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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6448693 No.6448693[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT good /vr/-relevant youtube channels. Splash Wave is impressive as hell, I know I've seen their work before but this CV vid has some excellent info.

What are some other underrated channels?

>> No.6448701
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>> No.6448731


Definitely quality from those bros also. Did dude on the right ever come back to the show? I ain't watched it in a while...

>> No.6448732 [DELETED] 

These boomers piss me off

>> No.6448742
File: 48 KB, 640x360, sywzwN4_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahoy does full on documentary videos, the visuals are amazing and he even writes his own music for them

>> No.6448747

>Weekly World News

>> No.6448751

Shame about Dave quitting, for how long do you reckon Joe will manage to do it alone? Seems a bit depressed in his recent videos.

>> No.6448758
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This man deserves more love.

>> No.6448759


Nice. Ahoy is the channel name?

>> No.6448760


Looks like the happy gamer or whatever his name is. also it helps to drop the channel name ffs

>> No.6448764


>> No.6448771

Displaced gamers gets very technical with most consoles and video in general
Wrestling with Gaming makes longer videos on retro topics

>> No.6448773


lol I like this fucking guy already

>> No.6448774


>> No.6448782


Oh shit, he got a hour+ length Quake doc. Nice, thanks for the share

>> No.6448787

Idk, modern vintage gamer is the only one ive seen that i feel like has a lot of knowledge that isn't super common and doesn't present it in a cringe-inducing fashion, but you'd have to be more into 5th/6th gen to find his stuff interesting

>> No.6448794
File: 133 KB, 504x493, 8D5DD560-F3A4-452C-81AC-4D1E388AA99E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know I had to sage and report it to em.

>> No.6448810

This guy's stuff is really not that impressive. Feels like he just goes to Wikipedia articles and reads off of them

>> No.6448821


>not that impressive

I ain't askin'. I'm tellin'. Anyway. Show us your idea of an 'impressive' channel then, hmmm?

>> No.6448832

>Displaced gamers gets very technical with most consoles and video in general
Yeah Displace Gamers def puts the effort into researching and knowledge without it being a bunch of info regurgitated from Wikipedia

>> No.6448835

Don't have any, all of them are too basic

>> No.6448851

off topic and not retro

>> No.6449005


Then make one, gangsta. else gtfo, troll, whatever you like

>> No.6449370
File: 8 KB, 330x290, 1550299139733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Splash Wave is one of the few YT shows I really like, probably because of the excellent presentation. Instead of some ugly dude mugging the camera and following up with bad skit comedy, it's just a pleasant background voice with well researched info and really nice animated graphic design work.
I also really like Gaming Historian. I know some people here will hurl the Wikipedia meme but I feel he goes beyond that, the effort he puts into his overall presentation really sell it for me. His videos made within the last 4-5 years are leaps and bounds better than what came before it, he's come a long way.

>> No.6449376

If this were two years ago, yes.
Dave occasionally makes a rare appearance, but it seems he's done with the show full time.
I've been saying for almost a year now, but Joe really needs a co-host. His awkward attempts at being funny aren't really endearing anymore and he needs someone to react off of.

>> No.6449386
File: 10 KB, 240x240, 3EY4Bn0V_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there fags.

>> No.6449391

>that clip of him playing the nomad

>> No.6449393

Is it bad that I like his content? It's the only part of Digital Retro I actually care for, at least when he puts together the usual scripted videos. Don't care about the barely edited rambles most of the tim.e

>> No.6449401

*Digital Foundry
I need sleep

>> No.6449407

>I've been saying for almost a year now, but Joe really needs a co-host. His awkward attempts at being funny aren't really endearing anymore and he needs someone to react off of.
I can appreciate his boomer nerd humour for what it is.

>> No.6449409
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>that MLiG stream where he fucking lost it at plasma screen users

>> No.6449410

Not at all, John clearly puts work and research in his videos, but it seems many realizing how he often reuses the same awkward phrasing and cadence in his scripts that it's becoming a meme.
It's funny in spurts and when he's with someone else, but again, it's starting to wear thin now that Game Sack is just Joe and no one else.

>> No.6449415

Yeah splash wave is good. I watch Kim.Justice on occasion due to being from the UK. Can't think of much else that isn't Civvie or Ross' game dungeon. I watch jim sterling but that's not retro

>> No.6449417
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You do keep up with autistically getting the best video output for all your systems, right /vr/?

>> No.6449421

>I watch jim sterling

>> No.6449425
File: 200 KB, 306x431, 1462726489829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you guys think of the recent jab Mike took at Joe from Game Sack in the new James & Mike Mondays video?
>specifically chooses a game where an NPC is named Joe
>take the opportunity to call him out as a cheater, even going and digging some game sack video where Joe said "cheating is not a big deal"
I felt like James wasn't even sure who "Joe from Game Sack" was, since James is too busy to know about youtube shit, but Mike surely hasn't forgotten about the jab Joe took at James/cinemassacre with the e-celeb episode (where Joe was a bit more harsh to AVGN than the other things he parodied, saying stuff like "raised on a Nintendo household and being totally ignorant about non-Nintendo things", despite James have been doing many many non-Nintendo videos since way before Game Sack existed).
I remember Joe saying he talked to every youtuber he parodied, and the only positive response he didn't get was from Cinemassacre, who supposedly never even replied.
Now, James probably doesn't even know about the video, the scarce free time he has he uses to enjoy some movie for himself, but Mike is constantly on social media, and he's the one who manages the cinemassacre youtube page (at least back then).
Now, on this new video, Mike was the one jabbing at Joe. I wonder if Joe will now reply back and aim especifically at Mike instead of James. Should be interesting.
Extra spicy data: Joe used to follow Erin (redhead youtuber gamer thot) on her channel, and even simped her by giving her tips when she livestreamed. Erin ended up dating Mike, and Joe unfollowed her after that.

>> No.6449431
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>It's funny in spurts and when he's with someone else, but again, it's starting to wear thin now that Game Sack is just Joe and no one else.
I feel the same way. While loosing Dave was kinda sad, I didn't mind it at first since I felt I resonated with Joe more given his love for Sega and overall tastes in games. At this point, my interest in the show is starting to drop, even his cornball dad humor isn't as charming as it used to be. I feel like Joe should consider giving the show a long hiatus or just pull the plug entirely, I don't think he's got the legs to keep it going solo but I admire his determination.
Maybe a new co-host could help but it wouldn't be the same without Dave.

>> No.6449435

The more pressing question is why are you following all of this you creepy incel.

>> No.6449443

>thread about e-celebs
>surprised when someone brings up actual e-celeb discussion

>> No.6449445

>Extra spicy data: Joe used to follow Erin (redhead youtuber gamer thot) on her channel, and even simped her by giving her tips when she livestreamed. Erin ended up dating Mike, and Joe unfollowed her after that.
LMAO! can't make this shit up

>> No.6449459


>> No.6449475

Stuff like this is why I don’t follow anything Cinemassacre anymore.

James essentially gave the Screenwave guys the keys to the kingdom and now makes unpassionate, boring videos because muh kids. While he’s gone Mike and the rest of those slobs make garbage content.

Anyways, Gaming historian is worth watching. When I’m feeling nostalgic for 2007-style youtube gamers, there’s a channel called Dirty Game Room I watch.

>> No.6449501

Mike is literally insane

>> No.6449520

Honestly my favorite Youtube channel in general. Good production value, it's just pure information with no poor attempts at comedy or storytelling, it's very relaxed with no unnecessary screaming or forced anger, all around just good, wholesome infotainment.

>> No.6449530

Following his story the last few years has certainly been the most entertaining e-celeb drama I've ever witnessed. Dude's a fucking nutcase. I generally stay away from e-celeb drama shit but I've been watching Cinemassacre since 2006 so I felt more drawn to it.

>> No.6449536

I can't recommend this man enough. His Polybius documentary is a veritable TEXTBOOK on how this shit ought to be done.

>> No.6449712
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, Episode 29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atari Archive is pretty sweet. It can be a bit dry at times, but it's a really interesting look into the Atari 2600 library by release order. The dude puts a ton of work into each episode but is tragically obscure. The dude even makes talking about Tic Tac Toe interesting because he focuses on development history and the ways in which people had to work in order to circumvent the painful limitations of the console.


>> No.6449721

I don't even watch that much youtubers, I just watched the Game Sack parody video because it was legit funny, probably the only time Game Sack was funny, from what I saw, and I watch James & Mike Mondays sometimes because I find it comfy, more because of James than Mike.
As for the Erin drama, I only know about it because anons here talked about it before, I never watched Erin videos, even though she's very fuckable.

>> No.6449763

Details please?

>> No.6449806

E-celebs are pathetic fame whore no talent scum.
James is a cucked breeder.

>> No.6449816

This channel is a sleeper hit for me. I’m not a collector, and I (sadly) don’t have any original retro hardware anymore, but the way they present their information is legitimately interesting.

>> No.6449818

It's pretty obvious that James hasn't given a fuck about AVGN for a while. He just does it to pay the bills, I can respect that.

>> No.6449825


>> No.6449839

>years ago
>my life in gaming? that sounds pretentious. Not interested
>actually come around to giving it a try
These guys put so much effort into their videos and don't try too hard to force cringe humour. Channels that actually deserve more viewers.

>> No.6449848

Retro Man Cave has a very unassuming loldadnerd name but it's actually a very good channel. His retro pc restorations are his best videos.

>> No.6449856
File: 192 KB, 600x450, avgnmagfest1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>James is a cucked breeder.
Did you just wake up from a coma? James uncucked himself with the Ghostbusters video years ago.
To be fair, the reason Cinemassacre turned to shit is less because of the Screenwave guys, and more because of the new Youtube politics that encourages quantity over quality. I don't like the Screenwave guys, but all in all, Cinemassacre, as shit as it may be, is still bettter than most other youtube channels.

>> No.6449861

>James uncucked himself with the Ghostbusters video years ago
He said he liked it at a panel. Cuck status still in effect.

Now let''s talk about channels that are actually good.

>> No.6449870

>He said he liked it at a panel
Imagine being so obsessed with a fetish you have to make shit up

>> No.6449871

But the visuals are so resplendent

>> No.6450041

People here like to joke how all youtubers are worthless and all they do is reading from Wikipedia.
Ahoy's Polybius doc forced Wikipedia to completely rewrite their page about Polybius, even changing the title from "Polybius (video game)" to "Polybius (urban legend)".

>> No.6450051

What panel?
>Now let''s talk about channels that are actually good.
OK so... thread is over?

>> No.6450210

Classic Game Room was the OG. RIP.
Stop Skeletons From Fighting is pretty good.
Modern Vintage Gamer. Covers a lot of stuff from a programmer's prospective.

I hope Try and Corey don't rely on those podcast esque epiosdes. They seem to make more of them. I know they're working on more long form shit in the back ground. But still.

When are they gonna cover DC, Xbox, and Wii?

>> No.6450285

Core A Gaming is nice in simplifying concepts to normies

>> No.6450304

I've been watching a lot of Retro Core recently, he covers a bunch of Japanese stuff that other channels seem to miss.

>> No.6450315



>> No.6450336

check r/TheCinemassacreTruth

>> No.6450361
File: 775 KB, 940x707, avgn_smirk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVGN is the only relevant retro authority, the others are low-t soimale imposters.

>> No.6450382

>watch James & Mike Mondays
>James is terrible at all the games and Mike constantly has to tell him where to go and is always correcting James when he gets facts and information wrong

>> No.6450390

That only makes James more based desu, doesn't give a shit about Wikipedia facts, and isn't a tryhard at games, most of these videos is just him fucking around in some game and talking about movies or memories from retro era. It's comfy.
>tfw not in the timeline where Mike was the one fired, and where we got James & Bootsy Mondays

>> No.6450413

Ancient DOS Games as long as he keeps his face and views out of the video.

>> No.6450446

This might be a hot take, but I think AVGN is perfectly harmless as long as you remember that he only makes entertainment videos and there is not supposed to be any informational value in his 'reviews'.

>> No.6450449

It's only about fighting games, though

>> No.6450453

Everything he's said and shown in this video you could find out with a few seconds google search. What's the target audiance for this, people who can't read?

On top of this, he passes some of his assumptions as facts. For instance, for the beta of Bloodlines, there is no evidence that these were the only levels made at this point and that the rest was made later. It's just a 2 level beta demo, doesn't mean that the rest didn't exist yet, just that it wasn't shown.

>> No.6450486

>Using information is bad if you can google it.

I, for one, would rather watch something with cool animations and a good narrator if given the choice. It's not like wikipedia articles are visually interesting or organized in a satisfying way.

>> No.6450496

This. J&MM videos are also supposed to be just comfy videos, like when you just play a video game with a friend and talk about random shit. They never look up wikipedia information, or anything on the games. Very few times, when they're actually committed about beating a game, they might check old Nintendo Power guides, and even more rarely they'll look up something online.

>> No.6450498

My Life in Gaming, Core-A Gaming, and Strafe Fox are my favorite ones because they have great editing and presentation and cover really specific topics.

MLiG specifically gets my autism raring, I just put their videos in the background over and over. Mainly because of the length. They also choose fucking amazing music for their interstitials between segments. Too bad they don't write that down on their games list.

>> No.6450547

The point is real research would include more. For example trying to contact people working for Konami at the time or people who own the undumped betas.