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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6306606 No.6306606 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread >>6300385

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other retro FPS welcome
~~ Let's post like gentlemen ~~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Thief)
-Album of infographics with setup information and user-made content recommendations

Same thing, but in video format:

IWADs and more (>6 GB): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B47V8l2eVZKxRU82S3JkZkdBRXM
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake pastebin (2016-06-22): http://pastebin.com/XjBHDRFw
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters. (Includes Doom, Quake, Douk, Blood, and more)
More /vr/ shooters
Doom Shovelware

Doom RPG series

Launchers for Build Engine games



Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/








>> No.6306607

=== NEWS ===

BuildGDX updated to support Witchaven II and Duke 3D World Tour

Latest Doom console ports got another update, along with No End in sight

[3-31] Reelism 2 announced

[3-28] Mr Friendly got an update

[3-24] Unreal Evolution, by the creator of GMDX, has just released:
[YouTube] https://youtu.be/zQ66DlLGer8 (embed)

[3-23] SiN remake in the works by 3DRealms and Nightdive:
https://twitter.com/Freschism/status/1241812573848244224?s=19 (embed)

[3-19] Anon finishes Boom mapset:

[3-19] Another Colourful Hell beta build for the brown tier is out:

[3-19] SiN: Gold update is now available

[3-14] Part 3 of the Eviction episode for Blood released
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCqVc2wdfUw (embed)

[3-13] New episode of expansive Duke 3D mod Alien Armageddon released

[3-13] Doom 4 Vanilla 2.5.9 has been released

[3-13] DoomFrag has been released
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZUm00JDxoo (embed)

=== PREVIOUS ===

https://pastebin.com/PZDkqABT (embed)


>> No.6306624
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Shit fuck I botched the news post a little, I forgot to use copy text. At least everything is clickable but god damn that's annoying.
At least the OP is fine.

>> No.6306638
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For GZDoom only:
IDKFAv2 (Doom 1's original music, performed by Andrew Hulshult)
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGK1dr-Ql0w

Doom Metal Vol 5 (music for Doom 1 and Doom 2)
> https://www.moddb.com/mods/brutal-doom/downloads/doom-metal-soundtrack-mod-volume-5

For Crispy Doom and GZDoom:
Roland SC-55 Music Packs (all the original Doom 1, Doom 2, and Final Doom music recorded in lossless audio coded on an actual Roland synthesizer, like the one Bobby Prince used to compose the music. Download the boosted FLAC versions)
> http://sc55.duke4.net/games.php#doom
To use in GZDoom, load the .zips like you would any other mod.
To use in Crispy Doom, unzip the files in your music-packs folder. Put the files directly in that folder. To find the music-packs folder, type %appdata% in your start menu and open the crispy-doom folder.

For GZDoom only:
Now That's What I Call MIDI (800 songs converted into MIDI)
> https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=54096
To use this to its fullest potential, download a MIDI player like VirtualMIDISynth, and download some soundfonts to play the MIDIs through. Some soundfonts to start with are: Airfont 380 / Mysung Kite / Touhou / SGM / 8-bit NES

>> No.6306646
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VANILLA-COMPATIBLE (works with all source ports, including Chocolate Doom):
Vanilla Doom Smooth Weapons
> (don't use this with custom maps with custom monsters or game will crash)
> https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/102462-vanilla-doom-smooth-weapons/
Per Kristian's Hi-Res Doom Sound Effects
> https://www.perkristian.net/game_doom-sfx.shtml
Doom Minor Sprite Fixing Project
> https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/62403-doom-2-minor-sprite-fixing-project-v19-release-updated-12718/

Brightmaps Plus
> https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=64299
Smooth Weapons Enhanced
> https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=32628
Sound Caulking
> https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/71133-sound-caulking-now-on-idgames/
Bolognese Gore mod unofficial update (fixes arch-vile bug)
> https://www.moddb.com/mods/brutal-doom/addons/bbgorenew
Simple Motion Blur
> https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=103&t=62772
> https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=54992
Steve's Flashlight Mod
> https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=59429
> https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=55413
Weapon Sway
> https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=62634
Nostalgic Secret Sounds
> https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=58283
Shader Tools / Bloom Boost
> https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=103&t=59289
Fullscreen Statusbar Mod
> https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=63863

>> No.6306706
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>The Shrinker
Best gun in the game.
>The pipe bomb
Explosive like an RPG but you get way more of them. Also makes me feel like a home-grown terrorist

I always thought the douk shotgun was cooler than the Doom shotgun. The Blood shotgun sounds shittier than either despite what Civvie claims.
The Ripper has a much higher DPS and it will stunlock enemies so its useful to take out large groups of lesser enemies.
>Shrinker: Best gun but also really sucks sometimes when the enemy you're aiming for never gets hit.
Aim at their feet. It has to do with some hitbox bug.
Expander is the highest DPSing hitscanning weapon
Freezethrower does even more damage so it's good to use that weapon's ammo if low on other ammo

Only weapon I literally never use is the laser trip-bomb

>> No.6306708

I wish talking about how everybody has a skeleton inside them wasn't such a reddit meme, because I want to be the first person to ever make that joke, right here in this thread with my good friends

>> No.6306715

It has a bigger arsenal than Doom but a few of them are gimmick/unnecessary weapons. But what matters is that the workhorse weapons feel good.
>Chaingun Cannon: Kinda sucks. 3 barrels would seem good but they don't stagger enemies enough and the silenced weapon effect makes it feel even wimpier. I personally found myself not using this gun purely because standing around taking damage is dumb while corner peeking with a shotgun was always better
Its good when you need to stun a pig cop or kill a bunch of lizard troopers quickly.

>> No.6306725

probably was a lot of fun in multiplayer and just got shoehorned into singleplayer

>> No.6306729

april fools is over now 4channel.org

>> No.6306738
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>horde of hell knights or barons

>> No.6306739

Inferno made me appreciate the Plasma Rifle for being able to mow down those fucks

>> No.6306745
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>its a monster closet in-front and behind you wad

>> No.6306752
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>You humour me greatly with your arrogance and contempt, a flood of accusations born from the poison of envy and smite of disrespect.

>> No.6306765
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>a chaingunner spawns in a tiny window just out of sight

>> No.6306767
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>but you have berserk

>> No.6306770



>> No.6306782
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Play Eviternity on Hurt Me Plenty. Use GLBoom+ or GZDoom. If you use GZDoom you can use these mods >>6306646, except because Eviternity has some custom monsters, don't use Sound Caulking, use the vanilla-compatible sound mod instead, PerK's Hi-Res SFX. If you want Brightmaps use the default GZDoom brightmaps, or use the Brightmaps Plus mod, but delete the SS brightmaps using Slade and save your modified file as a separate file. Use the shader tools bloom boost mod, it looks lit.

If using GLBoom, only use PerK's sound effects mod, the other mods will conflict with the custom monsters.

>> No.6306784

Also don't use the smooth doom mod for eviternity since it affects the pistol

>> No.6306787

Shrinker is extremely powerful though, it's the game's BFG. You can use it on everything but the bosses (and the shrinker enemies in The Birth) and they make Mini-Battlelords actually manageable.

>> No.6306791
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ah yes, eviternity has a pistol that shoots twice as fast and has perfect accuracy, and if you use the Enhanced Smooth Weapons mod, your pistol reverts back to the default Doom pistol, but this will really only matter if you pistol start every map

>> No.6306792

so I was watching this video in which some monotonous autist repeats everything six times and realised I'd completely forgotten that revenants didn't have jetpacks all along

they just seem like guys who should have jetpacks

>> No.6306797
File: 526 KB, 1893x863, chamber1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Central setpiece in my new map. The map progression will rotate around this chamber, revisiting at several points. What do you guys think?

>> No.6306798

What's a good ratio of Medikits to chaingunners?

>> No.6306801

Is this Boom-compatible? The mapmakers don't specify in their thread. I have a hard time believing that players who don't even know what source ports can run their levels are capable of making good maps, but the makers of Alien Vendetta said the WAD is good so I'll try it

>> No.6306802

Really? I fixed the errors on my own and it still didn't work. Let me try this.

..Wow it works. What did you need to fix? I did F4 and fixed everything I saw, but it still didnt work for me.

>> No.6306810

>it's the game's BFG
That's the Devastator. Shrinker is... well, weird and powerful, really on a class of its own.

>> No.6306815
File: 511 KB, 1106x606, map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason one of these sectors was corrupted, so I deleted them and remade them. I figured it out by changing the player spawn position and the game would launch normally except it would crash the moment you'd look at the glitched out sector.

>> No.6306817

Anyone got that WEBM for the initial GZDOOM setup?

>> No.6306820

I tried this one and am enjoying it. Thank you, anon.
So far I am happy with the rarity of monster closets and lack of teleporting in fifty barons every time I pick up a key.

>> No.6306854

Did they remove random enemy skins from Smooth Doom? Is there a separate mode for that?

>> No.6306859
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>first time makeing a custom doom wad.

>> No.6306861

Anyway to get MapEdit to run with Fresh Supply or do I have to download a DOSBox version?

>> No.6306880

I'm currently working on a larger map, with the textures used from Lunatic wad. I had a very strange bug where Commander Keen would start activating with the sound of a zombieman, and shoot Revenant fireballs at me, he had the health of a chaingunner. I only got rid of the bugger after removing the DEHACKED text file in Slade. It was a leftover from the Lunatic.wad and it started when I added custom enemies. Really weird.

>> No.6306886

Fullscreen Statusbar works in Prboom too.

>> No.6306889

NO. DON'T FUCKING PLAY THAT SHIT. I just did play all 3. Episode 1 is some of the worst mapping ever done in a megawad, the levels are a absolute fucking joke. Episode 2 was slightly better but felt extremely bland. Episode 3 only had a interesting take on the boss fight, the rest was also mediocre shit.

>> No.6306892

>Hurt me Plenty
Get out

>> No.6306893

AFAIK it's the highest difficulty level on which the wad is still beatable.

>> No.6306894

i have no fucking idea what i'm looking at, increase the view range in your editor. What's with those box textures on the sides?

>> No.6306913
File: 69 KB, 514x412, tachyon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What source ports should I make my map compatible with so that /vr/ doesn't bully me for being a GZDoom baby?

>> No.6306915

>BuildGDX updated to support Witchaven II and Duke 3D World Tour
Will OP update the Mega to include Worl Tour?

>> No.6306921

Are you using chromatic aberration or something? Your pic looks wrong and I don't know why

>> No.6306924

I meant mod

>> No.6306929


>> No.6306934
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It's just the centerpiece the level will revolve around.

>> No.6306936

Limit-removing or Boom, depending on whether you want Boom's advanced features or not.

>> No.6306946

DOS on a 386. 486 if you're trying to push it, kiddo.

>> No.6306947

see, that's already much better. Now, if you want to make this more interesting looking, you should add some sections in front of the boxes that look like shelves (obviously this would mean sector above sector, don't know if your map supports this, haven't done it myself). Otherwise try to add something in front at bottom / and or top, because that crate texture alone just looks D!ZONE shovelware - tier.

>> No.6306958

I hear you.

>> No.6306961

Does vanilla support silent teleporters?

>> No.6306968

Trying Guncaster and I wish its files aid what the fuck they are
What does it add? Doesn't say
No changelog
it already has a shop though?

>> No.6306976

>he didn't read the post

>> No.6306981

I'm so fucking bored, I'm at work and there is NOTHING to do and I'd rather work on a Doom map, but my screen is in view of everyone else ...

>> No.6306994

Plus we have team screen monitoring software installed, don't forget. So I can see the URLs of the threads you post in.

Let's have a chat before you head home today.

>> No.6307000
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the crates are placeholder, forgot to mention.

>> No.6307001

haha nice try, but this is a small company and nobody here monitors shit and my boss has no clue how anything works.

>> No.6307004

Tell me more about your boss

>> No.6307007

You need to add some green pillars to the sides to make the flow of the textures better. Otherwise maybe the CEMENT textures work better than the green ones on the side.

>> No.6307010

he sucks dick and eat poopy shit lol

>> No.6307014

also make the sector darker where the walls are above the toxic waste to create a shadow.

>> No.6307015

green pillars?

>> No.6307026

create small square sectors, pull the floor up to the ceiling, then add fitting support beam textures or the green ones. (you can also pull up the floor and the ceiling down to have 2 kinds of textures)

>> No.6307028

Freedoom isn't half as ugly as I remember. Defiinitely stealing some of the textures for my wad.

>> No.6307030

The textures are fine, it's the enemies that look really ugly for the most part. I like the Pinky replacements, though.

>> No.6307056
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>The Shrinker and Freeze gun specifically are just really unsatisfying and boring to use to me.

>> No.6307063
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It looks pretty good

>> No.6307067


If you find one of the literally most inoffensive mapsets ever made that horrifying you need to get your fucking head checked

>> No.6307073


>> No.6307076

Inoffensive? Did you see what these retards did to E1M8? It's an abomination.

>> No.6307081

>couple weeks ago, I got in the mood for trying a WAD that contained nothing but levels meant for pistol start
>I find one
>each level has a starting room that contains at least one weapon, and some ammo
>half of the levels I never need to use the pistol at all
I understand that part of the appeal of pistol starts is complete control over what you can have in any given encounter, but I also enjoy the build up to better weapons

>> No.6307082


what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.6307083

fucking dumbass, actually look at the map and tell me that this fuckery makes any sense both in style or gameplay.

>> No.6307085


so you don't actually have anything to back your opinion up other than somehow E1M8 hurt your fee fees

>> No.6307086

You do have a point.

>> No.6307087

Aggressively bad taste, disregard this person's post.

Not unless you replace the sound with a silent one, and the teleport flash frames with empty ones. Boom lets you do silent teleportation.

>> No.6307089

Neat. Maybe make the green one's more round-ish and look if there's an even better texture to complement the room's contrast. Work with the brightness of the rest of the sectors, maybe add a ceiling light source.

>> No.6307094

no point arguing with a retard

>> No.6307143

Is it just me or is movement in PRBoom+ a bit...off

I'm playing Ancient Aliens and sometimes it feels I'm getting pinballed

>> No.6307175

I'm going to need to start changing map names at some point. Is DeHackEd what I need for that?

>> No.6307186

DeHacked will let you change map names for Vanilla (also PAR times), GzDoom lets you define it with the MAPINFO lump, which some other sourceports support as well.

>> No.6307190

Does anyone know where I can find a list of all the various impulse codes for Quake? I'm screwing with custom bindings.

>> No.6307216

project brutality is actually kinda fun bros im sorry for calling people who liked it stupid

>> No.6307243
File: 31 KB, 456x613, chamber5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still working on this map. Spent the most time so far on A E S T H E T I C. Got the idea to incorporate the three wise monkeys. Lots of level design ideas too but this is the most fun and non spoilery thing to show.

>> No.6307273

Freezethrower is more effective at stunlocking enemies than ripper and you can panic fire around corners with it, it is a bit gimmicky but still has some use, I wish I made a webm out of that one time when I was replaying fahrenheit and perfectly stunlocked four pig cops that spawn near the firetruck, probably the best showcase of that gun you could ever get.
Devastator is always at conflict with RPG, former rips through octabrains, weaker enemies and is 75% more foolproof, but the latter deals more damage per shot which makes it times better against everything tougher than alien drones and is far more common throughout the entire game.

>> No.6307291

To this day I have never figured out what makes it unique.
When I first played with it however many years ago, It seemed to be literally just Brutal Doom but with an intrusive HUD and a massive bloat of weapons along with a demon progression system.
I figured the only reason people liked PB was because it let them enjoy BD without saying so.

>> No.6307304

They developed it further I think, and some people liked PBs direction more than BD.

>> No.6307305

So basically an area where you can't see shit, an area where you can't hear anything and an area where you're not allowed to make any noise or you're fucked?

>> No.6307323

How is EDuke3D VR? Can it be played with something newer and non-Rift like the Index?

How is the high resolution pack? Screenshots look pretty far from vanilla aesthetic, more generic, but maybe it’s better in VR?

>> No.6307324

who said its unique
i said its fun

>> No.6307340

I mean if we're're looking at unique as good then think about these

>i make invul infinite ammo human who outtanks the tankiest ghouls and 1 shots fucking frotsty because hes unique
>what if can infinitely heal allies for free?

>I really want kustom to be unique, so I'll just make everything he does mindlessly overpowered, because all the balanced mechanics are used by other characters

>I shall make the mcs primary mechanic be giving you carpal tunnel syndrome because it is unique, rather than simply adding an autofire

The only fun weapon in Duke 3D is the explosive shotgun
Every other weapons is
A: A less fun version of the explosive shotgun (every explosive wep; half his fucking weapon list, the other shtogun)
B: Gimmicky bullshit

>> No.6307341

That's every level ever. Every level is designed to be winnable with a pistol start.

Movement in Crispy Doom / PrBoom is identical to vanilla, so they can play vanilla demos without desyncs. It's GZDoom whose movement is off. If you're talking about mouse movement, that's a common problem, see here:
> https://www.doomworld.com/vb/doom-speed-demos/52742-concerning-mouse-acceleration-in-vista-7/

>> No.6307345

>How is the high resolution pack?
Hideous abominations.

>who said its unique
Well if it's not different from BD than it's just BD isn't it?

>> No.6307349
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>Duke 3D
>explosive shotgun
Are we talking about the same game?

>> No.6307351

Has anyone gotten to work on a sentinel and Urdak tile set? I kinda want to do a retro style level where the Khan and her forces are more of a break away then a rep of all heaven, something to gel better with things like the spear of destiny and the holy water pistol.

>> No.6307361

Last time I checked, the SSG in vanilla smooth weapons reloads after the last shot. Does it still do that?

>> No.6307369

Technically you can note what resources you can bring from the previous levels and put them in front of P1 spawn during testing.

>> No.6307373
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>bethesda port couldn't handle E4M6 of No End In Sight, so it's replaced with E4M0 instead
Console plebs won't get to experience the best map of megawad

>> No.6307374

What are you talking about? I brought up the uniqueness factor of PB because it's basically just Brutal Doom but with some more bloat and under a different name. I don't enjoy BD, so by saying I didn't find it's offshoot unique was me saying I can't see what the hype is about. I'm not sure why you're bringing up various other mods.
>The only fun weapon in Duke 3D is the explosive shotgun
There is no weapon like that.

>> No.6307376

Do all crushers go back up eventually in standard Doom 2?

>> No.6307379

>explosive shotgun
are you conflating samsara with actual duke3d or have you never actually touched the original game?

>> No.6307382

You won't know what resources will the player start with during continuous play because it varies greatly depending on how the player did in the previous level(s). They could start with 1 HP and literally no ammo just like they could start with 200 HP 200 armor and a nearly full inventory. Not to mention it is possible players will skip on picking weapons even if you put them in the middle of the path for them to get, so if you're counting on the player having this or that weapon already that might be wrong as well.

>> No.6307389

>You won't know what resources will the player start with during continuous play because it varies greatly depending on how the player did in the previous level(s).
Womp womp, git gut, faggets.

>> No.6307392

>He doesn't know

>> No.6307405

>proud of being a console pleb

>> No.6307414

>Hideous abominations.
Thanks, that’s what I thought. What about EDuke32

>> No.6307418

>>That's every level ever
>Doom2 levels
nice joke

>> No.6307419

Where'd all this bad taste come from?

>> No.6307430

You mean correct and based

>> No.6307440
File: 148 KB, 1079x1511, pinochet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am thinking about learning machine learning just so i can automate doom map making after it processed ALL the maps for doom available to make more maps like those.

Good or bad idea?

>> No.6307441

It would be a very interesting project

>> No.6307450

I prefer Crispy to GZDoom. Will Crispy read MAPINFO or at least ignore it and not crash?

>> No.6307452

look at ObHack and ObAddon for inspiration / reference

>> No.6307462

There's already autogenerator, but you can probably make one smarter. Normal doom maps aren't that complex, shouldn't be hard to assemble them.

>> No.6307465

>it's the highest difficulty level on which the wad is still beatable.
UV is perfectly beatable.

>> No.6307468

Where can I get the deathmatch maps that came with Skulltag back in the day? There was one specific great one but I can't remember what it was called.

>> No.6307473

I asked a thread or two ago if there were any class-based gameplay mods that changed what enemies you fought based on your weaponset. Turns out, NTMAI, I mod I've grown fond of, does exactly this. If you choose the classic arsenal with the chaingun, you fight chaingunners. If you choose the alternate set with the super SMG, you fight orange SMG zombies.

Also, NTMAI does a good job of playing like Blood in that you can open a door and get instantly chewed up by hitscanners.

>> No.6307478

Good idea. In fact, great if runs on Linux. However, assuming that by "ALL the maps" you're including PWADS, I would advise against it. Having a neural network that can specifically emulate something like Ancient Aliens or Eviternity would be cool, but this would be much harder to accomplish if both of those wads are just another data point out of tens of thousands.

>> No.6307481

for you

>> No.6307517

Where can I find a download for Stupid LMS? Want to play it with some friends sometime.

>> No.6307519

What ABOUT EDuke32? It's a fine source port. You can play the digital music packs through it and you can use polymer lighting on it. I think BuildGDX is more faithful though as it runs the original game's demos upon startup like the original game did, but it can't run the digital music packs AFAIK so I use EDuke

>> No.6307524
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Ok guys, what's the hardest map, e4m6: Against the Wicked or [Sigil]e5m7: Nightmare Underworld?
In my opinion e4m6 is even harder because the excessive amount of acid and the mandatory Cyber Demon fight in the end(the secret invulnerability sphere is a must have), both are great and challenge stages from Romero (the music from NU rocks BTW)
What do you guys think?
Obviously we are talking about no saving/pistol start/UV

>> No.6307531

Whos a heckin good Caco!?

>> No.6307539

Not you, obviously.

>> No.6307569

Hm so they made it easier than original Doom 2 then?

>> No.6307578
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>> No.6307580


>> No.6307581

Is Doom PS1 any good?

>> No.6307592

You're not gonna get anything good out of 32 samples, neural networks need a massive amount of data to train on. So no, you wouldn't be able to train it to do specifically Ancient Aliens clones or Eviternity clones.

>> No.6307597
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>> No.6307605

I'll give it 0 stars if your wad:
>uses iwad music
>uses square rooms
>has more than 2 barons in a level
>has more than 1 pain elemental in a level
>has damaging floor
>has a punch out section
>doesn't give you a super shotgun in the beggining of the level
>has secrets near the end that only benefits continuous play
>has a lift that takes more than 5 seconds to travel
>has a secret that requires archvile jump
>contains enemies further than our autoaim can target them
>has a level that takes more than 10 minutes to finish
>forces monster infighting otherwise you run out of ammo
Be warned

>> No.6307607


>> No.6307612

>Gvideo Gvmes

>> No.6307615
File: 12 KB, 476x411, 1575647416702-vr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad mouthing demonsteele
>not even bad mouthing shihong, the only bad aspect of demonsteele

Holy fuck that's some bad taste anon

>> No.6307617

Demonsteele is just gmota for anime fags

>> No.6307619

project brutality was made with passion rather than ego and it shows through

>> No.6307621

>"We want mods that make slaughtermaps fun!"
>"Here's some mods that make you powerful to compensate for slaughteriness"
>"WTF they are too powerful from vanilla game, they suck ass imbalanced"

>> No.6307623

Has Decino ever commented on Doom64? I find it kinda strange he's not bothered doing a run when its the only official classic Doom he's yet to play

>> No.6307625

>>>"We want mods that make slaughtermaps fun!"
I mean that's a nice strawman but no one said that
A good slaughtermap is fun with vanilla weapons and if you need op bullshit to have fun you just suck

>> No.6307627

>>uses square rooms
How square is square.

>> No.6307646
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>> No.6307652

Why is it always a hallmark of the intellectually small to proclaim superiority? It's like how it's a sure sign of stupidity to see anyone with those snarky "everyone but me is dumb" type shirts

>> No.6307658

So what's a good map in your eyes? Give an example of such a majestic wad.

>> No.6307662

its not like we get at least a couple of slaughtermap complains every thread

>> No.6307668

Yeah, I suppose that's true. Good point. Would it be possible to give certain data points more weight than other data points? What's more, couldn't you augment your training data by mirror maps on their either X or Y coordinate (or both)? The latter question is unrelated to the first, I'm just curious, given that mirroring should still produce a playable result.

>> No.6307670

Good video. Nice retrospective on the series. Also a pretty decent look at Looking Glass Studios.

>> No.6307680

juvenile maximalism
those people never grew up
they see the stupidest person in a crowd of 100 and think
"look at him! im definitely smarter than him! these other people dont look much different. therefore i must be smarter than most people!"
not realising that such thinking make them look like the second stupidest person out of the group of 100

>> No.6307681

I don't even need to see what you're replying to. I'm just so glad I'm not the only one who reads it this way.

>> No.6307683

>trying to make keen-powered timer have variable duration
What a world.

>> No.6307689

for a good algorithm mirroring would make no difference, as the patterns would still be the same.
what should be done instead is checks and aims towards the recognised hallmarks of the good design

>> No.6307691

and? those people dont matter

>> No.6307701

i think half life and it's mods are the only worth playing retro fps.

>> No.6307703

neither do you

>> No.6307704

fuck doomfags

>> No.6307706
File: 1.67 MB, 1000x1000, uPUXmLK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a characteristic of gamma (loser) males. Here's an introduction to the hierarchy, which you already subconsciously know intimately (as is evidenced by your post) but have never put into words:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ua2XnYlm-o

And a video specifically on gamma males
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhTFkUpB8zc

>> No.6307709

That's interesting. While I could see it emulating the hallmarks of good design in terms of the physical layout of the level, I'm curious how you would go about making the AI use aesthetically pleasing texture combinations. Obviously, certain maps use custom textures. Might the AI become reliant on using custom textures? Obviously, since the entirety of the idgames database isn't downloaded on most people's computers, how would the AI go about using those custom textures? Would end users have to provide a "texture library," so to speak, from which the AI could pick and choose textures? If so, that could really open up some customization for the user, i.e. generating a Doom mega-wad using exclusively Strife textures. I'm not super knowledgeable about AI, so I really appreciate you answering my n00by questions.

>> No.6307710

Everything about this image is fake

>> No.6307716
File: 40 KB, 500x500, edgelord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, the term "beta" in the hierarchy does not mean beta in the sense most people use it - so "beta" in the hierarchy has been renamed "bravo" to avoid confusion. Bravos are like lieutenants; beta males in the sense that most people use the word means loser

>> No.6307723

They do, but if you walk over a line that is set to stop a crusher's movement, it will stop.

>> No.6307729


>> No.6307730
File: 83 KB, 354x423, 1562530657257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically hate secrets that require archville jumping.

>> No.6307737

ur mom is lame

>> No.6307742

tagging each texture with
1 main colors
2 material
3 theme
4 supposed use cases
and so on
might help. We people determine these things at a glance. Ai would need help.
Or maybe you can train such ai to categorize textures in such ways on its own.

>basic bitch thinks he's unique
how cute

>> No.6307752

no, i think im one of many, based people, whomst have the best taste in shoot, doom 2

>> No.6307767

the sign of alternatively-smart

>> No.6307774

Crispy would probably ignore MAPINFO lumps, yes.

>> No.6307778
File: 685 KB, 1920x1080, odamex_5BeWBqf6PJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got into playing old doom and wads by installing odamex for that coop, but noone is fucking playing REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

also what the fuck do I do here its double impact

>> No.6307782
File: 117 KB, 816x639, this is hard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure this communicates right idea. Or any idea at all.

>> No.6307785

Well, something about radiation.

>> No.6307786

I read this as "Radiation levels at 25%".

>> No.6307787

I'm trying to commicate an idea on how much time does the player has left and it's linked to a crusher, so my options are limited.

>> No.6307790

Radiated Salami

>> No.6307791
File: 65 KB, 600x600, 1583699063327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm I got it and I realised I am completely braindead for missing an obvious switch and also completely missing the point of my original post lmfao

I ment to ask are there any other coop doom ports that people play and thats why odamex is dead or is it just odamex and its just dead

>> No.6307792

I'd make one really tall progress bar and near the bottom place the warning sign. Might take up too much space though.

>> No.6307793

So every vanilla iwad is zero stars for you?

>> No.6307794


>> No.6307796
File: 36 KB, 696x470, 1581744212151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing a fun map
>it was all a dream

>> No.6307798


its not 1995 anymore bro

>> No.6307801

Well, you are correct. It looks kinda ugly though, I'll need to do something about that.

Yeah, room would have to be 4800 units tall.

>> No.6307804

I think if the rods were green it would look better.

>> No.6307805

So no more lava in any wad, ever?

>> No.6307806

You might consider trying ZDaemon or Zandronum, but the last time I check, Zandro had completely degraded into a mindless cesspit of Ghouls, Megaman, Zombie donunts, and Complex. You'll probably find more vanilla kind of stuff on ZDaemon.

>> No.6307807

Explain to me how having two barons in a level ruins it?

>> No.6307808

Post a server to join and I'll play.

>> No.6307809
File: 320 KB, 1080x1080, 1483255558735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do people actually play those or is it just as dead as odamex

>> No.6307810
File: 222 KB, 816x639, this is hard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made slight modifications to the area - radiation sign looked terrible anyway, maybe will try to put it on top. Do you feel like they are connected with the radiation sign wall now?

>> No.6307812

Why bother, just let them die once to it and then they will realize they're on a timer.

>> No.6307818


Thats horrible advice

>> No.6307823

Yes, that's an option, but I'm trying to commincate remaining time better. And also help them realize that timer is also there for the exit door.

Kinda wish I could speed exit door up, but so far nothing works.

>> No.6307824
File: 1.57 MB, 480x270, 1578190694321.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alfonzone has a map with a similar idea and it had no visible timer. It worked just fine.

>> No.6307827

Zandro was the most popular, I imagine it still is. Though I doubt it has the population it did 5 years ago. Same with ZDaemon. Doom multiplayer has been on the decline, sadly. ZDaemon and Skulltag where both amazing circa 2008 or so. Nowadays not so much. Zandro's last stable release was 2017. If you're dying for Doom MP, both are still definitely worth checking out.

>> No.6307832

Can you explain what happens whenever the timer ends? What's the connection between the timer and the radiation sign wall?

>> No.6307836

>playing through a Doom map in my dream
>"Ooh, that looks cool, I need to memorize this for my wad"
>"Wait a second, that's just MAP04, I'm dreaming of it because I'm obsessed with it, I should not bother memorizing it"
>wake up with vague memories of the map
>it looked nothing like MAP04
>I actually don't give two flying fucks about MAP04
Dream logic is marvelous thing. Like, I had some lucid dreams, and I also had dreams about having lucid dreams. Though I don't really care about lucid dreaming, my regular dreams are pretty interesting, I just wish I was able to remember them better, it's just so much material for mapping.

>> No.6307841

You're a salty boy aren't you? Besides I have plans for sorting out Kustam

>> No.6307843

Thanks for the (You)s

>> No.6307846
File: 199 KB, 816x639, this is hard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are 3 doors like this you need to close. Simulatenously they will also close the the door between a barrel in a crusher and a voodoo doll (Surrounded with fatal amout of barrels). Also the same crusher explodes a commander Keen who opens the door to the exit.

So if you manage to close 3 doors in time, you get to live and exit. If you fail, you suffer a big-ass explosion.

>> No.6307850

As long as you use a unique texture to "label" the buttons with the doors and the timer then I think people will get the idea.

>> No.6307853


if i were to be salty itd be for gvh, not your mod, which i dont particularly like

>> No.6307858
File: 50 KB, 550x550, 14454429262180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lightmare mode - same as UV, but zombies, sergeants and imps respawn, as well as >clips and small shotgun shell pickups.

>> No.6307861

Meaningless is Doom.

>> No.6307869

>Dream logic is marvelous thing. Like, I had some lucid dreams, and I also had dreams about having lucid dreams. Though I don't really care about lucid dreaming, my regular dreams are pretty interesting, I just wish I was able to remember them better, it's just so much material for mapping.
i remember a lot of my dreams, some doom related and even think of making videogame levels out of them
a way for me to remember them was noticing patterns or similar, even if tiny, elements like colors, time where they were dreamed, objects, mood, theme etc

>> No.6307878

you may not be the only one saying this but i doubt there's more than a few suggesting this
i'd love to see him do 64 too
an idea i had for a sentinel texture is red energy walls with symbols in them, to fit with the energy swords with written letters and shit
if urdak is too tech focused, there's that maykr section in nekravol and 2016's map empyirean
that's like the closest to an hd eviternity

>> No.6307879

Nash is developing a Universal Glory Kill mod

>> No.6307892
File: 404 KB, 544x363, pepe time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This year will mark the 20th anniversary of Skulltag's initial release, and the 10th anniversary of it's final release.
I miss those days lads. How do I cope with this feel?

>> No.6307894

well I managed to find a thing called doomseeker and its pretty good but i think it needs a legit copy of doom?

>> No.6307897

the BFG replacements are absolutely GOAT, though. plus acceleroid booster's.

>> No.6307902

you just need the latest version doom2.wad. Check the OP for a download link.

>> No.6307907
File: 6 KB, 392x151, 1561628617522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to launch rocketlauncher2 through steam by doing that trick where you just rename the .exe to dosbox.exe but it steam keeps trying to set launch options to it and just crashes how do I fix this.

>> No.6307917

Recommend me wads to play with Hideous Destructor

>> No.6307921

/pol/ wad aka the apex creation of this forum

>> No.6307945

Steam doesn't actually launch the exe, it launches doom 2 + mouse.bat, or doom2.bat if you choose classic controls. Modify either to call the executable with the appropriate parameters (or none if that's what you want).

>> No.6307947
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super stoked for reelism 2

>> No.6307961
File: 50 KB, 994x607, 1562369498785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it works when launching the .bat but when trying to launch it through steam gives the same error

>> No.6307974

>ultimate doom
Oh yeah that one doesn't launch the bat files for some reason. Doom 2 does though, so that one should work. For Doom 1 you can replace the dosbox exe with gzdoom and use steam's launch parameters to get it to load whatever files you want, gzdoom doesn't care about unrecognized parameters so it won't complain. It's more work but there's like ten Doom 1 mods anyway?

>> No.6307981
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rocketlaunche2r is a front end so I can play any combination of Iwads, sourceports and mods from it.
I just chose ultimate doom over doom 2 because I though would look better in my library, thanks anon.

>> No.6308010
File: 1.50 MB, 1437x808, Screenshot_Doom_20200402_173901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6308019

Looks like a fun place to live

>> No.6308023

whats the best doom

>> No.6308024

It was nice knowing you, Anon.

>> No.6308027

What map is this from?

>> No.6308030
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It's just impossible.

>> No.6308032

Classic, because the core gameplay is gr8, and there's all kinds of great maps and mods.

>> No.6308038

Out of curiosity, what's your guys' opinions on autoaim vs freelook?

>> No.6308041

freelook is ugleh

>> No.6308042

I don't know anon ;_;

>> No.6308046

I dislike autoaim because it takes control out of my hands and puts it in the hands of the game itself which sometimes points my shots where I don't want them to go. Obviously it's something you have to deal with if you're playing with more traditional sourceports.
But I don't play with traditional sourceports. I disable autoaim and use freelook all day.

>> No.6308049

I prefer autoaim. Looking up and down in doom engine feels weird.

>> No.6308051
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>> No.6308052

Freelook is acceptable if autoaim is off, and vice versa.

>> No.6308053

>7 to 9 months ago: Quake champions was largely looked upon fondly more often than not on Doomworld, /vg/ and /vr/.
>Now: its shat on from time to time and seen as a disappointment for differing reasons like "sabertech bad engine".

>> No.6308057

Freelook is the most natural for first person shooters over all, it's standard for a reason. That said, Doom still plays fine with the locked horizontal turning, and the vertical auto-aim is a passable crutch for its limitation.

I prefer freelook with no auto-aim, but I'm still fine with playing vanilla sometimes.

In software, sure, but you don't get the distortion with hardware acceleration.

>> No.6308068

When idtech 6/7 exist, why wouldn't you build your game on them?

>> No.6308132

Because they want their game playable in as many computers as possible and/or at the highest framerate possible. Idtech is not toaster friendly at all.

>> No.6308145

Wew, uploaded my gameplay mod to ZDoom forum. Will post the link once it gets approved.

>> No.6308154

Lol sabertech runs way worse than doom 2016's engine

>> No.6308158

The Cursed Randy Edition of Duke 3D is $1.69, is it worth buying just for the new episode?

>> No.6308163

idtech 7 is toaster friendly as fuck

>> No.6308181
File: 2.95 MB, 2172x1632, duke ps1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For less than a cup of coffee, sure. Give the new episode a run through and then go back to eDuke and never touch it again.

>> No.6308189

please get a tripcode so we dont have to see you bitch about kustam in every fucking general

>> No.6308193

I think there's at least two guys that have gripes with Kustam, one of them gave me a shitload of scathing but useful feedback, and then there's another dude that seems to just complain about him.
Or maybe I'm just dense and it's the same guy.

>> No.6308195 [DELETED] 


>> No.6308198

- Pain Elementals are great enemies, despite everyone shitting on them
- Barons are mostly shit but with good enemy placement and the right weapons they can be fine

>> No.6308204

classicfied 2016 soldiers
i'm surprised he has an assault rifle when they could have been an additional zombieman class with a plasma rifle
then again, those soldiers where like the reboot version of the zombiemen

>> No.6308207

Barons are only shit if they expect you to kill more than 1 with just the shotgun. Then the level becomes boring.

>> No.6308216 [DELETED] 

Nah. barons are bullet sponges. His attack is too easy to dodge but it takes to long to kill. Barons can work on narrow corridors or as pressure units to make you back off. But on open spaces they are just boring imo.

>> No.6308227

>Then the level becomes boring

>> No.6308238

Lol no, not at all. The megatexture meme eats CPU, VRAM and disk space like nobody's business, for one.

>> No.6308246

Cool, but the shoulders look odd.

>> No.6308256

Idtech 7 doesn't use megatextures you baffoon.

>> No.6308261
File: 1.38 MB, 550x550, cacocry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(OC dontstel)

>> No.6308269

i havent posted here in half a year my dude
imagine having such a victim complex you think everyone who instults your mod is the same dude

>> No.6308270
File: 51 KB, 500x517, 1471956129464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your mod
That's not his mod, that's my mod.

>> No.6308278
File: 8 KB, 275x183, howilearnedtostopautoaimingandlovefreelook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doom looks terrible with freelook. Look at a sprite from top-down. You can also cheat by aiming at the ground and doing rocket jumps, or by shooting down a lift you shouldn't be able to.
>inb4 autoaim ezmode
Doom's autoaim only adjusts aim vertically so you can shoot enemies on ledges. It does not correct your aim horizontally - the only exception is projectile weapons, in which case the autoaim prevents you from leading your target, and can cause you to shoot a wall because it locks on the nearest target, not what you want it to shoot. The autoaim also has a limited range, hence the chaingunner memes like pic related, so with free look you are able to kill enemies from much further than you should be able to.

>> No.6308280


>> No.6308287
File: 286 KB, 449x361, 1314028050969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where? It's not on GOG and it's full price on Steam still

>> No.6308289

what the fuck, jason. you're getting a pink slip soon bud.

>> No.6308298

"This mod is my mod, this mod is your mod~"

>> No.6308308

>Idtech 7 first public showcase: 2018
>first commercially released game running on the engine: 2020
>Quake Champions release date: 2017

>> No.6308309

Newfag here.
I'm trying to replace the imp sprite in doom with a new one, but i don't know how to do it. Any help?

>> No.6308328
File: 108 KB, 799x356, alabama_smith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alabama Smith and the Abandoned Heretic Mod just got an official release.

>> No.6308338

OR you can download the SC-55 soundfont which is piss easy to find and use a program to run it.

>> No.6308353

Goddamit, edited it, and it went into pre-moderation again.

>> No.6308373

You'll need to have a full set of sprites to match the frames of the vanilla imp. If you're wanting to just make an addon that just replaces the sprites but does nothing else. All you have to do is make a .pk3 or a .wad that contains the sprites that have the same name as the imp's. Though you'll also need to align them properly in SLADE

>> No.6308383

Google, doom replacing monster sprite, to find a detailed explanation or guide.

>> No.6308384
File: 80 KB, 1007x764, use_slade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use Slade to open Doom or Doom2.wad, so you can use those as a reference for the names of the sprites. Create a new .wad or .pk3 and put all your new sprites there, and load that new file when you boot up Doom

It doesn't sound the same as the FLAC digital music packs. Try it, anon, you'll like it

>> No.6308385

Fuck FLAC, is the same shit.

>> No.6308412
File: 186 KB, 880x715, fu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. someone who doesn't know what they're talking about
No, fuck YOU. It's not the same thing. If they sounded the same as a PC MIDI player no one would use them

>> No.6308418

Project Brutality does have a lot more guns. I don't feel like it's 'bloat' though, I feel like most all of them feel good and have a decent purpose. And honestly I like having that many weapons at my disposal. Also while the default motion blur/sway options are ass, they can be changed easily.And at least in the version I have, there is no weird HUD at all, it's just the standard Doom one. I'm sure there's some addon people use for those.


Demonsteele is good though. If you can't handle clicking your mouse fast then you're not going to get very far.

I prefer freelook. I'm too used to it from other games, the sprites may look iffy but not enough to make me care.

>> No.6308435

I like demonsteele too but it does get a little ridiculous with how much mashing you have to do.

>> No.6308454 [DELETED] 

it was all a dream
I used to read word up magazine
salt and peppa and heavy D up in the limousine
hangin pictures on my wall
every saturday rap attack mr magic marley marl
I let my tape rock til my tape popped
smokin weed in bambu sippin on private stock

>> No.6308459


>I don't actually do any research before spouting bullshit

>> No.6308467

I felt that way about d4t before they started gutting options, I miss the reaper, the vortex rifle and such

>> No.6308481

Someone ought to make a Definitive Edition addon for that. Bring back the Shotgun-tier Reaper, Vortex Rifle, and Repeater, and replace the BFG-Tier Reaper with the Unmaykr from Doom Eternal. Shoots the same as Eternal, but uses the BFG-Tier Reaper's reliance on monster souls for ammo, that way you can have a 2nd BFG-Tier weapon, and the Shotgun-Tier Reaper, without having 2 visually identical Reapers.

>> No.6308484
File: 107 KB, 805x540, [confused HUUUH].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its a .bak file
>not a wad or pk3
>.pk3 is in the file name

>> No.6308486
File: 2.50 MB, 1920x1171, 1762231665_doomlogobutwithouttheangling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does this image make you feel /doom/

>> No.6308491

Oh for fuck's sake.

>> No.6308497


>> No.6308498

gonna turn this into an animalcrossing texture

>> No.6308515

Is it stupid to try Valiant as my first megawad being relatively new to Doom and having only beaten Doom 1+2 on UV? I got through episode 1 on UV and it was tough but not hair-pullingly so, but episode 2 is absolutely raping me.

>> No.6308518
File: 84 KB, 512x312, Doom Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not thicc enough

>> No.6308519

reminds me to give to give hell revealed UV a shot again and finish alien vendetta.

>> No.6308521

What's the worst that could happen

>> No.6308523

He's talking about the n64 version because he's an attention seeking faggot who likes to be "unique".

>> No.6308529

too flat

>> No.6308536

Needs a white border against black background.
Or dark red-orange background

>> No.6308542


nice projection there anon

>> No.6308543

Tricks and traps on Doom 2 feels like a slaughter map, even with ranger's weapons.

>> No.6308547

>hell revealed
good luck on map 24

>> No.6308550

oh don't worry i got a taste on HMP so at least i got some idea of what to do.

>> No.6308556
File: 79 KB, 600x800, penn_jillette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck goes through people's heads when they announce a megawad before making a single map or asset

>> No.6308557

I thought the one in TNT was alright but only because it wasn't actually tagged as a secret so you were allowed to skip it without hurting your completion score (besides item percentage which nobody cares about).

>> No.6308562

>Pain Elementals are great enemies, despite everyone shitting on them
Pain Elementals CAN be used well. It's good to have high-priority targets. If you're an asshole who throws ten of them in an area, or throws them in the back of a crowded mob so the player can't target them even if they want to, then they're awful. Pain Elementals are dangerous and mappers using them incorrectly leads them to being so widely hated. Honestly though the same could be said for most high-priority targets, if you're a dick when using them people are going to hate you for being a dick.

>> No.6308570

always thought doom's setting works because the lack of lore made it vague enough that you could do a lot with it then noticed this is almost the same deal with touhou

>> No.6308571

It's 92% off on humblebundle.


>> No.6308586

>no u
A classic.

>> No.6308602

If it's a reputable mapper, why not? You know they will deliver.

>> No.6308606

They probably do it for motivation. If they announce it ahead of time, they'll feel more responsible for delivering if they know people are waiting.

>> No.6308607

Who are we talking about here?

>> No.6308642

Imagine having such a colossally bad taste.

>> No.6308651

>but the latter deals more damage per shot which makes it times better against everything tougher than alien drones and is far more common throughout the entire game.
But what about DPS?

>> No.6308653
File: 40 KB, 1118x514, 1396511353175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not stupid if you just turn down the difficulty. It'd be stupid to do a blind first play-through on the UV difficulty. If you're not too far, restart on a lower difficulty.

>new to Doom
Difficulty 1 has the same number of monsters as difficulty 2, except incoming damage is reduced by 50% and the amount of ammo you pickups are doubled. Similarly, difficulty 5 has the same number of monsters as 4, except dead monsters randomly respawn, monsters attack the instant they see you (less frequently the further away you are from eachother), enemy fireballs travel 30% faster, and your ammo pickups are doubled. Also, the map maker may choose to place bigger better powerups on the lower difficulties. I've never played Valiant, but there are times when I've played on skill 1 so I can learn a level before grinding it on harder difficulties

ty anon

>> No.6308691

newbs underestimating how much creativity & dedication goes into a megawad

>> No.6308709

Right on the money

>> No.6308716

Can't disagree, E4M6 requires some brutal precision.

Also I need to make a TOOT memes/Agitated Skeleton memes version of that pic.

>> No.6308735
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1080, directQ 2020-04-02 20-03-15-804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get a drawfag drawing the Ranger angrily sweating but the shamblers around each corner are wearing birthday attire and have gifts?

>> No.6308767

Have there been any WADs involving heaven before?

>> No.6308771

>there are times when I've played on skill 1 so I can learn a level before grinding it on harder difficulties
Not him, but this is a really cool idea. Might try this for the next mega wad I play.

>> No.6308772

The final chapter of Eviternity.

>> No.6308774

Imagine sucking so bad at Doom you cannot handle three barons.

>> No.6308779

Cool, does it play well with d4t?

>> No.6308790

Hard to say. The final chapters of Eviternity tend to be rather punishing and with massive numbers of monsters, which could be a problem with the fast projectiles and high damage of D4T. It also includes three custom enemies, which might clash with the mod as well.

>> No.6308795

The last time I dealt with this was playing ancient aliens with D4T, I had some trouble but eventually learned the dance well enough, accidentially broke a level with the charged shot pistol though. Had a bit of a minor issue with the aliens appearing as SS before I set the mods in a different load order that seemed to sort that one out, one custom skin mod degraded on the mancubi due to the mod already using custom skins

>> No.6308802

>It's only beatable if theres no challenge whatsoever

>> No.6308806

I played it with Argent and now I associate Eviternity with that.
So the weapons would work great, but I'm unsure how the enemies would end up effecting it.

>> No.6308812

Well, if you could handle AA with it, then why not, give it a try.

>> No.6308823

Modern megawads are on average a lot higher in difficulty than Doom and Doom 2 on UV.
This is kind of a side effect of the classic games being over 25 years old. Many pwads are designed with the expectation that most people who are going to play them have been playing Doom for years, if not decades.
I would suggest lowering the difficulty to HMP, or even HNTR.

>> No.6308834

power armor is for pussies

>> No.6308847

Uhhhh, ok...You wanna gun instead?

>> No.6308856
File: 34 KB, 338x325, 1584280363925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, this new port is fucking garbage. The mouse look feels absolutely terrible and there is no way to turn off the mouse acceleration in-game. The fan-made ports are way better, as usual. Luckily I can play the new episode in BuildGDX.

>> No.6308881

>Death Wish with Timbres of Heaven soundfont and the custom MIDI pack
Shit is more quality than most games I've played in the past few years.

>> No.6308907
File: 35 KB, 570x238, error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone help me get BuildGDX running on Linux? Trying to play Blood and it will start to initialize then throw pic related

>> No.6308962 [DELETED] 

based based cope faggots doomer boomers

>> No.6308981

How can I move quakespasm's status bar to the left or right?

>> No.6309010

Trying to design a short outside section on a mostly inside base map. Any ideas?

>> No.6309029


Post a layout shot

>> No.6309035

While I prefer to play with autoaim and mouseturning, freelook is mostly fine. There are instances where it'll allow you to shoot switches or the like at angles that are not intended, but they are generally rare, and besides Icon of Sin, not always easy to take advantage of without pre-knowledge anyway.
Its certainly not on the same level as Jumping/Crouching, which can very commonly allow for unintended skips.

>> No.6309036


Do something where you can see the other side but can't get there until you navigate through some ravines/caves/whatever

>> No.6309047
File: 13 KB, 358x595, chamber6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically a little cliffside where you can see the nearby river and a space by the bank too to access as a secret. Each sector outside is fenced off.

>> No.6309052
File: 301 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20200403_142419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 my chunkie pixel level.

>> No.6309076

Why do IWAD maps (including Hexen and such) tend to look really clean and compartmentalized compared to PWAD maps and how can I replicate this quality for myself

>> No.6309102

the only pink im getting tonight is your wife's tight little pussay

>> No.6309107

was talking about EDuke32 for VR. Has anyone tried it? Does it work with Revive?

>> No.6309124


>> No.6309126

because they were made in the 90s, and were designed to run on 90s tech
adding too much detail or crazy geometry would not have been an option

>> No.6309139

Because they were designed by a team of professionals coordinating together and working full-time.
Although I would say many aspects of a typical modern PWAD are cleaner than the IWADs, like texture alignment.

>> No.6309159

Every time I try using the holoduke enemies seem to ignore it and shoot me instead. How do you make it actually draw enemy fire?

>> No.6309162

Read the Duke wiki. Holoduke only works on Octobrains. It's probably a bug. That's what that anon was referring to

>> No.6309240

>there are times when I've played on skill 1 so I can learn a level before grinding it on harder difficulties
>Not him, but this is a really cool idea. Might try this for the next mega wad I play.
>Hurt me plenty
>AFAIK it's the highest difficulty level on which the wad is still beatable

My GOD, this entire board is filled with complete pussybitches.

>> No.6309243

I'm pretty that last guy is trolling. Because we've had a trending meme as of late that Doom is impossible on Ultra Violence.

>> No.6309248

So how's that map coming along?

>> No.6309265
File: 16 KB, 607x215, dario on plutonia difficulty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you beaten Plutonia on UV? I'd consider that to be basically the final "test" you should do before jumping into modern megawads on UV. Just about everything the community makes for UV now assumes that the player is at least comfortable in Plutonia level stuff. Similarly, UV is designed to be, well, hard. Hard for veteran players. For some reason people have gotten it in their heads that anything short of UV is pussy babby mode, which ends up making newer players just wash out. (Pic related) No shame in playing on HMP.

>> No.6309273

Playing RE3 right now, but it's going ok. Working on the courtyard area.

>> No.6309295

>Look at a sprite from top-down
I'm not bothered by that, because I usually don't look down from such a sharp angle.

>> No.6309303
File: 12 KB, 203x172, 1556201325784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>birthday attire

>> No.6309310

>a trending meme
It's literally the one guy thinking he's being funny by posting that over and over.

>> No.6309315

Well, no way to really know. Anonymous board and all, you know.

>> No.6309319

Have you checked the documentation in the website?

>> No.6309320

even terminus himself agreed the clicking is too much in demonsteele, and said hed add an autofire if he could figure out a way given holding fire already does shit in it, when i played with him around 8 years ago
he never did add it

>> No.6309321

>8 years ago
Demonsteele's not that old, it and GMOTA came out around the same time. So it'd be around 6 years

>> No.6309324

i said around bro, we played on a server on doomseeker, it wasn a fun enough experience to memorize the exact date and time

>> No.6309327

Always conflicted with this. On one hand, I feel its better designed, more fun and less hand killing than demonsteele.
On the other it lacks cute anime girls so I rate demon higher

>> No.6309358

Add a lot of little rock sectors, pull them up, then give them rock textures, add a tree here and there. You could also try to spam trees that are further away, then reduce the brightness in those sectors to an absolute minimum so players won't immediately notice that you spammed the same tree, creating spooky forests. Or you could always load in some custom texture trees.

>> No.6309374

I hate whoever decided to package 'The Mutilator' into WDI. Can't even play WDI anymore without every third map being a 20 minute long stall fest hide and seek mod instead. Like someone just made a shitty mod and dumped it in rotation to piggy back off a popular one and no one else seems to care.

>> No.6309385
File: 94 KB, 1044x84, ApplicationFrameHost_kt6L76wMlk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck is this shit?

>> No.6309387

Yeah, aren't Zandronum servers just fuuuuuuun?

>> No.6309407

Slough of Despair is, I think, kind of an interesting map. I think it's the only sandbox-style map in Doom, at least the palm part of it. That secret designated with arrow only visible with auto-map was really-really cool. Finally it's just memorable. Like, if you don't like it, if you say "Sandy Petersen" this is one of the first things that come to mind. Fingers are not that interesting though.
Well I mean Mt. Erebus seems sand-box-ish too, but it's actually way more directed. Slough of Despair is much more of play it at your own pace kind of thing. I think.
Actually those two are probably the most memorable Petersen's maps in Doom 1. Doom 2, well, you know, Downtown, Chasm, Spirit World. Man sure had taste for weirdness. I kinda like it.

>> No.6309416

you may have something in your autoload that conflicts with the server

>> No.6309423

RTFM is important.

>> No.6309434

Show us a better view from Doom Builder

>> No.6309439
File: 47 KB, 773x935, 1582270238856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing alfonzone map44 uv pistol start no saves
>on like my hundredth try
>like 90% of my deaths have been me carelessly stepping over the edge onto my death while looking around
Why do mappers do this

>> No.6309446

Bitch if it's your hundredth try and you do the same shit it's your own damn fault

>> No.6309458

I love Slough Of Despair, it's like moving through the wastelands of hell, rocky canyons and all.

>> No.6309463

What about La Tailor Girl then?

>> No.6309469

if it's Boom compatible - make a line_horizon to make it stretch infinitely into the distance

>> No.6309471 [DELETED] 

Uhm... why isn't Brutal Doom on any of the copypasta images?

It's not even in Historically Notable wads despite defining the direction of the series and a major chunk of the playerbase for the last deacde

>> No.6309473


>> No.6309483

Here we go again.

>> No.6309490 [DELETED] 

Yeah whatever, try pulling the stick out of your asses and grow up, babies. MUH SEKRET DOOM CLUB

No-one gives a fuck about half the wads on those images and they never will

>> No.6309493 [DELETED] 

someone sounds butthurt
and desperate

>> No.6309497
File: 261 KB, 771x2185, bdlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder as to why BD is trash and any of its fans belong in a separate containment

>> No.6309502

Apparently the dev has too much of an obnoxious attitude, which the rest of the fags can't handle. And the fanbase keeps treating it as the only way to play Doom etc., etc., it pisses people off.
So now everybody hates it. The funny thing is that I don't care about any of that inane bullshit, and I'm having a great time with BD.
Took me a few days to change things to my liking though, browsing through 20 pages of addons wasn't much fun either.

>> No.6309505

Boring and the girls are western bimbos, not cute anime girls.

>> No.6309510

They look pretty anime to me.

>> No.6309512

OK, this does sound fucked up. It's still fun though, at least so far on the first few OG Doom levels.

>> No.6309517

If you want to have fun with it, that's perfectly okay. Just don't be obnoxious about it, as some of the posts above showed.

>> No.6309521 [DELETED] 

>why people hate brutal doom

You mean Zdoom modders and you guys, right?

No-one else is complaining about BD, whether it's about the code or the balance or the author.

And the reasons in that image are ridiculous. Most people playing mods don't care how they're coded, they don't care about balance issues so long as the game is fun, and they don't care who the author is. All of your complaints are made by people within a NICHE, i.e. your little treehouse of special doom modders, which has nothing to do with the average ordinary person coming to doom for the first time or replaying it.

>> No.6309523

Mark's shenanigans makes me conscious about crediting the sources for all my Frankenspriting and everything I can remember.
At the same time, my code is a crude mess, also with copy pasting from places, so I can't make fun of him for spaghetti coding, because that would make me a hypocrite.

How the fuck do you break sound propagation anyway?

>> No.6309537

get eyes

>> No.6309538

Anime eyes?

>> No.6309546


>> No.6309551
File: 80 KB, 505x604, DUKE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the mouse acceleration in Megaton worse, but the new weapon wheel is inexcusable, and you can't turn it off.

>> No.6309556

>I've got Malt O Meal

>> No.6309561

Boooorn to be wiiiiiild!

>> No.6309564

I'm no expert, but my guess is that some script that uses a ridiculous rube-goldbergish workaround in it that touches on that, maybe overpenetration feature but im not sure.

>> No.6309568

> Smooth Doom mod

> Enhanced Smooth Weapons mod

soo... which one does really affect Eviternity?
if both, then what effect does Smooth Doom have?

>> No.6309570


>> No.6309572

I'm working on a big map and I'm using a handful of custom enemies.

>Beam Revenant (railgun-like)
>Plasma zombie
>Beam zombie (flamethrower type beam weapon)
>Blood Demon (Pinky with double HP)
>Double Chaingunner
>Afrit (Defends a hidden megasphere)
>Some hell baron that throws fireballs like Afrit (Mini boss that blocks a teleporter)
>Cyber Baron (Miniboss that defends an important switch)

These are used sparingly and so far only for their own areas, the rest are regular doom monsters.
Is this an okay choice of extra enemies or did I fuck it up?

>> No.6309584

>Beam Revenant (railgun-like)
Hitscan revenant? Sounds like a cheap bastard. If you want a sniper enemy, better make his attack give player an early warning like Archvile's magic.
>Double Chaingunner
Why not use two regular chaingunners?
>Afrit (Defends a hidden megasphere)
>Some hell baron that throws fireballs like Afrit (Mini boss that blocks a teleporter)
>Cyber Baron (Miniboss that defends an important switch)
Do you really need three different baron variants as one-shot mini-bosses?

>> No.6309596

The beam revenant is the one that worries me the most, I'm not sure about where to use him, I only have him in the map once or twice so far and you can barely tell the difference between him and a regular one.

I chose the Double Chaingunner because he wears green armor and visually fits nicely to the map areas he's put in. He isn't used more than 3 times on the map and always in close quarters.

The Afrit flies up from a hole to surprise the player, but the Afrit was at first also supposed to defend the gate, but after playtesting I figured out that he'd rather fly away and leave the door wide open, kek, so I replaced him with a walking version.

The Cyber baron is in a large tech room, and I want to use him again in the final boss fight area, haven't built that area yet though.

>> No.6309598

>slipery icey floor on DOOM


>> No.6309604
File: 45 KB, 361x507, Becca doubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That low
>When even fucking I Are Tech used the OST for one of his YCS videos.

>> No.6309607

I second playing Plutonia UV. My path into modern megawads was Doom 1 UV, Doom 2 UV, TNT UV, Plutonia HMP, Scythe 1 UV, Plutonia UV, everything else. Plutonia is easier than the end of scythe with both set to UV, save for Plutonia MAP32, which is like the end of Scythe.

>> No.6309610

List is bogus either way.

>> No.6309613
File: 368 KB, 816x639, transition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, those transitions aren't great.

>> No.6309616



>> No.6309618

as long as you have enough rupeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees

>> No.6309639 [DELETED] 

>they don't care about balance issues so long as the game is fun
If the balance issues cause the game's maps to be near unplayable, then no. It doesn't ke it fun.
Plus are you seriously going to ignore the paragraph that mentions him putting malicious code that causes your PC to BsOD if you play it with Project Brutality? That's fucking Trojan virus tier.

>> No.6309651

>causes your PC to BsOD if you play it with Project Brutality? That's fucking Trojan virus tier.

The Eday's anti-PB tamp can't BsoD a computer, it can only freeze GZDoom.
It exploited the infinite actor spawn system, Randy Heit added security measures to ZDoom code to prevent it from damaging computers a long time ago. This is why it's impossible to play any Zdoom-based port at 100% CPU usage.

>> No.6309660

You gotta get rid of that white lamp monstrosity, it's the worst offender. When that is gone, try to look at it again and see what you can do to achieve uniformity or balance between those textures.

>> No.6309665

Agreed on the lamp, but unsure what can I use instead. I guess maybe continuation of the stone.

>> No.6309672

Anyone tried out playing HL levels on Dusk?

>> No.6309674

You could try using more metal texture bars that supposedly hold the building together, so that it all blends together with that entryway-thingy.

>> No.6309695

Doosk Heretic Update:

>> No.6309704
File: 446 KB, 536x402, shutter.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6309712

That could be useful for a jump scare

>> No.6309718

try changing the renderer to classic

>> No.6309721

Or to create a piece of machinery, like a drill or a jackhammer.

>> No.6309723

whats the dark souls of wads

>> No.6309724

I wish D4T didn't connect chainsaw ammo specifically to chainsaw spawns. Maps don't tend to have chainsaws.
A lot of mods do this.

>> No.6309727

>>6308771 (You)
>>Not him, but this is a really cool idea. Might try this for the next mega wad I play.
I have been playing Doom and Doom 2 on UV exclusively for over a decade. If I want to have fun with an easier difficulty for once, then I'm going to do it, you absolute turboautist.

>> No.6309728

Nightmare difficulty

>> No.6309734

I recall an anon here working on a DaS mod long ago, as in at least two years ago. It was naturally for Hexen, and he posted webms of the player activating bonfires and wielding sword n board. I don't even remember if he went by anything and I highly doubt the mod ever got finished.

>> No.6309739

That reminds me of that one video Chubzdoomer made; in one of his "If Doom Was Made Today" videos, where he made it like Doom played like a Cod game, there was a part in his version of E1M2, when you walk across that path surrounded by toxic waste near the end, on the furthest right side of the room, the wall quickly opens to have an Imp attack and force you into a parody of a QTE. I remember thinking that would actually be a good idea for a trap in a custom map or something, not the QTE of course, but a part where if you're really close to a wall, and it suddenly opens to reveal a monster that throws you off guard. It'd be fun too if it were at a part of the map you haven't fought anything for a short while so it'd really catch you off guard and test your reflexes.

>> No.6309742

Gmota but you only play doomguy with his sword and you can only heal via closing the game and telling people to git gud 5 times then cheating to max hp at designated healing points

>> No.6309758

Hangar in Doom 1 feels like a slaughter map.

>> No.6309761

Dis feels like slaughtershit.

>> No.6309769

I still have PTSD from murdering Commander Keen.

>> No.6309770

agitating sector

>> No.6309772


>> No.6309779

>>Blood Demon (Pinky with double HP)
This sounds bad, there's nothing appealing if it's just "pinky, but bullet spongier".

>> No.6309781

I think he's also slightly faster?

>> No.6309786

>Railgun on enemies
slap yourself with a fish
>plasma zombie
okay i guess
>beam zombie
if its at a distance its a zombie so it dies before this flamthrower does shit if close its just react instantly or die we already have that its called shotgunners what is the point
>demon but you use twice the ammo and spend twice as long holding s
but why
>double chaingunner
didnt even say what this is so ill assume its the regular flying absurdly tanky piece of shit that drags down any map its in
>hell baron with red fireballs
for what purpose
>hell baron but its a cyber demon

>> No.6309797

Should have faster attacks and movement, maybe slightly more HP and the ability to leech HP with his attacks. At least that's what I think about hen I hear "Blood Demon".

>> No.6309807

None of that shit matters. A pinky is an enemy entirely dependant on
A: You being unequipped to deal with it
B: The map
To do anything
Give it 3 times speed, instakill melee and infinite hp, and I'm still just going to walk right past it, doom guy is that much faster

>> No.6309809

is there a wad for gzdoom that adds a hothey to switch to your previously selected weapon?

>> No.6309813

The monster closet fears the doom guy.

>> No.6309818


>> No.6309846 [DELETED] 

>Uhm... why isn't Brutal Doom on any of the copypasta images?
>It's not even in Historically Notable wads despite defining the direction of the series and a major chunk of the playerbase for the last deacde
søyboy bitchtits opinion

>> No.6309852 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 620x474, 785245463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so󠛡yboy, sm󠛡h t󠛡bh fa󠛡m.

>> No.6309860 [DELETED] 

Wait, basedboy is wordfiltered?

>> No.6309865
File: 265 KB, 816x639, modwall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless modwall in all its un-misalignable glory.

>> No.6309884
File: 142 KB, 1078x1328, caocao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the shooting aspect of Doom and not the exploration for card keys. Is there a resource that provides maps with all their locations?

>> No.6309890

In fairness, it's not exactly a mod that needs a signal boost, just about anyone into classic doom modding knows of it and if they like it. I think the guy who made it is an ass, but I think the mod itself is solid fun. But it's not the end all be all of mods.

>> No.6309908 [DELETED] 


>> No.6309919 [DELETED] 

God, how I miss 8chaп.

>> No.6309921

This would be a good idea. I agree that just boosting the HP isn't a particularly great solution, if you make him move and bite a little faster, he's a much more dangerous enemy in a more immediate sense, demanding more reaction and tactics from the player, rather than just soaking up his extra ammo.

Just look at regular pinkies with +fastmonsters, they run and bite twice as fast, and they're a true menace for that, you would only have to boost the speed and attack rate a little to make these guys a more serious enemy.

He's more threatening in confined spaces than a regular pinky if he's twice as hard to maneuver. No shit that a lot of the monsters aren't going to be a good threat if you just put them out in the open, the Cyberdemon is hardly a bother in his first encounter, but if you use him as a 'sniper', he can be a right bastard providing heavy support to other demons (also sometimes turning them to mush, but that's just fun).

>> No.6309923

I think doomwiki has a good overview for vanilla and some mods. I never really read it up close.

>> No.6309925

Anyone have any games or wads that play similar to bulletstorm?
It's my guilty pleasure game

>> No.6309928

I see Pinky as more of a blocker that I place in door frames to delay someone who's trying to run past other monsters.

Or as a distraction.

>> No.6309929
File: 190 KB, 960x600, Screenshot_Doom_20200403_194608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

playing colourful hell with vanilla weapons and it's fun

>> No.6309932 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry to break it to you, but phrases like "guilty pleasure" and "unpopular opinions" are just euphemisms for "I have shit taste". So please, from now on, please keep your poopoo-filled mouth closed, to keep away stench and embarassment.

>> No.6309937

there's literally only one enemy on screen and it already looks not fun

>> No.6309939
File: 18 KB, 500x276, negative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6309940
File: 45 KB, 600x480, 1556109818620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should be able on doombuilder to draw sectors over walls and streamline the 3dfloor creation

>> No.6309945

If Doomguy was a wrestler, he'd be a mix between Goldberg and New Jack. Prove me wrong.

>> No.6309946

What kind of secrets do you guys like?

>> No.6309948
File: 41 KB, 313x260, 1576253429057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6309949


>> No.6309951

I love the classic R667 monsters, they're like relics from an age where everyone seemed to be in a competition to make the most absurdly broken enemy without explicitly trying to crashing the game, kind of like MUGEN

>> No.6309971

Ones that make good use of the environment and platforming. Something like using raised wall trimming to reach a secret or riding up a sector to reach a seemingly unrelated location.

>> No.6309974


>> No.6309978
File: 43 KB, 923x768, 1582801120896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6309981

The ones that don't require wall-humping to find.

>> No.6309982

you could just use the console to give yourself the keys

>> No.6309995

literally a walkthrough

>> No.6310001


>> No.6310004

The kind where I feel clever or perceptive for finding them. Serious Sam TSE had a whole bunch of those. It also had bad secrets of course.

>> No.6310007

why do quakes guns look so shitty

>> No.6310015

Limit on the amount of polygons, as well as limit on animation frames, also vertex animation. There's a model pack which 'smooths' them out a bit, adding some extra polygons and stuff to make them look a bit more even, while maintaining the same aesthetic.

>> No.6310016

>but I also enjoy the build up to better weapons
that's why I love pistol starts. you get the build up on every level, instead of finding every weapon once and then having nothing else to find.

>> No.6310019


Some chucklefuck on a subreddit I frequent got an interview with Bobby Prince. Give it a read if you're so inclined.

>> No.6310040

the one with the BFG

>> No.6310056 [SPOILER] 
File: 12 KB, 369x249, 1585935053934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The obvious ones with changed wall texture and a small window showing the loot making it easy to assume the wall texture leads to it and when opened you get insta open to a revenant facing you and a dead end which after you have to check some other way to reach that secret

>> No.6310064 [DELETED] 

this take is gonna get a yikes from me dawg

>> No.6310067

does smooth doom not cut it anymore? what should I be using instead?

>> No.6310069
File: 6 KB, 334x151, download (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bros, a new Doom WAD got uploaded by Bethesda for their official addons and since I am confined to playing Doom/Doom 2 on Cringebox One at the moment, I am thinking of giving it a try. It's No End in Sight, is it good?

Beth actually did a pretty long and interesting write up on it and linked to a interview with the creators:

>> No.6310074
File: 26 KB, 312x750, 1584987328965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You check your ammo count—you’re low.

>> No.6310081

We've swung back to purist doom. no mods, dosbox only.

>> No.6310092

The max ammo in nunuDoom is your magazine
and Chainsaw is a disguised Reload button

>> No.6310114

I keep autoaim on 99% of the time but I also have lookup/lookdown/centerview mapped in case there's a hitscanning faggot sniping me from across the map

>> No.6310115

create a .c file and use system() function to launch rocketlauncher. compile with mingw. Did it this morning for master levels for doom2 on steam and works great.

>> No.6310119

zdaemon is pretty vanilla and a lot of ppl play coop vanilla wads all the time here.

>> No.6310129

prboom but desu if people complain because your wad is zdoom compatible you can tell to go fuck themselves. zdoom has been the standard for more than 10 years now. GZdoom is niggerlicious tho so aim at zdoom 2.3 compatibility.

>> No.6310130

so, what's the acceptable amount of slopes and 3dfloors in doom?

>> No.6310135

Anon knows what's up. I think I'd also add fast monsters to that list.

>> No.6310143

Literally as many as your heart desires. Make each floor in your level have a 0.5 degree slope.

>> No.6310159

>Expecting writing not to be cringe from a publication called "Slayer's Club."

>> No.6310164

These almost all sound like "doom enemy but with more HP/more dangerous". Which is the most lazy and annoying type of custom enemy. Try and reduce the amount of custom enemies to ones that fill a unique niche not already in Doom. Like a weak flying ranged enemy, or a suicide bomber, or a fast but weak melee enemy.

>> No.6310165

You are alone with your feelings here.

I hope you know that no one in this thread will take that comment seriously. It is really that asinine.

>> No.6310187
File: 380 KB, 816x639, modwall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this partition look right to you?

>> No.6310195

That booth thing in the middle? It looks good.

>> No.6310207
File: 60 KB, 504x315, Some day I will own this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6310220

Yeah, it looks great. Only thing I would change is turn those blue lights that aren't on the door frames to something else but that's just my personal opinion.

>> No.6310228
File: 62 KB, 335x482, how_do_i_internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do a simple internet search before you ask a question, pic related.

>> No.6310231

i thought someone on r/doom made a thread about wads with heaven

>> No.6310242

Party hats.

>> No.6310296

I hear it's pretty good.

>> No.6310305

It barely counts, but Bloodstain has a heaven level as one of the secret maps.

>> No.6310321

Do you say PWAD like pee-wod or pwahd (like vlad)

>> No.6310325


>> No.6310327 [DELETED] 

Do Boomers really believe this?
Pretty sad if you ask me.

>> No.6310329


It's good for the first little while but the maps are so long that it quickly becomes grindy

>> No.6310336


>> No.6310345
File: 166 KB, 1920x1040, blocky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, have I gone full cubist today.

>> No.6310346

So ugh if id is a referance for Freod did anybody tyr giving Frudean intereperatoin of Dum?

>> No.6310349


>> No.6310356 [DELETED] 

>Do boomers really think this?

>> No.6310359

youre a fuckin square

>> No.6310439

Great color/contrast work. Agreed with the other anon about those blue lights though.

I like how you picked a gray ceiling at a brighter color than the floor and walls which makes the space feel more open.

>> No.6310442

The player's a mad motherfucker.

>> No.6310454

Dumbfuck, I already know it won a Cacoaward, it says it in the description for the wad when you download it through the Bethesda Addons and in the link I posted. That doesn't mean shit, I asked if it was good.

>> No.6310462

>It's super effective!

Vanilla Smooth Weapons has the same weapon animations as Smooth Weapons Enhanced. Only differences are: Vanilla Smooth is vanilla-compatible; Enhanced is for GZDoom; the chaingun keeps spinning for a little bit after you stop shooting unlike Vanilla; Enhanced lets you choose if you're left- or right-handed, and let's you use black gloves like on the box cover. They both effect Eviternity's pistol, but it only really matters if you're doing pistol starts on every level

Never change wall textures without a border texture in between
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptHurafdCoQ

Eviternity has a double HP green demon that also moves much faster. 2x HP means it can tank an SSG shot or a rocket. It worked out really well in Eviternity; it just depends on how it looks and is used.

Learn how to download and playback demos from Doom Speed Demos Archive (dsdarchive.com) or DooMed Speed Demos Archive (doomedsda.us). Until then, use these cheat codes and explore the map - IDDQD IDCLIP IDBEHOLDA
I find most walk-throughs slow-paced and boring. I prefer demos, but sometimes the runner void-glitches or sequence breaks with an SR50 jump so in those cases I'm forced to use walkthroughs. The best walkthroughs I've seen are KingDime's GamesDoneQuick speedruns where he talks about the runs as he plays. I learned the most from watching his runs.

The ones with mega-armor / soulspheres / rocket launchers / plasma guns / BFGs / backpacks / multiple boxes of bullets/rockets/plasma / super shotguns

I feel ya. I like 5-10 level episode runs because it feels like playing a really long level; obviously it depends on the WAD, like Scythe levels 1-10 take about 5-10 min depending on the runner

>zdoom has been the standard for more than 10 years now.
Standard for what? PrBoom is the standard for demo recording/playback and speedrunning

>> No.6310475

>Never change wall textures without a border texture in between

funny how only Romero followed this rule and no one else in the development team

>> No.6310476
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>> No.6310480
File: 285 KB, 816x639, ugly thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp this is pretty ugly.

>Never change wall textures without a border texture in between
I don't change textures anywhere without border texture though. Depending on what is your definition of border.

>> No.6310485

first episode is best episode

>> No.6310493
File: 303 KB, 816x639, thenwhatisthis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6310498

does rekkr work with prboom plus?

>> No.6310510

Oh yes. I forgot that this was exactly the problem I was struggling with. I kept thinking about the staircase area.

>> No.6310513

True, at least as far as looks go.

>> No.6310620
File: 700 KB, 1920x1080, 5,295_monsters_SunderMap11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is especially useful for extremely difficult slaughterwads that do not have difficulty settings implemented, like Sunder or Combat Shock, because you get the double-hitpoints and double ammo buffs without reducing the number of enemies

Yes. Load doom.wad as the IWAD and REKKR as the PWAD. Rekkr works with anything, even Chocolate Doom, because it's vanilla-compatible.

Chocolate Doom is charming; it's fun to grind Episode 1 single-segment Nightmare runs on it, or to play Back to Saturn X on it, but for Rekkr, I would either recommend Crispy Doom, or GZDoom with Bolognese Gore mod + Tilt mod + Motion Blur + Bloom Boost + Weapon Sway + Sprite Shadows + GZDoom's default brightmaps enabled (download links for the mods here >>6306646 )

>> No.6310646

>Bolognese Gore mod + Tilt mod + Motion Blur + Bloom Boost + Weapon Sway
absolute garbage taste

>> No.6310653
File: 349 KB, 1007x755, classic fps family tree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's missing from this family tree of classic fps main characters? I Included newer characters only if they were somehow related in the timeline of things.

>> No.6310661
File: 23 KB, 359x643, 72a3bbcad59801ea32f881b0fe85748a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6310667

Serious Sam

>> No.6310671

I also wanted the ammo count on the downright side how did you do it anon?

>> No.6310674

Put the Injun Joe from the Prey after Turok, the game was supposed to be a classic FPS until it got DNF'd. Marathon guy. Strife guy.

>> No.6310695

Mortyr guy is probably some cousin of BJs.

>> No.6310726

O kuwra, ja pierdole.

>> No.6310729
File: 420 KB, 1074x816, classic fps family tree 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added them along with Soldier of Fortune Guy, Chex Warrior and some others. I fit the Rebel Moon/Rising soldiers in there to but I can't think where they'd fit other than by Doom Marine considering the plot of those games.
got Soldier of

>> No.6310739


If you're having Serious Sam you gotta have Will Rock as well.

>> No.6310747

unnecessary ones designed to piss of pistol starters

>> No.6310753

If you are trying to say that episodes 2 or 3 of Doom are anywhere near as good as Doom 1 then you're drunk.

>> No.6310754
File: 1.65 MB, 3000x1998, 1486326200415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god I just want to play some vanilla doom coop why is zandronum so cringy

>> No.6310757
File: 454 KB, 1070x816, classic fps family tree 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added along with a few others

>> No.6310761

Here's a spoiler
At the end of new HL Gordon is shelved by GMan because he was not cooperative
GMan then puts Alyx's consciense in the Gordon's body
You can consider Gordon officially a trap.
And this is canon.

>> No.6310762

Just imagine how mind-blowing BTSX would've been if it was released back in the 1993.

>> No.6310764

Use Odamex

>> No.6310769

>why is zandronum so cringy
cecause you bring your own cringe into it

>> No.6310771

ZDaemon or Skulltag

>> No.6310772

Neat. I don't know how far you want to take this, but Postal dude also comes to mind. Maybe from Dukes bloodline?
Maybe also Julie from Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K. 2.

>> No.6310773
File: 177 KB, 816x639, ugly room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This room is just so ugly I'm considering demolishing the whole building.

>> No.6310776

You can't. The person who wrote that has no understanding of what these words means. BD alerts monsters where it shouldn't because of other factors, such as the Cyberdemons stomping things around them.

>> No.6310778
File: 22 KB, 500x750, 1582864908092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I am but its dead playing right now if anyone wants to join on doom

>> No.6310782
File: 115 KB, 268x269, 1585692748401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think you're funny but you're not

>> No.6310783

I've had it alert monsters where there were no Cyberdemons too.
There was one map on Plutonia 2 where it got whole map on alert from the start

>> No.6310786


It looks fine anon

>> No.6310790

It's not funny. But it's true.
Go watch a video of Half-Life Alyx ending and post-credits scene together.

>> No.6310791

Barrel explosions then. Any explosion alerts monsters in BD. And many modern maps uses barrels to push voodoo dolls around.

>> No.6310793
File: 482 KB, 1073x816, classic fps family tree 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added along with Chell who apparently preceded Gordon by a long shot.

>> No.6310795

I played the game anon. Your joke is just shit.

>> No.6310797

Aren't such contraptions usually in isolated corridors? How can the monsters hear them then?

>> No.6310803

I must be blind because I'm not seeing Kyle Katarn anywhere. What's the purpose of this anyway?

>> No.6310804

I played it too.
You think you are playing Gordon in the end, but you're not.
If the game established it may change the point of view, then it wouldve been possible but it didn't, you are experiencing it continuously as a single character. Except now you are in Freemans body.

There's a reason you don't see Gordon in the scene of where Alyx saves Eli. He isn't there.
GMan pulled Freeman out. And then he put you in there.

>> No.6310812
File: 493 KB, 1071x852, classic fps family tree 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hearing people talk about the timeline of characters in these games more now with Eternal coming out and explaining that universe's timeline, it would make sense to have a solid family tree for everything.

>> No.6310814

this chart makes no sense whatsoever for oh so many reasons

>> No.6310825

id's confirmed at least a 5th of it in terms of how BJ, Keen and all the Doom characters are related.

I'm pretty sure someone at 3D Realms confirmed the relation between Caleb and Duke.

Marathon Secuirity Officer is the most evident precursor to the Spartans.

Chell was a test subject at Aperture during the 20th century prior to the events of Halflife.

Patrick Galloway was the only person who could have given the Point Man the ability to see Alma Wade.

>> No.6310829

I thought you were just fucking around, and so was I when feeding you some names.

>> No.6310837

And how the flying fuck do you go from Lo Wang to a native american?

>> No.6310838
File: 1.80 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20200401_214158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't like what I like REEEE!

That is GZDoom's alternate HUD. I don't like the HUD taking up as much space as the default HUD does, so I would minimize it, but I always missed seeing Doomguy, so I started using the Fullscreen Statusbar HUD mod once I discovered it, pic related

>> No.6310843

IRL Native Americans are descendants of Asians, which is why they can't grow beards and why Mexican babies look Asian for example. But still that entire "family tree" doesn't make sense

>> No.6310845

I just went with the future card, Turok was pretty broad about when it took place but there were space ships and dinosaurs so I assumed it had to take place after Shadow Warrior.

>> No.6310858
File: 72 KB, 960x960, 72588600_600834787120111_4232107259399088918_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're like different franchises and studios
how can most of them even be related?

>> No.6310864

If Sunder, Scythe X, and TNT 2 all were released in the same year, which one would win the Mordeth award? I vote Sunder.

>> No.6310872

Every Dev of these games back then knew eachother and probably played some same DOS Neverwinter Nights campaign or Skulltag when they came up with these characters.

>> No.6310879

relax, he's one of those "game theory" faggots

>> No.6310916
File: 192 KB, 816x639, great grate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this grate look weird to you? It does to me and I'm mot quite sure why.

>> No.6310918
File: 585 KB, 1056x890, classic fps family tree 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freedoom Guy and Unnamed Strife Protagonist are in, but I feel like Strife Guy belong in a different family line because of the studio.

>> No.6310925

the carpet texture and the walls make it look off a bit but that's just an eyes thing. maybe put one of the door slider textures on the wall linedef that the Door is touching and put that illuminated light pole texture where the grate is touching?

>> No.6310926

Because it's around the door
Grates aren't supposed to be there, maybe steel bars, but not grates

>> No.6310929

The left side has one of the pillars disappearing into the wall, the right side doesn't it seems like.
It also just sitting there, maybe if you added some metal pillars where the grate connects to the wall it would look better.

>> No.6310939

Maybe they put the grate up because there's coughing Italian behind this door.

>> No.6310948
File: 157 KB, 816x639, secret room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you aren't far from truth. The implications are that the room has been hastly barricaded off because of this.

>> No.6310952

Different guy, E2 is the best episode in Doom 1.

>> No.6310958

that strife guy screenshot seems to be that of the acolyte guards and not the main guy

>> No.6310967

this is cool
what are some doom 64 related mods with new things that fit the style?

>> No.6310969
File: 84 KB, 250x220, hugefeels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, love original TNT
>see announcement on DW that TNT2's almost finished, super happy about it
>a year forward, the only visible progress is thread being locked because of too much people asking about progress
You guess which I vote for. Also, isn't Scythe X abandoned?

>> No.6310975
File: 584 KB, 1096x890, classic fps family tree 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was, it's hard to find Strifeguy's sprite online for some reason now even though I've seen it a million times before.

>> No.6310980
File: 2.81 MB, 1633x3018, 1581531287287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mexican babies look Asian for example
No, they don't
t. aco

>> No.6310984

I'm Asian and Mexican and can tell you that, yeah, they do.

>> No.6310993

Most popular wads are Boom and below even to this day.

>> No.6311000

how can you guys live by yourselves when you fall for obvious bait so easily? be smarter or continue being a laughstock

>> No.6311025

Maps are, because usually it's not necessary to make things really complex for Doom levels, but mods is near universally GzDoom.

>> No.6311039
File: 16 KB, 236x323, 1460489710541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea it's abandoned, I was just thinking of a hypothetical scenario in which some long-awaited map sets were released all in the same year. I think Sunder would win but maybe because the finished maps are already playable so it seems better


>> No.6311056

Scythe X ain't even in development anymore as far as we know. Erik hasn't contacted the community in forever.

>> No.6311059

Eviternity is evolving into a monster closet arena preeeetty quickly. Maybe I will replay it after with a D44M weapon + music mod. Kinda makes sense to do it, really.

>> No.6311065
File: 277 KB, 800x1231, 3080805-1335673950563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My governor just issued a stay at home mandate today that will start on Monday at 12:01. I had to go get some stuff from Walmart and its fucking crazy in there, people all masked up and filling carts full of shit. I felt like I was walking into a vipers nest, my eyes darting left to right watching all these walking infections pass by..

The demons... they are EVERYWHERE.

Stay safe guys.

>> No.6311086
File: 2.86 MB, 548x426, MAP01.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I felt need to post recording of me running through my empty map. Check out all those square rooms.

>> No.6311101

Okay so while me and my friends were in a VC, I suggested we play Doom, while they didn't agree I went ahead and downloaded Zandronum for the giggles anyway just so I was prepared. I decided to play a round of Deathmatch too. This shit has me fucking hooked. I'm a zoomer who never grew up with OG Deathmatch and stuff of that sort. This is some of the most fun I've had in a multiplayer game in a long time. Plus, the SSG is fucking OP and I like it that way.

>> No.6311105

> every doorway doesn't need a door

>> No.6311106

Yes, it is based as fuck, Doom literally coined the term deathmatch (Romero specifically). I am disgusted by your zoom but I am also proud of you.

>> No.6311113

Imagine stay-at-home mandate, but you have 0 income because you work for very small 2-men printshop buisness that is completely dependant on customers and orders, and nobody's gonna pay you, the bills for necessities keep coming because service providers are private owned and couldn't care less about presidential mandates, all the while city is patrolled by the military, and anyone seen outside without reason or a mask would be heavily fined, and you can't buy/order masks anywhere anymore.

>> No.6311132

Ah fuck man. That is terrible. I am in MO so its not that bad here yet... I work in a chicken plant doing sanitation, basically we come in for 6 hours a night to clean the machines with pressure hoses but we get paid for 8 hours. I would rather be home but since its a food production job they can keep running if they want, which I am sure they will. So I'll be getting out every day to go to work but honestly I'd rather be here... I have a oz of excellent weed and other essentials and a pile of wads to play. Granted I make good money so I have funds.

I hope things get better for you, man. Before i got this job I was in the same boat as you as far as employment and if I hadn't gotten it I'd probably still be in retail.

>> No.6311149

That sucks, I happened to be stuck with family for my quarantine and grant money to cushion my drop in income, searching for online jobs as we speak

>> No.6311178

But without doors, what is the point of doorway?

>> No.6311181

How to properly evade Archvile fire blasts?

>> No.6311187

You can always set your monsters on deaf or blocksound on a line. Too many doors are both a problem for players (annoys them) and monsters (can be abused against them)

>> No.6311190
File: 88 KB, 489x423, 1498628564889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> city is patrolled by the military
>anyone seen outside without reason or a mask would be heavily fined
Y-you're joking, r-right, anon?

>> No.6311191

I know what you mean, but in this particular case I feel like at best I can lose a couple doors.

>> No.6311195

These are gonna be some hard times for a while. I can only hold hope for you.

For tightly urban areas, it makes sense. We gotta get a reign on this thing.

>> No.6311203

also if they can prove that you infected a person and that person died, you get 5 year jailtime
most people think it's not gonna get enforced in any way, but you can never be sure with gov. as insane as ours

>> No.6311205
File: 377 KB, 1059x813, doomfolder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent all day on this shit.

I opened everything in Slade to see if PerK's Smooth Weapons or PerK's SFX or Revenant100's sprite fixes would conflict with the WADs, and I did some brief testing to see if I should use PrBoom or GLBoom on the Boom-compatible maps...

What other WADs should I download? :D

>> No.6311210

you know you could easily made ZDL or RocketLauncher to do all that for you, right

>> No.6311220


Get rid of the doors at:

Give the door at 00:48 a more meaningful texture to show that something important is in there. The green door also clashes with the grey-black interior. Make the yellow key harder to reach by putting it more towards the windows, you probably want to have a monster encounter in there after all.

At 1:12 make it a typical end of level door, if you want.

>> No.6311231
File: 23 KB, 480x360, 85964196566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I'm playing plutonia and that ounslaught map is absurdly hard, where're the powerful weapons and armors?

>> No.6311240

>stay-at-home mandate
Can you still go to the store for tendies?
>if they can prove that you infected a person and that person died, you get 5 year jailtime
Where tf do you guys live? I'm in Houston and AFAIK there's a curfew but even then I'm not sure

>> No.6311247

a certain european country
>go to the store for tendies
no money for that
it's rice, buckwheat and cheapest noodles for me for a month

>> No.6311254
File: 258 KB, 1550x678, lotso'wads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Crispy Doom work with mod loaders? I used to use Doom Mod Loader and it didn't, so I learned to use command lines for Crispy Doom and for demo playback, and I just stuck with 'em ever since. Anyway, the long part was opening everything up in Slade and checking for custom sprites/sounds

>> No.6311257
File: 74 KB, 781x1001, fps family tree 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a cleaner graph

>> No.6311262
File: 1.92 MB, 400x224, 1560590809056.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1/3 of your calorie intake needs to be fats, anon, or you will get what is known as rabbit starvation, where you don't eat enough fat and you get diarrhea and no matter how much you eat or how full you get, you never will feel like you ate enough. also where is protein???

>> No.6311263

Wouldn't a proper FPS family tree have BJ at the root and everything else flow from him?

>> No.6311270

The Blood, Heretic, and Starwars games were all prior to the 1940s which is why BJ is where he is there

>> No.6311273

Okay then if you're going that route and using Kyle Katarn as the root, he should y'know, be the root, not at the top left. That's not how family trees work.

>> No.6311279
File: 6 KB, 192x262, corvus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heretic Guy and Heretic 2 Guy are the same person, you nitwit.

>> No.6311287

Is there any challenge map that use only zombieman type monster?

>> No.6311292

Does No End in Sight get better as it goes on? I finished the first episode, and I'm not that impressed. The level design feels very easy to get lost in, it's hard to navigate.

>> No.6311296
File: 88 KB, 825x1111, fps family tree 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6311297

I'll be totally honest and say I never got around to playing 2

>> No.6311316

Is fiend an pinky with steroids?

>> No.6311318

I found episodes 1 and 2 quite fun. Episode 3 is not fun at all, and I haven't played episode 4 yet.

>> No.6311351

Plutonia, TNT or Doom 2
Which one is the best?

>> No.6311371

Doom 2, Plutonia was made to hurt yourself with but the levels weren't really the most wellmade aside from the challenge they had, of which was brilliant.

>> No.6311381

Plutonia levels are much more well made than Doom 2.

>> No.6311386

aesthetically they are like if Romero didn't do any maps for Doom 2 and Sandy Peters took his spot. Again they were made for challenge versus flowing to a story like Doom 2's maps fluctuated.

>> No.6311392

Just compare the city level in Plutonia to whatever the hell Doom 2 had.

>> No.6311404
File: 25 KB, 480x360, map19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that map in Plutonia was one of the good ones, but then you had the simple ones like Map19 that was just a bunch of switches in a caged castle with Revs and Archviles running about.

>> No.6311421

You're talking as if Doom 2 didn't also have plenty of overly simple gimmicky maps.

>> No.6311429

the middle of the game was pretty flat, even Sandy said it was, but it had flow from the bases to hell. Plutonia was a slightly more organized Master Levels.

TnT Evilution was the best Doom 2 iwad anyway

>> No.6311438

I agree, but we better keep this quiet or we'll get summarily executed.

>> No.6311454

So one or two maps in a full 32-map megawad aren't of your taste?
Meanwhile 2/3 of Doom 2 suck.

>> No.6311492

more like some of the maps in map10-20 of Doom 2 just didn't look good visually, but they followed the premise and flowed, it was like comparing the Saw movies to Faces of Death.

>> No.6311524

I'd say they both look AND play like shit, even after map20

>> No.6311527
File: 1.72 MB, 1920x1080, spasm0025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me, I was trying to host a LAN game of Quake 1 in quakespasm but he isn't able to connect to my game, he gets wins_write, sendto: network is unreachable. We were able to run a LAN game a few days ago. We can play quake 2 and Marathon on LAN but quake 1 just doesn't seem to work. Also when he tries to host I'm not able to find his local game.

>> No.6311534
File: 70 KB, 1249x885, 1577473557785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand, why do you keep recommending Tilt++? Do you actively like to make people hurl and have motion sickness for no reason whatsoever?

The first thing I turn off when I play Quake is the motion sway, and you are WILLINGLY adding an even more exaggerated version of that into Doom? WHY?

>> No.6311536

>level 21, nirvana (example of Sandy's dumb abstract design, looks horrible and plays horribly)
>level 23, barrels o' fun (although that's arguable)
>level 24, the chasm (no one likes this level and you know why too)
>level 25, bloodfalls (short and obviously rushed)
>level 27, monster condom (one of the best examples to why Sandy's shitty abstract design sucks)
>level 28, spirit world (that one with half a dozen invulspheres and nonsensical skin room puzzle)

yup, seems like more than just levels 10 to 20 suck. They look bad visually too.

>> No.6311553

What's your guys' ranking on the contemporary throwback shooters? Been making my way through them, and so far for me it's Amid Evil>Ion Fury>Dusk>Wrath

I really want Wrath to be as good as the others, but it lacks real ambition. It feels exactly like a Quake Darkplaces mod, instead of a new game with the Darkplaces engine. Arcane Dimensions feels more like a game compared to this. Then again, it is early access. I hope the final product makes me eat my words.

>> No.6311561

B-but I like both the Chasm and Spirit World.

>> No.6311576

>Spirit World
I could see why, there are some fun elements every now and then.
How can you hate yourself like this.

>> No.6311593

Progression in Duke it Out in D.C. can be rather esoteric at times.

>> No.6311598

>How can you hate yourself like this.
I like it aesthetically, but not gameplay-wise. To me, the level feels like a feverish dream. There are walls of flowing slime, pressing a button moves the walls in ways that it's not immediately clear whether it's the platform you're on is moving or the walls around you. The blue room feels like a spaceship or cyberspace, where the pinkies seem very out of place, like invaders that do not belong there. Never had problems with the catwalks themselves, but fuck lost souls. This is just not nice. And knowing that Sandy made the level based on his dream, I can say that it really shows. I applaud to Sandy.

>> No.6311607

I wonder if Nirvana was Sandy's attempt at a speedmap, like how Perfect Hatred was Romero's.

>> No.6311624

Instead of a crusher put a voodoo doll in lava

>> No.6311665

I'm playing Scythe for the first time and I noticed that it does not have the custom map names in GZDoom, even though it shows them in the wad TXT file.

Is there any way to show them, like a DEH patch with Alien Vendetta, or no?

>> No.6311669

Is there any lore for the Duke 3D aliens?

>> No.6311673

They want our babes

>> No.6311678

They shot up Duke's ride

>> No.6311685

They're going to pay

>> No.6311686

Playing through that now after getting into a retro fps kick cause of isolation + Blood. Made me realize I'm fucking awful at Doom.

>> No.6311694
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>I don't understand, why do you like what I don't like?
I like Tilt++, it reminds me of Quake
>Do you actively like to make people hurl and have motion sickness for no reason whatsoever?
The motion blur is what causes motion sickness, I think. I tried motion blur and tilt together for the first time and I got motion sickness so I can't be 100% sure which caused it, but I turned the motion blur down by 1/2 and I was fine after. The default values are pretty exaggerated - if you circle strafe a cyberdemon everything looks blurry af so I keep the movement blur lower; I mainly just like the blur when you turn around to see what's shooting you in the back
>you are WILLINGLY adding an even more exaggerated version of that into Doom? WHY?
Tilt++ is less than half as much tilt as Quake has by default

>> No.6311697

Added postprocessing motion blur and tilt are almost on the same level of WHY as Texture Filtering On. I'm half-surprised Graf didn't make it the default since he has such bad taste

>> No.6311714

No, Erik didn't include a dehacked file to change map names in any of his Scythe WADs. It's no biggie. You can still see the map names in between levels, with that sweet intermission music. Remember "Get Going," and "Punchline"? I heard KingDime say he is the most widely copied mapper ever. Playing Scythe 1 and 2 for the first time each rank among my favorite Doom experiences; I wish I could play them for the first time again. I kind of spoiled Scythe X, though, because I wanted to see where the new monsters were so I watched a speedrun of it

>> No.6311718

>I heard KingDime say he is the most widely copied mapper ever
Why is that?
And why were Scythe 1&2 among your favorite experiences?

>> No.6311719
File: 916 KB, 1870x922, 1470178594463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made me chuckle, have a (You)

>> No.6311721

Why did you post a cult leader that has deluded himself into thinking he's a philosopher while lamenting that his country isn't all-white

>> No.6311731

its a reaction image dude, calm down

>> No.6311746

I can't say why he was so widely copied, I've barely played any WADs myself. I'm guessing it's because his levels are quite simply funner to play than the original IWADs or any PWADs that came before Scythe, but then again it's not that simple to explain why.
>why were Scythe 1&2 among your favorite experiences?
I loved Scythe 1's short levels, perfect for no-mid-level-saves runs. You never got lost, they just kept getting more and more challenging. And for Scythe 2, I just vividly remember that one long-assed level where you start off surrounded by Mancubi. That level was fucking epic. But yeah, there are no bullshit switch hunts in his maps, at least I don't remember any right now. It was all action, all solid gameplay. Maybe it was just the perfect time - I hadn't played many maps, I was playing on Crispy Doom when it was still limited to 4:3 aspect ratio, and it was just the coolest retro gaming experience.

>> No.6311757
File: 1.43 MB, 360x238, king_harkinian_cigar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I only played Wrath and Dusk, but I can't say I liked either that much. Wrath's levels are very linear and overall poor in design. The weapons are hit and miss in how they feel to use. Enemies, while cool looking, could also use a bit of tweaking. I feel there's a good game somewhere in there and the visuals are great, but it really need more work.
As for Dusk, I didn't like its visuals as the game lacks a proper art direction and overall looks worse than the old titles its trying to ape. The levels just don't know what they wants to be and really felt like a mess without a good flow. Overall the game just lacks in polish and to be honest with you I wasn't a fan of the supper edgy atmosphere either. The whole game is too raw and needs to be refined further. I'm kinda surprised how much its praised and was expecting a bit more due to that.

>> No.6311760

Am I the only fucking person who thought the sound effects in Dusk were terrible? The player sounds and weapon noises are really metallic and painful to hear. But everyone says they're satisfying.
Pretty good game otherwise.

>> No.6311768
File: 543 KB, 1520x825, chamber7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's taken a long time, but my second map ever The Chamber is about three quarters done. I've already installed the exit(s), however, and I would love to see a demo of someone getting there. Any feedback would be amazing. The courtyard area is nearly empty, as I just havent thought exactly how I want to approach it yet.


Doom II based, works in Crispy Doom and GZDoom, all others unsure. Map 04 if you need to warp.

>> No.6311770

Amid Evil turns me off. I find something about it repulsive, though I can't put my finger on what exactly I don't like.
Dusk is better, I like the style and the gameplay, but for some reason whenever I hover over the game in steam, I go "eh, maybe another time" and as a result, I don't think I've played beyond E1M4.
Haven't played the others.

>> No.6311771

Ah, sorry, messed up a door with this edit. Here's a fixed version.


>> No.6311780

This. Just was not a fan and I couldnt put a finger on exactly why.

>> No.6311789

The Dusk shotgun makes me sad. The Duke Nukem shotgun looks and sounds better

I'll record some blind playthroughs, not sure how long the level is so can't say how long it'll take

>> No.6311792

Yeah the sound effects don't feel punchy enough, the player pain effect sounds like its from minecraft. The only one I like was the rechambering of the sniper rifle.

>> No.6311795
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>> No.6311798

>hand flies off

>> No.6311805
File: 3.34 MB, 1920x1080, jam5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dusk: good weapons, serviceable enemies, uneven level design, wacky movement
Amid Evil: uneven weapons, uneven enemies, uneven level design, good movement
Wrath (demo1): bad weapons, bad enemies, weak levels, possibly great movement
Ion Maiden: didn't bother yet, seems too gray and boring visually, and full of generic humans (probably hitscanners too)

>> No.6311807

Takes me about ten minutes or so

>> No.6311808 [SPOILER] 
File: 7 KB, 218x260, 1585985043710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it wrong if I find her cute?

>> No.6311809

The Chasm one of the best levels. Another FPS game named after him.

>> No.6311816

Dusk is pretty impressive for a game on fucking Unity of all things. The weapon selection is rather bland and the more modern features it has makes me think of it as more of its own thing than a complete throwback, regardless I'd like to see a few fan-made episodes. Amid Evil I'm a bit mixed on and probably wouldn't play again after the first playthrough, but the environments are pretty cool with its aesthetics. Also a rare case of NZ actually making video games.

Haven't touched Ion Fury and hopefully Wrath and Prodeus aren't shit either. Will probably end up better than STRAFE though.

>> No.6311817
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Its really not gray at all. Theres a few too many generic industrial/facility environments for my taste, but they made sure to cram plenty of color & detail into everything.
IIRC theres 2 hitscanner enemies, which is the same as Doom 1.

>> No.6311819

>kill everything in the room
except for the thing you were aiming at

>> No.6311835
File: 1.84 MB, 1920x1080, also jam5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure why everyone's so hung up on whether Dusk is "faithful throwback" or not, whatever that means. it just has a consistent low-poly aesthetic. I'm glad it seems to have become popular, as it means we might finally get an indie Deus Ex or two (completely unthinkable a decade ago)

all of the weapons in Dusk are reliable, have roles, have decent feedback and don't fill screen with bullshit fx. that may seem like a low bar to clear, but 90% of shoooters (new and old) fail at it

like I said, that's the impression I got. though your screenshot isn't convincing: completely desaturated floor, both ceilings and multiple wall textures are pretty much what I'm talking about

>> No.6311837
File: 96 KB, 1920x1080, 2020-04-04-013650_1920x1080_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay I dun did it

>> No.6311841

You literally just posted a quake screenshot thats 90% grey?

>> No.6311846

Are you colourblind? Your quake map jam screenshot is literally grey, whereas the first room in ion fury has more colour than the sum of all mapjams.

>> No.6311848
File: 1.93 MB, 1920x1080, coagcont1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and before that a vibrant one. I'm not saying desaturated look can't work, either. just that I didn't find Ion Maiden shots appealing

also, there's a difference between low saturation and complete lack of color (talking about the textures specifically, not the lighting). I assume there are palette limitations though

>> No.6311856

How do I use MINIWAD to play back a demo?

I saw that the author of it showcased it with a Scythe run here

But this command does not do the trick for me

prboom-plus -file miniwad scythe -playdemo scythe_map28_record.lmp

It just leads me to Scythe's main menu with MINIWAD, as if I had not passed the playdemo command at all.

>> No.6311863

Surely Rise of the Triad has to be in there somewhere, considering it takes place centuries after and in the same universe as Heretic and Hexen


>> No.6311865

Here are your demos:
> https://anonfile.com/Hb14Scl6of/Chamber_zip
I don't recommend you waste too much time looking at the Nightmare demo; it's just me dying a bunch before even getting the 2nd key. I included it only because it shows why I spent so much time to post demos, and because maybe you'd like to see a little bit of it.

My thoughts: need a lot more enemies on skill 2 I think. Across all difficulties, you should fill the empty maze with zombies and imps and one random shotgunner. Other than that, I really like the architecture of the level; now its time to decorate it and sprinkle some imps and zombies in the empty areas - maybe a pain elemental in the big wide open area on the low ground on the way to the yellow key. Oh, and the Mancubi are bugged, you will see.

>> No.6311874


prboom-plus -iwad miniwad.wad -file scythe.wad -playdemo _

Make sure you get the demo name exactly correct, and do not add .the .lmp extension

>> No.6311876

i forgot - add the -complevel 2 command at the very end!

>> No.6311879

also i don't think prboom-plus will recognize miniwad as an iwad, so also try:

prboom-plus -iwad doom2.wad -file miniwad.wad scythe.wad -playdemo _ -complevel 2

though i suppose the whole point of miniwad was to use it as an iwad

>> No.6311886

Turns out that the only thing I did wrong was adding the LMP at the end of the demo file. PRB+ does recognize it as an IWAD!

The following worked:

prboom-plus -iwad miniwad -file scythe -playdemo scythe_map28_record

Didn't even need to add WAD extensions or complevel, prboom just did that all by itself!

>> No.6311887
File: 136 KB, 466x486, 1498693595845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>state government recently passed an executive order that anyone ordered to stay at home gets immediate unemployment benefits regardless of eligibility factors otherwise
>if the CARES act passes I would actually earn more money being unemployed and quarantined than I make on my minimum wage hell job
I am so goddamn tempted to get coughed on

>> No.6311889

On the topic of MINIWAD: How do I get it to work with the original Doom1/Doom2 maps? Because doomu.wad and doom2.wad obviously have their own assets contained in them, so if miniwad is loaded as the IWAD and then those get loaded as file, the file will overwrite miniwad with its sprites and resources. Is there a version of doomu/doom2 that only has the raw maps, but none of the assets?

>> No.6311892

Do not get in the habit of not including -complevel when playing back demos. Maybe -complevel 2 is the default when not specified but you still wanna get in the habit of always using it

-complevel 2 = doom2
3 = ultimate doom
9 = Boom
11 = MBF (only 2 PWADs that use this are Eviternity and Valiant AFAIK)

>> No.6311893

>Scythe 2
>cool Medieval stages
>beautiful Ancient Egypt stages
>and then you get tossed into some generic techbases

>> No.6311894

Isn't keeping the default complevel (unspecified, so PRBoom+) good enough for literally anything else except when the user is recording demos they want to upload?

>> No.6311907

In this case, you want to set the -complevel to 2 because you are playing a demo from Doom 2 (Scythe.wad); otherwise the demo will desync because of lost soul behavior. I can't remember if its walls. or floors/ceilings. or both, but lost souls do not bounce when colliding with these surfaces in Doom2, but in Ultimate Doom and Boom and beyond they will. So, if the default -complevel for PrBoom is 9, then your demo will eventually desync due to lost soul behavior if running a Doom 2 demo, and if the default -complevel is 2, then the game will instantly crash when loading PWADs like Swim with the Whales

>> No.6311915

Perhaps the game will not crash - I set my PrBoom to warn me whenever there are any overflows, so that is why my game 'crashed' when I loaded Swim with the Whales with -complevel 2 and there was an immediate overflow, because the game was mimicing Doom2 behavior. So the game might not crash, it will just get an overflow and if your warnings are turned off you will not know about it and the map will break

>> No.6311920

The point is, just get in the habit of always specifying a -complevel when playing PrBoom. 2=2, 3=ultimate, 9=boom, 11=mbf

>> No.6311930

I can't seem to get these demos running

>> No.6311940

woops, i forgot, 4=final doom. 11 you will only use for Eviternity and Valiant so it's not as important to remember

Are you the Chamberfix anon?
I recorded them in Crispy Doom
> crispy-doom -iwad doom2.wad -file chamber_fix.wad -playdemo _ -gameversion 1.9

>> No.6311942

demos: https://files.catbox.moe/hvzav2.zip
first demo is my FDA (and my first time using crispy), second demo is me beating it on HMP, third demo is me completing it on UV after realizing "oh shit, I was playing on HMP all along"

gameplay thoughts after playing it:
>the big thing is that there's a lot of space to move around, and not enough enemies to constrain it, leading to being able to just run past the majority of enemies with ease
>I don't want to shotgun/chaingun hell knights and barons, so running past them is exactly what I did
>they did do a pretty good job of blocking the compwall hallways when grouped up
>soulsphere secret being one chance only isn't great; sneakier but multiple chances is better
>make one of the steps in the red key area a lift, or have a route back up, something
>christ I forgot how hard it is to see spectres at low resolutions on software
>rockets but no rocket launcher

technical stuff:
>missing lower textures on the red key platform
>the yellow key mancubus sets itself up to be telefragged pretty much every time
>why are there one-sided lines with door specials
>the BFG is impossible to acquire unless you trigger the floor-lower *after* triggering the green-light switch in the exit room

>> No.6311948


New thread, boys.

>> No.6311960

I agree about filling the empty spaces. I disagree on adding a lift in the red key room - you should actually make it a max-damage damaging floor so you just die faster to respawn faster. And leave the soulsphere as is, one chance secrets are fine, E2M2 has one for example - the problem is you can get softlocked inside that soulsphere room

>> No.6311964

and that's the whole point of the gimmick of the BFG switch

>> No.6311970

the point is to break itself if you don't have prior knowledge of the map?
no, that's fucking dumb

>> No.6311972

I got them running. Im so sorry for how the supercharge secret did you dirty. I'll put another way out in there.

>> No.6311979

Actually, if you dont mind me saying so anon, I made it so you can trigger the BFG switch multiple times to correct that. I understand you not trying to go for that though. I will find some way to ensure you have done everything in order.

>> No.6311981

it's a clever gimmick. it's the single most powerful item in the game. if you want it so badly you can restart the level. it's not the first time someone put a one-chance secret in a level. and the amount of back-tracking makes it extremely difficult to claim on nightmare

>> No.6311982

actually never mind, I just remembered it's a repeatable switch
so still kinda dumb, but not incredibly dumb

>> No.6311985

if the intent is that you can only get the BFG after opening everything up, I'd have the switch to lower the BFG only become visible after doing so
as it stands, it looks like a mapping error

>> No.6312034

doesnt even load for me, map04 is still vanilla
also how the fuck do you record demos in gz its options menu is a fucking joke

>> No.6312051

Sorry anon, i dont know why

>> No.6312057

the fixed one worked


dunno how to actually load a file while having your mod added (doom seeker has no such option) so i cant check if this is the one where i was checking if demo works or the one where i beat the map

i just walked past everything, i saw no bfg people mentioned and didnt care to look, the map is too open to need to fight so why would i even care about the bfg

>> No.6312174

There is not enough ammo on this map. As soon as I entered that room with the Archvile, 2 revants, 2 Mancubi and a Pain Elemental, I only had a shotgun with 15 shots left. Then I resurrected, ran out and tried to see if I didn't look correctly, so I went to the door that leads to the way for the yellow key, I went and ran through everything, ignoring most of the monsters, grabbed the yellow key, went back and opened the yellow door, went in, the room became pitch black and now I faced spectres. Uuuuh, you might wanna drop a backpack or ammo somewhere, maybe?

>> No.6312191

The only bad ones of those are Nirvana and Bloodfalls, the others are great.

>> No.6312203

There's no appreciable difference between their faces and their rectums.

>> No.6312207

>Do you actively like to make people hurl and have motion sickness for no reason whatsoever?
You get motion sickness from a little bit of tilt?

>I like Tilt++, it reminds me of Quake
Me too.

>> No.6312239

>Kyle Katarn lives in a galaxy far far away
>related to Corvus aka Heretic Guy.

>> No.6312361

Did this guy ever reupload his mod as a .pk3? I really wanted to try it out.

>> No.6312376

Yes I did.