window. The story was still enjoyable though despite it being overly simple. Overall I think that this game has not aged well.

>> No.6465351

If you don't want to do fights, don't play an rpg. Just because something doesn't suit your specific tastes doesn't mean it aged poorly.

>> No.6465358

The FF Origins version on the PSX is actually the most faithful port. The PSP version looks gorgeous but the changes to the magic system make the game way too easy.

>Overall I think that this game has not aged well.
Get off my lawn you little scoundrel.

>> No.6465393

I have nothing against random encounters but this is far far far too random. I'd often go for a long stretch with no encounters or have nothing but encounters no matter where I walked. Its inconsistency made the game incredibly tedious when grinding or progressing.

>> No.6465406

>Sometimes I would take a single step after a battle just to get into a new one.
Lies. The encounters in FF1 are based on a step counter. They are not random. You cannot get an encounter one step after the previous.

>> No.6465421
File: 122 KB, 480x272, pic_0307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely love all FFI versions. And of all the things you could point out about FFI, why the random encounters? It's actually a pretty fair game considering the some frustrating NES RPGs.

Maybe he's thinking about those forced encounter tiles in some of the dungeons?

>> No.6465441

>I feel like the PSP/phone port I played growing up is really close to making it good
You must be 18 to post here

>> No.6465454

games don’t age

>> No.6465460

The PSP port is 13 years old. If OP was 7 when he played it, he would be 20 this year.

>> No.6465465

Wait, is this Kary saying you've defeated all the other fiends already? She's the second fiend, you've only defeated Lich by this point.

>> No.6465574

>he doesn't know
There's a reason FFI is all about exploration. Only Lich is obligatory to defeat in order.

>> No.6465581

I prefer Dragon Quest 2 and Glory of Heracles 2, but it was a decent game.
Still,DQ 7 and FF5 have a better use of the job system

>> No.6465606
File: 250 KB, 480x272, pic_0293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time you replay FFI, try defeating the Fiends in a different order. Starting with the Origins version, they each have unique dialogue depending on the order defeated. The game does try to rail road you through Lich>Kary>Kraken>Tiamat, contrary to most RPGs it's not obligatory to follow that order. You only need to defeat them to access the last dungeon.

>> No.6465630

Well that's really fascinating, but also that seems like it would require a shitload of grinding since the game doesn't feature dynamic level scaling. So if you go from Lich to Ice Cave to Tiamat you'd have to stop along the way to grind up 10+ extra levels each time, wouldn't you?

>> No.6465649

Jesus Christ

>> No.6465652

But if you go to Tiamat the first, you will have the advance job in the beginning , isn't it?

>> No.6465658

Equipment is more important, and there's a lot of good gear you can pick up for free in FF1. After you get the airship in particular there's a lot of gear that can be used to cast decent spells. There are also a lot of chests with money in them, so you can do a hefty amount of shopping without needing to grind for cash.

>> No.6465754

The highest level equipment won't stop a level 15 party from being one-shot by Mages casting BANE in the Ice Cave. Mages who will always strike first because at that level you're too slow, mind you. Not to mention how badly Tiamat would fuck up any party below level 25.

>> No.6465798

Turn order is not based on your stats or level. It's just random. Ice Cave is always a bit of a gamble, and levels frankly don't help very much. You can instakill Tiamat by channeling BANE through the Bane Sword, which is conveniently found in his own dungeon. You can also pick up the White Robe there, which can channel INV2 for a stackable evasion bonus to the whole party, making the fight much safer.

>> No.6465824

>Turn order is not based on your stats or level. It's just random.
I refuse to believe this on the basis that you can get certain enemy parties which will surprise attack you EVERY SINGLE TIME but then it will become less frequent as you increase your levels (and, by extension, your agility stat). Surprise attacks are demonstrably not just random chance. Maybe they changed this in the ports, since I've only ever played the NES version, but on NES there is definitely a case where your speed affects how frequently certain monsters can surprise attack you. That's what makes Mages such a bitch, because they are SO fast that they will ALWAYS strike first until you're like level 30+, meaning that in the Ice Cave they are always going to be a major threat.

>> No.6465909

35 year old boomer here. I just played FF6 to FF9 last month and the random battle encounter shit really fucking annoyed me

Guess I'm spoiled by modern games

I played Final Fantasy 1 and Ultima 4 back in the 90s and liked it tho

>> No.6465913

Oh, you're talking about ambushes. Yeah, different enemy groups have set ambush values. Mages in the Ice Cave have a value of 75, one of the highest in the game. Your party can offset this with the leader's (Agility + Luck)/8. Only the leader's stats matter for this, which is why having a thief in the top slot can be helpful, but because of the division by 8 it will take at least four levels to gain even one point towards avoiding ambushes. So yeah, levels help for that, but the effect is negligible.

>> No.6465918

I also played Dragon Warrior 1 back then too

RPGs back then were pretty comfy, better than the action style games mostly

>> No.6465923

I find the encounter rate in FF1 to be fine, but you seem to be mistaking infected squares with random encounters. There are parts of dungeons with floor tiles that hold guaranteed encounters. It's very prevalent around chests and there are places like the Hall of Giants in the Earth Cave that are literally just designed to be a trap of endless encounters.

>> No.6465948

No. Going to Bahamut and the defeating the Fiends are different things. You can even finish the game without going for the job advancement.

>> No.6466860

If you don't like random encounters than you have no business touching any RPG on the nes.

>> No.6467104
File: 1.51 MB, 2981x2981, ff2 logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to make a thread so I'll piggy back here, what's the best version of FF2 (real 2) to play?

>> No.6467269

>Sometimes I would take a single step after a battle just to get into a new one.
That's because you were stepping onto fixed encounter tiles. Random encounters don't trigger after a single step, you were just ignoring the warning signs and stepping though a corridor full of giants.

>> No.6467483

The biggest issue with the encounters is in the Earth Cavern and Ice Cave, both have monsters that can kill you by stoning your entire party before you can even act, the later ones don't matter since you can get resistance gear and have enough money to cure yourself if you do get stoned. It's not difficulty it's just a random arbitrary reset you can do nothing about.

>> No.6467647

PSP or Dawn of Souls. Both the NES and PS1 versions suffer from several problems and are way too stingy with stat increases.

>> No.6467701

thats not true. ff1 was a random chance per step. they changed it in later games because theoretically, even if not probable, it was possible to play the game without a single random encounter

>> No.6467973

There are fixed encounters in the overworld?

>> No.6468275

No, only in some dungeons. Still, he's right. The step counter won't let you have 2 battles straight from one tile to another.

>> No.6468591

If you were on the overworld then you are exaggerating because it is not possible to have an encounter in one step after a previous encounter on the overworld.

>> No.6468608

ps1 if you want a more faithful version, gba if you don’t

>> No.6468759

>gba if you don’t
Why the GBA version when the PSP version of II is exactly the same but with better music quality? Sure, the graphics are divisive but they're far from being as atrocious as the ones from the IV remake.

>> No.6468826

You're empirically wrong.

>> No.6469094

Games don't age dumbass. That's the beauty of games. Unless a great catastrophe wipes us all out they will stay with us forever until the heat death of the universe and will be enjoyed by billions to come - most of them smarter and more adaptable than you.

>> No.6469519

>ff1 was a random chance per step.
Nope. Go on the overworld, save your game with a tent. Walk in one direction until you get an encounter and count your steps as you do. Reset the game, load your save, walk while counting your steps until you get into an encounter. Reset, repeat. You will find that you have an encounter on the exact same step number every time. The game predetermines multiple encounters and how many steps it will take to get to each one. This information gets saved in your save file and thus can be proven by doing a repeating experiment like this.

>> No.6469892

This, but you must do a hard reset. The step counter is not saved in your save file, though it's temporarily stored in the console memory until you power off. Also, some tiles don't advance the step counter. It's mostly those around towns and where you can dock the ship, but there are some weird ones in dungeons too.

>> No.6469949

>Sometimes I would take a single step after a battle just to get into a new one. Near the end I just wanted to throw my Wii out the window. The story was still enjoyable though despite it being overly simple. Overall I think that this game has not aged well.

lol You got stuck in the Hall of Giants.
How badly did you get raped in the Ice Cave?
FF1 is the hardest game in the main series if you make it that way. I recently played the Origins version, and it holds up perfectly.
>aged poorly
No, you're just spoiled rotten. Your entire generation is a worthless pox on gaming. You do NOT get to have an opinion on games made before the PS3 debuted.

>> No.6470827

Why is FFI's NES boxart so soulful?

>> No.6470858

>You do NOT get to have an opinion on games made before the PS3 debuted.

Chrono trigger hasn't aged
FF1 did

>> No.6471012

Should have just played a bugfix.

>> No.6471062

I didn't die once during the whole game and grew up playing my generation's console which was the SNES. Thanks for making some baseless accusations though, faggot