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File: 2.98 MB, 640x480, dinosaur canyon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6377751 No.6377751 [Reply] [Original]

Were these good graphics in 1994...?

>> No.6377754

The arcade version yeah. Crazy advanced.

>> No.6377756

No. They were so bad they effectively killed the saturn.

>> No.6377765

awesome thread

>> No.6377881
File: 152 KB, 1280x720, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6377889

A lot of Sega's PC ports were based on Saturn versions, which sucks. I don't even think Daytona USA has 3D accelerator support.

>> No.6377891

No. The Saturn port of Daytona was an embarrassment for Sega that effectively doomed the console. It was so fucking ugly, and the framerate was so bad, that everyone was instantly convinced the Saturn couldn't do proper 3D, a notion that still persists to this very day.

>> No.6377904


>> No.6377912
File: 2.92 MB, 640x480, Quake Saturn level 2 intro.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a notion that still persists to this very day.
Are they wrong though?

>> No.6377917

It literally can't tho

>> No.6377918

>Are they wrong though?
Yes. Virtua Fighter 2, Decathlete, Winter Heat, Panzer Dragoon II, Nights into Dreams, etc. All beautiful 3D games that look better than anything the Playstation was doing at the time. The issue was that the Saturn architecture was inscrutable, meaning it took people a long time to figure out how to use it properly. Hence a lot of ugly games early on in the Saturn's life, as well as a bunch of ugly third party games.

>> No.6377929

Yeah, and they're good graphics now

>> No.6377935

It really looked bad for 1994. I wanted to buy a Saturn back then and seeign the port of Daytona USA was heartbreaking. Slow, glitchy and with a strange dark palete.

Daytona arcade never looked so dull. The video is probably comparing a badly emulated version.

>> No.6378321

zoom zoom

the daytona usa port on saturn was considered visually impressive for a home port up until the day the ridge racer port for ps1 came out

>> No.6378358

Yeah. And they had that shitty default Win95 interface, weird control scheme (Num0 is accelerate, Num2 is brake, and Z/X is steering IIRC). As far as i remember, they didn't support fullscreen. In 1997, the graphics were nothing to write home about, and the amount of content compared to PC or console contemporaries was laughable. Yep, Saturn PC ports are among the shittiest ports imaginable.

>> No.6379142
File: 1.50 MB, 4796x1289, FDFAFE5D-0DC1-4D3C-9114-0817FEBFC45A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ridge racer predates the saturn port of daytona by half a year, and the Saturn port was poorly received out of the gate.

Nice try revisionist zoomer.

>> No.6379203

Ridge Racer came out first in Japan, but Daytona came out first in the US. Regardless, they're contemporaries of one another, and Ridge Racer blew the fucking doors off of Daytona.

>> No.6379297

you couldn't tell shit about graphics from magazine articles back then
it's time to stop larping sweetie

>> No.6379328

saturn version came out in 1995 and they were bad