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638416 No.638416 [Reply] [Original]

Suikoden 2 or Grandia, which should I play first, /vr/?

>> No.638437

Do you want light hearted fun, or an epic classic?

I prefer Grandia by a long shot, better looking game too.

>> No.638608

I really enjoyed Suikoden II, mainly because you can recruit over 100 characters with you along the way (although you fight with 6 at a time). It made talking to people and progressing so much more entertaining, knowing that I can pretty much gather up an army of characters.

>> No.638617


>100 characters
>implying you can bond with any of them

>> No.638703

Grandia is better so play that.


>> No.638758

but don't you just pick the six you like best and use them in that case? how is experience distributed among that many characters? do people you're not using still get experience?

>> No.641012

Play Grandia first, because Suikoden 2 is miles better. You probably won't finish Grandia anyway because halfway through the game the worst faggot character in the history of gaming joins you and you can't get rid of him.

Only the active party gets exp, but it's not really hard to put a new character in the party and have them catch up. Also only like 70 of the 108 characters you get are playable, the others do.. other stuff.

>> No.641098

You mean Rapp? It fucking blows that you lose Sue, Gadwin AND Milda, not just because Rapp sucks but because those characters are all interesting anyway.

>> No.641116

I almost quit at that point in grandia but eventually he grew on me and I still loved the game.

>> No.641290
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More specifically, lowbies get massive exp bonuses for fighting higher level enemies. They'll get several levels per fight and catch up after just a handful of battles.

Likewise once you've hit the level the game wants you to be at the enemies start giving crap exp so there's no advantage just sticking to one group. So the only reason not to switch party members is OH GOD THE MICROMANAGEMENT.

Speaking of which, whenever it's time to go back to home base always go to the briefing room and see what's next and THEN make your party. You don't want to make your party first because there's always people butting into your party for storyline reasons. Or for no reason at all.

>> No.641304

If you're going to play Suikoden II, I recommend you to play Suikoden I first.
You'll have a greater appreciation for a lot of the returning characters and in-game references.

>> No.641308


It's not like chrono cross or some shit where every character is just a dumb gimmick. Certainly, suikoden 2 has it's share of filler, but it has important characters that get more focus. And those characters are more memorable than the ones in Grandia.

>> No.641329
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>You lose Sue

That literally made me drop the game. I can't muster the effort to actually play through Grandia, knowing that my two young BFFs are destined to part ways

>> No.641341

Would you rather she die horribly falling down some cliff during an earthquake, causing Justin to be overcome with guilt and stop adventuring?

>> No.641348


I don't know if you just spoiled me or what. I just know that every time I've tried to play Grandia, the spoiler that Sue leaves comes back to my memory, and I just stop caring and abandon it less than five hours into the game

>> No.641354

I was being hypothetical, because adventuring is REALLY FUCKING DANGEROUS.

>> No.641361


>Muh grimdark

Fuck off, I'm trying to enjoy my lighthearted adventurefest with prepubescent protagonists over here

>> No.641378

Grandia 1 has really icky slow grotty battles compared to the other Grandias, plus you need to grind like crazy to get any elemental levels up, which you need (at least for Water) for the healing.

There's only so many OH, FLAME BURN'EMs a man can stand.

>> No.641401



>> No.641420

You should read this spoiler, but not anyone else who hasn't finished it: It's not as big of a deal as you're probably thinking. She gets sick at one point, but recovers, then they leave her behind because they care about her. They remain friends and she appears throughout some of the rest of the game. You get other cool party members, their names just aren't Rapp.

>> No.641436

It's funny how Feena gets like 1 or 2 spells that no one ever sees because you need literally 99 of some of the elements. I just loaded my game to see how much I had at the end of the game and she only has 34 fire and 30 wind Gadwin's secret move! Dragon King Slice!

>> No.641449

I got bonkers bored at the start of Disc 2. My discs started skipping as well which meant that the battle intro paused for about 15 seconds between the landscape appearing and the sprites appearing on top of it. ack.

>> No.641489

I don't really blame you. The game is slow enough without extra buggy loading. The first two Grandias both could have benefited from a progressive map system and the option to scroll text faster, which is a mistake many JRPGs of the time made. Besides that, the middle third of the game is the least notable. I stopped the first time I played around the same time you did.

>> No.641497

Yeah, I always think I'm missing out because the antics on Justin's home island are so fun, and anything involving the three Generals is hilarious. And reaching The Edge Of The World actually feels like you're GETTING SOMEWHERE.

But then I read about what comes later and I am bored out of my mind.

>> No.641568

The difficulty is pitiful later on, too. In one of the big showdowns with a boss that has like 4 separate active units, I think I managed to chain cancel all of them for the entire fight.

>> No.641950
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>Rah Rah Rah Rah

>die horribly falling down some cliff during an earthquake

I wish that happened with cRapp.

>> No.642169
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>> No.642176
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