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6368896 No.6368896 [Reply] [Original]

Looking to replay FFVII after playing through remake. Is the Beacause retranslation mod worth downloading? I know the original translation is shit but have heard the fan retranslation is too literal and loses the charm of the original. Does anyone have an opinion on this or any other must run mods?

>> No.6368921

just play the original, the badness of the translation is overstated
cranking the battle speed to max matters more for your experience

>> No.6368924
File: 1.35 MB, 1920x1200, RetroArch Screenshot 2020.04.22 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my opinion, I like the OG translation. The weird phrasing and occasional mistakes just kinda add to the overall incoherence of FFVII's storyline at times, which is just how I remembered it as a kid. A lot of "Huh? WTF?" and just really enjoying the weirdness of the game as a whole.
>Does anyone have an opinion on this or any other must run mods?
I think the only must run mod is to not play the PC port at all, and instead play the PSX version over RetroArch using the appropriate Beetle PSX HW settings and a CRT shader that blends the low-res 2D backgrounds with the 3D character models. An anon in a previous thread recommended this video as an explainer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sl0CWiHNu0U
My preferred shader is pic related, the NTSC S-Video Gaussian Scanline preset. But the one in the video works well too.

>> No.6368931

Yeah it's shit, not a fan. It's fake-literal, if that makes any sense. It's written like a bad literal fan-translation but isn't actually accurate since its author didn't know Japanese, just had a contact who he corroborated with that did. His quirky brand of autism is pretty legendary in the FF7 scene, I don't know if Beacause has been fixed up in recent years but it used to be a laughing stock. The PC version already has a cleaned up albeit imperfect translation so I'd just play it as-is.

>> No.6368947


Thanks for the input, looks like I'll stick with the PC release. Wasn't aware the PC ver had fixed so much with the script, even if it isn't perfect.


Those CRT filters look incredible. That's exactly how I remember it looking when I played it as a kid. Changing Barret to Bullet is pretty disgusting though.

>> No.6368950

Beacause is shit
Just makes the writing overly formal instead of fixing any errors
Just play the original translation

>> No.6368952

>I know the original translation is shit
It's not, you got memed on. Your image is the most obvious example, but you'd actually have to go out of your way to point out any other glaring examples.

>> No.6368953


>> No.6368982

>CPU Freq: 150%
>GTE Overclock: On
>GPU raster overclock: 2x

Slightly off topic but I can't believe I never tried this before, this works perfectly with Parasite Eve, and other PSX games that feel kinda slow

>> No.6368997

Beacause is the reason why I don't bother with retranslation projects for the most part. They take some of the charm apart. I don't know if there's a proper retranslation of FFIX, that's the only game I can think of that would probably benefit from a proper retranslation but even so, there aren't many groups out there trustworthy enough to do a good fucking job.

>> No.6369065

There's some professional gems in the rough like Tomato but a large part of the fantranslation scene is people that have just barely picked up the language. Some periodically update their patches as they improve, which is good, but many just dump the same overly-literal shit with no nuance online and move on to the next. It's not a good way to learn and it's not fun to read.

>> No.6369097

Let's not beat around the bush. Most translators nowadays are fucking commies.

>> No.6369346

>Is the Beacause retranslation mod worth downloading?
It's pretty dry. It doesn't add much to the experience desu, compared to the original translation. The game are good the way it is

>> No.6369451

>Is the Beacause retranslation mod worth downloading?
Yes. It's a lot better than the original. The only bad thing is cait sith talks like those scottish/welsh joke characters in modern dragon quest/ninokuni games.

>> No.6369471

the original has a lot of typos
the pc version is the original with typos fixed and not negligible amount of changes including strange pop culture references
the fan translation is straight garbage

The original translation gets a lot of flak but it's not that bad and has tons of soul

>> No.6369509

Beacause is an improvement, but not as good as it should be.

Bear in mind that the scope of FF7 was much larger than any game of its kind at the time of its development. Its total text volume was probably at least twice as large as any game that came before it and which also needed a complete localization (what I mean by this is that there are probably text-based games that dwarf it, but in terms of top-tier commercial games, this most likely was king). Square probably undershot the budget, staffing, and time considerations on this thing because no one had ever done something of this scale before. I've heard it was just one guy doing the entire text, though I've never seen anything confirming this. But the hallmarks of such an effort do seem to be there — uniformity of tone, hasty errors.

Now when you look at the job from this perspective, FF7's English script doesn't seem that bad. It is bad, in a vaccum, but I doubt that any one person given 1997 resources and put in that spot with time constraints could do a better job.

So, with that said, Beacause is bad because it *should* be spotless. These guys were fans with unlimited time and internet resources. Yet the final product mostly seems concerned with cleaning up grammar/spelling/syntax issues, which are petty. These are the sorts of things amateur grammar Nazis get hung up on and feel superior when they share memes about knowing when to use the correct "your." Yet the meat of the script, the actual information that's there to be absorbed? If the original translator missed it, Beacause usually misses it as well.

>> No.6369590

Not sure why you'd want to play through FF7 again if you could just post a craigslist wanted ad for a black guy with a BBC to come over and use your holes anonymously. It'd be just as gay but take a lot less time.

>> No.6369752

FF8's translation was even more of a shitshow. Apparently Squaresoft of Japan just gave the localization team the retail Japanese discs and said "Go translate, we believe in you."

There's an interview out there where they mention that their tools were basically just a retail PS1 with a Gameshark and their PCs.

>> No.6369871

That's whack. I don't trust that shit. There are so much things that don't make sense if that's the case.

>> No.6369882
File: 1.13 MB, 1177x720, wtflol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it really is that bad. I'm replaying the game right now and this line made it seem like Aerith and Tseng were childhood friends, even though in the flashback to her childhood he was still an adult. God knows how much other stuff was lost in translation, so I can't really blame people for being confused for the first time playing it.

>> No.6369928

That's such a minor thing and one that would only really be confusing without context. The original isn't perfect by any means but the story can still be understood.

>> No.6370034

I can't find the particular interview I'm thinking of but it is mentioned in these:


> We would get a copy of the game, and we would say, “Well, what about files?” And they would say, “Oh, I don’t think you need those.” So we all bought Game Sharks.

>You know, they were using GameSharks to hack FF8 so they could get to text because nobody would give them files. Because, “Oh, you need files to do translation?” That was news to the dev team at that point.

>> No.6370045

Tally of opinions on the Beacause translation so far.

For Beacause: 3
Not for Beacause: 6

This post is an excellent constructive look at what Beacause really is:


For an extensive breakdown on what was overlooked in the translation we got of Final Fantasy VII, this video series is highly recommended.


It's probably not worth watching the entire thing unless you're a die-hard Final Fantasy VII fan and really want to see what the dialogue elucidates about the story since the series is several hours. But I would recommend anyone to watch a few minutes of it, because it shows just how much was lost in translation, in three senses: one, flat-out missing lines of dialogue, two, how a general lack of knowledge or communication with the original developers and writer about the setting and characters can inform decisions on how to translate the text, and three, how loose translation can alter the meaning of what was clearly actually trying to be conveyed, the original often being more detailed even if taking up the same amount of words. He goes through the Japanese text, and it's remarkable how much clearer it is about countless plot points. The point is, when it comes to translating, one way of phrasing something could seem to "get the job done" but not be adequate in terms of what was lost.

>> No.6370101

Literally who gives a shit? Just play the original game. It isn't poorly translated just because of "this guy are sick" you fucking morons.

>> No.6370108

>plug ears
>close eyes
>scream as loud as you can
you're still retarded though

>> No.6370112

I wouldn't want to play any version that says "Let's Mosey" is wrong

>> No.6370113

Retranslations are done by commies, and you can't persuade me otherwise. There was literally nothing wrong with the initial FF7 translation.

>> No.6370115

This. Autistic Cloud is best Cloud.

>> No.6370116

>Splitting hairs about "Newcomer" and "New Guy"
Pure fucking autism

>> No.6370117

>he actually clicked the link

>> No.6370120

All I know is the re-translations of VI robbed Kefka of all his charm and made him generic as fuck . I can't imagine it does any favors for Sephiroth who was already a bland faggot

>> No.6370121

I have tons of issues with the Brave New World hack, but its characterization of Kefka is not one of them. They nailed that aspect.

>> No.6370170
File: 11 KB, 1024x896, bof2-bad-translation-005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's honestly no reason to ever use a retanslation patch for a game unless it's Breath of Fire 2, that shit was straight up incomprehensible and it's a fucking miracle on how that ever managed to get past testing.

>> No.6370184

They didn't have a Woolsey. Give him all the shit you want, he was still a competent translator at a time when that was a rarity.

>> No.6370204

>We were little
It's the royal we.

>> No.6370217
File: 109 KB, 1197x800, CaitsgoingnomatterWHATyousay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did they ever finish it

>> No.6370227

hahahaha, oh wait we're talking about THAT translation?
Stick with the original, OP

>> No.6370235

Yep, retranslations are always subject to the author's inevitable autism. You literally cannot have a competent retranslation, because the type of person who wants to do it will inevitably insert their own retarded memes.

>> No.6370252

The video would be credible if not for being notorious slime merchants Kotaku.

>> No.6370253

>he clicked the link

>> No.6370254 [DELETED] 

>Looking to replay FFVII after playing through remake.
oh my god, why would you ever play FF7"""""sequel""""" before having played the original!?

>> No.6370259

Is this using internal upscaling? The player models look to clear

The original resolution and aliasing make the models blend more imo, emulator upscaled FF7 screenshots always look shite

>> No.6370260

>Looking to replay FFVII after playing through remake.
oh my god, why would you ever play FF7"""""sequel""""" before having played the original!?

>> No.6370267

I don't know if this is a problem in the japanese version but I hated how everything was fucking abbreviated. It's becomes kinda obvious what they mean but I've never seen that as in issue in most other SNES jrpgs.

>> No.6370271

Japanese characters are more concise than Roman, my brainlet friend.

>> No.6370274

And yes, you did see it in other SNES JRPGs. FFVI has 'D.' for 'dragon' all over the place.

>> No.6370292

There is nothing inaccurate about the text in your image. You get 100% of the intended meaning even if one of the words are wrong.

>> No.6370297

>no but I need to remove Cait Sith from the game and replace him with my own autistic OC!

>> No.6370352

>>no but I need to remove Cait Sith from the game and replace him with my own autistic OC!
I'm not familiar with this, what are you referring to? I thought his appearance was stupid but I'd never think of removing him all together.

>> No.6370368


>> No.6370376

Oh, wow, that's fucking ridiculous. Where the hell do get off thinking you have to do something like that. It's just a goddamn re translation.

>> No.6370380
File: 144 KB, 320x213, catwat2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dude whines about poor writing and "poor understanding of fiction" yet names the character Judas Iscariot.

>> No.6370404
File: 12 KB, 320x288, 11335-nomura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Judas Iscariot
Confirmed for being in the next episodic release of the FF7 remake

>> No.6370437

please don't talk about non-retro sequels, kthx

>> No.6370503

in a lot of cases, they only had so much space to write things, and unfortunately, english text tends to need more characters than japanese
like good luck translating an item list when you only have space for 6 characters, or conveying status effects with 3 characters
modifying the games to suit longer text was not always an option, so liberties had to be taken, this is how posion effect becomes "pzn", or health potions become "life.p"

>> No.6370514

Are there any joke translations worth checking out? I've always thought of how replayable some JRPG would be if someone were to rewrite it completely like really absurd fanfiction or something else. I remember 2 decades ago playing some examples in my native language, but they usually were only 5% complete or were just about poop or dick jokes.

>> No.6370540
File: 76 KB, 1200x675, EU_b3QWWsAELF-i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this one.

>> No.6370625
File: 12 KB, 303x282, 1403873869775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't that just some weeb subs mockery video

>> No.6370845


Did you miss the "replay" part of the post?

>> No.6370848


Do you actually lose your materia if it's on aerith? That's kind of fucked.

>> No.6370920

If you're wondering why the autist is uppity here it's because he only made the Iscar thread after dozens of people complained about him integrating his OC into Beacause, claiming with a straight face it was closer to the developers intentions because Cait was a "last minute addition". He never gave a god damn about an accurate translation, he doesn't even speak the language, he just wanted an excuse to let his autism run wild with donut steels and giving everyone (except that bastard Cait Sith!) formal speech.

>> No.6370925

99% sure it just goes back into your inventory

>> No.6370942

Lol, imagine playing Japanese games in English.

>> No.6371196

>Is this using internal upscaling?
Yes. Just my personal preference when it comes to 3D+2D PSX games. Upscale the polygons for anti-aliased character models, then apply a CRT filter with gaussian blur and scanlines to blend them with the low res background. It looks great in motion on my monitor, but I can see why other people would prefer the low res models.

>> No.6371849


>> No.6371919

Her equipment and accessories are lost, but you don't lose the materia she had on her.

>> No.6372004
File: 613 KB, 498x498, hmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw trying to understand equipment names in 7th Saga as a kid

>> No.6372304
File: 71 KB, 1200x675, EU_b-ubXYAI31BH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk I just thought it was funny

You lose her currently equipped weapon and armor but not the accessories or materia.

>> No.6372339

and this is the main reason people are against the translation, it's a bit silly as you could just rename her. that and phoenix "tails"

>> No.6372616

Nope just the weapon. Everything else is returned to the inventory.

>> No.6372632

Wouldn't that be actually immersive to lose equipment along witht he character? Just killing someone in the plot is meh, but actually hurting you is something that could make you hate the villain. Add a chance to recover equipment afterwards if you're clever about it on top, and it'd start looking like you have some game designers as well as artists in your shitty fucking company.

>> No.6372646

But then you could just take all your stuff back from her corpse so it;s no big deal.

>> No.6372653

Cloud is a characte with a personality, so it makes sense he'd bury her without looting, but then there could be a quest to retrieve Aeris's shit when Cloud isn't even around. Come to think of it, FFVII actually has a quest where you stuff is taken and you get to really hate the character who did that and are free to actually pursue her because you want to and not just because the script says so.

>> No.6374423

>Just killing someone in the plot is meh, but actually hurting you is something that could make you hate the villain.
I don't get why you don't consider Aerith being killed as not hurting the player directly, killing her off means you can't ever use her in your party along with her limit break like Healing Wind which at least I found to be pretty useful. Her taking her materia with her would just be annoying and most people would just work around it by reloading their save and unequipping everything off of her.

>> No.6374473

...You ARE using the mod that has background images upscaled by an AI, right?


>> No.6374498

No because that looks like muddy vomit.

>> No.6374683

This is the guy who translated Beacause? Yuck, I can hardly consider his translation now.

>> No.6374698

She leaves your party for good well before she dies. Whoever wrote this did not play the game.

>> No.6374765
File: 100 KB, 724x628, ff6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6374832

This. I just played through the original FFVII for the first time (using the PSP, hooked up to a CRT) and the translation is completely understandable. You might struggle with it if you have double-digit IQ, but for everyone else it's perfectly serviceable.

>> No.6374907

That's how he was in the original Japanese version, you can thank Woolsey for his popularity in the west.

>> No.6375218

Speaking of her corpse, why didn't they give Aeris a proper burial? Cloud let her body sank into the water, but her body would've floated back up after it bloats from gassing and it would look gross.

>> No.6375223

>I prefer the term 'drug dealing'
I have no clue why would anyone play something like this, let alone write it, but I lol'd at the screenshot.

>> No.6375236

The original translation is not too meticulously edited, but it's good. Certainly better than the originals cript, which was an absolute mess, and of course it's much better than the fantranslation, which is stilted and wildly amateurish. Just knowing Japanese is not nearly enough to be able to make a proper translation of something.

>> No.6375269

>Z-Entity Fortissimo
>Cross-Triad Overknuckle
>Kirin Mail but had a typo
>Seven Seas Robe
>Despair Renderer
>Futanari Shield

>> No.6375271

of course not

>> No.6375584

duh, that's why they buried her with her armour on

>> No.6375617

All the remake has done is made me appreciate the days when games were 100% complete with no extra DLC, multiple parts, or any other bullshit.

>> No.6375806
File: 1.08 MB, 1268x912, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing it right now and just about to enter the temple of the Ancients.

It's meh. I wouldn't call it bad but it isn't really done well. Better than the original I guess but the original felt like it was done by one guy who was given less than a month to do it. Original could have been worse I guess where they could have removed a whole side area like in Persona 1 with Snow Queen.

I do say playing it with a guide it's funny how much has changed on the lower end of things. "Phoenix Down" is called "Phoenix Tail" and "Elemental Materia" is called "Property Materia"

I'm going to keep because it's been like 20 years since I've last played it and don't really want to touch the original again but I wouldn't really say it's a great way to experience it.

>> No.6375813

That's kind of crazy to read considering FF8 is pretty much the start of how Square would do FF localization with item, monster, and even spell names where solidify with FF8.

>> No.6376082

The reason for that is because names and menu info are typically the easiest parts to fix, as opposed to entire context-sensitive statements. Plus you also end up seeing shit like the Property thing where the guy started to nitpick things he shouldn’t have in the name of “Look at all the work I did!” Property is less specific and could imply it extends to statuses, whereas that materia only deals in elements.

>> No.6376421
File: 3.07 MB, 1440x1080, Final_Fantasy_IX_Disc_1-181213-190259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The original resolution and aliasing make the models blend more imo
You mean using SSAA?
Yeah, that's the best shit.

>> No.6376430

Do people unironically use filters like these? If I look at that for more than a minute straight my eyes start packing their things and going somewhere else.

>> No.6376441

It's not a proper mod, anything automatic is prone to have some serious problems. FFVII is one of those games that look like shit no matter what you do though. No amount of shaders, not playing it on a PS1 through a standard CRT, nothing like that, it's always had shitty graphics.

>> No.6376446

You saw it in full scale? It will look bad if not in 100% scale.
To do that open the image in a new tab and click on it to see how it actually looks.

>> No.6376448

Yeah I did. I have to look at it from across the room not to get my eyes tired. I understand they blend better, but if you blur any two images together enough, they will end up blending too.

>> No.6376456

Are there any other re-translations? Or attempts to clean up or clarify what was being said?
I don't like a lot of fan translations because they don't have any flair. Really just want someone to clean up grammar, fix legit mistranslations, and clarify lines that could be misleading.

>> No.6376464

>"Phoenix Down" is called "Phoenix Tail" and "Elemental Materia" is called "Property Materia"
Shit like that bothers me too. Or changing names to reflect Japanese pronunciations or spelling. Once it's released in a country, just roll with it. But at least for the main characters of FF games I can usually change the names to whatever I want..

>> No.6376550

That would be nice. That and remove toilet humor and western pop culture shit that wasn't in the original. Added charm is fine with me if the translation is accurate, but cancer is not.

>> No.6376585

What would you define as cancer?

>> No.6376702

The dude was also hounded by bossmen who didn't understand nor give a shit about anything except DOSH, and in addition, little time or resources to translate with, as well as not making mommy nintendo mad because you said a naught word because that word's not as bad in japan. Oh no, you said hell, off to gay baby jail with you.

Dude did great stuff with what he had.
Same with the guy who had to translate MGS, read it, and decided it was an incomprehensible mess. He also did the SOTN translation too, and basically is responsible for
DIE MONSTER. This makes him the coolest guy ever, and he's allowed to come over and fuck my sister.

>> No.6376898

Internet memes are the worst, then injected Hollywood movie/tv and American politics references, then in no particular order: injected flaming faggotry, injected moralfag "muh -isms/-phobias" preaching, and injected disgusting scatological humor. Also lolsorandumb shit writing in lieu of any actually good jokes, if it's not used sparingly enough. An exception is given for games that were meant to be memegames. I don't mind some Woolseyisms, some games I would say were incredibly boring in their original item names and scripts (even when reading the actual Japanese and not those translation comparisons) so I understand why one would prefer some charm injection in localized games. Some people just want their game to be the best it can be rather than a work of art, and I can respect both positions. Some games I go for a full retranslation, sometimes even more literal, some a relocalization, some a compromise patch, often I'm perfectly fine with the official localization. It's really up to each person how much they'll tolerate, but I tend to go with retro Nintendo standards but with a bit more accuracy.

>> No.6376992

That's pretty bad. It would have been simple to release two patches: one that just fixed types like "This guy are sick" and "Beacause ............you are a puppet" and one that added his personal preferences. The guy clearly just made this patch to show off because *HE* knows best and what the most ideal names are for everything. I don't know of a single other translation that says "Phoenix Tail." Forget about it.

>> No.6376993

>>Futanari Shield
Interesting name.

>> No.6377038

Was gonna say "Fortune Shield" but that wasn't silly enough.

>> No.6377079

i'm not going to even argue with you because you're the type that literally can not see anything but what they've already decided is correct, i'm just gonna say "lol retard" and drop it.

>> No.6377090

English: Poison. 6 characters.
English abbreviated: PSN/PZN or even PN. 3 or 2 characters
Japanese: 毒. 1 character.

>> No.6377126

wow, that looks really nice

>> No.6377138
File: 63 KB, 677x478, (JPEG Image, 677 × 478 pixels).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely, even in 1997 the 3D models of FF7 were mediocre, the backgrounds were pretty nice, though
can't be too hard on them since it was their first 3D ff, and first on the playstation, but no, it wasn't ever a good looking game
just look at resident evil 1, a good half a year older, also a 3D models over 2D backgrounds game, and it's 3D models are far, far better

>> No.6377193

i remember reading in a magazine when ff8 was coming out that square underestimated the ps1 and thats why 7 purposely looked like shit
if all the models were on par with the cloud vs sephiroth final bossfight it would have been kino

>> No.6377942
File: 173 KB, 1024x768, PSOGL2_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny enough "Add Effect" is left as is so I don't even know what he was trying to do.
Guess if there's one good thing is all the spells have their weird suffix instead of just "Fire 2"

Overall it's not great and sadly the PC version is just takes the PSX version and did some quick edits to it back when Eidos handled it if I remember right. Still going to finish it but if you are going to use it just be mindful it's like many fan translation as in not great and lots of weird things that you don't really understand why and don't really want to.

>> No.6378026

I've only ever heard of good translations from english to whatever someone speaks here. I've never seen or heard someone say a japanese game was translated well ever, there's always way too much dickwaving around muh pure nihonese spirit, especially with sacred texts like FF7. Spare yourself the autistic sperging and just play the game.

>> No.6378043

if you're looking to replay the game, I'd suggest playing the PC version with the New Threat mod. It's a good difficulty/rebalancing mod, pretty fair in its difficulty too.

>> No.6378093

It's not just that. I look down on translations because I come from a country that had translations of the English translations (or pure western games originally in English), and it kinda opens your eyes to the amount of bullshit that gets through when it's so easy to compare.
Final Fantasy VII in particular was a ridiculous example of a shitty translation of a shitty translation. Made no fucking sense in my native language. Then I played Silent Hill and a puzzle was translated so badly, it was not beatable, and this was before the internets (as commonplace stuff) so I couldn't go dig some FAQ for the true answer. Had to set it to English, the hints made sense, and I suddenly found that I could actually read enough English to stay that way.
Eventually I kept finding similar stuff in English translations, and talking to Japanese people made me realize a lot of shit was just made up in many games (from lost references to bad instructions to shipbait that wasn't there originally). With my prior experience that just made me consider the original to be the best option, always, unless it has some sort of bugfix or convenience feature to make up for it.
It's not just Japanese, I'll go original wherever I can, I'm not watching a Hollywood movie in my native language because I know they are gonna fuck shit up.

Now, if you don't mind the errors or made up shit, that is fine. But you can kinda see where I'm coming from here. Can't talk for the rest but that's my reason to prefer original versions.
From fan translations you can expect lacking professional quality because it's some kid or young adult in his basement doing it for the lulz or e-fame, but in the regular ones I'm paying actual money for that shit (and given currency conversions, I'm paying more than Japan and America for a lower quality product. I'm not rewarding incompetence because when I fuck up my boss chews my ass, he doesn't give me a raise)

>> No.6378219
File: 373 KB, 1061x1500, 81046739_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6378428

>Acknowledges a charm in the original
>Is still irked by the bad translation

Pick one.

>> No.6378468

I was interested in playing a PC version of the game with some updated features, but is there a mod that fixes the mouths and the blinking issue? If not I'll just end up emulating the PSX version.

>> No.6378483

There're lots of mod of FF7.
Last time I played, I installed Jessie >>6378219
Jessie joins you when you're in the intro, vs that first boss.
She uses Tifa's model, in battle.

>> No.6378646
File: 74 KB, 500x394, GOTTA_GO_FAST.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite change is simply using the half-encounter-rate materia from the beginning using a cheat. Makes the game faster and a fair bit harder.

A lot of FF games from 5 onward had some built-in mechanism to let you do this. Great for quick replays.

>> No.6378653
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Bro I feel like I'm wearing the wrong 3D glasses for this.

>> No.6378708
File: 1.37 MB, 3134x1200, none vs GTU - Dragon View (U).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are filters that are much less intrusive, designed for simulating the pixel smearing, without so much of the ugliness. Takes some getting used to, but I've really turned around on these shaders.

Easymode-Halation for 2D. GTU for early 3D games (or chunky 2D like in this pic).

There's always a trade-off between resolution and immersion, particularly in older games. Graphics are all about maintaining an illusion. It's the same argument as with movies and motion resolution (24 vs 60+ fps).

Ultimately it's up to you and your own preferences.

>> No.6378790

even the original japanese version was pretty rushed, since they scrapped the N64 build and had to start over.

That being said some confusing can be chalked up to player error too. You can be so focused on where to go or specific game mechanics, that you miss/overlook small details that were supposed to set up big plot points later on.
Stuff like fighting a jenova monster every time you happen to see sephiroth, or the first few reuinion guys that establish why number tattoos are important.

>> No.6379104

>even in 1997 the 3D models of FF7 were mediocre
In the local areas and overworld anyway. The in-fight models were pretty okay. And the animations were often quite decent as well. Some were a little stiff.

>> No.6379213

where i can find tifa x aerith porn

>> No.6379232

I'm talking about the english version of the game since OP presumably speaks it. Translations of translations is a separate issue, and something that wasn't really a problem for english games since there was rarely ever anything between them and the source, and the translators generally at least tried. Even in the all your base are belong to us days you'd hardly ever see something like the spanish FF7 apparently using fiesta for party in the menu, and I don't think I've ever run into an unsolvable puzzle because of translation problems. Obviously native is best but translations exist for a reason, and there has to be some sort of good enough point if you don't speak Japanese, which usually does get hit if you're not far away in the telephone game. Most of the time the nitpicks are inconsequential, and even in cases like "X isn't as flirty in the original" you can just go "oh ok" and move on with it since the hero is going to kiss his true love in the cutscene anyway. And even then a lot of times when someone posts their literal dialogue and what it *should* be you can see where the original translator got the flirty idea from, leaving you to wonder what headcanon agenda the critic is trying to push, which seems to rear its head a lot when fans try to "fix" the game. Many of these arguments have far more of an interpreting God's will vibe to them like they're biblical verse instead of egregious errors. If you want to be a scholar of the game then yeah go for it, but like I said originally there's essentially no pleasing them, especially when 99.9% of the people making such statements don't speak Japanese anyway and are just parroting what they heard from someone else. If you're just a person that wants to play the game it's more than good enough.

>> No.6379420

I don't remember that line, was it fixed in the PAL version?

>> No.6379448

internet has it

>> No.6379459

>loses the charm of the original
If by original you mean the dodgy commercial rewrite then maybe; but it's probably better to know the truth than to believe in a lie.

>> No.6379474

>Really just want someone to clean up grammar, fix legit mistranslations, and clarify lines that could be misleading.
That's supposedly what Because does since it's not some pre-release fan translation if that's what you thought.

>> No.6379587

Damn, how did you fucking guess I was talking about Spanish FF7? I'm impressed.
Yeah of course, translations exist for a reason. I happen to have an easy time picking languages up, but I know it's not a common thing.

Keep in mind, I do agree with you. If it wasn't because of the horrid quality of Spanish translations growing up I probably wouldn't give a shit and accept the compromise, but one thing is failing to honor a character's words and another to fuck up descriptions and tutorials and telling you to go to places that don't exist, mangling critical plot points or even failing to properly convey the colors needed to solve a puzzle.
However, I can concede that the most trainwreck-y translations can be charming. I went through Breath of Fire 2 in Japanese recently, it made everything clean and tidy, but Jesus Christ, the original English translation is so fucking bad that it's kind of charming. Somehow the re-translation feels the worst despite added pizzaz and longer strings for enemy and attack names. Like some weird hybrid that isn't the actual script but also not as hilarious as the original translation, so it falls kinda flat.

The stuff I'm not accepting is stuff like Pokemon. The Spanish translation reeks of amateurs that just discovered flowery language and are trying too hard to be child-friendly (way more than other languages I know) to the point of sounding kind of creepy at times, all names are fucking random and don't even re-translate to the same thing as in English. (Having some bald scientist dude talk to your underage character like one of those dudes in To Catch A Predator (regional equivalents) is very uncomfortable)

>> No.6379595

This thread got me thinking about the original autistic retranslation project for Chrono Trigger. The guy behind that one is still at it with Lufua 2.

>> No.6379736

I know what you mean, Lufia 2 has a lot of things like that where some enemies are translated by how I assume the japanese pronounce them, like liches become leeches or golems are gorems and so on, I assume the translators weren't very familiar with dnd monsters. I consider stuff like that fun since the meaning is apparent and doesn't get in the way much, and I suppose I am more forgiving to it all generally since I remember when east and west were far more distant than they are today. Overall it seems like the broad strokes still get across though, though I will not deny being fortunate for not having to deal with translations of translations.

>> No.6379813


>> No.6380243

People here literally can't slow down to read the fucking posts they reply to.

>> No.6380248

>cranking the battle speed to max matters more for your experience
Ya gotta stop giving this bad advice. Doing that gives enemies more turns (with some really slow attack animations), which does nothing but slow the game down significantly. Normal battle speed is clearly all they playtested, shifting it in either direction only hurts gameplay.

>> No.6380250

No, she says that in the PAL version. I remember it well with my 50hz mind.

>> No.6380806
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Lots of new Jessie arts.
Must be because of that remake.

>> No.6380838

it's ok old man, just lower the speed and put it on wait, nobody's going to judge you

>> No.6380839

>He doesn’t play with max ATB

You’d never make it in SOLDIER, old man.

>> No.6381019

I bought FF7 on google Play Store for android yesterday, its 50% off

Awesome and plays like the original

>> No.6381043

I'm looking to replay this game again, but what matters to me isn't this retranslation business, but rather to make the game overall more fun. I checked out and played New Threat for a bit and it seems to appeal to me, but unfortunately I'm learning that 2.0 is about to drop but not quite sure and is incompatible with older saves.

Any other mod out there I'm not aware of that I should try? The original seems somehow dull now.

>> No.6381070 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6381073

Have they actually announced New Threat 2.0? I played one of the previous builds but quit because I was getting shit on. I'd like to give it another try

>> No.6381084

Sega Chief says he's been working on it for quite a while on the side and will release it pretty soon (although there's no date because corona stuff). Apparently it has gotten quite a few changes and it's gonna be the final release so it would require a new playthrough. He's been working on FFVIII New Threat, and that'll be his new focus.

I'd say wait until that and give it another chance. The game has some crazy optional bosses, some of them are way too gimmicky and tricky for sure, but there's always a way without grinding, at least on normal difficulty. I just find the beginning of the game to be a lot more fun with this mod and going back to vanilla is killing me of boredom.

>> No.6381186

Have you never heard of rule 34, anon?

>> No.6381398

futa tifa x female aerith
female tifa x futa aerith
futa tifa x futa aerith
pick you choice, anon

>> No.6381487
File: 66 KB, 720x620, 400843_545498575488533_266029346_n_zps4139a80d.jpg~original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a fan of that crt shit, but damn if them 16-bit titties don't look nice on the right.

>> No.6382692

why does every choice involve penis?
is there something you want to confess?

>> No.6383318

Yeah but it also changes item names and places and shit...
I don't want any of that. I want the names to remain the same. But, I do plan on checking it out sometime.

>> No.6383494

I wasn't a big fan of retroarch at first but once you get the hang of it it's nice to tweak the visuals with stuff like shaders. I especially like it with ParaLLEl low level emulation and a few CRT filters.

Haven't tried FF7 on PS1 yet with retroarch because I own it on Steam but maybe I should try it out just to see how it plays and looks like.

>> No.6383747

where's adult tifa x cload from the flashback when he had a ponytail? she's the mommy gf cloud deserves.

>> No.6383763

All seem like pretty decent choices

>> No.6384195
File: 174 KB, 1671x1096, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beacause is a hackjob written by one autist and a JLPT N2 guy who failed JLPT N1. How bad did they fail?

In the jump scene between Cloud and Aerith, when she runs up to the gap in the rafters and refuses to jump. The scene in Japanese reads:

Cloud: "It's ok, I'll catch you!"
Aerith: "You better hold me tight!" (In kind of a fearful/playful way, kind of like "If you don't you're in trouble). Given the tone here, you could probably even just say "You better!"

There's also a lot of missed subtext and way to much emphasis on "accuracy." "word for word" accuracy has nothing to do with how good a localization actually is. The goal is to create something that flows as naturally in the target language as the original script does in Japanese, and that replicates the "sense" of the scene even if you have to rewrite every line of the actual dialogue to achieve that effect.

This is especially important when you're trying to bring to life characters who are realized within a different cultural paradigm. Aerith is hilarious is Japanese, even funnier than in the original English script (And they definitely tried to get this across in the original script, and succeeded somewhat). Changing her lines so that they're more literal is the wrong thing to do; Her lines need to be funny and casual/playful IN ENGLISH even if entirely different words are required to achieve that effect.

Translation is not just cross-language transcription. Both the original script and this one fail to successfully localize the game. You would good need English language writers working together with people intimately familiar with both Japanese and American cultural subtext to do that.

That autistic faggot goes into great detail on the thread about how FF7's canon is hackjob after hackjob and it's better to use the TRUE and ORIGINAL japanese names because "Moogle is a mistake that hasn't been corrected and in other languages it's Moguri"

>> No.6384204
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Also found this gem on a Beacause playthrough, the Beacause author deleted his comments lol

>> No.6384230

See, this is why I have trouble looking for good retranslation projects. I can recognize that some official localizations have been butchered but autism is the right word for some fan translators.

>> No.6384757
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>> No.6384786

The fact that the mod is called “Beacause” perfectly sums up the misguided mission statement. Like it doesn’t make you awesome that you noticed someone made an honest typo when they were probably overworked and sleep-deprived. This is the kind of shit children on Ezboard forums jump down people’s throats about instead of the actual substance of the text. Meanwhile the game has real problems that people rarely talk about, like Aeris speaking nonsense to Cloud for most of the church scene (“Cloud, don’t let it get to you!”) or that part outside the Honeybee Inn where they each say “Hmmmmm, so that’s how you’ll fool them.” to each other.

>> No.6385487

Very astute. It's only the most pompous and unsufferable language nerds that make a big deal over literally one single letter being misplaced. It says a great deal that he set out to correct the two most obvious mistakes, and then go on to ruin everything else. Retranslators are human scum.

>> No.6385701

>Retranslators are human scum.

>> No.6385705

You're the one making this dramatic with your all caps, retard. I just want them to stop spreading their cancer.

>> No.6385718

As far as I know, Dragon Quest is the only series to actually write out everything in full, for both the menus and enemies. It's a bit more understandable with the GB ports since it's a smaller screen and far less estate, but then Dragon Warrior 7 decided to go the lazy route and abbreviate/use icons for everything.

>> No.6385737

Final Fantasy is also good with this. The only abbreviations that I'm aware of are D. for 'dragon' and Shld for 'shield'.

>> No.6385747

Bof2's is pretty good.

>> No.6385807
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If you stupid 14 year old faggots really want an inexplicable game due to localization not having enough slots, it's Paladin's Quest/Lennus. Good fucking luck sussing out what's what when every single item in the game is abbreviated to hell and back.

>> No.6386571

>two most obvious mistakes
which mistakes?

>> No.6386575

I've been meaning to get into the series, so maybe I'll check that out. Heard 1 is very skippable though.

>> No.6386696

Because calling people who try their hand at a fantranslation human scum isnt. Gotcha.

>> No.6387080

He probably meant “Beacause you are a puppet” and “This guy are sick.”

New Threat changed it to “This guy am sick,” which was great.

>> No.6387276

Are there tools for retranslation projects?
Could we just...make a better one ourselves?

>> No.6387290

Some more popular games have tools that are fairly easy to use for that purpose. If a game gets plenty of mods or romhacks that change more things than text it's most likely there's a tool or two that let you change line by line without putting much effort into it.

Regarding FFVII, Makou Reactor lets you deal with a lot of things including text, so you could utilize that (although it lacks features important to editing, such as undoing shit)

>> No.6387313

Knowing the languages and not being insane still isn't enought o make a good retranslation. Translating is hard work that requires substantial skill.

>> No.6387359

If you say so. I'm just talking about clarifying things though. Not retranslation and relocalizing the entire thing. Just the shit that's misleading.

>> No.6387514 [DELETED] 

You obviously haven't spent much time on 4chan or the internet in general. I don't LITERALLY mean I want them to die. It's just hyperbole to illustrate my distaste. You're really fucking stupid, and probably a woman/faggot.

>> No.6387523

The internet didn't used to be that way, newfag.

>> No.6387524 [DELETED] 

Yes it did, you coddled fucking redditor infant. Go suck a baba, you pussy faggot.

>> No.6387525

I was there, not you, Zoomer.

>> No.6387528

This the weakest defense in known human knowledge. Just fucking dome yourself.

>> No.6387543

The truth needs no defense.

>> No.6387545 [DELETED] 

>If you say so.
This is such a weak, low-energy reddit concession. There's a way to concede a point, and this isn't fucking it.

>> No.6387551 [DELETED] 

You aren't defending the truth. If you think calling someone 'human scum' is some otherworldly offense, you're obviously a pussy pacified redditor. There is literally no other explanation. You're a fucking pussy.

>> No.6387560

Playing it for the first time, just left Midgar after the Shinra building chapter (and it's still CD1, holy shit how big this game is?) and well, it lives up to the hype. Fucking great combat system. Nice balance of adventure and RPG. Wildly influential. I can see why it was such a hot fuzz back then.

>> No.6387564


>> No.6387571

>and it's still CD1, holy shit how big this game is?
After that the pacing gets weird. That's one third of the first disc BTW. Now it's more like small sections and multiple towns/places/reactors. It does get to a point that some people either love or hate. You'll see plenty of people also that dislike that whole Midgar section and like everything else, and viceversa.

>> No.6387592 [DELETED] 

And you can't even follow basic reply chains. Get lost.

>> No.6387616

You're still far from the end of CD1.
I'm playing it for the first time too and am enjoying it overall, but there are some parts that drive me nuts (the Great Glacier).

I planned to play Xenogears after finishing FF7 but I don't think I will.

>> No.6387623

...Who? Me?

>> No.6387752 [DELETED] 

If you say so, you stupid fucking nigger.
Go police etiquette somewhere else. No one gives a shit about your overly sensitive feelings.
I wasn't even disagreeing, there was nothing to concede.

>> No.6387769 [DELETED] 

>can't into paragraphs
You're a dimwit, plain and simple.

>> No.6387781 [DELETED] 

If you say so.

>> No.6387931
File: 126 KB, 320x240, 1(^^);.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Makou Reactor
>look it up
>look who's being an autist in its thread https://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=9658.800


>> No.6387936

Yeah, I noticed that a while ago. DLPB is a fucking tumor. Still the tool is pretty alright.

>> No.6390013

There are certainly parts that drag, but if you really like it early you'll keep enjoying it.

>> No.6390020

Nothing important is misleading in the official translation. It's more than passable. Don't listen to mentally ill people.

>> No.6390053

This. There's only a line or two that aren't accurate and shit is mostly just old memes that everyone knows about and get left out on purpose on any mods that touch on the PC version script a little bit.

>> No.6390063

I ended up dropping the game due tonlack of interest after the snowy mountain.

>> No.6391575

This is not funny. It's like playing mad libs with an eight year old who just figured out how to disable his overly religious parents' internet filter. They just replaced improper nouns with "scandalous" words. And not even funny words like "boner" or "Guatemalan face hat."

>> No.6391586

There was a Chrono Trigger one I played about 15 years ago where Chrono was trying to have a threesome with the two girls. Anyone know what it's called?

>> No.6391796

I wondered if this was the Iscar Matthias guy from the autism and the anti-"fanboy" potshot at the end there and looks like I was right
