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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 31 KB, 256x231, met.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
637890 No.637890 [Reply] [Original]

How come Dr. Wily didn't make all his robot masters out of the same material he made Met's hats?

Seems like a pretty obvious way to get rid of Mega Man once and for all...

>> No.637904

If there's Mets in the Mega Man X games, who's making them?
Can they think, feel, and make their own decisions like Reploids can?

>> No.637915

Why didn't Megaman just teleport to the robot master's chamber?

>> No.637918

Why didn't Dr. Light just have Mega Man shoot mini-nukes out of his buster?

>> No.637925

Why didn't Megaman just teleport to Dr. Wily?

>> No.637932

Where did Dr. Light find the time to build like 500 capsules, think of unique upgrades for all of them, then hide them in not-so-discrete places around the world, places where Mavericks just HAPPEN to build their bases?

>> No.637937


>> No.637950

He would lose without the weapon upgrades

>> No.637953

His identity is basically a digital sentience at this point and produces the capsules based on when and where they are needed.

>> No.637957

Why didn't Megaman just teleport to the credits?

>> No.638112
File: 168 KB, 866x796, MM4-DustMan[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replayed MM4 today, great game, forgot how fucking funny this motherfucker is. WHY DOESN'T HE SHOOT THE GOD DAMN ARM CANNON

Best robot master? Yeah.

>> No.638125
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>> No.638148

What were the robot masters doing? They're not doing anything bad they're just in their boss rooms chilling out.

>> No.638152

Sounds like something form a TAS video.

>> No.638161

Why did no one in Storm Eagles Airport wonder where the fuck this capsule came from?

>> No.638190
File: 15 KB, 200x308, Brotoman 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Runs back and forth
>Doesn't follow you
>Shoots straight ahead, hoping to hit you
>Big, pitch black sunglasses
YFW Protoman is blind

>> No.638191

Besides terrorizing California?

>> No.638223

11/10 I now view this as fact.

>> No.638357

Why didn't Mega Man just kill the Joker?

>> No.638369

Why didn't Mega Man just keep all the abilities he acquired from the previous robot masters?

>> No.638374

Makes sense

>> No.638379

Not enough ram.

>> No.638384

Does anyone else find Mets kind of hot? Just look at that mouth, it's begging for a cock

>> No.638386

There was a really decent Mega man thread on /v/ last night.

Lots of awesome pictures too. It was mostly X, Zero and ZX stuff though.

>> No.638392

This thread needs moar Frodo

>> No.638420
File: 75 KB, 174x372, proto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot my picture, whoops
You wish you were this rad.

>> No.638410

Don't forget that he wears shades UNDER HIS HELMET

>> No.638434

holy mother of fuck I want him to fuck my wife so my child can be 50% of him.

>> No.638440

Proto man makes my dick shoot off like a rocket in all different directions. I sometimes have to tie my other two dicks around it so it wont go anywhere next time I hump my pillow when getting off to Mega man porn.

>> No.638445

>I hump my pillow
Whoa bro, slow down.


>> No.638446

the whistle is echolocation

>> No.638494

>Playing Mega Man 3 last week
>Haven't played it since I was a kid
>Get to Protoman fight
>Stay still and fire
>Every 2nd shot hits him
>Nothing hits me
>Beat him like this

B-bye, I guess.

>> No.638512

He let you win.

>> No.638837 [SPOILER] 
File: 94 KB, 528x796, big eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so we take some regular robot master.

Generic Man.

Mega Man goes through the level, gets to the boss





>> No.638858

go home ur drunk

>> No.638869

Shut up, Dr. Light.

>> No.638874

Did Rock know about X when Dr. Light was building him?

>> No.638876

No. They're mechaniloids.

>> No.638902

Why doesn't Megaman just teleport out of being cancelled?

>> No.638910

Why doesn't Dr. Wily just control Megaman?

>> No.638927

Why don't they just SHOOT Wily?

>> No.638956

Why doesn't Superman just put the whole world in a bottle?

>> No.638965

Why don't you go play Barbie Horse Adventures

>> No.639021
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>> No.639116


Read the nu52 Superman. That's actually a big plot point in it. And it's one of the better books anyways.

>> No.639427

Except not even three seconds later Megaman says he doesn't care and attempts to blast Wily.

>> No.639453

No, he says "....."
Localization is a pain, they also removed scenes with Roll and Auto.

>> No.639506

Why don't they make planes with the same stuff black boxes are made out of?

Also I think he tried that, it resulted in a robot that couldn't attack without hurting itself

>> No.639514

Well Asimov's rule, but I guess you would have to know who that is.

>> No.639515

This is such bullshit, Wily is shown making robots that have to harm humans ALL THE TIME. If they didn't, it wouldn't be much of an army.

Also if Rock is an Asimov robot, does that mean Wily could have stopped him all along by just telling him to stand down? He has to listen to Wily, he's a human.

Also is it implying that Mega Man would be defeated by Dr Wily just hiring someone to sit in his newest robot and just having it shoot at Mega Man constantly?

>> No.639520

He could defeat the robot. Just not harm the human.

>> No.639519

The entire "I DON'T CARE! PREPARE TO DIE WILY!!!" thing was just added in for Americans?

>> No.639526

I don't have to, his laws are in every movie or media about robots.

>> No.639534

How does that work at all, Asimov bots couldn't even sneeze incorrectly if it meant that a human was in any risk of danger. Wily gets tossed around and battered every game because of his silly contraptions.

It would still mean that Rock would have to listen to him unquestioningly as well.

I think dragging asimov logic into this whole thing was a bad move by inafune or whoever decided it initially.

>> No.639535

Well, indeed it was.

>> No.639572


>> No.639602


Choose one.

>> No.639695

Well they can catch the flu, right?

>> No.639719


>> No.639725
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>> No.639764

How is this even a thing.

>> No.639783
File: 5 KB, 160x136, cutman wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been on 4chan a long ass time, son.

That shit is from a /v/ of many years ago. Things were simpler back then. Until I saw this thread I'd forgotten I'd even saved it.

>> No.639895

got anymore retro /v/?

>> No.639906

I think that only the bosses are reploids, all the regular enemies and mid bosses are regular robits.

>> No.639941
File: 87 KB, 1253x814, Bionic Commando - Karma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.639968
File: 114 KB, 600x200, 1222559875511.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can go on and on with questions like this, especially for Mega Man.

>why not a level entirely made of spikes?

>> No.640002

why not just have the game boot to a game over screen?

>> No.640006 [DELETED] 

Wow, this board doesn't even have a million post yet. Why didn't moot shut it down?

>> No.640032

To be fair, Wily isn't exactly going to code his bots with the three laws.

>> No.640038 [DELETED] 

Slow boards with good discussion > fast boards with nothing but trolls trolling trolls

>> No.640068


Mega Man could still hit them with Rain Flush.

>> No.640090

It was the only character development he's ever had.

>> No.640158
File: 69 KB, 488x478, woodman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.640191

he's a stump.

>> No.640201

He's stump
He's stump
He's stump
He's in my head

>> No.640224

Because they were the only ones with a decent union.
No-one else has the job security that would prevent Wily from firing them if they complained about the unsafe workplace conditions.

>> No.640242
File: 46 KB, 512x475, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he might be dead

>> No.640328 [DELETED] 

>Reference to the song Lump
>By Presidents of the USA
>Robot Masters
Obama confirmed for making army of Robot Masters in order to enslave the white race.
Wily also has a Jew nose.
/pol/ was right again!

>> No.640660


>not Hardhat Hooligans

is this some PAL bullshit?

>> No.640690

Thats an unofficial name.

>> No.640729
File: 8 KB, 815x206, Comic247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a fan explaination, but I like it.

>> No.642619

what do you guys think of this?
>posting in a dead thread

>> No.642637

Denny's has better pancakes.

>> No.642669

Why does Wily build his robots to be weak to one another? Why doesn't he pick up on this fact?
Why didn't he built 8 Crash Mans?

>> No.642797

Localization Laughing Stock

>> No.643137

>why would he make metal man's weapon so strong?

also these burning questions

>why doesn't dr.wiley focus on making cheaper robots to out sell light and ruin him long term, instead of designing entire areas to compliment them and never revisit them again? who's more important then?

most people can name steve jobs and bill gates before they can name last years nobel laureates

>what university gave wiley his doctorate after the events of one?

>why do spikes kill mega man? they're just pointy + gravity, he gets beaten within an inch of his life fighting robots who can attack, spikes just chill there. why not just go between them? rounded parts can't hurt.

>> No.644803


According to who? Milliennials who read Wikipedia? I had only ever seen them called/heard of them called Hardhat Hooligans all throughout the fucking 90's, maybe you actually had to be there to notice

>> No.644857

>How come Dr. Wily didn't make all his robot masters out of the same material he made Met's hats?
>Seems like a pretty obvious way to get rid of Mega Man once and for all...
they have a name?

>> No.644916

Nintendo Power referred to them as Mets. Plus that is the only name I've ever heard them called. I've never heard the Hardhat Hooligans until this thread in fact.

>> No.646730

My theory was that there were always those four capsules, and they would relocate whenever it detected X going into battle.

>> No.646765

He probably doesn't do it deliberately, it's just a part of their design.

Like, let's take some weaknesses:
> Time Stopper beats Quick Man
Quick Man works at high speeds, so stopping time causes an overheat
> Top Spin beats Shadow Man
It says that Shadow Man has learned every technique Mega Man knows, so the Top Spin catches him off-guard
> Flash Stopper beats Pharaoh Man
Pharaoh Man is a tomb-exploring robot, so bright lights are probably bad for his visual systems

>> No.646914
File: 13 KB, 320x240, otacon in a japanese anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a weak point--I like to think of it as more of a character flaw. People and weapons just aren't complete without a character flaw, don't you think?

>> No.646976

man, 8 crash men would kick my buster-wielding ass so hard

but think of the dance party

>> No.647095

>crash man

>> No.647912

How come everyone hates on X6 for having shitty design but no one ever really talks about X8's? It's not quite as bad, but there are so many bullshit moments in most stages. Not to mention it controls like shit. At least X6 felt satisfying control-wise.

>> No.647928

A man made from robotic trees.

>> No.649994

It could also be argued that the compound is so heavy they can only make tiny robots that lift and manuever a small dome of it, which is why they can't move unless they stand up and leave themselves vunerable