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6339691 No.6339691 [Reply] [Original]

Are JRPGs worth playing just for the gameplay?

>> No.6339697

If you need to ask then no, they aren't

>> No.6339701


>> No.6339708


>> No.6339821

The ones with creative battle systems and some degree of freedom in terms of classes/builds for the characters. These are very hard to come by though.

>> No.6340121

No, they are just shitty visual novels and nothing more. Play DOS rpgs like Ultima or Wasteland of you want something similar but not shit

>> No.6340146

No, barring some exceptions

>> No.6340249

>menu-driven, RNG-based battles
>progression cancer (grinding compensates for lack of skill)
>ultra linear dungeons; either no or extremely basic puzzles
>overuse of narrative/cutscenes
How can anyone like this trash genre?

Fuck jarpigs.

>> No.6340265

I dunno. Dragon Quest was fun until the last battle. I have fun with Mario RPG Battle System. Lufia 2 puzzles and dungeons were great, and Final Fantasy 5 has a incredible flow between easy grinding and hard af battles.

Is a niche genre tho, not everyone likes turn battles.

>> No.6340309

In good JRPGs, like in all good games, story and gameplay are one and the same. Case in point: DQ3.

>> No.6340392
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Just play Chrono Trigger. It'll ruin rpgs for you forever after you finish it.

>> No.6340397
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Yeah they are

>> No.6340441
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>> No.6340507

Tactical RPGs are, yes. Action RPGs maybe.

Although I mostly play regular old non-tactical non-action JRPGs because the dialogue amuses me...

>> No.6340510


JRPGs are aesthetic experiences that integrate art, music, gameplay and narrative. There isn't a single JRPG with a story that would be particularly good in book form. But that's exactly why it's not a book.

>> No.6340628

Sounds like they try to be too many things at once but end up failing at all of them. Thus they end up being a complete waste of one's time.

>> No.6340698

shit like Tactics Ogre and FFT maybe.


>> No.6340804


>music AND images? this is trying too hard to be everything to everyone

>> No.6340953

Just the Dragon Quest games

>> No.6340960
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the virgin jarpig
the chad roguelike

>> No.6341007

Mystery Dungeon games are basically jarpig-roguelikes

>> No.6341013

Double this. After CT every jRPG seems clumsy and outdated.

>> No.6341015


>> No.6341050

Maybe this might be the case if you are barely familiar with the genre I guess

>> No.6341054

OR maybe this game is far more superior in terms of gameplay than every other jrpg

>> No.6341123

I'll say that I found it more enjoyable than some. But there are plenty of interesting, far more experimental jrpgs. Chrono Trigger is one of the best traditional experiences you can find, but for me I personally prefer things like Parasite Eve and (I dunno if this counts but) Ogre Battle 64.

>> No.6341163

CT's the opposite of what the OP proposes though. Its combat is dull drivel outside of a handful of bosses, but the scenario and narrative design (i.e. "the story") of CT is what makes it amazing.

>> No.6341174
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only if you play the action jarpigs.

>> No.6341197

>zoom zoom

>> No.6341275


why do you think that nobody made a game with chronotrigger's approach to combat?

Encounters happening in the same screen as the exploration, with enemies already on screen instead of appearing from the nothing; and the position of characters affecting attacks in line or in area.

Its objectivelly the best approach for combat in rpgs. Why was it only used once?

>> No.6341354

Yeah, the Mario and Luigi[\spoiler] series

>> No.6341360

Trails series has this too but they're painfully slow paced.
I think the reason is simply it's more work

>> No.6341470

Depends on which subgenre. For me, its Tactical RPG's

With its complex class system and turn based map movement, TRPGs are probably the closest JRPG subgenre to conventional role playing game

>> No.6341552

Some SRPGs and ARPGs play more like actual games but they are exceptions and you're better off if you forgo the filler and just play strategy or action games.

>> No.6341720

A lot of them have decent stories, albeit for teenagers, but you can ignore most of the story except insofar as a motivation to travel to the next challenge. But they are story-based games, and always have lots of dialogue you're going to have to click through if you want to skip.

>> No.6342030

Except Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy and Pokemon games, most jrpgs in general that aren't SRPGs or Action have pretty shitty gameplay

>> No.6342794

why does this look so good? i have DQ 4 and 5 on my 3ds and they look like shit.

>> No.6342813

DS on the 3ds generally look worse than their original console

>> No.6343029

Atlus figured out how to make turn based combat more engaging. Square said fuck it and now makes really shitty action games instead

>> No.6343043

>Except Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy and Pokemon games,
Those have shit gameplay too, though.

>> No.6343137
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Te only JRPG I enjoyed the gameplay for was Vagrant Story, and even then if it wasn't for the atmosphere and other things supporting the game I doubt I'd be playing it.

>> No.6344368

not an argument

>> No.6344396

If you're talking about turn-based then I'd say pokemon and SMT (and spinoffs) are closer to being worth playing on gameplay alone because on pokemon there's pvp (which is pretty much just repeating gameplay without story) and SMT has mechanics I find interesting.
It will all depend on your tastes on which kinds of battle mechanics tickle your tastes. Some people like the mix and match aspects of classes in FFV, some like the teambuilding in FFVI, but if you play a JRPG solely for gameplay you're losing quite a bit.
It's not like all games are made with only gameplay in mind, even shmups try to be visually impressive or have good soundtracks.
If you're thinking of ARPGs, some mana titles may have a bit of clutter or be lacklusting but I enjoy most of them for gameplay. You might as well just grab an emulator and throw in the first Action JRPG you find, those don't take much time into the game to find out whether you'll like it or not. The quintet trilogy is good, especially terranigma. Ys is fun if you can get over the lack of attack button.

>> No.6345592

It's literally only Ys 1/2 which use bump combat (i.e. don't have an attack button). The rest are more standard action fare, and really fast and fun imo.

>> No.6345695
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Most JPRGs are trash but there are enough good ones out there that make the genre worthwhile.

In terms of the traditional JRPGs:

Etrian Odyssey for pure, old school, wizardry-like combat and exploration. It fine tunes the turn-based battle shit to a sheen and the customization options available for party building and synergy transcend the limitations of its systems.

Dragon Quest V and VIII are extremely competent entities with a lot of “””soul”””.

Chrono Trigger, which is very good, but not quite the TRANSCENDENT GOLD STANDARD it’s made out to be.

Phantasy Star IV, which is a timeless classic and culmination of everything 16-bit era RPGs did right with a mix of forward thinking ideas that make it surprisingly modern-feeling today.

... then you have JRPGs whose systems are less rigid and incorporate some timing/action based elements.

Shadow Hearts 2
Paper Mario 1 and 2
Mario & Luigi SSS and BiS


I love JRPGs, anon. Be more discriminate in which ones you’re playing.