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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 3.73 MB, 3140x2160, IMG_20200413_222210_05_4m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6338524 No.6338524 [Reply] [Original]

CRT Thread. Go.
>Take pictures
>Don't be a faggot
>It doesn't matter how other people like to play their vidya as long as it's on a CRT
>RGB is just a preference
>Sony PVM's are just another kind of CRT
>If you think RF is the best, then you're fucking wrong, but you're still allowed to say it
>HD CRT's are okay, but they pretty much process images the same ways as plasma screens or modern LCD's (without motion interpolation though). Decent for 480p anyway.

>> No.6338558

What game is that?

>> No.6338571


>> No.6338581

Idk what you guys see in this shit, but once you see a clear HD image blasted on a monitor via emulation, you never wanna go back, those lines are distracting and ugly, and it’s not even HD, you can get CRYSTAL CLEAR HIGH DEFINITION out of old games via PC on an emulator, why the fuck would you want this aging technology with inferior display? It’s autistic

>> No.6338607

Rika a cute!

>> No.6338608
File: 306 KB, 810x1367, boris phantasy star 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phantasy Star IV

>> No.6338612
File: 264 KB, 416x800, Rika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's only 1 year old.

>> No.6338614

This. Fuck ya scamlines. Fuck ya haze.
Never going back to those bulky shite tubes!

>> No.6338621
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Oh yeah, more things.

>Manual exposure settings make taking good pictures easier
>Use factors of your screen's refresh rate as your shutter speed (ex. for 60hz: 1/15, 1/30, [1/60 for progressive modes only])
>If using an Android phone, try Open Camera with "Use Camera2 API" turned on in photo settings
>You can usually get better shots by shooting in RAW, but it can sometimes take a long time to get the RAW looking better than the JPEG your camera will dump out

>If you think your TV needs new capacitors, the answer is probably yes

Phantasy Star IV.
Yeah, but you don't be a dick about it
> but once you see a clear HD image blasted on a monitor via emulation
I have. I chose this.
>Not even HD
W-Was sega lying to me when they put "HIGH DEFINITION GRAPHICS" on my genesis?!
>It's autistic
Yeah you pretty much are to care so much about this
Wish she didn't remind me about Nei so much when I looked at her
Fighting the 1k-year-old loli trend. I like it myself

>> No.6338723
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Because we want to play on real hardware, in the correct aspect ratio, with real controllers, without blurring horizontally.
P.S.: You're a true man of culture.

>> No.6338736
File: 3.96 MB, 2202x2569, ps2_001_cover_spine_only_shrink_25_4mb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using the shitty american box art
I'd say "Can't cure shit taste," but the japanese art for this game is pretty awful, too.
Phantasy Star II had awesome art, though.

>> No.6338742
File: 131 KB, 483x680, 38211--phantasy-star-ii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's much better than II's American box art

>> No.6338743

Definitely, but that's comparing dog shit to cat shit. Dog shit stops smelling after a while.

>> No.6338843
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>> No.6338976

This literally looks like shit

>> No.6339013
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>> No.6339134

Aw, but I took that picture just for your approval, anon. Now I'll die unfulfilled.
Google indicates that's probably a Fire Emblem game? Not played past the first two, yet (on Famicom). Looks great though. I'll get to it sometime.

>> No.6339135

>insecurity intensifies

>> No.6339191

Took the back off my PVM to dust it. It was a nerve-wracking experience, and ultimately unneeded as it was already in great condition deposit how dusty the rest of my room was. Hardest part was putting the casing back on and making sure all the screws and shit were perfect. I messed up the first time and some things have were slightly off. Was worried that I put some pressure on components but things seemed to work out..

>> No.6339214
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Here's a pic. Ultimately nothing was damaged but still but my anxiety is all over the place. I forget though that these things are pretty heavy duty and a bit of pressure shouldnt be problematic.

>> No.6339226
File: 3.53 MB, 3096x2506, IMG_20200414_055931_1_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the Project Narga FE4 patch. Thankfully for you, FE5 also got a decent new patch as well, Project Exile. In addition ? Kaga's second last game Berwick Saga also got an English patch too !!!! Highly recommended it's amazing.

>> No.6339292

I'm trying to use a nice flatron in my modern pc to play some retro stuff at the right resolution since my retro pc were I was using it just died. There's any way to have the games execute directly in the CRT that's not making it the main screen?

>> No.6339324


>> No.6339356

dude you should fix that underscan

>> No.6339361

that's nice man

>> No.6339410

Does the new fe5 one butcher the names like the new fe4 one?

>> No.6339832

Is there something wrong with it ? I quite like it in underscan mode.

>> No.6339836

I think it does use the "current translations".

>> No.6339972

>she's not a human, and was created in a lab, so she's a numan
makes sense to me.

>> No.6340028 [DELETED] 
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Not retro but whatever.

>> No.6340141
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not besides that it's the wrong aspect ratio and it'll burn in your screen unevenly.

>> No.6340340
File: 3.11 MB, 3074x2305, IMG_20200412_153737_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6340351

You should fix your underscan, that'll cut the usable life of your monitor by years. When the full surface of the monitor is used evenly and the phosphors become dim, you can fix it and continue using the monitor for years and years by just turning up the brightness and chroma knobs. Once the center is worn out, you're out of luck.
If you feel like too much of the image gets cut off without using the UnderScan button, then what you need to do is adjust the potentiometers inside the case to resize the image so that it fills properly, with just a few pixels of overscan.

>> No.6340365

This is faster to do on older sets that just use dials for adjusting size/panning (since you'll likely have to change it for different systems), but I do it through the OSD's and service menus of my newer monitors as well.

>> No.6340376

So I'm trying eXoDOS in a CRT but the games appear without scanlines like in a LCD. I don't have too much experience with dosbox but even the gog packed games look like how they should look in a CRT, there's something I should touch in the options? I already tried filters, no filters, etc.

>> No.6340396

so do yall just hook computer emulators to crt or go the whole way of loading patched roms to snes carts?
ive been just finished genealogy and started thracia personally, wondering how to up my hipster game to be cool too

>> No.6340412


Flashcarts, my dude. God's gift to retro gaming

>> No.6340419

maybe ill get into that, retro gaming isnt rly a main hobby for me but it sounds fun.

>> No.6340429


You can find chink Everdrives for $50-60 it's pretty affordable

>> No.6340673

Are you using a VGA PC CRT? If so, don't expect scan lines. They're different beasts.

>> No.6340736
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>VGA CRT's can't have them
Most won't, some can.
But if you're using 480p modes, yeah, you aren't gonna see them because the "scan lines" in 240p are technically a defect caused by using tubes meant for 480i.

>> No.6340779

how good is a JVC AV-27230? i was only given pictures of the rear so i don't know what condition it's in, how good is the tube in them?

>> No.6341090

Is there a good sticky for getting into CRTs anywhere? I want to get one but I know nothing and I don't know where to start.

>> No.6341150

Highly depends which region you're in.

>> No.6341161

Central Texas. I think they're pretty popular with Melee players around here, so I think I might have to invest a little, but I don't really mind.

>> No.6341229

Check craigslist for CRTs near you and ignore any that you can't tell the model number or inputs of. Figure out the inputs either from photos of them on the back or looking up the model number.
Ideally you want a TV with component and S-video inputs, and a curved screen rather than a flat screen. Flat screens or no component or no S-video are still worthwhile if you don't have a CRT yet, but if there's no component nor S-video, just composite and RF, don't bother.
Composite-only TVs are not worth a cent, and generally aren't even worth taking for free. I hear some retarded Melee players try to sell them to one another, so beware of that. You want at least S-video for tolerable image quality.
Component is ideal as far as what TVs had in North America, it doesn't reduce color quality like composite and S-video. RGB is equal in quality to component, just encoded differently, and you can get an RGB to YPbPr transcoder to use RGB consoles with a component TV.
If you find a TV you want, mind the size and weight and get a suitable vehicle and able-bodied friend to help transport it.

>> No.6341471

*RGB is theoretically equal in quality to component.
In reality analogue conversions between the two lose information. And any set with YPbPr is still using RGB for the electron guns so you'll have at least one such conversion and most probably two.

S-Video also theoretically has enough color bandwidth for not losing any information, but once again reality differs.

Anyway, most anything with an OSD is moddable for RGB too.

>> No.6341473

*S-video has enough bandwidth for 240p/480i video.
Not that that actually means anything in practice with real-world decoders.
Anyway: main point: YPbPr is fine but it's not quite the same.

>> No.6341518
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>> No.6341593
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>> No.6341683

Yes. I don't really get that, anything in low res shouldn't show scanlines in a CRT? Still, I could see scanlines before so I can only guess it's a dosbox configuration problem.

>> No.6341690

TVs are displaying a specific standard, NTSC, which uses a set amount of interlaced lines, of which 240p video game consoles are using a hack of sorts, to only display every other line.

Monitors aren't TVs and don't use interlacing. Monitors always had that very pixelated look for low res games. Emulating SNES games on ZSNES looked just as pixelated as emulating them on a modern 1440p screen.

>> No.6341724

mainly for a nostalgic experience. Motion clarity is another reason. I forgot how smooth images render in motion on a crt until I played on one recently. You may be too young to appreciate nostalgia properly. A good experience can take you back to an earlier time, if only for a moment.

>> No.6341725

GS美神 除霊師はナイスバディ! for the SFC

>> No.6341730

retroarch allows you to render to an alternate screen. It has a mode specifically for crt displays as well. Surely you can do this otherwise with some tinkering in the options

>> No.6341737

Sure, but that's emulation. And dosbox is too but for some reason I remember quite well I could see the games with scanlines and all, just straight out GOG.
The same with anything at 480p.

>> No.6341738

They exist, they're just too tight together to see in 480p.

>> No.6342006

Does anyone know if the Dell P1130 is compatible with light guns? I have mine tucked away in my closet for the last four years since my desk collapsed, was thinking about bringing it out again for auld lang syne.

How would I even connect a light gun to a VGA port?

>> No.6342081

Light guns that attach to a video cable just need the sync signal I believe. The problem is if whatever resolution your light gun game works at is natively supported by your monitor.
Dreamcast games will obviously work. I hear GunCon 2 games support 480p so they should work. Xbox games reportedly have unusable fuxxored gun input in 480p.

>> No.6342137

imagine the CRT shaders we could have with 48k resolution LCD displays

>> No.6342450

What's the best way to convert RGB to pal s-video?

>> No.6342584

The standard is just a book, the TV/monitor don't care, 240p is no more of a "hack" than 480p.

>> No.6342812

I could see them though.
I had an old Windows XP PC and I could see them, now with a modern PC with windows 7 it looks completely different in the same screen, but anything at higher resolutions like 480p looks the same though, at least I have that.
I don't know too much about it but it must be something obvious I'm doing wrong.

>> No.6343086
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>> No.6343127
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>> No.6343131
File: 2.62 MB, 2884x2160, IMG_20200415_145336_4mresize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well as long as CRT's exist I don't care.
Wire it up to a video encoder chip.
If you don't want to build one yourself then you'll have to pay someone else's markup. http://www.jrok.com/hardware/RGB.html for instance (No relation, never tried their products).

>> No.6343202

Nice, not enough people set up the tally light

>> No.6343221

Because no one needs the tally light unless they're in a studio.

>> No.6343230

I don't need it either, I just like the way it looks.

>> No.6343258
File: 2.33 MB, 2884x2160, IMG_20200415_160245_4mbresize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Precisely. That's why no one sets it up. Because it's useless for us.

>> No.6343361

Just dug up my old P1130 and set it up. Powers on but has a clicking noise for a bit and then turns off. I'm assuming the caps in the power supply are bad, don't know if the thing is salvagable or not.

That sucks, I was hoping I could play some PSX ones.

>> No.6343402
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>> No.6343406
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>> No.6343548
File: 382 KB, 1707x1280, BoFIV PVM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally fell for the PVM meme, pretty happy to finally own one after hunting for years.

>> No.6343583
File: 3.63 MB, 2240x2345, 20200415_174536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi. I wanted to get a crt so I can play on actual hardware. I found this today in a local listing and picked it up. The model number is KV-13TR29.
It takes a few secods for the power to come on but otherwise the sound is great and looks nice. Is there anything that needs to be done to this model or should I just leave it alone?

>> No.6343620

If it plays fine then no need to tinker around with with it. If you notice any problems like color and such then maybe mess around with the settings.

>> No.6343698

Do want. Were they released anywhere outside Japan?

>> No.6343724

I don't know

>> No.6343730

My friend has one of those dell crt VGA monitors and he's willing to give it to me after quarantine is over. I'm thinking of hooking up my Dreamcast to it, although I already have a OSSC that supports 2x 480p, is a basic dell monitor likely to look any better? I mainly just want the monitor for lightgun games

>> No.6343757

No need to be worried. PVMs and BVMs are heavy duty. The modules in the back are made to be slammed in there by technicians. Watched a Sony tech reassemble a BVM once and he slapped the front bezel into place hard as hell.

>> No.6343765

Excellent condition 20L2 ya got there. Got any more pics?

>> No.6343770

Where'd you get yours? Got lucky off of local Craigslist ad? I'm considering just dropping money on an Ebay listing.

>> No.6343774
File: 954 KB, 2560x1280, 20200415_203253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

32" JVC here

>> No.6343784

Ebay, was a little over $120 with shipping and handling. The seller was accepting bids but I said "fuck it" and made an offer of $90 which they accepted. I have an electronics recycler I've been bothering for the past few weeks thay not only were pvms rare but often are taken withing a day of their arrival. Instead of bothering them I decided to just buy one. Very happy with it, it's a great monitor and mine was clean as fuck.with almost no scratches.

>> No.6343806

An 8 inch pvm is $100 on ebay. A 14 inch is maybe $200-300.

>> No.6343843

I both love and hate the RGB on the PS1. It exposes so much dithering that I never noticed before or didn't see since I was on composite. Sure the colors and everything looks crisp, but I remember the graphics being much blurry / smoother. Still - wonderful shot.

>> No.6344258

one of my earliest wanks

>> No.6344281

Thanks for telling me, I didn't know. I only had it on because I liked how bright it looked. I have no issues with cutoff and whatnot so thank you.

>> No.6344335

I'll never use underscan again !!

>> No.6344914

only dreamcast light gun games will work on a vga monitor, every other console relies on 15khz.

>> No.6345117

Protip: The early revision PSX dithers much harder than later revisions.
Late SCPH-100X's and all future revisions dither less than the PU-7 and the early PU-8's that used dual-ported VRAM (and an older GPU revision).
Those older GPU's also perform slower in most cases. FF9 makes it very noticeable.

>> No.6345118

(Particularly spells and summons in FF9 are slower on early consoles)

>> No.6345181
File: 3.21 MB, 3770x2733, APC_2338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a nice old German TV from 1983-ish. SNES has a satisfying softness. Pretty tough to fix the underscan though, the little dials on the board are very hard to get to.

>> No.6345623

Pretty in its own way.

>> No.6345705

I have an opportunity to buy a 70 inch crt. Are large crt's just a meme? Or should I just go for it?

>> No.6345736

>70 inch CRT
No such thing. Do you mean rear projection?

>> No.6345754
File: 558 KB, 1058x1476, 20200416_144403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very new to crts and here is an image of the listing I found.

>> No.6345760
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>> No.6345775
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>> No.6345798

I wouldn't recommend. It looks like a LCD based, rear-projection TV. Not a CRT and I don't think it will offer any improvement over modern displays.

>> No.6345816

Computer monitors, aside from having a glass tube with an electron gun, generally work very differently from NTSC CRT televisions. They will generally only scan down to 31 KHz, whereas a TV does 15 KHz. As far as I know, aside from old Commodore monitors and the like (ie, for home computers designed to use a TV for output if you were too cheap to get a proper monitor), the only units that were designed to run at both 15 KHz and 31+ KHz were a couple of NEC Multisync units. Also, monitors don't interlace, they use progressive scan. As >>6340736 mentioned, scanlines as we know them are technically a defect.Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I suspect this is why I don't really get them on my Sony 9L2 (250 TVL) but I sure as fuck notice them on my KV-27S42 (~450 TVL)

>> No.6345834

>Also, monitors don't interlace, they use progressive scan
Not true; amigas can display interlaced video and monitors will handle it.
Also, I can drive 960i from my PC and my 480p VGA monitors will display it.

>> No.6345839

and as for your last statement, that sounds probable.

>> No.6345884

What model is it to sell for only $90? That looks like a 14", those things are usually $200-$300.

I paid $20 for my 8" PVM from a pawn shop. I used to obsess about finding a bigger one, but when I realized that my 27" TV was good enough and I was ultimately too lazy to do any RGB modding on my N64 anyways, I gave up the search. A number of year ago, an AV company in my hometown was upgrading their equipment, and put all sorts of old stuff out by the curb. I picked up a Lacie Electron Blue II (Diamondtron 2070NF) with the hood. At the time I had a Viewsonic E90 which I was using as my primary monitor, but unfortunately I also didn't know that CRTs have a nasty habit of wearing out and dimming with age. The Lacie was practically brand new and is still an absolutely ace monitor. So it was a good haul for that alone. BUT, they also had a number of 14" and 20" PVMs. This was 2014, and at the time I didn't understand the value of these things. My SNES was boxed up and hadn't been played in months. So I just left them, there were 6 or 7 in really good shape. Then 3 years later I saw one in action at my local vintage game store, thought "I gotta get me one of these, they can't be too much", only to find the PVMeme was in full swing. Fucking regrets mates.

>> No.6345889

there's such a thing as getting lucky too.
Not who you're asking btw

>> No.6346052
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Wow what an active thread

>> No.6346271

It's almost the end of the semester, people are busy

>> No.6346290

OK, Zoomer.

>> No.6346306
File: 684 KB, 2160x3840, IMG_20200416_181932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. LARPing community college dropout
No cozier way to study than by the warm glow of a CRT

>> No.6346319

Congrats retard

>> No.6346346

He's not retarded, just misguided.
They're decent sets. I prefer shadow mask RGB, but he'll do fine with that too.
(Unless the L2's were the ones without RGB, in which case I hope there's an OSD so you can mod it. I Don't remember anymore and I had an L5 back when I was a sony slave)
Lol, anon's still not gotten past single transistor circuits

>> No.6346395

>Unless the L2's were the ones without RGB
RGB, component and s-video. Great monitor. Personally, I have an L5 but I've used L2s and I wasn't disappointed.

>> No.6346401

Does someone wanna make their stand now about why PVMs are bad? What should I be looking for when buying a CRT?

>> No.6346406

They aren't bad. They just aren't on some whole other plane of existence compared to non-Sony pro sets or RGB computer monitors.
They are overvalued for what they are. and the "scan line" effect on the 20" sets especially is harsh and ugly IMO unless you're very far away.

When buying a CRT look for something you like the look of. I personally like tri-dot 14" sets, but that's just me since I sit somewhat close to my screens.

>> No.6346408

Oh also don't get one shipped on ebay.

>> No.6346418

Because you can't inspect it before purchase and/or it'll get damaged in shipping?

>> No.6346430

Came across a TV on the side of the road while walking today. Unusual sight, as most people ditched CRTs years ago around here. Even though it would have be useless to me, I nearly nabbed it anyway. It had a built in VCR and only RF and Composite as video inputs. Mono only. Decided to not be a retarded hoarder and left it as it was. My CRT is much nicer.

>> No.6346484

Damaged in shipping, can't inspect, and it's all around just stupid to buy one when you've never seen it in person

>> No.6346620


>> No.6346645

How exactly am I misguided?

>> No.6346694

What model is that? Looks like a Diamondtron rebrand. Also, I really hope you aren't using that as your main monitor. Don't make the same mistake I did and wear out the CRT displaying useless shit.

They're not bad, they're actually quite good. The question is, are they $300 better than a consumer Trinitron set that you can probably get for free, and will almost certainly have a larger tube?

Mainly damaged in shipping. People are retarded and can't pack CRTs properly. Being unable to inspect is another strike.

>> No.6346732
File: 57 KB, 750x1000, 2959B1F6-D42C-4C93-87AE-49AB07BDAECB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6346804

>What model is that?
>Looks like a Diamondtron rebrand.
It is.
>Also, I really hope you aren't using that as your main monitor.
It gets semi-regular usage, but it's not left on all the time for no reason. I turned it on for the picture because >>6346052 was complaining about lack of activity
>Don't make the same mistake I did and wear out the CRT displaying useless shit.
Two questions: What do you consider "useless shit", and how long did that take?

>> No.6347004
File: 250 KB, 1784x1216, 1572708639552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is there no pastebin or any kind of guide to CRT and retro gaming?

I'm okay with emulation but with trumpbux I wanna go out and buy a nice CRT and old consoles, there's still a lot of classic games I never got to play as a kid.

I wanna know what I should be looking for when it comes to a good CRT, I also wanna know how easy it is to mod older consoles so I don't have to pay an (I assume) large amount of money to buy a bunch of older games even if it might be nicer to have physical copy? I mostly just wanna play PS2 games but definitely want to dip into nintendo consoles.

>> No.6347282

Can I get 480p 60Hz out of a PAL Wii if I connect it via YPbPr cable then into SCART adapter to the TV?

>> No.6347296

Only if said TV accepts 480p component over SCART, which is rare for CRTs.

>> No.6347318
File: 39 KB, 512x310, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>480p 60Hz out of a PAL Wii
just go into the settings it genuinely should just have that option out the box even for composite (480i or 576i), the wii lets you choose between 480 60hz or 576 50hz out of the box, I think you've just not tried it and are asking here first aren't you?

>> No.6347332

Oh no I see what you're asking, if it's a crt it's doubtful depending on it's age, only ones into the 2000's supported 480p, like the widescreen models everyone used to have in their living room, you could just try it and if it doesnt work you get a rolling picture, you're trying to save on the cost of scart cables aren't you?

>> No.6347380

Wii won't give you the option for 480p if you have a SCART (or composite) cable plugged in, only component

>> No.6347474

>Haul up a 27" Trini
>Plug it up to test how it looks today
>Poor convergence
>Poor geometry
>Tilted screen
Why did I fall for this meme. I really don't want to fuck with this thing to make the picture more acceptable, tilted screen in particular is a death knell. I know you fuckers wouldn't risk adjusting the deflection yoke

>> No.6347529
File: 248 KB, 480x412, bd6019c930ade9e989d05916d795725c5fbd87dc9ce031e02bee5e5bf00b45e4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picking something up without testing it

>> No.6347548

It was probably the only KV model available within a 100 mile radius and I didn't care about blowing 50 bucks on it. But now I got this absolute brick I'm either gonna need to work on or haul off, and hauling it off is pussy shit because like it or not all CRTs are destined to show these defects eventually. If you throw out every CRT or refuse to pick one up because it has defects which aren't related to the tube itself burning out, you won't have one to play on before long.

Mostly I'm just pissed I jumped on a 27" after saying I'd never get one this big and difficult to work on again.

>> No.6347595
File: 1.09 MB, 837x764, Screenshot2_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paid money for it
>he didn't even test it
What the fuck is wrong with you, do you buy a car without taking it for a test drive, no you don't. Do you buy literally anything second hand without making sure you're actually getting a functional product, no you don't.

>> No.6347618

Eat my ass /v/ fag. I don't have time to demand to waltz into some stranger's house and run a battery of autistic tests on the picture when I can fix it myself and the set costs pennies. Especially with the quarantine meme, the guy left it outside and I left the money.

>> No.6347639

>So is there no pastebin or any kind of guide to CRT and retro gaming?
there is, in older /crt/-editions.
they don't make 'em how they used to.

>> No.6347642

>Old shit showing signs of age

>> No.6347728

>I don't have time to demand to waltz into some stranger's house and run a battery of autistic tests on the picture when I can fix it myself and the set costs pennies. Especially with the quarantine meme, the guy left it outside and I left the money.
Damn literally just plug it in for like 10 seconds.

>> No.6347996

I live in a big city. Because of this quarantine shit (pawn/thrift stores closed, people ain't selling/putting out shit for you to even test, these things were already a bitch to hunt for around here, etc.), I feel kind of fucked - won't be able to really hunt for a while until things chill out.

>> No.6348069

Used pro monitors are heavily used. Ideally, you will want to sit down and test one out for several hours before purchase. Tinker with all of the functions/settings too. Often times these monitors are just barely hanging on and are filled with failing capacitors.

>> No.6348076

>I know you fuckers wouldn't risk adjusting the deflection yoke
>27 inch Trinitron
You don't have to. Just use the tilt option in the settings or adjust the TROT setting in the service menu.

>> No.6348319
File: 48 KB, 958x720, 3546972306820769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up Paulie

>> No.6348369
File: 12 KB, 348x348, silviodante_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, he might have a point, T. It *is* an investment. It's good practice.

>> No.6348416

I know that fucking textbook
honestly one of the best ones i have ever used

>> No.6348658

i'd like to learn, what textbook is it ?

>> No.6348753

If it's a GDM, it's probably a Trinitron rebrand rather than a Diamondtron. Beautiful monitor though, usually CRTs don't photograph well and I can tell this one is really nice. I recently picked up a 21" Sun monitor to use with my Ultra 1, Solaris on a CRT with native DB-13W3 just feels so good.

I consider text-heavy images and schematics to be useless shit. Because frankly, an LCD is better at showing both. Text on CRTs begins to look kind of fuzzy, especially at high resolutions when you're really pushing the monitor outside its comfortable range. I used my Viewsonic E90 monitor as my main throughout university, and most of the time it was not really displaying anything other than Powerpoint slides or essays.

In addition to the E90 I also had a smaller NEC Multisync 75 that I used as my secondary monitor. Originally, they were both about the same in terms of brightness and colour accuracy, with the Viewsonic having a slight edge. But after about another 3-4 years of use (when it was basically powered on 24/7, admittedly), the Viewsonic became noticeably more worn out. It was really dim and the colours were not vibrant anymore. It took like half an hour to warm up. Text was also noticeably more blurry than before, and no amount of adjustments in the OSD or on the flyback could fix it. Now with my almost-new Diamondtron tube, I only use the monitor for playing games or watching anime, maybe 1-2 hours a day on average. So far it's lasted about 7 years with no obvious signs of degradation.

Screen tilt is an easy fix, you can deal with that in the setup menu.

Yeah, online classifieds have taken a huge dive as well. I feel bad for people who didn't hoard before the Corona came.

>> No.6349065

Hmm, so I shouldn't use 16:9 mode too much/ right?

>> No.6349646

> Decide I wanna play my ps1 games
> Have room, and remember my folks have a CRT
> Snag it from them without even looking at the inputs
> Its only RCA

I kinda feel bummed, but I dont think it looks like COMPLETE ass. Should I even worry if its just for nostalgia bros?

>> No.6349670

There is but I haven't seen it for quite a while.
It's not important anyway.

Just get one that you like the look of. That's literally all that matters. If you want crystal clear, RGB mod it or get one that normally supports RGB.

Video signal tiers:
RGB (barely) > YPbPr >> S-Video >>>> Composite >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RF

>> No.6349671

Oh and the other thing is that HDTV CRT's are almost universally inferior to SDTV's unless you're playing Dreamcast 480p games.

>> No.6349676

RCA isn't a signal.
RCA connectors can often be:
>Composite video
>YPbPr Component
>RGB (less common but it happens)
>Y/C (like S-Video: see Commodore 1802.)

If you mean composite video, say so.
And if it has an OSD, RGB mod it

>> No.6349681

Because you're wrong if you think Sony® PVM's/BVM's are subjectively the ultimate sets.

>> No.6349690

I meant objectively, that's my wrong

>> No.6349716
File: 2.33 MB, 2884x2160, IMG_20200418_011622_01_4m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6349754

Yeah I meant composite video. My bad.

>> No.6349783

>GS美神 除霊師はナイスバディ!
Oh wow, kinda reminds me of Valis

>> No.6349829

>cable card

I really wish something other than horeshit had happened with that technology.

>> No.6349871
File: 2.91 MB, 2884x2160, IMG_20200418_022426_01_4m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6350145

rgb-mod it

>> No.6350553

I didn't say they are the ultimate sets, I just wanted one since they're good sets.

>> No.6350707

The lines really aren't as noticeable in real life as the shitty emulator shaders would have you believe.

>> No.6350731

>just for nostalgia
Then go for it. Composite is the stock output for the PS1 and using it puts you in the same boat as the majority of people who played back in the day. You could argue that's how the games were meant to be seen.

>> No.6350775

If it's composite, it honestly won't look terrible. It's a step up from RF, which I consider to be total garbage. But it will not be as good as S-video, and certainly won't be as good as RGB. But honestly it will be fine. PS1 on CRT is going to look better than a flat panel no matter what.

>> No.6350783

What happens if I attempt to play a 480p Dreamcast game on my SDTV? Will it be squished? Will half the image be off the screen? Will it just not show anything at all? Google isn't making it very clear.

>> No.6350798

If the tv doesnt support 480p the image will just roll constantly and be impossible to use, trying the wrong mode on a tv won't make it explode, just try it and you'll see it doesn't work, it's why ps2 games used to have that little test screen for some games like burnout revenge (at least on the pal version) where it had pal50, pal60 and progressive mode test options.

>> No.6350935

At most you'll see the the imace twice per line (side by side) squished.
You could get a similar effect for far less by not buying a Sony one. Ikegami, JVC, Panasonic are good.

>> No.6350948

Thank you for answering my question. Also, why does 480p not work on SD sets? They have 480 lines, why isn't it possible to fill each one?

>> No.6350992

That's easy for me to answer but hard to answer in a way that will make sense to you without drawing a lot of pictures.
Basically though, 480i basically draws every other line of each frame: odd numbered lines in one frame, then even numbered lines in the next one. The result of this is that in any given ~1/60th of a second (or ~1/50th in some parts of the world), the screen will have drawn around 240 lines rather than a full 480.
240p consoles get 60hz framerates by drawing two frames at half resolution overlayed on each other instead of offset (drawing all lines, but only half as many as 480i, instead of only even or only odd ones).
In reality, US and Japanese style analogue video is a 525 line system, not a 480 line one, but most of the other lines are off-screen and during the period where the TV is moving back up to the top of the screen to draw the next frame. So there are roughly 262.5 lines per field, and a field is drawn around every 60th of a second.
Math time. We need to figure out how often we need to draw horizontal lines to stay within spec:
(525/2) lines * 60Hz = 262.5 lines * 60Hz = 15,750Hz
So to draw 240p or 480i, the math works out that a single line of a single frame of the picture is painted about every 1/15,750th of a second (or 262.5 lines per 1/60th of a second).

Now, to get 480p, one would just double that number and need to draw 31,500 lines every second (a full 525 lines progressively every 1/60th of a second). But wait, most TV's are designed with half that rate in mind, and aren't designed to be driven at double-speed. Most TV's will simply not notice every other horizontal sync pulse, since it's an integer multiple, and since there are twice as many being drawn in a given 1/15,750th of a second, you see two frames next to each other (drawing two fields per line of video).

>> No.6350993

So TL;DR your TV is designed to draw lines at half the speed you're trying to make it draw them because interlaced and progressive video aren't the same thing and progressive scan requires double the horizontal frequency for the same given vertical frequency. It's wildly out-of-spec for a 480i television.
(ran out of room in that post)

>> No.6350995

(the 262.5 number is because we're running 525 lines, but interlaced)

>> No.6351001

>(drawing two fields per line of video).
*drawing two lines in the duration normally needed to draw a single line. My mistake.

>> No.6351013

BTW this is why you don't hear a high pitched whine with 480p monitors but you might hear one with TV's. 31,500 Hz is outside of the human range of hearing, but 15,750Hz is well within it so most younger people will hear it.

>> No.6351039

Any TV repair guys that can diagnose a problem? Searched for it, but can't find this specific issue anywhere. The color blue, particularly 255 blue like you'd see as the background of an 80s shooter or Final Fantasy game, stains the screen dark in locations. This is only visible on the color blue, and goes away when the TV is shut down. It is always in the same parts of the screen. This isn't burn in as I've ever seen it, which leaves a ghost of an image on the screen at all times.

>> No.6351041
File: 78 KB, 200x200, 503EE56B-2C75-41B7-8420-6090BA9E9395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of brightness/ contrast settings do you guys have your TVs on? I just set mine at half for everything

>> No.6351054

color purity issue.
Show a pure white screen on it, and you'll see "stains".

You'll need to place some weak magnets alongside the edges of the tube (taped to the rear surface with duct tape or similar).
There may be existing magnets placed by the manufacturer you can move.

>> No.6351057

Depends on the console, Mega Drive I keep contrast low, I need to crank it up for PSX. Brightness set so that black doesn't create visible lines.

>> No.6351064

Thank you! I'll look in this direction.

>> No.6351067

You can also try fiddling with the "purity rings," but if only one color's getting fucked up then it'll probably make things worse. the magnet fix worked for my TV with red purity issues.

>> No.6351149

I have two CRT monitors. Both mine for 15+ years now (both late 90's models). On pure white backgrounds they are not exactly pure white. Very close but look dirty. Total brightness goes down too like it can't handle pushing pure white across the screen.

Which part is failing identically in both that causes this. I know how to solder and diagnose, but wasn't sure if it was a deeper issue than replacing caps or even if a very specific name exists for the issue. I see it as some power regulation issue for the brightness going down, however the almost dirtier look? Reminds me of needing to degausse the monitor but with grey instead of rainbow issues.

>> No.6351160

One other question. Does leaving this issue cause any long term problems?

>> No.6351184

I'm the guy that posted the picture, it's Microelectronic Circuits by Sedra & Smith. I have the 7th edition. It assumes that you already have knowledge of most of the material usually covered in Circuits 1 and Circuits 2 classes, so a textbook that covers that material might be a better place to start.

>> No.6351242
File: 2.29 MB, 4032x3024, 8FF88F6E-838B-466C-9E35-2EE18A62D51B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y'all ever play platinum on a pvm?

>> No.6351325

Eh, probably not beyond what you're already experiencing.

If you do the magnet adjustment thing be sure to degauss afterwards. I use an AC powered fan as a poverty-degausser and it works fine.

>> No.6351327

Not /vr/, and no.
I play it using my thinkpad x201 tablet's screen as a touchpad and an external monitor as the main display.

>> No.6351332

(or on a real DS as god intended)

>> No.6351342

Curious, how are you running this? I would think the second screen would be a major problem.

>> No.6351353

crtemudriver, retroarch, desmume core, mapped the ZR button of my wii classic controller to swap screens. you can play with the screens side by side, but this works better for 240p of course

>> No.6351426

>3-4 years of being turned on 24/7
Don't worry, I'm not (ab)using it anywhere near that much. I have an LCD monitor to the right of it that's my go-to for everyday tasks.
But thanks for sharing, It's good to have some rough estimates of how long phosphors are good for. What you said seems to agree with what I've heard about how long a professional monitor would have gone between tube replacements -- 25,000~30,000 hours is what I've heard was normal for BVMs.

>> No.6351874

I'm actually surprised that it's so light. The Diamondtron 2070sb in my Lacie was quoted a MTBF of 60,000 hours, but I am not sure if this is measuring the half-life of the tube, or the point where it becomes completely, totally unusable. Either way, in a worst-case scenario, I estimate my tube will be done for in about 68 years (assuming it was used for 10,000 hours before I got it, and assuming I continue to use it for about 2 hours a day, 7 days a week). I don't know what on Earth I'll do when that happens.

Could you post a photo? Usually if your whites are off, it's because of one of the electron guns failing, or just unbalanced colours in the OSD. Not sure what you mean by a "dirty" look.

>> No.6351992

Sup /crt/. Cleaning out for an estate sale, got to take a Panasonic ct-27SF12T1 because no one cared to sell it. It's turning on for a few seconds, then crapping out. I'm assuming it's the caps, but I know fuck all about fixing it in the first place and google isn't being helpful as far as if it's specs even if I got it working. I tried taking the back off to check if I'm right and there's a buldging cap or 12, but the board is mounted to the bottom and tied up with wires I'm not gonna blindly paw at. Is it worth trying to get it fixed?

>> No.6352065

why is the discord server overrun with redditors

>> No.6352109
File: 874 KB, 1920x1273, 000372330031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have experience with BVM power supply noises? By far the loudest part of my 14G5U is the whine that transformer T201 makes. It changes pitch based on the input / brightness, so I can only assume it's a capacitor issue. I was planning on recapping the whole power supply board, but is there anything else I should check before tossing Mouser some dough for new caps? I don't see any bulged caps, and they're all either Rubycon or Nippon-Chemicon, so I'm dubious about it being entirely a cap issue.

>> No.6352134

Could very well be a capacitor issue. Without proper voltage, oscillation can become abnormal and you'll start to hear unusual sounds. I had a power supply issue with my BMV which caused strange noises. Turned out it had three dead caps. Replacement solved the problem. It was surprising that the damn thing could function with three dead caps.

>> No.6352152

Composite (developers’ intent) > RGB = component = S-video > RF

>> No.6352159

VGA > RGB/Component > S-Video > Composite > modulated RF > HDMI

>> No.6352248

Yeah, its wild how components can run out of spec and not cause major issues. Turns out the power supply has $40 worth of caps on it. I'll update in a few days with results, just in case somebody else has a similar issue.

>> No.6352252

>I estimate my tube will be done for in about 68 years
Are you prepared to replace capacitors as needed?

>> No.6352284

I have never been legit jealous of someone until these fucking 1942 pics started showing up god damn that is gorgeous looking

>> No.6352290

Yeah it says LCD in the edge of that rear pic. Still wouldn't mind knowing the model though, if it's a legit EDTV it might be cool for PS2/Xbox/GCN/Wii

>> No.6352317
File: 3.12 MB, 4032x3024, Uh oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6352696

get a fucking table

>> No.6352748

Yeah I mean tilt is like, one of the most fixable and easiest to fix things on a trinitron, particularly if its a later model

>> No.6352783

what's your connection?
do you get any Input lag being digital to analogue?

>> No.6352906
File: 76 KB, 895x893, alys_brangwin_phantasy_star_iv_by_weoroth_d7p1eem-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not only I found a thread from the best RPG ever but I also find a thread for the best Numan/cat girl ever
What a happy day

>> No.6353192
File: 141 KB, 349x349, 1537237072375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6353485

Why did you take them all apart at once? Why did you not keep any of the screws separate?

You are the worst.

>> No.6353674
File: 602 KB, 586x619, mama mia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's kept them separate alright, they're fucking everywhere all over the floor.

>> No.6354302

worth trying maybe, but only If you know how to do it safely.

>> No.6354305


>> No.6354395

this screen looks really nice, what is it?

>> No.6354504
File: 1.23 MB, 1248x968, 8f13d3011875e7037a1e3447cc7acc99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I play ps1 or ps2 my tv has this odd underscan, no settings in the service menu can help it, anyone have any ideas. It's a daewoo GB20H1TS if anyone is familiar with those.

>> No.6354596

Lower output resolution. Not anything you can do about it really if there's no option to adjust horizontal or vertical in the service menu. There is game but it's a pain.

>> No.6354601

gsm, not game

>> No.6354627

I have been trying around with gsm but anything I change just seems to turn it to a progressive signal or some shit because the image starts rolling.

>> No.6354779
File: 1.31 MB, 1080x1470, Eva crt 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I take good pictures of a crt?

>> No.6354917

Shutter speeds below and divisible by the refresh rate. So for 60Hz, you'd use 1/30 or 1/15 second

>> No.6355285

>how to take good pictures of a CRT
First, you learn to read. >>6338621 explained it already.

>> No.6355289

Panasonic BT-H1390YN. Almost exactly the same as a JVC BM-1400PN (as in you can use the JVC's service manual to service the Panasonic).
It's without a doubt one of the nicest monitors I've ever used.

>> No.6355335
File: 2.52 MB, 1944x2135, but m-muh developer intent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I'm really happy with it, except that it's annoying to only have RGB input and to need a sync splitter to use it. It was also an absolute nightmare to fix all the broken stuff inside the set and I had to replace a few capacitors because they were failing. The build quality wasn't that great when it was new from the looks of the insides (factory bodge jobs everywhere).
FWIW, the BT-H1390YN is the same dot pitch, and appears to be the same kind of phosphor, and it supports RGBS, YPbPr, S-Video, and composite instead of just RGBHV. They look really similar besides the matte finish on the 1942 (I own both of them). I love the aesthetic of the Commodore though.
>Composite (developers’ intent) > RGB = component = S-video > RF
Pic related.
>b-but m-muh developers intended indistinct facial features and nei having an orange leg
Unmodified Model 1 Genesis, same monitor for both pictures.

>> No.6355338

reminder that VGA is RGB using worse connectors than BNC.

>> No.6355340

haha, I took the yoke off my 20L5 once.
Have fun getting that back in place.

>> No.6355353
File: 88 KB, 500x500, tumblr_inline_phiwexvGTu1w169t0_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Composite (developers’ intent)

>> No.6355381

that's a much worse example than >>6355335 because that's arguable and there's a huge difference in brightness levels.

The NES is one of the only systems where it's arguably true, since the best video signal they ever made was composite, but they made crisp enough composite video that it was passable.
The CXA1145, on the other hand…

>> No.6355394

by the way, I've noticed that early Sega Master Systems (which used the Sony V7040 as their encoder chip) have much nicer composite video than the later -1145 based consoles.

>> No.6355421

V7040 was also used as the encoder chip in many MSX systems.

>> No.6356639
File: 660 KB, 1280x958, 0A3382D3-E7A0-4DB6-89B1-CECE080C7E7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who’s the Molmoran?

>> No.6358436

Is it normal to prefer S-video for third gen but composite for fourth?

>> No.6358440




>> No.6358460

I wasn't even aware of them while playing on shadow masks and slot masks at 240p as a kid. They're really only apparent on aperture grille gimmick tubes, which many believe to be an inferior phosphor arrangement, and they have that visible wire.

>> No.6358680

he's a dumbass don't reply to him, scanlines are only really visible if you sit really close to the screen

>> No.6358828

- CRTs are no longer produced because they have inferior picture quality versus LCDs
- CRTs emit dangerous levels of X-rays or other forms of radiation
- CRTs always have easily-visible flicker
- CRTs always cause eyestrain
- CRTs always make a high-pitched squealing noise
- CRTs contain lethal amounts of electricity, even when unplugged
- CRTs need calibration more than two to three times a year
- Overall CRT black levels are not superior to LCDs because ambient light ruins CRT black levels
- Analog CRTs have more processing time than digital LCDs due to poor RAMDAC performance
- Afterimages caused by phosphor decay are extremely annoying and are a significant downside of CRTs
- Sending an improper mode (resolution or refresh rate) to a CRT can cause permanent damage
- CRTs cannot have touchscreens
- 4:3 is so bad that nobody should use a non-widescreen CRT
- The Sony GDM-FW900 is the only CRT worth owning
- Curved CRTs have objectively inferior picture quality versus flat CRTs with otherwise equal specifications
- CRTs should not be used because they are heavier and deeper than LCDs
- CRTs have severe reflections because they do not have matte coats
- CRTs can be permanently damaged by nearby magnets
- Analog signals limit a CRT's resolutions and refresh rates and negatively effect picture quality
- Heavy metals are used in CRT glass to reduce radiation

>> No.6358831

show me where CRT's touched you.
>GDM-FW900 is only crt worth owning
How can you say something so controversial/stupid, yet so brave?

>> No.6358926
File: 213 KB, 539x1121, dontpost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit bait copypasta

>> No.6360064

can someone post the sticky please

>> No.6360073

this isnt your photo this is a photo of a tube swap ma couple of months ago

>> No.6360087


>> No.6360228

Capacitors are easier to deal with than a fucking tube going bad. They can be replaced. The tube cannot.

>> No.6360968
File: 646 KB, 800x900, 1587098946146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there an idiot-proof guide on using CRT shaders (CRT-Royale) on Retroarch. What is integer scaling? Should I be running at 2880x2160 or 3840x2160? I mostly play PS1 games.

>> No.6361663
File: 3.97 MB, 4032x3024, shitpost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a quick shitpost for the night.

>> No.6361668

Nice APNG usage anon

>> No.6361821


>> No.6361975

>CRTs are no longer produced because they have inferior picture quality versus LCDs

more like, you can manufacture 10 LCDs for the price of a single CRT, plus they're thinner and weigh less so distribution and retail shelf space is much less of an issue

LCDs were never about your interests, it was all about what's more profitable for the manufacturer, you should just be glad that at least LCDs are decent enough for computer monitors that you're not suffering from their choices too much

>> No.6362612

>More like, you can manufacture 10 LCDs for the price of a single CRT
Also they tend to look nicer for computer monitors, even though it's a shame it doesn't seem like anyone ever made small-ish plasma screen PC monitors.
(I know some CRT's looked fine, but it's harder to find ones that looked good at high resolutions.)

>> No.6363589
File: 13 KB, 300x400, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JVC TV's actually any good? I saw the meme comic in a CRT scanline thread on /v/ and it got me looking into it. I think I love the idea of the size more than anything.

>> No.6363767

JVC is basically as well regarded as sony by people who know consumer sets

>> No.6363803
File: 2.93 MB, 3264x2448, Pvm-14m4u-rear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend of mine lent me a pvm of theirs, they collect them, since I've never had one before. Never used one of these before, used to regular consumer sets, and I need to ask, can I not use s video on these? The back looks like pic related, not my image. I just use s video on all my consoles, if I were to use one of these do I need special cords?

>> No.6364053

line C is S-Video in that pic. if you dont have that hookup, then i dont think you can use S-video.

>> No.6364058

Yea and they have the best VCRs

>> No.6364098
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Using pic related, doesn't fit in at all. It ends in a coaxial cable. Do I need some kind of adapter?

>> No.6364189

What the fuck is that shit.
That looks like an RF modulator/switchbox.
You're telling me that's S-video?!
I think you're wrong.
You've never used S-video if that's what you've got. You've been using RF video.

>> No.6364219

Oh, lol.

>> No.6364238
File: 540 KB, 1295x1920, _MG_1832-Edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: I replaced all of the caps in the power supply and now it has a power up / overload fault right after it tries starting up. All three front LED indicators blink and the power supply cuts power. None of the diagnostic LEDs in the power supply are lit. The transformer does sound a lot better, but that's inconsequential with this new fault.
The polarity on all of the caps is correct, so I'm guessing I scratched a trace or something.

>> No.6364241

Or bridged something.
Or blew a fuse.

>> No.6364478

Uhhhh how do I go about reading wires on an AV cable with a multimeter? I have a av cable for a dreamcat VGA box that's broke and the maker won't supply me with a pinout.

>> No.6364507

Welp, we’ve got a new screencap boys.

>> No.6364508

What do you guys suggest for filming a CRT for a video?

>> No.6364894

So I picked up a 32" Mitsubishi and there is a loud buzzing sound coming from it, Even when the sound is turned all the way down. Any idea what this is?

>> No.6365038

ps2s are fairly easy to mod, you just need to get freemcboot on a memory card. you can buy one online but if you can force it on your own by swapping discs between level 1 and 2 in 007 agent under fire. if you get a fat ps2 your gonna want to get network adapter because burning discs is very hit or miss in my experience (i think the ps2 is finicky about burn speeds). the network adapter gives you the option to add ide harddrive or load games from computer/router via ethernet cable
im no expert on CRTs but Sony had a patent on a design to make the brightest screens for years so they are usually safe (i have 4 trinitrons collected from dumps) but after 50 years the patent became open or something and there ended up being lots of knock offs of varying quality.

>> No.6365132
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I've given the board a pretty close look and I can't find any bridged connections. All three fuses are good.
Looking over the specs of the replacement caps, two of them have a slightly lower ripple current rating than the originals, but I doubt that would cause the issue. I reordered some replacements for these anyway.

>> No.6365135

If you use a phat with a HDD you can skip the 007 stuff and use some tools for the PC to install FreeHDBoot on the hard disk. (on a side note, 3x00x series Phats are very loud when using the net adapter)

>> No.6365221


Anything prosumer should have the needed functionality, if not your phone.

>> No.6365263

pls be a troll

>> No.6365381

see >>6338621
But use video
Opencamera on android lets you set the exposure settings and rate manually, just set it for 1/30 or 1/15.

>> No.6365390
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example capture

>> No.6365490
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>4:3 is bad
More vertical per horizontal. Perfect square would be the perfect screen.

>> No.6365510

More width is better when no height is traded for it. Using the extra width is optional. Every monitor should be at least 21:9 wide

>> No.6365540

Thanks for the help anon.

>> No.6365590
File: 1.10 MB, 1128x830, Screen Shot 2020-04-23 at 1.45.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question about the Toshiba 30HF85 HD-CRT.

There is someone locally who has two of these for free. Was thinking about picking them up, mainly because they have an HDMI port and I could plug my (not retro ps4) up to it. I found a video on youtube showing it has 7.4ms of lag when in 1080i, and I'm fine with that. Anyone have any experience with these boys?

>> No.6366606

Actually, more height is better when no width is traded for it.
Manga reading on widescreen laptops is horrible, for instance.
Also this is a board where 99% of games are 4:3.

Modded my Model 1 Genesis for S-video today; I already have been using it with RGB but my capture card only supports up to S-Video so I felt it was worth the time. It does look quite nice now.

>> No.6366609

>HD CRT with HDMI ports
It has lag. End of story. Won't work with your light guns.
If you want it for not /vr/, I suggest asking /v/.
You're welcome anon

>> No.6366619

Why are you reading pulp trash for children instead of books?

>> No.6366624

Book scans are also better in taller aspect ratios.
(Matters less for epub, etc., but not all books are in that form).
Why are you playing computer games for children instead of racing cars IRL?

>> No.6366635

Have you tried electronic ink? The 300ppi readers are pretty nice if you like to abuse your optics focusing on something less than an arm's length away.

>> No.6366645

Those are portrait.
And yes, I have tried them. Mine shattered when I dropped it a foot onto a carpeted floor. I was lying down and reading on a couch.
Not impressed.

>> No.6366648

(That was a kindle 3 BTW)

>> No.6366654

My first was a Kindle 2. The low resolution combined with the slow refresh rate made it kinda shit. It would also split itself if dropped while in the official case that attaches by insertable steel hooks.

I have a Kobo I got on sale at the end of 2015. Still works pretty well. The new ones have adjustable color temperature.

>> No.6366658

Yeah, mine was using the official case as well and I remember having that problem.
I kind of would like to get another, but I don't really have the kind of money to spend on things like that when I have an old thinkpad tablet convertible that can do the job (though the battery life's obviously worse).

>> No.6366668

A 1:1 monitor displays all media equally well. Wish I could get one that didn't cost >$1000 (Eizo's EV2730Q).

>> No.6366675

Your current monitor contains a 1:1 monitor

>> No.6366683

Yeah, one that's not tall enough and has an unnecessarily huge bezel.
Not that I'd expect you to understand why that's an issue.

>> No.6366690

With that Eizo I could watch a widescreen movie and still have around 840px of vertical space to work in (more than my laptop's vertical height).

>> No.6366691

Was it kino?

>> No.6366693

Both my monitors can turn portrait, but then text looks wacky because the subpixel geometry is different. Also hurts my neck so I end up using only the bottom half. Not a bad way to code when working on projects with short line length standards.

>> No.6366695

Gonna answer for him: no; RF is shit.
PVM's are ok but he doesn't have the right cable to use one.
That requires rotatiing every damn time you want to use something that's in a different ratio. And it's useless/irrelevant for laptops where the screen is attached to the keyboard by a hinge.

>> No.6366697

yeah but with 1:1 you never have to rotate, ever.

>> No.6366707

Just get a taller widescreen, jabroni. It contains the 1:1 you want

>> No.6366715
File: 44 KB, 680x499, you dense motherfucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already have a 16:10 monitor. It's not what I want. Not tall enough, too wide on the sides (takes up too much desk space horizontally).
That's like saying to get a 72 inch ultrawide because you want 24 inches height (i'm too lazy to do pythagorean theorem and find out the actual numbers).

>> No.6366720

If someone made a 2560x1920 4:3 monitor I'd be satisfied with that. But no one does.

>> No.6366728

Get a screen with a height equal to the width you want and turn it sideways

>> No.6366735

And then it's too tall, and not wide enough.

>> No.6366756

What are you currently doing with the space above your monitor?

Do you not watch movies?

>> No.6366762

No monitor exists that is tall enough that isn't ridiculously wide.
Having an overhead shelf.
The Eizo would fit, but a widescreen monitor would not.

I know my situation better than you do, so please just shut the fuck up.

>> No.6366767

>do you not watch movies?
I do, but I'd like to be able to do other things at the same time while not taking up the space now occupied by my keyboard for another monitor.

>> No.6367206
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>R E T R O G A M I N G

>> No.6367239
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Playing this for the first time, comfy but I worry it's going to come up a very short game...Any RGBs to YPbPr transcoders I should consider? I'm considering an SCARTing myself but don't want to mess up my only tube with a mod. NTSC if it matters.

>> No.6367261

I think this set tries to upscale everything to 1080i. the manual says 'always 1080i' but there's probably a way to disable upscaling if necessary. 30 inches is not too heavy that a guy couldn't carry on his own so I would get it if you want to play 6th gen or run an emulator through it

>> No.6368023

>Any RGBs to YPbPr transcoders I should consider? retrotink released one recently

>> No.6368413
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>those lines are distracting and ugly

then why there are 200 crt shader emulators out there, because they are UGLY and people don't want them?

>> No.6368573

why was hair gel so popular in 00s? what/who started the trend? i use to put liters of that shit on my hair.

>> No.6368716

Might be worth giving Savon-Pat a call. He's so helpful with this kind of stuff.

>> No.6369369

>>R E T R O G A M I N G

Is it really though? How many people hooked their SNES up to a $10k tv back in the 90's?

>> No.6369856

I don't think any of these are $10k, especially these days.

>> No.6369858

Maybe because people are retarded and focus on stupid things like that instead of the correct aspect ratio or colors.

>> No.6370069

Left a computer CRT at my mom's that worked fine and next day i come back its purple all over when i turn it on. I've heard from my dad that my sister was opening all the windows on a rainy day to get rid of tobacco smoke. My CRT was close to the window.
How fucked am i?
worth fixing or should i throw it away? tried resetting the monitor settings to default and degausing from its menu

>> No.6370086
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Let it dry out.
Does it smell like ozone? If you can smell anything through all the tobacco.
If so, definitely recap.
Sounds like you're probably missing the green signal; try reconnecting the VGA cable, as retarded as that sounds.
You're probably fine, even if it's nothing I said. Doesn't sound unrepairable. Did you leave the CRT _on_ while you were away? That's not a good idea.

>> No.6370091

actually you mentioned an OSD.
Is it purple even in the OSD controls?
If so:
Open the monitor, inspect the neckboard. Reflow the pins for the tube socket.

>> No.6370107

uhh i might have left it at standby? dont remember, this was a bunch of days ago it already dried out for sure
ive tried reconnecting the cable, it cant be disconnected on the monitor end tho

>> No.6370129

huh, for some reason i plugged the video cable out and in again and this time around it actually displays full color scale...
sorry for wasting your time guys

>> No.6370136

Probably had some moisture or particulate on one of the pins that got removed after a few reconnects

>> No.6370181
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Heh, I guessed the 'reconnect' thing based on prior experience. Glad it helped.
I'm quick to panic sometimes, too. Thought I'd killed my Genesis when I s-video modded it; turns out I hadn't plugged it in either.

>> No.6370183

This is the only good and correct post in this thread.
Fuck CRT autists.

>> No.6370192
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Took this picture testing out my S-video mod for my model 1 Genesis VA6 (CXA1145 encoder).
Looks pretty good, almost as nice as RGB.
It's a pity I can't do this mod to my Model 2 without significantly more parts and effort, since it has that shitty samsung video encoder that doesn't expose S-Video on its pins. I'd have to get another encoder chip off ebay and all the peripheral parts it needs.

What if I told you I like CRT's, but it's not because of scan lines? I'd be perfectly happy with a CRT that looked this crisp without visible "scan line" traces.

Sorry you haven't had luck finding a nice one.

>> No.6370196

I grew up with CRTs. I'm in my 30s. I hated them, and I'm glad they are gone. The fact that there are autists out there who idolise them for whatever fucked up reason, and are actively looking for models and spend insane amount of money for these old junk is surreal and insane to me.

>> No.6370198

>Not happy to just camp in threads about scaler cancer, I choose to come to threads about CRT's for people who like CRT's just to act scathing about other people's personal decisions to use them
Enjoy your overly expensive scalers, input lag, and lack of light guns.

>> No.6370202

not all of us spent insane money. Most I've ever spent for an RGB CRT is $40, and that one came bundled with an Amiga 500 for that price.

>> No.6370203

I like to regularly take a dump in these threads just to remind the autists that what they are doing is fucking stupid. I force them to put active effort into repressing even further what they already know deep down: they are retarded.

>> No.6370207

>IQ of 127 (tested professionally)
OK, sure, whatever.
Let people enjoy stuff, for fuck's sake. I agree people who spend more than pocket money on 30 year old screens are retarded, but not all of us are doing that.

>> No.6370213

>Let people enjoy stuff, for fuck's sake.
No. Actually ok, you may enjoy it, you're just retarded for enjoying it and you shouldn't act surprised that people point out the obvious.

>> No.6370226

Okay, anon, you sure proved your point, time to throw away all my useless RGB-capable monitors and spend >$300 on a new LCD with useless features like motion interpolation that listens in on conversations, or maybe that much or more on a used, slightly older plasma screen that doesn't do that and has better colors.
And then >$100 on a scaler that takes RGB input.
Sounds real smart to me.

>> No.6370639

>spending money on CRTs

>> No.6371853

Fake crt with black scanlines. disgusting

>> No.6371953

"IQ 127" but not smart enough to know that claiming an IQ score in response to someone calling you a retard on 4chan actually all but verifies the fact that you're retarded

>> No.6371962

I'm disappointed, that anyone is actually engaging with anti crt trolls in this thread. Everyone (whos smart) knows that they never raise any valid points and that it is always, and I mean 100% of the time, motivated by cope because their mom/their gf/their living space/some external factor won't allow them to have one

>> No.6371986

Enjoy your Fisher Price CRT.

>> No.6372009

Lol yes, good sets definitely aren't available every single day in every major city for $0. Only way to have any kind of non shit tier crt is to get cucked by a reseller, makes sense

>> No.6372697

I wish she had a better arsenal. She is the worst member. Mostly because Wat>Foi

>> No.6374208
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So I got the JVC, man, shit looks gorgeous

>> No.6374356
File: 203 KB, 1440x1080, mitsubishi-diamond-pro-2070sb-vga-crt_1_c1214717dae3c65ca835f278afb7c13a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found one of these in my attic:
Does anyone know how to test one of these? I'm just looking to sell it. Thank you.

>> No.6374416

I got two 26 inch CRTs with s-video from my grandparents (for free)

>> No.6374737

retard here

My RCA ColorTrak television only has a coaxial input where you would attach a cable box or VCR/DVD player. Do I just get a VGA to RGB adapter to connect my laptop (x220) to the VCR or is there a better way?

>> No.6374803

>spend insane amount of money for these old junk
I think you'll find that the vast majority of people in these CRT threads are very much into finding tubes as cheaply as possible, and the thought of paying $1,000+ for a Sony FW-900 or a BVM is met with ridicule.

That being said, if you hate CRTs and want them to die, that's fine. Everyone values different things. I'm sure there's something you care about that most people think is retarded.

Some of them were $10k new, but definitely not the little 8", 13" and 14" ones. I remember coming across a Sony dealer's pricing manual that had the 14M4U listed at $1,299 new in 2003, and the 20L5 was $3,499. Only the really huge BVMs cost more than $10k. Still I get your point, nobody was playing on these things back in the day. They were strictly professional monitors. I personally got the idea from someone on /a/ who had a medical PVM, and shortly after I went out to find one for myself. Of course those were in the days when people were literally tossing these things on the curb, now you're a bit of an idiot if you pay $300+ for one of these when a consumer JVC D-Series will provide an image that's 90% as good for maybe 10% of the price.

It's decent for modern /v/, but not really a /vr/ tube. Honestly a Plasma is better, because it will have all of the advantages (no motion lag, good colour etc) with a bigger screen size and less heft.

>> No.6374873

I'm glad I'm not the only one who cringes on the inside when I see any CRT tagged with "retro gaymen", even if it's a shitty 10 inch black and white tv with RF only from the 70s.

>> No.6374936

which tv should I pick out of two for sale? The sony kv-27-fs120 or the panasonic ct-27sx12f? both flat tubes, both have component, however I'm not sure if the panny is a shadowmask tube. It has BBE audio though

>> No.6375081

You can send it to me and I will run comprehensive diagnostics on it and tell you what it's worth

>> No.6375085

Sent ;)

>> No.6376068

It's an excellent monitor. It has VGA cable in the back if yo have GPU in your pc with thatt connector just plug it. Also don't be a jew and don't sell it for 200 bucks.

>> No.6376521

240p suite

>> No.6376903
File: 383 KB, 2048x1152, crt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be kid
>put magnets near tv to see the magnetic field
>now tv has dark spots on the left and right that pop up on certain screens but also fade away on certain screens
>fast forward to today
Did I fuck this thing up permanently?

>mfw I picked up a diamondtron at a yard sale for $8

>> No.6377102
File: 47 KB, 675x900, 00P0P_83K4WdpAtQ2_1200x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck I want this thing

imagine a 36" CRT flanked by 2 tate PVMS

>> No.6377150

Picked up a 36" Trinitron for free off Craigslist today. Guy kept it in his garage year round so cosmetically it's pretty dirty, but I plugged it in and the picture is good.

Since it was kept "outside" the casing around the input jacks are rusty Any way to fix this? Would some steel wool and elbow grease help? Sandpaper? I don't want to grind them down too far, and I'm not even sure it would help.

Planning on taking the case off and giving it a good cleaning.

>> No.6377318

anyone in or around atlantic canada selling pvms?

>> No.6377383

Yeah, you warped the phosphor grill.

>> No.6377675

This guide mentions being able to fix a problem like this (magnetized tv via a kid's magnet) via degaussing
However, it's a very late-model crt so shouldn't it already have a degaussing coil in it to correct it? Unless that wasn't a standard feature in lower-end tvs

>> No.6377787

Imao nigger are you like 19?

How's fortnite lad?

>> No.6377813
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It's a good little transcoder. Works great.

>> No.6378316

degaussing resolves color impurity, you could tinker with a degaussing rod and do the rotate & pull technique but if you as a kid held a magnet to the TV it probably was for a prolonged amount of time. I don't think that's gonna easily be fixed.

>> No.6378430

Man I never realized just how unplayable late 90s 3ds PC games are without a CRT. I was having a blast playing System Shock 2. The atmosphere was top notch so I was constantly taking screenshots. Now that I'm looking at them on my LCD monitor... It doesn't even look like the same game.

>> No.6378687
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If it's in good condition, is this worth it?

>> No.6378697

I have a similar P990 model and it's more than worth that.

>> No.6378762

That should be really good for widescreen games 480p to 1080i. Check with the seller to confirm with the model number. Will be heavy as fuck though.

>> No.6379821

Anyone know of a component to s-video convertor that handles 240p?

>> No.6379843

Thank you