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6346623 No.6346623 [Reply] [Original]

Damn, where's this game been all my life? Final Fantasy thread

What's your favorite party? I'm running a warrior, black belt, white and black mage. Pretty basic but now that the black mage has gotten a few level 3 and 4 spells under his belt my party is just steamrolling everything.

>> No.6346630

W. Mage
B. Mage

It's a little bland, but it's the safest and most efficient team.

>> No.6346635

I forgot what my original party was, but the most recent party I used was Fighter
White Mage
Black Mage.

>> No.6346639

Red Mage
White mage

Two fighters can be too expensive, but worth it

>> No.6346651

What is the appeal of the thief in ff1? All I know is that they are fairly weak in melee. Are there good items to steal off of enemies? Items seem expensive relative to their usefulness in this game

>> No.6346652

Last time I played with Fighter, Red Mage, White Mage, Black Mage but found Black Mage to be kind of lackluster
I think next time I'll replace the black mage with a black belt

>> No.6346671

Red Magician
White Magician
Sacrificing some offensive spells for more attack power and healing.

>> No.6346678

The Thief class can't steal in FF1. In the early game they have the highest chance to flee from battle, and late game they become glass melee cannons with some low-level black magic. A Ninja equipped with Masamune is a force to be reckoned with.

>> No.6346693

Too bad the flee mechanic is broken in the NES version making Thieves pointless.

>> No.6346717

It's been right there the whole 12 years

>> No.6346746

Broken in what way?

>> No.6346750

Black Belt
Red Mage
White Mage

Sometimes I'll swap out the Red Mage for a Black Mage, but honestly that's just because I like the idea of being able to access all the highest level of magic in the game. Typically, I would rather have the supreme versatility the Red Mage offers. The calculus changes when I'm playing a hack that fixes the INT stat, though.

Yeah, but Ninja are extremely good. The promise of strong offense, good access to equipment, and some very useful Black Magic makes the Thief well worth the investment. Especially considering you can get the Class Change pretty early on, potentially.

>> No.6347057


>> No.6347181

White Mage
Black Mage

It's expensive at first but once you grind enough for the good equipment and level 3 and 4 spells in Elfland you're unstoppable.

>> No.6348439

I always go Fighter, Red Mage, Black Belt, and Black Mage. I find White Mage to be inferior to Red Mage since Red's already got all the worthwhile White Magic spells, has better equipment, and having 2 sets of Fast and Fire is immensely more helpful than Harm and Heal.

>> No.6348670

Ninja is pretty deadly. But honestly monk is an even better choice once he becomes champion he will drop enemies left and right.

>> No.6349578

Broken as in non-functional. The ability is listed in the manual but it is not in the game.

>> No.6349608

>What is the appeal of the thief in ff1?
There is none. They were intended to have a 100% chance to flee battles, but due to a bug in the way flee success is checked they don't have a particular advantage over other classes in this respect beyond the early game. Thief weapons were supposed to have a higher critical hit rate than other weapons, which is a big deal in FF1 since crits are very strong, but since critical lookup is bugged they lose this advantage.

They would have been great, but their specialities suffer more from the game's bugs than any other class.

>> No.6349786
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There's nothing more badass than 4 black belts punching evil to death.

>> No.6350908

Two fighters a white mage and black mage gang

>> No.6350947

I’m running this party for the first time and I really like it.

Black Belt
Red Mage

>> No.6350962

3 black belts punching evil to death

and even that is brutal overkill

>> No.6350976

OP here. I'll probably take a red mage instead of a white mage if I play through the game again. My white mage has turns with nothing to do but a physical attack pretty often, and I hate feeling like I have dead weight in the party since you have to stay committed to one setup for the entire game.

I dunno, maybe I'll change my mind later on. I thought my black mage was absolute dogshit until I bought all the lvl 3 and 4 spells in elfland, and now hes pretty indispensable.

Got rekt by the Lich last night, everyone in the party is about lvl 12 or so. 4 floors of (as far as I can tell) inescapable wizards and the occasional random battle where the monsters get initiative is a real drag on resources

>> No.6350994

My favorite party is Fighter/Redmage/Blackbelt/Whitemage

Blackbelts are late bloomers. They kind of suck until around level 8 or so, when their bare fists begin to do more damage than the nunchuks you'll probably have equipped them with. Then they gradually get stronger and start hitting more times per turn. By the endgame, your Master (upgraded Blackbelt) will be hitting 5 or 6 times per turn and doing over 200 damage with each hit. Have your White Wizard cast FAST on him and watch him shred through bosses like butter. Dora dora dora dora!

>> No.6351068

FAST is a black magic spell though

>> No.6351143

used to use fighter/monk/thief/red when i was younger and hopefully dumber

>> No.6351208

Oh whoops! Sorry, I meant Red Wizard.

>My white mage has turns with nothing to do but a physical attack pretty often
White Mage is a good candidate for Item Magic. Have her carry a mage staff so she can cast FIR2, and Thor Hammer so she can cast LIT2. Heal Staff/Heal Helmet will also allow her to cast HEAL without having to use a spell slot. Bane Sword can cast BANE!

>> No.6351323

Are any of those magic items available to me at this point in the game? Sorry for asking something I could just Google, I'm trying to not use any guides other than a magic guide since I don't have the manual

>> No.6351431

>Bane Sword can cast BANE!
haha bane sword go bane

>> No.6351462

Modern FF fans are worthless cancerous asshats who will claim FFI is just garbage, but I unironically think it's still the best game in the series.

It's not too long, the plot never takes over the whole affair, it has more replay value than any 3 FFs combined, it's actually challenging and it has a feeling of pure adventure that almost every other FF lacks.

I played FFI for the first time around 2001 or so, when I was 18, having not grown up with it. At that time, I had recently finished reading the Lotr novel series and seen the first film at the theaters. I played FFI and it just felt similar to Lotr to me in a certain way. Just a pure adventure.

My favorite party is Fighter, Monk, White mage, Black made and I have beaten the game many times with this party. I am considering trying some challenge runs. Probably gonna start easy and do 4 red mages or something.

My favorite version is PS1, because it has the best music and can be set to play exactly like the NES version.

I'm also partial to FFII and FFV.

>> No.6351578


>> No.6351587

Neat opinion, I disagree.

>> No.6351968

idr, it's been a while since I played through FF1. I think the Mage Staff and Heal Staff are both found in the Castle of Ordeals though. Which means they're accessible as soon as you have the canoe.

>> No.6351980

>I'm also partial to FFII
its quite an interesting game that endlessly catches shit from people who never played it

>> No.6352032

FF3 > FF1 > FF2

>> No.6352059


>> No.6352064
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You wanna go balls to the wall? Well there's one way to put your balls to the wall, and that's to stick your dick in an electric outlet. You wanna play shit tennis, with an orangutan, while having your head up a hyena's asshole?! Well, good luck.

>> No.6352126

FF2 is, imo, not even nearly as bad as these ADHD zoomers often make it out to be. Most of the time, these people also have never even played it before and just parrot whatever their favourite e-celeb is saying. Like all of this "all you have to do is attack yourself to win"-shit: Setting that up is extremely tedious and only levels your HP anyway so it ends up being a waste of time. No grinding is needed to complete it if you aren't completely retarded.

>> No.6352135

>Damn, where's this game been all my life?
In the trash where it belongs

>> No.6352149

If you're playing NES version, all Monks.

>> No.6352168

>bait first sentence
>I'm also partial to FFII
But good for you that you can enjoy it. I on the other hand absolutely fucking hate medieval fantasy which is why I can't into FF1 or LotR for that matter. It's the only one that nearly lost me from sheer boredom alone.

>> No.6352684

>White Mage

It's a big sword.

>> No.6352687 [SPOILER] 
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Was encountering the WarMECH part of your plan?

>> No.6352719

Black Mage sucks at first, but starts to pick up around the Marsh Cave when he can obliterate entire enemy groups easily and works perfectly with Red Mage. Black's also cheap and doesn't need to learn a whole ton of spells. Plus Double Fast rules.
White never picks up. Their exclusive spells (Harm and Heal) are pretty dog shit, since Harm doesn't do anything to monsters not undead, and Heal recovers for pitiful amounts of HP, and when it starts being useful you'll already have access to the Heal Helm. In normal fights where buffing and healing in regular fights is situational, they do meh damage at best.

>> No.6352726

Have you ever tried playing without using items?

>> No.6352769

>warrior, black belt, white and black mage
this works as a beginner's party. if you like magic, you could try fighter/rm/wm/bm. if you really want to steamroll, then take 2 fighters, blackbelt, and either redmage or whitemage. the best party with one of each is fighter/redmage/blackbelt/whitemage.
I'd include whitemage in almost any party, since she has alot of utility which can't be effectively replaced by redmage, who leans more towards black magic. while black mage is cool, he only really works in a magic-heavy party.

I hadn't known these details, but I'm not surprised, given how many bugs there are. this explains why Thief is so nerfed, and not really worth the payoff of Ninja.

white mage is female, I refuse to believe otherwise.

>> No.6352794

Do these bugs exist in the GBA and PSP versions?

>> No.6352798

Even without the Heal Helm the game is perfectly doable. Enemies tend to not do a whole lot of damage anyways, Bosses can be destroyed quickly, and you can always rely on your 99 Heal Potions to guzzle down after fights.
An essential Red set would be
>Fire, Lit, Cure
>Ice, Alit
>Fire2, Afir, Cure2
>Fast, Ice2, Aice
>Fire3, Cure3, Life
>Lit3, Invs2, Fog2
He can also get Temper in the remakes since it's been fixed. Black Mage can get all the Black spells he learns, plus Lit3 and Nuke.

>> No.6352807

Potions are items too.

>> No.6352879

>What's your favorite party?
Four white mages because I hate myself

>> No.6352904
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>> No.6353746

how’d that go

>> No.6354402

What romhack fixes the most bugs without changing too much? Some of the ones I'm seeing added cosmetic changes or make the game easier

>> No.6354661

I did it. It's just tedious and I've done some pretty tedious FF challenges before