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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.97 MB, 3264x2448, 20130507_165003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
624117 No.624117 [Reply] [Original]

I didn't find one in the catalog, so...
Recent purchase/acquisition thread?

>Original gameboy, missing battery cover
>Pokemon pinball
>Super Game Boy
>Quest for Camelot
>Warioland 2
>Super Mario Land 2
Price: €22

>Killer Instinct
>Donkey Kong 2
>Tetris Attack
>Mario All-Stars
Price: €25

Bottom center:
>Pokemon Yellow
>Dragonball Z Legendary Super Warriors
Price: €2.5

SNES scart cable: €10

Non retro
>Panasonic Q complete with cables, remote and controller

Price: free

>> No.624142

Irelandfag here, Never saw a PAL Super Gameboy. Looks slick as fuck compared to the NTSC version.

>> No.624219

Yeh, I like the pal carts in general. It's a shame that they don't show the games' name on top though.

>> No.624280
File: 380 KB, 1626x1222, __3572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this in another thread; costed me about 145 altogether for the weekend, the N64 and a ton of the games for it, plus a majority of the loose discs and Game Boy games costed me 36 for the lot, though.

>> No.624293

What's the point of these threads?
Dick-waving and greed?

>> No.624296


>> No.624305

how the fuck did you get that for free. story now

>> No.624306

That's really lame.
Can't you take it to NeoGaf or something?

>> No.624310

You can hide threads.

>> No.624339

I have about 5 of them, they go for less than a buck in Sweden.

>> No.624373 [DELETED] 
File: 373 KB, 1009x1757, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw compulsive shopping problem

No trolling either, I've honest to God purchased all of this in the last two weeks. I need help.

>> No.624391


You need help bro. Though I would say that to anyone who would pay $440 for Earthbound, plus another $40 for a plastic box to display it in.

>> No.624392
File: 2 KB, 125x104, 1362865834187s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh lord, that glorious Panasonic Q. I've always wanted one of those more than anything. how did you get one for free?

>> No.624403
File: 288 KB, 480x626, that face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying more than $30 for Earthbound

>> No.624412

An AV famicom, an Everdrive N8 and I have a hudson joycard on the way.

>> No.624424

Bro, you need to cut back on that shit. I'm saying this because I also tend to go apeshit on Ebay.

Try setting monthly or at least biweekly spending limits for yourself. Seriously, try it. When your monetary resources are limited, even if artificially, you tend to become a lot more careful with your purchases.

>> No.624425

Man, what a waste of fucking money. Just know I'm gonna be laughing my ass off at you when all the hipsters move onto the next shitty thing to milk into oblivion and you're left with a bunch of worthless bits of plastic.

>> No.624443

My best friends' sisters' ex bought one in Spain. When they broke up, she gave it to my friend.
He doesn't use it, and knew I fancied it, so he gave it to me. He was also afraid his mom would get rid of it, she already gave away his snes and nes stuff...
And yes, he knows the value, he just couldn't be arsed to sell it.

>> No.624449
File: 565 KB, 2592x1936, ZYANxzF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got all this for $15 at garage sales over the past weekend. I think I'm going to plan my route a bit more carefully this upcoming weekend and try to stay exclusively in upper middle class suburbia

>> No.624465

Were you that one guy in the thread where some guy went to a con who said they convinced their friend to give them one?

>> No.624503 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 988x1044, 1351468516742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>getting this mad over how other people choose to spend their money

>> No.624515

I think I am. I posted pictures about a retro gaming display on a con a while back. I don't specifically remember posting about the q, but that might have happened.

>> No.624512

>Massively overpaying for everything on that list
This is why games have triple in price over the last 2-3 years, because people with too much fucking money keep throwing it around carelessly. Everything on that list used to cost half the price not even two years ago. For fucks sake. Hell, I got a complete copy of PDS on ebay for $200 just a little over a year ago, and even now you can get copies for under $350 if you just fucking wait and bid on an auction.

>> No.624520

I found a guy selling Earthbound for $100, but managed to talk him down to half that.

>> No.624531 [DELETED] 


eBay literally dictates the market at this point. I didn't "massively overpay". I didn't even overpay. That's what it costs now. This is fair market value in 2013. I paid exactly the same amount of money on eBay for these games that I would have paid if I walked into a store specializing in retro games.

I don't understand why /vr/ doesn't get this.

>> No.624542

Look up Snatcher on Ebay and you'll see plenty of $350-400 offers. I paid half that, because I waited until someone listed it for a realistic price. Just because people list shit for that much doesn't mean you should buy it. They can list it for whatever they want.

>> No.624549 [DELETED] 


An outlier does not a sample size make.

>> No.624553

I think they understand it, they just want their old video games to not cost more than a couple bucks, and will con grandmas in order to get their Earthbounds for two dollars.

>> No.624554


$50 is reasonable for that game

>> No.624562

You should only buy bargains on ebay. Otherwise, you're buying this shit at the peak of its bubble, which is really, really silly.

>> No.624580
File: 273 KB, 834x1734, overpaying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't overpay
You paid more for everything on that list than you should have/needed to.

>> No.624589 [DELETED] 


Worth it not to deal with the hassle of auctions.

>> No.624597

>mfw I bought one of the games featured in that picture

but I won't say which

>> No.624605

>watch item
>take a minute or two to bit from your phone in the last few seconds of the auction
>if you won, pay and anticipate the arrival of the package
>if not, meh, and continue with your day

So hard. So very very difficult. I understand.

>> No.624629

except it's a buyers market so no, ebay listing prices do NOT dictate the value of the game.
The only thing that matters is what people are willing to pay.

>> No.624638

damn that's awesome, i wish people sold old consoles like that at garage sales here in england. the oldest i can find here is about a ps1..

>> No.624641
File: 827 KB, 350x262, 1333069694413.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying $466 for Earthbound

>> No.624654

Holy shit you collectors have some issues.

>> No.624671
File: 2.19 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a slow week.

I got pic related, along with FF IX and Timesplitters 2. All for 5 bucks each at a yardsale.

Hopefully next week is better.

>> No.624672

You motherfucker. That's a top notch GameQ.

>> No.624710
File: 28 KB, 460x300, 1351711117692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw garage sales/flea markets got no games whatsoever and if i do find anything, its just shitty ps2 racing games and sims for pc...
fuck collecting in norway man...

>> No.624724
File: 829 KB, 3264x1952, IMAG0196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I scored Darius Twin for a $1.99 at a pawn shop today but the label is jacked up. I only knew it was a Darius of some sort and had to google the result based on what's left of the label.
Is there a site that archives SNES labels so I can print off a new one?

>> No.624729

try google the game on google pictures and maybe you'll find it

>> No.624873

Found Metal Gear Solid for £2.99, came with 2 discs, and the manual.

I don't even own a PS1, although I do own a backwards compatible PS3.

It has a Black bottom, do all MGS's have that?

Oh, and I bought a Dreamcast to composite cable, for £3.99. I needed that for a while.

>> No.624887

its the very same here in the states

>> No.624890


What do you mean "black bottom?"

All PS1 games have a black side on the CD, if thats what you mean.

>> No.624891

All PS1 games have black bottoms.

>> No.624896
File: 115 KB, 1024x768, BIUrPbfCUAAywLW.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just have to look. I get amazing deals every week, for the most part.

see >>624671 and picrelated.

>> No.624904

I actually have a greatest hits copy of Chrono Cross that has a silver bottom. It's the only PS1 game I've seen without a black bottom.

>> No.624983


Ah okay, I was just a bit surprised, because I thought it was always silver on the bottom.

>> No.625378

I just found around 35-40 complete in box comupter games in the laundry room of my apartment, including games like Myst, Day of the Tentcle, Sam & Max Hit the road, some Monkey Island games and Comand & Conquer Red Alert. Oh and some plug in flight stick for flight sims.

I'm not much of a retro PC gamer so I'll probably only keep a few and trade in the rest to one of the Retro game stores I know of.

>> No.625661
File: 21 KB, 320x240, 0507131713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convinced a guy from a thrift store that focuses on retro games(and hot wheels, for some reason) to sell me these together for 20 bucks.

I went in there praying for Mega Man games, but I guess I can't complain.

>> No.625664


and sorry for the shitty camera phone pic.

Bottom left is Super Ghouls n Ghosts.

>> No.625810

Need to replace that SotN case.

Still, great deal mayne. The only store in my area that sells retro games is a thrift store that still prices the greatest hits copy of FF7 at $50.

>> No.625818

CIB Mario 64 for £20

>> No.625846

My brother got me a Model 1 Genesis + Sega CD 2 for my birthday

>> No.625863
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x1440, tg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$10 for both, yesterday from a guy on craigslist. Don't own a turbografx yet, but I thought I should pick them up. Also the first time I actually got a game from craigslist, so many people back out or I'm too slow.

>> No.625876


>go to local flea market
>guy with three medium-sized rubbermaid bins full of SNES & N64 cartridges, and ps1 discs
>bins smelled like mold
>cartridges were all sun damaged, labels almost white
>discs scratched to shit
>condensation inside anything that was covered
>guy wouldn't take less than $7 for anything

it was like fucking Sid from Toy Story's game collection

>> No.625942
File: 12 KB, 807x210, psp3 vittle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds rare, should I go for it?

>> No.626020

Is your name yon? It looks like only yon can call them.

>> No.626084


Thankfully it still has the original insert!! So I can transplant it soon. I just need a dummy madden case or something.

>> No.626105


Oh, and I should add that he was really hesitant to part with SotN. Apparently, he knew what he had, because he kept saying that it goes for "hundreds of dollars online".

Yeah, maybe in like, 2004.

>> No.626128

You can probably find some random audio CD case in decent enough condition for $1 at a flea market.

>> No.626163
File: 445 KB, 1152x1536, Yuffie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tangentially /vr/, but i got this in the mail today.
> dat bulge
Unfortunate design, but thankfully it's only noticeable from above.

>> No.626167

It's perfect

>> No.626175

That figure i pretty cute

>> No.626183

Is that a Spanish Spirits Within poster?

>> No.626192
File: 560 KB, 1536x1152, junk shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a brazillian portuguese Spirits Within VHS. I don't really have a clearer picture.

>> No.626273
File: 681 KB, 1440x2560, DSC_0018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Won this lot at an auction for $130

>> No.626394
File: 483 KB, 2000x1500, 100_1145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got all this from a co-worker today for $150. I could have gotten it cheaper, but I already felt like I was ripping him off knowing how much Mega Man X3 goes for.

>> No.626417

>Jello thread
I need to stop looking at this, every find always dwarfs mine

>> No.626434
File: 1.49 MB, 880x658, hey vr I actually found stuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I seem to need to change the battery in Wario Land, it won't save And it seems to crash at the first level, there'd better be a way to fix this
And I can't find my gamebit...

>> No.626439

It just makes me jealous and eager to search out deals

>> No.626746
File: 1.32 MB, 3264x1836, IMG_00000051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to Game On in Salem, Ohio, purely by accident, because the place I was looking for nearby had up and fucking vanished. NICE place. The only store I've ever seen with Neo Geo CD games on the shelves. Alas, no AES carts, but there's a wide variety of stuff for every system. Alas, it seems places like Buybacks have scarfed up most of the classic games in the region and put eBay prices on them.

I got image related. The Playstation games were in the $1 bin, and nothing was more than $3.


>> No.626827

>Go to every flea market, garage sale, and thrift store in the area
>Check craigslist frequently
>There is nothing
I want to die. I'm stuck with ebay jew prices.

>> No.626870

Try out shopgoodwill. I've gotten some working consoles there for pretttty cheap. A n64 for $5 for example.

>> No.626876 [DELETED] 
File: 741 KB, 1390x1000, Japanese Dreamcast Games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got these with a Japanese Dreamcast and some controllers for $120.

Really wish it had Garou, but oh well.

>> No.626881

No picture but I just got a gameboy printer with battery cover and paper and a link cable with a gameboy camera all for about 27 bucks. I thought it was a good deal anyway.

>> No.626894

Yeah suck my e-penis bro

>> No.627165

Sakura Wars 1 &2
Rayman 2 for the N64
I'm still waiting for my SCART to BNC cable.
Nice. I heard the SNES Mini has the best video and audio.

>> No.627303

got this for 35 last sunday

>> No.627374

How man, teach me your ways.

>> No.627371

Oddly enough it's not like that in Canada.

Well, least not in Ontario.
I don't know why, but there's old shit here everywhere.
And even stranger, the best place to get it is in the country.
See in the country, a lot of towns will usually have large, annual garage sales. It's like a potluck of stuff. Usually a few NES's or SNES's will be there.
I actually found a turbographix one year and paid like, 2$ for it, Came with all of the hook ups and 4 games. Works.

I guess they just don't get rid of their shit for a long time, then when they finally do, they can't be arsed to see what ebay hipsters are paying for it.
Not surprising seeing half the farmers I know don't have an e-mail address.
They don't really try to make money, it's more like they're just trying to get rid of their old shit.

>> No.627476

Nice job. Have you tried The Punisher yet?

>> No.627486

conker's alone is worth a good 60. nice find.

>> No.627525 [DELETED] 

Recently picked up Revenge of Shinobi for $5, Vectorman for $3, and a new copy of SNK Arcade Classics for PS2 for $20 (because it's not like I'm ever ever going to afford a Neo Geo AES and a copy of Metal Slug).

>> No.627559 [DELETED] 

Where in Ontario? Guelph a shit for old games, except for those rare occasions when someone unloads their old shit at Microplay. Don't get me wrong, that's how and where I got RoS and Vectorman, but that was practically luck.

>> No.627775

yeah, kicks ass!
looked up the price, can't believe it goes for 120+
though, i don't remember seeing it much back in the day.

>> No.628038

Microplay is still arond? Pretty sure all the ones in the GTA died off awhile back.

>> No.628342
File: 128 KB, 600x450, 05082013Find.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this today at my favorite Good Will for $3. Every time I have gone in the last few months I have found something.

I pressed my luck and stopped at another Good Will and Neighborhood Thrift in my area but didn't find anything but DDR pads, Guitar Hero/Rock Band stuff and steering wheels.

>> No.628428
File: 1.84 MB, 1900x1136, 2013-05-08 02.15.33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got this today at Goodwill. Not sure how good of a price this is.

>> No.628459

no, its worth around $15, fuck the prices that you see on the internet, they are completely arbitrary.

>> No.628489

>1 second in google

>> No.628494


I just sold a conkers a few days ago for $70. If people will pay $70 it is worth $70. I agree with you though all old games should be like 15 a piece.

>> No.628498

why'd you sell it for that much? you're just perpetuating the bubble that is retro gaming, you even said you think they should all be worth $15, if you truly believe that, why didn't you sell Conkers for $15?

>> No.628654

My problem with selling the game is that $70 is fucking nothing, at least to me, and I don't even make that much at my bastard techpriest job.

I mean, I sold a cell phone for $85, because I didn't need it, but I have a backup in better shape, and a new one, but Conker's Bad Fur Day is worth more than money to me, and I don't even play it. I wouldn't call it priceless, but once acquired, I would only be rid of it by giving it to a friend or something. Transfer of happiness and all.

>> No.629251

Unrelated question, how does /vr/ combat the chance of bed bugs/roaches? They can live in video game systems, and since we spend our time digging through mounds of crap at yard sales and flea markets we have an increased chance of contact.

>> No.629462
File: 1.44 MB, 1000x1500, atari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atari 520 st with a shit ton of games , £15.

>> No.629468

I hate you

>> No.629478

I was in the position to acquire a 2600 and a pile of games for like $60 but at the last minute I remembered that most of those games aren't even fun in any way.

I know I lost some reto-cred with that but, I dunno, I like to PLAY my collection. Am I the only one?

>> No.629508 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 648x486, ngpc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An ngpc and some games. Gonna have this baby frontlit for some night time comfy.

>> No.629509 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 648x486, ngpc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh games

>> No.629512
File: 87 KB, 648x486, ngpc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An ngpc and some games.

>> No.629518
File: 82 KB, 648x486, ngpc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh games

>> No.629546

Depends on what was included but I wouldn't have come close to that.

>> No.629827

There was this huge garage sale in Caledon that used to happen every year. That was always great for retro stuff.
There's another one in Hillsburgh (a tiny town where I grew up) called the fireman's garage sale. It still goes on.
Now, this one isn't nearly as big, it take place in the local hockey arena (The Caledon one took place in a massive barn), and there usually isn't a ton of retro stuff (there's always a ps1 or an N64, not always older things) However the nice thing about this one is, you can pay absolutely whatever you want.
The old guys running it ask you what you think it's worth, and even then, they'll probably give it to you for less than what you price it at.
And usually on the same day, people around town will have garage sales.

It's sometime in June or July I think.

You ever hear of A&C game in Toronto? It's in Toronto on Spadina. Sells purely retro stuff.
There prices...aren't horrendous. There's not as cheap as garage sale prices, but they're not that bad.
I heard Kensington is a shitty place for retro games.

>> No.629831
File: 2.42 MB, 2448x3264, 20130505_170339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$200 all this

>> No.629849

Christ this thread is mind blowing.

>> No.629882

Not bad.
That sock alone is worth like, $50.

But seriously, are those see through controllers legit? Like, were they made by Nintendo?

>> No.629892

I believe they were licensed by Nintendo, no idea how they are compared to a regular controller. Guess Ill find out today

>> No.630072

It's a SN Propad. I don't think they're really official, but they are comfortable, and have turbo functions. I like mine better then the stock controller.

>> No.630092

I was wondering how that could be worth $200, but then I saw Earthbound. Nice haul

>> No.630096


This is a very good deal. I'd sell that Earthbound now and recoup the mone you spent on everything else

>> No.630126

I've found loads of retro stuff. Check out car boot sales. I once found two megadrives and a SNES within minutes of each other, once.

>> No.630376

Damn son, all that and then earthbound, yeah you did good.
I emulated it once, but that was before I quit emulating games (minus dosbox)

Now I only play games on actual hardware. Some day I'll pick it up..

>> No.630493


Must be nice being able to haggle. All of the game and thrift stores in my city have a strict NO NEGOTIATIONS policy.

>> No.630529
File: 492 KB, 460x345, 1338833841613.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to the weather forecast it's supposed to rain all weekend. I was really looking forward to some garage/yard sales.

I guess I'll just stay inside and actually play some games.

>> No.630534

I personally think of haggling as something that cheap people do. Saving a buck here or there isn't going to fund your retirement.
I don't expect to negotiate, and I don't try to haggle. We live in a goddamn global market. If I don't like someone's price, I -always- have other options.

>> No.630550
File: 291 KB, 732x1035, 1355471285136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well I think it depends. Some people price things to be haggled. They price it at 200 dollars when really they expect to be brought down to around 125 or something.

Again, it doesn't make much difference to me between paying 1 dollar or 2 dollars.

>> No.630583


I always try haggle when ebay prices are higher than what the person in front of me right now is selling it for. It works a lot for local listings but for retro stores they have a strict no haggling policy. No matter how many times I come back it's still there, waiting. It's like they'd rather hold onto it until the next retro boom hits and it'll be worth 'more money' although in terms of inflation they'll probably take some hit anyway.

>> No.630591


I wrote that wrong. I mean when their prices are higher than ebay prices.

>> No.630608
File: 203 KB, 800x450, uit6b78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No harm in that. In fact I really don't see any harm in haggling unless they have a sign up saying so. It's just part of this scene to try and get good deals so sellers need to recognize and deal with it.

If the prices are that high I don't even try sometimes. I can tell they don't know the value and in their mind they have that fixed price they wont come down from so it's not worth the hassle.

>> No.631484

What classifies as haggling, and when should it be avoided? I'm new to this, and when I was younger I was so shy/timid even regular smalltalk was almost impossible, let alone discuss a price.
I went to a handful yardsales, "haggled" on 2 things, it sortof went like this:
>how much are those games?
> >€3 each
>can you do 2 for €5?
> >ok

>I'll give you €20 for those games
> >30 and you got a deal
>let's meet in the middle, 25
> >ok

>Saving a buck here or there isn't going to fund your retirement.
You sound like you've lived/are living a very comfortable life.

>> No.631694

Or he's just really busy at a higher paying job.

>> No.631904
File: 80 KB, 900x592, snes_wii_classic_controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got one of these for 45 euro at ebay.

Pretty proud because every auction I've came across normally starts at 50+. Now I only need a Wii, mod it and I can enjoy all those SNES games.

>> No.632323

Is it one of the modified ones that can play all region DVDs and bothUS/Japanese games? I know they started selling those about six months after they released it on the market.

>> No.632368

I don't think it is. Shame, since I'm in Europe.

>> No.633239
File: 1.46 MB, 2848x2136, DSCF3116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got all this for $30 today. Felt like I did good.

>> No.633763

You could try using an early version of the gamecube's action replay. I heard that it works well with the Q.

>> No.633770

>faux wood paneling

That tacky 70s aesthetic. So good.

>> No.633787 [DELETED] 

>slik stik

Thank you for reminding me I lost one of those years ago, and was never able to find it again. Best Atari joystick I've ever had ; ;

>> No.633804

Games are region-free. Only japanese DVDs though.

>> No.633850

So, were all of the Qs region-free when it came to gaming?If so, I may purchase one soon then

>> No.634517
File: 51 KB, 800x450, ps2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna break guidelines and post this, for reasons obvious. Though I also bought some SNES stuff too ... amusingly I paid more for each (SNES) pad than I did for this.

>> No.634630
File: 1.36 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20130505_004002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paid 36 bucks for the whole set

Game gear + 37 games + Genesis with no cords = 15.00

Nba Jam cib = 4.00

Mike Tyson's punch-out =12.00

Got the gg from an old lady at a flea market, said she did not expect much because it was so old, I honestly think i just bought some poor anons collection.

>> No.635178

Ignorance is bliss, eh.

>> No.635183

But does it work>

>> No.635257

Does the gamegear work or is it dead ?

>> No.635278


That's not bad man, even if you're not in this thread anymore.

>> No.635312
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This came today

>> No.635315
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>> No.636010
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These arrived in the post for me today. Can't wait to start playing corporation, always wanted to try it when I was younger

£3 for both

>> No.636182


Disappointed by corporation. Not as rpg as it claims, and worse first person shooting than other games like zero tolerance. Will read the manual and see if im missing something...

>> No.636574

Has anyone found anything good at Play n Trade before? They were advertising a $5 coupon on craigslist so I was wondering.

>> No.636593
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Just got all this today. Now I just need to get my hands on the English Saturn game, which is going to be pricey. And the Game Boy games, but they're kind of low priority.

>> No.636646

That's gorgeous. How much did that run you, if you don't mind my asking?

>> No.636654

that is bad ass

>> No.636659

The Game Gear was about 160 after shipping, the games were pretty damn cheap on Rakuten, I think I payed more to ship them than for the actual games. The GG is in great shape too, it even came with fresh batteries.

>> No.636673


>Kiwi GBC

Hell yeah nigga

>> No.636716

I'm so jealous of the people in the USA, you guys always seem to find great deals at garage sales. We have no such things here in HUEland

>> No.636723 [DELETED] 
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WCW/nWo World Tour, Tie Fighter, Vectorman, Revenge of Shinobi were all less than $5. Dynamite Headdy and NBA Jam TE were around $10 or so. SNK Arcade Classics (brand new, btw) and Metal Slug X cost me around $20. Gunstar Heroes and Battletoads were both around $35. It's a shame those last two were more than I wanted to pay, but it's still about half the price they would have went for brand new, back in the day.

Also, I had no idea that Battletoads was ported over to the Genesis until about two weeks before I found it. It's great being able to play that game without dealing with flickering game sprites.

>> No.636737


I'm jelly that you have a good game and a cool GG

>> No.636739


Canada is no different. It's a wasteland out here in many ways, but good deals on videogames is especially absent

>> No.636935

Where in Canada are you?

>> No.636979

Considering Dynamite Headdy, Gunstar Heroes, and Revenge of Shinobi are some of the best games ever that's not a bad haul. $35 for a loose Gunstar is a bit pushing it, though. Then again I guess that game's value skyrocketed in recent years.

>> No.636991
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Wanna play PKMN together sometime? ;3

>> No.636997



>> No.637026
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All these massive youtubers sporadically flaring up the prices...
I don't even know any longer what old games to postpone and which ones to wait for good deals for, it's driving me price paranoid.

>> No.637076


>> No.637086

Don't know, but for $3.50 it's worth a shot...did I mention I got it 30% off?
That orphan PS2 power supply I bought a few months pack might have just paid off. If it works, then I've managed to pull together a PS2 system for under $10. Though looking at Craigslist, I could have just spent a little more and gotten a complete system that I know works.

>> No.637093 [DELETED] 
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It's been going up and down, lately. That copy was bought from eBay with free shipping about a month ago, but a friend of mine said she saw one for $30 with the box and free shipping. Oh well.

And all that was after some human piece of shit named Devon Warren tried to fuck around with me. I put up a want ad on Kijiji, said I'd pay $35 for a cartridge (because that's what was on eBay that week), and got a reply from him saying he'd sell me the game in the box for $40. After we each asked a couple of questions, I try to set a meet-up time with him. Shortly afterwards, he replies saying that now he wants $50, and he's also putting his copy up on Kijiji for anyone who wants it -- finishing his ad off with "GOOD LUCK FINDING THIS ANYWHERE OTHER THAN EBAY." So I take his advice and check eBay. Sure enough, that GH with free shipping was coming from a guy who lives a few hours down the highway from my city, so it took a total of 3 business days for me to get it. He's still trying to sell his copy, and he's lowered his price back down to $40.

Pic related. It's the Devon. I punched his e-mail address into an FB search, and not only is this the fucking profile pic (the file name is his Hotmail address, btw) but he's also dumb enough to let his account get hacked.

>> No.637114

I feel the same. I almost just want to buy a wii u so I can play these games I feel like I wont ever be able to afford.

>> No.637192

I picked up
Castlevania 1-3, Battletoads, Tetris and Banjo Kazooaboloza for $35. Nothing spectacular.

>> No.637312

Why don't you then?
Granted that it doesn't have the same old charm as actually getting the real deal, it saves a ton of money.

>> No.637614

I am a collector at heart. So that is a big part of the enjoyment of getting these games. I will most likely end up getting one for that reason though. But like you said, the charm is lost. I could download all my music but listening to them on vinyl is romantic. Same for these games. Plus that nostalgia thing.

>> No.637638

>bought strider II on the genesis expecting a fantastic game like strider
>happen to look it up online when i get home, everyone calling it an abomination

I-i'm scared, /vr/. Is it really that bad?

>> No.637732
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This is my most recent purchase, but I've got Banjo Kazooie on the way. I haven't bought much this month.

>> No.637938 [DELETED] 
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8-1 multicart for simliar to this for $10

That and FF3, Zelda, DKC 2, MK2, Super Mario World and some football game for snes for $55.

>> No.637978

Got clayfighter for the genesis in box with manual for 3 bucks from my local Salvation Army.

Then I got a Genesis in box for 15 from another thrift store. It has 2 rf adapters and a AV cable, a power cable, and a controller with tape on it. But at least the box is in good shape.

>> No.639972

I hit the jackpot today. I asked my brother-in-law about his NES&SNES bootleg console (I think it was called TwinBee? I don't remember), and he said he never uses it and that I can have it. Asked about what games he had for it
>Oh well I have the 3 Mario Bros games...
>And I think Zelda and Kirby
>Also Castlevania
>Final Fantasy
>Megaman 1 and 4
>Dreamland 3
>Link to the Past
>Super Metroid
>Super Castlevania

God damn, I owe him so much. The only thing I've ever given him before is a spare N64 and an extra copy of Donkey Kong Country....
I know you guys are starting to get irritated with all this "EARTHBOUND FOR $4 WOW!!!" blog stuff, but couldn't help it.

>> No.639992

seriously though, that gamegear is pretty cool looking
like the other anon asked, how much did that cost you?

>> No.642909
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Sure! I just bought this a few days ago. $55, but I love Pokemon so idgaf if it wasn't a "deal".

>> No.644889

I haven't taken a picture yet, but I bought a used Sega Dreamcast and Sega Saturn for a total of $20 at a flea market. Only problem is the Saturn has no AV cable for now. I also got some PS1 and Dreamcast games for like $5-10 each, although I'm dissapointed that Sonic doesn't work, despite looking perfectly clean.

>> No.644957 [DELETED] 
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SN Propad, Super Advantage, Mario Paint with mouse and pad, Super Gameboy, Donkey Kong (94), Warioland, Tiny Toons Bab's big break.

>> No.644972

Look at the reflective surface with a light behind it. Compare how much light gets through with a game that works.
Some CDs deteriorate over time, eventually losing data completely as the label becomes clear, leaving the CD useless.

>> No.644981

That's fuckin' cool. It's nice to see Nintendo consoles with stacks of only good games.

>> No.645002
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>Jet Force Gemini - $10
>Street Fighter Alpha 2 - $3
>Megaman 8 - $9
Gotta clean those sticker marks off tonight. Pretty good deal. They even cleaned all the scratches off of Street Fighter for me for free.

>> No.645220

>No pic, too lazy
Got a CIB NES power set, Mike Tyson's, Zelda 1 +2 gold, Caslevania 1-3, Wizards and Warriors, Kung Fu, Super Mario 3, Excite bike (rev a), Tetris, Blades of Steel, Turtles 1+2,Double Dribble, Ice Hockey, Rush 'n Attack, Some chump's quarterback for $240. I probably got taken.

>> No.645253

Big garage sale tomorrow. Don't have much money, but I'm hoping they have something video game related.

Would love to find some old Pokemon games considering all mine were stolen.

>> No.645312
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going to spend hours tomorrow for yard sales

I hope i get something unlike the last 3 hour trip where i came back empty handed

>> No.645324

I got Jet Force Gemini for $5 the other day simply because it was so cheap and the name rings a bell. Is it any good?

>> No.645361

Same here. except last trip I got a ton of PSX games.

>> No.645453

Yup, next Saturday neighborhood is having a communitywide garage sale day thing. Gonna have to find at least some video games I guess. Probably just a bunch of shitty sports stuff though

>> No.645460

It's pretty fun.

>> No.645475

Retro sports games are pretty good surprisingly.

I picked two of them out of pure spite, and I had a lot of fun. One of them is this RTS like football game for the SNES, and another is Barkley Shut Up and Jam, where you play as wiggers from the streets who get magic chaos dunks. give em a try

>> No.645492

>tfw I saw Shut Up and Jam the other day at a local price and couldn't see the price

Was really tempted to buy it.

>> No.645598

same here. scouring craigslist right now.

>> No.645818

Aaaand Megaman cuts to a black screen after the intro video... Least I bought it from a retail store (PlaynTrade) rather than some garage sale or craigslist. Guess I'll exchange it for Resi 4

>> No.647983
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69 cents at a pawn shop. My jaw dropped when I saw it thrown together with all the sports games.

>> No.648784

>>Panasonic Q complete with cables, remote and controller
>Price: free

>> No.648792

Right now my current goal is trying to get a Special Anniversary Micro, and all 4 CiB Megaman Zero games. Finding a decently priced Micro was hard in the first place...

>> No.651585
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99¢ each from the Goodwill surplus store. Half complete, the other half missing manuals.

Also picked up a Plug & Play Ms PacMan/Namco stick. But that's going to ebay, and should make the entire purchase effectively free in the end.

>> No.651794

I remember when Tengen Tetris used to solicit for around EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS.

Then I played the ROM and wondered why it would be worth more than eight bucks.

>> No.651842

Because Nintendo got it pulled off the market which instantly made existing copies SUPER DUPER RARE. It was also felt to be a superior to Nintendo's own version.

>> No.651909

I owned it as a kid...and Tengen Road Runner

>> No.653027

Tengen Tetris doesn't follow the official Tetris rules, so it'll never be released anywhere anytime.

>> No.653243

>something that cheap people do
No, smart people do it. You're obviously NOT smart enough to try and get a better deal, especially if the seller is willing to negotiate.

Fuck, you people are ridiculous.

>> No.654210
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Went to a retro fair. Ofc no steals but good, fair prices overall

>> No.654492

Including the plushies?

>> No.654510

Kind of Won the Pacman ghost on a claw crane

>> No.654981

See >>624443

>> No.655245

bought final fantasy legend II from a pawn shop for $10 today.

label is pretty worn, but all still there, and the cartridge itself is in good condition.

i've heard so much about how great a game it is, so i figured i'd shell out the cash for it.

amazon has it for right around that price, so i think i got a decent deal.


>> No.657494
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I bought this TG16 bundle recently from The Exchange for $100. The only problem is the main system didn't come with the standard controller.

>> No.657570

faselei! is so fucking good and really fucking rare. im pretty jealous to be honest.

>> No.657621 [DELETED] 
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Didn't really get a good deal. Paid about $5 under amazon prices.

Was basically reacquiring stuff my brother traded in to gamestop years ago rather than asking me if i wanted it for my gamecube. luckily i had his ocarina of master quest disc when he decided to get rid of his gamecube and everything for it.

>> No.659846
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Op here. This just arrived this morning.

Nes (with a light crack on the top) + accessoires: €35 incl shipping

Japanese DK: €7 incl shipping

Haven't tested the NES yet though, I don't have any games (or a crt tv) yet, I'm taking it to my Nintendobuddy somewhere this week and give it a try.

>> No.659969

Paid $180 cdn for:

CiB Shining Wisdom
CiB Shining The Holy Ark
CiB Albert Odyssey
Magic Knight Rayearth without manual (for $40)

Shame I'll most likely never see that manual alone on ebay EVER, but I think I'll just print off the cover and slip it in the case.

oh all in good to great condition too.

>> No.660140

Went back to this pawn shop I got a bunch of boxed Genesis games from and found PM Thousand Year Door and Sunset Riders CIB with a loose Startropics cart for 9 bucks. The SS also had this poster inside that reads 16 BITS COMIN' AT YOU HEAD ON and folds out to a poster of a menacing looking ninja turtle and a meth-addled lookin' cowboy about to come at you head on, stab you in the fucking throat and run off with your wallet.

>> No.660169

Oh yeah, now that I now a bunch of you CTfags browse /vr/, they've got a boxed M2 (not really sure, wasn't interested) Genesis down there that's been sitting around for a while. it's at the Silas Deane Pawn shop in Wethersfield. There's also a fuckton of Gamecubes and a bunch of solid last gen games.