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6389209 No.6389209 [Reply] [Original]

How do you even beat the battles of narshe?

If i make balanced parties i can wipe out all the generic mooks just fine but keep dying to kefka with all of em

If i make one strong party the weaker parties die to the mooks eventually giving me no time to rush kefka

No matter what tactic i try
Nothing works

Also FF6 Thread

>> No.6389220

You don't actually have this problem but cute origin topic.

I find one strong group rushing Kefka to be optimal. You can get to Kefka before other soldiers reach your army.

>> No.6389225

I actually do
Im actually stuck here

I tried that tactic just now but i cant
Soldiers always reach my othee groups first

>> No.6389227

>but keep dying to kefka with all of em
If only there was a way to absorb his magic

>> No.6389229

Been there
Done that

Doesnt help if he hits celes without magic

>> No.6389238

I'm really glad this is a b8 thread because nobody could be this retarded

>> No.6389241

>someone has trouble beating a boss

Oh no they must be retarded
No one can have trouble with a game

>> No.6389245

>celes uses runic
>kefka kills other party member
>have to heal party member
>kefka kills celes when you try to heal instead of runic

Not that hard to grasp retard

>> No.6389250

I'm impressed that you made it so far without either leveling up, buying items, or just opening boxes for the items inside

>> No.6389256

Party is around like lv 12/14 some higher than others, am i too underleveled?

And of course i open chests when i find them
Optimizing equipment

>> No.6389269
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>> No.6389276
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Someone who is too goddamn stupid to beat the Narshe battle calling someone else a retard, now that is rich.

>> No.6389278

Grind more.

>> No.6389290

You cant if you saved at the battle
Op is a retard

>> No.6389292

But its hard :c

>> No.6389319
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Terra a cute

>> No.6389336

>am i too underleveled?
No you're just shit

>> No.6389346

I'm pretty sure 14 through 16 is in fact under-leveled for that part of the fight. Been awhile, though.

>> No.6389348

Some are even lv11

Im fucked am i not
Better to start over?

>> No.6389349

It's almost impossible not to have your main party of 4 not face every encounter with every grunt due to how slow they move and how narrow the path to Baron is. All you have to do is move the other party's to either side of him, have your main party stay at the intersection just in front of Gau in you pic and occasionally move left if any grunts come up the other path.

Frankly this is more help than you deserve.

>> No.6389351

Weirdest thing is
I havent run from any battle
But i didnt go out of my way to grind either

>> No.6389369

It's not that you have difficulty with Kefka that worries me; it's that the grunts also seem to be routinely cleaning your clock. That's a sign you've done something very wrong. Kefka is supposed to be an absolute bastard to fight from this point froward- he's the real villain and you're supposed to hate/fear him.

>> No.6389374

>Kefka is supposed to be an absolute bastard to fight from this point froward
Nah he only has 3000 HP here.
Take Celes, Terra, Edgar and Sabin. Put all but Sabin in the back row. Clean up all the grunts by spamming auto crossbow and when you eventually fight Kefka just have either Terra or Celes spam cure on your while party while Edgar and Sabin beat away at him.
I've just never heard of anyone struggling here

>> No.6389378

I knew about that

And i can clear the generic mooks easily with well formed parties, but then fail against kefka

But when i make one strong party to rush kefka the other parties are weakened

>> No.6389380

>Nah he only has 3000 HP here.
But mid-level magicks and a quite good speed stat, Anon.

>> No.6389381


You need to build a group for fighting Kafka, and put a healer in each group otherwise.

>> No.6389383

>But when i make one strong party to rush kefka the other parties are weakened
You should probably stop ignoring this well thought out post that tells you exactly what to do >>6389349

>> No.6389386

Isnt it better to use runic with celes to absorb his magic?

>> No.6389391

You make 3 groups and only have 2 healers>>6389381

>> No.6389392

If you can time your curing with Terra properly. If you're struggling this hard just go for the cheap and nasty way to win that I said.

>> No.6389398

Ill try and see what works
Somethings bound ti work sometime right

>> No.6389404

Just have gau rage stray cat, celes runic every turn, keep Locke on standby to use potions, and sabin use whatever his strongest blitz is

People never seem to realize you dont have to use a characters turn when it comes up, you can skip them and save their turn for when you need it. Locke is fast and can throw potions out regularly, and potions wont conflict with runic

>> No.6389408

I was gonna go with celes edgar sabin and someone undecided ywt

Was that a bad party?

>> No.6389410

Skip turn? How

Ive played this game for years and didnt even know about that

>> No.6389413

I mean you can honestly get by with whatever. But if you're using celes then it make sense to use potions over magic to cure and locke is your best potion user

>> No.6389415

Honestly if you can't win, FF6 is a game that doesn't punish failure-- you retain any experience points and levels gained when you get kicked to the last save point you used. Eventually you can slam your head into a wall enough times that you'll be high enough level.

>> No.6389416


>> No.6389418

I mean yeah locke doesnt hit hard so he can use potions well steal is pointless on a boss like this right?

>> No.6389420

Why didnt i know about this all these years

>> No.6389425

I accidentally overleveled before Kefka and killed him on the first screen

>> No.6389472

What's the best way to play this for the first time? The SNES version?

>> No.6389475

Gameboy Advance has a better translation and much needed bug fixes. It's the only way to play.

>> No.6389478

But shittier music and censored celes scene

>> No.6389526


Then one group should be put at bottleneck, while the healers aggressively take the soldiers. You need to build two bottlenecks, and then seek out the other soldiers try to bear the brunt with a group that can take it.

>> No.6389637

>How do you even beat the battles of narshe?

what do mean how?
I never even had a problem with it. Granted, I'm basically a based retard who can't even remember what I did to beat him but still...
if I can do it, you can do it too.

>> No.6389645

Not gameplay, doesn't matter.

>> No.6389882

I was literally 6 years old when I beat this. Can't say I remember exactly what I did but it can't have been that hard.

>> No.6389883
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>> No.6389891

>you retain any experience points and levels gained when you get kicked to the last save point you used.
Wait, seriously? As a kid I always would reset the game when I lost and manually reload. Should I not have done that?

>> No.6389914

>am i too underleveled
no. I beat it at level 8

>> No.6389924

I just use a strong party and lay in wait.

>> No.6389974

Nah, it's ok. You don't keep your Esper bonuses after dying, so if it's later in the game you'll probably want to reset. And gaining levels early in the game means you'll have less opportunity for bonuses. Resetting after a game over can be helpful.

>> No.6390040

>If i make one strong party the weaker parties die to the mooks eventually giving me no time to rush kefka
You don't have to rush him.
Let the weaker parties die and revive.

>> No.6390910

How is "Narshe" meant to be pronounced?

I've always said "narsh-ee".

>> No.6390940

Not sure, I've always said "Narsh"

>> No.6390950

Narse, in Spanish.

>> No.6391005

Should be ok if they dont reach banon right?

>> No.6391007

I dont get how people need all 4 groups for this. get your best squad together and than equip the sprint shoes and have that person beat down every single soldier that shows up and than go fight kefka. I have never had a problem with this section since my main group outruns everything and can cover the whole tiny ass map. I mean seriously how hard is it to watch where the soldiers are and go beat their ass when they get up a bit far.

I swear its like some people dont even utilize their gear and everything available to them in the games

>> No.6391018

Nice reddit pasta, op

>> No.6391024

Narsh you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.6391030

But then why not just write it like that? That's what I always found strange.

>> No.6391042 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.6391056

I didn't realize this happened with Mario RPG until last year. I have beaten that game at least 20 times since it was released. I thought I was screwed after dying and just reset. I'm honestly surprised at how many games do this. I feel like they should let us know this will be happening.

>> No.6391067


>> No.6391068

>You don't keep your Esper bonuses after dying
I've always savescummed in JRPGs, so I didn't notice, but fucking really? Do you have a source?

>> No.6391083


fite me

>> No.6391131

This is what I do. One super group plowing straight down the middle to Kefka

>> No.6391180

How'd you get past Ultros and have trouble HERE? Just create one party to survive/take out the mooks and an OP one to take down Kefka.

Edgar (Noiseblaster)
Terra (Healing)
Cyan (Multi-hit skill)

Celes (Runic)
Locke (Attack/heal with potions)
Sabin (Aurabolt spam)
Gau (A rage that heals/Stray Cat for damage)

It's really not that hard, especially on vanilla FF. I beat that section on BNW with that setup so you really should have no problem unless you've been running from every battle.

>> No.6391225

>you retain any experience points and levels gained
Really?? Wow. That would be so helpful in other games

>> No.6391451

Is Sabin some hidden character like Gogo and Umaro? I keep hearing about some guy with lighting powers but I never got him.

>> No.6391735

>Is Sabin some hidden character
So, it truly was a b8 thread all along

>> No.6391887

FF6 really reveals the weirdest shit about people.
Sabin is part of the main cast.

>> No.6391891

Sabin is the 2nd from right front row in OP's image.

>> No.6392021

Nah sheh'll be apples m8.

>> No.6392103

That's Marsh. He's a martial artist, nothing to do with lightning.

>> No.6392121

I played the game last month ago and would have remember somebody called Sabin.
The main cast is:
Tina/Terra, Lock, Edgar, Mash, Cayenne, Setzer, Mog, Shadow, Relm and Stragus.

>> No.6392173

Just off yourself.

>> No.6392436

Weird troll thread.

>> No.6392712

IIRC, what I did was
>make group of Terra, Celes, Edgar and Sabin
>put two other groups far behind tank group
>set tank group in place near Bannon to fuck up all soldiers as they come close
>heal as necessary
>fuck up the rider
>fuck up Kefka

You could also swap out Edgar for Locke to be able to steal healing supplies, IIRC.

>> No.6393015

I hope you never play SaGa games, anon. FF6 is literally one of the easiest FFs out there, alongside FF4 and FF7.

>> No.6393041


never heard or can remember that this was his name other than Sabin.

>> No.6393057
File: 158 KB, 984x1737, Final Fantasy VI - Manual (Searchable)_0037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check the manual.
Even assuming that Sabin is a name for Mash, it doesn't explain any lightning powers.

>> No.6393075

>Even assuming that Sabin is a name for Mash
kys, tryhard weeb failure

>> No.6393109


It's to help out the poor players. If a kid keeps dying and doesn't know what he's doing, he'll eventually grind the problem away. Most of us didn't notice because these games aren't hard to beging with.

>> No.6394216

Doesnt Terra have cure?

>> No.6394308

Rhymes with marsh

>> No.6394443

>that one kid who pronounced Celes as "see-leeze"

>> No.6394445

"check the manual" he says.
it's japanese and I never owned japanese ff6.

>> No.6394451

how is she pronounced though? sa-less?

>> No.6394460

I thought it was understood to be "seh-less", as in the first two syllables of celestial, because symbolically she is the opposite to Terra (Earth) as the second lead female.

>> No.6395887

セリス SeRiSu.
How many people even pronounce Cayenne's name correctly?

>> No.6396065

For me it's Nar-Shah

>> No.6396071
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Why would I fight a brother?

>> No.6396179
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>Check the manual.
Okay, and?

>> No.6396192

Celes and Tina are named in reference to a character named Celestina from a book of the same name. "Terra" is an invention of localization and their names were never actually meant to be references to earth or space.

>> No.6396205

So they named his finishing moves "Blitz"?
Does that make sense for anybody?

>> No.6396224

That doesn't really work since the book is named ラ・セレスティーナ in Japanese while the characters are named セリス and ティナ.

>> No.6396385

my hint would be, in jprgs always grind and be ahead in levels for the zone you are going into

>> No.6396394

The World or Ruin ruined this game. It went from a tightly told story with a great sense of adventure and character moments to, eh, just go get whoever you want to fight the bad guy who is pretty much doing nothing

>> No.6396397

If you fug Terra you have to deal with her 19 kids. Celes is hotter and clearly wants an alpha male to tell her to spread her legs.

>> No.6396479
File: 4 KB, 250x166, wallOparty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Party of 4, Party of 2, Party of 1.
Party of 2 &1 stands in the choke points while party of 4 runs around tearing up the joint.

>> No.6397790

Imo WoR was great, it felt really hopeless like what's even the point of finishing the game, it's over, you lost, but that's the whole point, you don't come just far, 20 hours, into a game and just quit, you push on and finish it, just like the characters had to, and in the end it was worth it, for both them and us.

>> No.6397843

>you don't come just far, 20 hours, into a game and just quit
sure you do, when a game goes to shit and doesn't look like it'll be improving anytime soon you find something else to play that's hopefully better

>> No.6397845

imagine posting bait like this

>> No.6397849

imagine thinking people disagreeing with you is bait, just imagine being so thin-skinned

>> No.6397853

>disagreeing with you
that was my first post in the thread, get it together.

>> No.6397869

what got you so triggered then? Someone dropping a game they don't like but you do? Nice

>> No.6397872


>> No.6397879

You're really stupid, you know that?

>> No.6397885
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what else do you know about me anon?

>> No.6397953

This is very special thread

>> No.6397961

based retard

>> No.6398180

But the world of ruin music was great, that one town theme, idk the name now

>> No.6398230

Blitz means lightning in German, that's a pun

>> No.6398293

jidor perhaps?

>> No.6398991

I always liked this guy, but needing to buy an arcade stick just to do his moves really pissed me off. It's an RPG, if I wanted Street Fighter I'd play Street Fighter.

>> No.6399367

A pun on what? He doesn't have lightning powers.

>> No.6399389

>Imo WoR was great, it felt really hopeless like what's even the point of finishing the game, it's over, you lost, but that's the whole point, you don't come just far, 20 hours, into a game and just quit, you push on and finish it, just like the characters had to, and in the end it was worth it, for both them and us.

The beginning of WoR is outstanding up until you get the airship and it goes fully nonlinear. However, the final boss just waiting for you while you do sidequest after sidequest is a flaw of most RPGs (except in Chrono Trigger where it makes perfect sense lol).

>> No.6399578

It kind of makes sense in FF6 too. Kefka is so powerful he probably thinks it's funny watching your peon party run around trying to gain power to stop him, since he "knows" you can't.

>> No.6399620

You want every character to feel and play the same. Glad you arent a game dev. You know in an rpg you play the role of a character. Some characters roles are supposed to be challenging. If you cant deal with sabins input it means you are a shitty sabin. You got bad physical skills.

>> No.6399624

You inability of the characters abilities reflects something of your personality in . Welcome to the world of roleplaying

>> No.6400030

Does this work on ps1? Im hitting select but nothing happens
Maybe my controller is broken

>> No.6400125
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Blitz, eh?
Its up there with Panzer Kunst, Breaths, Kaiser Arts, Ripple, Spin, Hokuto/Nanato Shinken,
Its suppose to be named literally: The user produces some extreme techniques in a Flash or Glimt.

>> No.6400326

Saying he has lightning powers is a pun on the German meaning of the word blitz you absolute retard.

>> No.6400351

Camp the choke points.

>> No.6400525

What an annoying part

>> No.6400616
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>zoomie thought random battles where optional side content
>he probably used fast forward to skip everything and run everywhere

>> No.6400654

That's why you play the fucking Restored version.

>> No.6400671

who the fuck are these people

Unh...FF4 is one of the hardest. Right on the rest

>> No.6400709

You realize you can just skip that section entirely right?

I was about to disagree with FF4 being hardest but you're right. It probably has the most standout battles of the SNES games.

>The Magus Sisters
>the Four Fiends
>Dark Elf
>Demon Wall
>Dr. Lugae

>> No.6400712 [DELETED] 

No esper levelling bonuses tho.

>> No.6400720

the ds version ramps the difficulty even more

>> No.6400747

The DS version is probably the toughest FF using ATB. Hard to win without using buffs and status effects on bosses.

>> No.6401262


Ff6 is my fav ff but these kind of battles suck

>> No.6401269

I didnt run from any battle

>> No.6401271

You can SKIP this? How?

>> No.6401706

I don’t think you can skip it, unless there’s some sort of glitch.

>> No.6401805


>> No.6401884

thread is a shit show, however

Use a group with Celes to take on Kefka. So she can runic all his magic.
You can put Edgar with a weak partner because bio blaster rapes everything here.

>> No.6402124

I've done this on a LLG with an average level of six. Doubling that should be easy mode, just like most of this game.

>> No.6402292

All these replies to an obvious bait post.

>> No.6403638

its not bait

i was really having trouble with this boss

>> No.6403705


Hey, I haven't followed the thread for the last day or two but I want to be one more person chiming in to say that I did this as a kid without any trouble and it was so easy that I don't even clearly remember it. This is a very easy game, even for children. Good luck with your brain OP!

>> No.6403727

We all did anon