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File: 265 KB, 1600x1200, Metroid FDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6430887 No.6430887 [Reply] [Original]

But Metroid is better

>> No.6430892

I prefer Metroid but I assumed it was just my nostalgia

>> No.6430896

It could be your nostalgia. For me it's my good taste. I played them through for the first time a few years ago in close succession, and Metroid makes Super Metroid feel like a tame theme park ride by comparison

>> No.6430897
File: 5 KB, 320x288, Metroid II SGB 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the ultimate redpill is realizing Metroid II: Return of Samus, the original GB version, is the peak of the series.

>> No.6430898

I haven't finished it yet, but it's good so far. Not Metroid 1 good, but good

>> No.6430914

Nah. Metroid is a pretty cool guy but Super Metroid is a super cool guy.

>> No.6430965

This but with the good GBC color hack, not the old one that sucks ass.

>> No.6431062

It looks better on an original DMG, a backlight modded one (that uses the original screen), or a Pocket. All of the colourizations and even the grayscale GBC and SGB settings make it look worse

>> No.6431067
File: 225 KB, 500x375, metroid-ii-game-boy-colourful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the SGB, it gives it an special atmosphere, but otherwise I agree with you.

>> No.6431141

Eh kills priaets and doesnt afraid of THE BABY

>> No.6431147

*hands u raddit gold*

>> No.6431270

Yeah, if you like grinding for health.

>> No.6432659

Super Metroid is more boss. That beginning stage grabs you

>> No.6432696
File: 240 KB, 800x1259, WILLY'D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metroid is Good
But Jet Set Willy is the best Willyvania

>> No.6432851

Or you could just not die

>> No.6432912

No lies detected here.

>> No.6432936

Disagree. I can't stand playing metroid 1. Finished all the other 2d ones but Metroid is just too slow and getting through sections doesn't feel satisfying.

>> No.6434257

Metroid 1 is flat out a bad game. The Ice Beam you need to beat the game has half the power of the starting beam, you start with 30hp out of a max of around 600 if you die or continue with a password, and it's all around slow and tedious.

>> No.6434359

>you start with 30hp out of a max of around 600 if you die or continue with a password, and it's all around slow and tedious.

I hate this because it does nothing but stall, when you start with shit HP you're just going to go to a farming spot

If you can get past that though, metroid 1 is an interesting game. It's hard to describe why but, having no map and the game subverting a formula that doesn't exist yet gives it a non-gamey, non-designed feel. You'll find items you already have, or you'll find item rooms that are empty. Or pop back into areas you've already been to. It's kind of like when you train a dog you're not supposed to give a treat every time or the dog loses interest, only the dog is you. It's the only metroid game we're instead of going through a map plan, you're spelunking. You don't know what you're going to find each run. But each time you run you're likely to get stronger.

>> No.6434362

Metroid is soulless

>> No.6434364

I'm stupid for not realizing it before, but it's exactly like the minecraft survival gameplay loop

>> No.6434368

>unpopular opinion means im smarter than average xD

>> No.6434683

i think 2 has the atmosphere down perfectly (well, besides some of the "music"). the actual hunting aspect is intense

>> No.6434796

Both Metroid 1 and 2 are underrated. It grinds my gears when people say Super Metroid negates any reason to play 1. Although Super Metroid is my favorite (because I'm an atmosphere fag), 1 is still a good experience in its own right and definitely worth playing. 2 somehow feels even more experimental. The design of the game is a pretty clever compromise that gives an intuitive structure to a mapless exploration game. i.e. the map opening up in sections as you fulfil the metroid-hunting objective, allowing you to explore bits at a time in an overall downwards trajectory. There's kind of a linear path. But still exploration and structure. It's smart.

The music was weird for me on first playthrough, but I've warmed up to it since. I think it's more an attempt at ambience, that gets weirder and more noise-esque the further you descend. It makes you feel uneasy. The return to the "hero theme" every time you clear an area is a nice touch, making you feel like you're conquering the task.

>> No.6434830

Can you explain why you think that? The original Metroid always felt like a chore to me, while Super Metroid was consistently engaging.

>> No.6435816

I fucking love the soundtrack and sound effects used in Metroid II
it feels creepy, atmospheric, glitchy (in a good way). I like how it feels like you're hearing pixel waterdrops, or small noises that may be caused by small creatures roaming around.

>> No.6435862

Wow you're right. Minecraft survival mode does give a similar feel to playing Metroid for the first time. It's been so long that I didn't connect them. Now I'm going to have to go play Minecraft.

>> No.6435872

Some Anons in this thread might want to check out https://z1m1.info - I haven't tried it yet but it could be quite interesting.

>> No.6436298

he thinks that because it's /vr/.

>> No.6436617

Explain why you start off with 30 health. What is the reasoning behind that?

>> No.6436620

To punish failure

>> No.6436624


Motherfuckers on here are huge contrarians. Metroid 1 is a chore and so is Sonic 1.

>> No.6436883

You're a failure for starting the game? Being brought back to the entrance of an area is punishment enough. It would make more sense to start off with only 99 health.

>> No.6436925

what in the ever loving fuck is going on in that coverart?

>> No.6436928


>> No.6437127

30/99 is a reasonable starting point. In Contra you die in one hit. If you started full you wouldn't have any reason to kill anything in the beginning.

>> No.6437204

Contra and metroid have nothing in common why bring that up? Contra being one hit encourages a certain playstyle and emphasizes certain skills. I can't think of a way that grinding for health is important to the experience of the game.

>> No.6437213

I dont play a lot of games but titles like terraria, spelunkey, subnautica etc might be similar examples of exploratory excursion type gameplay. People like these games despite being procedural/no map, and you dont always find something useful. Yet metroid is considered daunting because the sequels have planned maps and progression.

>> No.6437347

Okay then, why do you only have three hearts when you continue in Zelda? You don't have to grind for health. You can just NOT DIE. You'll quickly learn that the little dots give you health which is useful if you do get hit. When you get energy tanks, they come full. You should be glad you get to continue at all, Metroid is actually more forgiving than Zelda and if the original hadn't been an FDS game, I wouldn't be surprised if permadeath had been a possibility - or at least if continuing had been a secret button combination.

If your number one complaint about Metroid is starting with 30 health you're a scrub.

>> No.6437365

Metroid 1 has way better music than Super.

>> No.6437532

>The music was weird for me on first playthrough, but I've warmed up to it since. I think it's more an attempt at ambience, that gets weirder and more noise-esque the further you descend. It makes you feel uneasy. The return to the "hero theme" every time you clear an area is a nice touch, making you feel like you're conquering the task.
That's exactly what it's for. It's shorthand to tell the player they haven't finished a given area. It's honestly pretty cool/ambitious given the limited hardware

>> No.6437682

It's so that the game gives the player a sense of progression and becoming more powerful. It's called game design. And, yes, it's all an illusion, in the sense that they could have just given you max health from the start. But it would be less fun if they did that. Breezing through all the rooms/screens in the map after collecting so many upgrades is the reward for engaging with the game and finding stuff. Farming for health is your punishment for not pacing yourself and actually killing/avoiding the enemies as you explore. And even then, really, you could say that this is something the player imposes on themselves, and the real developer intent was just that you die and git gud.