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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6331546 No.6331546 [Reply] [Original]

In which we shitpost from timeline gamma, thanks capricious dolphin god for your blessing of life.

>> No.6331559

0/10 trolling

>> No.6331640


>> No.6331690

Ecco is retro

>> No.6331691

This is a retro game, toad.

>> No.6331692

I know. What's the point starting a game specific general when there's already a board for that?

>> No.6331694
File: 157 KB, 321x282, 1550161799395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's literally constantly an ecco thread on this board, and if we don't make a general there's often more than one and that kills threads?

>> No.6331737

>ah yes, let me suck some cock while I browse my 5+ Super Mario 64 threads and the usual 2+ SMB3 vs SMW threads
>what's this? An Ecco thread? How dare you!

>> No.6331767
File: 48 KB, 650x365, beerspill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You choose to bitch about an Ecco general when there have been DOOM generals for years while having roughly 14 concurrent DOOM threads despite said general? Come the fuck on man. If Ecco has to go then DOOM must also leave.

>> No.6331778
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a e s t h e t i c

>> No.6331782

It's impossible to get the Doom faggots to leave. I've tried.

>> No.6331784

Reminder that, despite what idiots here might try to argue, Ecco is NOT chaotic-neutral. He is neutral good. He tries to save his pod and journeys to stop that. Unintentional side effects are just that, unintentional. He doesn't try and extinct humanity purposefully, can you even argue humanity is alive in the first place when Ecco starts? There's no signs of them alive.

>> No.6331962

He's true neutral.

>> No.6332091

Ecco doesn't destroy humanity in any way. The guy claiming he does is either a troll or a moron, likely both.

>> No.6332108

good, fuck doom and fuck ecco. my reports do nothing

>> No.6332151

The Vortex kill what they consider to be a threat to them on the planet from the end of Ecco the Dolphin(timeline beta). Nothing evolves beyond rudimentary sentience, no culture, no technology, planet does not ever pass go. Trellia comes from timeline gamma where evolution continued, and the sea itself gained sentience, and she pulled ecco out of beta to initiate a closed loop(delta) where evolution continues as it did here on Earth, presumedly meaning the Vortex don't force the Atlanteans to flee, and, so, whether the Atlanteans are human or not, humans were free to evolve in delta timeline.

>> No.6332229

No. The Vortex show up in the main timeline to eat everything they can suck up, Earth is just one of their smorgasbords and humans are no different than anything else, just Vortex food. So in the offshoot splinter timeline where the queen survives and they take over, sure there are no humans because there's no anything else.

In the real timeline where Trellia eventually is born we don't know the specific fate of humans but there is no reason to suspect they were wiped out by the other dolphins or didn't survive because Ecco saved the planet from aliens.

The only way to take Ecco as a "morally grey" protagonist who destroys humanity to save his pod is if you take Ed at his word that the Vortex can be seen as a metaphor for humans ruining the earth. Most people don't seem to want to think about that aspect though, and taking the events of the two games at face value Ecco both saves the earth and all life on it as well as inadvertently setting the stage for crustaceans and insects which are a vital part of the overall eccosystem.

>> No.6332327

oh, so this month's game to troll /vr/ is ecco.
fine, at least it's better than splatterhouse

>> No.6333920

I can't imagine, after three ecco threads all last forever and get autosaged due to age. Maybe people want to talk about it?

>> No.6333923
File: 32 KB, 342x261, Spencer_nilsen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Spencer Nilsen-sama's soundtrack is GOAT

>> No.6333943

>Thinking that his coma-inducing elevator music can compare to themes like this:

>> No.6333949
File: 70 KB, 647x659, YES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6333974

Your attitude is brusque but I definitely agree. Spencer's music isn't bad but it's nowhere near as fitting as the original. My disappointment with it is actually part of why I've only played through the CD version once despite this being one of my favorite games.

>> No.6333985

You know that you can easily make a custom soundtrack for Ecco CD, right? You can add Genesis tracks to it, or even mix both soundtracks to your liking.
Sega CD still has the extra levels so it's worth playing over the original imo.

>> No.6333993

You can use genesis graphics and OST on the enhanced PC version.

>> No.6333996

Yeah I've played the extra levels a handful of times in isolation. These days the 3DS port is king for me.

>> No.6334000

Did Ed even make those extra levels? I felt like they lacked his tight design and were mostly only made as a sneak peek for the sequel's graphics.

>> No.6334005

No idea, but I like them. They're not meant to be like the rest of the levels, and instead are purely action-packed. It was like a nice change of pace in between so many maze levels.

>> No.6334032

It's funny that's why I never liked them as much. They're okay but feel kind of out of place.

>> No.6336207

The CD soundtrack is a lot more out of place than the CD levels de su

>> No.6336476

Yeah I would agree with that as well.

>> No.6336531

It's amazing how some pull incredible mental gymnastics when they're closeminded.
>no i dont like spencer music
Ok you can make your own custom ost with all genesis tracks if you'd like, but the spencer ost is nice too. You can mix both soundtracks and also play the new levels
>no they are out of place!
Despise being awesome levels that actually put to use the jumping mechanic you learn in the first level of the game and are a nice change of pace of the monotonous crystal gathering maze levels

>> No.6336663
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It's not that I'm closeminded, I just never liked the CD levels enough to bother wanting to incorporate them into the main game. But then I really, really like what you call the monotonous maze levels as those are why it's one of my favorite games and never felt the need for the more actiony levels in the CD version. Hence why combined with not liking the music in it I never felt much of a desire to play it. But that's not being closeminded or saying you have to agree with me, it's just my opinion on things.

I still think this tests your jumping abilities more than anything else.

>> No.6336985

>I still think this tests your jumping abilities more than anything else.
It's just 1 high jump you have to try over and over until you get it. I did it, but that's because I didn't know about the short cut, which the developers included because they knew that jump is bullshit. The action levels from Sega CD let you actually jump over the sea surface freely and constantly, instead of it being just 1 part on a small vertical spot.
There were other normal Genesis levels that had better jumping parts than that one, like the ice level.

>> No.6337157
File: 64 KB, 500x370, 789706D5-113C-4877-9E6C-97E39BCA2BED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really enjoyed Ecco Jr's hide and go seek levels
and there's something immensely satisfying about swimming through the musical rings

>> No.6337162

it tested my ability to use the cheat debug menu to master warping with x / y axis to absolute precision if i'm being honest

>> No.6338667

wow, jr looks like shit. game looks great, he's just a chubby little fuck

>> No.6338948
File: 93 KB, 656x485, 1585672435336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked Jr. better because i was a chubby little fuck and the game looks a little like shit anyway. lots of visible texture seams like you can see in that image even.

>> No.6339424

Tim follins was better

>> No.6340395

you can be the darker one or the orca

>> No.6340420

Is Ecco a Byronic hero? There's nothing in these games to suggest his quest is more than an excuse for amoral adventuring.

>> No.6341031

I find the specificity of that jump kind of sublime, but I get I'm an outlier there in a way. And I don't mind the more actiony levels, just not a much as the main game but not to say you should agree.

0/10 retardation

>> No.6341284

I can't help but agree with you, my distinguished fellow.

>> No.6341505

So are you an idiot or have you just not played the games?

>> No.6342074

Please stop trolling /eg,/ thank you. We know you like some youtuber that loves Ecco and thinks he's just the greatest little genocidal fella.

>> No.6342348

I still can't tell whether you're a troll or just a moron, but at least your stupidity bumps the thread lol.

>> No.6342985

We can all agree Ecco is the best /vr/ series.

>> No.6344072

Ecco is dolphin Jesus. He's here to teach is all to strive against adversity and set an example for future discoveries.

>> No.6345004
File: 417 KB, 825x602, 1237489421.atolm_medusa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is tubes of medusa so fucking great?

>> No.6346293

It's fast paced and tense with a kickass theme. What more do you want?

>> No.6347490

shitty 3d ecco remasters for switch when

>> No.6348719

Well there is the one real 3D Ecco game which still looks pretty impressive. But there also already is a 3D/2D remaster done by M2 for the 3DS which is breathtakingly gorgeous.

>> No.6349989

I just want N to remaster Defender. They're releasing so much dumb shit, Ecco deserves another release of the shittiest(still good) ecco game.

>> No.6350105

I'd like to know more about the sequel and where the story was heading

>> No.6351664

Not sure if this was posted before, some photos from the Novotrade days by the game's lead programmer:


There's some really bizarre hardware in action, such as that massive dev board with a parallel port plugged into a Genesis.

>> No.6351763


>> No.6353057

Have you looked at it recently? The game doesn't really need a remaster.

>> No.6353161

That 3ds screen makes my eyes want to bleed if I turn it on.

>> No.6353534

Oh, yeah? I can digitally download it for a modern system that I don't have to keep working at 1080p? Now, I agree, it looks great. But you can't imagine it wouldn't look better with every texture and model upgrades.

>> No.6353719

It's kind of ironic that you're making that complaint on this board.

>> No.6353739

Not every game deserves or needs a fidelity upgrade, not every game would be improved by one. Nobody here wants a new version of Ecco The Dolphin with "better graphics," we just want a rerelease of it. For as nice as games on Dreamcast could look, or PS2, or XBOX, any(i'm sure there's some small minority of exceptions) 3d visual experience, where the gameplay isn't degraded, will be better with an upgrade of visual fidelty.
I love Rez, and I don't think that the optimal way to play it is on the original release.
Defender already looks good, but would gain considerably from a graphical update.

>> No.6353742

>we just want a rerelease of it
And, of course, some of us don't.

>> No.6354530

It would gain from it maybe, but it's really not necessary. I'd take an M2 3D remaster of Tides of Time over a Defender port any day of the week. But those times are over.

It's a shame, I feel so blessed to have good eyes. Seems like I'm one of the only people who it doesn't cause problems for but unless I'm on the bus I always have 3D on with it. I could hardly imagine Monster Hunter not in 3D at this point

>> No.6355248

I enjoyed it because it only has one unholy scary abyssal fish in it

>> No.6355741

>I'd take an M2 3D remaster of Tides of Time over a Defender port any day of the week.
For sure. You're absolutely right.

>> No.6357968
File: 88 KB, 1333x1579, 1548899380291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3D remaster
one of my eyes started going blind recently and my ophthalmologist can't figure it out. I used to love the 3ds ekko

>> No.6359528

I wonder if dolphins have any degenerative diseases of their echolocation organs.