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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 773 KB, 2000x1500, zoomer battlestation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6372138 No.6372138 [Reply] [Original]

I'm using the lg 27gl850 with standard sRGB colour gamut and resolution integer scaled to x6. I'm using no filters/shaders. I've fired up Genesis Plus GX with "Nuked YM3438" sound emulator. It claims it is cycle accurate at reproducing sound but in games with lots of action, the sound can still lag. I've compared it against my Sega Genesis mini and it sounds MUCH MUCH cleaner and better than the mini. (I don't have a real Genesis).

I'm using the Sega Genesis mini controller as the input.

>inb4 zoomer

>> No.6372140


>> No.6372141


>> No.6372154

No. You have to play a authentic cart on an original console on a 12 inch PVM.

>> No.6372158

Change the tiny meme PVM to a 20-inch+ CRT.

>> No.6372162

No. It needs to be on the smallest PVM you can find.

>> No.6372167

>I'm using no filters/shaders.
Then the answer is no.
Shaders are necessary for graphics to display correct on LCD.

>> No.6372180


>> No.6372186
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>> No.6372203

I've tried CRT royale and while in a game like Thunder Force IV, it looks outstanding, in 3D games like Ridge Racer 4, I feel it just darkens the image and makes it slightly harder to see.

I think a lotta 2D games utilise the scanlines to show more detail but once we go 3D, it kinda falls apart.

>> No.6372236
File: 980 KB, 3226x2419, 1587677574114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best way to play retro games is the way that's accessible to you and that let's you enjoy the experience. I prefer original hardware but do think that emulation is superior in some regards due to things like increased disk read speed and being able to use whatever controller you want, not to mention the overall reliability of emulation compared to original hardware.
On original hardware you get the "feely" satisfaction from popping in a cart and interfacing with the game in a way that the developers intended it to be as well as the nostalgia factor in some cases.
I play on whatever is convenient at the time, and your setup looks nice.

>> No.6372247

Where I live it's vitually impossible to locally find retro hardware. If you buy overseas, shipping is an arm and a leg due to NZ being virtually in the middle of nowhere. The oldest console I have is a PS2 (inb4 not retro). and while PS2 emulation is amazing, it's an absolute pain to use since many games need to be individually configured to avoid graphical errors unlike popular 16 bit consoles which have had near perfect emulation for a while now.

Although using a PS2 is a helluva lot easier, I hope someday PS2 emulation is as good as 16 bit and 5th gen. I would love to explore original hardware, but atm, that's not accessible where I live.

>> No.6372270

>original console
>not an analogue repro

>> No.6372398
File: 442 KB, 2048x1578, IMG_20200424_044202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right, there's too much screen real estate to keep an eye on while playing Shmups on large TV's, smaller monitors allow you to focus and react faster.

>> No.6372413
File: 1.93 MB, 4608x2184, 1586638854399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great setup OP! Mine's pic related. Definitely seems like we have similar tastes.

>> No.6372565

it's not even funny when you're being so obvious

>> No.6372612

Not bad. At least you care about sound, unlike the majority of fuckers out here who will spend insane amount of time arguing about the type of screen while sound is dog shit.

>> No.6372618

makes me laugh everytime

>> No.6372626

wat game?

>> No.6372635

It's Thuder Force IV, one of the best shmups on the MD.

>> No.6372656
File: 81 KB, 205x272, sad_history.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6372725

please tell me that someone who originally posted that pic wasn't serious lol

>> No.6372809

>no crt
didnt even read the post

>> No.6372825

Somewhere along the way gamers got memed into this quest for the perfect experience... Do you do the same thing for breathing ? Eating ? Your studies ? Your work ? Just fucking play man...

>> No.6373221

honestly this, OP is enjoying playing games, most people that neg are just collectors

>> No.6373242

>Genesis/MD controller
>Active monitors
>Sat at a desk

Far from ideal but you could do worse. You could be using headphones, or an xbox controller, or no integer scaling. Ideal is:

>Large (26"+) 4:3 CRT with RGB
>Passive hifi
>Comfy sofa, recliner or armchair
>Real hardware, good condition controllers

>> No.6374492

Terrible display for retro games.
>the sound can still lag
What on earth are you talking about.
>it sounds MUCH MUCH cleaner
Did you enable the low pass filtering? it's disabled by default. The cutoff % needs to be adjusted too. 55 is closest to a model 1 megadrive.

>> No.6375895

>Awful scanlines
>Not even an OEM 360 controller
Truly, the way developers intended

>> No.6375920

For graphics that were meant to blend, displaying them differently can change the whole feel of a game. Sonic Spinball's first table is a severe example.

>> No.6375938

>ultimate way to play retro games
>flat screen

>> No.6376049
File: 912 KB, 291x316, 1586315386354.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>original NES with carts worth god knows how much
>China repro mini-nes with +400 games preloaded
Wowzee wonder which I'll buy hmm

>> No.6376071
File: 45 KB, 640x582, cf87yc38f1u41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China repro mini-nes with +400 games preloaded

Enjoy your graphical glitches, shit scaling, poor sync, and as-is warranty when it finally arrives 3 months from now.

>> No.6376076

enjoy eating ramen for the next few months so you could afford original hardware

>> No.6376094


>> No.6376101


How does it feel to be poor?

>> No.6376119
File: 90 KB, 128x128, wizpepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the (You), I actually have the original NES I bought in the 90s, but since the original cartridges cost a shit ton, I bought the mini-nes with all dem games. I see absolutely NO difference when playing them. I also got the wireless controllers, just to spite (You)s.
You autistic /vr/elitists don't see any difference either, I think it's just a mix of autism/nostalgia that's gets to you.

>> No.6376150

I knew some american would pipe in with that. Always happens. You got a wall of original carts son?

>> No.6376167

>I bought in the 90s

Go to bed gramps

>I see absolutely NO difference when playing them

Because you are an ignorant faggot who can't Google.

>> No.6376370

Fair enough but you know you can change the input and output gamma in the parameters so it’s not dark

>> No.6376531
File: 83 KB, 267x286, final death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is on /vr/

>> No.6376648

4chan ain't the secret hideout, anymore.

>> No.6376683

This, original Japanese release CIB on the original hardware using first party accessories on a CRT TV

>> No.6376691

If buying a Famicom game for 200円 (because 500円 for CIB seems like it’s too much) is expensive for you then I’d suggest finding a better job

>> No.6376694

Gramps is an old tripfag that uses to go by babbagesgramps or some shit. He had a distinct way of writing posts and those of us that knew him still think he lurks and posts anonymously, but he most likely died of autoerotic asphyxiation.

>> No.6376741

Are you LARPing or have you actually developed early onset dementia and cataracts at such a young age?