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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 190 KB, 1003x768, Final Fantasy (USA)-200509-145425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6414095 No.6414095 [Reply] [Original]

I'm doing a solo redmage run! Has anyone else on /vr/ ever attempted this?

>> No.6414124

your thread already died once

>> No.6414126

post your clitty

>> No.6414154


>> No.6414189


>> No.6414210

you posted the same thing yesterday and it dropped off page 10. stop making the same shitty threads

>> No.6414218

Oh, I guess I did.

My phone kept giving me error messages so I just assumed that it didn't go through successfully....

>> No.6414648

Yes, it's not that hard. it's literally just grinding on PNEOP encounters until level 20 or so, then running from most fights until you get the airship and can get promoted to Wizard, then Agama grinding to level 50, then running from everything until you can kill the remaining two fiends and Chaos.

>> No.6414736

Isn't this kinda boring? It does sound like you'd mostly be grinding in boring safe spots and fleeing in dungeons, because you can't keep magic for very long in a dungeon (unless you flee a lot) and you can't get much use out of the overpowered magic items when you don't have four people around to absorb damage while the items slowly do their work.

I mean it's cool if you succeed.

>> No.6416616

As silly as it is, because you get 4x exp effectively one character runs of almost any class is easier then keeping the full party alive. Especially with Fighter and Red Mage with the ability to use white magic.

>> No.6416851

Fuck you tranny.

>> No.6416876

Well I gave it 24 hours and they haven't beaten Garland yet or even posted any progress screenshots so...

>> No.6416913 [DELETED] 

>24 hours and they haven't beaten Garland yet or


Does anyone else wanna tell him, or...?

>> No.6416930
File: 59 KB, 620x349, 21aqbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beaten Garland yet
>or even posted any progress screenshots

>> No.6416960

>chooses red mage because he cant decide what class he wants
>chooses dick and tits because he cant decide what gender he is

>> No.6416972


Come on, don't reply to that thing. I know you use a tripcode yourself but even you shouldn't stoop THAT low.

>> No.6416974

>chooses red mage because she cant decide what class she wants

No. I decided what class I wanted to play as, and it's red mage. Red mages are valid, not everything is black and white.

>> No.6417979

Great, it's the tranny tripfag

>> No.6417997


>> No.6418116

Yeah, that's the crux of these "novelty" setups. It's mostly monotony. I've tried a handful of 4x same class runs and I never get past the second or third dungeon. I can only imagine single class playthroughs.

>> No.6418214

Yes, that's why you should go for the GBA version with increased exp gains.

>> No.6418225 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 1000x835, quentin tripfriends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be nice to our tripfriends

>> No.6418239


>> No.6418382

Sounds almost like reddit. Hold on..

>> No.6418917

>grinding in boring safe spots and fleeing in dungeons
To be fair this is also how you do FF1 casual playthroughs. In dungeons there's so much shit that can kill you in one round and, unlike later FF games, you don't keep your EXP gains when continuing from a game over, so the optimal strategy is always just to grind on the overworld and run from everything in the dungeons.

>> No.6418925

>unlike later FF games, you don't keep your EXP gains when continuing from a game over
I don't think you get to keep EXP after getting K.O.d in any FF, that's more of a dragon quest thing

>> No.6419442

Update: I'm level 23 and wow, the earth cave is really rockin' my G spot. I'm a high enough level to successfully run from most encounters, but that can't always save me from being stunlocked to death by hordes of undead.

>> No.6420597
File: 217 KB, 1003x768, Final Fantasy (USA)-200511-182337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After defeating the Vampire, I decided to grind up to level 25 before taking on the fiend of Earth. Lich wasn't tough (I beat him on my first try), but getting to him sure as heck was. I died 14 times in the Earth Cave, and most of those deaths were from being stunfucked by zombies on the second to last floor.

>> No.6420804
File: 172 KB, 1003x768, Final Fantasy (USA)-200511-193958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I'm fighting the Eye, I'm gonna be a Red Wizard soon....

>> No.6420810


>> No.6420817
File: 434 KB, 878x672, Final Fantasy (USA)-200511-194513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! I escaped the Ice Cave with the Floater!

>> No.6420828

You don't need to post consistent updates on what's happening. That is not what this board is for. If you wish to document your run, feel free to upload the footage to a video hosting website or use a blog to post single images and text like you are currently doing.
I will not ask you to stop posting in this thread as I see no reason why the thread's point of discussion can not be continued. However if you continue to post updates like you are doing now, I will have no choice but to report you to moderation for unnecessary spam.

>> No.6420841

Okay. :(

>> No.6420981

get temper and haste. those two abilities will let you melee any of the later game bosses with ease.

>> No.6421015

Temper and saber don't work in the NES version, buying them wastes spell slots.

>> No.6421030

Solo RM is for pussies. Do Solo WM if you want a real challenge.

>> No.6421031

I beat the game on 4 monks for my first run and it was a lot of fun.

>> No.6421051

I thought about doing a four monks run. But in the end I decided I like magic too much ^~^

>> No.6421127

Solo WM is for nigs, do solo WM with no spells.

>> No.6421215
File: 850 KB, 2560x1440, 1568660201988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all posts considered, your's is probably the worst in this thread.

nobody likes a snitch.

>> No.6421994

bad post
if anything /vr/, needs more playblogging instead of the usual tired bullshit
tripfriends™ should kill themselves tho

>> No.6422003
File: 145 KB, 1026x991, FF1 NES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played FF1 a few months ago doing a 4 Fighter run. Was pretty fun just rushing through everything killing everything in sight.

Feel the idea of solo is nice but I can't imagine the grinding needed to be worth it.

>> No.6422010

>Lich wasn't tough (I beat him on my first try

Of course not retard, you were level 25 from grinding.

>> No.6422032

I bet you're fun at parties.

>> No.6422084

Not possible. Keep in mind that Chaos casts CUR4 every sixteenth turn, you'll never be able to kill him with one WM using only melee attacks.

>> No.6422103

Yes but normally you'd be around level 15 when fighting Lich, and a level 25 solo character has the same amount of experience as a level 15 party.

>> No.6422206

>a level 25 solo character has the same amount of experience as a level 15 party
That doesn't automatically make their power levels equivalent.

>> No.6422993

True, it doesn't. A solo level 25 character has less HP than a party of four level 15's, and probably isn't doing as much damage per round, but I doubt that was the point you were trying to make. :P

>> No.6424096

I have defeated the Kary \o/

>> No.6424143
File: 27 KB, 515x380, doorknob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The perfect reddit catchphrase for this shit-tier tranny thread.

>> No.6424153

Proud of you homie. Is the challenge fun so far or is it as tedious as everyone's predicted?

>> No.6424210

It's fun. Earth Cave was very teeds, but I'm enjoying it now that I've passed that hump.

>> No.6425352

I bet you're fun at parties.

>> No.6425452

I bet you're dead
This is an illusion
Life is a game of Sim and God is just a man

>> No.6427480
File: 339 KB, 1003x768, Final Fantasy (USA)-200513-191411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else hungry? Because I just made takoyaki, and I got plenty to go around~

>> No.6428642

I beat Tiamat!!

Now I'm wondering if I should go directly to the Temple of Fiends, or if I should grind to level 50 first. Do you think Chaos is doable at level 40?

>> No.6430776
File: 99 KB, 1003x768, Final Fantasy (USA)-200514-203336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaaand CLUNK

>> No.6430779
File: 261 KB, 1003x768, Final Fantasy (USA)-200514-203430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that's a wrap. Thanks guys! This was a lot of fun.

>> No.6430821

Did you do it at level 40?

>> No.6430859

Nah I kept getting my shit slapped by water elementals on Kraken's floor, so I ended up grinding to 50.