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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6460734 No.6460734 [Reply] [Original]

What is your stance on collecting video games? Is it hoarding? What value does it add over flash carts and emulation?

>> No.6460751

It's hoarding.
If you had an extensive collection of retro games before the dawn of the digital age I am willing to put this aside.
However collecting video games is degenerate.

>> No.6460758

Can you imagine having a tiny room in your house with school bus-yellow walls and $0.25/sq. ft. carpeting packed with video games and toys so old that your children wouldn't even touch them? Just imagine how much time and money he spent buying all those games. He could have, I don't know, built a gazebo, finished his basement. Instead he made the ugliest, tackiest possible addition to his home, something that his wife and in-laws are deeply embarrassed by. Imagine his wife showing the house to guests or neighbors and bashfully excusing it - "we like to call this my husband's playroom, heh heh... moving on..."

I love video games, don't get me wrong, but Jesus, 10% of my home isn't going to be an ugly, plastic shrine dedicated to them. Get an external hard drive.

>> No.6460767

its just stupid nerd secondary market bullshit, especially in the age of emulation, double especially since most of the games youll never play, triple especially when you consider the amount of actual content within retro games generally is less than 3 hours. if ur game collection takes up more than a shelf you have too much and need to sell.

>> No.6460768

True hoarders that never play what they collect can trip over a bucket of AIDS. Those jackasses intentionally buy up everything good and then talk down to people who can't find the friggen games to friggen play them.

>> No.6460772

I approve. As long as they aren't dicks about it (like those assholes who buy up and hoard rare protos and such).

>> No.6460775

games are meant to be played

>> No.6460783

And the best is when they justify it by saying it's an investment, like this shit will skyrocket in value or something. Get stocks. Old video games are not an investment.

>> No.6460785
File: 150 KB, 512x640, id pac man her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's pretend that there was a guy named: Don Fangock, and then let's pretend that he claims to want to build a game museum, and then his fans sent him games for said museum. Now, hypothetically, if Don then said:"Huh. No, those games (and money) were always for me, not for the museum." , that'd be scummy, right?
All I'm saying is, let's reserve our disgust for his ilk.

>> No.6460787

Wow, a game that was $50 new is $100 30 years later. Meanwhile, every single stock from 30 years ago is up 4000%.

>> No.6460791


>Implying collectors don't play their games

>> No.6460794

You're lucky if a single one of those games actually jumped up to 100 dollars after thirty years.

Almost 99% of the nintendo and super nintendo games can be bought for literal pennies.

If anything you've lost money.
>buy a thousand games for retail price.
>at best 10% are worth more than original cost
>spending extra money to detail a room with custom shelving and such

>> No.6460814

i don't care, flashcarts and ODEs/emulation means i don't have to spend hundreds to play a single game. if someone else wants to, by all means they are welcome to.

>> No.6460819

>What value does it add over flash carts and emulation?

I do it for the pure nostalgia of holding a cart in my hand and slapping it into an official console. I make good money and I spend good money. The cost is irrelevant.

>> No.6460821

Most people, at some point, try to stop impressing their childhood self.
Hoarders don't.

>> No.6460827

Normally I'd like to say there's no harm in collecting but shit like this is perhaps a bit much. My entire collection first one like TWO normal sized book shelves and it's all, mostly, stuff I play with some regularity. If your collection looks more like a store you might have a problem.

>> No.6460839

Nice way of putting it.

>be super fit army weirdo who is into industrial bands and shit have weird posters everywhere
>ten years later
>have a couple of more unique/hard to find posters framed nicely, the rest are boxed up and put away
Adult men don't try to impress upon others with what's inside our houses.
We often times don't want people in our house.

>> No.6460845


>20+ game retrovidya collections are bad and you're a hoarder
>1000+ game Steam library worth many times over than can never be resold is okay.

Typical /vr shitposter

>> No.6460848

Or some guys just like to feel comfy with all the nostalgia.

>> No.6460865

It's hoarding if you have many multiple copies of exactly the same thing
>I only buy them stop others enjoying them, lel

>What value does it add over flash carts and emulation?

This shit already physically exists, might as well use it. Would you rather it wind up at a landfill site in Ghana?

>> No.6460868

Anything that makes poorfags seethe is good in my book

Cope like this gives me warm fuzzies

It's hard to imagine being so young and ignorant of history, but zoomers never cease to amaze.

>> No.6460884
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When I was a kid, I'd buy video games and play them
Now, I still buy video games and play them

I used to pirate stuff a lot but now I feel that it's morally wrong to do so and I try to avoid emulation.

Me? I just go on ebay and buy the cheapest, still working game and when I get it in the mail, I play it.
It's fine by me to buy loose PS1 cds and just store them in a cd flipbook.

I buy games and play them and I think it's alright

>> No.6460892

>What is your stance on collecting video games?
I just have got a handful of original Famicom cartridges, a flashcart and FDSstick. All the original games are there because my flashcart can't run various mappers and that's it. If I don't play the game anymore it goes for sale, I'm not making it a investment or some bullshit. I'm not also gonna make a literal wall of games because of that because not only it looks silly, but also is uber-expensive, I've got other hobbies y'know.

>> No.6460940

I just buy games I actually like, play or have for shits and giggles, for everything else, I just use flashcarts and burned CDs/DVDs

>> No.6460969

It's hoarding if you have 7000 of them just wrapped up sitting on a shelf.
My man. <---- peak gamer here

>> No.6460971

Just say John Hancock.
We all know who he is.

>> No.6461007

That's a feminist hypocrisy, because if women had a library full of twilight-level novels, no one would criticize them, and if they did, they wouldn't care, even though the content of that library is romantic fantasy by independent authors worthy of a high school student

>> No.6461010

collectors are professional sellers, specialized in video games, only in amurrica, the country of the american dream

Change my mind!! 100%

>> No.6461028

I never realised I would be in the minority of collecting old games on /vr/ of all places.

>> No.6461029

If an adult women had an entire room dedicated just to YA novels she would also be mocked.

>> No.6461030

Consoles are OK in my opinion. You don't have to fiddle with emulators and waste time getting shit to work, if you find that annoying, but collecting actual software is degeneracy. Nigga, just slap all of them roms in a flash cart and you're good to go.

>> No.6461032

Hoarding looks like a very nice well organized collection to me. Also you can sell the games for a great monetary value can’t really do that your flash cards.

>> No.6461137

Why? I was talking about Don FanGock. Who is this John Hancock? Is he a cool dude?

>> No.6461184

I have an irrational attachment to physical media, but I don't keep games I don't like. Look at that goddamn NES wall. I can't name a dozen NES games I like enough to hold onto, let alone a hundred. I didn't start "serious" collecting until recently, but I don't anticipate I'll ever hit over 200.

>> No.6461190

>school bus

>> No.6461202

I understand buying lots of games you like, but I don't understand collecting.
Why buy a game that you explicitly know is shit, just to have it? I always feel embarrassed for people with walls of NES games when the vast, vast majority of them are complete shit.

>> No.6461218

The cope and projection here is amazing

>> No.6461358

Half of it is probably some sports shit.

>> No.6461689

>What is your stance on collecting video games?
A fulfilling and profitable hobby, that may throw you into unexpected roads, as nostalgia usually does.
>Is it hoarding?
For nowadays standards absolutely. Consume digital and use as little living space as possible, citizen. I do consider there's a trueish hoarding when you cannot pass up on a good deal, or a cheap but valuable lot. I've been even considering a rental store for zoomies.
>What value does it add over flash carts and emulation?
As a collector, emulation is a great research tool and flashcarts are a cool addition to any collection. You might not be interested, and that's totally fair, but if you only rely on those for playing you might lose the hobby, the hustiling and the social side of it
>OP's pic
That sort of game rooms are the collecting world's equivalent to the s0ib0i face. It's not representative. I've seen plenty of soulful indie kids' setups on this same board.

>> No.6461734


depends. i only collect games I really loved/liked. however i cant deny the games by chance that i like are worth money and i cant deny either that their value keeps rising. i mean i got ocarina of time gold cart for 40 dollars just a few months ago, its selling nearly twice that.

>> No.6461743

It's not hoarding if you actually happen to love the games you are collecting for. But if you're buying shitty games such as any license game that came from LJN just to complete your collection of games, then yes it's hoarding.

Other than that, having a collection is perfectly fine. I see nothing wrong with it. Luckily I bought the games I wanted most before they skyrocketed in prices on eBay.

>> No.6461797

>feeling bad about emulating PS1 games
Quit being a spineless faggot. Nobody is losing out when you pirate a game that hasn't been sold in over two decades.

>> No.6461828

It all depends. I think owning a single copy of a game is fine, even if that means you have a complete set of games, but where I draw the line are people that hoard copies of rare, valuable games like their gold coins or something. I know several collectors in my area that do this, and oddly enough it's mostly with rare Saturn titles. At that point you're not a collector, just an asshole and mentally ill.

>> No.6461890

>What is your stance on collecting video games? Is it hoarding? What value does it add over flash carts and emulation?
I think its neat. I however don't have the time or energy to do this. Im more a flashcard original hardware with a nice CRT guy. I also love travelling so my money goes on trips and nice car. Just got my Model3 Tesla.

>> No.6461896

Likewise. I won't really be able to afford all the games I want to play but that's fine. Back ups are for me, I've put most of my energy into the setup rather than the media type.

>> No.6462001

Can I get a quick rundown on this controversy, please? All I know is he's part of the Metal Jesus et. al. gang, but I hadn't heard about this specifically.

>> No.6462019

>Meanwhile, every single stock from 30 years ago is up 4000%.
This is so obviously a child speaking, it's laughable.

>> No.6462058
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>it's this thread again
Fuck it, I'll join in.
>Is it hoarding?
"hoarding" video games would be buying every game you came across, regardless of weather or not you had a copy already; Filling entire rooms of your home with games; Floor to ceiling with boxes of games, buying for the sake of buying, even when it negatively affects your quality of life; Dirty, disheveled, unkempt piles of vidya with no organization. And not playing them. _THAT'S_ hoarding.
>OP's pic
A single room; Clean, organized, sorted and marked by system. No duplicates, or a few because of certain reasons. This is a "collection", or a "Library". Literally no different than a library of books. If you entered a home library of books, would you accuse the owner of being a hoarder? No, that'd be stupid. You can't read every book at once, and just because you've read a certain book once does not mean you'll never want to read it again, so you have all of your books in one place, where you can read them when you see fit. A. Fucking. Library.
I'm in my mid-thirties, I've been buying vidya for decades, and while I don't have anything like OP's pic, I have a nice stash. Should I get rid of it all because I'm not playing all/most of it at any given moment? Besides, why give a shit about someone else's physical collection? The software's just 1's and 0's, the magic lies in the console's hardware, and even that can be mimicked in many cases. Either emulate, or get a flash cart, and you can play all of those games yourself.

OP is, as always, homosexual.

>> No.6462071

It's a pathology.

>> No.6462119

When these guys die off their family is just going to hawk it all for 50% off because nobody has time to piece out all the video games and nobody is dumb enough to buy up such a massive amount of games for full price except people repeating the recursive cycle

>> No.6462124

Madden 95, Madden 96, Madden 97, Madden 98, Madden 99, NHL 95, NHL 96, NHL 97, NHL 98, NHL 99, Super Brazil World Cup

>> No.6462194

>m-my library of games is no different than yours of phylosophy and science books!
>*bing bing wahoo*
i actually like that pic btw saved

>> No.6462205

>Anything that makes poorfags seethe is good in my book
You have to be a brainlet if you think this is a sign of financial success. This is poor money management that is often displayed by poor fags, not the other way around. It's the equivalent of the ghetto black man having shiny rims and an enormous sound system in the decade old economy car he installed a spoiler to.
Actual rich people have displays of wealth that aren't depreciating assets, or they have their houses filled with evidence of great experiences. They're not sitting in windowless basements obsessively collecting plastic unless they have a debilitating mental illness. But if you're a collectard, I guess you wouldn't have the self-awareness to understand that.

>> No.6462245


>> No.6462279
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Somebody had overly judgemental parents.

>> No.6462306

the only people I've seen that are against it are people who build up a strawman and let youtube e-celebs live rent free in their heads. Yes, i collect old games. Yes, I'm attempting to beat every single one. No, I don't have them "proudly" displayed on a shelf. Everyone is different with how they approach this hobby, so stop thinking in a retarded black and white mentality.

>> No.6462759
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>m-my library of games is no different than yours of phylosophy and science books!
>*bing bing wahoo*
A library is a library, regardless of what the content is. There are music libraries, movies libraries, magazine libraries, Etc. A music library is not the same as, nor would it ever be compared to, a book library. And further still, there are book libraries that would be on specific subject matters that in itself would not be comparable. A library of European history would not be compared to a library of the medical sciences. The subject matter alone can define the library, as well as the physical media, and without having any concept of "Better/equal/lesser".
The thread is about PHYSICALLY collecting a particular media, video games in this case. (You) are aware this is a video games board, right? OP puts forth that having a large PHYSICAL collection is the same as hoarding. That post puts forth that a large amount of a similar thing is not, nor comparable to, hoarding. They are two different things.
Of course, I wouldn't expect someone who cites (and spells anachronistically with a y no less) philosophy to grasp this.

>> No.6462764

Collectorfags are mentally ill

>> No.6462772

>be grinning faggot
>actually be criminal
>tell people that you'll take rare games and money
>specifically for a video game museum
>nothing happens for months
>then years
>people call him out
>they get blocked on YT and other places
>finally answer some questions
>"those games and money were clearly for me, guys."

Also he's stolen people's games by using one neat trick: he has them sell them to him, but they send it first and he pays afterwards, THEN he claims that the games are bootleg or otherwise unacceptable in some fashion, so thus, he's keeping the games and NOT paying for them. Then he grins some more and talks of being humble.

>> No.6462787

And he also sells the games that were meant for a lie that he told at game shows around the country. He's just a humble guy.

>> No.6462793

>now I feel that it's morally wrong to do so
why? if the game is still being officialy available to buy, i can understand but how you are supposed to play saturn bomberman?
buying it you are just giving money to a random guy, only the original owner who bought it sealed contributed to devs, game industry and all this thing.

>> No.6462829

To play with friends, mostly. I avoid straight boring games though. Great or shit, no inbetween.

>> No.6462856 [DELETED] 

>only the original owner who bought it sealed contributed to devs, game industry and all this thing.
Not that anon, but that's an excellent point. I just try to buy the games that are for sale, but no repeatedly. I got a Switch, but I'm just not going to pay extra for ROMs that I already paid for on my Wii.

>> No.6462859

>only the original owner who bought it sealed contributed to devs, game industry and all this thing.
Not that anon, but that's an excellent point. I just try to buy the games that are for sale, but not repeatedly. I got a Switch, but I'm just not going to pay extra for ROMs that I already paid for on my Wii. Someone tell me, does that hurt the industry really?

>> No.6462869

>all that cope
Imagine being this fucking insecure. One day you will die and none of the shit you hoarded will go with you.
I was just joking as you are implying having a bunch of games is equal to a library, which is not, not even close, for example some people use books as tools/reference.

>> No.6462908

My stance is that people who hate collecting are vast majority a bunch of zoomers trying real too hard to fit in with being contrarians by misusing the term hoarding. Most people who collect do not have massive collections with games they do not play made up of shovelware. It's mostly people with small to medium collections that get played every now and then. There's nothing wrong with emulation, but it's not a full substitute for physical hardware.

>> No.6462963
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I appreciate the no wasted space design and the walls being painted Mario 3 yellow . But you need to install a sprinkler system.

>> No.6462964

There are four types of video game collectors:-

1: The 'Minimalist' Collector
This is the guy who values authenticity but is extremely price conscious. He spends his money wisely on original consoles, modchips, cd-rs and flashdrives. Secretly wishes he had a big collection of video games, but is too tight to pay over $10 for one.

2: The Based 'Nostalgic' Collector
This is the guy who only buys games he genuinely enjoys playing. He receives happiness from owning copies of his favourite games. Probably sold his prized video games for next to nothing for a PS2 back in the day, and hates the cash he has to fork out to get them back.

3: The Autistic 'I Have to Have Everything' Collector
This guy goes for complete sets of games on particular consoles. Pays $100's of dollars on extremely rare barbie games and feels no shame in doing so. Somewhere on the spectrum.

4: The Hoarder
This guy treats the hobby as a business. He spends his life on Ebay instead of playing games, buying up dozens of copies of the same game to sell for double the price years down the line as an investment. Video game price inflation makes him hard and enjoys flaunting his superiority over poorfags. The recent influx of comic book nerds get included in this category.

>> No.6462971
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I collect but I also understand why people are not interested in it. You can literally play every single 16 bit and older game on a raspberry pi, even games that cost thousands of dollars for a real copy.

I enjoy searching for games on sites like Facebook marketplace and Craigslist and getting good deals. It's also nice to know that these games will at least hold their value for the time being.

With that said, im about 50% sure the bottom will fall out of the retro game market with time. It might not be until the millennials begin to die off, but we may eventually see the value of physical collections declining over time as it becomes a more niche interest. Either way, I'm still going to keep hoarding every boxed copy of a Sega Genesis game I can find.

>> No.6462983

>Secretly wishes he had a big collection of video games, but is too tight to pay over $10 for one.
I guess this is the closest to me...

Funnily enough, I see a lot of people on facebook groups commenting on posts with stupidly high prices and people encourage them saying "great price", despite not offering to buy it themselves.

>> No.6462996
File: 65 KB, 1024x934, 1589634925140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, that guy probably had an existential crisis after that. Imagine collecting for years and seeing it all disappear into nothing.

>> No.6463013

I'm a 2, but I could turn into 3 if I'm not careful. I've encountered number 4 and they are the absolute worst type of people.

>> No.6463032

>ywn be that 2 guy with the original donkey konga setup

>> No.6463056

Those photo filters are amazing.

>> No.6463151
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collecting is fine but if you want physical games for every system ever you're fucked because there's no way to have a "complete collection" of everything.
don't end up like those dudes that have walls of games in their basement. always remember there's a fine line between collecting and hoarding.

>> No.6463239

"Hoarding" is a medical condition defined as having a persistent difficulty to part with an inanimate object.

You could accumilate every single game ever made. If you can just as easily sell or throw it away, you factually are not a hoarder.

I also fucking love the cope in this thread. You're just salty you didnt buy your games 15 years ago for pennies like everyone else. Now you're stuck with emulation, or paying post-COVID19 game prices.

>> No.6463350

this. the general /vr/ stance on collecting changed after it became "expensive". so now they just pretend it's hoarding to cope with the fact they couldn't get into the hobby sooner.

the only time I can someone agree with the general /vr/ stance is when they're talking about people who collect but don't play their games.
collecting rare and expensive shit is dumb, collecting the things that you enjoy playing, that's a fine hobby.

>> No.6463434

"Hoarding" is a social construct

>> No.6463448

>Meanwhile, every single stock from 30 years ago is up 4000%.
Don't forget to calculate in the inflation

>> No.6463458

Why would you get married when you could have a video game room instead? Seems like the wife would just add misery, whereas the game room would add enjoyment.

>> No.6463497

1 here, thinking of becoming a 2

>> No.6463509

somewhere between 1 and 2, except i have most of my games/consoles from when i was younger except what was stolen

>> No.6463529

I just like having discs of games I love. It makes me feel nice. Maybe I'm a hoarder or an autist. I have a lot of games but I play basically every game I own.

>> No.6463531

>post-COVID19 game prices
when will it normalize?

...will it normalize?

>> No.6463568

lol calling collectors "hoarders" is funny, dont let the memes get to you.
Trying to shame emulation doesnt really help your case.

>> No.6463572

maybe in 5 years, there isnt even a vaccine yet.

>> No.6463623

>Emulate OOT to replay
>Crashes randomly on my $1200 PC even after settings tweaks

Yeah thanks but I will stick to original hardware

>> No.6463662

I buy physical games to play them if I like them enough. I'm a sentimental guy.

>> No.6463672

>>Emulate OOT to replay
>>Crashes randomly on my $1200 PC even after settings tweaks
Just for shits and giggles I ran an old version of Project 64 running on XP and kept Ocarina of Time paused for 24 hours+ or minus a few hours before it crashed. It was done on an LCD monitor, so no CRTs were harmed during the making of this fact.

>> No.6463676

To be exact, I kept it on the inventory screen about a day before it crashed. I'd say OoT is stable on XP for at least 12 hours.

>> No.6463689


Im a 2. It didn't bother me one bit to shell out $100 for the copies of Chrono Trigger and SotN recently, because I enjoyed them and want them on my shelf.

>> No.6463691

I'm between 2 and 3. I want entire collections for consoles that didn't have very many games. Is that so wrong?

>> No.6463782

>Probably sold his prized video games for next to nothing for a PS2 back in the day

>> No.6463821

Based album, bluepilled logic
Just because you have things neat and tidy doesn't mean that it's magically not hoarding

>> No.6463838

#2 but not restricted to nostalgia. Playing tons of great games I never heard of.

>> No.6463865

>I have to be a brainlet to project such cope
Yes. Yes you do. This is exactly the kind of poorfag seething I was talking about. It's entertaining on so many levels.

>> No.6463896

Poorfags definitely seethe over anyone who can afford to collect. They absolutely hate it.

>> No.6463910

>Probably sold his prized video games for next to nothing for a PS2 back in the day
Nope, my family sold them without asking :)

It's okay, I definitely didn't want my copy of Silent Hill, I'll just spend $90 to get one again on Ebay

>> No.6463913

Was an idiot trying to "collect" for systems from before my time, realized I wasn't playing my Genesis and sold it. Now I mostly buy games for the systems I grew up with, and hey, PS2, Wii, and 360 are cheap, so filling up mostly on games that I thought were neat but was too poor to afford, or off.
Mostly a 2. Only exception (and only/vr/ unless you count a Flashback 2) is the Dreamcast I was memed into buying but still enjoy a bit.

>> No.6464237
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Better list:

1. The digital collector
The guy who only downloads roms to play on his PC, posts, "lol just emulate" at collectors, might own one or two emulation devices if he doesnt outright feel that his phone is all he needs.

2.The 'Minimalist' Collector
This is the guy who values authenticity but is extremely price conscious. He spends his money wisely on original consoles, modchips, cd-rs and flashdrives. Secretly wishes he had a big collection of video games, but is too tight to pay over $10 for one.

3. The 'Nostalgic' Collector
This is the guy who receives happiness from owning copies of his favourite games. Probably sold his prized video games for next to nothing for a PS2 back in the day, and hates the cash he has to fork out to get them back. Doesn't want to buy old games he has no nostalgic feelings for.

4. The physical retro gamer
The guy that is a lot like any other gamer, except games are his hobby, he loves retro games, and he loves to display his collection. Only buys whatever looks good to him and tries to spend his money whenever cheap deals are involved, might feel fine spending the money to get a copy of Chrono Trigger since it's a good game, but will not spend 200+ on an overlooked puzzle game.

5. The Autistic 'I Have to Have Everything' Collector/fanboy
This guy goes for complete sets of games on particular consoles. Pays huge amounts on extremely rare barbie games and feels no shame in doing so. Fat and somewhere on the spectrum, most likely a diehard fanboy of a company like Nintendo, Sega, Atari, etc.

6. The Hoarder
This guy treats the hobby as a business, spends as much time on Ebay as he does playing games, buying up dozens of copies of new products to sell for double the price years down the line as an investment. Video game price inflation makes him hard and enjoys flaunting his superiority over poorfags.
If he owns extremely rare and looked for items by people that want a dump, he wants fame and money in return.

>> No.6464304

I think as long as it's a collection of games you care about and have played then it's fine. But if you're playing a game just to get an excuse to put it in a retro game collection then I would consider that hoarding. I wouldn't collect physical games just cuz, and I certainly wouldn't go out of my way to get one for my collection just to say I have it. For the most part though I don't care, and if someone is happy with their wall to wall collection then whatever.

>> No.6464315

John Hancock is slimey af. There is something about that guy and it's not good. I watched a conversation that he had with Pat Contri. Both those asshole's know what they're doing. It's the same thing with Rolfe. They all know they some what have an influence on the market to a degree, more so AVGN and what happened with Ghostbusters on the Genesis in 2008. All of this back and forth
>Better Sell Now
>Prices never this high
>Don't Sell
>Prices too low blah blah
They're both WATA shills and probably are ok with Go Collect murdering Sega and Nintendo Age, just because Dane wanted to cash out like a cuck.

>> No.6464321

you are making a bold assumption about my wealth as a collector, I have fuck you money....so fuck you.

>> No.6464331

Collecting games isn't hoarding, but it is cringe. If you have a lot of money and spend time collecting video games that just makes it more cringe.

>> No.6464347

Personally, I only purchase and collect what I know I'm truly interested in and will play. This buying up bulk just to fill a room, so it looks neat on some youtube video seems asinine.

>> No.6464351

I dont know where this meme comes from the Wii/PS2 and shit is "so much cheaper". You're looking at like $120 for just Gunblade + Fragile Dreams alone.

>> No.6464357

Respectively, $120 USD isn't much for rare fire.

>> No.6464364

I buy my games to play them as I disagree with digital media, and because I love the thrill of the hunt, the retro cons, and the community.

I dont buy games Im not going to play, but I do buy whatever I've already played and don't care if people think thats hoarding.

Like some self-flagelating 4chan 20-somethings are going to scare me away from collecting, Im not 12.

>> No.6464371

>20 somethings
Damn I miss being a young man.

>> No.6464404


>> No.6464409

I don't collect video games but it seems like a lot of poorfag cope to me

>> No.6464414

>but where I draw the line are people that hoard copies of rare, valuable games like their gold coins or something.
What's wrong with holding onto rare and valuable items that will be worth more later?

>> No.6464428

I always say "I only collect good games", but that's not even true now that I do a deep think. Nobody would declare Xbox 360 "classics" like Rogue Warrior or Darkest of Days or 3DO shitshows like Daedalus Encounter or Burning Soldier "good" games, but I'd never sell them.

So I guess my collection is actually basically whatever I want. It's a pretty strict criteria.

>> No.6464430


>> No.6464435

It's all one big circle jerk. The reasons I can think of for people praising high prices are trying to make friends with the perceived big dogs of the group, trying to ingratiate themselves to the sellers with the hope of one day being cut a deal themselves, shielding themselves against future criticism when they themselves ask stupid money for something, or they themselves owning the item for sale so they have a vested interest in prices going up.
Facebook groups are a huge double edged sword. They're your best bet of making a sizable group of irl friends to play old games with, but they can also quickly turn into show off contests and meetups become little more than glorified swap meets with nobody actually playing anything.

>> No.6464449

Eh, it's more that most of the games I'm interested in are still under $20 for being so common. The only exceptions I really care about are some JRPGs and Metroid Prime Trilogy.
Also, both my Wii and PS2 are soft modded so I could play the stupid rare games like Rule of Rose pretty trivially. PS1/2 are also nice because they use standard disc formatting, so I can make backups with the computer disc drive.

>> No.6464524 [DELETED] 

>Both those asshole's know what they're doing
Yes and the game shops loved 'em.
(past tense because they're all out of business and most won't recover)
>It's the same thing with Rolfe.
No. He's not that sophisticated. Mike too. And Ryan. With then, what you see if what you get, for bettor or for worse.
My things with game shops is this: if you're just going to price ala Ebay-you can fuck right off. Ebay tacks on their cut plus there's shipping.

>> No.6464531

>>Both those asshole's know what they're doing
Yes and the game shops loved 'em.
(past tense because they're all out of business and most won't recover)
>>It's the same thing with Rolfe.
No. He's not that sophisticated. Mike too. And Ryan. With them, what you see if what you get, for bettor or for worse.
My thing with game shops is this: if you're just going to price ala Ebay-you can fuck right off. Ebay tacks on their cut plus there's shipping.
I'm thinking a lot of store owners are going to be ripe for good deals again soon, the one's that aren't bankrupt somehow.

>> No.6464559

Hoarding isn't just a collection you don't like

>> No.6464564

Nice sentence fragment, 'bot.

>> No.6464582
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>> No.6464896

>glorified swap meets with nobody actually playing anything
Collectors do not play video games

>> No.6464898

It's a cool hobby. I used to collect video games. I still do to a lesser degree but I do keep hard copies of games I really like. Something just feels good about owning a physical copy of a world you fell in love with.

>> No.6464903

I would like to collect but I hate ebay with a passion and don't have many local options

>> No.6464919

Can we please rape and murder the faggots who brag about possessing undumped games?

>> No.6464981

I'm definitely #2. I've got my collection of 6th gen consoles to re-live those early 2000s memories. As for anything before that, I'm fine just emulating for the time being. I do most of my gaming on a 21" consumer grade CRT and my collection is only games I have intent on playing. I definitely don't see myself hunting down old games, just to say I have them in my collection. Just as long as I have access to those titles, I'm happy.

>> No.6465035
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A Video game buy n sell group for my city that im a member of is a ghost town now. Stuff gets posted all the time at often stupid prices and nobody buys it, I've been in it for 4 years now and to this date I've still never bought anything from it. I've seen the same thing you mentioned where people suck off other collectors, especially resellers., probably cause they think it could defend them or get them a deal later down the line. Also the fucking boneheads in charge of the group recently changed it to a more broadened, general BST group so now almost anything BUT video games gets listed now. My city already had a bunch of Bst groups so its just redundant. FB groups were good for a few years but now they're completely useless because of Marketplace. Why post my items for sale to 4 different groups, with each group corresponding to a certain city/area, and you have to get authorized to join the group, when you can just post it in one place and have way more visibility?

>> No.6465062
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God that's fucking slimey. Why would he need more games anyway? He has a gigantic collection of games, and iirc doesn't he have complete sets for like 12 consoles? Even if he actually wanted to open a museum he really couldn't just give up a few doubles and extra consoles?

>> No.6465110

>If you can just as easily sell or throw it away, you factually are not a hoarder.

>> No.6465347

You can basically attach these groups to income brackets

>> No.6465376

Only coping poor people hate it. Also, I imagine all people who are against it think every "collector" is like Metal Jesus or similar Youtubers, aging boomers that doesn't know shit about games and is shit at playing them too. I don't care about emulation, and use it here and there. It's just silly when people try to claim it's better than original hardware. Just go for flashcarts as a happy middle ground.

>> No.6465524

>Giving a shit about in-laws opinion

God, what a fag.

Game collecting isn't a saving fund to be rich the next decade. Is just like having a personal library. You just pick a game and just sit and play, any time you feel like doing it.

Only a retard can have a problem with that.

>> No.6465841

The digital collector represents the rich for having abundance mentality - emulating or re-buying a game just because he feels like playing it in between the other hobbies he can afford as a rich person.

The hoarder represents the poor for having a scarcity mentality. Accustomed to poverty and not being able to re-buy things. Has no other hobbies because he can't afford them. Often buys eBay lots of games he already owns to flip and use the profits for games he actually wants. LARPs as a rich person on an image board without understanding what it actually means to be rich.

>> No.6467087
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I collect spores, molds, and fungus

>> No.6467115

My favourite Ghostbusters character.

>> No.6467223

>Adult men don't try to impress upon others with what's inside our houses.
yes they fucking do, wtf, all Men want to show off their possessions

>> No.6467230

collecting is a good way for people with a hoarding mentality to have a healthy outlet

>> No.6467252

i read this in konata's voice lmao, it even kinda sounds like something she would say.

>> No.6467262
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1 here, you nailed it
with an original console, a crt and a flashcart/ode i'm good

>> No.6467272

Except I'm not hoarding because I don't have a whole stack of cartridges. I mainly bought licensed games such as Batman, Ninja Turtles, Spider-Man, and Robocop.

>> No.6467291
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Holy fucking shit. Just looked this up and apparently he likes to file false DMCA requests against channels asking questions regarding his controversial actions. Pure psychopathic behaviour. I'm so goddamned enraged now.

>> No.6467321

it's fine to hoard stuff sometimes sir

>> No.6467359

>lame attempt at bragging about imaginary wealth on the old video game board of an anime website
“Sorry kid, I have fuck-you money, nothin’ personnel”
lmaoing at your life, LARPfag

>> No.6467368

Video game cartridges and optical media are digital, you retard.

>> No.6467410
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Ive never understood the point of having an embarassingly large collection. i only buy games i genuinely like, which is like 30 games max for any system, and if it gets a remaster (not remake), then i usually sell the original. How it gets to the point where an entire bookshelf dedicated to one system is beyond me. And people who pretend like theyre investing are borderline autistic, i hope people lose interest in retro games and the prices plummet

>> No.6467489

I would love to grab that girl by her legs and swirl her around like Bowser

>> No.6467523

.........you know that if you live alone in your backyard you can be without a mask, unless its like windy and some coofer comes and coof or sneezes?

95% of infections happen indoors with idiots who bump into you and dont respect social distancing and infects other people.

>> No.6467651


>> No.6467673

>optical media are digital
Oh look, a zoomer. How quaint.

>> No.6467737

no-one had a big orderly 'setup' like this as a kid 2bh. like with everything you owned at that age, your console was just plonked randomly anywhere next to your usually small TV with the carts/cases stacked in rickety heaps or just lying on the ground zero fucks given until your mother made you clean them up every week or whatever

>> No.6467743

They've just become clichéd backdrops to shitty YouTube channels at this point.

>> No.6468302
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Quit hoarding all the spores, Egon.

>> No.6468330

Too bad you can't take it all with you when you die.
Unless you're buried in a landfill I guess.

>> No.6468335

I'll never get the logic behind this non argument.

>> No.6468382

it made no sense to me either.
The wife is another kind of investment. You need to get the room before you can woo the woman.
OP needs track lighting for the room so he can set the mood when he breaks out floating displays of the rare shit.
That's how you get the pussy.
OP's room is like a 6/10 (points for the labeling)
You need to be at least at a 8 before you can think about marriage.

>> No.6468525


>What poorfags tell themselves as cope

>> No.6468560

I collect systems more than anything now. Just got a Japanese Mega Drive with the little R next to the Sega logo. I got about 8 or nine games for it so far next to my Mega EverDrive. I don't think I'll keep all the games I got for it so far. With the Flash Carts I kind of want to scale back on the games. Keep either stuff with cool artwork like Zoom! for the MD or games that I just want in my collection.

>> No.6468571
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I was a 4, now I'm scaling back to a 3 with the buying habits of a 2.

Honestly I'm having more fun with it now.

>> No.6468582

I hoard rom images and pass out some rarer ones from time to time. I like to think I had a hand in ensuring a wider distribution of the grey cart turok rage wars dump at least.

>> No.6468609

>2.The 'Minimalist' Collector
>This is the guy who values authenticity but is extremely price conscious. He spends his money wisely on original consoles, modchips, cd-rs and flashdrives. Secretly wishes he had a big collection of video games, but is too tight to pay over $10 for one.
This is me, however im not tight - im actually pretty well off. Im an adult and don't want shit load of game boxes and random ugly figures everywhere. I have a nice CRT - all the consoles I want with flashcards in my office space.

>> No.6469179

He does this for a living. He takes the games and consoles that his stupid fans send him, then he and his wife sell them at show across the country. There never was going to be a museum, anon.

>> No.6469182

Haha So long eh, Boner!

>> No.6469184

He's a humble guy and thus expects others to be humbled, anon.

>> No.6469221
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3. is so me. I regret selling my top hunter, windjammers and musha carts :/ Prolly will never get them back because they are an arm and a leg now :(

>> No.6469235

>4. The physical retro gamer
Sums it up. I have no friends or family so my shelf of games is just for me to look at in my free time. I feel endorphins rushing through my brain when I look over my small collection and remember all the good times the games have brought me or the feeling of excitement I had when I finally forked the cash over for some relatively expensive games I had always wanted to play. I've played every game I own, and I only buy things I want to play. I mostly shop through nice deals with an idea of what I want. As an example, sorting the listings on any classifieds site by max price of what I feel like spending, pick a few specific ones to compare, and then I buy a few games I want but it isn't too particular about when I get them if I feel I got a good deal on em.

>> No.6470014

I have 700k cash and I'm going to go on a buying spree of this garbage when the depression hits. I'm going to display it like the total nerd I am like it's my pride and joy but then sell that shit to some sucker a few years later for at least 5x. Suck it poor fags.

>> No.6470015

>I have 700k cash and I'm going to go on a buying spree of this garbage when the depression hits. I'm going to display it like the total nerd I am like it's my pride and joy but then sell that shit to some sucker a few years later for at least 5x. Suck it poor fags.

t. John Hancock

>> No.6470307

I like it. Emulation isn't fun to me, I never actually have any sort of drive to complete an emulated game. Flashcarts/Everdrives are weird to me, I don't see the appeal to them. I'd rather just have a nice physical copy of the games I like to put on my shelves. That being said I'm not into collecting entire console libraries, just games/consoles I like a lot.

>> No.6470362
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computers are here guys. be nice to them.

>> No.6470765
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On that note, why does pic related buy so many games he doesn't like, and multiple compilation dvds only to literally throw them into the toilet in his videos? It boggles my mind how he can be such an autistic obsessive collector while still treating his games like actual shit.

>> No.6470787

>why is this guy fucked up?
You see how he looks, right?

>> No.6470874

I saw a bloke at a gaming fare buy a complete copy of Pirates of dark water for in the Mega Drive for £250 (the fucking PAL version). While he was talking to the stall holder, I heard him say that he already had a copy of the game but was missing the manual....

>> No.6470923

>why does some retarded zoomer that only other zoomers know about do retarded zoomer shit?
He doesn't want non-zoomers to take an interest?

>> No.6471065

Honestly I've sold most of my mega drive stuff, I spent a good £250 give or take over the course of 2 years on mega drive games back in around 2004-2005 when gamestation still existed and did mega drive games 2 for £2 regardless of what it was. I've sold them all over in the last year or so and made about 2 grand at least, partly because I wanted the space back and partly to fix up a ford capri.

>> No.6471073

Look at him for 2 seconds, that should answer your question.

>> No.6471094 [DELETED] 


>> No.6471115

he's an entertainer, not a collector

>> No.6471171

Nice, cash in before it all stops working.

>> No.6471175

I like being a hipster faggot who buys retros.
I like having big piles of tapes and 5 1/4 disks for my C64.
The tapes and disks are obviously pirated

>> No.6471184

looking forward to when i own a non-rental where i can have a gaudy entertainment room. I already sacrifice enough for my family fuck them.

>> No.6471218

Scott doesn't overpay for junk and really only gets stuff he's into. He isn't hoarding like the MJR crew people are, he just has a bunch of bookshelfs of games in his room that he likes. Not 3 rooms of plastic and cardboard game boxes like [[they]] do.

>> No.6471235

I'm against it personally. I used to have every game I owned til about 2015 when I sold most of it for about 5k. I got tired of taking shit with me when i move and games are meant to be played and I was never going to play the shit again.

>> No.6472002


>> No.6472013
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I guarantee you that Pat's been selling off his collection. >>6464531
I mostly agree with the AVGN crew. They really don't advertise that they take donations. And Mike has pretty much taken over the gameing part of AVGN which is a good thing in my opinion. As with gameshops you should be happy they even consider what things sell for on ebay. Real brick and mortar stores that are typically run by assholes charge two to thee times more that what the REAL MARKET VALUE of an item.

>> No.6472082

No. Hording is keeping stuff like old newspapers and pizza boxes around. My collection has actually value($40k). Even got an extra insurance for it and a separate fire suppression system on the ground floor.

>> No.6472085

Imagine defending a soiboi zoomer youtuber.

>> No.6472097

>Even got an extra insurance for it and a separate fire suppression system on the ground floor.
That's smart. Wish I had my shit together like that.

>> No.6472113
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Cope all you want OP, you'll never have something like this

You'll also never be as successful or interesting (own game store at 16, striking import deals with Capcom Japan, decided about the PCE fate in Australia, arcade business owner, husband and family man, world record holder, overall positive guy). You bitter little man.

>> No.6472118

I got shit spread out in three different buildings. I don't even know what I have. I just discovered I had twelve more model 1 Genesis's than what I previously thought. Found a couple VA7's to cannibalize for parts. People shit on the VA7's a bit too much. They're really good for cheapskates that are willing to play games over RF. I have no idea why the RF quality is so good in those systems over the better equipped Model 1's.

>> No.6472142

Do yourself a favor and get organized. It makes collecting a lot easier and relaxing.

>> No.6472231

I'll try that. I'm downsizing right now anyway. Maybe I'll invest in proper storage and shelves from my profits.

>> No.6472279

Ill never understand the point of having all those games, a person could never beat them all. That arcade is sick tho

>> No.6472295

Is that Halo 3 Helmet really worth having behind glass?

>> No.6472297

How are 1 and 2 mutually exclusive?

>> No.6472326

I'll bet he gets pussy. guys with stores get all the pussies.
>a person could never beat them all
i beat that many.

>> No.6472330

>a person could never beat them all
collectors acknowledge that and it's not the point

idk, I have some stuff behind glass that isn't technically valuable but holds ideological or personal value for me.

>> No.6472336

He's married and has kids

>> No.6472343
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>I have some stuff behind glass
I have some stuff in jars

>> No.6472352

You simply don't get it, poor little guy.

>> No.6472363

1 is a cheapskate that complains about resellers. 2 is a guy that will pay market value for games he wants, but isn't frivolous with his money.

>> No.6472372

>guys with stores get all the pussies
What? I don't think that's true. Where is this true?

>> No.6472697

Only sealedfags are guaranteed not to play the games they own.

>> No.6472726

It's simply impossible for anyone, anywhere to have enough time to play all the games that exist. So yes, guys who have multiple complete collections have them for ego and decoration only for 99% of their collections.
Unless they invite friends to play them, it's weird.

>> No.6472769

Why would I care what others do with their time & money?

>> No.6472787

If they artificially inflate the market and make it impossible for anyone other than another rich faggot to buy what should be common stuff, you might care.

>> No.6472797

I'm a game collector myself, so this is going to sound biased, but over the past 2 months I've been inside of an actual hoard and I've had to clean it out thanks to the passing of my grandmother's husband and his problem. I personally don't see game collecting as hoarding, or a problem. I have a lot of games, sure, but they're all organized and they all stay on the shelf until I pick one up to play, in which case I pop out the game, put the case of the shelf, play until I wanna stop for the day, and then put the game back in the case and keep it on the shelf. The place where I store my games is clean, fire safe, and organized whereas an actual hoard is none of those things. Things are scattered everywhere with no rhyme or reason and a lot of the time there are things in the hoard that have no place in there. With everything scattered around it makes it hard to move around and hard to clean as well making each nook and cranny a breeding ground for all sorts of nasty bacteria. Whereas most collectors will buy up games they have a legitimate interest in, an actual hoarder will buy things they have no interest in. A lot of the time it's because they see value in something, so they buy it so they can resell it later for a higher value, but later never ends up coming. I personally keep my collection very clean and neat because I take pride in my possessions. Just because someone enjoys something in a different way than you doesn't make it a bad thing. I simply don't understand why collecting is so hated in some circles.

>> No.6472805
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>capitalism bad

>> No.6472806

You sound quite reasonable anon, and I hope you can enjoy your collection for as long as you like.

>> No.6472808
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>Probably sold his prized video games for next to nothing for a PS2 back in the day, and hates the cash he has to fork out to get them back

$17 fucking dollars at gamestop
For my NES, Genesis, and Gameboy collection. Systems and all

I didn't even want to sell them

>> No.6472817

It is, actually. The free market is good and that's what you think capitalism is. What capitalism really is, is the banks making their own money and making "our" government sanction it, then our buying power shrinks. Then you or I make a few extra dollars, but I don't embarrass myself and call myself a capitalist.
The ones who have the capital are the capitalists, the rest of us no so much.

>> No.6472847

People who can't have things hate those who can. It's a tale as old as time.

>> No.6472848

I appreciate that, man. Hope you can enjoy playing your games however you like as well.

>> No.6472980

That's very impressive, especially considering he's Australian and had the added difficulty level of importing everything. Being a UK collector, having to deal with customs makes everything a complete nightmare. Hope he doesn't live near a bush fire area.

>> No.6473023

Right on, man.

My Dad is a hoarder and rents shipping containers in order to store his shit. I've been there a few times and my god when he goes, I'll probably need a month of just throwing myself at it to get through it all.

My alphabetized, curated collection of games has nothing on that sort of behaviour.

>> No.6473206


>> No.6473535

I don't even want to think about how much overhead he's spent on just shipping. I've been trying to make my mind up on if I want an English language copy of a single PS1 game that I consider a favorite that never got a local version because of the fucking shipping.

>> No.6473637

I dunno mang. A lot of the people ITT are starting as tweens and only emulating each game long enough to see it'd be to difficult for them to beat. I've seen kids go through 100+ games in an afternoon.

>> No.6473648

This guy sucks dick and is a faggot. Dont listen to his stank ass.

>> No.6473661

>I've seen kids go through 100+ games in an afternoon.
Running each game through an emulator for 30 seconds to a minute doesn't count. I'm talking like 10-20 minutes per game at least and even then that's cheesy. They'll never get even halfway through 10% of what's out there because of the sheer amount of games and also they suck.

>> No.6473681


>> No.6473710

NO, "debased." Based is the opposite of that guy.

>> No.6473725
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>Being a UK collector, having to deal with customs makes everything a complete nightmare.

The few cib PAL games I've imported, the Britfags were nice enough to label it "gift" for free duties. Saved quite a bit.

>> No.6473734

Actually impressive.
There is a huge difference between this and desperate walls of box-less Nintendo carts. Just a beautiful arrangement.

>> No.6473742
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Average hours to complete each of his games would sum up to a few human lifetimes. Let that sink in a moment...

>> No.6473893

>this kid on the internet says what counts for all the other kids on the internet
This adult is laughing at you

>> No.6473906

It's kinda funny, some new collectors who are having to buy their collections piecemeal from scratch are probably going to wind up approaching what he's spent, but only have a fraction of his collection.

>> No.6473996

Are you saying that booting up Zelda II for 5 minutes gives a fair representation of the game? You may be an adult, but you're clinging to a "gotcha tween" logic.

>> No.6474032

I've had good experiences buying from brits, as an ausfag. They're not Japanese-tier but condition and price both seem to usually be pretty solid. Think the best I landed was technically-not-retro but a few years ago someone was selling Ace Combat 4, 5 and 0, as a set, complete with manuals, for about $40 shipped. A rare case of someone 'knowing what they've got' but not gouging.
This is why I've had to make peace with chipped systems, flash carts and ODEs. The most practical approach at the moment for anyone interested in the 'authentic' experience without an existing collection to fall back on is real hardware, pirated games. Then you can buy the few you really enjoy and want for the shelf later.

>> No.6474220

Were Super Nintendo games really only a few dollars back in the day like old people tell me? Are there any systems where things are that cheap now?

>> No.6474224

The PS360 are the systems most in the sweet spot at the moment. Soon the PS4 and Xbone, though that depends on if the generational switch is as stark as it has been in prior generations. Might not quite happen this time.

>> No.6474235

Maybe I will get the remaining 360 games I want then.

Do you think it's worth getting physicals for PS4/ONE since they rely on patches and updates so much?

>> No.6474239

A hard copy of a 1.0 is better than nothing at all I guess. Depends a lot on the game. I think keeping as much as possible already updated and installed on a system is going to be important, though I also think we're going to be seeing the online services of the PS4 and Xbone last a lot longer with how they're being integrated into their next-gen platforms. Hell the only systems this side of the original Xbox that've had their online switched off are the Wii, DS and PSP at this point. And the latter can still get digital stuff with a PS3 as an intermediary.

>> No.6474256

I guess we'll see. Wish it wasnt like this.

>> No.6474298

Funcoland and other stores of the era (even early in GameStop takeover) had shelves and/or bins filled with NES and SNES games. Not all of them were dirt cheap, mind you

>> No.6474506

The days of cheap n64 collecting are over. I bought a bunch of games in 2017 and most are up 50%, some have doubled in value. Goldeneye was 20, now 35, Zelda MM 35, now 65, BK 20 now 35, Hydro Thunder 25 now 45, Stadium 2 45 now 65. I didnt buy to resell and at this rate Im holding for a while until they reach ridiculous SNES like pricing

>> No.6474549

>Are you saying I'm moving the goal post and making up the rules as I go along?
Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.

>> No.6474654

Started as a 3 and slowly degraded into a 0 (digital only) over the course of 15ish years. It pains me knowing that I spent a lot of money of this stuff and I definitely didn't make it back. So many games I had (and still have) are worthless and unfun, owned for completion sake. I still have some boxes of stuff that I couldn't sell sitting at my parents'.

As of now I have almost everything on PC digitally except for 1-2 Switch and 1-2 PS4 games at a time. When I finish them, I sell them. If an old game can't be emulated then I don't play it. Kind of shocking the transformation and it certainly boxes me out of playing certain games I want to play, but my wallet and storage space is much happier for it. I have to move every 2 years for work, sometimes far, and it's much easier now.

>> No.6474713

>I have to move every 2 years for work, sometimes far, and it's much easier now.
People don't realize that a lot of your desire to collect has to do with your living situation. If you're traveling across the world on business you obviously aren't going to be collecting games. There's no wrong way to enjoy retro games - even the broke guy in South America emulating games that were never released in his country is enjoying the hobby legitimately. That said, there's nothing wrong with large collections either. If you're getting mad at people for having a large game collection you're probably just jealous.

>> No.6474804

Moving a lot makes it harder but I think I could do it if I wanted to. It's just an expensive hobby and we are long past the point of running out of games to play. I remember the heyday of garage/yard sales for retro games, 2007-2013ish, when you could get fair deals with randoms. Even back then you could make out with more games than you could possibly complete. I think everyone, even the hoarders, understand that retro game collecting isn't about playing a large number of games. Most people doing it appreciate the aesthetic or the idea of having a large collections.

Speaking of garage sales, I miss the recurring threads we had on /vr/. The shared frustration of dealing with people in the age of "it's old so must be good" or "hold on, let me look up prices on ebay for this game I've had in storage for 20 years". I haven't been yard saling in about 3 years so I can only guess how bad it's gotten.

>> No.6474846

People don't realize that when people say people don't realize people do realize and people realize that you're copeposting

>> No.6474869

truly living the dream. i've always thought a good post-retirement thing do to would be to work in an arcade or be a technician. maybe even open a small one. starting a local video games museum would be awesome. it's one of those things that's probably just nice to pine about though. at the end of the day, i'm sure the video entertainment industry is slimy and lackluster as anything else. also if i opened a museum, how would i fund it? I would also get tired of telling fat man babies to stop hogging the machines and let the kids play

>> No.6474990

Then go buy some repros and learn to cope.

>> No.6474997

>I simply don't understand why collecting is so hated in some circles.
Because deep down they them selves want to collect but for what ever reason they can't. The rest is pretty easy to deduce.

>> No.6475004

>The ones who have the capital are the capitalists
Good god you're dumb. Why don't you help fight against government regulation to help open the markets up for your fellow citizens if you care so much. Kids are having a hard time having a lemon-aid stand anymore. You want to make and sell food? Good Fucking Luck. That's what you should be bitter about. Not some socialist college student's gripes.

>> No.6475021

I just sold a gold cart Zelda OOT for 50 bucks cash. I could have gotten about 70 on ebay, but fuck going through the hassle to make another six bucks. I made the guy's day and he bought a few other games off of me too. Made a hundred bucks in cash. Works for me.

>> No.6475028

>So many games I had (and still have) are worthless
You either have shit taste or have no sense for the collectors market in the future. Let me guess you're the kind of guy that would buy a collectors edition comic back in the day?

>> No.6475056

I honestly think that N64 games are at their peak right now. I don't know if they could go much higher. Games like Paper Mario are selling for 80ish right now. I didn't buy to resell either, but I've really been considering just saying fuck it all and buying a flashcart. Partly because of the prices they're going for, and also because I'm worried about when they'll eventually stop working.

>> No.6475069

I wasn't collecting games specifically for monetary value. I was collecting them to fill out games libraries and to have a large number of games without duplicates. Therefore, most of these games I got very cheap. However, years later they have little to no resale value.

>> No.6475107

Ohhhh... Filling out libraries. Yea I don't and never really did that. I've only payed attention to three things when collecting /vr/ 1. is artwork. 2. is personal choice. 3. is monetary value.

An example of artwork is one of my most recent purchases. Zoom! for the Japanese Mega Drive. Don't even mention the US release. I like to pretend that abomination doesn't even exist.

>> No.6475120

Shit I forgot there is a fourth thing I collect for. And that's technical marvels. Which usually gets shadowed by the other three things anyway. An example of that is Virtua Racing for the Genesis/MegaDrive.

>> No.6476746

Because crying on the internets about being poor is much easier than actually doing something

>> No.6476773

Collecting and hoarding can be distinct from each other, so I'd say game collecting is perfectly fine if it's moderate and not excessive. If someone enjoys it and it doesn't impact your life who cares anyways?

>> No.6476820

i just dumped a bunch of carts on ebay and made 350$. the shit that went for the most was goldeneye, zelda, and super mario 64. blast corp, jet force gemini, perfect dark, and mischief makers went for much less. that tells me that n64 is full on normie retro boom right now like the nes was about 5-7 years ago.those other games aren't necessarily better but they are somewhat rarer. glad i got rid of them. went towards my AES and a flashcart.

>> No.6476821

To be fair, I bought some shit in 2016 and based on current prices I can probably about double my money overall, with some items more than tripling, while others have barely moved in value.

>> No.6476825

It's hoarding if you don't actually play them.

>> No.6476829

I sold off all my physical games years ago for flash carts and more recently my MiSTer, thinking of printing out box cover art for games I love for a display to replace my old shelving units.

>> No.6476830

You shouldn't feel bad about emulating games that companies don't get money from anymore.

>> No.6476831

Poor lol

>> No.6477109

Brits are somehow very nice on ebay, I order a lot of stuff from the UK because a lot of games weren't released here in the Netherlands, but have an english release in the UK.

>> No.6477180

How does retardation actually feel?

>> No.6477198

Why do veterans like to discourage people from getting into the hobby? They brag about all the cool shit they have and then call you a retard for buying it now like they expect you to have a time machine or something.

>> No.6477247

Because elitisim about their one achievement in life gets their dicks hard.

>> No.6477626

because the inflation in prices makes it dumb as shit, especially for some stuff like NES

>> No.6478273

How do collectors cope with bit rot?

>> No.6478305

Most will never notice it because most of their games don't see play.

>> No.6478358

>Why do veterans like to discourage people from getting into the hobby?
Expenses. If you're rich then good for you go for it but most aren't and it's just not worth getting into unless you already have a solid enough collection to begin with. People in that situation will always be better off just getting the hardware, modded or otherwise, and a flashcart.

>> No.6478468

Sounds more like emulation cope. A collection that's taken care of will outlive its owner easily. The only thing that can realistically die sooner are the lasers on disc based systems, but that can be fixed fairly easily.

>> No.6478487

Bit Rot is nothing but label side damage to the disc. Stop being retarded. Unless you're playing your cd's in early 80's cd Players it's impossible for the laser to damage the disc. Now go watch some more VHS movies you're collecting to fit in with the hipsters.

>> No.6478490

Bit rot also comes from bad manufacturing and poor storage conditions.

>> No.6478492

You shouldn't own any games you haven't played or don't intend to play. There's little use to buy retro games over flash carts/emulation, but I can understand why you might want to buy your favorites. Collecting to collect is dumb, but there's a certain joy in tangibly owning your favorites.

>> No.6479186
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Its not technically Retro but the Gamecube was a console that I was really attached too. I thought it would be cool to own all the exclusives. I was told I was a retard and its a waste of money.

I still plan too, but it will just take a bit. Its expensive but if people want to have a collection they can, I don't know why they are so against it. If anything it will increase the value of THEIR games right?

>> No.6479402

The prices on GC stuff are absolutely fucking absurd. I grew up with the damn thing and I've basically given up on anything other than Dolphin and roms on Wii, if it's not already in my collection.

>> No.6479450

It's Nintendo, of course the prices are retarded. Gamecube discs also seem to have a high failure rate due to the suspect manufacturing quality. All in all, I wouldn't touch it.

>> No.6479459

Yeah, I'm just glad that the Wii offers such a good way to play the games. It's a pain in the ass to mod my actual original GC, even though it's a PAL one with RGB, so it's nice being able to have a hacked Wii acting as an HDD-based component GC, sitting with my similarly kitted out PS2 and Xbox.

>> No.6479591

Only the "big 3" are consistently above $200.

>> No.6479614

I have like six unopened copies of gotcha force that my dad has as old sales samples. Why so much for what was a pretty mediocre game

>> No.6480124

Any CD can be duplicated and preserved, so who really cares? I've bought some bit-rotted saturn games for cheap because I like having a physical version, but if I want to actually play it there are tons of options available.
The entire idea of collecting CDs is objectively a bad option compared to burning your own or using ODEs, in terms of cost and reliability

>> No.6480428

So you paid for a fucking box?

>> No.6480648

>showing your son a folder of burned discs
>"Yeah I didn't want to actually pay for the games"
Great job dad

>> No.6480680

Anyone who has a collection of good games they actually play is fine by me. Where it gets retarded is if the collector has thousands of games they have no interest in playing.

>> No.6480704
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>> No.6480724

>fox and grapes

>> No.6480727

>I am a retard who can't properly store my belongings.

>> No.6480728

I will literally Paypal you $50 for one of those right now.

>> No.6480730

That's just a disc that was put in the freezer.

>> No.6480748
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>> No.6480914

>brick walls
>shelf with awful "art" pieces
>fucking foosball
0/10 disgusting

>> No.6481070

Holy based

>> No.6481107

one thousand percent better

>> No.6481121

Take care of your games
Disc rot is a meme

>> No.6481153

You sound like a baby beta loser

>> No.6481179

Dick rot, on the otherhand, is very real.

>> No.6481260

Yeah but you're buying a used copy and you didn't buy the copy to play, you bought it for the box because the disc is fucked as you say.

>> No.6482178

Personally I haven’t even touched all the games I bought, not just my physical copies, but I have 100+ games on steam and I’ve probably only touched a fifth of them

>> No.6483028

Odd combination of 1 & 2. I almost never buy games at retail.
Also fuck you. That last sentence for 2 hurts like fuck ;_;

>> No.6483052

Was 2 for awhile, but scaled back to 1 thanks to flashcarts. I’ve sold lots of games for a lot more than I got them since.

>> No.6483061

I mean in one sense it's simple retardation - you can flashcart your shit, saving money, time and space.

However, people like to have nice things. When you have no luxuries or waste or anything like that and you eschew physical items and you have no interest in a flashy car or anything like that, then you can throw stones.

What gets me though is the guys who say that spending thousands on a watch is fine and legit, but spending something on a physical game is somehow a ridiculous thing. Or that it's fine for women to buy jewelry expensive jewelry, but spending money on a physical game collection is bad for some reason. That is an extra special level of retardation that seems unfortunately terminal, as in they will never have the ability to think straight.

>> No.6483481

I would definitely mock a library of romance novels.

>> No.6483694
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>tfw you sold fragile years ago for 20$

One of my biggest mistakes ever. Years passed and it's sill one of my fav games. I should have never let it go.

>> No.6483701
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>what value does it add

I collect because I don't have anything better to do with my free time.

>> No.6484134

think anyone is looting retro stores in LA?
or anywhere in cities where looting is going on?

i want to see people looting retro stores, dammit!

>> No.6484141

I'm a 3 with some mentalities of 5. I buy games that I enjoyed as a kid, or ones I wished I could have played but couldn't afford or find at the time. My collection will span SNES/Gameboy(varients)/N64/PS1/2/Gamecube. I'm only buying what I enjoyed, but I intend (either while building my collection or after I get everything) to collect the manuals for all of the games. Mainly just because I want my display to be visually appealing to me. I don't think my entire collection will reach 200 games in total though. My big "fuck me" though is going to be an arcade booth with a fuck tonne of game running on an emulator or something. I just have to figure out whether I can get light guns to work with the setup.

This hurts, but at a certain point, the responsible thing to do is take out insurance for your collection.

>> No.6484167

3 is a little broad for me, i'd be a bit of 4 and 5 too.

i been collecting since about 1996, i mean, going to flea markets and going JUST for video games and even after nearly 24 years, i still have a collection of MAYBE 1000 games split between like 3rd through 6th gen systems, the most being SNES, GEN, and PS1.

i sell the shit i don't want or have dupes of, i hate having 2 of a game, i don't NEED 2 of a game and i have my systems i want more games of than the others.

i HAD a PS2 collection, about 80 games, but sold them all because "meh, i can use HDD now" and i was streaming them for a while. other systems, like SNES, GEN or PS1 i don't think i will ever sell completely. i have my core titles i would keep. dreamcast is the other system i love to bits and grab up shit for, but most of it i got in 02-04 on the cheap.

my ebay shit is mostly "take average price, slice off 10-15%", i pick up my shit dirt cheap at flea markets so i will try to give people a bit of a cutdown in price. my dream though is to crash the fucking market by finding some horde of sealed games and flooding the market with cheap copies.

>> No.6484175

nah, most BM sell for on the ebay dollar
i haven't seen much sell higher, because they wouldn't sell the fucking shit ever.

>> No.6484191

problem is too, fucking Rare games are all on Rare Replay. its sad its stuck on XB1, but damn if it isn't a great way to play all that N64 Rare stuff, minus GE and DK64

>> No.6484242

What if I just snag the stuff that seems fun to play? :V

>> No.6484348
File: 15 KB, 340x267, 64DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I'm about to pay 1k to hoard an N64DD and Doshin the Giant, fuck dudes.

>> No.6484421

Then that’s based, since you’re doing it for your own personal amusement rather than for showing off, which would be cringe.

>> No.6484552

Go for it.

>> No.6484708

Absolutely go for it. That reseller who paid ¥5k for it desperately needs the money.

>> No.6484712

You act as if you can’t redownload the game and burn a new copy.

>> No.6484968

It's not an act. He's literally too retarded to do that.