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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6332392 No.6332392 [Reply] [Original]

Ah just like the game makers intentions

>> No.6332434
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>> No.6332445

>Stretched video
No thanks

>> No.6332449

>shitty looking image
>using analog stick for mario world
>using xbox 360 controller
>using gamestop xbox 360 controller

>> No.6332492

New gameboy glass costs 3 dollars from the chinaman. You don't have to use tape.

>> No.6332518

Bro, your TV broke.

>> No.6332525

Pokemon Yellow was clearly made to be played on the game boy color though.

>> No.6332612

Gameboy pocket. Game boy light.

>> No.6332617

This, OP's tryhard strawman is faggy like him.

>> No.6332625

>having traded in your childhood games over the years and still salty over it
You only have yourself to blame

>> No.6332679

not all of us are electrical engineers that can repair our own electronics, anon

I don't even own a welding torch

>> No.6332682

Hearty kek.

>> No.6332701

Anon are you fucking retarded
Are all burgers this dumb?
>get a shitty triwing screwdriver from China, or check your Gameboy's screws on the back to see if they're phillips head (early models used those screws). Google what those look like if you're unsure
>take off the 6 screws on the back, 2 are underneath the battery cover
>open up the two parts of the shell very gently. Pull the ribbon cable out DOWNWARDS and use your thumb to grip it to avoid any rips
>take off the screws from the front PCB, reveal the front case and just pop the old screen lens out. Stick the new one on
I'm tired and drunk so this is half-assed, but there are videos out there. Gameboys are the easiest electronics to work with and you need to be unironically sub-100 IQ/African to be unable to work with them. If you're too afraid to take it apart you could literally get a fucking craft knife, stick it under a corner of the screen and wedge it out, allowing you to place a new one on easily.
A welding torch won't be of any fucking use on a tiny gameboy you dipshit. Screwdrivers cost less than a burger from mcdonalds, and this is not even remotely engineering-level work. Retards piss me off to no end.

>> No.6332707


>> No.6332716
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>> No.6332767

But that might ruin my warranty

>> No.6332773
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It's okay, just look away from the screen and instead bask in the titlescreen mockup from the leaked source code that landed on /vp/ literally an hour ago.

>> No.6332824

Ok, here's your (you)

>> No.6332875

literally nobody is going to fall for this bai--

>> No.6332880
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You can fix that gameboy with a new ips screen lickity-split

>> No.6332886

enjoy your latency

>> No.6332896
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I mean, if I want, I can play GB games on GB Pocket, Color, or the Super Game Boy. But yeah sometimes it's nice to play on the OG green DMG screen. Once you got the right lighting and adjust the contrast, it's pretty neat. Holding the OG Game Boy is pretty comfortable to me, too.
Sucks that you screen got fucked though, OP.

>> No.6332907

No added latency with that mod.

>> No.6332923

Then why wasn't it just released as a GBC game instead? Gold and Silver were GBC games that could also be played on GB.
Checkmate liberals!

>> No.6332929

>only Pikachu is pixellated
The fuck?

>> No.6332935

because they wanted to sell as many copies as possible even to people who only had an original gameboy?

>> No.6332950

It’s a mock up. Non-functional proposed idea for the title screen

>> No.6332962

>Yellow sold 14.64 M
>GS sold 23.1 M
Look how well that worked out for them

>> No.6332967

I fail to see your point. All pokemon games up until Crystal were compatible with the original b/w gameboy.

>> No.6333016

latency AND motion blur

>> No.6333034

Based. Fuck backlight mods and their incorrect screen size/aspect ratio. Get a wormlight if you want to play in the dark.

>> No.6333036

With the original screen? Yes. With the mod? No.

>> No.6333113

They are obviously joking, I hope you are too.

>> No.6333232

What about frontlights? I'm thinking of modding my GBC to put one of them, along a small switch to turn it on and off. and you still use the original screen,

>> No.6333324

>the potential input lag

>> No.6333332

games feel better with a little bit of input lag

I find 10-15 frames of lag to be ideal

>> No.6334317

Ah, just like a 12yo trying to be funny and failing

>> No.6335000 [DELETED] 

The JP version was released without GBC support YOU FUCKING FAGGOT
It was meant to be played on the SGB.

>> No.6335008 [DELETED] 

Also that's for the English version of the game. Work on that began way after the JP version was released.

>> No.6335109
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>artificial scanlines

Fucking vomit.

>> No.6335118


In the first gen mods was a problem, modern IPS tech has completely solved earlier problems, far surpasses the original in every way...

Unless you're a purist of course.

>> No.6335132

pokemon was made for the gb pocket, op

>> No.6335137

How much did red and blue sell?

>> No.6335334

I too like scan line filters, but 100% m8? Do like a 20-30% scan line ffs.

>> No.6335359
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R/B show an OG Game Boy on the trade sequence.
G/S do have a Pocket on trade sequence though (even though it was made for GBC)

>> No.6335387

True, in fact only the western version of Pokemon Yellow are GBC games. Japanese Yellow only has SGB features

>> No.6335739


>> No.6335935

>unironically sarcastically using "checkmate" and/or "liberals"
Mate, this isn't Reddit. Go seek attention for your knowledge of long dead memes elsewhere.

>> No.6336739

based, every other reponse to you is a gatekeeper. play how you want to play where you want to play etc.

>> No.6336749

10/10 look at all the (you)s

>> No.6336776


Guy who modded the DMG here. I would like to add that my original screen didn’t work, so keeping it was never an option. The mod comes with a new screen and new front board, and I really only suggested it to OP because I see he has horizontal lines of broken pixils and they’re impossible to repair. Not only do I consider this mod an improvement but it’s also a means to repair old broken gameboys and make them new again. There is no latency or screen tear.

>> No.6337725

looks nice

>> No.6337998

Based, but also cringe
Mostly based though

>> No.6338040

>they’re impossible to repair
Not really, they're just a harder fix than the vertical lines of ded pixels.

>> No.6338056

How do you go about repairing horizontal lines,anon?

>> No.6338079

You have to get to the horizontal ribbon cable behind the LCD, and then just give it the soldering iron treatment the same as you would for the vertical ribbon cable (vertical cable example in video). The tricky part is actually getting to the horizontal cable.


>> No.6339774

I also play on a LCD but what in the fuck

>> No.6339864

HAHA ALL LUV BRO <3 Yeaaah stick it to the mannn :33 xD epic safespace man, lets out these toxic dooders hahh

>> No.6341048

wasnt the yellow version gbc compatible? they at least intended it to be played on a gb pocket.

>> No.6341074

Yellow is still mostly the same as R/B/, which are still mostly the same as japanese Green and Red.
And the Pocket Monster project started in the very early 90s, so I'd say gen 1 as a whole was made with the OG Game Boy in mind.
Gold and Silver might have been made with Pocket in mind, as >>6335359 suggests, it actually shows a Pocket during the trading sequence, and Gen 2 probably started development around the time Pocket was released. The extra time it took them to finish it (with Iwata coding the whole Kanto region and all) they implemented all the fancy GBC elements, and the IR connectivity.

>> No.6341109
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I put in a backlight because sometimes I take pics in the dark

>> No.6341157

>I take pics in the dark

you mean you want to see the black screen when you try that? or you added nightvision to the pocket camera?

>> No.6341601
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I'm not talking about pitch black rooms, just ones dark enough to make it difficult to see a normal GBP screen