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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6436689 No.6436689 [Reply] [Original]

So I decided to play this game because it's leddit's top rated JRPG of all time. I just finished going through that factory with Robo in the future and headed towards the end of time.
Now I'm stuck in a part where I have to kill this giant hedgehog thing. But apparently since I didn't grind for 6 days straight all my attacks deal no damage to that boss and I turn the game off out of boredom
What a terrible game. A total waste of my time.

>> No.6436713
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>> No.6436717

This but against Magus. After I finally beat him, I lost interest in this crap and never touched it again.

>> No.6436719

Game is easy as fuck you're complaining too much.

>> No.6436737 [DELETED] 

more like


>> No.6436830

You some kind of blockhead?

>> No.6436870

its all about the deeps

>> No.6436941

Have you tried grinding for fun?

>> No.6436949

This game is soulless

>> No.6436971
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>he thinks the game's final boss is beatable at his level

>> No.6436974

You fight that guy much later dumbdumb.

>> No.6436989

You can challenge the final boss at anytime in the game doesn't mean you should.
I don't know what else to tell you.

>> No.6437020

I assume he meant Heckran.

That boss IS tough a first time though. I forget the secret to beating him easily. It's been awhile.

>> No.6437034

>Calls a game leddit
>can't beat one of the easiest bosses in a children's game


>> No.6437074

Nah surely he means spekkio

>> No.6437097

>it's another zoomer making a thread about hating JRPG's

>> No.6437128

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.6437190

If you explored everything, which you shiuld because it's an rpg and that's the point, then you shouldn't be having these problems. The only way you can gimp yourself in this game so harshly is by running from too many fights and/or refusing to do your duty as an rpg player by clearing all the content when it opens.

>> No.6437203

would be better if he said he got stuck at ozzie instead

>> No.6437368
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That's where I'm stuck right now, he keeps doing the move where he bites the head off of your party members and I can't deal with it.

>> No.6438675

are you the same anon who got stuck at kefka's tower?

>> No.6438685

Let's laugh at him.

>> No.6438689

You have to be autistic to enjoy these games, OP.

>> No.6438728
File: 245 KB, 730x923, FF6_Terra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Kefka, when does that shit get fun? I played to the part where you find some autistic fuccboi king who despite being a king can't get any pussy, he joined my party of a girl named Terra, pic related, and some thief, we escaped Kefka and the king fuccboi's castle hid itself in sand, I found king fuccboi's douchey kung pow brother, we got separated at water rapids, pic related Terra and the thief and some old rebel guy made it back to the first snow town, and I took control of king fuccboi's brother, kung pow who is now accompanied by an autistic ninja named "shit show" or "shadow," I forget which, and now we're sneaking through an enemy camp controlled by Kefka.

Does this game ever get fun at some point? Does the writing ever change from cringey to deep or even just entertaining? I played it a several hours a week ago and haven't touched it since.

>> No.6438765

how in the fuck are you not shamed out of you mind to post this. You are stupid .

>> No.6438773

The context it was made in is gone. In the time it was made, it would have been perhaps the only thing you had to play besides Ken Griffey's Major League Baseball, and you would have been thinking about that hedgehog in your dreams every night, imagining how you could beat it.

If whenever you turned on your PC, the only thing you saw was Chrono Trigger, you would appreciate it more.

The era of computers and consoles before the Internet was peak comfy.

>> No.6438779
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Reading your tears gives me some of my own. I miss games liked that which didn't hold your hand.

>> No.6438805

CT was easy as piss, though, and mostly linear, even by JRPG standards.

>> No.6438808

you pissbaby faggot go get nigger aids and die of clorox bleach

>> No.6438809

>CT was easy as piss,

Subjective. Absence of hand-holding, objective.

>> No.6440152

It's been a while kefka tower anon

>> No.6441374

not subjective when the combat just boils down to "hit until dead" while status effects are absolutely useless.

>> No.6441381

post your save so we can give you some tips

>> No.6442178
File: 43 KB, 544x339, Cranky_Kong_-_Git_Gud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh. I think the only time I had to stop and grind in that game was in the Ocean Palace to unlock Confuse on Crono because the golems can be a pain in the dick without it.
Asides from that boss fight, everything the games throws at you is easy to deal with.

And that "giant hedgehog thing" is the final boss. You're not supposed to fight him at that point of the game unless you're in NG+.

>> No.6442269

game was easy but yeah I agree its overrated as all hell. any ff game from the SNES or PS1 is better, except for 8 maybe

>> No.6442830

You must be a retard. I beat this game when I couldn't even read back in kindergarten

>> No.6442851

If you're not having fun then stop now, nothing changes and then it gets more boring at the half way point

>> No.6442861

You stand no chance against Lavos. You don’t even have Ayla. He’s there to show you how strong he is and what you’re up against in the future.

>> No.6442903

I have never gotten into CT, something about it just bores me. I think Enix were better than Square in the 16bit era.

>> No.6443292

chrono trigger....

more like...


i'm gonna say it....

hold me bros.....



>> No.6443838

God nothing will ever top my first playthrough
you just missed out, OP, plain and simple

it's ok, I missed out on Woodstock

>> No.6443863

Heckran can only be damaged with magic.

>> No.6444137

if you don't enjoy it, then you might as well stop playing it. I've personally never gotten bored of FF6 but damn other JRPGs I've played had some excruciatingly boring segments. In the end, it's a SNES-era JRPG and most of these feel like they lack direction; the game doesn't explicitly tell you where to go and you need to have a rather completionist mindset (though FF6 is rather linear in that regard). You may enjoy romhacks of FF6, like T-Edition, that flesh things out a bit.

>> No.6444437

you suck dude, just attack the head you dum-dum

>> No.6444560
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This HAS to be the same tard who got BTFO by FFVI.

>> No.6444738

what the fuck is this guy doing still playing these JRPGs when he sucks ass at them?

>> No.6445509

Literally just magic. OP would have JUST received magic and should have a natural curiosity to use it. The entire mini-dungeon leading up to Heckran is filled with monsters that go down easiest with magic. The game hints STRONGLY through previous dialogue that all mystics are weak to magic. If OP actually did anything other than spam attack, Heckran would be simple to beat, regardless of level.

>> No.6445546
File: 171 KB, 840x839, 293-2939233_8037140-pepe-laughing-png-transparent-png.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But apparently since I didn't grind for 6 days straight
Imagine having to grind in Chrono Trigger

>> No.6446132

Snes JRPGs are entry level for everyone, they're easy but good fun
I don't understand how OP could be so bad at them

>> No.6446210

>This HAS to be the same tard who got BTFO by FFVI.
Now I remember him. It must be suck to be proven wrong by every single person.

>> No.6446341

That retard who got stuck in Narshe? I thought that was bait

>> No.6446353

You must be quite dumb.
I don't even speak english (using google translate now) and had no problem the whole game (except the Son of Sun).
Knowing only some words of the texts I've finished the game.

You must be fighting Lavos, who's the last boss, reaching him by the bucket or traveling to 1999. If you can't know you are hitting the stronger thing in the game, you should go play Mario Kart

>> No.6446854

>in the Ocean Palace to unlock Confuse on Crono because the golems can be a pain in the dick without it.
Robo + Ayla doing Boogie works like a charm without the need to grind.

>> No.6447635
File: 722 KB, 1242x1126, 1562095353477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the easiest JRPG of all times
>the only SNES era JRPG where you do not need to grind and your level does not matter
>the game where your benched characters keep getting levels
>the game where every boss has an easily exploitable weakness
I really hope this thread is a bait and you are not THAT bad at video games.

>> No.6448075

There was that faggot that got stuck at Narshe, and that other one that managed to make it all the way to Kefka's tower without even fully equipping his party. They're both retards.

>> No.6448213

What's the story behind the retard who got stuck in narshe? I never finished FF6 so I don't know which specific part you're talking about. But it can't be the beggining of the game, right?

>> No.6448235

It's false flagging, duh

>> No.6448236

It was in the beginning of the game, when you have to form parties and protect Bannon.

>> No.6448307

I have to admit that part took me several attempts during my first FF6 playthrough. But I just spent some time trying to figure optimal team compositions and strategies out instead of crying all over the internet.
I didn't even have access to the internet at the time anyway.

>> No.6448420

nah, just DQ and FF games are. For instance, I doubt someone new to JRPGs would have fun in RS2.

>> No.6448671

I quit at the part where you have to catch the rat but it disappears

Fuck Squaresoft

Play Baldur's Gate 2 instead

>> No.6448929

When we fight Kefka in snowpeak?