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File: 1.40 MB, 981x952, megaman8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6443747 No.6443747 [Reply] [Original]

Mega Man 8 would be super solid if not for the shitty shoe horned snowboard segments. Why do people shit on it?

>> No.6443751

The SNES/PS1 era was a bad time for the original Mega Man in general.

>> No.6443760

Why? 7 is one of my favorites

>> No.6443767
File: 7 KB, 792x448, R8FC_RobotMasters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the 7 and 8 demakes

>> No.6443885

That says more about your taste than its quality.

>> No.6443937

I agree, he has good taste.

>> No.6444020
File: 18 KB, 256x222, MM7ShadeManSubBoss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, but I really think it's a great game.
I went in without much expectations after coming from X1 and X2, but was pleasantly surprised.

>> No.6444026

Again, you have good taste.

>> No.6444058

the snowboard isn't even the main issue

the main issues are
>long ass animations because they could
>resulting in less tight gameplay
>sluggish slow gameplay
>but if you get the upgrades like the slide suddenly it feels like you're using a gameshark code or something

>tons of enemies everywhere because they could
>resulting in a messy gameplay where the only threat is the sheer volume of enemies and not their design in itself

>HP and weapon energy gets refilled all the time
>doesn't matter if you play badly

>> No.6444165

7 FC is good. 8 FC is trash and even worse than the original.

>> No.6444193

You forgot the shmup segments and the labyrinth in Astroman's stage.

>> No.6444208

Really? I haven't played 8 FC. How are the snowboard segments lol

>> No.6444224
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, midnight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 is the best in the series. Fight me.

>> No.6444240

Somehow both better and worse. Better because they're a bit shorter but worse because they're way too fast in 8FC and you have to react instantly.

>> No.6444242

>8 demake
>completely destroys the charming original OST
okay absolutely fucking no.

>> No.6444254

>sheer volume of enemies and not their design in itself
Every other MM game has done this too. Oh that lone Hammer Joe in the middle of a raised series of platforms with nothing else around him is soooo tough. Got stuck at that part for hours.

>> No.6444273

No. Other MM games use combination of 2-3 different enemies placed smartly on the level layout.

MM8 too often just spawns a fuckton of dumb enemies all at once, Clow Man stage and Search Man stage being the epitome of that, but there are other examples

>> No.6444303

They also use the same enemies over and over. 8 is pretty lacking in enemy variety.

>> No.6444312

what? that is so wrong.

>> No.6444669

weapon balance is garbage. outside of bosses, every robot master weapon does the same damage to enemies per hit so only the weapons that hit multiple times like the grenade are any good.
here's proof.

>> No.6444693

Just use the buster balls

>> No.6444717

>every robot master weapon does the same damage to enemies per hit so only the weapons that hit multiple times like the grenade are any good
how is this bad? Weapons are valuable for more than just damage and the multihit ones are the ones that look strong

>> No.6444768

Makes Flash Bomb almost Metal Blade tier, there's not much use using the other weapons. And even the cool utility ones like Tornado Hold and Thunder Whip are pointless if you know how to chain Mega Ball jumps. It's a shame cause Tornado Hold would be a godly utility weapon in any other MM game.

>> No.6444841
File: 3 KB, 200x150, 1588460769507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Megaman 7

Anon, you can't be this of retard...

>> No.6444903


>> No.6444950

Great game, but it's slower, and drags quite a bit.

While gorgeous and technically good, as an overall experience, the balance of length of stages, difficulty, resources, usefulness of weapons, etc. makes it feel a lot longer and tedious than the others. Compare it to Mega Man 1/2/4 or 9/10, you can probably blast through them on a single sitting and feel like replaying them not long after. Mega Man 8's balance (and to some extent 7 and 11) will most likely make you have a great first playthrough and not want to look at it again for several years.

>> No.6445521

Shlocky anime cutscenes, that's literally all that's wrong with MM8.

>> No.6445961


>> No.6447198


>> No.6447678

I wholeheartedly agree

>> No.6447708

All classic and X games are at least decent besides X7. All Nintendo console classic and X games are great.
Dead ass facts.

>> No.6447781

I wouldn’t call the weapons useless at all. It’s just that the ball and rush bike are so fucking broken that there’s no point. The fame is really easy but is still my favorite mega man game behind mega man & bass.

>> No.6447801

>snowboard segments
That was the best part of the game.

>> No.6447871

I agree if it's the japanese saturn version

>> No.6447915


>> No.6447981

Have the tables been turned? Last I heard, everyone hated 7 and said 8 was better. Now it's the other way around?

>> No.6448003

Uh, the popular opinion is that neither of them are as good as the NES ones, but in general people tend to prefer 7 over 8. Megaman & Bass is also liked, although some people also hate it.
8 is fine, but it's the one that suffered from gameplay and structure the most, it's too easy, too slow. VII is more in-between, and has one of the hardest (if not the hardest) Wily boss fight.
But to be fair, both 7 and 8 are nice games, I do prefer 7, but 8 is good. It's just people always had hateboners for them because they came from the X series, so they saw classic MM too tame, and then there's also hipsters who only played MM2 and hate pretty much every other MM game (most likely because they haven't played them)

>> No.6448070


>> No.6448259

The only difference is the Cut Man battle which is a very minor easter egg with no real impact on the rest of the game, you fucking hipster contrarian.

>> No.6448264

It looks better on Saturn too.

>> No.6448302

>It's just people always had hateboners for them because they came from the X series
Even on their own terms I find 7 and especially 8 just unpleasant and dull to play. I'd take any of the NES games over them.

>> No.6448468

>Cut Man battle
>Wood Man battle
>a lot of songs just sound better on Saturn
>unlockable art gallery and sound test
It's not that much better than the PS1 version but it's without a doubt the definitive one.

>> No.6448490
File: 97 KB, 343x500, bernie stolar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe, but it means you have to play the game on a Shiturn, and fuck that.

>> No.6448527

Original MM series has no bad games.

Don't argue with me. I'm right and not going to waste my time talking to plebs.

>> No.6448532

You want some fuck, Sonydronie ?

>> No.6448538

>MM & Bass

>> No.6448541

Is a fun game.

>> No.6448550

>Megaman & Bass mirai kara from wonderswam
>Megaman & Bass from GBA
>Arguably Megaman 2 from GB

>> No.6449184

>Megaman & Bass mirai kara from wonderswam
Always wondered why no one would fix that
(translation: port level designs to another game and fix it)

>Megaman & Bass from GBA
Who plays GBA conversions of SNES games seriously?
Only decent one is SMB3 and that's because of the additions and the fact the original didn't already use much vertical space, making the port easier (and the audio still awful)

>Megaman II GB
...Truth. I'd add the Game Gear version because of the leaps of faith.

>> No.6449346

It fixes a lot of graphical issues and bugs

>> No.6450101

The Japanese Saturn version, and iirc only the -Japanese- -Saturn- version, has some extra enemies in some parts, it's most notable in Search Man stage.

>> No.6450120

Anyone who would even play a DEmake has to be such an absolute faggot.

>> No.6450125

I agree, it's tryhard as fuck.
If you're going to work on a project like that, do an original game instead. These games weren't designed to be 8-bit.

>> No.6450507

You guys are sperging about what is essentially fan art.

>> No.6450981

If CAPCOM weren't complete fags we would have these as cool extras on Legacy Collection, I hate them being confined to PC.

>> No.6451146

Really, what's the point of remaking a game with less detailed visuals? I could like them better if they would improve on the games they're based on, but as it is they're just pointless.
Funnily enough, the only MM game that desperately needed a demake but never got one is X7, make it a 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit demake, whatever the fuck-bit as long as it's 2D and plays like the other X games.

>> No.6451507

>Included fan made games into your game series collection

I'd laugh my ass off if that happened, because then we'd get to see how hypocritical the fan-game community is. Capcom would have no legal obligation to pay or even credit the chucklefucks who made the demakes, so the bloodbath over fans suddenly caring about "creator's rights" would be comedy gold.

>> No.6451564

They passed that one subpar MMxSF fan game as an official anniversary thing (even if it was distributed for free), so it's not as farfetched as you think.

>> No.6452469

any one else kinda bummed that MM9 went back to being 8bit?

>> No.6452534


Of course (even though I thought it was still a lot of fun as it is). This is a big reason why MM11 was great. X-er MM2 sóys are cringe.

>> No.6452569

No, just annoyed that they removed the slide and charge shot solely because Inafune wanted to suck MM2's dick again. Thank goodness MM11 brought them back.

>> No.6452773

I have yet to play it but I'm baffled they did that shit, should have continued using and improving on MM8's formula.

>> No.6452804

Nope. MM9 is probably my favorite MM game, and MM10 isn't all that far behind it. How MM11 looks isn't really a problem for me, though. I prefer MM11 to 7 or 8; I just don't think the level design is nearly as fun as MM9's.

>> No.6452939

>weapon balance is garbage
Let's be fair that's basically the case for most of the MM games

>> No.6454212

Nope, 8-bit is perfect and MM9 is a much better game than 7 and 8 combined.

>> No.6454223

7 is miles better than 9. Cut back on the suylent.

>> No.6454236

Style doesn't matter, what matters is how tight gameplay is, and MM9 is as tight as an 18 years old virgin cunt.
MM11 also manages to be almost as tight despite being all 3D models, meanwhile MM5 and 6 aren't nearly as tight and 7 and 8 surely aren't either, especially 8.

>> No.6454250

Imagine being this wrong

>> No.6455159

8 chad

>> No.6455171

not him but I agree. While 9 is fine, it's not better than the best NES games.
7 and 8 are at least different enough, so it doesn't feel like playing "more of the same". 7 in particular has some really well thought-out level design, with tons of secrets to discover. Also great Wily fight.
8 is fine, not the best thing ever but I don't get the hate it gets.

>> No.6455287

>7 is miles better than 9

>> No.6456464

SNES megamans are literally the only good ones.

>> No.6456496

I said cut back on your favorite (non-cum) beverage, not chug it.

>> No.6456863
File: 290 KB, 1920x1080, MM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not the best thread to ask, but which version of Mega Man 64\Legends is better: Playstation, N64 or Windows?

>> No.6456875

Oh shit, prepare for shitstorm, there is one playstation fanboy who goes bananas with this topic.
From what I've played myself, the PC one was the best. Good performance, and looks the best.
N64 performs the worst (lots of framedrops) and muffled audio, but has no loading times, logically, and while the graphics are blurry, they still look pretty good.
PS1 performs better than N64, but the graphics have the typical playstation jank, more clipping and jittering.
I have yet to play the PSP version.

>> No.6456880

PSP version is the best if you don't mind it being in Japanese.

>> No.6456905
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, Not Roll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the insights.

>> No.6457114
File: 42 KB, 640x480, 21011-mega-man-legends-windows-screenshot-run-mega-man-run.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the PC one was the best. Good performance, and looks the best.

Dude. I installed the PC version last time I replayed the game. In the first 10 seconds of gameplay there was already at least 2 things that was wrong: the wall textures were static instead of animated, thus no flickering lights, and the voices playback was fucked as voicelines played over each other instead of stopping if you made the text go faster.

That's 10 seconds into the game. I did not continue to find out what else was fucked.

>> No.6457854

huh, I never noticed the static lights on the walls. And yeah, the audio sync issue is a thing.
Speaking of wall lights, they're even more detailed on MM64 now that I compare all 3 versions, most noticeable on the cutscene when you beat the big reaverbot at the end of the intro level, you can see more red lights flashing than on the PS1 version.
Still, I'd vouch for PC because, even if some things are better on PS1 or N64, PC still has the best performance and more stable graphics, despite missing flashing effects.
Although probably the best version is PSP, too bad it doesn't have an english patch.