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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 28 KB, 399x234, celes suicide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
631967 No.631967 [Reply] [Original]

Moments in retro gaems that make you tear up inside, despite the limited technology and primitive aesthetics. C'mon anons, gather around, time to hear some feels.

>> No.631990

Nice spoiler you fucking ass.

>> No.631993
File: 75 KB, 500x238, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what anyone else says, this is the most beautiful moment in retro vidya

>> No.632007

Galuf's death scene

>> No.632013
File: 20 KB, 256x223, 17.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not difficult to succeed at saving her, but this scene is too scary for me for some reason. The last time I played it I started shaking.

>> No.632035
File: 20 KB, 180x162, 180px-LinkMarinBeach.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.632043

Either that or her looking up and smiling at the end

>> No.632061
File: 334 KB, 456x750, RIP in pieces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those graves

>> No.632092

Frog splitting the mountain entrance to Magus's castle


>> No.632108

The first game that gave me feel and made me cry was Resident Evil. I'm not even kidding, I was 10, and it was the first time I was so immersed in a video game, I was really hoping to get everybody out of the house alive. It was a real personal commitment to them cause I only had the game in English (not my native tongue) and at that age I had to use a dictionnary for some of the puzzles... When I beat the game and not everybody made it out, even with all the poor acting, I shed a couple of tears.

>> No.632126


>> No.632127

I didn't know what to do the first time I played it, so I just panicked and it did a really good job of showing the hopelessness lucca felt.

>> No.632156

It was even worse if you played on the Playstation first, because the password was something ugly like L1, Triangle, R1, Triangle. It feels awful if you fail it, like you actually hurt her yourself.

>> No.632160
File: 787 KB, 973x676, final.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid fanart aside, the whole sequence was pretty profound.

>> No.632183

If there's one thing the Mother series knows how to make, it's final battles.

>> No.632265
File: 353 KB, 462x276, Comet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That whole ending... humanity facing its ultimate fate at the hands of nature, and the spirits of the earth retaking the land in a brilliant display lights... Concluding with a flash forward to a recovering planet. This isn't just vidya, it's art. *cough*fuckyouNomurawithyoursequels*cough*

>> No.632275
File: 47 KB, 490x513, 1364586172065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the Classic BGM's can make me physically tear up, There's just too much memory of my brother playing them with me.
The ending of Legend of Zelda Links Awakening for example (He played it on the Super Gameboy so it was up on the tv)


>> No.632346
File: 504 KB, 500x343, tumblr_m52w2zIVwt1rv6bm9o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game gave me a lot of feels.

Mostly because I was young and misinterpreted a lot.

But still...

>> No.632389
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FF8 was: Feels, The game

>> No.632416
File: 486 KB, 200x140, 1358057063829.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of Locke's backstory, especially when Locke revives Rachel.

>mfw GBA retranslation where Rachel tells Locke to forgive himself and love Celes as much as he loved her

>> No.632424


For words,
(You are not alone)
......no, not a Doctor Who reference

>> No.632429

*Four Words

>> No.632432
File: 18 KB, 603x386, owl_knight.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ultimate tale of friendship between a master and his owl.

>> No.632437

.. whatever.

>> No.632457
File: 488 KB, 1842x1802, 1366440765740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ending of Link's Awakening.

>> No.632465

>playing this scene for the first time yesterday
>don't realize I can move until she's almost completely in the machine
>can't run there in time to save her
goddamn it ;-;

>> No.632462
File: 19 KB, 400x279, final_fantasy_viii_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever ;_;

>> No.632487
File: 70 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mhlh7313Vh1s1kq2bo1_1359811408_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already know which moments I talk about.

>> No.632496 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 480x447, goat4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This scene in Terranigma. After an avalanche, you get stuck with a goat in a cave. Her mate has died, so she resorts to cannibalism. Next morning, the goat finds a hole you can climb out of, but she is unable to get out herself. She does assure you she can get out another way though.

If you return later on, you find 2 skeletons in the cave.

>> No.632510
File: 36 KB, 480x447, goat4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This scene in Terranigma. After an avalanche, you get stuck with a goat in a cave. Her mate has died and there is no food, so she resorts to cannibalism. Next morning, the goat finds a hole you can climb out of, but she is unable to get out herself. She does assure you she can get out another way though.

If you return later on, you find 2 skeletons in the cave.

>> No.632507
File: 193 KB, 576x576, Kanashimi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the sequel twists the knife BIG TIME.

>> No.632513


Fuckin'... Terranigma in general, man.

>> No.632543

Terranigma is a trainwreck of feels, man.
> Dat fucking ending.

>> No.632549 [DELETED] 


>> No.632580
File: 105 KB, 640x461, 588784_56358_back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's astonishing how many things passed the Nintendo censorship radar in this game. Obvious religious imagery, alcohol, and even cannibalism. There is no doubt about it, if they decided to release this in America it would have been neutered.

I guess Europe didn't have as many soccer moms at the time. Just look at the back of this cover, it got a 3+ rating.

>> No.632629

>passed the Nintendo of Europe censorship radar

>> No.632657
File: 7 KB, 250x215, OldLuna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was so sad. So fucking sad.

>> No.632669


>he'll never spin that cane ever again.

>> No.632681

Here in Italy, the freaking home of the Catholic Church, we could have religious imagery and nudity in games (and TV can show uncensored anime) and nobody objected.

>> No.632686
File: 17 KB, 256x223, lufia2-38.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.632725 [DELETED] 

That's because Murrika is still living in the Middle Ages

>> No.632752 [DELETED] 

only cause Europe sent us all its religious fanatics, same reason Australia is like it is, sent it all its criminals

>> No.632762

Well, NoE usually just took the American versions/translations(which got the censorship because of NoA's policies) for almost all games released there, because it was cheap and easy. Terranigma was a special case, because it's translation was specifically made for the European/Australian market. NoE never had any censorship policies like NoA did.

>> No.632784 [DELETED] 

That didn't stop fascism and other horrors from being perpetrated by Europeans long afterwards.

>> No.632792

Ma... mama, mama.

>> No.632804 [DELETED] 

Do you remember the reaction the burgers had to one pasty-covered nipple in the Super Bowl?

>> No.632815 [DELETED] 

Yeah, just trying to keep people reminded that the reason Murrika is so shitty is because people are so shitty, world over, it's one big globe of shit

>> No.632827 [DELETED] 

Oy Vey, just like in my Hollywood movies!

>> No.632845

>not having played FF6

she doesn't actually die

>> No.632854 [DELETED] 

America will be way better when the Baby Boomers are gone.

>> No.632850 [DELETED] 


>> No.632859 [DELETED] 

>mfw an Amerifat lost a war to gook rice farmers near me

>> No.632864 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 1280x540, VR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.632883 [DELETED] 

This. Britain gave birth to Wiccans, America gave birth to Mormons, no country has a monopoly on stupidity.

>> No.632895 [DELETED] 

Too late; the damage has been done

>> No.632897 [DELETED] 

Thread confirmed for derailment. let's back on topic, guise.

>> No.632902 [DELETED] 

>my facial expression when a Yuropoor needed America to save him from Germany twice near me

>> No.632914

We're forgetting the tears of sorrow when we lost power without saving, or when the games glitched out on us.

The true moments that gave us grief.

>> No.632926
File: 34 KB, 570x476, ddr3-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.632931 [DELETED] 

>implying you did anything useful in either world war

>> No.632940

>be little kid
>be playing Kirby's Adventure
>playin Extra Mode for the first time (half health, no saving)
>get to last boss
>sisters run by, feet catch wire and pull console from wall, power goes out
>try a different time and the game glitches on the final boss where you only see the background

Beat it another time though

>> No.632943
File: 93 KB, 792x780, clefth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw that happened

>> No.632957

I always feel bad killing the owl first since the knight crouches down then gets all mad. <_< like oops sorry guys.

>> No.632973 [DELETED] 

Clapistan actually has had polls taken where over 50% of people would not vote for an atheist, Muslim, or Mormon to elected office.

>> No.633003 [DELETED] 

Enjoy your Sharia law in 20 years, Semenland

>> No.633350

bump bump bumping for moar

>> No.634346
File: 51 KB, 202x352, Cry2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin' christ,why did you guys have to remind me..?

>playing CT for the first time ever on my DS
>get to that scene
>not realizing that the cutscene was over and that I'm free to move around until it's too late
>run around like a fucking madman,frantically looking for the button that stops the machine
>thinking that it's just one of those stupid SUDDENLY TIMING-based puzzle that point-and-click adventures like to throw at you every once in a while
>click on everything trying to find the control panel that lets you input the code
>completely fail to understand what the code actually means and how to input it, despite doing basically the exact same puzzle earlier in the robot factory
>call up a bro who was bugging me for years to play the game in the first place
>ask him what do
>explains that LARA = left trigger, A, right trigger, A
>feel like a fucking idiot for a second
>realize that the right trigger on my DS has been broken for a while now, so there is no way for me to input that combination

I... I'm so sorry, Lucca... ;_;

>> No.634404

Final Fantasy VII's memory was raped by Kingdom Hearts, Advent Children and Dierge of Cerberus. Noone remembers how cool the characters where because now they've been turned into faggoty emo kids. Nothing's going to Change my memory of FF7 but it's just not got the same impact it did
I'll be your knight

>> No.634412
File: 23 KB, 564x347, k0Xeps4[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nintenkids didn't even know
Fuck Aeris. At least that's over quick.
Alys gets to waste away from a mortal wound.
And there's nothing you can do to stop it.

>> No.634417

Oh fuck man fuck.
And Nei from PS2

>> No.634419

I agree, Tifa is the most beautiful in that game.

>> No.634423

Small clarification: she does not eat her mate. She offers her mate to Ark, who refuses.

>> No.634431

In Lufia 1, this scene is so stupid. Maxim dies for no god damned reason.

Then Lufia 2 provides a reason.

>> No.634440

The ending of Lufia 2 is so god damned amazing. I really can't think of an RPG since that's had a better ending. What the fuck happened to the JRPG genre?

The music accompanies the game's heartwrenching conclusion so perfectly.

-Final Battle
-Battle #3
-For the Savior
-To the Future
-Priphea Flowers

>> No.634443

Lavos is one cruel motherfucker.

>don't save Lara
>Lucca is forced to relive one of the most painful moments of her childhood
>do save Lara
>Lucca has just done a selfish thing while everyone else is thinking about saving the world, come on people you don't use time travel for personal sh*t, this is like time travel 101, do the words "father's day" mean anything to you?

>> No.634460

Lucca didn't ask for the portal to appear God did it.

>> No.634470

Nah, fuck that. She didn't do anything on purpose. A red gate appeared before her. Based on the conversation that takes place immediately prior, it's clear that The Entity is offering Lucca a chance to change her past as thanks for Lucca and her friends working to change The Entity's future. Since The Entity is the planet and all.

Oh, and saving Lucca's mom has no negative effects! What do you know.

MFW I failed to save Lucca's mom the first time I played the game because I played the game on the PlayStation 1 and there was no A button on the controller, so I guessed "triangle" and was wrong. Real immersion breaking bullshit right there. Also I hadn't saved in like forever.

>> No.634471


You're fucking morons.

but I'm glad it made you feel good

>> No.634478



>> No.634479

Wait, you mean Lucca's mother isn't named L▲R▲?

>> No.634482

Urgh delete your picture you spoiling jerk.

>> No.634485

Triangle looks like capital A. It was my best guess.

Funny enough, in Chrono Cross, the code IS L1▲R1▲. So my guess was not without merit. But the lazy niggers who made the port just assumed you'd know to press the circle button, as it corresponds to the A button on the SNES controller. For me, now, that would be effortless, but as a kid, when the pressure was on, I failed.

>> No.634487

Anyone else remember the end of "Soul Blazer" where the hero gets reincarnated as a goat by The Master?

>> No.634497

Don't worry, she returns later...


>> No.634504

Ah. Well, who can blame them. L1○R1○ was an incredibly popular name during the 60s, you know.

>> No.634505

Fuck Chrono Cross.

>> No.634515

Yeah, I wasn't a big fan of that move. From a gameplay perspective, delighted to have Nei again but fucking hell

>> No.634519
File: 318 KB, 582x392, Okay hero, set me free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking scene, this fucking scene right here.

>> No.634527

When Delita's sister died in FFT. Delita lost his soul as a result and become a power hungry monster.

>> No.634528


Psycho Mantis too

>> No.634535

All of Valkyrie Profile. The whole game. I legit stopped playing for a week after the Yumei story I was that fucking depressed.

>> No.634539

I felt a little emotional on Star Fox 64's Hard path where the ghost of James McCloud helps his son escape Andross' base. Since the first game I'd always wanted to hear more about Fox's father, it was seriously one of the most shocking twists in a video game for me.

Andross declares he's taking Fox down with him and explodes, the screen goes white, and Fox screams for his life. A few moments of nothing and then suddenly, the ghost of his father comes out of fucking nowhere with "Don't ever give up my son." My jaw dropped hard. I was just about in a state of shock when he told Fox to follow him I had to scramble for the controller which was on the ground at that point.

It's not really known as one of the best twists or anything but damn it left an impression on me. It felt like Fox really got closure after their whole conversation and just those words of hearing how proud he was of Fox... Goddamn.

>> No.634545


I felt really bad. Not for her but for Otacon.

>> No.634551

>that Aerith theme during the following boss battle
That's what did it for me. Was mad as fuck.

>> No.634570

This is a really serious spoiler, consider not checking it if you still want to enjoy playing Final Fantasy IV

When the twins turn themselves into stone to stop the moving walls

>> No.634574

The story ogf the flute player and his father in a Link to the Past always got me right in the feels. But then so did a lot of the Dark World NPCs, when you realize they've all been transofrmed after finding their way into hell.

>> No.634580


I agree. All the better when you beat the game and everyone is fixed.

>> No.634591

I'd hate to be that goddamn ball kid, or one of the trees.

being a sentient tree would suck.

>> No.634604

I just finished Mother 1 about a month ago, and I'm currently halfway through Earthbound. Them feels during the final battle. I'm hoping Earthbound and Mother 3 will be no less.


>> No.634609

The scene where Link meets the flute player's father is punched up a few notches in the Link to the Past manga. I actually had to put down the book and wipe away a manly tear before proceeding.

But they they changed it so the flute kid ISN'T a weird dead tree thing, but rather an elf thing. So he's fine, and he and Link go on adventures. The dad isn't mentioned ever again at any point in the book.

>> No.634615

>Chrono Trigger Lucca's mom

You damn localizationkiddies just have no idea of the TRUE horror of that scene. You might be familiar with the fact that Japanese doesn't distinguish L and R? Well her name is ララ in Japanese.

>try RARA
>try LARA
>try LALA

Good luck getting that on your first try.

>> No.634623

Really? Wow. I'd have thought it was RARA if anything.

Does it show up as LALA in the instruction manual, or soemthing?

>> No.634635

>final battle
>Mother 3

Ohhhh boy

Wish we could talk about that game here

>> No.634636
File: 12 KB, 190x274, Cerl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> As Cerl disappears, the castle fades away.

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJ7DwbXX2pE

>> No.634639

>caring about a filthy half-breed

>> No.634643
File: 124 KB, 500x415, m4gasd3CD21qjod6ko1_r4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You diggin' against halfies, bro?

>> No.634645

ya, that's the life of a psycho pomp bro. You have to appreciate the fact that, for all the awful things you see, you offer eternity to most of them

>> No.634652


>Not having any feelings for creatures who share our emotions.

>> No.634667

But Yumei's wish never even came true

>> No.634681
File: 64 KB, 764x400, fm_box-f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discovering that Lloyd's girlfriend, Karen, whom you've been trying to track down for the whole game, has been turned into a B-Type device bio-computer by the villian Driscoll, and Driscoll's using her as the computer for his personal wanzer.

Then you're able to recover her B-Type device from Driscoll's wanzer and install it in Lloyd's.

>> No.634708 [DELETED] 


>> No.634725


> can't even link right

>> No.634735


This is what I would like to do to you furries http://youtu.be/1_qqm96rQeA?t=29m36s

>> No.634783 [DELETED] 
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>> No.634784
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The Jumi arc in general was pretty feels.

>> No.634791 [DELETED] 


>> No.634805 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 800x600, Furrykill2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.634817

Well... I did have a strange sad moment that made me feel sad for some time. Between a vintage video game store opening up in my area with non-fucked up prices, and the discovery of /vr/ I been playing alot of my old games. Starting up Pokemon Red made me feel sad..

Charizard was there waiting for me after 14 or so years.

Tell me /vr/, have you forgotten about your friend(s)?

>> No.634827

Tifa's swinging tits in profile.


>> No.634835
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>> No.634845

>Syldra dies

I was so sad.

>> No.634875

It makes some screech noise before it dies if I remember, feels everywhere

>> No.634882

> caring about what happens to a summon

>> No.634889

>not caring that he saved the party and dragged the ship with his ass

>> No.634891
File: 31 KB, 306x595, Vivi_Ornitier_character[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This little guy was probably the most feels laden of FFIX

>> No.634898
File: 11 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hit me even more than Platina's death.

>> No.634906


this AMV has most of the the feels around Vivi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKRWrJB8o88

>> No.634925
File: 217 KB, 480x363, pixiv26869885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Katt's a Woren. Not some half breed.

This might be cliche, but Suikoden II, the true battle between Jowy and Riou at those cliffs when the story begins. The feels.

>> No.634959
File: 11 KB, 256x224, Cyrus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That scene where you visit Cyrus' grave in Chrono Trigger


>> No.634967
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>> No.634983

I think she says that in the SNES version.

>> No.635001
File: 8 KB, 768x682, morebombs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire fucking thread

>> No.635003
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>> No.635025
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he's just r-resting...

>> No.635043


they get better, though

>> No.635050
File: 5 KB, 179x84, Squall Whatever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.635052


>Linkin Park


>> No.635059

Be ready to cry like little pussies
at least that's what I did




>> No.635070

Wow, he couldn't have picked a worse arrangement of the song.

>> No.635167
File: 115 KB, 256x252, Heart_of_Darkness_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every fucking death in Heart of Darkness. Scarred me for life. I'd bawl and scream at every one.

>> No.635180

I couldn't finish this game...one of the only games I've never been able to finish

>> No.635190

Then Dion kills himself in final fantasy legend 3

>> No.636253

>I'm back!!!

There is no explanation for this bullshit. The designers got to this part and said "Oh shit, we can't actually end the game here!"

>> No.636597
File: 8 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad ending on Silent Hill 1

>> No.636653
File: 52 KB, 749x345, Ff9_char2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that part in Final Fantasy IX when Zidane wants to push everyone away because he could have been Kuja when "You're not alone" plays..

>> No.636660


>> No.636675
File: 149 KB, 1008x717, chrono-trigger-death-peak-rescue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it was because I was younger, maybe its because I had to use my imagination more and thus was more invested.... I don't know.

But retro games had way more emotional power over me than today's games do with millions of dollars worth of cutting edge graphics and voice acting.

>> No.636683


>> No.636707
File: 50 KB, 666x454, BoF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn this is still hard for me to watch without tearing up.


>> No.636747

Rand's mom was the biggest bad ass of all time.

>> No.636761
File: 28 KB, 550x535, dash dingo is happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you thought the game was doing like a thing and named Rachel whatever you Celes because you were still in the 'name the charaters after your friends' phase of middle school.

>> No.636927

fuck you nigga

that ending when you dont revive chronos. marle running up to greet him as the screen fades smashed me in the heart

>> No.636939

Planescape Torment: when the Nameless One learns his name and learns who was the first.

>> No.637120


i just watched it and cried a little

>> No.637143

Megaman X ending.
Donkey Kong Country, loved that music.
Dunno if it counts, Fire Emblem ending where the lords say goodbye to you. Even more tragic what happened to them, and that the tactician didn't appear on FE6, he/she prolly just died somewhere.

>> No.637154

Torment: Tides of Numenara is going to rock my ass off.

>> No.637186

Also, Nino havin to fight his brothers, and Sonia making fun of her.

>> No.637845


>> No.638037

Beruga had the right idea. There should have been an option to join him and get a special ending.

>> No.638151

Great. I can hear the song of rebirth playing in my head now. Thanks.

>> No.638425
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>> No.638517

It's been a while since I've played Legend of Mana, but wasn't it stated pretty constantly that Jumi tears had healing powers? It's not that far-fetched that the hero/heroine would get revived by the Jumi crying over them.

>> No.638535
File: 125 KB, 500x261, Dead Deku Dude (DDD).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.638658


I always get a bit choked up.

Needs to be the SNES version though with Ye Olde Frog though, the newer versions fuck it up.

>> No.638706
File: 108 KB, 200x200, 1336808140957.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's go with Grandia
Sue Leaving
Gadwin Leaving
Leen's Death and Love confession
Everyone saying "FUCK YOU JUSTIN" and leaving him in a crippling depression
Zil motherfucking Padon
Liete assuming her tablet will be colored blue like all the rest

I cry easy

>> No.638723

Why did I quote someone?
Hot damn it's time to sleep

>> No.638725
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>"almost looks like it could start crying at any second..."

>> No.638730
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truly, a moment to resonate with all of us who have imaginary girlfriends

>> No.638735
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>DKC2 Stickerbrush Symphony

>> No.638760
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for whatever reason Route 4 is the tune that throws me wayyy back to christmas morning playing Pokemon Yellow. Everything from my childhood starts flowing back... oh god...

>> No.638779
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Took me a while to find this.

>> No.638814

That was the implication, yes.
The Jumi couldn't cry even for themselves but they could for the one person who selflessly gave everything for them.

>> No.638818
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>what could go wrong? I thought, while I named the characters after my family...

>> No.638883

>He doesn't know yet
Jesus dick what I would give to play that for the first time again.
That's how to do an RPG battle; you use the game mechanics themselves to tell the story.

>> No.638898

that was one of the saddest moments in my life

>> No.638943

Smiles and Tears at the end of earthbound makes me tear up, they are happy tears though.

every damn time.


>> No.638975

This scene. I was entirely full of feels after this whole thing. Alys' music for that was awesome, but so... sad.

Also, there's a moment in FFL1 for GB, where you find a room near the top of the Tower full of 'dead' sprites. If you examine one, you end up finding a diary that talks about the sprites.

They're all children except for the one. They starved to death and died because of the monsters. The music that happens after you find the diary is pretty wrenching too.

>> No.638987

This. I recall wasting a lot of Soft potions on them in a vain hope to turn them back.

>> No.639006

That fucking talk between Vivi and the Elder Black Mage in the graveyard in the Black Mage Village.

>> No.639017
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Also when you see meet up with Teepo in BoFIII

>> No.639029
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Wrong image

>> No.639042

Uh, which one? Hope not the first one, because Toki no Horousha is awesome.

>> No.639149
File: 550 KB, 623x429, legend of feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always got feels at the end of each mission in Legend of Mana. It could have even been a happy mission but something about the dead silence of the screen with some concept art really kicked me right in the feels.

>> No.639182

When I had to tell Naomi that Gray Fox was dead

Not gonna lie, I cried bitch tears

>> No.639202
File: 77 KB, 256x224, edges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This scene. The sprites showing a human face (well, one, at least) on a body transformed into that of a monster was like something out of an abstract nightmare--which emphasized the real chilling feel: your parents, the only people in the world who love you unconditionally, have lost their humanity, and with it, their ability to recognize and love you. Your own parents, barely recognizable, out to harm you... and you have to attack them to save yourself (even if it's not a "real" battle, narrative while, you came to blows).

That made me feel for a character I didn't care for otherwise.

>> No.639205

>legend of mana

my friend. MY COMPANION.

such an awesome game.

>> No.639209

I had completely forgotten about this. The fact that Rubicante tells you that he didn't give permission kinda gives it a perspective that makes it full of feels too.

>> No.639334

>Legend of Legaia
> The people from Vaan's original town that gets absorbed

>> No.642505
File: 9 KB, 480x432, The wind fish in name only, for it is neither.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]