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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 58 KB, 1520x864, Nintendo 64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6392665 No.6392665 [Reply] [Original]

Getting into N64 rn, any good games on here I should get?

>> No.6392667

PlayStation and Saturn are pretty good.

>> No.6392674

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Shadows of the Empire
South Park

>> No.6392759
File: 58 KB, 642x1083, Reasoning with vroomers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to save you 200+ posts right now.
>N64 was the best system of the 5th gen
>No it wasn't, vroomer
>Recommends the same 40 or so games
>1/5 of 388 is just racing games
>PS1 has both
>PS1 is full of shovelware
>So was the N64
>OOT and MM are not RPGs, and Smash Bros. is not a fighting game
>Fucking Sonynyggers reeeee
>Saturn aged better than all 3 5th gen systems
>Half of the Saturn's good games were also Japan-only. Also neglects the photo gallery bloat.
>Only weird kids owned Saturns.
>Something about N64 owners being Chads because 4 controller ports.
>Paragraphs upon paragraphs on pointing out every last flaw of the N64.
>Dismissed in favor of buzzwords and ad hominem.
>Midway through the thread, everything reverts back to square one, as if we've reached the next lap of discussion.

Have you played Donkey Kong 64? How about Diddy Kong Racing?

>> No.6392769

thanks for the summary, I will definitely try Donkey Kong 64 and Diddy Kong racing.

>> No.6392780

That's literally in every 5th gen post. /vr/ definitely need to split up into pre and post 5th gen

>> No.6392818
File: 346 KB, 790x745, 20200503_070802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vroomer is a compliment. N64 really does have the best racing games, as well as the best games of several other genres, of course. I hope you'll continue to use it and spread the word, old boy.

>> No.6392826

Insecure and cringe. Saturn fans hate the PS1, by the way.

Try Mystical Ninja, Chameleon Twist, Star Wars (any), Perfect Dark, Pokemon Stadium (if you can get a Transfer Pak and a GB Poké game), Pokemon Snap, Turok, Mischief Makers, Paper Mario, Banjo Kazooie, and Mario Party/Golf/Tennis, for starters.

>> No.6392830

Also Pilotwings, Wave Race, Goldeneye, Star Fox, and Mario Kart, but I figured those were a given. You might also like Rocket: Robot on Wheels, Top Gear Rally, SF Rush series, Beetle Adventure Racing, Crusn World and Glover.

>> No.6392834
File: 342 KB, 640x888, diddy_kong_racing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6392892
File: 69 KB, 640x440, Front-Cover-Castlevania-NA-N64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Castlevania 64 has aged like a fine wine. Also, has one of the best intros of any game ever:


>> No.6392894

>Saturn fans hate the PS1, by the way.
No we don't. Quit falseflagging.

>> No.6392906


>> No.6392913
File: 23 KB, 326x294, 2sre1p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any good games on [N64] I should get?
>durr your PSX/Saturn discs will play on it

>> No.6392964

because one n64-shitposting-thread (>>6384659) wasn't enough...

let's just go back to how /vr/ was created: >>2

>> No.6393343
File: 1.16 MB, 640x480, kisskiss.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder Project J2 best game on the system

>> No.6393403

>the vroomer shitposter is still going
You weren't banned yet, /v/ shitposter? Reminder that this guy said that it's OK to bring down /vr/'s board quality with wojakposting.

>> No.6393407

Nice impersonation, sony fan.
Fly play thing, fly.

>> No.6393410
File: 61 KB, 640x400, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6393419

I'm a Saturn fan and I don't hate the PS1, in fact I own the original PS1, along with a PS1 mini.

>> No.6393421

You know, in a way, it's kind of cool to know that there's this one guy out there, spending many hours of his life having the N64 rent free in his head.
I mean, I know that there's a big chance he's just a /v/ zoomer who never even played retro systems on real hardware and is just extrapolating /v/ console wars into retro eras. I'm betting his first console was a PS3, but regardless, it's kind of comfy to know this guy is seething while I'm over here comfily playing Goemon's Great Adventure on real hardware. You know?
Also, Saturn is great too, so I half agree with >>6392667.
Playstation though... it's hard to go back to it, really. Most of its best games were multiplat or got better ports elsewhere.

>> No.6393425

Just so you know, japanese Sega fans have 3 main enemies: Playstation, Square and Bandai.
I'm still not sure what's with their beef with Square, but I know they hate Bandai because Bandai betrayed Sega over a merge, and well, the playstation one is very obvious: Sony forced Sega out of the console market.
Sega vs nintendo was never really a big thing in Japan, it seems more of a western thing.

>> No.6394845

Perfect Dark

>> No.6394851

007 Goldeneye
Beetle Adventure Racing
Wave Race 64
F-Zero X
Zelda OoT MM

>> No.6394883
File: 47 KB, 225x225, Luka 1402219089345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can like all three of them, you know.

Well, there are obvious ones that you should start with, if you haven't played them before:
Super Mario 64
Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask
Banjo Kazooie
Conker's Bad Fur Day

I'd also like to suggest some other things:
Rocket: Robot on Wheels
Rayman 2
Paper Mario
Doom 64
Mischief Makers
Sin & Punishment
Space Station Silicon Valley
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour

>> No.6394997

I'm this poster >>6392826. I think N64, Saturn, and Playstation all have great games and respective (and debatable) strengths and weaknesses. When I said that Saturn fans hated PS1, I was partly referring to what this anon >>6393425 said (just see the plot of SegaGaga to confirm this is/was true). The point is, insecure PS1 fanboys, constantly obsessed with N64's influence, are trying to paint an "everyone vs Nintendo" dichotomy which is laughably false, as many non-Nintendo fans also hate you insufferable faggots.

>> No.6395005

BFD is pretty-looking shit filled with cringe "humor", at least its single-player.

>> No.6395010
File: 92 KB, 480x350, 2211238-qu64640f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't care what any of you faggots think...I liked it...in a guilty pleasure sorta way.

>> No.6395021

I like! it in an unironic sort of way.

>> No.6395778

Square refused to make games for Sega. But Square games were shitty to me anyways. As for Bandai, well they don't have any games I like except for Power Rangers The Movie on the Genesis. It is sad that Playstation did force Sega out of the market, but I blame it more on the mismanagement with Sega Of America. Bernie Stolar and the 32X were huge mistakes.

>> No.6395787

I have all three systems and have games for each system. But I have always considered myself a Sega fanboy since I have more games for those systems than any other retro console.

>> No.6395954

Get any of the tony hawk games if ya find em. Especially thps1. Can't go wrong with golden eye and mario kart.

>> No.6395961

Based and RUSHpilled.

>> No.6396381

Pokemon snap is a game that people have been wanting a sequel to for fucking ever

>> No.6396592

there's like 10 good games on the n64 that would be even better if they were on hardware that could reach framerates above 11fps

>> No.6396597
File: 2.72 MB, 640x360, mario64-frame.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6396605

>>6392665 (OP)
F-fucking-Zero X my guy.

>> No.6396607

that's fucking pathetic that you have this video just like ready to go at the drop of a hat to defend your precious game console lmaooo nintendrones are so gay

>> No.6396610

I put 2 OP's. why must I fuck this up constantly

>> No.6396618

Take your meds.

>> No.6396628

DONKEY KONG 64 is an excellent game. I got 100% completion on if.

Mario Kart 64 and Banjo Kazooie are also classics. Paper Mario is great too.

>> No.6396696

>Only weird kids owned Saturns.

As it happens the only kid I knew with a Saturn was pretty wierd.

>> No.6397141


>> No.6397559

custom robo 1/2
both goemon games
doom 64
sin and punishment
mischief makers
star fox
ogre battle
paper mario
rogue squadron

>> No.6399384


>> No.6399390
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 1534182057010s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls others pathetic while being a console warrior himself

>> No.6400729

If you are just getting into N64 and have never played the games before I would start with Zelda: Ocarina of Time. If you are using original hardware I would strongly advise an Expansion Pak, too, because Majoras Mask, DK64 and Perfect Dark, Banjo Tooie will not run without it. A couple of other games will not look so good either, like Rogue Squadron and Pokemon Stadium.

Definitely get Ocarina of Time and Mario 64. I also recommend F Zero X, Star Fox 64, Goldeneye. Rogue Squadron is good too. If you enjoy Mario 64 get Banjo Kazooie and Tooie and DK64. Smash Bros. is basically exactly like Melee but with less options and graphics, and a worse controller to play on, but it is still a good game.
If you have multiple controllers and other people to play with, get one of the Mario Party games.

Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2 are good without transfer pak. The gym leader castle with rentals is a real challenge. It is a much deeper battle-strategy experience than you get on the gameboy games.


This is a good point, most PS1 classic games are probably best played NOT on original hardware.... theres only really a handful of games on other platforms you could say that about .

>trying to paint an "everyone vs Nintendo" dichotomy which is laughably false
Pretty much this. In fact how gay these guys are sort of ruins PS1 for me, and I owned a PS1 back in the day.

a lot of people bang on and on and on about Saturn but actually never play it ? This is something I have noticed about Dreamcast, too. It is strange, its like some album everyone says is amazing, the best ever but never actually listens to, except for a couple of times back in like, 1998.

>> No.6400880

>responding to sony shitposters
please do not do that