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6367376 No.6367376 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we talk how great warcraft II is

>> No.6367383

I nearly got this, but set it down and got Men In Black instead ;(. It wasn't until my brother got StarCraft that I played a RTS (real-time strategy)

>> No.6367391
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I mean its a pretty comfy game yu should play it if you didn't by now

>inb4 yes i know beyond the dark portal missions are hard as fuck

>> No.6367410

Just started the 1st warcraft. I'll get around to this.

>> No.6367419

Yeah i should despite being a big warcraft fan its ironic i didn't complete it

>> No.6367778

Why no warcraft 2 for my cell phone.

>> No.6368461


>> No.6368489

Best song coming through.


>> No.6368557

El Goblinos vs
Yes me Lord, job done.

>> No.6370832

For being so very symmetric in gameplay, it actually plays pretty damn well.
Love the graphics and music.

>> No.6371180
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>After the crash I leaped up from my chair and ran into Bob’s office, yelling “That was awesooooommmme!” immediately followed by “… and I was kicking your ass!” So I was surprised to hear Bob’s immediate rebuttal: to the contrary, he had been destroying me.


>> No.6371220
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>> No.6371253

Why do Russians like this game?

>> No.6371275

It's good?

>> No.6371320

>why does [insert specific demographic here] enjoy [thing which was once very popular and is generally considered good by the people who partook in it]?

>> No.6371323

I thought Russians only liked HoMM III and Counterstrike. The more you know.

>> No.6371365

Russians and brazilians (like me) tend to like older games because they're easy to run on our toasters. PC parts are expensive.

>> No.6371372

They like a lot of games, such as Worms 2, they also have a small, but very dedicated community for Doom, with some very well regarded mappers.

IIRC the way a Russian told it with HoMM3 is that it wasn't just a fun game, it was a fun game which you could play multiplayer without a good internet connection; hot-seat multiplayer. A lot of people had decent computers in the early 2000s, but good internet wasn't as common, so good games featuring hot-seat multiplayer were very well liked.
A practice some engaged in was that a couple of buddies would pool some cash together to rent a PC for a day at an internet café, and then they'd all play HoMM3 on the thing for an entire afternoon and have loads of fun, only spending a little bit of money each.

>> No.6371520

Is this why minecraft and undertale became so popular? Because any computer can run it?

>> No.6371557

There's probably some of that. I have been told that Undertale was liked for its characters and story, but I honestly didn't think it was anything special.
Minecraft is a game where you build and scavenge for shit, and kind of ties that into a (actually kind of bad) pseudo-RPG thing. It's a completely unoptimized piece of shit though, so at least like 8 years ago, you wouldn't necessarily have a very good time if you had a toaster of a computer.

>> No.6372283

my absolute nigger

>> No.6372367

Fact is that entire soundtrack is 10/10

>> No.6372663

Warcraft 1 had a pretty good soundtrack too

>> No.6373069


>> No.6373102



>> No.6373112

mad little bitch

>> No.6373113


It had very good unofficial translation back then. Also it's a great game.

Btw, why some in-game arts use some cyrillic gibberish? When I was little I was thinking it's some sort of glitch with fonts. But no, actual art in original game.

>> No.6373148

Not as mad as you, apparently.

>> No.6373580

>Why no warcraft 2 for my cell phone.
There is a way to play War2 on your phone. Can't remember the exact software but I was playing the game like 6 years ago on my Samsung S2.

>> No.6373592

Found it, it's called Stratagus:


I remember it playing relatively well for an unofficial port for touch screen. Apparently it can also run SC1.

>> No.6373703

god, this brings back memories

>> No.6373804

I never played III but how does it compare? I always just assume that II has more soul than III does.

>> No.6373809

Play it now.

>> No.6373815

It is extremely good. However, I'd recommend getting the old version, not reforged. It's not for sale anymore, but you can just pirate it easily.

>> No.6373834

In my opinion, it was Blizzard's last really good game. It takes a bunch of the lessons from Starcraft and adapts them to Warcraft, which back with the previous games were very symmetric and had very limited variety (though they were pretty good still).
Together with its expansion, the game has really a huge amount of content to it.

On top of that, the map editor for Warcraft 3 was ridiculously versatile and flexible for the time, it actually spawned some new genres because people made basically new games with them, such as Tower Defense games, and MOBAs (which I never played, and they look boring, but I like the porn, but that's neither here nor there). The point is, people did a lot of creative shit with the thing, one of my favorites was this custom map where every player is a peasant who has to take care of his house, except one of the players is secretly a werewolf who turns at night, and has to kill the other players without them finding out who he is, and they have to find out who the werewolf is without murdering each other.

>> No.6373836

As the other guy said, avoid the Reforged version, because it's ridiculously shitty.

>> No.6374205

3 is a better game than 2. No dumb water units slowing down the game. Actual choices in late game composition. Micro is more than just lusting and dk/mages. Too bad reforged was a dumpster fire.

>> No.6374215

Haven't tried reforged, what's wrong with it?

>> No.6374250

It's bad remake with bugs and less features than the original. What is more awful is that it replaced the original Warcraft III. The old bnet is gone, you cannot even download the old client if you own it. You must download the reforged client and it's bugs even if you never buy the game.

>> No.6374254

I kinda liked the naval battles in WC2, even if they are pretty simplistic.

Wasn't there some completely ridiculous part where the menu for Reforged is literally running in Chrome and uses absolute assloads of memory?
Fucking hate nuBlizzard.

>> No.6374257
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Must be hard for blizzard to compete against the past and lose every time.

>> No.6374301

Yup all of the menus were replaced with electron. Remember the animated menus at each of the campaign screens? Those were replaced with some shitty flash looking graphic. The new menus somehow also take more memory and cpu than playing the actual game.

>> No.6374313
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>The new menus somehow also take more memory and cpu than playing the actual game.
That just boggles my fucking mind.

>> No.6374320

>one of my favorites was this custom map where every player is a peasant who has to take care of his house, except one of the players is secretly a werewolf who turns at night, and has to kill the other players without them finding out who he is, and they have to find out who the werewolf is without murdering each other.
Dark Deeds, patrician taste you have there

>> No.6374328

I love Warcraft 2. It's by far one of the best games I played growing up. Beyond the Dark Portal was fun. I loved the heroes and how much lore there was in the game.

Warcraft 1 was fun. Easy but fun. If you've never played Warcraft 1 just use your axe throwers / elves. They are OP in this game.

Warcraft 3? It was okay. I personally didn't enjoy it as much as I did War 1 and 2.

>> No.6374330


Slighty less soul, but much more solid gameplay wise. But don't buy Reforged. Please. Pirate the original or don't play it at all.

>> No.6374349

Why last human mission is such huge difficulty spike, anyway? Or it's something wrong with me? It's much harder than the rest of the both campaigns. It's even harder than most beyond the portal missions. I beated human campaign only after 15 or so years and still only at fifth try or something (I save the game only between missions so it's more fun) and only because endless paladin healing on my army of griffins.

>> No.6374382
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>They are OP in this game.

>> No.6374404

It's not that much different from a lot of the expansion maps except for the annoying mud tiles that block you from towering up your mine while your enemies get fliers early. Once you can dig in and build enough defense to kill incoming dragons it's pretty easy, but the start is annoying. If you kite the incoming dragons to a tower location it makes the scenario a lot easier.

>> No.6374553

Because they keep patching the game to balance multiplayer without really play testing the changes in single player. Fucks everything up. Someone needs to do something against blizzard. They violate our rights

>> No.6374650

>buys WCII
Woah I can select 9 at a time, sweet!
>plays C&C

>> No.6374665

Cool until you find out none of the Westwood C&C games have attack move.

>> No.6376632

I wish they would have made an isometric rpg spin-off of Warcraft II that played liked Divinity or something rather than a WC skinned Dablo, it was always fun to cruise around with a single unit after I made a Roman army of a base to defend my point and assure my win.

>> No.6377924

Cлoвo-Пaлитpa-Кoд's translations were great, and WarCraft II wasn't their only work.
It is really interesting to look at piracy in 90s-00s in Russia now, it wasn't a scene - it was an industry in itself.

>> No.6379116

Sorry, but I always preferred this one.

>> No.6380018


I went to play wc3 after a couple of years not playing it. Was wondering wtf was going on when it was downloading 80 gigs of updates because i dont pay attention to vidya news. Turns out Reforged runs shittily on my toaster computer (i only play low graphic intense games) and knowing that you cant go back to the old version irks me a lot. So basically they put time and money into a “free update” only to break it and render it unplayable for some going forward.

Also dont like the new battlenet, the old chat hangouts are gone and the custom map screen is buggy. Also experiencing more disconnects now.

I am nostalgia fagging right now but i spent a lot of time playing wc3 over the course of 20 years. Was always able to install it and plug my keys in on every new machine and everything would always be how it was. There would be new custom maps but there were always the old ones being hosted too, even the dumb meme ones. It may not be a big deal in the grand scheme of things but its one of the many rivets in the coffin of the old free range internet. Things are only going to get more lame from here unfortunately.

>> No.6380775

just out of curiosity: which version do you guys prefer?
[_] dos battle chest
[_] windows battle chest (aka battle.net edition)

the latter has some tweaks to the gui and gameplay, but the music has been butchered

>> No.6380983

Just pirate stuff instead. You get punished for trying to do stuff above board

>> No.6381306

Reforged has been a disaster since launch which was bad, but that they destroyed what existing functionality there was is why it got the hate, rather than the standard disappointment these types of things normally generate.

DOS, the music works so well.