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634082 No.634082 [Reply] [Original]

Castlevania thread.

Someone has any tips? For example, in the the first Castlevania, for level 4 in that part where you have to keep runing and infinite enemies came, if you use the clock it's easy as fuck, I still can't beat the level though.

Anyway, opinions on Simon's Quest? Anyone beat any of the original NES trilogy?

>> No.634108

Holy Water in Death's stage; rapes Axe Knights and stunlocks Death. Also, rock the Holy Water against Dracula's second form; sticks him good.

As for Simon's Quest, if you're on console use a guide. If you're on emulation, download Redaction, which won't be cryptic and wrong and dumb about shit.

>> No.634151

Any tip for Frankenstein's monster?

>> No.634159

Stunning the little jumpy dude is first priority. Frankenstein isn't really a threat.

There's wallchicken somewhere right before the boss, I think.

>> No.634194

Another place where I'd suggest holy water, as it lets either slows flea down allowing you to wail on Frank, or burns Frank up. That said, getting to him with it is a task in itself.

Holy water comes up a lot in Castlevania. Messes up Medusa too.

>> No.635047

Don't even try without either the holy water or cross. Kill yourself and try the stage again.

>> No.635053

Simon's quest ain't too bad, it just gets compared to 1 and 3 too often

>> No.635056

No, Simon's Quest is horrible. Die a horrible death.

>> No.635061

>hearts stashed in lamps and candles

What the fuck, Dracula

>> No.635083

Don't get me wrong I thought it was horrible myself
but the heat it gets would make anyone think it's unplayable, there's far more worse games that are still at least playable

>> No.635103

Managed to beat 3 as a kid. No idea how as these days some parts of it feel just downright evil. Beating the harder bosses feel gratifying as shit though.

The music remains ever so awesome.

>> No.635102


>> No.635109

>if you use the clock it's easy as fuck, I still can't beat the level though.
First of all, figuring these out is the whole point of the game.

Anyway, no, you don't need a clock. You need to walk, but kill every single flea man before he jumps. It's easy with the whip - it's no Ninja Gaiden. Just make sure to catch them before they start hopping.

That segment is one of the easiest part of the game, really. The next one is what's actually hard - the monster+fleaman boss. That fuck takes some serious holy wateran to beat, or a very good understanding of his jumping and projectile patterns.

>> No.635415

>play Rondo of Blood again
>94% complete data
>play Maria for the first time
>fight against Dracula
>beat him easily
is she that broken?

>> No.635656

She is but the main problem is that Dracula in Rondo is piss easy.

>> No.635665
File: 25 KB, 256x224, Castlevania Dracula X_Apr25 0_28_09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Konami got a lot of critisicm for Rondo's Dracula fight, because his Dracula X incarnation is hands down the hardest Dracula in the entire series.

>> No.635672

Fuck using holy water on Axe Knights and Death. What are you, a fucking pussy? Fuck that shit, stop being a bitch and get yourself some motherfucking crosses. Then on your second play through do a fucking no sub-weapon run like a fucking real man.

>> No.635676

She's even broken in Portrait of Ruin. You beat almost every boss with her in that game within seconds.

>> No.635712

Just whip that ass. Don't stop, just attack and try to dodge anything you can. If you get hit, just keep whipping.

>> No.635725

>Any tip for Frankenstein's monster?
If you have holy water, stun the fleaman and whip whip whip. If you died and don't ahve the holy water anymore, stun the fleaman with your whip, attack a few times, dodge, wait until you can stun the fleaman, attack, dodge.

>> No.635731

It is really easy if you use axes
On first form you can hit him twice before he disapears, 3 is possible too but harder timing
On second form stand near him and spam axes, try to time it so you also hit his fireballs. If you do it quickly enough he will only get out 1 or 2 of those big blue shots before he dies

>> No.635737

Hardest Dracula in the series is the final boss of Julius mode Dawn of Sorrow

>> No.635845

I beat Super Castlevania IV the other day, only beat Dracula after 2 hours of constant play and massive abuse of triple cross throwing. That dude can climb a wall of dicks.

>> No.635851

That simply isn't true. I beat that game without grinding on Hard, Julius mode, and it was only moderately challenging.

CV3's Dracula is harder than that. Well, any classic Dracula is harder than that.

>> No.635879

>any classic Dracula is harder than that.

Not in Castlevania 2

>> No.635883

Not when watched in nintendo Nerd's Youtube video, no, but if you actually try playing the game, you know, it can get challenging.

>> No.635893

Oh so he is really challenging if you play like an idiot and don't use the best weapons against him? Might as well say Julius Mode is the hardest if you never use special attacks or subweapons

>> No.636087

>Not when watched in nintendo Nerd's Youtube video, no, but if you actually try playing the game, you know, it can get challenging.

I'm not even in this thread, but go fuck yourself. ALWAYS with fans of this game. ALWAYS. Say something that might be taken negatively about the shitpile that is Simon's Quest? YOU'RE JUST SUCKING AVGN'S DICK YOU'VE NEVER PLAYED THE GAME.

I know it's hard to believe that people on a retro games board have played such a RARE and OBSCURE title as Castlevania fucking 2, but we have.

Shit out all your words and never speak again.

>> No.636295

> a metrovania with exp leveling

lvl1 cap is the only way to get anything close to a challenge. christ the only reason portrait of ruin lvl1 is harder than lvl1 order of ecclessia
is the (mediocre) thought put into the level designs and angles of attacks in OoE as opposed to just throwing shit wherever in PoR.

>> No.636406

oh and i suppose also having to fend off falling asleep during bosses when it the ludricrous and needlessly bloated boss HP totals become glaringly obvious.