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File: 36 KB, 459x175, WD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6313191 No.6313191 [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel about them? I think the care they put into translating things like the music of Lunar was great. You rarely see a company of their caliber today

>> No.6313202

>How do you feel about *insert obscure overrated developer* #2846698

>> No.6313209
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>> No.6313210
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Sure they tried but unfortunately when retarded man children try as hard as they can the result still sucks. They mostly fucked up every game they ported. In hindsight I wish they never existed even if jt meant none of the games ever got other translations.

>> No.6313223

is that really what you would really prefer?

>thousands of people get to play a game with a translation some people don't like
>no one outside Japan gets to play it in their own language

>> No.6313224

I appreciate what they did in the west with localizing games that would have otherwise never made it over here. My issue isn't even with the company itself, but rather the group of people that worship any game with their logo affixed to it. These are typically the collecting autists who need every variant of every game they ever released and claim that Magic Knight Rayearth is the greatest 32-bit RPG of all time, or that lunar is some sort of masterpiece. Most of their games range from shit to above average, but yeah, they're pretty overrated, especially now.

>> No.6313272

When the translation mangled the original that badly? Yeah. I still bump into people who think Silhouette Mirage is a boring slog because they only played the WD version.

>> No.6313298

>no one outside Japan gets to play it in their own language
That's the way everything should work.

>> No.6313305

You've made this thread before a fair few times.

>> No.6313307

I have no recollection of doing such a thing. You must be thinking of somebody else?

>> No.6313324

>ruined Lunar
>ruined Exile
>ruined Popful Mail
>ruined Rayearth
>ruined Alundra
>ruined Silhouette Mirage

Go eat a dick, Vic.

>> No.6313345

Same way I felt the last 9001 times you made this thread. Get a life faggot.

>> No.6313363

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.6313395
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>> No.6313401


More like improved.
Japanese stories are awful.
Rpg stories are awful.
WD turned awfully stale stories into something fun.

I wish they didn't fuck up with the games' stats, though.

>> No.6313417

Fuck off, Vic.

>> No.6313441

The way I see WD is that they were a bunch of geeks sharing a passion for obscure Japanese games who decided to go a step further and sell their translations (oriented at other American 90s anime game geeks) to a wider audience. As such their translations are a part of 90s cultural zeitgeist and deserve to exist, but they shouldn't at any cost be held up as an example of "good translation" the way we understand this term today.

Nevertheless, what's up with screwing with difficulties? Now this is some strange behavior I don't approve.

>> No.6313472
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Oh look it's THIS thread again

>> No.6313604

>As such their translations are a part of 90s cultural zeitgeist and deserve to exist, but they shouldn't at any cost be held up as an example of "good translation" the way we understand this term today.
Look at the mentality of modern days translators and how they's got to "fix" Japanese games for everyone, and you'll see this problem goes way deeper in the American game translation business.

>> No.6313613
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>> No.6313626

looking back, they're cringy, but they brought over good games and they'd be a godsend in today's cucked video game landscape

>> No.6313639

Good games with a lot of care put into bringing them over. Unfortunately there weren’t really any kind of standards during the Wild West of games localizations and nobody had the sense to hold themselves to a higher standard of accountability. If anything the thirst that comes through in the dialogue, and the family guy -esque referential humor / pop culture references, as cringe as they are, is part of what makes them so uniquely 90s and was just a couple of dudes giving it their best and having some fun.

I wish they didn’t fuck with the stats, though. Alundra was a bit of a half-measure in that you needed to game over 20 times (!!!) in order to get the best sword in the game which effectively brought the balance in line with what it ought to had been. Trash mobs taking like 6 hits from the starting weapon really sucks.

Some of the translations for puzzles are flat-out wrong, as to whether or not they were that way to begin with or that WD misunderstood the original intent.

>> No.6313779

>I wish they didn't fuck up with the games' stats, though.
This right here already makes them absolutely unforgivable. Any argument about the translation is ultimately subjective. You either like it or you don't. But taking a hacksaw to the game part of a video game is fucked and should never be condoned.

>> No.6313785

>Some of the translations for puzzles are flat-out wrong, as to whether or not they were that way to begin with or that WD misunderstood the original intent.
If I recall correctly they often did shit like that to fuck with people who rented games instead of buying them. They wanted to make sure that no one could beat the games they brought over in a single rental session.

>> No.6313802

Yes, anon. Everyone is Vic.

>> No.6313818

If the game was good, it would get a fan translation patch.
Working designs is cancer and should be wiped from history.

>> No.6313861

At least you admit it. I knew you were the one making all those shitty Working Designs thread, Vic.

>> No.6313927

i think it's nice that they put in all that effort to translating the singing scene in lunar but overall that game was butchered beyond belief. never played any of their other stuff. some people swear by them and love them but i can't stand it. unlike others though i actually decided to do something about it and learn japanese instead of whining.

>> No.6313941

Dragon Force was great, glad that came over, I believe they didn't fuck with the stats in that one, and I'm guessing the story as as generic in Japanese as it was in English anyway.

>> No.6314034

They sucked ass but nobody else was gonna bother to translate the games they did, so it’s either them or nothing.

>> No.6314039

>Japanese stories are awful.

>> No.6314081

The people who whine about WD are the same people who unironically use the term "EOP". And they can't even stop arguing over interpretations to just enjoy the damn game.

>> No.6314094

Working Designs didn't just translate games using their embarrassing 90s weeb manner of speech. No one would really care if that was the case. They actually fucked up the balance of many games without any sense of how they would play, by changing character and enemy stats arbitrarily.

>> No.6314184

They did a lot of important work bringing JRPGs over and I adore Lunar and Rayearth. That said, none of their releases are genuine classics and the liberties they took with their humor and amping up their difficulty are unacceptable by modern standards. I think a lot of what makes them memorable is just that they mostly cornered the market on weebshit.

I also think it's interesting that they were a business software company that transitioned to essentially a paid fan translation group solely because Vic was a huge weeb, and somehow they managed to survive for over a decade after that transition.

A Bold Daring Dream is better than Unyielding Wish. Was that from the aborted dub of the Rayearth anime? It seems to genuinely good to be a WD original.

>> No.6314192

>Was that from the aborted dub of the Rayearth anime?
There was an aborted Rayearth dub? Maybe you should ask /a/.

>> No.6314228

He did, and it turns out it's the same signer for the songs in Silver Star Story complete. Too bad Vic couldn't have told us that since he's posting in these threads.


>> No.6314231

Shit game is shit.

>> No.6314281

Why did they go under? I would think the market for weeb games has only expanded over the years.

>> No.6314287

Because of all the trinkets they put in the package and sold at normal price cut into their earnings.

>> No.6314305

This >>6314287 but also they didn't have the money for big licenses and never really cleaned their act up even after Atlus and suchlike were clowning them with every release.

>> No.6314328

My favorite were the sixty page leather hardcover instruction books with the satin ribbon bookmark.

>> No.6314436

While we're here talking about WD shit, is there an undub for Lunar or Lunar 2? I want to play through the games again but I just cannot stand the voices and cringy dialogue.

>> No.6314440

Why don't you play the Japanese version?

>> No.6314445

When I was in highschool I really liked WD and the games they made. Now that I'm an adult I'd have to go through and play everything again to see if I liked it because it was good or because I was an edge lord.

>> No.6314453

Because I can't speak/read Japanese?

>> No.6314458 [DELETED] 

But yet you want Japanese audio.
Have you considered learning Japanese?

>> No.6314462

Do you not know what subtitles are?

>> No.6314503
File: 99 KB, 500x490, exile 2 wicked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about
>thousands of people can't finish your broken ass localization

>> No.6314525 [DELETED] 

Stop being a weeaboo, weeaboo.

>> No.6314548

>not wanting to be ear raped is being a weeb

>> No.6314596

Why not turn the sound off?

>> No.6314604


>> No.6314634

>wrecking designs
thanks but no thanks

>> No.6314647

Why not just give the game dual audio like every game nowadays already has?

>> No.6314650

Why don't you do it if you want it so badly?

>> No.6314651


>> No.6314657

Cause I don't speak Japanese.

>> No.6314658

Then learn it.

>> No.6314659

If I learned Japanese why would I bother advocating for an undub?

>> No.6314667

So you aren't willing to do anything on your own and demand that others do a ton of work that's only useful for yourself.
How much money are you willing to invest?

>> No.6314670

>only useful for yourself
Except it would be useful to many people.
Its the reason undubs get made in the first place.

>> No.6314687

I'm with this. I would rather have the audio in Japanese even if there's a cut scene they didn't subtitle.

>> No.6314692

Maybe you can pool your money to fund that undub.
Or you take the easy way and learn Japanese so you never have that problem again.

>> No.6314695

>fund that undub
No one ever pays money to get undubs made.
No one paid people to undub FFX and X-2 or Symphony of the Night.
People did them because they had a passion for it.
Do you think fansubbers do it to get paid? Cause they aren't paid either.

>> No.6314702

In case you didn't notice, fansubbing is dead.
Manga translations are made for money nowadays.

>> No.6314705

>fansubbing is dead
Then how am I watching fansubs every week?

>> No.6314707

While some of their localizations choices were questionable, I really can't fault them since they brought over some of my favorite childhood JRPGs.~

>> No.6314709

You are more likely watching rips from commercial subbing sites.

>> No.6314713

Rider and Sentai don't have commercial subbing sites.

>> No.6314757

Let's face it, they are obscure for anyone but us nerds.

>> No.6314767

What they did with Silhouette Mirage was absolute trash. It magnified all the bad things in the original design for the worse, and when it was attempted to be for the better (lv.6 surosa at the first stage) trivialized the game.
Some people go nuts over OMG PLAYABLE ZOHAR but then it's just a wonky minigame in the credits.
It's a mess really.

>> No.6314782
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Meh I don't care nearly enough to learn Japanese for video games, I'm just saying given the option I'd rather hear the original voices. But them I'm one of those insufferable twats who in the 80's and 90's would insist we watch shit quality fansub tapes over anything with dubbing.

My disagreements with Vic Ireland's take on localization go back a long long way. I'll say this though, the new Star Dragon Tower music they did is rock solid. Not everything WD did was bad.

>> No.6314790

I watched shit quality fansub tapes because nothing else was available.
I only bought fansub tapes for 2 things: Magic Knight Rayearth and Sailor Moon Sailorstars.
This was way before Rayearth was released in the states.

>> No.6314803

>buying fansubs
I used to rant and rave at people like you

>> No.6314818

In the 90s there was no other option.
And by "buy" I mean sent the cost of the physical video tape.

>> No.6314873

Lol that sounds like some back pedaling but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Never have I heard of trading or copying fansubs referred to as buying, that was a specific thing shitheads did. Colloquialisms are certainly a thing though.

>> No.6315094

They weren't always perfect, but I loved them. Looking at it only in the context of the time period, they were amazing. The best collector's editions I had ever seen, translating Japanese shit that was uncommon back then, lots of care put into localizing the games. Lunar totally captivated me as an 8th grader and became my favorite game for a long while.

Looking back, they don't always age well but I still like them.

>> No.6316281

Here's the actual opening from the aborted dub.

>> No.6316705

Wow, that is really bad.

>> No.6316727

Ok let me explain it in full.
In the 90s you couldn't download anything that large so there were websites that would mail out fansub tapes for anyone that sent them the cost of the tape. Was the only way to watch stuff that didn't have releases in america.
So it was technically free fansubs, you just had to buy a VHS tape.

>> No.6316732
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Thank God my waifu was never subjected to that.
Its Hikaru

>> No.6318287

>You rarely see a company of their caliber today
On the contrary, you see their brand of shit localization way too often.

How about destroying a series reputation in the West?

>got the license to a Daisenryaku (Advance World War) game
>normal war sim with playable usa, japan, germany in WW2
>renamed it to the nazi-bait title Iron Storm
>controversy ensues
>"ooh ackshully we're only localizing it"
>"The game's North American publisher, Working Designs, donated 50 cents of every copy sold to the National Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C."
>No publisher would ever touch the Daisenryaku series again until a spinoff on PSP where you can play Israel invading Syria, which tells you why everything else in the series was passed over

We gonna forget how Studio Alex came begging them to do Lunar Magical School and they passed it over because girls don't sell, then salty at the surviving staff (after Studio Alex disbanded) passing them over for a first-party publishing deal on Saturn (cancelled) then the PSX, they called the game years later in interviews to HG101 a "pedo game"? But it turns out they inserted pedo jokes in Rayearth's localization in every nook and cranny of the game's optional lines?

For people who say Japanese writing is invariably trash (even ones the nips brought novelists to help with like Dragon Force and Alundra) and any "localization" is sacrosanct, one hit kill first bosses and paid save spots included, they sure disrespected localizations by Ubisoft or Xseed or Sega, of games they were eyeing themselves to localize.

tl;dr: I think they're assholes, compulsive liars, and addicted to throwing anyone else under the bus for their own messes. Good riddance.

>> No.6318305

But Gendai Daisenryaku is more East vs West. The WW2 games are spinoffs.

>> No.6318412

>Nevertheless, what's up with screwing with difficulties? Now this is some strange behavior I don't approve
Apparently they were afraid people'd beat the games too quickly and return them to stores with a receipt.

>> No.6318457
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>no one outside japan gets to play it in their own language
>that's the way everything should work
>unlike others though i actually decided to do something about it and learn japanese instead of whining.
Nice flex.
Tell me something:
I bet you do.
>Have you considered learning japanese?
Sure, if you have the time and can afford to use it in that way. It's a great idea. The problem is it's not really feasible for everyone, and while the language itself is rather easy, Kanji is a hot mess for all the ばかがいじん out there (keeping it in kana for the fledglings) until you've been exposed to a _lot_ of it. And without someone who knows the language nearby to translate them, they can be hard to look up if they aren't in copy-pastable form (as in manga, some scans, etc). You have to use handwriting systems or look up the components of the glyph, which can be hard, especially with low resolution scans or game-text.

I'm an electrical engineer by trade, and I mod a lot of consoles as a hobby. Some of the datasheets for parts are only available in Japanese. Another hobby of mine used to be working in a scanlation group on /a/, which actually helped a lot (we had a proper translator in our IRC channel who I was able to ask questions). What I know I learned primarily from this kind of work, but it's not as easy as just saying:
>Oh, I guess I can just pick up some books and "know" japanese within 6 months.
So stop trying to trivialize it. Translations are a good thing, and I'd never have gotten interested in learning Japanese if not for translated media getting me through the door. It serves a purpose.

Also, I have a friend in Japan (again over IRC) who likes Amiga stuff and has had it since the 80's. I've helped him with english-to-japanese translations before. Cross-cultural understanding is important in both directions. But I guess you're too busy being an elitist fuckwad.

>> No.6318462

>implying anyone cared about all this bullshit as kids

As long as you could play a new, good game in english, everything was forgiven.

>> No.6318471

>You have to use handwriting systems or look up the components of the glyph,
Or you use OCR based solutions. Some can also be identified from context.

>> No.6318478
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>Or you take the easy way and learn Japanese so you never have that problem again.
>the easy way
>learn japanese

>> No.6318493

That doesn't always work, especially with bad sources or when there are colors and the text is superimposed.
You should know as well as anyone that it's not a perfect solution. It's nice when it works though.
Context is a fair point, though.
True, but "not knowing better" is no longer the case.

>> No.6318780

hey vic

>> No.6318798

i really don't get you working designs apologists. this is a bona fide cuckold mentality.

>> No.6319771
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I loved Gungriffon Blaze.

>> No.6319775

It's true though. It's shit now that we're adults and can look back and understand the extent of their changes, but when I was eight, Rayearth was like, game of the year for me.

>> No.6319785

The fall into the “good for its time” category. They brought a lot of cool games to the US market, that I don’t think would have made it otherwise. Kinda like Carl Macek (or whatever his name is) from Harmony Gold. Despite how shity the company is, he did being Macross to the US as a spliced together show called Robotech. A lot of translations got messed up during that time, or just changed the script to fit in with American consumers.

>> No.6320023

Lol, that's a lot of cope. What you actually need to do is pick up some books and spend years studying the language.

Stop being a subhuman and learn Japanese.

>> No.6320029

Is it good if they turn them out broken when they sell them here?

>> No.6320128

You sound like a complete faggot, honestly. Japanese is both easy to learn and completely feasible for anyone who has 30 minutes a day to spare.

Did I ask questions at the beginning? Sure. Everyone asks questions. And thanks to the internet, you can get answers in a minute or two when you don't understand some verb supposition passive infinitive mess.

Japanese is trivial. Language is trivial, because your brain is designed to pick it up like a fucking sponge. Nobody learns Japanese from a textbook, people learn Japanese from reading actual books. Anything prior to that point is purely prep work.

The entirety of your post is pure cope about being an EOP. Kanji is not a "mess". Kanji is the savior of what would otherwise be an absolute clusterfuck of a language to read.

Translations are ultimately a mistake. I think it's fine to have some level of cultural exchange. But ultimately, it just breeds entitlement. "X got translated, so why isn't Y translated yet!". Ultimately, it's just giving a man a fish to feed him for a day. He's only going to come back tomorrow and whine about how there's no more fish, about how you're now "responsible" for him. But it's worse than fish, because you don't need entertainment to live.

The lack of translations is what made me learn Japanese. I will always be thankful to the millions of JSLs who couldn't be bothered or didn't feel like working on the works that interested me most. The guys who gave me free fish over the years? I couldn't give a fuck about them.

>> No.6320181

>Translations are ultimately a mistake.
No to pierdol się, tępy chuju.

>> No.6320184

Their translation style isn't for everyone and a lot of jokes feel dated, but what bothers me is the change in the game balance, just try to play Silhouette Mirage or Exile II.

>> No.6320192

What is it with ESLs and always resorting to their third world "language" when threatened? How does it feel to know that I'll never even bother copy-pasting your gibberish into Google?

I honestly don't get it. I've made these kinds of posts dozens of times at this point, and this is the response a good 50% of the time. Am I supposed to be impressed you know gibberish? Are you upset your native language has no media or culture of any merit that would entice a native English speaker to bother with it? Are you trying to imply that you're somehow superior to a "true" EOP because you happened to be born in a third world country to parents who hated you and forced you to spend your formative years learning garbage, so the only way for you to cope with your hideous accent and low quality ESL English is to pretend that you were somehow improved in some way by it?

>> No.6320234

>Nobody learns Japanese from a textbook, people learn Japanese from reading actual books. Anything prior to that point is purely prep work.

Prep that is necessary though. These days you see Redditors and DJT faggots who lack the concentration to even open a textbook.

>> No.6320261

I don't know if prep is "necessary", and it's certainly not the same for every person. Will you be non-optimal if you just jump into reading and look up every new thing you encounter on the fly? Yes. But learning a language isn't about perfect optimization, and there are people who get stuck on the prep stage for years. It used to be RTK drones, these days it's anki addicts.

>> No.6320285

This is b8 and I would hazard is probably samefag.

>> No.6320290

Those DJT EOPs are hopeless no matter what. The point is that normal people should open a textbook to make sure they don't make Reddit posts about asking why 私わ isn't corrent.

>> No.6320294

Those kinds of people will eternally be stuck asking others "what's the best way to study", so I don't really consider them normal people. Maybe "normal" in the sense that they're the 90%+ majority of people who will eventually quit learning because they're too stupid to just start.

>> No.6320378

>completely feasible for anyone who has 30 minutes a day to spare.

Not him but I often only have about 30 minutes of free time so I'd rather spend it playing a game than learning Japanese so I can play a game in that language.

>> No.6320447

The idea is that you can learn while you play.

>> No.6320450

Something is not corrent with your brain.

>> No.6320456

It's absolutely worth it specially if you have an interest in portables. Be aware though most of the games you're going to play will be janky 6/10 like Soukaigi not hidden masterpieces.
People think that translations take away the value of learning Japanese but actually it brings fresh discussion to these old games and also comparing a translator's interpretation choices to the original script is a whole field of science in itself.

>> No.6320459

>*portable consoles

>> No.6320479

Recognized yourself, Mr. Eternal Beginner? Be happy I made a type for you :)

>> No.6322083


>> No.6322472

>Let's face it, they are obscure for zoomers.

>> No.6322520

Nah, even at the time most people didn't know what Silhouette Mirage was. It's like today where the average gamer only knows LoL or Fortnite.

>> No.6324216

I used to really like this company, thinking back and playing the Lunar games on ps1 are still some of my favorite memories, but I am upset with myself that I fell for the lie they told on the bonus disc about the translation and I wonder what the games were actually about now, and instead all I got was some weeb's fan fiction.

>> No.6324335

i would pay dumb money for a quality port of silver star and eternal blue with a good translation on switch

>> No.6324354

Looking at Grandia HD, be careful what you wish for.

>> No.6324363

what happened with grandia HD? i'm not really following current gaming news.

>> No.6324376

They put a greasy smoothing filter over all of the 2d assets

>> No.6324380

It's shit. They promised it would be based on the Saturn version, it's actually the Playstation version with shitty smoothing filters you can't remove.

>> No.6324393

man, that's awful.

my gold standard for a quality port is tactics ogre for PSP. i know and acknowledge that there's valid criticism of that port, but it's still very obviously a labor of love.

>> No.6325102

>Kanji is the savior of what would otherwise be an absolute clusterfuck of a language to read.
Kanji is neat but it's not a "savior" to anything. Look at Korean. Same sentence structure that shares vocabulary pool based on Chinese characters yet Hanja is largely abandoned. Kanji is only relevant because the rest of the kana system is obtuse.

>> No.6325118

Yeah do look at korean, I mean a proper look and not chan hearsay and you'll notice they completely modified the language to accommodate mora only writing and what do you know, they still have to learn kanji in medicine school because homonyms.

>> No.6325126

I mean jamo or w/e the korean equivalent

>> No.6325131

>they still have to learn kanji in medicine school because homonyms
boo hoo, they have to learn special terms in medicine school. what an awful fate.

>> No.6325165

>I mean a proper look and not chan hearsay
I'm fluent in Korean.
>they still have to learn kanji in medicine school because homonyms.
Correct but definitely not for video games. Outside of specialized fields, businesses still around from previous generations(real estate, fortune telling, Chinese medicine shops, etc) and mediums that cater to seniors(newspapers, older books) commonly sprinkles in hanja. Outside of those very specific instances, hanja isn't used for everyday writing.

>> No.6326025

>english language
>culture of any merit
you've got to be trolling. also stop being so mad about this lol, you sound like a pathetic nationalist. did an exchange student steal your girlfriend anon? did he speak poor english? very sorry about that, but acting like a sour cunt on 4chan isn't going to change anything you fag

>> No.6326049

Imagine denying the cultural impact of English when you're fucking speaking it. What's the matter, ashamed of your third world language?

>> No.6326131

>implying anyone cared about all this bullshit as kids
who is implying that, exactly? OP's question is present tense.

>> No.6326373

whats the psp game?

>> No.6326430

>shitting on other languages when people speak them
>also shitting on them when they don't

you got issues boy

>> No.6326645

That makes no sense for 60 hour long jrpgs.

>> No.6326731

>Some of the translations for puzzles are flat-out wrong, as to whether or not they were that way to begin with or that WD misunderstood the original intent.

What are some examples of this?

>> No.6326960


There’s a puzzle in Myght’s Tower in Lunar SSSC where they removed the password to leave it up to players to guess or force them to call the hint line. The strategy guide is based off the JP copy of the game and alluded to a hint within the game. In the game, they removed the hint.

In Alundra, there’s an accessory you can get that protects you from fire. You can get it almost immediately but the clue provided is esoteric and doesn’t make sense. In so far that an NPC will tell you the solution well after you would have ever needed the accessory.

>> No.6326978

That's hilariously bad and yet doesn't surprise me at all knowing them.

>> No.6327027

they're okay, i just dont agree with some of the practices that they did.

i don't understand the retarded hate boner some autists have for them.

>> No.6327040

Those fuckers butchered masterpieces and I will never forgive them for what they did.

>t. bitter autistic 30 year old weeb permavirgin that can't let go of petty grudges

>> No.6327042

i feel ya bro

>> No.6327331

>There’s a puzzle in Myght’s Tower in Lunar SSSC where they removed the password to leave it up to players to guess or force them to call the hint line. The strategy guide is based off the JP copy of the game and alluded to a hint within the game. In the game, they removed the hint.
that's shady af kek

>> No.6327556

>faggot nineties kid millenial who's not hardcore enough to handle a challenge
>bitter boomer weeb holding grudges over changes
>ignorant zoomer who's not grateful for the wd gods for inventing localization
>damn old men not understanding video games, the us market, fun, or a combination of the above
>or it's wd who just suck ass
pick one

>> No.6327563

It always says a lot about Americans about how much they defend any shitty corp no matter what.

>> No.6328345

Huhhuh Bill Clinton Huhhuh

>> No.6328462

Dude weed

>> No.6328515

>>ignorant zoomer who's not grateful for the wd gods for inventing localization
unbelieveable that there's people here that are this fucking retarded

>> No.6328620
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lest they get called commies by their fellow magabois

>> No.6328638

I don't disagree that learning Japanese, particularly to play video games, is impossible but it's certainly not easy as it takes a lot of time to get to a level where you can read even basic things comfortably. If by 'easy' you mean 'easy as long as you are willing to devote time to it every day for at least a year' then yes it's easy but by that logic everything is easy. You can get really fucking good at quantum physics or molecular biology or mathematics if you apply that time to those fields. Or you could learn an instrument, and by the end of the year you'd be pretty good at it. Things that take time are not easy.

But I agree that whining about translations is obnoxious. If it bothers you that translations come slowly, not at all, or are poor in quality, you should learn Japanese instead of whining about it or settle for the things that are actually available to you in your own language. It's a hobby, and hobbies take time, but Japanese is a hobby that allows you to have access to things you didn't have access to before.

Some prep is necessary though. Otherwise you get people asking dumb questions like asking if 僕 is singular and 私 is plural. But being stuck doing RTK for a year doesn't help anyone. It varies for everyone but at the very least you need to know the kana and the basics of the grammar.

>> No.6328649

>If by 'easy' you mean 'easy as long as you are willing to devote time to it every day for at least a year' then yes it's easy but by that logic everything is easy.
Personally, I'm the laziest person I know. I spent my college days doing nothing, and looked at most of the material for the first time in the week leading up to finals. I've tried lots of hobbies like learning instruments or other skills, and I've always gotten bored and quit in a few weeks to a month.

Learning Japanese, on the other hand, has been a complete fucking cakewalk. Literally all you have to do is tell yourself to do X by Y time every day. I get my reps out of the way first thing so I have the rest of the day to read shit and enjoy myself. In the start it was a little harder, there were days when I let myself slip and wound up not finishing my reps by midday or something, but I always left myself enough breathing room that I could always get them done every day.

Japanese is easy because it's self-fulfilling. At the start, you get a kick out of recognising characters, then you get a kick out of understanding sentences, then you get a kick out of finishing works. Learn quantum mechanics, and what can you do with it? Read some fucking boring, dry, scientific papers. Entertainment is what makes the world go round, and learning Japanese massively increases the amount of entertainment you can enjoy.

>> No.6328651

Just watch subtitled Japanese things along the way. That way you get a feel for the sounds and recognize more and more vocabulary.
It won't replace actually learning the vocabulary since the kanji for them are crucial.
The nice thing about learning Japanese is that there's such a huge amount of learning material available catering to all sorts of interests.

>> No.6328720

>If it bothers you that translations [...] are poor in quality, you should learn Japanese instead of whining about it or settle for the things that are actually available to you in your own language.
i will never understand how anyone can arrive at this conclusion.

it is fully and perfectly okay to criticize bad execution. it is okay to criticize reckless driving. it is okay to criticize shoddy food inspections. it is okay to criticize wrong risk assessment for financial products. no one in their right mind would say, yeah shut up and suck it down. it is okay to criticize poor translations. they actively hinder your understanding of things.

>> No.6328730

Whining about translations doesn't change anything. WD isn't going to go back and rerelease their stuff with a new translation.
Learning Japanese is a perfect solution for all our problems.

>> No.6328753

I think the issue here isn't that Japanese is easy, but that you enjoy learning Japanese and therefore it feels easy. And I get it, I think it's pretty fulfilling to learn and there is, as >>6328651 says, a lot of great learning material to practice on, from video games to manga to light novels to anime. Learning Chinese or Russian will be a lot harder because they don't have as much to choose from that's both easily accessible and attractive for many people to pick up.

There's a difference between criticism and whining though. And in the case of translations the only people who are actually qualified to provide criticism are those people who have played the original in the original language as you can't know what the translators did wrong (did they do a poor job, or was the source material just bad?).

I think it's fine to provide criticism on a poor translation, especially if it's constructive to the creators or if it's to steer others towards a superior translation, but most of the time it's no more than whining.

>> No.6328889

All translations are poor, and those aimed at children for low budget entertainment mediums are obviously going to be the worst affected.

Crying about translations being bad is like crying about the sky being blue. If you want to post some "all your base are belong to us" shit, it should be under the pretext of mockery, not under the pretext of "this is problematic to me and should be changed!".

>> No.6328942
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>he's never played a working designs port

>> No.6328970
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>working designs are proven to be bad
>noooooo you can't say they're bad you can't prove it

>> No.6329000

Nothing is more schizo than greentext strawmen, anon