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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6427139 No.6427139 [Reply] [Original]

>see /vr/ gush about this game
>it's just a grindfest with impossible shitty bosses
Am I doing something wrong?

>> No.6427238

Nope. It's just one of "those" games like Disgaea. Super niche and meant for grindan.

>> No.6427247

>impossible bosses
>am I doing something wrong
Yes. You don't have to get hit by any boss. Try different strategies. Maybe you need a longer neck, or a shorter one. maybe you need to be faster, or jump higher.
It's all about pattern recognition and precise positioning.
You can also beat most bosses without grinding, if you know what you need for it ahead of time to not get hit.

>> No.6427257

grind shit only makes bosses take less hits, you dont need to grind if you understand basic patterns.
But yes, it is a requirement to grind if you want to evolve.
spoiler for the kiddos:
at one point you have to choose between keep being a dino or become a mammal, in which you lose all your previous exp. You will lose flight too, so unleas you like messing around with evolutions there is no point in switching to mammals.

>> No.6427261

No, it's a shit meme forced by one guy over and over again. It's a shit game.

>> No.6427267

Years ago it was a hidden gem because the transformative ongoing upgrade concept was really uncommon.
It was a cool surprise when playing through random SNES roms that stood out to people.


>You can also beat most bosses without grinding, if you know what you need for it ahead of time to not get hit.

It's a cool game but it makes sense if you don't dig it, OP. You're not missing anything.

>> No.6427273

>see /vr/ gush about this game
I've seen people say it's unique, but I've never seen ANYONE here say it's anything but a "good idea, poor execution" situation.

Prime example of what >>6427261 said.

>> No.6427281

>was really uncommon
it still is, specially on platform games.

cry me a river dick face.

>> No.6427285

You can grind against queen bee by dying while learning said boss, or grind stats to beat it. I enjoyed the game immensely as a first time player in 2017.

>> No.6427294

The best thing about this game is the first scenario in the ocean, it's such a butter-smooth satisfying progression and level design, with a beautiful soundtrack to boot. Everything after just falls flat.

>> No.6427313

>Prime example of what

>it still is
>specially on platform games.
it's an emulator though

I dig the game because I played it a million years ago in high school (and this thread reminded me that I even made a shitty fangame of it with ripped sprites) but it was *very* unique back then compared to now where it's only really unique in terms of the SNES library.
I appreciate it but I ain't surprised at all that anyone playing it for the first time today wouldn't see it as a stand-out.

That often happens to early versions of an idea that were influential, and as unlikely as it sounds I think this game was weirdly influential.

>> No.6427327

E.V.O. can teach you a valuable life lesson - don't stand behind a horse
Kicking as a large 4 legged mammal is fucking OP as hell
If you don't like the grinding there's no shame in just cheating yourself a bunch of evo points, the game lets you cheat even worse by giving you full HP restores whenever you evolve, you can just get a cheap horn and ram it till it breaks so you can get another one and heal again

>> No.6427389

I feel like I am missing something with this game. You can save your evolves to multiple save slots but does this mean you can revert back to them at any time? When you reach the finale of each area you get a super evolvement that makes you crazy powerful but then you revert back right after. Is there a way to save those evolvements and turn into those later in the game? Literally all I did was evolve and max out certain areas like horn, speed, strength and defense and then fight the boss.

>> No.6427429

If you get a green crystal you can temporarily change into any form you have recorded
Yes you can record the forms you get from the red crystals
You use the record of evolution I think it was called menu option to save forms

>> No.6427436

this really. The first section is just incredible. They failed hard on gravity, is so fun to run and jump on enemies but you get your ass kicked every time

>> No.6427438

hey alright

>> No.6427508

I think they wanted you to feel the struggle of being a graceful sea-adapted creature who for some reason decides to move to land and become a worthless beige turd.

And it kinda works. Every upgrade is a relief even if they're very minor because of how much shit you suck.
But it doesn't really taper off right so even your endgame murdersaurus (or human) still feels clumsy. Which might even be... sort of accurate; speaking as a land creature personally it fucking sucks; but in a design sense it's odd not to get back up to the level the game starts with.

>> No.6427514

Living in air is so gay that the most intelligent mammals on the planet returned to the ocean and they seem way happier raping fish all day.

>> No.6427517

Based morally grey eccoposter

>> No.6427527

I thought I heard somewhere the American snes release was a stripped down version of a game published on some obscure Japanese hardware

>> No.6427552

It's somewhat of a demake of "evolution" which ran on a relatively rare system known as the "Earth". The main difference is they changed the number of magic crystals.

>> No.6427725

There's another E. V. O. game, "The Theory of Evolution" as opposed to "The Search for Eden". It's a JRPG.

>> No.6427864

You're doing many things wrong. Probably many in this game as well. This is a game that requires thinking at advanced ape level. Or, as your kinds says, artificial difficulty. One of those games a zoomer should just give up on and never play again if they run into trouble.

>> No.6427889

>Am I doing something wrong?
Yes it's called "being born after 2000"

>> No.6427930

yeah... .its pretty damn grindy. Switching things up if you lose isn't the problem, but you lose your evo points when defeated, and defeats will feel very cheap. So right when you would need to make a change the most to advance, you have to go back to a grind no matter what.

and its not a very satisfying grind, especially as chapters roll on. 2 and 3 are pretty rough.

Some of the stats and evolutions are not even remotely intuitive after chapter 1.

Combat is pretty brutal with basically no i-frames. That wouldn't be so bad if you didn't also have stunlock.

And sugiyama.... it starts to feel like he really phoned in this game. the stage music from chapter 1, 2, the map music, the title theme, the space theme, and the boss music are all decent, but most of the rest is short or rough. even the sad emotional ones don't quite hit it to me...

>> No.6427942

evo music is fantastic

>> No.6427993
File: 7 KB, 416x288, evo_pc98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EVO on SNES is not a stripped down version of anything, it's a reimagining if anything, of the Japan-only 46 Okunen Monogatari: The Shinka Ron (The Adventure of 46 Million Years: The Theory of Evolution), for PC-98, released in 1990.
The SNES game is called 46 Okunen MonogatarI: Harukanaru Eden E (The Adventure of 46 Million Years: To the far Eden).
They're pretty different games, starting from the fact that the PC-98 game is a traditional RPG with top-vied and turn-based combat, and the SNES game is a side-scroller action RPG. The plot is also different, very different in both of them, as is the evolution mechanic.
The PC-98 game is much more simple wit its evolution mechanic, so I wouldn't really say that the SNES one is a stripped down version or sequel, quite the contrary, it's a huge improvement, as you can actually evolve individual parts of your body and customize your own creatures, in the PC-98 game, there's just 4 options (defence, offence, intelligence and resistance, IIRC), and the kind of creature you get depends on how you distribute the EVO points between these 4 stats.
Still, both games are worth playing, if you like the atmosphere of one of them, you will definitely like the atmosphere in the other, even though they're quite different. The PC-98 game actually gets a bit sidetracked with the whole prehistoric theme, and introduces mythological ancient civilizations like Atlantis and Mu. The SNES game keeps it more topical to just prehistoric beasts and early homo sapiens, although there is also some fantasy elements (dragons, wyverns, UFOs), but the later chapters of PC-98 EVO are just pure fantasy creatures, like you will be probably fighting the final boss with some weird humanoid reptilian or something like that.

>> No.6428010

>see /vr/ gush about this game

I've seen several mentions of EVO in the past months and I've never seen anyone 'gush' about it. The consensus on EVO is generally that it's got a nice level up system with some cool customization options, but that the gameplay itself is grindy and repetitive.

>> No.6428194

It's a fantastic game, and you're a fantastic asshole.

>> No.6428197

You do know there is no such thing as evolution right? God created us in his image. We didn’t evolve from monkeys.

>> No.6428206

Then why do all religion based games suck ass then?
Godfags BTFO

>> No.6428208

I believe God created me in one day

>> No.6428216

The Christian God evolved from Mesopotamian gods. Virgin Mary's story is taken from the stories about Isis, Jesus is Osiris, every myth in the Old Testament is derived from Mesopotamiana dn Sumerian gods, including the flood myth. Both JHVH and Jesus ar evolutions of pre-existing myths. So, at least some for of evolution most definitely exists ;)

>> No.6428239

How do you account for historical depictions of Jesus outside of the bible?

>> No.6428250

I guess you're the first. Look man, you can enjoy the game all you like. It's got its redeeming factors and it's pretty unique.

>> No.6428262

He was a real person. Religion and politics were one and the same at the time, and, just like everyone else, he did both.

>> No.6428270

Fuck off and go blow up a building you fucking Muslim loser.

>> No.6428350

You know how boy bands are completely engineered by music labels?

You can do the same thing with a messiah. Some jew producers hid in the walls and manipulated some poor neet into thinking he had a purpose, while surrounding him with actors for his entire life. Like The Truman Show except with more magic tricks and no dome.

>> No.6428418

>game features ghosts, portals, magic, psychics, mutant ninja turtles, anthropomorphic animal pilots, etc.

>game features evolution

>> No.6428429

This post is extremely retro.

>> No.6428460

>It's all about pattern recognition and precise positioning.
It's just about memorizing what key you need to press. That's why memorizers are the equivalent of learning how to play a song in guitar, except that nobody claps afterwards.

>> No.6428476

>post features zoomer shitposting
Me: lol what a loser

>> No.6428486

No one:
Absolutely no one:
Literally, positively no one:
You: Me: lol what a loser

>> No.6428589

Anon: *makes observation about Christians' contradictory behavior*

>> No.6428610

It's funny when Xtians can't handle history.

>> No.6428619

Looks great though

>> No.6428676

t. redditor who watched Zeitgeist and doesn't know it's about as accurate as Loose Change

>> No.6428727

The worst is that your Evo Points go to zero when you change genera, so the huge hunks of meat you get by killing bosses are useless.

>> No.6428754

It kind of makes me sad that people love to dump on this game. Yeah, it isn't perfect, but there aren't really any other games like it. It's not like the usual genre argument of "why play x when you could play z which is better" because there aren't any games in the retro era that are like this.

I guess the closest you could come is stuff like Faxanadu?

Functionally useless, sure, but it feels pretty good to go eat that pain in the ass boss you finally managed to kill.

>> No.6428765

Where's my Idolmaster Jesus game, Japan?

>> No.6428795

>see /vr/ gush about this game
I just want to see Arino play it.

>> No.6428839

>Human is the worst evolution in the game
You should be able to spend EVO points to develop tools like a bow or torches.

>> No.6429393

>it's all about pressing the right direction
>for the right duration of time
>at the right time
>and then the other direction
>and also jump and bite at the same time
>and also charge right
>and also watch the boss to recognize which set of directions and buttons to press

>> No.6429464
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>> No.6429674
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>> No.6429694

It's tough to tell what's a joke in these parts.

>> No.6429709
File: 640 KB, 1080x1381, Screenshot_20200321-114642_Tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6429723

Anywhere we can see that game anon?

>> No.6430038
File: 20 KB, 252x400, 1581128541419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6430137
File: 22 KB, 227x225, tumblr_lsemjo0M911qma3ijo1_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6430453
File: 662 KB, 500x648, (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6430701

Pretty sure I never released that one. It was pretty much just a direct but longer recreation of the early land creature grinding screens, apparently I enjoyed the torture of flopping into the air to catch bugs that much.

>> No.6432217

Is this game kino or Beano?

>> No.6432376

Its a pretty neato idea and for the most part it works. Trying out different combinations can be pretty fun and the soundtrack is fantastic.

The grind does get ridiculous later on but there's always a decent spot to farm exp if you know where to look. Some bosses are impossible (looking at you abominable snowman thing) so I don't know how people could beat this without save states.

Overall I'd say it's at least a 3.5/5

>> No.6432506

>didn’t evolve from monkeys
Correct. Humans evolved from a common ancestor with Apes not directly from modern Apes or modern Monkeys.