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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 94 KB, 420x309, Final+Fantasy+III+(USA)+(Rev+1)-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6283501 No.6283501 [Reply] [Original]

How does /vr/ feel about Final Fantasy 3? The Gameplay hasn't aged well, but the aesthetics and writing are still on point many years later.

>> No.6283504

Gameplay hasn't aged well? Nigger it started the great battle system that continued until X threw it in the trash.

>> No.6283505

Games don't age. Reddit homosexuals do.

>> No.6283510

>great battle system
>"attack, attack, attack, attack, heal, attack, attack, attack, attack..."
are you sure about that?

>> No.6283512


>> No.6283514
File: 229 KB, 1280x891, ff_2__11427.1432322851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teleports a main character behind you

>> No.6283517

that was ffiv

>> No.6283519


>> No.6283524
File: 128 KB, 994x874, sigfried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been waiting here for like 10 full minutes and he hasn't come back

>> No.6283528

The gameplay is fine, the only issue is its bugginess resulting in shit like Vanish/Doom and Evade% being literally useless. The writing is as retarded as most of the bullshit from JRPGs of that era and if anything that's the only thing that's """aged""".

>> No.6283530

>writing is as retarded

>> No.6283553


>> No.6283597

final fantasy 4 invented atb, not final fantasy 6

>> No.6283643

The fuck do you mean the gameplay hasn't aged well, it's an rpg
Agree with the other points though, 'on point' makes you sound juvenile though. Do you truly like this game? Doesn't sound like you do.

>> No.6283657

I love the characters and their unique skills. Best collection of playable characters in any FF game IMO.

>> No.6284789

>Final Fantasy 3?
Pic not related?

>> No.6284819

Maybe you should go check on him

>> No.6284823

Why are you using "attack" instead of Sabin's dial-in combos?

>> No.6284837

>the only issue is its bugginess
Nobody gives a shit about this kind of thing except myopic nerds

>> No.6284880

I'd want to know if a certain character using a certain move would wipe my entire cartridge

>> No.6285004

Terra wants to know what love is
Son of a submariner

>> No.6285007

I think they put it on my SNES C for no reason.

>> No.6285146

>He's playing the Woosley version

>> No.6285157 [DELETED] 

that's not a problem of writing, but hack localizers

>> No.6285229

I like gau and his rage... I always make sure to get rhinox since he randomly casts life3 on your teammates in battle. very useful somewhat early on in the game before you get it.

>> No.6286968
File: 364 KB, 369x259, wtf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gameplay hasn't aged well

It's a traditional JRPG, shit is timeless. What are you on OP?

>> No.6287335

I think it takes itself a little bit too seriously at times, but that's a problem with FF in general.

>> No.6287382 [DELETED] 

it means it's not up to the standards of the industry anymore. Have you played DQ11?

>> No.6287384

Honestly I just dont like it. The game really falls apart in the second half. FF5 in comparison is perfect, I really really wish Square had tried the job system again in mainline final fantasy

>> No.6287463

And there's a chance you'll die by tornado or lightning strike. It's such a scary world

>> No.6287808


#1 criticism was lack of innovation

>> No.6287810

DQ11? The game that literally plays like it was made in 1990?

Not even going for something like Octopath that actually has evolved the turn based RPG. But DQ11.

>> No.6288382 [DELETED] 

It’s one of the most soulful and best designed games I have ever played. I see nothing but praise for the game, you just have shit tastes anon.

>> No.6288393

Why do you gotta be disingenuous all the time?

>> No.6288734

FF6 made that system actually good

>> No.6288741

>plays the exact same since the NES
>boring, slow combat
>the most retarded spell names in all vidya
How is this series more popular than FF in Japan? Is it because the characters are designed by dragon ball man?

>> No.6288763

Taste wasn't brought into it, you tard. It objectively plays like a game made in 1990 and has a more simplistic combat system than FF6.

>> No.6288771

Aging doesnt gave to do with the physical properties of something getting older it can also relate to public perception related to the growth of knowledge. When new innovations like increases in graphical fidelity come along it shows the age of original reference point. Yes the game isnt any different but modern perceptions have revealed its age. I'm so fucking sick of you autistic cunts who take everything so literally and dont understand a figure of speech. YES WE KNOW THE GAME HADNT ACTUALLY CHANGED. It's still aged by our perception compared to contemporaries so fuck you fucking retard reddit homosexual.

>> No.6288895

>not Vanish -> Doom

>> No.6288916

>normal jrpg gameplay
>hasn't aged well

Huh? It plays fine

>> No.6288985

all it did was throw a bunch of gimmicks on top of it and reduce the difficulty by several magnitudes

>> No.6289032

Name even a single fight or enemy after fucking Whelk that utilizes the ATB system in any meaningful way. All the ATB FF games are just turn-based games with extra waiting for no reason. It adds nothing to the experience.

>> No.6289035

Normal jrpg gameplay was never any good to begin with

>> No.6289038

ATB adds a bit of urgency and feels more fun.

>> No.6289801

ATB sucks dick, X at least made it bearable.

>> No.6289846

Anyone who tries to argue that any game has aged poorly as some form of critique isn’t worth listening to.

Everything shows its age, but design conventions and philosophies don’t age at all. FFVI is exactly as good today as it was when it released, as it will be for the rest of time.

>> No.6289901

a game ages when it isn't up to the modern standards of the industry.

>> No.6289935

It's still a subjective thing and not something you can blame the video game for. It's not the cartridge its fault that it wasn't made for kids whining on the internet 25 years later to accomadate their tastes specifically and as long as it's fun for those who enjoy it that's all that matters. Feel free to play a different game if you legitimately dislike it, the SNES alone has many other RPGs and other games on it that are worth trying out (not to mention anything else retro and trust me kid you won't have played everything in your lifetime).

>> No.6289941

>modern standards of the industry
You mean things like stakeholders strangling developers, handholding all the god damn time, DLC, always online, season passes, buggy messes, pandering to the local minority and focusing more on peoples identities than simply having games that are fun to play? Yeah well fuck that, I'm pretty sure most people who are on this board are sick of all that modern bullshit.
You're talking to the wrong crowd.

>> No.6289943

it means that the gameplay was acceptable back then because they simply had no competition, but now Square enix alone has produced
>Bravely Default
which all make the gameplay of FF6 look terribly aged.

>> No.6289947

Buzzwords, buzzwords, and more buzzwords. Sums up every boomer on here with the “NEW BAD” mentality.

>> No.6290393


Another idiot proclaiming DQ11 to be revolutionary.

Fucking idiots...have you even played FF6?

>> No.6290406

yeah, and it was fucking shit
see >>6283510

>> No.6290462

quiet little zoomy zoom you're modern games are mostly trash and the rare occasional decent game. but you dont know that cuz you were raised on trash games so you think its good. also you zoomy zooms think anything older than 5yrs in gaming is too old to play and bad cuz old. so drop your bullshit about new bad when your kind always go with old bad as your copout for not playing anything from 6+yrs back

>> No.6290539

YOU AGE. Information does not.

>> No.6290543

I prefer FF6's gameplay over Bravely Default and DQ11. Shadowbringers is an MMO, doesn't seem like a fair comparison.

>> No.6290567

>I prefer FF6's gameplay over Bravely Default and DQ11
what? Why? Are you mad? Those are both much better designed than FF6. Hell, that fucking game doesn't even have a working evade mechanic. And it's so lazily designed you can sleep through the entire game, while BD and DQ11 get very tactical as the game goes on.

>> No.6291559

Uhhhh Odin? Oh wait that was in 4. Bahamut? Oh wait that was also in 4. Three of the four fiends having different formations? Also 4. Huh I guess 4 really did do more with the system despite being older.

>> No.6291562

>I see nothing but praise for the game
If I go outside of 4chan, I see nothing but praise for TLOU and Bioshock Infinite.

>> No.6291563
File: 127 KB, 722x832, advice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is. You just don't like it and that's perfectly fine.

>> No.6291564

My mistake, you're obviously very intelligent and worth listening to. Also totally not younger than 25 trying way too hard to fit in, nope.

>> No.6291813

You're telling me that Bravely Default and Dragon Quest 11 (FUCKING DRAGON QUEST!) have more modern gameplay than Final Fantasy VI? Seriously? I bet it'll blow your mind that Chrono Trigger's gameplay has more to show than any of your modern examples. Also, bringing in an expansion of a MMO as a counterexample to say a JRPG like FFVI is dated? Are you kidding me? Might as well say that Total War Rome is a better PC game than Quake by that logic.

As opposed to saying shitpost words like "boomer", "new bad" and the word buzzword itself that is stale? Take another look in the mirror before you accuse someone else of doing something you hyppocrit. Besides you naming any argument I have to dislike modern games as just LOL BUZZWORDS U TOO OLD!! says a lot more about your lack in debating than anything I wrote. How about you come up with actual counter arguments because you still haven't disproven anything I said in >>6289941.

>> No.6291834

They did in X2 and it was great. It's a shame the story was absolute cringe

>> No.6291860
File: 13 KB, 512x448, 2095screenshot4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I 100% recommend BRAVE NEW WORLD. It's a complete rebalance of FFVI. Characters can only access certain Espers now, learn certain spells, and gain certain stats from them. Stats completely reworked. Abilities reworked. It's harder, but it's not a "hard" mod. I found myself reworking my strategy rather than grinding in order to beat a boss.

The person who made it is a shitty writer, but there's a separate mod to remove his dialogue changes.

>> No.6291908

more modern in the sense that it can actually compete with the best turn-based games in the present day, like Etrian Odyssey V and SaGa Scarlet Grace - because DQ11 is well designed while FF6 is not.

>> No.6291925

The second part is the only good one, unless you play games for the things they are not. Also, it has the best optional content of any game.

>> No.6292041

I can't stand a lot of modern gameplay design, but FF6 has tons of bad design, a lot of which isn't due to technical limitations.

>boring and repetitive combat

Almost all of the time you'll simply be mashing attack to end the fight as fast as possible. During boss battles or tougher normal opponents you spam the most powerful magic you have that the monster doesn't have an immunity to. Interesting magic like silence, blindness, poison, etc isn't worth casting on normal enemies because they die too fast and most bosses are immune to most if not all negative conditions.

>punished for levelling up

Although you can easily beat the game without optimizing, the most interesting and important feature involving levelling - equipping Espers that teach you magic and improve stats at level up - doesn't unlock for a long time when it should be something available from right of the start of the game. Imagine if in FF7 you didn't get Materia until the end of Disk 1. It's bad design.

>invisible random encounter fights are boring and tedious

>levelling up feels boring and tedious

There's no need for 99 levels when you can effortlessly beat the game 2/3rds of the way there. Each level feels insignificant, just a small boost to a bunch of numbers. For stealing their design from DnD it's amazing Square never learned to just have 20-30 levels where each level up felt significant

>items feel boring

Weapons have no flavor, same with armor. Most relics suck. Soft and eye drops and the like are junk you'll rarely ever use. The item system is bloated and boring.

Overall 6 is very uninteresting, boring, and a slog to get through. 5 at least had an interesting class system that actually made you feel in control of your characters, and 7 had more likeable characters and a better magic system.

>> No.6292118

Who the fuck plays an RPG this way?

>> No.6292135

What is tedious about level ups? It's not like Wizardry 7 where you need to spend points in various categories even though all useful skills have been maxed.
In DnD the levels are the same, you gain better attack rank, saves, HP and possibly spells. There's nothing significant about going from magic user 27 to magic user 28.

>> No.6292145

You did not play dragon quest 11. Tension and buffing alone give it more depth

>> No.6292147

Delusional. Chrono trigger has you just mashing whatever your best techs are

>> No.6292161

Most people, except when it's a boss fight, in which case replace "attack" with "most powerful spell".

>> No.6292169

I beat it last year, dude. The entire game was beaten by attacking with my strongest attack and healing when my hp gets low just like any 90s JRPG.

>> No.6292179

Buffs were already a thing in older DQ games like in Dragon Quest VII for example, just like 99% of what the games bring to the table with each installment. The fact the games follow the infamous saying "if it ain't broke don't fix it" to a T is why I think it's so ridiculous why people use a god damn Dragon Quest game as an example of innovative gameplay because out of EVERY role playing franchise in existence the DQ games change the least between installments, something you should be familiar with if you played any Capcom game in the past 4 or so decades like Megaman and Street Fighter.

>> No.6292180

And how is FF VI more in depth than that?

>> No.6292186

It isn't much deeper, it is also a 90s JRPG. But I'd say it is slightly deeper because none of the customization or gear options I found in DQ11 really mattered much. It also has fun stuff like Sabin's Blitzes.

I didn't hate DQ11 or think that FF6 is an incredibly deep game. I'm taking huge issue with the idea that anything about DQ11 other than surface level (graphics, music) is "modern" at all.

>> No.6292191

Bravely Default blows any more old FF out of the fucking water in terms of gameplay, are you crazy? Brave points and job system alone offer far more depth and play options. The game itself plays more modern too, even let's you tweak encounter rates

>> No.6292201

I would say enemies on screen in a fully realized 3D world is modern, especially in a genre that is all about immersion and atmosphere. The whole tension, skills, and buffing system in DQ makes it flow far better than FF VI. I'm actually setting up damage turns. It's way more engaging IMO.

>> No.6292205

I'm sure you like FFXII then and aren't just a complete pleb right

FF6 is a game made for 12 year olds

>> No.6292495

brave new world fixed that
>inb4 hurr durr meme dialogue
version 2.0 includes a vanilla dialogue patch so there aren't retarded pop culture references in the dialogue

>> No.6292501

BD is just an actual modern Final Fantasy game, its great. Its like what Final Fantasy would be like if they decided to continue the series instead of going in an incredibly gay boy-band route. Octopath is even deeper, but is not as good a game due to horrendous pacing.

>> No.6292517

This. I love Chrono Trigger but its combat is really fucking braindead. Lavos was laughably easy, same thing goes for Spekkio's final phase (which apparently was supposed to be a super boss). No strategy really is required: All I did to beat Lavos was to use Chrono's strongest tech and Magus's dark matter thingy, and I didn't even have golden studs equipped to lower my MP usage.

>> No.6292521

>needs a fan patch to work as intended
Where is that one faggot who complained about modern games constantly being buggy messes?

>> No.6292539

I absolutely loved Octopath's combat, too bad only Galdera and the Great Direwolf (sort of, as you were still able to cheese it with a 1HP Fortitude Warmaster Olberic, but the same thing applies to Galdera's 2nd phase, though it's a bit harder to execute) required you to actually use it to its full potential. Pretty much every storyline boss was a cakewalk, even the optional ones were easy. I remember that there was some kind of Chapter 4 optional boss with just 11k HP, which is roughly the amount of damage Cyrus alone should be able to do a turn, at that level. The advanced job shrines were also pretty cool and the bosses were not too hard, nor too easy, pretty balanced; storyline bosses should've been as difficult as these. I just wish that Winnehild had had some kind of attack that'd remove all status effects so you couldn't just cheese everything with sidestep runelord tressa.

>> No.6292578

pretty much every popular retro game has some kind of fan-made patch that improves stuff. FF4 has one, FF1&FF2 DOS has one, CT has one, etc. After all, these games are good, but not perfect. Meanwhile, modern games are incredibly unmodifiable so if they have issues, you can either cry to the devs about it and hope they'll fix it or just live with it. BNW is by no means a patch that makes it work like intended (or like the devs intended it to be), it's an overhaul. It, for instance, reduces Gau's amount of rages from 253 to like 63 or 64 and changes A LOT balance-wise. I'd say that BNW is a better game (with the vanilla dialogue patch, that is) overall, but not because it realized what the devs wanted to do perfectly: it's because they improved the game by introducing new and generally better mechanics and ideas.

>> No.6292589

Does it work with the Japanese version or does it force some shitty English translation on you?

>> No.6292780 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 1164x345, truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>quiet little zoomy zoom you're modern games are mostly trash and the rare occasional decent game. but you dont know that cuz you were raised on trash games so you think its good.
I'm 30 and there's no fucking reason to WORSHIP old rusty shit when you can play new and better games that are superior in every way. People hate pretentious fucks like you because you are always trying to force these memes down everyone's throat as 'best ever made' when it isn't even remotely true. Super Mario 64 aged like fucking milk. There's nothing that game does better than Odyssey and yet that piece of shit is still in top of the list. Fuck it.

>> No.6293295

I believe the patch only works with the USA rom

>> No.6293320

Here's the thing about ff6's bugs..you don't have to do them. You don't need to use vanish/doom or use sketch on Intangir.
No one cares about evade in that game. Its a secondary stat anyway since most encounters aren't a major threat.

>> No.6293408

>I'm 30
Grown adults don't preface their posts with their age, you braindead fucking teenager.

>> No.6293429

>gameplay aged
I'm pretty sure it's stayed the same.

>> No.6293440

>it can also relate to public perception related to the growth of knowledge
That doesn't mean the game has changed. You changed. Stop blaming the game for your own shortcomings with nostalgia and the inability to properly critic games.
And before you say "you just like your memories of the game" - I'm literally playing FFVI right now you nigger.

>> No.6293687

The thing with the stats is that in general they are just retarded, broken, and all over the place. I'm not a min/maxer by any means, but I would like to think that attaching Ramuh to someone will help them survive, but it turns out Stamina just does some obscure bullshit where Regen heals a little more. I would like to think if I attach an Evade% item it will make my character harder to hit.

>most encounters aren't a major threat.
That's the real kicker though. It's true nobody notices these things because the stats don't really matter. But that's just because the game is stupidly easy and it turns out there's not much strategy to anything. You can experiment with ridiculously making a super powerful combo, but you can just as easily piss your way through most encounters, so why would you?

>> No.6293708

Stats literally don't matter in FF6. You can fully 100% complete the game without ever giving a second thought to esper stat bonuses. There is literally no reason to care outside of perfect stats autism.

>> No.6293734

That's what I'm saying though, I think that sucks. I guess it's just some kind of insane autism, but even as a kid I actually liked the idea that my choices in a game made an effect on my progression and choosing which esper to use was a strategic decision that built my characters up the way I wanted to, so in the endgame the characters were strong because I made them that way. But I understand now that Final Fantasy is not the series for this and the characters are just sort of dolls for the puppet show the writers created for you.

>> No.6293746

>That's what I'm saying though, I think that sucks
FFV is the only one in the series that has meaningful choices. The rest are normalfag watercooler trash.

>> No.6293815

Does anyone have that screencap of the WRPGfag who tried playing FF6 only to completely fuck up and not understand how to equip armor?

>> No.6293847
File: 490 KB, 1880x2166, 1566270505751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask and ye shall receive.

>> No.6293853

Thanks. I think the fact this guy was able to get all the way to Kefka's Tower is kind of telling though.

>> No.6293857

Kefka's Tower is the pleb filter. It's just sad that it has to be at the literal end of the game.

>> No.6294742 [DELETED] 

it has aged well. that's why there are so many clones of ff6 from indie devs nowadays.

wow did you say during boss battles you'll use more powerful magic? how insightful. most rpgs are at least a little repetitive in combat.

>punished for leveling up

didn't you just say how easy the game was in terms of combat?

>invisible random encounter fights

like 75.4% of jrpgs...ok

>items feel boring
dude. like the game has more # of items with more variety of functions that many jrpgs coming out today.

you're just angsty at ff6 for who knows what reason. because there are contradictions and nonsense all through your post.

>> No.6294745 [DELETED] 

>>6283501 (OP)
it has aged well. that's why there are so many clones of ff6 from indie devs nowadays.

wow did you say during boss battles you'll use more powerful magic? how insightful. most rpgs are at least a little repetitive in combat.

>punished for leveling up

didn't you just say how easy the game was in terms of combat?

>invisible random encounter fights

like 75.4% of jrpgs...ok

>items feel boring
dude. like the game has more # of items with more variety of functions that many jrpgs coming out today.

you're just angsty at ff6 for who knows what reason. because there are contradictions and nonsense all through your post.

>> No.6294748

>>6283501 (OP) (OP)
it has aged well. that's why there are so many clones of ff6 from indie devs nowadays.

wow did you say during boss battles you'll use more powerful magic? how insightful. good thing other rpgs don't do this...well, most rpgs are at least a little repetitive in combat.

>punished for leveling up

didn't you just say how easy the game was in terms of combat?

>invisible random encounter fights

like 75.4% of jrpgs...ok

>items feel boring
dude. the game has more # of items with more variety of functions than many jrpgs coming out today.

you're just angsty at ff6 for who knows what reason. because there are contradictions and nonsense all through your post.

>> No.6294762

>mashing attack
You're more likely to be using skills like Tools or Blitz, or casting magic. Status effects could be more useful on bosses, but there's still some uses for them. For a couple of examples: Silence is super useful in the Fanatic's Tower, Slow can be useful as pointed out in >>6293847, and Imp can cripple Dadaluma in Zozo. The game gives a ton of options in battle. I have a lot of fun playing around with all the stuff you can do. Things like turning your characters into Imps and turning them into Imp Dragoons or equipping Gaia Gear on your characters so Quake heals you while doing a ton of damage to enemies. Or muting Gau before he uses the Intangir Rage, so he doesn't kill himself.

It would be nice if there were more challenging battles and dungeons, but that's true of most RPGs. At least the GBA version gives you some super bosses and the Dragon's Den/Soul Shrine. There's also hacks of course.

>> No.6294782
File: 939 KB, 1196x896, Final Fantasy VI (USA)-170901-110322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beat the game with that guy's save and it was obnoxious as fuck to do. Thread 404ed before I could post it though.

>> No.6294881

It was one of the greatest games I played when it came out. I still have fun with it 25 years later

>> No.6294958

>an old game has a few infamous glitches
>so it's OK that modern games are unfinished by default when they're released and patched up sometime later
This is your logic anon. Besides it still doesn't change the fact how much AAA business has screwed over both consumers and developers in other ways like DLCs being the norm, online necessity for single player games and other modern shortcomings.

>> No.6294978

Do you still have the save file? I'm currently doing an LLG playthrough of the game, and I'd be interested in trying it out.

>> No.6294991

I do but I need somewhere to upload it anonymously.

>> No.6295028

>gameplay hasn't aged well

It's a fucking turn based RPG. a genre that is still produced to this day. What the fuck are you even talking about here?

>> No.6295040

kek another queer zoomy lying like the soulless faggot he is pretending his opinions mean anything. Just because YOU think super mario 64 is bad doesnt mean others do. So stfu queer and just accept you have piss poor taste and the fact you said new good old bad sums up everything I need to know about you which is you're a queer and you think old bad new good. begone faggot your kind isnt welcome here

>> No.6295043

I used to hate gau when I played thru the game initially and didnt understand how rages well but over the years he's quickly become one of my favorites. Getting rhinox rage early on and having him use it in battles to cast life 3 long before you get life 3 has saved my butt a few times. There's alot of fun rages to play with.

>> No.6295060

What the fuck?..

I get that absolute noobs tend to think "it's FF, so I can just bum rush everything and insta win!" But holy fucking shit. I haven't seen anything that stupid since the FFVIII board on Gamefaqs back in 1999 (Back when everyone tried to grind and couldn't into junctioning or chards at all. Then got filtered by Adel because they couldn't spam GFs to win)

FFVI is an even easier game than that too... this guy had to be an absolute dumbfuck.

>> No.6295097

FFVI is one of the harder (in the sense that any FF game could be considered "hard") games in the series. Lots of bosses can wipe you if you don't approach it right.

>> No.6295101

No it isn't. It's easier than every FF before it, even IV's ezmode.

>> No.6295104
File: 54 KB, 828x799, 3F8428F0-AB77-468C-81D4-90F0AF5BF6FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6295108
File: 131 KB, 500x500, 1585419109044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FFVI is really a solid experience all the way through. The story feels like a fully realized adventure with plenty of twists and turns. My favorite part of the combat system is using the characters who are a little different, like Sabin and Gau. I love using fighting game inputs to unleash blitzes in combat and selecting the right Rage for the situation when I have the game set on Active with the highest battle speed. It's not a difficult game at all but it's really fun. Once you get Espers the customization really opens up- I enjoy customizing my team in FFVI even more than in FFV. The only FF game I like as much as this one is Tactics, and that's a different genre altogether.

>> No.6295119

>Once you get Espers the customization really opens up
It's picking spells because the stats don't even matter except for Magic Power.

>> No.6295178

It's easy overall, but parts of the World of Ruin can be challenging if you're unprepared. The difficulty in the second half depends on the order you do things. If you're going into it blind, it's likely something will catch you off-guard. That boss he's fighting in Kefka's Tower can kill unprepared parties pretty fast, since he hits fast and hard, along with petrifying people.

>> No.6295190 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 350x485, Ff6_gogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I feel the same way. I also love how the game opens up in the second half too, and all the secrets you can find. Stuff like finding an entire dungeon with a secret character by letting all your characters get devoured by an enemy that only appears on a small island.

>> No.6295194

Yeah, I feel the same way. I love how the game opens up in the second half too, and all the secrets you can find. Stuff like finding an entire dungeon with a secret character by letting all your characters get devoured by an enemy that only appears on a small island.

>> No.6295198
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>> No.6295275
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>> No.6295283

>gameplay has aged

Ok zoomer

>> No.6295296

I'm sure this was going through your mind the very first time you played it.

>> No.6295315

Unintelligent millennial spotted

>> No.6295323

Can you link me to both please? I am a retarded and I don't know where to start.

>> No.6295350

The game is easy enough for a 7 year old to beat it.

I should know, I was 7 when I beat it.

>> No.6295364


Download the file here. There are instructions inside, but essentially, find a FF3 rom, patch it with the program inside (look in readme for instructions on how to determine if it is headered or not headered).
For the original dialogue, patch the rom again with the "Vanilla New World" file in the Translations folder (once again choosing [h] if headered or [n] if not headered).

>> No.6295382

Fantastic, thank you.

>> No.6295432

A few warnings he isn't telling you about.
Atma weapon is a BITCH.
Everyone kinda is forced into roles.
The game expects you to at least semi-know ff6 a fair bit.

>> No.6295608

I am ~20 hours in, playing with the patch and I have never played FF6 before. So far, I haven't had any major problems, although I noticed that, unlike in many other RPGs, I can't just Turbo A most random encounters, and I have to heal frequently.
You seem like someone who is already quite far into that hack so I am wondering if it'll get insanely difficult any time soon? Because so far, I haven't had any problems.

>> No.6295610

Zippyshare allows for anonymous uploads with no sign up, if you're still willing.

>> No.6295664

Standard attack in FF6 is the weakest option. It only becomes good once you get offering. Encourages you to use your skills and magic.

>> No.6295727

yeah I barely ever use it. Bushido and Edgar's tools kill most random encounters easily. I only have Terra use standard attacks sometimes so to not waste MP on random encounters all the time.

>> No.6295735

I think the epic tone is the best thing about 6, the reason why people love it.

>> No.6295746

It has some fairly challenging parts, but the solution is usually obvious and not that hard to work with.

Until you get to the floating continent and encounter atma weapon. I used Setzer, Shadow, Sabin, and Cyan.

You need all that recovery and dial damage, otherwise you won't make it.

>> No.6296192

It's interesting that you mention GameFAQs, because it is patently obvious that you're a fucking poser. GF would be the one place where autists would pool their knowledge.

>> No.6296198

"Gee, anon, why would anyone pose to be an autist?"
Because autism is the vaccine to the jewish virus, and they don't want you knowing this.

>> No.6296802

Got you covered, second slot was the OP's save.


>> No.6296993

I hate to be the person to break it to you, but almost every video game is designed for 12 year olds.

>> No.6296997

Not the case. However, since 12 years old is plenty smart enough, any game is really for them.

>> No.6297016

Was Shadow gay? Is this why he died instead of raising his daughter?

>> No.6297048

>has a daughter
>is gay
wow its like you shut your brain off to post that re-re-retard

>> No.6297074

Yeah but he'd rather die to be with Brokeback Billy than raise Relm soooooooo

>> No.6297768

... and music. Super comfy. I go back and play it once every few years.

>> No.6297786

Thanks. Just loaded it up. I knew it was going to be bad going in, but this is a total shitshow. I'm kind of impressed he made it this far.

>> No.6297850

>Atma weapon is a BITCH
Yeah I just beat him and while that was on my first try, I can definitely see why. My party almost got completely wiped twice. Thank god Cyan had like 1.6k HP so I always was able to revive the other party members. The difficulty was pretty fitting for the "final" boss before WoR, though.

>> No.6297919

FFVI isn't a very difficult game and it can still be beaten using his shitty team setups and no grinding.

It's just... he was staggeringly incompetent.

>> No.6298001

Yes, 12 years olds is plenty smart enough. Refuted beautifully my 9 year old friend :)

>> No.6298059

That's because vanilla FF6 is extremely easy and requires you to not even think once about your stats. I wish the base game was more like BNW balance-wise, as then retards like that guy would get filtered much, much faster.

>> No.6298085

That's why I use him. Back row using techs, magic for recovery.
Setzer has a recover for free, so he's in.
Sabin has a recovery for free and back row damage, so he's in.

Basically, my set up was all back row damage and shadow constantly tossing out items to heal the constant deluge of status effects.

It's a tiring, yet fun fight.

>> No.6298227

I play it maybe 3 times a year. The music is a big part of why I like it so much. Same goes for 2 and 7.

>> No.6298234

I'm sure he'll be back. Keep waiting, he specifically asked you to after all.

>> No.6298314

So Shadow and Billy were crime partners/life partners, right?

>> No.6298347


What's point of playing a game when you have to deliberately nerf your own characters in order make the game fun?

>> No.6298349

>that last sentence

nonsensical shit wtf

>> No.6298378

Cried my eyes out when celes killed herself.

>> No.6298398

They retroactively explain this in 7 where Dyne says his hands are too covered with blood to hold his daughter. I imagine Shadow feels the same way but he knows he doesn't have the strength to live a lie knowing he has a daughter and family just waiting for him. So as always he takes the easy way out.

>> No.6299269

Shadow is an excellent example of a homosexual character whose sexuality does not define him. Modern game writers could learn a thing or two.

>> No.6299701
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Why do boomers obsessed over this game? I gave it a shot and 2 hours in lost all will to play. The gameplay sucks, spritework ok at best, characters not interesting and the much spoke about story is boring and predictable. What am I not seeing here?

>> No.6299713

Probably because the atmosphere. That's what I liked at the beginning of the game.

>> No.6299717

No air strikes, waypoints, crafting and tons of DLC. Why even bother?

>> No.6299718

It was decent for its time when there werent other options, music is decent, characters are ok, probably why

>> No.6299749

Am I the only person who could never get into VI? I just watched ProJareds video declaiming it as the best in the series. I played I-V religiously as a kid and then all the wonderswan ports and some of the DS remakes but VI I always put down...honestly its Kefka. Everyone says he's the best villain in the series but its just "muh nihilism." Even as a 12 year old I got tired of it halfway through my playthrough every time because of how facile and shallow he is as the arch villain. And of course after spoiling the game and seeing he just goes full nihilism all the way to end because "he's insane" I feel pretty justified, naturally. Don't get me wrong, the earlier games in the series have their issues, but at least they're more coherent and the villains have more tangible motivations. And there's an element of suspension of disbelief to an evil primordial being wanting to destroy the world, when its just a man in an evil empire, its a lot less believable.

>> No.6299754

The only real argument for depth is that Kefka was somewhat of a victim of the empire as well, and Garland still somehow manages to be better

>> No.6299894

Do you remember how awesome you thought Fortnite was when it came out? In 25 years, people will be saying the same thing about it.

>> No.6299902

that game has actually skill-based and dynamic gameplay though, it won't age as badly in 25 years and up

>> No.6299912

Sounds like you just don't like JRPGs.

>> No.6300031

>skill-based gameplay
sounds lame desu, I want to play something that makes me feel

>> No.6300032
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>be 10 year old me
>2nd time playing the game back when it was released
>walkthroughs/internet basically didn't exist
>accidentally get swallowed by the worm
>teleported into secret dungeon I didn't find before
I lost my god damn shit when I found Gogo's dungeon back in the day

>> No.6300153

A shame this kind of secrets aren't in vogue anymore. In part because online walkthroughs/journalism, but also because developers don't consider it is worth it anymore.

>> No.6300338

Imagine being you and in 25 years bragging to kids on /vr/ how you played skill based games.

>> No.6300340

at least I won't be a jarpig lmao

>> No.6300341

>25 years from now
At least I won't be a skilltard

>> No.6300378

>I gave it a shot and 2 hours in lost all will to play
sucks to be an ADHD zoomer

>> No.6300391

Grown adults don't call everyone a teenager, zoomie.

>> No.6300609

>Final Fantasy 3

>> No.6300618

Chrono Trigger is better than these shovelware-tier trash games like Bravely Default anyday.
The gameplay is timeless.

>> No.6300836

I liked Bravely Default, but gave up a third of the way in and haven't come back to it yet. Chrono Trigger is just more fun to me, even if the battles are simpler.

>> No.6300952

Youre dictating how fast battles go and how much fun it is by playing this way. Its more interesting if you actually rely on using your partys skills rather than grind and attack

>> No.6301771

your nostalgia is blinding you. Chrono Trigger does a lot of things really good, the difficulty, though, isn't one of them. It's very easy and the combat consists out of repeating the same techs over and over again and/or heal in case your party's health is low. You're like one of these FF7 nostalgiafags who cried about how easy the combat in FF7R is, meanwhile the original game is the easiest, most casual FF there is.

>> No.6304028
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>> No.6304059

Should've done a Bio spell instead.

>> No.6304076

*Coofs.* Nice work, brother.

>> No.6305018 [DELETED] 

Remind me. Does Bad Breath exist in FF6?

>> No.6305028

It does, but it's called Sour Mouth in the SNES version.

>> No.6305038
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>> No.6305060

You have to fight 255 enemy battles to trigger him to come back

>> No.6306604

6 and 8 are both easier than 7.

>> No.6307585

Second part is the most ambitious game Square has ever made.

>> No.6307595

I replayed this game in January because the "World of Ruin" part of DQ11 reminded me of it.

Its modern games that have aged poorly. FF6 just kills in DQ11 in pacing and flow.

>> No.6308432

I was wondering if you are at Kefka's Tower already because I am and these encounters really are on another level. At first, I thought that it'd be easy since a lot of my characters are almost max level due to me doing side-quests but damn level really doesn't matter at all in this hack. I love it!

>> No.6309297

>Hey guys lets design a game with a large cast of characters with unique abilities!
>Now early in the game lets add a leveling mechanic that completely homogenizes them and makes their individual abilites largely worthless!

>> No.6309312

BNW fixes that by restricting certain espers to certain characters. I highly recommend checking it out

>> No.6309323

Looks interesting, thanks for the tip anon

>> No.6309468
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Also, don't forget to patch the "Vanilla New World" (included in the ZIP file of the romhack) onto the patched rom so the dialogue won't get changed. The author of that mod is a horrible writer and without that patch, the game's dialogue becomes really unfunny and fanfic-y.

>> No.6309532

how the fuck is it even possible to have issues beating that boss? It's even one of the easier bosses in Kefka's Tower.

>> No.6309603

Sounds a lot like vanilla FF7 with the materias to me.

>> No.6309823

that's not brave new world, is it? I played BNW and didn't change the dialogue and it was bad but i didn't think it changed this sort of stuff

>> No.6310106

I haven't played BNW yet (I plan to on my next playthrough), but I'm pretty sure those are from some shitty "parody" translation. Most of the BNW dialogue changes I'm aware of are shitty meme references.

>> No.6310154

I don't think so but it could theoretically still be a really old version of BNW. They toned down the meme and pop culture references in later versions

>> No.6310198

Thanks again for the recommendation. I'm giving it a play through now. I'm having a good time with it.

>> No.6310270

Just finished BNW, if anyone wants the password for the unlockme new game plus stuff, it's cupcakes.

>> No.6310368

I just suplexed a train... LOL

>> No.6310567

Ironically, I think FF6 was at its best before getting Espers. Not because of the esper leveling bonuses, which was nice, but because before magic becomes available to all, the characters are better defined. Locke is a thief with light weapons, high speed, and the steal command, Sabin does heavy damage and has a high HP pool, and Celes and Terra are your only magic users. Everyone has personality and a role in combat.

When Espers drop, not only does nearly the entire spell list open up for characters, but you have the ability to grow your stats in any direction you choose, even approaching max in some. At that point, the characters become blank slates as their innate abilities are completely eclipsed by the sheer stat growth available to them.

>> No.6310606

>punished for levelling up
This is 6, not 8.

>> No.6310615

Brave New World tries to fix that in some way. For instance, only Terra is now able to even equip the Ragnarok esper and thus get Ultima, making the game much, much more balanced. Economizers are also pretty much useless now.

>> No.6310692

6 does the same thing, as >>6310567 explains. If you level early, especially if you overlevel, you will be hindering your potential stat-growth after you start getting espers with their various level up bonuses.

>> No.6310725

>If you level early, especially if you overlevel, you will be hindering your potential stat-growth
based, love it when games are designed in a way that makes powergaming autists shoot themselves in the foot. if you seriously grind in the boring ass early game to make the late game just as boring and easy, you're sick in the head

>> No.6310736

That's not BNW's script.

>> No.6310801

it very likely isn't but I only put that image there to show what I mean with bad dialogue. BNW's might not be as bad, but the fact that the dev proudly presents all pop-culture references they put into the script in the unlockme.txt is already enough.

>> No.6311094

The Zozo clock in BnW 2.0 is driving me insane. Can someone help? I'm running the vanilla version.

>> No.6311161

It's exactly the same solution as it is in vanilla. Read it like an analog clock.

>> No.6311193

6:10:50 is supposed to be the answer. No matter what I select, I keep getting the options II IV VI VIII X XII. My autism level isn't high enough to try every single possible combination.

>> No.6311209

Please say you're not really brainlet enough to not understand roman numerals

>> No.6311216

I understand Roman numerals, the problem is when I select VI then X I do not get the option that has L in it.

>> No.6311221

Got it, was figuring and hoping I was misunderstanding the issue. Yeah, that's bizarre, I had to double check a playthrough and it should give X XX XXX XL L for the minute hand

>> No.6311228

Let me get back there, I'm in Jadoor right now restocking. I'll get a pic.

>> No.6311237
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>> No.6311239
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>> No.6311241
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>> No.6311659

Game mechanics do. Especially when newer ones improve on them tenfold.

>> No.6311748

You're supposed to multiply the minute hand by 5. Again, read it like an analog clock. It's not pointing to L (because L doesn't exist) at 6:10:50, it's pointing to X.

>> No.6311769

if you set the second hand to 6 how many seconds is it

>> No.6311775

Second hand, not minute hand, you get what I was saying though.

>> No.6312020


>> No.6312196

I highly recommend checking out the hard mode for this too: http://ngplus.net/index.php?/forums/topic/194-nowea-hard-type/
The password is the same as the unlockme: cupcakes
You can put it directly onto your BNW rom, just tried to beat Kefka with it and damn it's hard. Even the 3 phases before him are incredibly difficult.

>> No.6312523 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty sure it's easy, are you leaving out the part where you are trying to do it while having Tyrone pound your anus and you are beating off with one hand?

>> No.6312526
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>> No.6312583
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>> No.6312601

Why are you even here, nigger?

>> No.6312604

>chad boomer is a kick-ass blue mage while virgin zoomer's art college ability doesn't even function correctly

>> No.6312632

don't know what the fuck you're doing on /vr/ if you hate retro games.

>> No.6314061

Genji Glove

>> No.6315191

I'm made it past the Magitek factory and so far I don't like the Esper system. One of my favorite things to do is to grind until all of my characters have learned all the spells. I can't figure out how long it will take my character to learn a spell from the Esper.

>> No.6315214

the esper system, in normal FF6, is horribly broken and removes any kind of individuality of a character. Everyone can become basically be everything, it makes no sense at all. Thank god romhacks like BNW exist, which fix that.

>> No.6315235

Under the esper, it shows their growth rates. Under your character's magic tab, it shows their progress.

>> No.6315236

>I can't figure out how long it will take my character to learn a spell from the Esper.
Selecting the esper will tell you the learn rate for the spells they teach, and you get "magic points" by defeating most enemies. Just multiply the number of magic points earned by the learning rate for the equipped esper, and that's your percentage towards grinding the spell. The spell is learned permanently by the character once the percentage hits 100%.

The real problem in FF6 with the esper system is that it homogenizes every character, in a game that prided itself on having a huge cast of unique characters, all with their own unique skills and playstyles. It's not only because every character can learn every spell in exactly the same way, but because the level up bonuses make their "natural" stat progression completely pointless.

>> No.6315619

FF6 doesn't have natural stat progression and esper stat boosts are mostly pointless unless they're Magic Power anyway.

>> No.6317172

>Brave New World
I've always been meaning to try this, BTB's Morrowind mod is a must for me. Though he constantly bitches how he hates FF6 I hear good things about it.

>> No.6317831

>every character learns every spell
That's explicitly one of the things the mod is trying to correct. Did you even read the description?