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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6333537 No.6333537 [Reply] [Original]

You know, this game actually sucks

>> No.6333542

Yeah it was cool at the time though.

>> No.6333543

StarFox 64 is better, but at the time, StarFox was insane, it was right up there with Mortal Kombat in those days.

>> No.6333549

assuming you're not a crusty old boomer like me, it was very impressive at the time to see a game like this running on a home console. It definitely hasn't aged well though.

>> No.6333550


>> No.6333583

dude space slot machine

>> No.6333701

Its presentation carries it

>> No.6333714

Its still amazing dude

>> No.6333725

>You know, this game actually sucks
was barely playable back then and aged poorly. the n64 version is awesome.

>> No.6334963

the framerate and resulting input delay makes it near unplayable. I'm sure it was impressive at the time.

>> No.6335103


I was made to show off the FX chip graphics which was awesome at the time.

Without that 'wow' factor, it hasn't aged well.

>> No.6335105

This shit was actually pretty amazing at the time tho

>> No.6335140

I really don't know wtf y'all are on about but IMO Star Fox is a perfectly fun game even today

>> No.6335158

this. also has a killer soundtrack

>> No.6335169

Finally someone. My main criticism is that I find it quite hard to aim without those little "ace combat squares".

>> No.6335173

Not particularly. I liked the music, but I thought it was very unresponsive and hard to control. I didn't know what framerate was at the time, but that is the main problem. I'd played primitive 3d flight sims on PC before this, 3d graphics were just a thing.

>> No.6335216

I had just been exposed to Star Wars TIE fighter on my friend's new Windows 95 computer. That blew my mind. Star Fox just felt like a joke in comparison. TIE fighter was just so much more fluid and visually appealing. This was in 1996. When Starfox was only 3 years old and when the N64 was still around the corner.

If this game impressed people, then the impression must have lasted for about 15 minutes before the THREE DEE novelty wore off.

>> No.6335253


I'm by no stretch a fantastic gamer but I swear I beat this without issue nearly every time I played. Was it meant to be extremely easy?

>> No.6335268

All genres evolved in difficulty, peaked, and casualized. Platformers were doing it during this gen, and dogfighting games were just becoming "doable." Since nobody had proper experience with them, because previous examples were almost unreadable two toned screens, so very few had been made and they were pretty hard to play, they ended up being easier. Devs testing them weren't as good, and they weren't intended to be as hard either.
Star Fox has multiple difficulties via path, you may have taken the easy one, too.

>> No.6335513

>Starfox was only 3 years old
in the 90's 3 years was an eternity

>> No.6335628

it was the first 3d game ever made, give it some respect you dumb zoomer

>> No.6335695

It was cool but considered slow and janky even when it was new. 64 was pretty hyped up before it came out because people could tell there was a good game in there somewhere, and it didn't disappoint.

>> No.6335891

that cable looks like s-video, why wouldn't you use it?

>> No.6335897

It's still great I'd say. Sometimes I'd rather play it over 64, though 64 is better overall.

>> No.6335921

>every single post
>impressive at the time
/vr/ is such an echochamber

>> No.6335946

It is impressive for 1993 3D on a console.

>> No.6335964

Because it’s a split cable with video composite attached, which means a video is terrible quality, composite still looks great, I’ll get a dedicated a video soon tho , but seriously composite on snes looks fantastic

>> No.6336007

Game is great. Even with it's low frame rate it remains highly playable. I prefer this over 64.
SNES gibberish > VA

>> No.6336015

Be a sperg and overclock your SuperFX chip. You DO know how to do that, right anon?

>> No.6336027

Star Fox is a great game running on the SNES don't forget. Never had a problem with controls or seeing enemies approaching

>> No.6337539

I'll never understand this whole internet tough guy "Heh, I didn't find this universally-impressive game impressive!" thing that assholes do. No one thinks you're cool.

>> No.6337915

Beta thread.

>> No.6337919

Someone asked, so people are saying what they actually thought at the time. Which was that Donkey Kong Country looked mindblowing, while Starfox was slow and clunky and felt like a novelty.

>> No.6337932

Polygonal graphics are more than a novelty when you're dealing with an arcadey dogfight shooter. It's basically Afterburner with polygons which makes it exponentially better by default, since you don't have to move arbitrarily to keep your ship sprite from concealing enemy projectiles.

>> No.6337934

Well you know what? YOU suck.

>> No.6337938

I played Afterburner and Starfox around the same time. Afterburner was the most intense game I'd ever played. It was so fast I remember dying before I even knew what hit me.

Starfox was ok. Slow, clunky, but had a cool premise and music.

I was definitely blown away when I later learned that Afterburner was a game from the mid 80s.

>> No.6337943

The music is great, and I actually think it looks sick in still screenshots. But to play it is a nightmare.

>> No.6337946
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>it was the first 3d game ever made
Say what, zoomer?

>> No.6337985

classic example of style over substance

>> No.6338006

Not even close fag boy. I cant even imagine not being able to handle an all time classic.

>> No.6338029

lol fuck off, those 2D flying games like that and Space Harrier are trash. Starfox is indeed slow which can be lame, but that's why you overlock the FX Chip . Everything about SF is superior.

>> No.6338038

It's not good at all. Unfortunately a prime example where the nostalgia is better than the actual game. Super Mario Kart as well.

>> No.6338067

Eh... I can see why people wouldn't enjoy it. Agreeing it has one killer OST though. Starfox 2 would have been a smash hit if it had actually came out and before the n64.

>> No.6338093

Imo super Mario kart aged a lot better then star fox, super Mario kart shows it’s age forsure but it’s still pleasing to the eye and fun to mess with, starfox on the other hand was a novelty of the early 90s and deserves to stay there.

>> No.6338127

The 2D ones are far better, even when overclocked Starfox is much slower more clunky game than Afterburner, not to mention far uglier

>> No.6338221

>W-what do you mean you don't like something I like? How can you say that? You're such an asshole!

>> No.6338420

I hate all of your opinions. Both starfox and mario kart are perfectly playable with incredible music and presentation. I dont care about what came after.

>> No.6338441

Playable but not very fun. Star Fox less playable than Mario Kart.

>> No.6338443

Define playability my dude I'll honestly listen. Both games control just fine and are actually pretty easy.

>> No.6338445

Imo starfox isn’t playable at all today, it has aged terribly

>> No.6338632

Dat Macbeth. Dat Venom.

>> No.6338643

>it has aged terribly
Games don't age.
I didn't like Star Fox when I tried it out at a game store back in 1994.
Still, I wouldn't say it isn't playable, considering all the limitations, it still is a playable game that takes into consideration the low framerate (remember, high framerate doesn't always mean it's better. Certain games developed with low framerate in mind are actually unplayable when overclocked to higher frames).
Star Fox can be enjoyable for people who can put a bit of patience into getting into it. The level design flow and the controls are good and well thought out. It just wasn't appealing to me. Star Fox 64 is when they finally got everything right.

>> No.6338648

Super Mario Kart's probably the best game in the series. 8 and 64 are good too, but SMK's better

>> No.6338839

Disagree. I like it better than 64. 64 feels too light. SNES fox has weight to it. Like things are more simulated and less animated.

>> No.6338851

>the framerate and resulting input delay makes it near unplayable.

What a fag.

>> No.6338854

Still better then Assault.

>> No.6338856

The N64 blew that shit out of the water. It was a tech demo for the SNES if anything.

>> No.6338871
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>> No.6338879

>I prefer my games to run at 8 FPS

>> No.6338925

I never played the snes game back in its day but I played the shit out of SF64, which is basically the definitive version of it and, ironically for an n64 game and even more so being compared to a game on a system that ran most games at 60fps, ran much smoother than its snes slideshow predecessor.

I get why star fox was a big deal on the snes, but I can't say I get the opinion of people that think it's superior to SF64.

>> No.6339267

Wow you guys are shit. Star Fox SNES is incredibly tight and playable. I'm in the middle of course 3 right now and having a gay ol' time. It's fucking fun.

SF64 is slower and has less enemies, that are less aggressive. Way too much waiting around.

>> No.6339325

just played 2 again. that was pretty fun

>> No.6339334
File: 34 KB, 648x409, arcade-pit-fighter-screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


O shit

>> No.6339467

>this dedicated 3d system entry's visuals were better at rendering a 3d game than a 2d system's huge technological achievement at rendering one at all, four fucking years later
you don't say

>> No.6339475

doom is hot fucking garbage

>> No.6340157

Doesn't really hold up today, but the ideas generated by the team that developed Star Fox and Star Fox 2 were incorporated into Super Mario 64 and later Star Fox 64. It was a good proof of concept.

>> No.6342241

Yeah no shit a primitive console 3D game isn't that great.

Play StarFox 64 instead, or play StarFox 2 because that game fixed all the problems with StarFox

>> No.6343012

It has better music than the rest of the series but that's all I can give it.

>> No.6343182
File: 1.15 MB, 1149x413, day of the.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Style really is Star Fox's strong suit nowadays, including the cartoon animals piloting fighter jets in SPACE, and obscure characters that only fans care about. I wish Nintendo gave us more of that instead of remaking the first game multiple times.

>> No.6343185

just because the SNES could barely squeeze out an 8fps 3D game, doesn't mean it should. Ultimately all that matters is the quality and enjoyability of the game. Starfox isn't a fun game simply because it managed to get working 3D, and it would've been more fun if they used pseudo 3D sprites to get a more responsive and playable product.

>> No.6343190

star fox on SNES would've been a much better product if it used this approach (especially with mode 7). they prioritised it being a tech demo over a fun videogame.
