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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.21 MB, 2592x1936, Super-Mario-64-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6457425 No.6457425 [Reply] [Original]

If it never existed, what would have taken its place as The Greatest Video Game of All Time?

>> No.6457429

But SM64 is bad, anon kun.

>> No.6457430

Banjo Kazooie?

>> No.6457439
File: 96 KB, 950x950, no_one_can_stop_mr_domino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? Because he simply could not have been stopped.

>> No.6457443

>The Greatest Video Game of All Time

>> No.6457445


>> No.6457449

Doom or Quake. Quake came out the same year and has faaaaaaaaaaar reaching legacies

>> No.6457495

jumping flash! 2

>> No.6457626

Not even in the top 5 for N64.

>> No.6457628

What's in?

>> No.6457659

40 Winks obviously.

>> No.6457660

OoT obviously.

>> No.6457662


>> No.6457664

donkey kong country on snes

>> No.6457702

you zoomers are depressing

i'd like to leave it at that but i know you'll zoompost more unless i spoil this for you: OP was referencing a very famous historical phrase which was omnipresent in the press and marketing at the time of SM64's release which you'd definitely recognise if you weren't retarded diaper baby larpers

>> No.6457715

>i-i wasn't being r-retarded, its a reference

>> No.6457716 [SPOILER] 
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are you retarded OP

>> No.6457723
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repent zoomer

>> No.6457729

Terrible. Absolutely terrible.

>> No.6457730

Are you brain damaged?

>> No.6457732

What's with people like this news journo constantly pretending their reactionary opinions are authoritative in any way? And at any rate, how can one game be "the greatest game of all time"? There are many, MANY different genres and types of games and saying a 3D platformer is representative of all of them is retarded.

>> No.6457736

it's actually part of a quote

zoomers, i tell you what

>> No.6457754
File: 2.75 MB, 534x400, 1568468300708.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep bootlicking your "flawless" masterpieces.
it's not my fault that you grew up with an inferior cartridge-based system

>> No.6457758

Are you really so mentally ill you can't see how hilariously unpolished and fidgety that webm looks.

>> No.6457760
File: 2.91 MB, 500x374, 1560139187122.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a TAS you fucking idiot. Don't forget that you can clip through walls just by backwards long-jumping in SM64 too.

>> No.6457764

>It's a TAS you fucking idiot.
No shit, but the clunkiness of the engine still shines through. Anyways gamers pretty much agree the sonic games are dramatically inferior to SM64

>> No.6457768

>"flawless" masterpieces.

the zoom streak continues
mario 64 being the "Greatest" wasn't a quality judgement. it doesn't mean "best", it meant "most important", which at the time it extremely was

nobody had even played it yet

>> No.6457773

>it meant "most important", which at the time it extremely was
not him but very debatable. I don't know what makes Mario 64 more important than games that trailblazed other genres like Monkey Island and Daytona USA.

>> No.6457809

>. I don't know what makes Mario 64 more important
that is because you are the zoomer

but this is a historical matter
it's what was in the press at the time
practically every fucking gaming magazine
whether you agree with the sentiment or not

thinking it's something of debate 25 fucking years later is a symptom of possessing a smooth and undeveloped brain

rip OP you put too much faith in this kindergarten

>> No.6457813

Crash Bandicoot was never even good though. This is my sole big "contrarian" /vr/ opinion and im sticking to it

>> No.6457815

It's to sell magazines dumbass. Calling it the "greatest of all time" and like "nothing you have ever seen before" is what's known as a "hook". You are then encouraged to buy the magazine for a "12 page exclusive look" into that game.

>> No.6457838

this game was incredibly polished for a gimmick title

>> No.6457851

lmao what garbage taste. Imagine thinking Crash isn't garbage shit tier let along Sonic Adventure 1 is the best ever

>> No.6457870
File: 32 KB, 536x196, 1569081701420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

game I played as a kid != best game
sunshine > 64
literally any platformer ever > banjo-"walk two inches an hour"ie

>> No.6457872

Not only was it good, it was better than SM64.

>> No.6457873

>It's to sell magazines dumbass.
And yet people still parrot it 20 years later.

>> No.6457883

Proof that it's a good headline.

>> No.6457891

yeah I guess you're right.

>> No.6457897

If we're talking about "greatest" in terms of perception and not quality, then this is indeed the obvious answer.

>> No.6457924

The entire 3D platformer genre and subsequently all 3rd person action games are built on SM64's blueprint. Likewise all FPSs are built on Quake's but I would say they're equal in importance.

>> No.6458115

I'm not impressed

>> No.6458128

>Banjo Kazooie?
Simply wouldn't have been the game it was without Super Mario 64 existing, and I love Banjo-Kazooie so I'm not saying that to criticise it.

>> No.6458137

You shut your whore mouth

>> No.6458226

could this be related to the fact that nobody cares about impressing small children

it was part of a quote
the thing it's quoting relates to a specific event in the industry
the person being quoted is someone you might have heard of in your youtube videos that give you your opinions
it wasn't that one magazine, it was referenced extensively at the time and for like a decade later

it is strange how zoomers think it doesn't matter if they're tragically and blatantly wrong as long as they keep replying endlessly

>> No.6458242

Extremely based post.

>> No.6458272
File: 196 KB, 1024x1024, 1527982946067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, 3D platformers (and 3D action/adventure games by extension) probably would have went down a different path, since the only other examples of 3D platformers that came out around the same time that I can think of off the top of my head are Bubsy 3D (which sucks, so probably wouldn't have been a huge influence) and Crash Bandicoot. I suppose there was also Jumping Flash, but I'm not sure if that would have been a big influence regardless.

I feel like people would have payed way more attention to Quake outside of the PC circles though, and most likely that would have taken that spot.

>> No.6458292

>it was part of a quote
>the thing it's quoting relates to a specific event in the industry
>the person being quoted is someone you might have heard of in your youtube videos that give you your opinions
>it wasn't that one magazine, it was referenced extensively at the time and for like a decade later
This only clicks if I read or give a shit about gaming magazines. I don't so it didn't.

>> No.6458336
File: 77 KB, 700x700, 1589503523986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP (you) was referencing a very famous historical phrase which was omnipresent in the press and marketing at the time of SM64's release
>Millions of nintendrone to this day unironically think this
>But you expected everyone to immediately think of a bunch of buzzphrase in the 90s
>From an industry that has a buzzphrase for every single product they're paid to shill

>> No.6458369


Certainly it would have been Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing.

>> No.6458408

Whatever other game Nintendo told their slaves to like

>> No.6458436

actually you dumb larping childe this is an incredibly well-known "meme" that gets posted on this board with regularity and used to be widespread on every other gaming forum as well for that matter

you're trying to cope now but you'll pretend you've always known all about it next time, won't you

>> No.6458439

We'd still be waiting for it.

>> No.6458452

>you're trying to cope now but you'll pretend you've always known all about it next time, won't you
No, Anon, I'm a 33 year old man and I'll have forgotten this conversation ever took place by this time tomorrow. Ditto for your unfunny "meme", however fucking popular it was for a whole 72 hours.

>> No.6458489
File: 98 KB, 569x642, zoom_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you were actually convincing I'd say it's sad that you're still using these pathetic zoomer tactics

anyway by the time you do grow up hopefully you'll figure out that nobody cares who you are, only what kind of stupid faggotry you say (exhibit a: all the blindingly dumb shit you've tried out in this thread)
and that making that kind of affirmation is shooting yourself in the foot

>> No.6458781


Only a third of SA2 is actually decent at best.

>> No.6458819

Starfox 64
Ocarina of Time
Perfect Dark

you cannot argue with this and if you haven't played and beaten Quake or Hexen on N64 then you are gay and don't get to have an opinion.

>> No.6458826

Shooters are released built on Doom's imprint. In many respects, Quake was just Doom in 3D. The multiplayer on the other hand, was Quake's real innovation.

>> No.6458834

>Quake was just Doom in 3D
Spoken like someone who never beat Quake on nightmare, and probably never beat Quake at all.

>> No.6458843

>if you were actually convincing I'd say it's sad that you're still using these pathetic zoomer tactics
By your own admission your standard of proof is impossible to meet. We have nothing further to discuss, nutcase anon. Have a great day.

>> No.6458850 [DELETED] 

I've still got my shareware disk with all of the poorly protected id games on it.

>> No.6458857

I've still got my shareware disk with all of the poorly protected id games on it.

>> No.6458861

Did you reply to the wrong Anon?

>> No.6458947

I'm still mad that I lost my chex quest cd, It was literally my first FPS.

>> No.6458950

Then you should know better. The physics engine alone puts Quake in a much different category, not to mention the levels which are much more labyrinthine and puzzle-centric and often have non-linear solutions or multiple exits. The enemy design and combat in general is also based on a much different set of principles than Doom, requiring a greater knowledge of which weapons are more effective on particular foes and how you can best use your environment to dispatch them. Outside of both games being older first person shooters with a limited weapon set and satanic imagery, there aren't many comparisons to make.

>> No.6458954

Beating Hexen 64 was one of the greatest gaming experiences of my life. Fuck the haters, the atmosphere in that game is unreal.

>> No.6458979

if mario 64 didn't exist rockstar wouldn't have basis for niko belic, john marston, cole phelps and every other main character in their open world games and how they control on foot
i know its not retro i just hate how m64 and nu-rockstar games feel

>> No.6459010

>bing bing wahoo

>> No.6459013

mario world

>> No.6459040

Super Mario 63. How the fuck did it get many sequals?

>> No.6459063

>/v/ console war memes from the 8th gen
>relevant on /vr/

>> No.6459074

Mario started speaking on 5th gen, not 8th gen, ya dingas.

>> No.6459079

Yeah? But the bing bing memes are /v/ 8th gen console war ammo.
Also, Mario was based in 64.

>> No.6459084

>Mario started speaking on 5th gen
Wrong, zoom zoom.
/v/ is your place, stay there.

>> No.6459097

Imagine thinking an obese 56% plumber from babby's first scotformer series is based. Rofl...

>> No.6459105

Talk like a normal human being before I beat you with a floorboard.

>> No.6459107

Projecting, anon? Go console war on /v/. Nobody wants you here.

>> No.6459114

color me surprised, it's the "scotformer" shitposter.

>> No.6459123
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>> No.6459130

Pffft, everyone knows it would be Spyro.

>> No.6459296


Ocarina already was

If Mario 64 didnt exist then Crash wouldnt have had competition and performed a lot better.

>> No.6459335

Then the 3D Yoshi game that eventually went on to become Croc would've taken its place.

>> No.6459347 [SPOILER] 
File: 5 KB, 320x200, 1590277118205.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crash wouldnt have had competition

>> No.6459361

OOT was promoted as the greatest of all-time the moment it came out.

>> No.6459375

Mario 64

>> No.6459440

>No, Anon, I'm a 33 year old man and I'll have forgotten this conversation ever took place by this time tomorrow.
If your memory is really that bad you might have some brain damage

>> No.6459451

Currently playing through it again since the 90s and it is still good.