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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6356878 No.6356878 [Reply] [Original]

>game switches soundtrack mid-level when entering an underwater section

>> No.6356884
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>soundtrack switches instruments as you go underwater

>> No.6356887
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>frog posting

>> No.6356939

1 live, no continues

>> No.6356961

When a power enemy kicks your butt early in the game but later on you fight them again but now you are as powerful as them due to power and move upgrades.

Also bad ass intro reels while the press start to begin flashes at the bottom of the screen, and shows off the coolest stuff with awesome music (it seems no games do this any more) I always used to watch them before starting the game to get me hype.

Bosses that explode like crazy, like all over the screen and just a repeating boom sound just spamming.

Burning city/town levels.

Charge up big blast moves.

Levels that have a gothic castle theme.

>> No.6356968
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>wavy effects for any reason
>explosions of color like in certain SNES games and other color/lighting effects
>sudden stealth section
>sudden minigame
>clever use of mode 7 for cutscenes
>shiny collectable objects
>an enemy is nice to you
>secret room you can get into for something special that you probably miss the first time

>> No.6356972

Something tells me you're a fan of Megaman

>> No.6357038
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Broken engrish whenever you beat old Nintendo or Sega games.

>> No.6357056

I love going into a game knowing absolutely nothing about it. Because of this, I love ominous menu screens and minimalist intros that throw you straight into the game and/or set the tone without spoiling anything. Intro reels suck because they show you all the cool shit you can do instead of letting you discover it yourself. The fun for me is learning the systems of a new game and discovering it naturally.

>> No.6357067

The bad guy's lair EXPLODES like a nuke at the end.

>> No.6357080

>>sudden stealth section
this is a favorite

>> No.6357084

All trope threads are made of frogposting

>> No.6357173
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>enemies return with swapped colour palette to denote higher difficulty

>> No.6357464

>implying frogposters and spongebob posters aren't both zoomer trash

>> No.6357467

Lightning effects that flush out detail for a sec

>> No.6357471

From Haunted House to the final boss of OoT, this is a good one

>> No.6357596

my favs are from castlevania and wipeout series

>> No.6357617
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I love this
>you fight a palette swapped "you"

>> No.6357637

i love when a game becomes horror out of nowhere, even if only for a single level. it's impressive how often it works better than a lot of straight up horror games. I guess it doesn't stay around long enough to wear out the tension.

>> No.6357712
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>guns do more damage than melee weapons

>> No.6357724
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Everything ITT are modern game tropes

>> No.6357732

No they aren't, you knob

>> No.6357737

Are you retarded?

>> No.6357768

A super powerful character joins your low level party for a while and you get a taste of power.
You can use this as a chance to grind levels and farm items by defeating enemies you previously had no chance against, and when much later the character joins you again, now you are as strong as he was, but he is now even stronger than the first time.

>> No.6357772

even better, when the main antagonist joins your party

>> No.6357775

So I assume you enjoyed Lunar and Chrono Trigger.

>> No.6357785
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I dunno if this is a trope but I love how a lot of 90s JRPGs flooded the status screen with tons of information, some of which is probably not important nor are you ever going to pay attention to.

>> No.6357815

>Low level party, shit skills, shit equipment and only little coin, fortunately the random encounters are piss easy because the enemies are weak
>Find a small area where the game spawns enemies that are way stronger, and drop much more exp, gold and items that you may or may not use yet, but can be sold for lots of gold
>They can massacre your party unless you are extra careful, but the risk of fighting them is as high as the sweet rewards, so you take the chance

>> No.6357820

this used to be a huge turn off to me since i don't really into JRPGs

>> No.6357835

it also happens in ff a lot. i'm happy any time it happens though, especially if the villain has some cool unique moves. it's not /vr/, but seymour has a unique limit you can only see in that single fight he joins you

>> No.6357860
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>meta complaints about threads instead of posting on topic

>> No.6357865

Loads of JRPGs have arbitrary doubled up stats too, like having both strength+attack, or HP+vitality. It'll show you both to make it look like the game is deeper than it is. Still cool though.

>> No.6358262

Flashing lights in general (Ex. Missile Command Game Over screen)
Now everything must be obscured or slowed down thanks to some little japanese shits

>> No.6358283

I always liked the staff who used funny pseudo names, in thunder force 4 one guy in the credits goes by “booby master”


>> No.6358317
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>aggressive parallax
>background fades to black, new background fades in seamlessly
>explosions build up to a screen flash
>palette shifts
>bulbous sprites hooked together in a spline shift and swing all over
>screen shake effects

>> No.6358324

>reminder that Spongebob came out over 20 years ago, and there are retro spongebob games

>> No.6358486

Big bosses in NES games that you fight on black backgrounds because they're using the BG layer trick.

>> No.6358529

>zoomer trash
confirmed underage

>> No.6358554
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>retro game stars a character with explicit superhuman powers
>features primitive destructible structures that give a sense of your character's strength

>> No.6359124

>Burning city/town levels.
I like how these seem to have gradually lost popularity since 9/11.

>> No.6359128

What the kind of modern games are you playing? And can you send them my way?

>> No.6359254

I haven't seen this, looks cool

>> No.6359259

>Liberty island and the statue make me feel ill because of my condition. I can't play a game with that in or I get the shakes and start to feel suck and under threat

>> No.6359404
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JRPGs with small battle sprites for your characters and disproportionately big and detailed ones for the enemies, even if they're human like your party.

>> No.6359414

thunder force 4 on genesis

>> No.6359420

some of the best 4th gen music too

>> No.6359550

Timesplitters 3's horror level was fucking awesome.

>> No.6359583

like the wrecked ship in Super Metroid?
or when Sephiroth breaks Jenova out from the Shinra building?

>> No.6359617

Spongebob came out in 99. Its retro

>> No.6359621

Levels where you lose all your gear and even basic trash enemies become threatening. Tomb Raider and Zero Mission both do this well. It's so satisfying getting all your stuff back and going back for them.

>> No.6359650
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>desert town
>graphics have wavy air/heat pattern filter over it and music is arabian themed

>> No.6359659

xenogears and shantae have the best desert music

>> No.6359683

Thank you /vr/iends

>> No.6359831

Fuck, I forgot about that one, I love that shit too. I'll add to that comfy winter levels: precipitation effects in general, blue ice with sparkles, ice shattering, falling icicles that actually shatter too, snow getting kicked up when you walk/jump in it, tracks appearing in the snow, and the contrast between cold dark blues and warm orange glows of lights at night time.

>> No.6359875
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it's great when house windows light up during the night

>> No.6359886

Wasn't that so they could dick them over on royalties or payment?
>You didn't work on this, Takeshi, it says Booby Master right there.

>> No.6359895

it was so other companies couldn't swipe up developers who worked on successful games

>> No.6359905

I know it was at least a way to keep other companies from stealing your employees. Not sure about fucking them over, although that sort of thing was the origin of the Adventure easter egg. That was about credit though, not royalties, and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't hire you if you refused to sign away your rights to whatever work you create for the company to begin with.

>> No.6361485
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>You can only fight the true final boss or see the best ending when playing on the highest difficulty level

>> No.6362498

Playable flashback scenes are cool, especially if the event has been hinted at several times throughout the game

>> No.6362932

Ah, that does make more sense.

>> No.6362949

FF1 type beat

>> No.6362970

You can just feel the light breeze and cool night air from those moving plants. The lights on in the buildings give them a lived in and warm feeling, makes any town feel full of life. Man 2nd gen pokemon is still my fav.

>> No.6363491
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>area before the final boss has the same music as the first level

>> No.6365276

that's actually kinda lazy.
MMX2 did this and I hated it, they also partially reused Magna Centipede's level without changing anything.

>> No.6365282

R-Type Delta does this and it's amazing. This was my first R-Type game and it's definitely not the best in the series, but it still holds a special place in my heart. A place of love and frustration.

>> No.6365294

>enemies don't spawn if you don't collect power-ups

>> No.6365298

Sounds like your favorite game is likely Rondo of Blood.

>> No.6366009

Super long death animations for enemies where they burst into flames, especially if they freeze in midair and break into pieces while shouting. It used to be in tons of games but nobody does it anymore.

>> No.6366017
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Green frog good

>> No.6366032
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>boss appears far off in the background, disappears, then scrolls into foreground

>> No.6366090

1. Manuals
2. Attract mode videos

>> No.6366104

this, this, and this

>> No.6366615

>it's impossible to finish the game without writing stuff down

>> No.6366650

>boss has a super low quality spoken voice clip as a taunt
>he spams that shit whenever he attacks you
>trash talks while dying like >>6366009
I miss the era when recorded sound was a novelty. arcade games liked to do it a lot.

>> No.6366659

>you have to read text to play

>> No.6367796
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>voices sound like they were recorded in a tiled bathroom

>> No.6368516

>secret boss mid way through the game

>> No.6369171

>bad ass intro reels while the press start to begin flashes at the bottom of the screen, and shows off the coolest stuff with awesome music
Motherfuckin Jet Set Radio, man

>> No.6369242
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>Music is quieter when you crawl

>> No.6369251

Chunky CRT monitors in a scifi game set in the future.

>> No.6369254
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>you're japanese
>your wife hasn't let you bang her for years and both lost their love for each other shortly after marriage
>sole daughter is a teenaged bitch and only bothers to talk to you to ask for play money
>wake up with a terrible sake induced hangover
>don't even bother bathing, go out with your work clothes from yesterday that you're still wearing
>arrive in job after 2 hours on the train
>a young staff member sees your sorry state and rushes to talk to you
>he brings you to a tiny room full of disassembled PCBs, a monitor and some odd controller with a film canister and wires instead of a balltop
>"we're making this tank game... some guys from QA had this idea of a rotatable joystick, wanna give it a try?"
>suddenly you see yourself wasting hours with pure joy on your face as you navigate a tank firing at enemies while onlookers in the room cheer you on
>clear boss with only a couple of credits with a big smile on your face
>the understanding young staff member looks at a rejuvenated you and has an idea
>"salaryman-san, I've always appreciated your work on SNK... want to appear on the credits? Consider this my homage to you as an employee"
>you nod in approval
>"Ok, I'll pass your na- wait, do you want to put a nickname in there instead?"
>"yes... call me UNCLE BOO BOO."
>You then just savor this fleeting moment of youthful energy and fun, something you never felt again after college, forgetting all your troubles...

>> No.6369261

dat ass

>> No.6369702

Have you played Alien: Isolation? It's literally retro but not vintage.

>> No.6369703

No. I was thinking Front Mission 3 and Shadowrun games...

>> No.6370372
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>Waiting through a 10-minute credit sequence
>Character portraits of all the characters you've encountered over the course of the game surround the credits
>And the very last line:

>> No.6370387

>picking up items on the screen and using them as weapons
>destructible environments, especially when throwing an enemy into them breaks it

>> No.6370448


>> No.6370518

>characters clothing changes based on items

>> No.6370636
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>> No.6370638

>that thing where the foreground and background scroll at different speeds

>> No.6370641
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When the enemies are made of balls

>> No.6370648

>cheesy 90s sitcom credits music


>> No.6370679

Woah Hideki Kamiya worked on Resident Evil? I had no idea

>> No.6370680

Also directed RE2.

>> No.6372937

Examples besides Super Mario 64?

>> No.6372987

holy shit autism

>> No.6374724
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>Final boss uses the music of the first level in its last phase

Castlevania IV

>> No.6376612

Parallax scrolling

>> No.6376626

Excuse me?

>> No.6376897
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>Game sequel uses theme from old game, and sometimes (if you're lucky) the level.

Castlevania III was both a game that I fucking found frustrating and angry while at the same time incredibly fun and exciting to play. Seeing the castle 100 years prior along with a remixed theme was sick.


>> No.6376901
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>> No.6376910

I think it also helped that you were playing the games at the same time, so when it was 10pm where you were, it was 10pm in the game and you just felt that. Plus I think the lights contrast really well with the rest of the background to make it pop, something you couldn't really do in the later gens.

The time mechanic really did make the game feel more real.

>> No.6377421

It's interesting how so many bio screens have blood type on it. Do the Japanese think it's magic or is that standard to them?

>> No.6377454

It's associated with personality types there, sort of like astrological signs are, so it's another trait people like to assign to their characters.

>> No.6378963

Like above anon said, it's was popularized pseudo-science that came around the late 1920s, and would've faded into memory if it were not for the journalist Masahiko Nomi who revived the theory in the 1970s, despite his book making wildly unsubstantiated claims and relying on lots of anecdotal evidence, being highly criticized by the Japanese scientific community, it still was massively popular.

>> No.6379108

I'd laugh at the japs but then I remembered western people believe in that 4-letter "personality types" bullshit.
Being a superstitious dumbfuck is not cultural.